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Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | Volume 5, No.

1 | September 2022

Nurses’ Roles, Disaster Preparedness Asia Pacific Journal of

Allied Health Sciences
and Management among Elderly Vol. 5. No 1, pp 63-72
September 2022
during Pandemic ISSN 2704-3568

Milca A. J. E. Arce 1, Margaret H. Arellano 2, Sacha Angelika M. Austria 3,

Ma. Xenia Z. Bitera RN, MAN, PhD 4
College of Nursing, Lyceum of the Philippines University - Batangas arcemilcaaj@gmail.com,
margaretharellano28@gmail.com, sachelika@gmail.com, xzbitera@lpubatangas.edu.ph

Abstract – Multitudinous disasters have crippled the country, leaving severe casualties and abundant
challenges among many citizens, especially among the vulnerable groups of elderly, who pose increasingly
physiological and immunological deficiencies in dealing with disasters, particularly amidst the pandemic. As
healthcare professionals, nurses carry crucial responsibilities in providing assistance and management among
them to help alleviate their suffering and distress from these circumstances. This quantitative, descriptive-
correlational study aims to determine the nurses’ roles among elderly during pandemic, the nurses’ disaster
preparedness among elderly during pandemic, the nurses’ disaster management among elderly during
pandemic, the challenges among nurses in taking care of elderly during pandemic, and the significant
relationship between nurses’ disaster preparedness, nurses’ disaster management and challenges among nurses
in taking care of elderly during pandemic. 170 public health nurses working on municipalities within the 30-km
radius around Taal volcano were purposively selected and surveyed via Google forms. Gathered findings
revealed that during pandemic, nurses always fulfill their roles in rendering essential health care among the
elderly; however, they often experience challenges in taking care of them. Furthermore, they often perform
measures for boosting their disaster preparedness and management among this group without being correlated
by the challenges they encounter. This study concludes that nurses still require continuous enhancement of their
disaster preparedness and management among elderly during pandemic thus, further provision of high standard
training programs directing to this is recommended for the supplementary sustainment of the elderly’s
significant health care needs fundamental in upholding their well-being.
Keywords – Disaster management, disaster preparedness, elderly, nurses’ roles, pandemic

INTRODUCTION Within the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic,

Numerous disasters have disrupted and destroyed the various disasters have hit the Philippines, leaving
conditions of the individuals, communities, severe casualties to many citizens, especially among
infrastructures, services, and environment across the the vulnerable elderlies. Thus, significant assistance is
world, leaving them a level of suffering which can integral to preclude their further suffering from these
exceed their capacity of adjustment. The arrival of events. Since Florence Nightingale demonstrated the
disasters is an inevitable situation as it is a naturally critical role of nurses in disaster and emergency
occurring phenomenon. Hence, adequate preparation response, nurses should therefore take part in serving
and management are needed to prevent further damage this susceptible group compassionately and skillfully,
and distress for all susceptible to its occurrence. Among even amid disasters, when considering their special
the population, elderlies are considered a huge part of health care needs while strictly adhering with the
the vulnerable groups who have insufficient capacity to precautionary measures and protocols during these
protect themselves against these challenging times of COVID-19 pandemic.
circumstances because of their experienced changes in Disaster preparedness will be a tool for nurses to
cognitive, sensory, and functional capabilities. In fact, it further train themselves in addressing the health
was found out that people over the age of 65 are more problems brought about by disasters. Hence, more
likely to suffer casualties during natural catastrophes programs and facilities for training are needed, for
than younger individuals [1]. them to hone diverse skills and resourcefulness in
crucial situations. As part of their disaster

