Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Mingsan Miao, Mengfan Peng, Zhengwang Zhu, Xiaoli Yan, Zhenzhen Wei, Mengyan Li
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Mingsan Miao, Mengfan Peng, Zhengwang Zhu, Xiaoli Yan, Zhenzhen Wei, Mengyan Li
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences: Mingsan Miao, Mengfan Peng, Zhengwang Zhu, Xiaoli Yan, Zhenzhen Wei, Mengyan Li
Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Aims: Explore the effects of dodder total flavone on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) rat models
Received 15 August 2018 induced by dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) combined human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).
Revised 19 February 2019 Methods: Except the blank group, the rest of the rats were injected with DHEA 6 mg/100 g on the back of
Accepted 19 February 2019
the neck and 1.5 IU HCG each day, for 21 consecutive days. On the 16th day of modeling, vaginal smear
Available online 19 February 2019
was performed to select the model rats, which were randomly divided into model group, dacin-35 group,
large, middle and small dose dodder total flavonoids groups, and given the medicine for three weeks. At
the end of the last administration, take samples, so as to calculate the ovaries and uterus indexes, mea-
Pathological changes
sure serum LH/FSH ratio, P, PRL and INS levels, fixed the uterus and pancreas in 10% formalin solution and
Dodder total flavone stained with HE to observe the morphological changes of the organs. And measure the expression of TNF-
Biochemical indicators a and IGF-l proteins in ovaries by immunohistochemistry.
Results: Compared with the blank group, ovarian and uterine indexes, serum LH/FSH ratio, serum PRL and
INS levels, ovary TNF-a and IGF-l protein expression were significantly increased, and significant patho-
logical changes were observed in the uterine and pancreatic tissues in model group (P < 0.01). While the
serum P level decreased significantly (P < 0.01), Compared with the model group, the ovarian and uterine
indexes, serum LH/FSH ratio, serum P, PRL and INS levels, ovary TNF-a protein expression were signifi-
cantly decreased in large, middle and small dose dodder total flavonoids groups (P < 0.01); The expression
of IGF-1 protein was decreased and uterus pathological changes were improved in different extents
(P < 0.01 or P < 0.05), pancreas pathological changes were improved significantly (P < 0.01).
Conclusion: PCOS rat models was successfully replicated. Dodder total flavone can protect PCOS rats
induced by DHEA combined HCG by different action pathways.
Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1319-562X/Ó 2019 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
822 M. Miao et al. / Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2019) 821–827
can have a multidirectional effect on the endocrine function of domly divided into model group, dacin-35 group (0.3392 mgkg 1),
hypothalamic-pituitary-gonads, such as improving the level of large, middle and small dose dodder total flavonoids groups
estrogen in the body, protecting spermatogenic cells of male rats, (200 mgkg 1, 100 mgkg 1, 50 mgkg 1), 10 in each group, and
and improving glycolipid metabolism (Zhao et al., 2018; Ren given the medicine for three weeks. The blank group and the model
et al., 2018; Huang et al., 2016). However, there is no relevant group were given the same amount of solvent.
research report on the intervention of total flavonoids from dodder
in PCOS. Exogenous increase of DHEA level can create a high andro- 3.2. Test indicators and methods
gen state in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, resulting in
decreased secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone in the body, Two hours after the last administration, draw blood from
follicular development blocked, follicular atresia and lack of ovula- abdominal aorta, and serum was separated to measureLH/FSH
tion (Liu et al., 2018). HCG can play the role of LH, and can simulate ratio, P, PRL and INS. Ovaries and uterus were weighed so as to cal-
the high LH environment in patients with polycystic ovary syn- culate viscera index. Uterus and pancreas were fixed in 10% forma-
drome (PCOS) due to gonadal axis disorder, aggravating the PCOS lin solution for HE staining and observe morphological changes.
secretion disorder. Therefore, making the PCOS rats induced by The aprotein expression of TNF-a and IGF-l in the ovary was mea-
DHEA combined with HCG as the research object, to observe the sured by immunohistochemistry.
effect of total flavonoids of dodder on PCOS rats.
4. Statistical methods
2. Experimental materials
SPSS21.0 statistical software was used to statistically process
2.1. Drugs and reagents the experimental results. The measurement data are expressed as
mean value ± standard deviation (x ± s). Single factor analysis of
Dodder total flavone, Nanjing zelang biotechnology co. LTD, the variance was used for inter-group comparison. The homogeneity
total flavonoid content of dodder was 51.25% by UV detection. of variance was tested by LSD method, and the heterogeneity of
Diane-35 (Ethinylestradiol and Cyproterone Acetate Tablets), variance was tested by Games-Howell method. The hierarchical
Schering GmbHCo. Produktions KG, batch no:333A; Dehy- data is validated with Ridit.
droepiandrosterone (DHEA), Aladdin, batch no: B1227012; Human
chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), Hangzhou animal medicine factory,
5. Experimental results
batch no: 161008, Veterinary drug approval number: veterinary
drug (2010) 110201281.
