Background: Heqi San, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been reported to regulate hormone levels in
patients with metabolic disease, suggesting a potential clinical application. In the current study, we aimed to
elucidate the effect of Heqi San on rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Method: PCOS model was established in female SD rats. Rats were randomly divided into four groups: the control,
untreated PCOS model, Heqi San treated PCOS model (8.1 g/kg) and metformin (MET) treated PCOS model (135 mg/kg)
groups. All animals were subcutaneously injected with 6 mg/100 g dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in the neck once a
day for 20 consecutive days. The serum hormone levels were measured by ELISA. The ovarian tissues were stained with
hematoxylin and eosin (HE) to undergo pathological examination. The expression levels of GLTU4 and PTEN mRNA were
examined by real time PCR. The crucial proteins in the PI3K/APT pathway were analyzed by western blotting. Then, the
functions of the target genes were analyzed using bioinformatics approaches.
Results: We found that Heqi San was able to recover the serum hormone levels and improve insulin resistance in PCOS
rat model. A morphological lesion of the ovary was also restored with the Heqi San treatment. More importantly, we
discovered a correlation between the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway and the beneficial effects of Heqi San, demonstrating
that its application could alter the expression levels of p-ERK, p-AKT, p-GSK3β, IRS-1, PTEN and GLTU4, all key factors in the
PI3K/APT pathway. Through a bioinformatical analysis, we predicted the related gene function and pathway of the
pathological mechanism of PCOS and found miRNAs that are likely to be critical in PCOS occurrence, including rno-miR-
144-3p, rno-miR-30c-2-3p, rno-miR-486, rno-miR-3586-3p and rno-miR-146b-5p.
Conclusion: The beneficial effects of Heqi on PCOS, including alter serum hormone levels, recover ovary morphological
lesions and improve insulin resistance, which is mediated through the PI3K/AKT pathway.
Keywords: Polycystic ovary syndrome, Heqi san, PI3K/AKT pathway, miRNA PTEN
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Zhao et al. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) 25:21 Page 2 of 12
All rats were sacrificed after 30 days and the ovarian tis-
sues were used for histology analysis. Ovarian tissues
were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and embedded in
paraffin. The sections were stained by hematoxylin and
eosin (H&E) according to standard procedures. The
ovary volume was measured and calculated using Image
J software (NIH, USA).
Fig. 2 Application of Heqi San restored serum hormone levels in the PCOS model, including (a) luteinizing hormone (LH), (b) Testosterone (T), (c)
estradiol (E2), and (e) follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH), but not (e) progesterone (P). *p < 0.05 vs. control, #p < 0.05 vs. PCOS
Zhao et al. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) 25:21 Page 5 of 12
Fig. 4 Morphological alteration in the ovary after Heqi San treatment. a Ovarian volume (mm3) was slightly changed after Heqi San treatment. b
Organ coefficiency (mg/g) improved after Heqi San treatment in the PCOS model. c Compared with the control, the PCOS model showed apparent
lesions in the ovary, Heqi San or MET treatment significantly restored the morphological damage in the PCOS model. Heqi: Heqi San, MET: metformin
Insulin resistance was alleviated with the treatment of (Table 2). Therefore, we identified the expression of rno-
Heqi san miR-144-3p in different groups, and found that its
Since insulin resistance is an important pathological mRNA expression level was significantly increased in
feature in PCOS, we then checked whether Heqi San the PCOS model compared to the control (Fig. 7a).
treatment could alleviate the insulin resistance in the Treatment with either Heqi San or MET led to the
PCOS model. In the control group, insulin stimulation decrease of the rno-miR-144-3p expression level in the
increased the expression levels of phosphorylated ERK, PCOS model (Fig. 7a). This revealed that PTEN likely
AKT and GSK3β (Fig. 6a).Nevertheless, the significant plays a critical role in PCOS pathology, and that it is
increase was not found in the PCOS model after insulin regulated through rno-miR-144-3p. Furthermore, GO
stimulation. The insulin resistance was alleviated when analysis indicated the target genes involved in PCOS
either Heqi San or MET was applied. The expression pathology were mostly abundant in the category of bind-
levels of p-ERK and GSK3β were increased significantly ing and catalytic function. In terms of biological process,
after insulin stimulation (Fig. 6a). Furthermore, the the functions of these target genes included response to
expression levels of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) stimulus, biological regulation, and cellular process,
and PTEN decreased significantly after insulin stimula- among others (Fig. 7b). The Go enrichment analysis also
tion in the control group (Fig. 6b). In contrast, we did showed that the involved signaling pathways included
not observe any alteration in IRS −1 or PTEN expression the inflammation and apoptosis pathways (Fig. 7c).