Arce et al., Nurses’ Roles, Disaster Preparedness and Management among Elderly during Pandemic

management, nurses must present these competency Participants

skills to produce efficacious results in providing care A non-probability sampling method, purposive
for the expanding aging population. However, sampling, was employed to focus on the qualities of
numerous studies revealed that nurses have a low level the target population. With this sampling technique,
of disaster preparedness and management. Also, there three criteria were used including: (1) Public Health
is only limited literature and research available about Nurse; (2) been in that position for at least one year;
this concept that focuses on the elderly population, and (3) have interaction with the elderly in the
more so during pandemic. community. The researchers aimed to get the highest
This study intends to explore this relevant concept to possible number of qualified people with all these
identify and bridge the existing gaps within this problem mentioned criteria.
and formulate appropriate recommendations for the A total of 170 public health nurses ages 23 to 45
improvement and enhancement of disaster response that years old without any health-related condition
will benefit both elderly groups as the recipient of answered the online survey questionnaire. For the
service and the nursing population as one of the primary research locale, the municipalities within a 30-km
responders in the prevalence of disasters while adhering radius of Taal Volcano were selected to be the source
to safety and preventive measures during COVID-19 of the prospective respondents. This included
pandemic. municipalities of Talisay, San Nicolas, Agoncillo,
Laurel, Cuenca, Mataas na Kahoy, Balete, Tanauan,
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Malvar, Lipa, Alitagtag, Lemery Taal, Santa Teresita,
This study aims to investigate the nurses’ roles, San Jose, Batangas City, Calaca, Nasugbu, San Luis,
disaster preparedness and management among elderly San Pascual, Santo Tomas, Bauan, Balayan, and Tuy
during pandemic. Specifically, this study intends to in the province of Batangas.
determine the nurses’ roles among elderly during
Research Instrument
pandemic, the nurses’ disaster preparedness among
elderly during pandemic, the nurses’ disaster The 40-item survey questionnaire of this research
management among elderly during pandemic, the utilized modified questions from the study “The role,
challenges among nurses in taking care of elderly during preparedness and management of nurses during
pandemic, and the significant relationship between disasters” of Magnaye et al. [4] that were also
nurses’ disaster preparedness, nurses’ disaster combined with self-made questions from an extensive
management, and challenges among nurses in taking review of related literature from published theses and
care of elderly during pandemic. journals relevant to this study.
Validation of Research Instrument
MATERIALS AND METHODS The research instrument of this study was
Research Design subjected to a validation process to supplement the
To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers’ propositions and gather data from actual
descriptive-correlational research design was utilized. people who might take part in this advancement. The
This type of non-experimental quantitative research copies of the questionnaire were submitted to the
method enables the description and elaboration of the research adviser and two other research experts to
nature of a particular phenomenon while measuring and review the formulated survey form. It was also
analyzing the statistical connection between the presented to the statistician for the reliability testing
presented variables without the impact of any upon execution of the pilot study.
extraneous variable [2]. Since this study targets to As a result of reliability testing, Table 1, Nurses’
determine the significant relationship between nurses’ roles among elderly during pandemic, obtained a
disaster preparedness, nurses’ disaster management, and Cronbach alpha of 0.818, indicating a good remark.
challenges among nurses in taking care of elderly during Table 2, Nurses’ disaster preparedness among elderly
pandemic, employing the descriptive correlational during pandemic, attained an excellent remark with a
design was functional in discovering the characteristics, Cronbach alpha of 0.905. While Table 3, Nurses’
and extent of the relationship of a demographic segment disaster management among elderly during pandemic
through statistical data [3]. got an acceptable remark with a Cronbach alpha of
0.714. Lastly, Table 4, Challenges among nurses in
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2022
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | Volume 5, No. 1 | September 2022

