Axioms Issue 6
Axioms Issue 6
Axioms Issue 6
When the going gets tough, the tough suffer -30’ movement penalty.
What’s Your Condition?................................................................................................................................................................................4
Well Met! Now Prepare to Die, Handsome................................................................................................................................................8
Prepare for the Future.....................................................................................................................................................................................12
September 2017
Axioms Issue 5 ©2018 Autarch™ LLC. Adventurer Conqueror King System © 2011-2018 Autarch LLC. Domains at War © 2013-
2018 Autarch LLC. The Auran Empire™ and all proper names, dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, and characters relating thereto
are copyright 2011-2015 by Alexander Macris and used by Autarch LLC under license. Some artwork is copyright 2012 William
McAusland and used with permission. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the written permission of the
copyright owners. Autarch™, Adventurer Conqueror King™, Adventurer Conqueror King System™, ACKS™, Domains at War™, and
Guns of War™ are trademarks of Autarch™ LLC. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations,
places, or events is purely coincidental.
Design: Alexander Macris Fredrick Liner Adventurers: Nathaniel Bennett
Andrew Sutton Candice Bailey
Contributors: Mark Bober Steve Snow Dan Wood
Charles Myers Jeff Clark Robert Conley
Eric Maloof M Eskridge Regolov
Zombie Mooose Victor Kuo
Layout Artist: Richard G. Iorio Randall Orndorff Ozhara
Jonas Gutebrand Jeffrey Wells
Patron Deity: CharlesDM Micah Sweet Leah
Samuel Gaines Glenn Arnason
Demigod: Ethan Gundry Solthas David Durrett
Will Robinson Nick Gauthier
Emperors: Jarrod Maistros
Adrian Romero Darius
Ralph Goss
Karl Miller Ian Borchardt
Benjamin Terry Michael Hengeli
Kings: Florian Hübner
Bryan Steelman Carlos de la Cruz
Bleddyn Wilson
Jacob DeCourcey Morales
Ben Prior
Fendly Friend Benjamin Patton
Christopher Krueger
Michael H. Bob Dunham
David Johnston
susan_brindle Alberto Casillas
Timothy Jaxon
Roxy Simon Forster
Will Arnold
Bastien Pilon Beedo
Matthew Kane
Torben van Hees Gregg Kern
Eric Maloof Joel Rojas
Herbert Nowell
Michael Morrison Kyle Oppy
Steven Dolges
Omer Golan-Joel Adam McGregor
Curtis Anderson
Martin Nichol Craig Cussans
Scott Tooker
Nathan Birch Michael Doa
Wesley Marshal
Hardrada Patrick Slauson
Iyar Claire Crimson
Jason Blalock Miguel Zapico Eric
Jake Parker Keith Clark
Conquerors: Daniel Trujillo Libri Emmanuel
Reece Nelson Simon Stroud Andrew S
Colin Chapman Martin Nesbakken Richard McKita
James Hughes Peter McNamara Kevin Empey
Rahshaad Benjamin Kelly Roberge Brian
Keith Higdon James Kerr Alex Mooney
Bryan Green Matt Walsh Lukas
Andrew Schleifer
Jon Tate
James Holden
Chris Davies
Federico Maggini
Javier Fernandez Valls
Daniel Stack
Michael Gill
J.M. Thompson
Patrick Singer
Edward Ortiz
Kevin Kenson
Joost Klüßendorf
Jussi Kenkkila
Luke Reidy Gaines
David Robinson
Jason Alway
Arthur Braune
Daniel Elwell
Cody Cheeser
Joshua Bailey
Anthony Ragan
Fabio Milito Pagliara
John Davis
Michael Taylor
Mikko Simonen
Nigel Ray
Steven D Warble
Sean Keefe
Mark Daymude
Andrew Byers
Matt Maranda
Jonathan Nichol
Mark Bober
Michael De Rosa
Ricardo Dorda
Lee DeBoer
Shane D
Richard Rohlin
Will Triumph
Chris Heath
John-Matthew DeFoggi
Conditions alter a creature’s capabilities in a variety of ways and can of damage (noted in the monster’s description) to the creature or
arise as a result of a spell, a class power, a proficiency, a monster’s attack, appendage that has restrained it.