levels in the insulin-treated PCOS model. Treatment We then used the bioinformatics analysis to identify
with either Heqi San or MET decreased the expression certain differences in miRNA between the control group
levels of IRS-1 and PTEN in the insulin-treated PCOS and PCOS groups, and some of the identified miRNAs
model (Fig. 6b). However, we did not observe any alter- involved in the P13K/AKT pathway are listed in Table 3.
ation in GLUT4 or p-IRS-1 expression, indicating its Accordingly, we selected four miRNAs (rno-miR-30c-2-
irrelevance in insulin resistance. Collectively, these data 3p, rno-miR-146b-5p, rno-miR-486 and rno-miR-3586-
demonstrate that Heqi San alleviated insulin resistance 3p) and determined their expression levels in the
through the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. different groups. The primers used for the miRNAs ex-
pression analysis are shown in Table 4. The real time
Differential miRNA expression contributed to the quantitative PCR results indicated that the expression
pathological process in the PCOS model levels of rno-miR-30c-2-3p, rno-miR-486 or rno-miR-
We used sequencing and bioinformatics analysis to pre- 3586-3p were significantly higher in the PCOS model
dict that PTEN was the target gene of rno-miR-144-3p (Fig. 8a–d), while Heqi San or MET treatment could
Zhao et al. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) 25:21 Page 7 of 12
Fig. 5 The effects of Heqi San on the PCOS model was mediated
through the PI3K/AKT pathway. Heqi San treatment increased the
expression levels of GLUT4 (a) or PTEN (b) in the PCOS model,
where both of key signals were significantly down-regulated. Heqi:
Heqi San, MET: metformin. *p < 0.05 vs. control, #p < 0.05 vs. PCOS
Table 2 The prediction of target genes of miRNAs potential treatment in order to decrease the side effects of some
correlated with pathological mechanism of PCOS western medicine.
miRNA ID Target Gene In this study, we found that Heqi San has both func-
rno-miR-124-3p Bdnf tions. Firstly, it can regulate the serum hormone levels
rno-miR-124-3p Itgb1 in PCOS. It can regulate gonadotropins including follicle
rno-miR-124-3p Lamc1 stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, as well
rno-miR-124-3p Neurod1 as steroid hormones including 17β-estradiol, progester-
rno-miR-124-3p Stat3 one, and testosterone. TCM consists of a large number
rno-miR-141-3p Zeb2 of herbal medicines, which may regulate hormone levels.
rno-miR-142-5p BTG3 Some components have a two-way regulating effect on
rno-miR-144-3p Celf2 hormone levels through compatibility effects [31]. A
rno-miR-144-3p PTEN major characteristic of PCOS is an elevated serum
rno-miR-151-5p Fndc1 androgen level; orally administered Heqi San could
Fig. 7 Analysis of the potential roles of miRNAs in PCOS pathogenesis. a The potential role of rno-miR-144-3p, the target gene of PTEN, was eluci-
dated through real time PCR in the PCOS model and the Heqi-treated group. **p < 0.01 vs. control, #p < 0.05 vs. PCOS. b GO analysis disclosed
the functions of target genes. c GO enrichment analysis demonstrated the signal pathways potentially involved in pathological mechanism of
PCOS. Heqi: Heqi San, MET: metformin
Zhao et al. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) 25:21 Page 9 of 12
reduce the abnormal secretion of androgen and achieve many PCOS patients are obese, which may cause sugar
a physiological androgen balance. It contains a variety of metabolism disorders and pregnancy complications [38].
