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La Salette of Roxas College, Inc.

Magsaysay St., Vira, Roxas

SUBJECT: ARTS DATE SUBMITTED: _____________________

GRADE LEVEL: Grade 2 DATE REVIEWED: ______________________
QUARTER: 2nd Quarter DATES COVERED: ___________________________


Mont Performan Learning Understandin Revised TARGET 21ST
Content Salletenian
h/ Content ce Competencie g and Bloom’s Assessments Activities Resources CENTURY
Standard Core Values
Week Standard s Essential Taxonomy SKILLS
A.1. A.1. A.1. Achieve 1. Learning and
Space The ability The describes the EQ. What is hue Answering Answer the Creative Innovation Excellence
Colors of the students different styles ? questions following Experiences Skills (4Cs)
Landscape students to will create of Filipino Understan question. and Skills in Creative thinking
Painting draw things their own artists EU. Hue is a ding, MAPEH 3
Texture can be arts through when they color that Analyzing, 2. Learning and
demonstrat painting and create portraits attracts on the Evaluating Innovation
ed. drawing. drawing or A.2. Skills (4Cs) Excellence
and still life
painting. Answering Creative thinking
questions A.2. A.2: Achieve
lines and Creative 3. Learning and
Identify the art
colors) Experiences Innovation
A2EL-Ia and Skills in Skills (4Cs)
MAPEH 3 Creative thinking Excellence
Understan A.3.
differentiates ding, Answering A.3.
the contrast Analyzing, questions True or False 4. Learning and
between shapes Evaluating A.3: Achieve Innovation
and colors of Creative Skills (4Cs) Excellence
different fruits Experiences Creative thinking
or plants and A.4. A.4. and Skills in
flowers Answering Answer the MAPEH 3 5. Learning and
in one’s work questions following Innovation
and in the work question. Skills (4Cs)
of others A.4: Achieve Creative thinking
A2EL-Ib Creative Excellence
A.5. A.5. Experiences 6. Learning and
Understan Answering Encircle the and Skills in Innovation
ding, questions. object MAPEH 3 Skills (4Cs)
draws the
Analyzing, Creative thinking Excellence
different fruits
or plants to
show A.6. 7. Learning and
overlapping of A.6. Enumerate the A.5: Achieve Innovation Excellence
shapes and the Answering Groups of Creative Skills (4Cs)
contrast of questions Colors. Experiences Creative thinking
colors Understan and Skills in
and shapes in ding, MAPEH 3
his colored Analyzing, 8. Learning and
drawing Evaluating A.7. A.7. Innovation Excellence
A2EL-Ic Answering Match column A Skills (4Cs)
questions with column B. A.6: Achieve Creative thinking
and Skills in 9. Learning and
A.8. MAPEH 3 Innovation Excellence
draws from an
Create Understan A.8. Identify the Skills (4Cs)
actual still life
own ding, Answering following Creative thinking
painting arrangement Analyzing, questions questions. A.7: Achieve
A2EL-Id Evaluating Creative
A.9. and Skills in 10. Learning and Excellence
Answering MAPEH 3 Innovation
draws a portrait questions A.9. Skills (4Cs)
of two or more Complete the Creative thinking
persons - his statements
friends, his Understan
family, ding,
showing the
differences in
the shape of
their facial
features (shape
of eyes,
nose, lips, head,
and texture of
the hair

Designed by: MR. JERWIN N. ASUNCION Reviewed by: MS. EMELITA G PASION Approved by: Sr. Myrna I. Pinera SFIC. PhD.
Subject teacher Academic Coordinator BED Principal
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc.
Magsaysay St., Vira, Roxas


GRADE LEVEL: Grade 2 DATE REVIEWED: ______________________
QUARTER: 2nd Quarter DATES COVERED: ___________________________