or other effect. Most conditions, such as blinded, are impairments, but
a few, such as invisible, can be advantageous. A condition lasts either LIST OF CONDITIONS
until it is countered (the prone condition is countered by standing up, BLINDED
for example) or for a duration specified by the effect that imposed • A blinded creature is easy to sneak up on, and suffers a -2
the condition. If multiple effects impose the same condition on a penalty to surprise rolls.
creature, each instance of the condition has its own duration, but the
condition’s effects don’t get worse. A creature either has a condition or • A blinded creature suffers a -4 penalty to all attack throws.
doesn’t. The following definitions specify what happens to a creature • A blinded creature has its movement rate reduced to ¼ its
while it is subjected to a condition. normal rate.
CONCENTRATING AND STATIONARY • If a frightened creature cannot flee, its cower in terror. It
• A concentrating and stationary creature is able to sustain suffers a -2 penalty to AC and cannot attack, cast spells, move,
a continuous spell or effect which requires stationary or take any other actions until the condition ends. However, it
concentration. is not vulnerable.
• The condition ends if the creature takes damage or fails a • An engaged creature that is frightened will cower in terror
saving throw. until it is able to disengage with defensive movement.
• The condition also ends if the creature attacks, casts a spell, or
moves, or takes an action in lieu of moving.
• A grabbed creature cannot attack, cast spells, move, or take
• If a concentrating creature is mounted, use the mount’s any other action except to attempt to escape.
movement rates in lieu of the concentrating creature’s
• While a creature is grabbed, the opponent which grabbed it
movement rates to determine whether the condition is ended.
can automatically deal damage on its initiative each round to
If a concentrating creature is standing on a vehicle controlled
the grabbed creature without having to make an attack throw.
by others (such as a ship), ignore the vehicle’s movement
Doing so counts as the opponent’s attack with whatever
and use the creature’s movement rates across the vehicle to
natural weapon it has used to grab the creature. A grabbed
determine whether the condition is ended.
creature still receives a saving throw against any special effects
DEAFENED of the attack (such as poison, etc.).
• A deafened creature is easy to sneak up on, and suffers a -2 • While a creature is grappled, the opponent which grappled
penalty to surprise rolls. it can move (bringing the grappled creature with it), but
• Due to its inability to hear itself, a deafened creature has a -4 the grabbed creature’s weight (lbs / 12) is applied as stones
of encumbrance to the opponent. If the grabbed creature’s
List of Conditions 5
• A gyrating creature is highly unstable and has difficulty • A nauseated creature cannot attack, cast spells, or speak.
moving. If a gyrating creature has a surface it can push against,
• A nauseated creature can move away from the source of
it can move at ½ its normal movement rate. If the target does
nausea, but cannot otherwise move or take actions in lieu
not have a surface it can push against, it cannot move at all. It
of moving.
can take actions in lieu of moving without penalty, however.
• A nauseated creature can still defend itself (e.g. it is not
• A gyrating creature suffers a cumulative penalty to its attack
throws each time it attacks. . Its first attack throw will suffer
a -1 penalty, its second a -2 penalty, and so on, to a maximum PARALYZED
penalty of -5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the target • A paralyzed creature is helpless (as above).
creature to begin again at -1.
• A paralyzed creature cannot speak.
• A helpless creature cannot attack, cast spells, or move, or take PETRIFIED
actions in lieu of attacking or moving. • A petrified creature is helpless (as above).
• A helpless creature gains no benefit to its AC from its shield • A petrified creature cannot see, hear, smell, taste, touch, speak,
(if any). or think.