components, such as Epimedium davidii Franch. and Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf., Hordeum vulgare L., and
Cuscuta chinensis Lam., which can regulate the sex Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge have been shown to aid
gland-adrenal gland axis to reduce the androgen level digestion, reduce blood sugar levels, and may even help
and induce ovulation [32]. We speculate these action are with weight loss [39–41].
probably due to its effect on the androgen receptor One of the important findings in this work was the in-
(AR), thereby regulating androgens-gonadotropin inter- volvement of the PI3K/AKT pathway in the Heqi
actions [33]. Secondly, Heqi San can improve insulin San-induced beneficial effects on PCOS. The role of the
resistance, which is most likely due to its regulation of PI3K/AKT signaling pathway in PCOS pathogenesis has
the correlation between insulin resistance and thyroid- been reported previously, and is probably due to the fact
stimulating hormone. Insulin resistance and the dysregu- that the activation of AKT leads to the enhanced insulin
lation of glucose metabolism are common in PCOS resistance [42]. Several important elements in the PI3K/
patients [34]. The effect of Heqi San on insulin resist- AKT pathway were regulated in our rat PCOS model by
ance may also be due to an improvement in beta cell insulin stimulation, a process potentially modifiable by
function, which is directly responsible for insulin secre- Heqi San treatment. These results are consistent with
tion [35]. As two of the components of Heqi San, the previous finding that PI3K inhibition has beneficial
Schisandra chinensis can promote the synthesis of effects on PCOS [43]. This beneficial effect lead to im-
cAMP, proteins, and glycogen and can enhance glycogen provements in insulin, testosterone, and luteinising
metabolism [36] and Polygala tenuifolia Willd. protected hormone levels, and is comparable with the findings of
diabetic rats from hippocampal injury [37]. In addition, the current study. Since phosphorylation of ERK, AKT
and GSK3βis significantly affected in insulin resistance
after Heqi San treatment, further work will be focused
Table 4 The primers used for miRNAs expression analysis on the pharmaceutical inhibition of phosphorylation in
Name primers sequences (5′-3′) key signals of the PI3K/AKT pathway.
rno-miR-30c-2-3p F: GCTGGGAGAAGGCTGTT Through the bioinformatics analysis, we found that
R:TGTCGTATCCAGTGCAGGGTCCGAG there were certain miRNAs that seemed to play import-
GTATTCGCACTGGATACGACAGAGTA ant roles in Heqi San-induced therapeutic effect on the
rno-miR-146b-5p F: GGGTGAGAACTGAATTCCA PCOS model. Previous work has demonstrated that ex-
pression of miRNAs in the uterus of a rat PCOS model
TATTCGCACTGGATACGACACAGCC was significantly altered [44]. This is consistent with the
rno-miR-486 F: GGGGATACTAGACTGTGAGCT general concept that the abnormal expression of miR-
NAs is correlated with various disorders [45]. Through
TATTCGCACTGGATACGACTCGAGG the same bioinformatics work, we predicted several miR-
NAs that were differentially expressed between the
control and treatment groups, and found that their
target genes are important factors in the PI3K/AKT
Zhao et al. DARU Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) 25:21 Page 10 of 12
Fig. 8 Differential expression levels of miRNA participating in PCOS pathogenesis, including miR-30c-2-3p (a), miR-146b-5p (b), miR-486 (c), and
miR-3586-3p. **p < 0.01 vs. control, #p < 0.05 vs. PCOS
pathway. In fact, miRNAs have been reported to regulate hormone; GO: Gene ontology; H&E: Hematoxylin and eosin; HOMA-
cellular processes, such as cell proliferation and differen- IR: Homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance index; ISI: Insulin
sensitivity index; KEGG: Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes; LH: Luteinizing
tiation [46]. Combined with the GO analysis, our hormone; MET: Metformin; P: Progesterone; PCOS: Polycystic ovary syndrome;
prediction indicated that some miRNAs may regulate PVDF: Polyvinylidene difluoride; T: Testosterone
proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, correlat-
ing with PCOS pathogenesis. To prove this hypoth- Acknowledgements
esis, direct genetic manipulation of these miRNAs
will be conducted in PCOS models, in order to Funding
provide evidence to clarify their role in the patho- This study was supported by the Shenzhen Science and Technology Plan
genesis of PCOS. Project (JCYJ20150401163841053).