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American Research Journal of Nursing

ISSN: 2379-2922
Volume 4, Issue 1, 10 Pages

Research Article Open Access

Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response-An

Explorative Study
Mohammed Ali Salem Sultan1, P. Ester Mary2, Hamad Salem Al Grad3
MSN, R.N, Director for Emergency Nursing Board, KKH, Najran- KSA
Ph.D, MSN, R.N, R.M Nursing Director, Khobash General Hospital, Najran-KSA
MSN, R.N, Asst. Regional Nursing Director, General Health affairs Najran- KSA
Abstract: The role of nurses on disasters has expanded simply caring for the sick and injured and ability to
react to during the disaster. Emergency nurse plays a critical role in all disaster phases starting from the
mitigation phase and continue throughout the disaster cycle, preparedness’ response and recovery. Nurses
are the frontline workers to provide effective care during disaster and crisis situation. Nurses need to have
adequate knowledge and skills for effective approach to respond to the critical situation.
Objectives: To assess level of knowledge on disaster readiness among emergency nurses and to assess the
role of the emergency Nurses on disaster response and to associated the demographic variables with level of
readiness among the emergency nurses.
Material and Method: The research design adopted for this study was non-experimental explorative design.
The study was conducted at selected hospitals in najran with 200 sample size. The samples that met the
inclusion criteria were selected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. The tool used for the
data collection was demographic variable, Knowledge questionnaire on disaster preparedness, questionnaire
on emergency nurses role in disaster response and Emergency Preparedness Information Questionnaire
Result: Majority of the nurses delivered the acceptable knowledge on readiness for disaster response. Most
of the emergency nurses had moderate knowledge 55% and 33% had adequate knowledge on disaster
Conclusion: The emergency nurses had acceptable level of knowledge on disaster preparedness and neutral
familiarity in emergency preparedness. The emergency nurses aware about their leading role and responsibility
during disaster response and provides effective nursing care for the client who was suffering with trauma /
injury during the disaster.
Keywords: disaster, readiness, response, emergency Nurses
Natural and human-made disasters have been on the rise in the recent past across the world. According to Jiang
et al (2015), disasters take place every day somewhere in the globe causing devastating impacts on individuals,
families, communities and countries at large. According to the World Disasters Report 2014 states that disasters
have been rise in the past decade with the magnitude of their impacts also reaching alarming levels. The number
of disasters reported on 2004 to 2013 increased by 60% worldwide with 523 disasters being reported to 2013
alone. The death toll was also reported to increase from a sharp rate (600,000 to more than 1.4 million people)

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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
with the total number of people affected by disasters rising to more than 270 million from 230 million people,
which translates into 17% increase. Hospital is at high risk to face disaster which can cause serious problems
with the patients such as severe injury and death. Disasters pose unique challenge to every medical care facility
in terms of infrastructure, capacity and preparedness. From the hospital’s point of view, disaster exists when
the patient load far exceed of the capabilities of an emergency department to provide emergency care and the
hospital is forced to apply additional resources for providing care to large number of victims.

Disaster preparedness which also encompasses risk assessment and adoption of multidisciplinary management
strategies are instrumental to the delivery of operational responses to the health needs of the population
struck by a disaster. Emergency preparedness which involves identification of a disaster planning, knowledge,
capabilities and infrastructure, as well as training the relevant work forces are essentials in maintaining a high
-level of preparedness. The ICN Framework of Disaster Nursing Competencies are recognized an accelerated
to present need to build capacities of nurses at all levels in order to “safeguard the populations with limited
injuries prevention and reduce the number of deaths, and maintain health system functioning and promoting
the community well-being, in the midst of continued health threats of disasters” (ICN 2012).

Nurses deliver the highest level of functioning among the health care team. Nurses need to understand the
disaster management process, without nursing integration the clients lose a critical part of the prevention
network, in the multidisciplinary response team. Worldwide, eleven million nurses are the frontline health care
workers that are in direct contact with the individuals, families, and communities (Garfield2011). The role of
nurses during disasters has expanded from caring for the sick and injured to recovery and evaluation phase.
Nurses need to have adequate knowledge and skills to deliver effective approach to respond to disaster and to
manage the critical situation (Reissman 2010).