5.1. Effect of dodder total flavone on ovary index and uterus index of
Anti-GnRH, Anti-GnRH-R and Anti-TNF-a polyclonal antibody,
PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined HCG
Beijing boorson biotechnology co. LTD, batch no: AC12243558S,
AF11177594S and AG06274 154S; Anti-AR polyclonal antibodies,
As shown in Table 1: Compared with the blank group, the ovary
Abcam. Batch number: GR310012-4; Peroxidase labeled sheep
index and uterus index of the model group were significantly
rabbit-IgG ii-antibody, Wuhan bode bio-engineering co. LTD, batch
increased (P < 0.01). Compared with the model group, dacin-35
no: BST12E27C55; Detection kits for LH, FSH, P, PRL and INS ELISA
group, large, middle and small dose dodder total flavonoids groups
in rats, Suzhou Calvin biotechnology co. LTD, batch no:
could significantly reduce the ovary index and uterus index of
20170623SR. Anti-IGF-1 polyclonal antibody, Wuhan bode bio-
PCOS rats (P < 0.01).
engineering co. LTD, Batch no: BST10E21C 54.
5.2. Effect of dodder total flavone on serum LH/FSH ratio of PCOS rat
2.2. Experimental animals models induced by DHEA combined HCG
SD rats, SPF level, male, 23 days old, 70 subjects. Jinan Pengyue As shown in Table 2: Compared with the blank group, the serum
experimental animal breeding co, LTD. License no: SCXK (lu) LH/FSH ratiol in the model group increased significantly (P < 0.01).
20150005; Animal certificate no: 37009200006387; Training cer- Compared with the model group, the serum LH/FSH ratio in the
tificate no: 1612; Animal facilities use certificate no: 00013517. dacin-35 group, large, middle and small dose dodder total flavo-
noids groups decreased significantly (P < 0.01).
2.3. Experimental apparatus
5.3. Effect of dodder total flavone on serum P, PRL and INS levels of
BX61 electric microscope, OLYMPUS, Japan; AR1140/C elec- PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined HCG
tronic analytical balance, Ohaos (Shanghai) co. LTD; Type 680
enzyme marker, Bio-rad company, USA; KDC-160HR high speed As shown in Table 3: Compared with the blank group, PRL and
refrigerating centrifuge, Hkust innovation LTD; TGL-168, high- INS levels in the serum of the model group increased significantly
speed table centrifuge, Shanghai anting science instrument fac- (P < 0.01), serum P level decreased significantly (P < 0.01). Com-
tory; HWS12 electric thermostat water bath, Shanghai yiheng sci- pared with the model group, the serum PRL and INS levels
entific instruments co. LTD. decreased significantly (P < 0.01), P level increased significantly
in (P < 0.01).
3. Experimental method
5.4. Effect of dodder total flavone on TNF-a and IGF-l protein
3.1. Moldeling and drug delivery (Miao et al., 2018) expression in ovariary of PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined
Ten rats were randomly selected as the blank group, the rest of
the rats were injected with DHEA 6 mg/100 g on the back of the As shown in Table 4: Compared with the blank group, the mean
neck and 1.5 IU HCG each day, for 21 consecutive days. On the optical density of TNF-a and IGF-l protein in ovary of the model
16th day of modeling, vaginal smear was performed to select the group increased significantly (P < 0.01). Compared with the model
model rats. Rats with successful modeling were selected and ran- group, the mean optical density of TNF-a and IGF-l in ovary was
M. Miao et al. / Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2019) 821–827 823
Table 1
Effect of dodder total flavone on ovary index and uterus index of PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined HCG.
Table 2
The uterine tissues of each group were measured according to
Effect of dodder total flavone on serum LH/FSH ratio of PCOS rat models induced by
DHEA combined HCG. the semi-quantitative standard, and the results were shown in
Table 5.
Group n Dose (mg/kg) LH/FSH
As shown in Table 5: By Ridit test, the uterine endometrium of
Blank group 10 — 3.55 ± 0.28 rats in the blank group was normal. Compared with the blank
Model group 10 — 4.68 ± 0.66DD
group, the endometrial glands showed significant hyperplasia
Dacin-35 group 10 0.339 3.61 ± 0.28**
Dodder total flavone 10 200 3.64 ± 0.33** and inflammatory infiltration in the model group (P < 0.01). Com-
10 100 3.80 ± 0.39** pared with the model group, the pathological changes of uterus
10 50 3.94 ± 0.54** in rats was significantly improved in the dacin-35 group, large,
Note: Compared to the blank group, Drepresents P < 0.05, DDrepresents P < 0.01;
middle dose dodder total flavonoids groups (P < 0.01), small dose
Compared to the model group, *represents P < 0.05, **represents P < 0.01. dodder total flavonoids group could obviously improve the patho-
logical changes of uterus in rats (P < 0.05).
Table 3
Effect of dodder total flavone on serum P, PRL and INS levels of PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined HCG (x±s, n = 10).
Table 4
Effect of dodder total flavone on TNF-a and IGF-l protein expression in ovariary of PCOS rat models (mean light density).
Fig. 1. Effect of dodder total flavone on uterine tissue of PCOS rat models induced by DHEA combined HCG (A: Blank group; B: Model group; C: Dacin-35 group; D: Large dose
dodder total flavone group; E: Middle dose dodder total flavone group; F: Small dose dodder total flavone group).
Table 5
Effects on uterine tissue of PCOS rat models.
‘‘ ” normal, endometrial gland epithelial cells in a single column, the surface of the villi arranged neatly; ‘‘+” glandular epithelial cells are basically normal, occasional
inflammatory cells, slight chronic inflammation; ‘‘++” glandular epithelial cells were mildly proliferated, a small number of uterine cavity or deep gland were dilated, most
inflammatory cells were observed, and moderate chronic inflammation was observed; ‘‘+++” glandular epithelial cell hyperplasia, most uterine cavity or deep gland dilate, a
large number of inflammatory cells, moderate-severe chronic inflammation.
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