• A helpless creature can be ambushed or backstabbed by • A petrified creature does not age, and is immune to all
creatures capable of doing so. enchantments and transmogrifications except stone to flesh,
and to all death spells except disintegrate.
• All attack throws against helpless creatures gain a +2 bonus, or
a +4 bonus if the attacker ambushes or backstabs the helpless • A petrified creature is damaged as a stone structure. It has
creature. The helpless creature is dealt the attack’s ordinary 1shp per 2,000lbs, rounded up.
damage, or the attack’s ordinary damage multiplied by two or
more from ambush or backstab. PRONE
• A prone creature can move, but only to crawl at a movement
• Melee attack throws against helpless creatures automatically rate of 5’, to take an action in lieu of moving, or to end the
hit if the If the attacker is of the same or larger size category condition by using an action in lieu of moving to stand up.
than the helpless creature. If the attacker is not engaged, and
his attack is capable of damaging the helpless creature, then • A prone creature that is engaged is subject to the movement
the helpless creature may be automatically slain. The attacker restrictions of being engaged, so it can only crawl if using
may not cleave thereafter, however. Otherwise, the helpless defensive movement, and cannot stand up in lieu of moving.
creature may be dealt the attack’s ordinary damage. • A prone creature can attack, but suffers a -4 penalty on
its attack throws. A prone creature can stand up in lieu of
INFURIATED attacking.
• An infuriated creature will attack any creatures it can detect. It
will prioritize attacking whichever creature has most recently • A prone creature can be backstabbed by creatures capable of
damaged it, but otherwise will attack the closest target. If doing so.
the animal has no eligible targets, it will wait motionless in • Attack throws against prone creatures gain a +2 bonus, or a
seething fury until a target presents itself. +4 bonus if the attacker backstabs the stunned creature. The
• An infuriated creature gains a +2 bonus to its attack throws stunned creature is dealt the attack’s ordinary damage, or the
but suffers a -2 penalty to its AC due to its mindless rage. attack’s ordinary damage multiplied by two or more from
• An infuriated creature is immune to fear and ignores morale
rolls. • The conditions is ended immediately when the creature
stands up.
• An infuriated creature cannot speak.
MESMERIZED • A recuperating creature cannot be healed above 1 hit point.
• A mesmerized creature cannot attack, cast spells, move, or
speak. • A recuperating creature cannot attack or cast spells.
• A mesmerized creature can still defend itself (e.g. it is not • A recuperating creature has its movement rate reduced to ¼
vulnerable). its normal rate.
• The condition is ended when the recuperating creature has
recuperated for the required number of days.
6 List of Conditions
Axioms Issue 5
• A restrained creature cannot move, but can still attack, cast • An unconscious creature is helpless (as above).
spells, take actions in lieu of attacking, or attempt to escape.
• The condition is ended when the creature is slain.
• The opponent which restrained the creature can automatically
• The condition is also ended when the unconscious creature’s
deal damage on its initiative each round to the restrained
wounds are treated. When this occurs, the unconscious
creature without having to make an attack throw. Doing
creature must roll 1d20+1d6 on the Mortal Wounds table and
so counts as the opponent’s attack with whatever special
apply any appropriate modifiers listed.
natural weapon it used to restrain the creature. The restrained
creature still receives a saving throw against any special effects • The condition is also ended if 24 hours pass. When this occurs,
of the attack (such as poison, etc.). the unconscious creature must roll 1d20+1d6 on the Mortal
Wounds table, with no bonus for treatment and at the full -10
• A restrained creature also has the vulnerable condition while
penalty for being treated 1 day later.
it is restrained.
• Sometimes a creature can be restrained by multiple causes VULNERABLE
(such as several tentacles); when this occurs, the restrained • A vulnerable creature gains no benefit to its AC from its shield
creature suffers an additional -1 penalty on its attack throws (if any).
for each additional cause of restraint, in addition to the effects • A vulnerable creature can be ambushed or backstabbed by
above. creatures capable of doing so.