Emergency nursing interventions plays a vital role such as prevention, preparedness, response and recovery to
reduce the effects that occurs during disaster. In early response stage it is necessary to save many lives. However,
80% of US hospital nurses were under-prepared before responding to a disaster event (Chapmanetal.,2008).
World Health Organization emphasizes on the preparedness of health care workers in a disaster situation.
Nurses are the largest manpower group of the health care team they need to be trained to equip themselves
with required competencies during disasters to rescue life and safeguard the health victims.

Fuad Alzahrani, (2018) conducted a study on Emergency nurse disaster preparedness during mass gatherings,
across-sectional survey of emergency nurses’ perceptions of hospitals in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Non-probability
purposive sample technique was adopted for the study. The sample size was 106 registered nurses in from
emergency departments. The results revealed that emergency nurses’ clinical role awareness in disaster
response was reported to be high, nurses reported limited knowledge and awareness of the wider emergency
and disaster preparedness.

Gladston (2017) conducted a study on disaster preparedness among nurses working in a pediatric acute
care setting of a tertiary hospital. A descriptive design and convenience sampling technique was adopted.
The study revealed that 24.5% had adequate knowledge, 51.1% moderately adequate knowledge, and 24.5%
inadequate knowledge. Most (85.1%) of the nurses had moderate perception on disaster preparedness. There
was no statistically significant correlation (r = .186, p = .072) between the perception and the knowledge of the
participants. There was an association with the qualification of the nurses and the perception (X2= 32.182, p
= .000).
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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
Lei Zhoua, Xianhua (2017) conducted a study on methodological prospective study on Emergency decision
making for natural disasters. The overview was provided for the EDM theory and methods of natural disasters
from the methodological perspective. He concluded that emergency decision making (EDM) for natural disasters
plays a significant role in improving the capability to respond disasters.

In the recent Saudi Arabia has been hit by a number of disasters such as the Jeddah city floods of 2009, and the
fire from haj and other disasters, which nurses and other stakeholders did not respond to with the swiftness
and expertise anticipated from them (Rundle & Turcotte, 2015; Abosuliman, Kumar, & Alam, 2013). More over
the southern region is undergoing many manmade disasters and crises situations from 2015 onwards. None
of the research studies had reported on the disaster and its consequences. Hence the researcher focused on
this topic to bring the positive change in their knowledge. The nursing profession plays a significant role to
prepare for disaster, as well as respond to disasters. International Council for Nurses (ICN) alerts that all nurses
to be prepared for adequate knowledge in order to respond to disaster events effectively. Florence Nightingale
demonstrated her role through delivering care in the Crimean war and showed the world that the important
responsibilities of the nurse as a front line health care worker. Hence the study aimed to explore the readiness
of the emergency nurses responds disaster events effectively.

Methods and Materials

Study Design
The research design adopted for this study was non-experimental explorative study design.
The study was conducted at Ministry of health hospitals in Najran Saudi Arabia. Najran was purposefully
selected as the southern border there by potential risk of the disaster.

Study Population
The study populations participated in the research was the entire emergency nurses from various hospitals
affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Najran Saudi Arabia. The samples that met the inclusion criteria were
selected by using purposive sampling technique. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were as follows. The
study participants working at emergency department, willing to participate, with different age group and
registered nurses with fluent English and Arabic language both genders were included. The staffs were on
vacation, maternity leave during the period of data collection and the staffs those who has undergone for the
disaster training programme, nurse managerial level and nursing aids were excluded. The aim of the study was
explained to the study participants and consent was obtained from them. There was no consequences loss for
their regular work and all the staffs continued their routine work.

Tools for Data Collection

Four different tools were used to collect data which includes socio - demographic variable, Knowledge
Questionnaire on disaster preparedness, Emergency Nurses Role on disaster response, and Emergency
Preparedness Information Questionnaire (EPIQ).

Tool I: Demographics Information

Age, gender, department, years of experience, clinical position, educational level ,current years of experience in
emergency department, number disaster attended to the current year.

