Conference Brochure
Conference Brochure
Conference Brochure
Andhra University, a premier institute of higher education in India was established in 1926. Located in, the city of destiny Visakhapatnam. The campus is with the natural beauty of greenery and hills. The bay of bengal is on one side of the city and the other side it is occupied beautiful green kailasagiri hill range. Andhra University College of engineering (autonomous) is one of the well organized campus colleges of the university with 15 departments. The vision of the university is to create New Frontiers of Knowledge in Quest for Development of a Humane and Just society. The mission is Leverage global knowledge networks to help India and International Community in developing human resources capable of leading creative developments by upholding intellectual traditions and human values.
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M.E Electronic & Instrumentation M.Tech Radar & Microwave Eng. M.Tech Bio-Medical Engineering Ph.D Programmes
Collaborative Programs with BIT, SWEDAN
Important Dates
Last date for submission : 10.02.2012 Intimation of Acceptance : 20.02.2012 Last date for registration : 29.02.2012 Maximum of Eight Pages paper submission can be done through Email:, in IEEE format.
Registration fees
Industry/Research labs Faculty/Research scholars Students Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 1,500.00
Resource Persons
Sri.S V Rangarajan,Director,,NSTL (DRDO) Prof.S Sanyal, IIT-Kharagpur Dr.D C Pande, Sc-G, DLRL Dr.K Sudhakar, Sc -H, NSTL, (DRDO) Dr. Y Ravi Kumar, Sc - F, DLRL, Hyderabad Dr. Niranjan Prasad, Sc - F, DLRL, Hyderabad Sri. K S Rao, Director, Airports Authority of India, Visakhapatnam Dr. Rajkumar Goswami, M.Tech (IIT-Delhi), Ph.D Dr. P Chandra Sekhar, Dept of ECE,OU,HYD Dr. S Ravindra Babu, Wipro Technologies, Chennai Dr. Arjun Singh, New Delhi
Note: Original & Meritorious Research articles will be exempted from the registration fee. All the accepted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings.
Publication in JOURNAL of CNS Quality research papers selected for the conference proceedings will be published in the JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, NAVIGATION AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (Journal of CNS) The first issue of this Journal to be released in the month of January 2012. Publication of research papers in this Journal is at free of cost.
Participants are requested to make their own arrangement for transport & accommodation. Address for communication Smt S.Santa Kumari, Co-Convenor, Department of ECE, Andhra University College Of Engineering(A), Visakhapatnam-530003 Mobile No.: +91 9290876448,0891-2844844 E-mail:
Chief Patrons
Shri. M G Gopal, IAS Honble Vice-Chancellor, A.U.
Technically Co-Sponsored
th th
Technically Co-Sponsored
Prof. G Sasi Bhusana Rao Professor & H.O.D, Dept of E.C.E
Smt S Santha Kumari Dr.P Rajesh Kumar Smt M S Anuradha
Program Committee
Prof.K Raja Rajeswari Chairman, Program Committee Ms.M Sandhya, Sc - F, NSTL,(DRDO) Prof. K Satya Prasad, Rector, JNTUK Prof. B Prabhakar Rao, JNTUK Prof. I Santi Prabha, JNTUK Prof. K Padma Raju, JNTUK Dr. P Mallikarjuna Prasad, JNTUK Dr. V B S Srilatha Indira Dutt, GU
Prof. M Purnachandra Rao, USIC, AU Sri.P Bhanoji Rao, AGM, Instrumentation Design & Engg. VSP Prof. S P Setty Dept. of CS&SE Prof. K V Ranga Rao, JNTUH Prof. M Sashi, HOD, CS&SE Prof. P S Avadhani, Dept. of CS&SE Prof. M Madhavi Latha HOD of ECE, JNTUH Prof. KVVS Reddy, Retd. Professor, AUCE Prof.T Krishna Reddy, HOD of ECE, CBIT Prof.S SrinivasaKumar, JNTUK Dr. M Sailaja, HOD, ECE, JNTUK
Organizing Committee
Prof. P Mallikarjuna Rao Chairman, Organizing Committee Prof . Y Gopala Rao Dr.P V Sridevi Mrs.S Aruna Prof. C Ramesh, HOD, ECE, ANITS Prof. M Rajanbabu, Vice Principal, Lendi Institute of Engg & Tech. Mr. Solomon J V Gotham, SITAM (JNTU), Visakhapatnam Dr. V Venkata Rao, ECE, NEC Prof. M Murali, HOD, ECE, SVPCE
Technical Committee
Prof V Valli Kumari Chairman, Technical Committee. Dr. S Ravindra Babu, Wipro Technologies, Chennai Dr. V Jawahar Senthil Kumar, Anna University Mr.Ch Shankar Rao,Sc-F,NSTL Mr.C H V S Srinivas,Sc-F,NSTL Mr.T K C Patro, Sc-G,NSTL Dr.K S Ranga Rao,NSTL K Ramalingam, Ex. Chairman of Airports Authority of India, New Delhi
DD should be drawn in favor of CONVENER, ACNCN-2012, payable at SBI, AU Engineering Campus, Visakhapatnam.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,