• While a creature is restrained, the opponent which restrained • All attack throws against vulnerable creatures gain a +2 bonus,
it can move itself (bringing the restrained creature with it), but or a +4 bonus if the attacker ambushes or backstabs the
the restrained creature’s weight (lbs / 12) is applied as stones grabbed creature. The vulnerable creature is dealt the attack’s
• A slumbering creature is helpless (as above).
• A slumbering creature cannot see, hear, or speak.
• The condition is ended immediately if the slumbering creature
is attacked, damaged, or moved.
• A stunned creature cannot attack, cast spells, move, or take
actions in lieu of attacking or moving.
• A stunned creature is vulnerable.
List of Conditions 7
In ACKS, interactions between PCs and NPCs use a simple 2d6 almost instantly; persuading a foe of decades to join an alliance may
reaction roll system which creates a bell curve of results ranging from take weeks or months.
Hostile (2) to Friendly (12). The system functions admirably well for
happenstance encounters between strangers provided the range of SPOKESPERSON
modifiers are kept limited (-3 to +3). However, the system begins to When interactions occur between groups, each group will designate
break down when a large number of positive modifiers are applied a spokesperson. The spokesperson is typically the group’s leader or
without any context or situational adjustment. Given sufficient its highest Charisma character. The class, ability scores, proficiencies,
bonuses, the results can be absurd – entire dungeons of monsters and other characteristics of the spokesperson are applied on behalf
yielding without a fight. of the group.
The reaction rules in ACKS also make no provision for ongoing or Sometimes a party of adventurers may not have a clear spokesperson,
repeated interactions. Can a Hostile creature ever be made Friendly? or may disagree as to who their spokesperson ought to be. In this
How long does it take? This article provides a set revised mechanics case, whichever adventurer is encountered by or speaks to the other
that answer these questions. side first is considered to be the spokesperson for that stage. The
Judge can call for an initiative roll to determine who speaks first if it
Interaction occurs whenever an adventurer or party of adventurers
encounters a creature or group of creatures not previously EXAMPLE: Tavus is a paladin (CHA 18, Mystic Aura, Intimidation,
encountered. This is called an initial interaction and is resolved with +7 total bonus) nominally leading a party of 1st level adventurers.
an interaction roll. Various modifiers will apply to the interaction roll One of his comrades is an explorer named Morne (CHA 7, -1
based on the tone of the interaction. The results of the interaction roll penalty). The party encounters a group of 5 orcs. Tavus tells the
will yield an attitude such as Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Indifferent, Judge, “I draw my sword and tell them to surrender or die.” Morne,
who enjoys disrupting the paladin’s plans, immediately says “I
or Friendly. (The reaction roll rules in ACKS cover initial interactions,
show my bare hands and say “let’s talk!” The party erupts into
more-or-less.) dispute around the gaming table. The Judge calls for Tavus and
If satisfied with the attitude of a creature or group encountered, the Morne to each roll initiative. Morne wins, so he speaks first. The
adventurer or party need make no further interaction rolls. However, orcs consider him the spokesperson of the adventurers.
