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1 author:
Mark Halilintar
State University of Semarang
All content following this page was uploaded by Mark Halilintar on 11 December 2021.
Abstract—Musi Rawas Regency is a Regency in South On Musi Rawas Regency society life there are variety
Sumatra Province which has a variety of cultures. Art Glass kinds of traditional art that should be preserved and
Plate dance is one of the traditional art of Musi Rawas conserved, such as Rejung, a nine-day Rod single guitar,
Regency. In this art, there is a representation of the Angel from silampari dance, glass plate dance and many more. One of
heaven who became the idea of the creation of a glass Plate
the art that grow and continue to be preserved in Musi
dance, along with the accompanying music. Glass Plate dance
and its dance music, it was taught in one of the studios at the Rawas Regency is the Arts of Glass Plate Dance.
Musi Rawas Regency, namely in Silampari Studio. From a Glass Plate Dance is a representation of the folklore that
discussion about the music of Glass Plate dance, it can be developed in Musi Rawas Regency about an angel who
known to the melodic element of the music. A discussion came down from Heaven. Glass Plate Dance is performed
analyzed from the melodic element of this Glass Plate dance at the stage weddings, circumcisions shearing even at state
music is about the contour and its Interval. Glass Plate dance, occasions. Glass Plate dancer could add up to one, two, or
it should be taught in studios at Musi Rawas Regency, as a three women and seven men music player without using a
form of preservation against art that grows and develops so vocalist but its melodical musical instruments lies in the
that it becomes an identity for the Musi Rawas Regency.
accordion musical instrument.
Keywords—Glass Plate Dance, musical accompaniment, Performing arts serve human expression to be able to
melody create a harmony between human and environment, in
addition, performing arts as a ritual process, which rules,
I. INTRODUCTION meaning and power (magical) contained on the performing
Musi Rawas Regency is one of Regency in South arts are preferred [2]. The magical thing contained in the
Sumatera Province which has a wealth of natural resources form of Glass Plate Dance performances which usually
and other cultures art and different from the existing regions consists of two women, there is one condition that must be
in the entire territory of Indonesia. The society of Musi met by a Plates, which must be a woman who was a girl or
Rawas Regency belongs to the agricultural societies, where single, or has never been married. This requirement must be
most people are farmers ' livelihoods as rice edged, rubber, notified to the public in order to avoid disruption or fatal
coffee, palm oil as well as some freshwater fish breeders. errors while dancing, such as dancer fall down when
Musi Rawas Regency is located on the West of Musi river climbing a pile of plates and glasses. Glass Plate Dance was
headwaters and along the Rawas river. To the North is originally accompanied by fiddle, malay drum, and
bordering with the Jambi Province and North Musi Rawas ketawak.
Regency in southern is bordering with Musi Banyuasin Silampari Art Studio is a studio of Musi Rawas Regency
Regency, Empat lawing Regency in western is bordering the which studying variety kinds of art such as dance, theater,
Bengkulu Province. Musi Rawas Regency has the variety of and music, no exception it also studying the music of Glass
art and culture, both of Musi Rawas itself or from outside Plate Dance. Music and dance performances are usually
the area of Musi Rawas, because people are mostly held on large activities and state occasions in Musi Rawas
migrants from the Java island (Source: Data of Musi Rawas Regency, with the duration of the performance about 10 to
monographs, 2015). 15 minutes. Attay Muchtar as a teacher in Silampari Studio
Along with the development, culture grow and develop (Interview on April 2016) reveals the music instruments
in society is a populist tradition in every area that makes art used in the music of glass plate dance in Silampari studio at
as entertainment, rituals, ceremonies, welcoming guests, so Musi Rawas Regency are accordion, ketawak, Malay drum,
the art can be known by the public. [1] Art is something that and tambourine.
contains transcendental things, something that is not known Music of Glass Plate Dance is classified inthe type of
to us before and we are now knowing it through the work of music homophonic texture that is just centered on one main
an artist. Art is divided into 5 (five) branches, namely, the melody that stands out from other instruments that serve as
art of music, dance, visual art, literature ar, and theater. an accompanist or accompaniment. In this work, the
accordion becomes the main melody and accompaniment by
the malay drum, ketawak (gong), and tambourine. The this Music of Glass Plate Dance, each musical instrument
music is played with the basic tone of D = do and this work played with a rhythm that has been specified as one of the
as a whole using a 4/4 time signature. main element of music.
The melody is one of the most important elements of the
II. METHODOLOGY music. Joseph Machlis in his book entitled The Enjoyment
This study used a qualitative approach. The writer Of Music [8] in Indonesian Language "melody is musical
understood the form of musical accompaniment Glass Plate elements that made the biggest attraction and most
Dance in the field, described in depth and analyzed in the prominently in a musical work". Melody is the soul of
context and theoretical by the writer. Design of Writing is music, as Joseph Machlis [8] explained that "the melody is
describing the music accompaniment of Glass Plate Dance. referred to as the soul of the music, we know a good melody
This writing location is located in Musi Rawas Regency, when we heard and we realized the unique power to move
South Sumatra Province. us, it is difficult to explain its power. Melody is musical
The writer used the qualitative approach with the elements that made the biggest attraction and most
descriptive design [3]. There is four main subjects of prominently in a musical work ". From the quote above, it
writing, namely (1) the figures in the local community, (2) can be concluded that the role of a melody is very
the head of Disbudpar in Musi Rawas Regency, (3) Glass determining the quality, appeal, influence and etc within in a
Plates Dance accompaniment Musicians, (4) Glass Plate musical work, whether in music, or music of the dance. For
Dancers. example, in the melodic strains of glass plate dance music,
The location of this writing was focused on Silampari there are strains of the accordion's voice that are so
Studio, Musi Rawas Regency. Data were collected through distinctive, as one of the main elements of the music. In this
observation techniques, interview, and documents study, discussion, the elements discussed was the melodical
whereas to keep its validity, this writing used the sources- element only.