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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
Tool II: Knowledge Questionnaire on Disaster Preparedness
It consists of 25 objective questions. Total score was 25, the score was interpreted as follows: 1-9 inadequate
knowledge, 10 -17 Moderate Knowledge and 18-25 adequate knowledge. Each question categorized as correct
=1 and incorrect 0
Tool III: Emergency Preparedness Information Questionnaire (EPIQ)
It was standardized tool used to measure the emergency preparedness. The emergency preparedness includes
45 responses and 11 subsets. The subsets were includes the familiarity with emergency preparedness terms
and activities composed of 7 questions, the incident command system 8 questions, ethical issues in triage 4
questions, epidemiology and surveillance 4 questions, Isolation/quarantine 2 questions, documentation
3 questions, communication, 7 questions psychological issues 4 questions, special populations 2 questions,
critical resource’s 3.The score was interpreted based on the score. The score was interpreted as follows 1-12
– slightly familiar, 13-24 familiar Neutral, 25-36 somewhat familiar, 37-48 Very familiar based on the score
the familiarity was interpreted. Section two includes about the learning course, training format, and access to
electronic training /educational information.
Tool IV: Emergency Nurses Role on Disaster response
The respondents domains of role as early responding, preventing the damage to the patients, triage, first aid,
resuscitation, mobilization and evacuation
Data Collection Procedure
The importance of the study was explained to the authorities of the hospitals and obtained permission to
conduct the study. The research purpose was explained to the Emergency nurses and obtained oral consent
from them. They were assured that the information collected from them would be kept confidential
The data was collected in the following phases
Phase I: First session all the nurses working in the emergency department were assembled and made the
sample frame for 200 staff nurses. The sample size calculated by using master software –single proportions test
for power of 80% and error 5%. The calculated size was 200. Considering attrition of 10% was increased so the
sample size was 220 in each expected drop out was 10%, and incomplete data was 10% and finally the sample
size was round in 200. Based on the inclusion criteria the purpose of the study was explained to the study
participants. Demographic variable, Knowledge Questionnaire on disaster preparedness, was administered.
They were made in to 5 groups and each group consists of 10 members to complete the questionnaire and their
doubts were clarified.
Phase II: The next day the study participants were gathered in the lecture hall and administered the questionnaire
on Emergency Nurses Role on disaster response includes early responding, preventing the damage to the
patients, triage, first aid, resuscitation, mobilization and evacuation and Emergency Preparedness Information
Questionnaire (EPIQ) questionnaire .They were not distracted from their regular routine work. They were
assured that the information will be maintained confidentially and research purpose only. Each session took
40 – 60 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Statistical Methods
The data from 200 participants were coded and entered in the Microsoft excel sheets. The data were analyzed
by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequency and percentage distribution was used to describe the
demographic variables and level of Knowledge (SPSS.USA) statistical package was used.
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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
Schematic representation of Research Plan

Distribution of Demographic Variables
In this study 200 emergency nurses were participated. The majority of the samples belong to the age group
of 20 to 30 years. There were more female nurses 66% than the male nurses belongs to 34%. Most of the
nurses educational level were Bachelor’s in nursing 78% and 21% belongs to diploma level. Regarding the
work experience majority of them had 1to 5 years of experience and 6 to 10 year experience was 49%and 33%.
Regarding the current work experience in the emergency 56% had 1-5 years’ experience and 33% had 6-10
years of experience. Most of the participated attended the no of disaster in their hospital belongs to 1 and 3 was
44% respectively 4 -6 belongs to 33% shown in Table1
Table1. Distribution of the demographic variables of the participant

S.NO Variables Description Frequency Percentage

20-30 88 44
31-40 74 37
1 Age
41-50 32 16
51-60 06 3
Female 132 66
2 Gender
Male 68 34

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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
Diploma 42 21
3 Educational Level Bachelor 156 78
Masters 2 1
01-5 Years 98 49
06-10 Years 66 33
4 Work experiance
11-15 Years 24 12
16-20 Years 12 6
01-5 Years 112 56
Years of Experiance in the 06-10 Years 64 32
Emergency department 11-15 Years 14 7
16-20 Years 10 5
01-03 88 44
No of disater attented in
6 04-06 66 33
the hospital
07-10 46 23
Emergency Nurses Knowledge Level on Disaster Preparedness
Table2 shows the level knowledge regarding the disaster preparedness among the emergency nurses. Most
of the emergency nurses had moderate knowledge 55% and 33% had adequate knowledge and 6% of the
emergency nurses had inadequate knowledge. The findings reported that nurses had moderate knowledge on
disaster preparedness.
Table2. Level of knowledge regarding disaster preparedness among nurses (n=200)