if the adventurer or party wishes to change the attitude of a creature
or group that already has an attitude, they must engage in an attempt TONES OF INTERACTIONS
to influence. There are three types of interactions possible: Diplomatic,
Intimidating, and Seductive, corresponding to the three proficiencies
If combat breaks out between the adventurer(s) and the creature(s), of the same name. Each tone of interaction has a different set of
no attempts to influence may be made until the adventurer or party modifiers applicable to it. If a party is surprised by an encounter,
are defeated and captured, or the creature(s) are defeated or fail a the Judge chooses the tone based on whichever is least favorable
morale roll. for the party. Otherwise, the party’s spokesperson chooses the tone
of interaction for the and at each stage thereafter. If tone is unclear
TIME REQUIRED FOR INTERACTION from the spokesperson’s statements or role-play, the Judge can ask for
Stage Time Required clarification or decide what tone has been adopted. Once the tone of
Initial Interaction Instantaneous interaction is settled, the Judge makes an interaction roll
1st Attempt to Influence 1 round (10 seconds)
2nd Attempt to Influence 6 rounds (1 minute) EXAMPLE: Morne is the acting spokesperson for a party of
3rd Attempt to Influence 1 turn (10 minutes) adventurers that has just encountered 5 orcs. He raises empty
4th Attempt to Influence 6 turns (1 hour) hands and says “let’s talk!” The Judge rules that this is a Diplomatic
5th Attempts to Influence 8 hours (1 work-day)
6th+Attempts to Influence 5 work-days (1 week) Diplomatic interactions occur when an adventurer makes a non-
threatening appeal to the self-interest of a target or target’s group.
Interacting with NPCs takes time. The amount of time required to Calling on a guard to do his duty, a noble to protect his subjects,
interact depends on how well the interacting individuals or groups or a group of strangers to parley rather than fight are all examples
know each other. The Time Interval for Interaction table, below, of diplomatic interactions. The lengthy time intervals for ongoing
shows the amount of game time that characters must spend at each attempts to influence with diplomacy represent long conversations,
stage of interaction. Initial interactions between strangers happen meetings, “diplomatic summits,” and so on.
8 The Basics of Interaction
Axioms Issue 5
DIPLOMATIC MODIFIERS EXAMPLE: A party of 1st level adventurers has just encountered
The following modifiers apply to diplomatic interactions. five orcs. Morne, foolishly acting as the party’s spokesperson, says
“we come in peace!” Morne has a Charisma 7 (-1) and no relevant
Alignment proficiencies.
Character believed to be Lawful; target is Lawful or Neutral +1
The characters are believed to be of Lawful alignment and the
Character believed to be Lawful; target is Chaotic -1 target is Chaotic (-1) and the character’s are trespassing in the
Character believed to be Chaotic; target is Lawful or Neutral -2 target’s lair (-1). Morne is not brandishing a weapon and the
Character’s race is a historical enemy of target -2 targets have no evidence that the characters harmed anyone. The
total penalty is -2. The total modifier is therefore -1 -2=-3.
The Judge rolls 2d6-3, and gets an 11. The total of (11-3) 8 results
Character is trespassing in target’s lair -1 in a “Neutral” response. “If you come in peace, why’d you invade
Character is in own lair +1 our lair?” says the orc gang leader. The paladin, Tavus, now steps
forward and attempts to influence the orcs. Since this is the first
Authority attempt to influence, it requires (1 combat round (10 seconds).
Character has legal authority over target (lord, guard, etc.) +2 or more The paladin decides to continue with a Diplomatic tone, saying
Character owes target favors -1/unrequited favor “We’ve come to work as mercenaries. We’d like to meet your chief
to join his service.”
Target has authority over character -1 or more
Target owes character favors +1/unrequited favor Tavus has Charisma 18 (+3) and Mystic Aura (+2), for a total bonus
Diplomatic Modifiers 9
The lengthy time intervals for ongoing attempts to influence with Interaction
intimidation represent activities such as long-term brainwashing, Initial Interaction Attempt to Influence
dehumanizing treatment, and/or torture. The Judge may limit the use Shift 2 attitudes towards
of such interactions by Lawful characters if desired. 2 Hostile, attacks
Shift 1 attitude towards
INTIMIDATION MODIFIERS 3-5 Unfriendly, may attack
The following modifiers apply to intimidating interactions. Shift 1 attitude towards
6-8 Neutral, uncertain
Character Fearful, attempts to Shift 1 attitude towards
Character and party members outnumber target(s) +1 withdraw/escape if possible Friendly
Character and party members outnumber target(s) by 3:2 or more +2 Shift 2 attitudes towards
12 Cowed, helpful
Character and party members outnumber target(s) by 3:1 or more +5 Friendly
Character is in own lair +1
Character is brandishing weapon +1 EXAMPLE: The party of 1st level adventurers has just slain the
Character is brandishing magic items +1 five orcs who refused to take them to their chief. Their bodies litter
Character has target at disadvantage (blackmail, tied up) +2 or more the floor and the adventurers’ weapons are covered with orc-gore.