taking care of the elderly during pandemic, acquired a Ethical Considerations

Cronbach alpha of 0.897, indicating a good remark. To protect the respondents and institutions included
All these aid in improving and refining its contents as in the study, actions to appropriately address the research
the research instrument of this study. ethics were considered. Upon receiving permission to
Data Gathering Procedure conduct the research study from the Dean of the College
A letter of request to conduct a survey was sent via of Nursing and the respective authorities of the
email to the respective authorities of the institutions institutions involved, informed consent forms were
included in this research. The letter was also composed distributed to the participants. With that, the researchers
of the purposes of the study, data collection procedure, were transparent in sharing the relevant information by
and assurance to protect all the respondents' discussing the purpose of the study, rights to refuse the
confidentiality. participation, assurance of providing them
After approval of the institutions' authorities, a copy confidentiality and anonymity, manner on how the data
of an informed consent form indicating the objectives of would be collected, approximate time in answering the
the study, rights to refuse the participation, and the questionnaire, and utilization of the results of the study.
respondents' assurance of identity protection were
provided to the participants. Google Forms was
Table 1 shows that nurses always perform their roles
employed in facilitating the survey questionnaire. Upon
among elderly during pandemic with a composite mean of
obtaining the respondents’ approval to participate, the
3.67. This indicates that nurses are aware of their primary
link of the Google Forms survey was sent through their responsibilities in taking care of the elderly in the
email addresses. The data gathering occurred from community and still manage to accomplish those even
February 23, 2021, up to May 18, 2021. amidst the trials presented by the pandemic. Among the
Data Analysis items cited, prioritizing the safety of elderly people in the
community since they belong to the high-risk groups who
After collecting all the responses from the distributed
are susceptible to acquiring the COVID-19 disease (3.85),
survey questionnaires, the respondents' answers were
providing quality health care for elderly people regardless
tallied, tabulated, and analyzed. Furthermore, the
of their gender and type of disease or reason for seeking
answers to the survey questionnaires were recorded with medical attention (3.82), and acting to diverse tasks with
different statistical treatments. Frequency count was professionalism, efficiency and above all-caring (3.82)
used to audit the participants' responses about the roles got the highest ratings.
they portray and actions they perform as preparation and Now that the threat of contracting COVID-19 has been
management in sustaining the elderlies' needs in times more prevalent, the result reflects that nurses use that role
of disasters within the duration of the COVID-19 in protecting the health of elderlies who have been highly
pandemic. Likewise, weighted mean and ranking susceptible to this illness. In consideration of their
assisted in determining the average and order of existing vulnerabilities, nurses strive to anticipate the
responses according to the magnitude of indicators. health care needs of the elderlies to assure that they could
Also, composite mean was utilized to discover the provide safety and protection, especially amidst the
overall frequency of performance of the nurses' roles, COVID-19 pandemic where these elderlies greatly needed
measures for disaster preparedness and management essential care and security. To make older persons feel
among elderly during pandemic, and their encounter for safe and secure, nurses give them constant attention and
challenges upon taking care of the elderly during priority in delivering the necessary measures and standard
pandemic. medical care they need. As a result, high-quality treatment
Aside from that, Pearson Product-Moment for their health concerns was achieved by providing a
Correlation Coefficient was also utilized as an person-centered care approach [6]. Also, the care
inferential statistical tool to assesses the strength and management programs offered by nurses are consistently
centered on sustaining the health care needs of clients who
direction of correlation between variables recorded on a
require high-volume services like the frail elderlies who
scale of at least one interval [5]. This helped determine
are at a higher risk of poor health outcomes, illness, and
the significant relationship between nurses’ disaster mortality, as well as those with complex comorbid
preparedness, nurses’ disaster management, and medical disorders [7]. Furthermore, due to the difficulties
challenges among nurses in taking care of elderly during that the Filipino elderlies encounter, nurses have been
pandemic. assigned to help them whenever feasible.

Arce et al., Nurses’ Roles, Disaster Preparedness and Management among Elderly during Pandemic