triangulation technique. The data in this writing is Harmony is a series of tones that have a distance or
qualitative, therefore by using qualitative data analysis interval. Harmony which is consisting of two or more tones
techniques interactive analysis model with a step as follows; is sounded simultaneously called a chord. This music of
(1) data reduction, (2) presentation of data, verification [4]. glass plate Dance in Silampari studio is using instrumental
melodies, named accordion, piul (violin) ,and guitar that
III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION plays the same tone or unison, so that it has a horizontal
harmony (sideways direction interval), it does not has
A. Music vertical harmony (direction upwards / arrangement of the
According to the opinion expressed by [5] in the book of chord).
Learning notation Beams: "Music is an expression of ideas Timbre or color of sound is sound or tone produced by
through the sound which the basic element of melody, each musical instrument, although the tone played is the
rhythm, and harmony with supported by ideas, natur, and same, the sound or the tone produced will be different.
color of sounds". So, in makingmusic required the ability to Music of Glass Plate Dance in Musdi Rawas Regency is not
draw up (compose) containing rhythm tones, sounds, and inseparable from the timbre (sound color) that is in this
harmony. music. In this music, there are several colors of sound in
B. Analysis of Music musical instruments being played.
Analyzing music means outlining the components Based on the elaboration of music elements according to
forming the music. Components here can be interpreted as Aaron Copland, the writer discussed only the melodical
forming the music element [6] reveals that “music elements elements, which is related to the contour of melody and its
include: melody, rhythm, harmony, and timbre (sound interval. While other elements attached in the form of a
color)." As stated by Bruno Nettle in his book entitled glass Plate Dance Musical score, with an appropriate
Theory and Method in Ethnomusicology [7] transcribing arrangement on the order of music and arrangement of
"elements of music is essentially divert the elements from musical instruments.
audio into visual form or writing." This is in line with the D. Instruments of Glass Plate Dance Musical Melody
meaning of penotasian in ethnomusicology, which is "the On the music of this Glass Plate Dance in Musi Rawas
process of redirecting the sound into visual symbols." The Regency, the writer found 2 main parts which are arranged
working procedure the transcription of two important repeatedly and systematically so that it can be easy to be
approaches, which is making the analysis and describes understood, namely theme 1 and theme 2. As for the
what we hear then write it down on paper (about music is arrangement of primary parts sequence on the composition
heard) and describe what we see. structure of this Glass Plate Dance Music, theme 1, and
C. Music Elements theme 2.
According to Aaron Copland in his book entitled What 1. Theme 1
to Listen for in Music [6] explained in the Indonesian Theme music is a music that describes the character or
Language means "the primary elements that forming up the situation of things in the part of music. This kind of music is
music are divided into four, namely the rhythm, melody, often also used as a music identifier that is musical situations
harmony, and timbre (sound color)". The rhythms are like what is used on parts of the dance.
indeed inseparable from the basic elements of music, even This theme 1 is played by all music instruments, namely
in the history of the music, the rhythm is the first element accordion, guitar, piul, malay drum, ketawak, tambourine.
that discovered and the oldest in the elements of music. In All music instruments play each rhythm pattern, in
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 271
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 271
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 271
c. Interval
The following description of the melodic interval on part
of theme 2 and its quality. To clarify it, note the notation
Musi Rawas Regency is one of Regency in South
Sumatera Province which has varieties of cultures. Art of
Glass Plate Dance is one of traditional art that exist in Musi
Rawas Regency. On this art, there is a representation of
angel from heaven that became the idea of the creation of
Glass Plate Dance, along with the accompanying music.
Glass Plate Dance and its Musical dance, it was taught in
one of the studios on Musi Rawas Regency, named
Silampari studio. From the discussion about the music of
Glass Plate Dance, it can be known that melodic instrument
from its music. The discussion analyzed by the melodic
instrument of Glass Plate Dance music is about Contour and
its Interval. Glass Plate Dance, it should be taught in studios
at Musi Rawas Regency, as a form of preservation against
Fig. 4. Block notation theme 2 art that grows and develops so that it becomes an identity
for the Musi Rawas Regency.
b. Contour of Melody
Melody on this theme 2 is played by using an accordion REFERENCES
musical instrument which included into the category of [1] J. Sumardjo, Filsafat Seni. Bandung: ITB Press, 2000.
Aerophone (Source of tone from the air). For more details,
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 271
[2] R. M. Soedarsono, Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia di Era-Globalisasi. [6] A. Copland, What to Listen for in Music. USA: MCGraw-Hill Book
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[3] T. Sumaryanto, Paparan Perkuliahan Mahasiswa Penelitian [7] B. Nettle, Theory and Methode in Etnomusicology. New York: The
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[4] B. M. M. Michael Huberman &, Analisis Data Kualitatif Buku [8] J. Machlis, The Enjoyment Of Music. New York: Norton Company,
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[5] M. Soeharto, Belajar Notasi Balok. Jakarta: PT Gramedia, 1992.
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