Knowledge level Score Frequency Percentage

Adequate Knowledge 01-09 78 39%
Moderate Knowledge 10-17 110 55%
Inadequate Knowledge 18-25 12 6%
Emergency Preparedness Information Questionnaire (EPIQ)
Table3 shows the level of familiarity response rate of with emergency preparedness. The results revealed
that majority of the participants were very familiar to somewhat familiar and familiar neutral respectively
the results as follows. The percentage of familiarity emergency preparedness terms and activities were (33%,
37%, 21%, 5.5%, 3.5%). For the incident command system and role of (27%, 39%, 16.5%, 11%, 5.5%). With
regard for ethical issues in triage and epidemiological surveillance were (44%, 28%, 14%, 9.5% 4.5% and 22%,
34.5%, 27%, 10% 6.5%).The familiarity obtained for the Isolation/quarantine were (46%, 33%, 14%, 4% 3%).
For Decontamination and communication connectivity was (39%, 44%, 11%, 3.5% 2.5% and 29%, 33%, 24%,
8.5% 5.5%). Regarding the psychological issues (37%, 41%, 14%, 5.5% 2.5%) and for special populations and
accessing critical resources were (33%, 44%, 7.5%, 9% 6.5% and 36%, 35%, 16%, 6% 7%) total. The overall
total EPQI response was ranged from somewhat familiar, familiar neutral was (39% and 34%) and somewhat
not familiar was 11.5% and not familiar was 8.5%. The total familiarity for EPIQ very familiar was 7.5%.
Table3. Nurses familiarity response rate in emergency disaster (n=20)

Responses rate familiarity Somewhat

Somewhat Not Familiar
S.No response rate of Very familiar not
familiar familiar to neutral
emergency preparedness familiar
Emergency Preparedness
1 66 33 74 37 42 21 11 5.5 3.5 07
Termsand activities

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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
Incident Command System
2 54 27 78 39 33 16.5 24 12 5.5 11
(ICS) and your role within it
3 Ethical issues in Triage 88 44 56 28 28 14 19 9.5 4.5 09
Epidemiology and
4 44 22 69 34.5 54 27 20 10 6.5 13
5 Isolation /Quarantine 92 46 66 33 28 14 08 4 3 06
6 Decontamination 78 39 88 44 22 11 07 3.5 2.5 05
7 58 29 66 33 48 24 17 8.5 5.5 11
8 Psychological Issues 74 37 82 41 28 14 11 5.5 2.5 05
9 Special Populations 66 33 88 44 15 7.5 18 9 6.5 13
10 Critical Resource’s 72 36 70 35 32 16 12 6 7 14
11 Over all Familiarity 69 34.5 73 36.5 33 16.5 14 7 3.5 9
12 Total EPIQ 14 7.5 78 39 68 34 23 11.5 8.5 17
Learning and Training Preference
Most of the nurses need face to face training 64.8% and only few on them preferred the online training course
12% with regarding amount of time spent preference’s in training most of the participants reported attended
one day workshop and the percentage of electronic training/educational information majority of them were
access to the computer at work and access to the internet.
Role of the Emergency Nurses on disaster response
Table4 shows the role of the emergency nurses on disaster response. Their role in providing early responding
was 32% followed by preventing the damage to the patient was 34%. The percentage of triaging was 35% and
the First aid was 33% and for the resuscitation was 34%. Whereas for mobilization and evacuation was 31%
and 34%. Most of the emergency nurses were confident and has adequate knowledge about their role in the
disaster response.
Table4. Role of Emergency Nurse on Disaster Response