Table 1. Nurses’ Roles among Elderly during Pandemic

1. I provide quality health care for elderly people regardless of their gender and type of
3.82 Always 2.5
disease or reason for seeking medical attention.
2.I balance compassion with professionalism, while arranging appropriate care for
3.81 Always 4
elderly people regarding their health concerns.
3. I perform contact tracing, conducting investigations, and engaging in surveillance
3.49 Often 10
among elderly people in the community.
4. I take responsibilities on prevention, response, and recovery for the elderly during
3.52 Always 9
disasters during pandemic.
5. I prioritize the safety of elderly people in the community since they belong to the
3.85 Always 1
high-risk groups who are susceptible to acquiring the COVID-19.
6. I educate elderly and their families about COVID-19 regarding its prevention
3.54 Always 8
measures and early identification of symptoms to promote health awareness.
7. I require strict adherence of standard health protocols among elderly to help them
3.78 Always 5
prevent contracting communicable diseases during pandemic.
8. I establish a therapeutic environment that is equipped to addresses the physiological,
3.56 Always 7
psychological, and social needs of the elderly.
9. I respond timely to emergency situations and assure to open communication to elderly
patients and their families, and other medical professionals in order to provide them 3.60 Always 6
accurate medical therapeutic intervention during pandemic.
10.I take action to diverse tasks with professionalism, efficiency and above all- caring. 3.82 Always 2.5
Composite Mean 3.67 Always
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Always; 2.50 – 3.49 = Often; 1.50 – 2.49 = Sometimes; 1.00 – 1.49 = Never
During the pandemic, nurses were charged on This implies that although institutions and
monitoring the elderly to assess their needs and ensuring organizations facilitate trainings and seminars for
they can cope on their own [8]. nurses focusing on the enhancement of their disaster
On the other hand, performing contact tracing, preparedness, there is still incomplete delivery of
conducting investigations, and engaging in surveillance programs directed for responding and supporting the
among elderly people in the community got the lowest health care needs of the elderly groups during
mean value (3.49). Contact tracing is a procedure that catastrophic situations amidst the pandemic.
aims to detect, manage, and confine existing and Among the items cited, using the basic and
potential cases of an infectious illness so that future continuing education to improve understanding of the
human-to-human transmission can be controlled and need for competency in disaster response for elderly
prevented (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (3.52), equipping self in acquiring practical
[CDC], 2020). Nurses are well-positioned to serve as experiences in providing care during disaster and use
case investigators and contact tracing monitors because this experience to facilitate proper interventions to
of their knowledge of the community and their elderly patients (3.51), and developing mechanisms to
application of the framework's principles and increase rush capability, while maintaining expertise
components [9]. However, contact tracing, along with and competence in handling emergency situations for
case investigations and surveillance, has now been less elderly during disasters in the midst of pandemic (3.44)
likely performed by nurses, but by other health sectors
got the highest ratings.
in the society instead.
The study's findings highlight the importance of
Table 2 shows that nurses often perform measures for
continuous education for nurses' preparation in dealing
disaster preparedness among elderly during pandemic
with older people during catastrophes.
with a composite mean of 3.28.

Table 2. Nurses’ disaster preparedness among elderly during pandemic

Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2022
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | Volume 5, No. 1 | September 2022

Indicators WM VI R
1. I use the basic and continuing education to improve understanding of the need for
3.52 Always 1
competency in disaster response for elderly.
2. My institution organizes programs and trainings to promote a better preparation for
emergency response to vulnerable groups like elderly in times of disasters in the midst 3.34 Often 5
of pandemic.
3. I equip myself in acquiring practical experiences in providing care during disaster and Always 2
use this experience to facilitate proper interventions to elderly patients.
4. I attend in seminars about the appropriate ways of equipping the elderly groups and Often 10
their families for household emergency preparedness during COVID-19 pandemic.
5. I participate in emergency evacuation training for older adults that can be employed in Often 9
both natural and manmade disasters in the midst of pandemic.
6. I join in the infection prevention and control seminars that is particularly applicable Often 6
among elderly during disasters in the period of COVID-19 pandemic.
7. I participate in disaster drills at my workplace on a regular basis. 3.38 Often 4
8. I join in assemblies that address enhancement of skills in providing psychosocial
counselling and support for elderly people who may undergo traumatic experiences 3.18 Often 7
brought about by disasters during pandemic.
9. I attend in trainings that improve skills in providing first aid service specifically for
3.15 Often 8
older adults.
10. I develop mechanisms to increase rush capability, while maintaining expertise and
competence in handling emergency situations for elderly during disasters in the midst of 3.44 Often 3
Composite Mean 3.28 Often
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Always; 2.50 – 3.49 = Often; 1.50 – 2.49 = Sometimes; 1.00 – 1.49 = Never