Just then, another 10 orcs enter the room. Tavus (CHA 18, Mystic
Character has legal authority over target +2 or more
Aura, Intimidation, +7 total) steps forward. “Drop your weapons
Character is significantly higher level than target (3+ HD) +2 if you don’t want the same to happen to you! “ he says in orcish.
Target The characters are brandishing weapons (+1) and have some
Target’s Morale Score –score
visible magic items (+1) but are not of substantially higher level
and have no legal authority (0). The orcs are in their own lair (-1),
Target has Wisdom Modifier -Modifier
are brandishing weapons (-1), and including friends in their lair
Target has witnessed character kill or torture target’s associates +1 outnumber the characters by more than 3:1 (-5). However they
Target is in own lair -1 can see that the PCs have killed some friends (+1). Their chieftain
Target is armed -1 is alive, giving them ML +2 (-2). The total modifiers are +7+1+1-
Target has spells or magic items available -1 1-1-5+1=+1.
Target and friends outnumber character and party members -1 The Judge rolls 2d6+1, and gets an 11. The adjusted total of 12
Target and friends outnumber character and party members by 3:2 or more -2* results in a “Cowed” response. The orcs drop their weapons. “We
Target and friends outnumber character and party members by 3:1 or more -5* surrender!” they shout, dropping their weapons. “Take us to your
Target has character at disadvantage (trump card, helpless) -5 chief,” the paladin orders.
Target has legal authority over character -2 or more The characters reach the orc chief and seek to intimidate him as
Target is significantly higher level than character (3+ HD) -2 well. “Time to leave these caves, chief. This place is ours now,” says
Target believes he will suffer loss of face if submits -2 or more Tavus. The characters are brandishing weapons (+1) and have
Target believes he will be horrendously punished or killed if he submits -5 some visible magic items (+1) but have no legal authority (0). The
or more** orc chief is in his own lair (-1), brandishing a weapon (-1), and
*If target is in lair, include number in lair as part of friends has troops that outnumber the characters by more than 3:1 (-5).
**”The Dark Lord will do far worse things to me than you ever would” factor He knows that the PCs have killed some friends (+1). But he is
4HD, substantially higher level than the party (-1), has access to
Ability Scores & Proficiencies a witch doctor (-1), and will suffer loss of face if he submits to the
adventurers (-2). With the chief alive, the orc morale is +2 (-2).
Character has Charisma Modifier +Modifier
The total modifiers are +7+1+1-1-1-5+1-1-1-2-2=-3.
Character has Intimidation and either legal authority, outnumber, or
outlevels target +2 The Judge rolls 2d6-1 and gets a 6. The adjusted total of 3 results
Character has Mystic Aura +2 in an “Unfriendly” response from the chief and other new orcs in
the room. “I’ll give you 10 seconds to get the hell out of my caverns,
Relationship and then I start eating human-flesh,” says the Chief.
Target is already Hostile -2 Since the adventurers have now encountered allies of the orcs they
Target is already Unfriendly -1 intimidated, a new interaction roll is required for those orcs. It
Target is already Fearful +1 is resolved with the same roll as that used for the with the orc
chief. Since the result was 3, that means that the currently cowed
orcs have their attitudes adjusted downward by one category, from
“Cowed” to “Fearful”. They begin to slink towards the sides of the
room, hoping no one pays attention to them.