The participants who gave the The participants who gave the
S.NO Emergency Nurses Role
correct answer Frequency correct answer Percentage
1 Early Responding 64 32
Preventing The Damage To
2 68 34
The Patients
3 Triage, 77 35
4 First Aid, 66 33
5 Resuscitation 68 34
6 Mobilization 62 31
7 Evacuation 68 34
Increasing the frequent global disaster is the treats for human life. It is a state of readiness to respond to a
disaster and other emergency situation involves the community’s potential disaster risks, vulnerabilities, and
the likelihood for a disaster to occur. In order to optimize the response to any emergencies we should have
adequate knowledge and awareness about disaster preparedness and response. Nurse plays a critical role in all
American Research Journal of Nursing Page 7
Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
disaster phases starting from the mitigation phase and continue throughout the disaster cycle, preparedness’
response and recovery. Nurses are the frontline workers to provide effective care during disaster and crisis
The present study was aim to investigate the Emergency Nurses readiness for disaster response. The present
study findings reported that over all knowledge level on disaster preparedness among the emergency nurses.
Most of the emergency nurses had moderate knowledge 55% and 33% had adequate knowledge and 6% of the
emergency nurses had inadequate knowledge. The findings reported that nurses had moderate knowledge on
disaster preparedness. This study was supported by wen-Chi etal (2016) conducted a study on readiness of the
hospital nurses for disaster response in Taiwan. A cross sectional study was carried out with 311 registered
nurses. The results revealed that majority of the nurse’s demonstrated poor response for disaster. He concluded
that disaster related training is essential for nurses to improve their knowledge. Many Knowledge, Attitude and
skill studies were conducted on nurse’s disaster response. Many studies reported that training and education
on disaster training and drills need to be included in day to day practice.
The present study findings revealed that over all familiarity with Emergency preparedness and information
questionnaire. The results revealed that majority of the participants were very familiar to somewhat familiar
and familiar neutral respectively. The overall total EPQI response was ranged from somewhat familiar, familiar
neutral was (39% and 34%) and somewhat not familiar was 11.5% and not familiar was 8.5%.The total familiarity
for EPIQ very familiar were 7.5 % and the regarding the learning and training performances’ were most of the
nurses need face to face training 64.8% and only few on them preferred the online training 12% with regarding
amount of time spent preference’s in training most of the participants reported attended one day workshop and
the percentage of electronic training/educational information majority of them were access to the computer
at work and access to the internet. The study was supported by fatma Abdelalim (2014) conducted a study on
Nurses Knowledge, attitude, Practice and familiarity regarding disaster and emergency preparedness in Saudi
Arabia. A cross sectional descriptive survey design with 252 nursing students participated in that study. The
results revealed that the knowledge level was 21.2 a highly significant difference was found for the attitude and
practice. Regarding the disaster familiarity there was positive significant familiarity was reported. The study
concluded that Disaster and emergency preparedness into nursing curriculum.
The present study findings reported emergency nurses role in disaster response providing early responding
was 32% followed by preventing the damage to the patient was 34%. The percentage of triaging was 35% and
the First aid was 33% and for the resuscitation was 34%. whereas for mobilization and evacuation was 31%
and 34%. Most of the emergency nurses were confident and had adequate knowledge about their role in the
disaster response. The findings of the study was supported by Fuad Alzahrani, (2018) conducted a study on
Emergency nurse disaster preparedness during mass gatherings, a cross-sectional survey of emergency nurses’
perceptions of hospitals in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Non-probability purposive sample technique was adopted for
the study. The sample size was 106 registered nurses in from emergency departments. The results revealed
that emergency nurses’ clinical role awareness in disaster response was reported to be high, nurses reported
limited knowledge and awareness of the wider emergency and disaster preparedness.
Based on present study results it can be concluded that emergency nurses play a vital role in disaster. The
emergency nurses had acceptable level of knowledge on disaster preparedness and neutral familiarity in
emergency preparedness. The emergency nurses aware about their leading role and responsibility on disaster
response and provides effective nursing care for the client who was suffering with trauma/injury during the
disaster. Nurses need continuous education on disaster. Training and drills can make more familiar with disaster
response. Furthermore interventional research can be carried out on interventional studies and qualitative
studies focus on the same topic.

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Emergency Nurses Readiness for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study
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Citation: Mohammed Ali Salem Sultan, P. Ester Mary, Hamad Salem Al Grad “Emergency Nurses Readiness
for Disaster Response - An Explorative Study”. American Research Journal of Nursing. 2017; 4(1): 1-10.
Copyright © 2018 Mohammed Ali Salem Sultan, P. Ester Mary, Hamad Salem Al Grad, This is an open access
article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

American Research Journal of Nursing Page 10

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