diksha csir result
diksha csir result
diksha csir result
No of Candidates in this
Registered: 90683 Appeared: 67850
Part A 18.0687703
Part B 57.2925449
Part C 3.4897025
Total 5.7328676
Total Percentile Score obtained (in words) Five point Seven Three Two Eight Six Seven Six Only
Result --
Rank --
1. This electronically generated Score Card is the official Score Card issued by NTA and does not require any signature.
2. Candidate’s particulars including Category and Person with Disability (PwD) status have been indicated as mentioned by the candidate in the online
Application Form.
3. NTA Scores are the normalized scores across multi session papers and are based on the relative performance of all those who appeared for the
examination in one session. The marks obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
4. The NTA scores indicate the percentage of candidates who have scored equal to or below (same or lower raw scores) that particular candidate in
that session.
5. The percentile score of a candidate has been calculated as follows:
100* Number of candidates appeared in the “session” with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate
Total number of candidates appeared in the “session”
6. The NTA Score of the Total is NOT an aggregate or average of the NTA Scores of individual parts.
7. The NTA Score is NOT the same as percentage of marks obtained.
8. The National Testing Agency (NTA) has taken due care while uploading the Score Card. However, in case of any inadvertent error, NTA reserves the
right to rectify the same at a later stage.
9. No separate intimation about issue of Score Card shall be issued.
10. Instructions relating to issuance/obtaining Eligibility Certificate to qualified candidates will be notified separately later by CSIR on their website