10 Intimidation Modifiers
Axioms Issue 5
Seduction Interactions 11
The document you are reading is from the future… It was distributed • The monster’s AC increases or decreases by ½ (1 per 2 HD),
as a free pamphlet at GENCON 2020 to assist ACKS players in making to a minimum of 0 and a maximum of its own starting HD.
the conversion from ACKS 1E to ACKS 2E. How it reached me, I do
• The monster deals an average of 2 hp more or less damage
not know; it is perhaps a result of some creatio-cognitive singularity
divided among all its attacks per HD. The Judge should decide
in Indianapolis in recent days. In any event, it’s quite interesting. I
how this is manifested. The Monster Attack Table (p. XX) can
have some concerns about some of what’s in this pamphlet, but I
be used to calculate new damage dice if desired.
can only assume that in the next 30 months that my future self will
experience certain playtest outcomes and player suggestions which These rules put animal companions and familiars equal to an
will make it all become clear. Or perhaps not – the future is, after all, equivalent animal henchman acquired via Beast Friendship
still ours to shape. proficiency.
AN INTRODUCTION TO ACKS 2E The rules for familiars in 2E specify that the familiar cannot itself
Welcome to GenCon 2020! This year marks the 10th anniversary select the Familiar proficiency, nor have henchmen. Familiars that
of Adventurer Conqueror King System. By the standards of role- take language proficiency learn to read and understand the language,
playing games, that makes it an old rules set. Of course, age alone but cannot speak it. Familiars can only communicate with their
is no reason to change something; but with ten years of gameplay adventurer, or with characters benefiting from speak with animals
behind ACKS by hundreds of gaming groups worldwide, Autarch or tongues.
has now accumulated a wealth of new knowledge about the game.
With feedback from our loyal fans, we’ve decided to update ACKS.
This guide will walk you through the major changes to the game. COMMISSIONING EQUIPMENT
ACKS 2E incorporates the revised rules for Commissioning
CHARACTERS Equipment originally posted on the Official Forums, restated below:
WISDOM MODIFIER If equipment the adventurers desire to purchase is not available, they
In ACKS 2E, your WIS modifier increases your throw bonus on all may commission it to be created. The advantage of commissioning
saving throws, not just saving throws versus magic. equipment is that ten times more equipment can be commissioned
than is available as inventory. Where the number available is listed
DEXTERITY MODIFIER as a percentage chance, multiply the percentage by 10 and divide by
In ACKS 2E, your DEX modifier increases your throw bonus on 100%. The integer quotient is the number of units available, and the
proficiency throws to perform acrobatics, open locks, pick pockets, remainder (if any) is the percentage chance of one additional unit
find traps, remove traps, hide in shadows, move silently, or climb being available.
The disadvantage of commissioning equipment is that it is not
ARMOR, WEAPON, AND FIGHTING STYLE PROFICIENCIES immediately available. Buildings and vehicles, which can be built
In ACKS 1E the armor, weapons, and fighting styles available to a by large groups, are constructed at a rate of 1 day per 500gp value.
character were defined in natural language. This occasionally made a Animals take 1 day per 1gp value to find and train. Other equipment
particular class’s selections somewhat open to debate. ACKS 2E has takes 1 day per 5gp value. All commissioned equipment is worked on
formalized the selection of armor, weapons, and fighting styles into simultaneously.
proficiencies, so that each class can have its starting armor, weapon,
and fighting style proficiencies clearly laid out in a table. CROSSBOWS AND ARBALESTS
Crossbows and arbalests must be reloaded after they are fired.
ANIMAL COMPANIONS AND FAMILIARS Reloading is an action in lieu of moving.
Instead of having ½ the Hit Dice of the adventurer they accompany,
animal companions and familiars in 2E have 1 Hit Die less than their MASTERWORK EQUIPMENT
adventurer (½ HD at 1st level). The animal companion or familiar’s The rules for masterwork equipment in the Heroic Fantasy Handbook
baseline characteristics are adjusted based on its current Hit Dice are incorporated into ACKS 2E.
relative to the Hit Dice of an ordinary animal of its type:
• The monster’s attack throws, hit points, and saving throws
increase or decrease by one per Hit Die.
