(An Autonomous Organization under the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India)
Dated: 17.10.2024
Director (Exams), NTA
Note :
1. This electronically generated scorecard is the official result declared by the NTA and does not require any signature.
2. The Candidate’s particulars, including Category and Person with Disability (PwD), have been indicated as mentioned by the
candidate in the online Application Form.
3. Subject-wise Cut-Off is based on the Marks/Percentile Score (in case of exam held in multi-shifts).
4. The NTA shall not be responsible for any printing error in the publication. While preparing the scores, due care has been taken.
However, any inadvertent error cannot be ruled out. The NTA reserves the right to rectify any error at a later stage.
5. In the case of qualified candidates, JRF award letter/ e-certificate will be issued separately.
6. For detailed information, the award letter / e-certificate and the Information Bulletin may be referred.