Nurses continue to seek for personal and There might be numerous seminars and training for
professional development by the enrichment of nurses to further enhance their knowledge and skills yet,
technical or customized knowledge and skills as health
it lacks assemblies mainly focused on equipping them
care professionals who assist in the resolution of issues
about the proper measures for household emergency
for service in their specialized area of discipline. As a
preparedness for the elderly and their families. People
result of this, nurses who are more prepared tend to can be equipped in a disaster if they are aware of and
provide better care to the elderly groups needing plan for the sorts of catastrophes to which they are most
support and management. vulnerable, establish a social interaction and evacuation
Disaster preparedness has been incorporated into the
plan in the event of a crisis, and organize a necessary
disaster supply pack [12].
nursing curriculum, emphasizing principles and patient
management in the event of a disaster [10]. Several Table 3 shows that nurses often perform the disaster
studies have highlighted the importance of disaster management among elderly during pandemic. with a
nursing education in enhancing disaster knowledge and composite mean of 3.43.
skills in preparation for their response. Nurses who haveThis relates to the results gathered from the table 2
in which due to the nurses’ curtailed attendance on
previously completed disaster nursing education have a
higher level of personal preparedness for disaster seminars and assemblies that can boost their disaster
response [11]. preparedness in responding to the vulnerable groups of
However, attending in seminars about the the elderly during disasters, they also often work on the
appropriate ways of equipping the elderly groups and principal measures for the efficient disaster
their families for household emergency preparedness management in assisting the elderlies during disasters
during COVID-19 pandemic, got the lowest mean value amidst the pandemic. Premise on this that being
(3.02). prepared leads to adequate management of a situation
even in times of crises.
Table 3. Nurses’ Disaster Management among Elderly During Pandemic
Arce et al., Nurses’ Roles, Disaster Preparedness and Management among Elderly during Pandemic

1. I work with emergency planners and local government authorities in organizing
courses of actions for elderly for incoming disasters, evacuation and provision of care 3.28 Often 9
to elderly patients during emergencies in the period of COVID-19 pandemic.
2. I integrate the physiological, psychological, social, and family-oriented aspects of
3.37 Often 8
care during disasters while considering the special health needs of elderly.
3. I can educate the older adults and their families about emergency preparedness that
3.45 Often 6
is essential in the arrival of disasters in the midst of pandemic.
4. I inform and require the elderly people about the practice of infection prevention and
control measures in all phases of disaster especially within the period of COVID-19 3.51 Always 4
5. When disaster strikes, I work systematically to ensure that no one is abandoned, even
3.49 Often 5
the bed-ridden and physically disabled elderlies particularly in access of isolated areas.
6. I assist in seeking and providing a safe site for evacuation where equitable
3.54 Always 3
distribution of necessary supplies and services will be accessible.
7. I monitor the well-being and identify the signs and symptoms of injury or incident to
3.57 Always 2
older adults when responding to disasters.
8. I provide the advanced first aid to older adults when required to support the
3.44 Often 7
emergency services in the rescue efforts for disasters.
9. I deliver counseling and one-to-one support when required for elderly people who
have lost family members, homes and livelihood brought about by disasters within the 3.05 Often 10
period of pandemic.
10. I am able to work under pressure and remain calm, even the situation is difficult to
3.62 Always 1
Composite Mean 3.43 Often
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Always; 2.50 – 3.49 = Often; 1.50 – 2.49 = Sometimes; 1.00 – 1.49 = Never

Among the items cited, working under environment to disaster victims while they perform
pressure and remaining calm, even if the situation is their interventions to the people affected by these
difficult to handle (3.62), monitoring the well-being of events, allowing them to focus on the demands of the
patients and identifying the signs and symptoms of situation [14].
injury or incident to older adults when responding to Nonetheless, delivering counsel and one-to-
disasters (3.57), and assisting in seeking and providing one support when required for elderly people who have
a safe site for evacuation where equitable distribution lost family members, homes and livelihood brought
of necessary supplies and services will be accessible about by disasters within the period of pandemic
(3.54) got the highest ratings. (3.05). Disasters are agonizing for those affected
Nurses are fortified with calmness and people. With that, psychological counseling is required
composure even when working under pressure in as they rehabilitate from these circumstances.
handling emergencies [13]. They may be troubled by COVID-19 has harmed the lives and health of over
the unsettling events happening within disaster millions of individuals throughout the world and
scenarios, but they manage to be unruffled to properly overwhelmed the healthcare system. Nurses
strategize about their subsequent management for the experienced significant challenges caused by the
elderlies and other community members in these pandemic, including a critical shortage of nurses and
situations. This is a fundamental characteristic, medical supplies, and the risk of infection, resulting
especially during these circumstances, as it may help them to be hesitant in providing one-on-one care to
alleviate the apprehensive feelings of the elderly clients. Aiding and addressing the needs of nurses will
patients brought about by the emergency and disasters. help them respond more confidently and appropriately
Nurses still manage to provide a comforting nursing to the needs of their clients amidst crises [15].
Table 4. Challenges Among Nurses in Taking Care of Elderly During Pandemic

Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2022
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | Volume 5, No. 1 | September 2022

1. I am hindered by the limited face-to-face interaction in providing home care visit to
3.11 Often 2
elderly people needing health assistance and surveillance.
2. I experience a shortage of nurses in my institution that impedes to meet the increased
3.09 Often 3
health care needs of the elderly in the community.
3. I encounter having insufficient personal protective equipment and medical supplies that
2.85 Often 8
help to reduce the spread of infection.
4. I fear of having increased risk of contracting the virus for myself and my family due to
3.46 Often 1
my exposure to different kinds of people in fulfilling my nursing roles.
5. I experience discrimination by the society as a health worker which affects my self-
esteem in interacting and providing care with the people especially the vulnerable elderly 2.88 Often 7
in the community.
6. I feel pressured in intervening with elderly patients as they require more complex and
2.92 Often 6
time-consuming care that may result to poorer health outcomes.
7. I have inadequate training in taking care of elderly people affected by the COVID 19
2.75 Often 10
due to lack of programs and facilities in my institution that supports it.
8. I experience an unfavorable atmosphere for elderly care brought about by stressful and
2.76 Often 9
emotional environment especially in times of disasters.
9. I encounter an inadequate allocation of medication, and health supplies provided by the
government for the elderly needing intensive care especially during disasters in the midst 2.95 Often 5
of pandemic.
10. I experience physical and emotional exhaustions caused by overloaded tasks that
3.04 Often 4
reduces my abilities to competently provide care for elderly.
Composite Mean 2.98 Often
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 = Always; 2.50 – 3.49 = Often; 1.50 – 2.49 = Sometimes; 1.00 – 1.49 = Never

Table 4 presents that nurses often experience It affects their mindset while working as health care
challenges in taking care of elderly during pandemic. professionals, knowing how life-threatening the
with a composite mean of 2.98. It reflects that as health COVID-19 disease could be. Galehdar et al. [16] found
care professionals concern for the safety of the people out that nurses experience death anxiety due to
in the community, especially of the elderly, excessive exposure to the nature of the disease, fear of
encountering challenges in serving them amidst the unknowingly passing the virus to others, and emotional
pandemic has been inevitable because of the dangerous stress. However, the implementation and compliance of
circumstances the pandemic poses. Among the items proper protocols could mitigate the effects of anxiety on
cited, fear of having increased risk of contracting the the nurse's mental health. Job responsibilities and
virus for themselves and their family due to their attendance at COVID-19-related training were also
exposure to different kinds of people in fulfilling their discovered to predict anxiety of contracting COVID-19
nursing roles (3.46), being hindered by the limited among their nurse respondents [17]. Furthermore, a
face-to-face interaction in providing home care visit to greater fear of COVID-19 was connected to lower work
elderly people needing health assistance and satisfaction, increased psychological discomfort, and
surveillance (3.11), and there is a nursing shortage, organizational and professional turnover intentions in
which makes it difficult to address the rising health the workplace in the Philippine setting [18]. On the other
care needs of the elderly in the community (3.09) got hand, having inadequate training in taking care of
the highest rating. Nurses risk their lives to carry out elderly people affected by the COVID19 due to lack of
their nursing duties in promoting health wellness and programs and facilities in the institution with a weighted
preventing illness among their clients. However, as mean of 2.75 obtained the lowest rating. Nurses are
high-risk individuals, they are still concerned about given a variety of trainings to help them develop their
becoming infected or unintentionally infecting their psychological traits and firstaid skills. They can make
elderly patients and relatives. quick assessments and judgments in an emergency, take
appropriate measures, closely monitor disease states,