In ACKS 2E, all characters have four implicit general proficiency slots
which represent their potential for natural accretion of knowledge
12 An Introduction to ACKS 2E
Axioms Issue 5
over time (in addition to their starting and level-based proficiencies). It requires 1,000gp and 1 week of game time per spell level, plus access
Characters who are not exceptionally diligent at practice automatically to the appropriate spell formula, to add a spell to your spell book. If
fill these slots after 5, 15, 35, and 70 years of work. your repertoire is not full, you may automatically add the spell to your
repertoire at the same time. If the your repertoire is full, you may
However, by extensive training, characters can accelerate their
automatically replace one spell of the same level with the new spell
acquisition of these proficiency slots.
at the same time.
• It takes 60 days (2 months) of major activity training that
An arcane spellcaster who already has a full repertoire of spells may
proficiency to gain the first rank of a proficiency.
sometimes wish to replace one spell in his spell repertoire with
• It takes 240 days (8 months) of major activity training that another of equal level already recorded in his spell book. It costs 1
proficiency to gain the second rank or the first rank of a week of game time per spell level to replace a spell in the repertoire
second proficiency. with another in the spell book.
• It takes 540 days (18 months) of major activity training that ADVENTURES
proficiency to gain the third rank or the first rank of a third
ACKS 2E uses the rules for Attacks and Armor Penetration found in
• It takes 960 days (32 months) of major activity training that the Heroic Fantasy Handbook.
proficiency to gain the fourth rank or the first rank of a fourth
proficiency. CONDITIONS
The effect of various conditions in combat has been formalized in
• The total time required to gain four proficiency ranks is
ACKS 2E following the rules from this issue of Axioms.
therefore 1,800 days; at 6 hours per day of major activity that
equates to about 10,000 hours. CRITICAL HITS
Retraining Proficiencies 13
ACKS 2E incorporates the rules for abstract adventuring found in
ACKS 2E adds the clamber and sweeping attack special maneuvers Axioms VIII.
from the Heroic Fantasy Handbook. It also makes special maneuvers
more useful. When you succeeds on a disarm, force back, knock MONSTERS
down, or sunder special maneuver, you may choose to deal normal
damage in addition to triggering the effect of the special maneuver.
The monster listings now include a reaction score for each monster,
When you succeed in a wrestling special maneuver, you may choose
which is applied as a modifier to reaction rolls when the monster is
to deal brawling damage in addition to triggering the effect of the
encountered by adventurers. This score can vary depending if the
special maneuver.
monster is encountered in its lair.
ACKS 2E uses the rules for Thievery found in the Heroic Fantasy EXAMPLE: Owlbears are mean-spirited carnivores gripped by
bestial madness. Their reaction modifier is -10. Owlbears almost
Handbook, including encumbrance, equipment, and revisions to the
always attack adventures they encounter.
thief skills.
Campaign activities in ACKS 2E are governed using the rules for ACKS 2E uses the updated treasure type tables found in Heroic
Campaign Activities found in Axioms Special Edition. Fantasy Handbook.
The 2E rules adopt the revised approach for abstract battle resolution
found in Axioms IV in lieu of the system found in Domains at War:
ACKS 2E incorporates the rules for mercantile ventures found in
Axioms III.
14 Campaigns
Axioms Issue 5
Open Game License Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does
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DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest
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9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated
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5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material Labyrinth Lord ™ Copyright 2007-2009, Daniel Proctor; Author Daniel Proctor.
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Labyrinth Lord™ Advanced Edition Companion Copyright 2010, Daniel Proctor;
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Author Daniel Proctor.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion END OF LICENSE
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Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, Copyright 2012-2018 Autarch LLC. Autarch™, Adventurer Conqueror King™,
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as
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Treasure 15