Arce et al., Nurses’ Roles, Disaster Preparedness and Management among Elderly during Pandemic

and accurately and timely follow doctor's advice [19]. afraid of contracting the disease than their fellow
Furthermore, nurses who had worked previously employees who had not, demonstrating that experience
through pandemic reported a higher level of competence can reduce fears.
to deal with such events in the future [20] and were less

Table 5. Relationship Between Nurses’ Disaster Preparedness, Nurses’ Disaster Management, and
Challenges among Nurses in Taking Care of Elderly during Pandemic
r-value p-value Interpretation

Nurses’ Disaster Preparedness -0.023 0.766 Not Significant

Nurses’ Disaster Management 0.001 0.988 Not Significant

Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.01

Table 5 depicts the association between nurses’ elderly during pandemic as they sustain their basic
disaster preparedness, nurses’ disaster management, and health needs; yet, uplifting their mental health status was
challenges among nurses in taking care of the elderly being disregarded despite experiencing traumatic events
during pandemic. It was observed that the obtained r- brought about by the disasters. During the pandemic,
values indicate an almost negligible correlation, and the nurses often experience challenges in taking care of the
computed p-values were greater than the 0.05 alpha elderly, wherein the fear of having increased risk of
levels. This means that no significant relationship exists contracting the virus for themselves and their family due
between the indicators and implies that the nurses’ to exposure to different kinds of people as they fulfil
disaster preparedness and management were not their nursing roles was mostly suffered by nurses.
affected by the challenges experienced. Nurses implement measures to develop their disaster
Cayaban et al. [21] reported that the past experiences preparedness and management among elderly without
of nurses and having disaster-related training helps them being affected by the challenges they encounter in
to increase preparedness response but sometimes shows taking care of this group of individuals during
a lack of confidence in doing so. With that, the findings pandemic.
of their study provide evidence that with proper training, Based on the accumulated findings, this study
sufficient disaster education, and adequate involvement sought to provide the following recommendations:
in assemblies and programs about disaster preparedness, Hospital administrators and Local
nurses will effectively manage and handle emergency Government Units, in coordination with the City Health
and disaster situations despite the shortcomings that may Office or Provincial Health Office and Red Cross
arise. Organization, must deliver high-standard training
programs to improve nurse's knowledge and skills in
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION responding to disasters, taking note of the exclusive
After the results were analyzed, the following are measures to perform among the elderly while
therefore concluded: Nurses always fulfill their roles as considering their special health care needs during a
health care professionals in rendering care and service pandemic. Nurses must also be encouraged to engage in
to the elderly in the community, who are considered and seek out training opportunities in mock disaster
highly susceptible individuals during pandemic. Nurses drills and actual disaster events. Promote the
exploit their educational attainment, develop practical involvement of nurses in the meetings and assemblies
experiences, and join in different seminars and training with the local government authorities and other
to equip and prepare them in responding to disasters, emergency responders in organizing courses of action
especially amidst pandemic; however, institutions and for the incoming disasters, evacuation, and provision of
organizations have insufficient programs and activities care to the elderly groups to highlight the consideration
that particularly target and prioritize the needs of the for their essential health care needs and further engage
elderly groups during these situations. Nurses perform nurses in responding to disaster events. Boost utilization
the integral measures for disaster management among of telemedicine among nurses to maximize

Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2022
Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences | Volume 5, No. 1 | September 2022

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preparedness and management, and overcoming developing country. International
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for the benefit of both the older population and the [9] Flaherty, E. A. (2020). School nursing and public
nursing profession. This study may serve as a reliable health: The case for school nurse investigators
reference for other researchers who aim to further and contact tracing monitors of COVID-19
explore the nurses' roles, disaster preparedness, and patients in Massachusetts. NASN School Nurse,
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Asia Pacific Journal of Allied Health Sciences
Vol. 5, No. 1, September 2022

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