Mont Performan Learning Understandin Revised TARGET 21ST
Content Salletenian
h/ Content ce Competencie g and Bloom’s Assessments Activities Resources CENTURY
Standard Core Values
Week Standard s Essential Taxonomy SKILLS
A.1. A.1. A.1. Achieve 1. Learning and
Location The ability The Describes EQ. What is Answering Answer the Creative Innovation Skills Excellence
Direction of the students movements in a General Space ? questions following Experiences (4Cs)
Level, students to will location, Understan question. and Skills in Creative thinking
Pathway demonstrat perform direction, level, EU. The rest of ding, MAPEH 3
Plane e different directions, pathway and the space around Analyzing, 2. Learning and
ways in level and plane us that we Evaluating Innovation Skills
Location pathways. cannot touch A.2. (4Cs) Excellence
Direction PE2BM-IIa-b- without moving Answering Creative thinking
Level, 17 from our place questions A.2. A.2: Achieve
Pathway is called the Enumerate all Creative 3. Learning and
Plane General Space. the Directions Experiences Innovation Skills
and Skills in (4Cs)
Moves in: MAPEH 3 Creative thinking Excellence
⮚ personal and Understan A.3. A.3.
general space ding, Answering Identify the
Analyzing, questions differences
⮚ forward, Evaluating between A.3: Achieve
backward, and Personal Space Creative 4. Learning and Excellence
sideward and General Experiences Innovation Skills
directions A.4. Space and Skills in (4Cs)
Answering MAPEH 3 Creative thinking
⮚ high, middle, questions
and low levels
A.4. A.4: Achieve
⮚ straight, Answer the Creative Excellence
curve, and A.5. following Experiences
zigzag Understan Answering question. and Skills in 5. Learning and
pathways ding, questions. MAPEH 3 Innovation Skills
diagonal and Analyzing, (4Cs) Excellence
horizontal Evaluating A.5. Creative thinking
planes Answer the
PE2BM-IIc-h- A.6. question. A.5: Achieve Excellence
18 Following the Creative 6. Learning and
directions Experiences Innovation Skills
Understan A.6. and Skills in (4Cs)
Engages in fun ding, follow the MAPEH 3 Creative thinking
Analyzing, direction that
and enjoyable
Evaluating teacher Excellence
physical A.7. instructed you.
activities Answering A.6: Achieve
questions Creative 7. Learning and
PE2PF-IIa-h-2 A.7. Experiences Innovation Skills
Name the stretch and Skills in (4Cs)
perform being described. MAPEH 3 Creative thinking Excellence
directions, Understan
level and ding, A.8.
pathways. Analyzing, Answering A.8. A.7: Achieve
Evaluating questions Name the Creative 8. Learning and
directions Experiences Innovation Skills
below. and Skills in (4Cs) Excellence
A.9. MAPEH 3 Creative thinking
Understan Make 2 groups
ding, and draw a map
Analyzing, using directions 9. Learning and
Evaluating and pathways. Innovation Skills
Creative thinking
Designed by: MR. JERWIN N. ASUNCION Reviewed by: MS. EMELITA G PASION Approved by: Sr. Myrna I. Pinera SFIC. PhD.
Subject teacher Academic Coordinator BED Principal
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc.
Magsaysay St., Vira, Roxas

SUBJECT: MUSIC DATE SUBMITTED: _____________________

GRADE LEVEL: Grade 2 DATE REVIEWED: ______________________
QUARTER: 2nd Quarter DATES COVERED: ___________________________


Mont Performanc Learning Understandin Revised TARGET 21ST
Content Salletenian
h/ Content e Competencie g and Bloom’s Assessments Activities Resources CENTURY
Standard Core Values
Week Standard s Essential Taxonomy SKILLS
A.1. A.1. A.1. Achieve
Pitch The The students EQ. What is Answering Answer the Creative 1. Learning and Excellence
Melody students will create identifies the pitch? questions following Experiences Innovation Skills
Melodic will learn their own pitch of tones Understan question. and Skills in (4Cs)
Contour about the songs that as: high (so), EU. Pitch is the ding, MAPEH 3 Creative thinking
Beginning, Pitch and have low (mi); quality of music Analyzing,
Middle melody of repetition. higher (la); that is related to Evaluating 2. Learning and
and music. lower (re) the highness or A.2. Innovation Skills Excellence
Ending lowness of a Answering (4Cs)
Repeats musical sound. questions A.2. A.2: Achieve Creative thinking
Enumerate all Creative
the woodwind Experiences
instruments and Skills in
responds to
based on their MAPEH 3 3. Learning and Excellence
ranges of pitch EQ. What is Understan A.3. pitch. Innovation Skills
through body Melody? ding, Answering (4Cs)
movements, Analyzing, questions Creative thinking
singing, or EU. A series of Evaluating A.3. A.3: Achieve
playing musical tones Identify the Creative Excellence
instruments arranged to give differences Experiences
MU2ME-IIa-2 a pleasing A.4. between Melody and Skills in 4. Learning and
effect. Answering and Pitch. MAPEH 3 Innovation Skills
questions (4Cs)
Creative thinking
demonstrates A.4: Achieve
the beginning, EQ. What is A.4. Creative Excellence
ending and Melodic A.5. Answer the Experiences 5. Learning and
repeats of a Contour? Understan Answering following and Skills in Innovation Skills
song with ding, questions. question. MAPEH 3 (4Cs)
EU..the shape Analyzing, Creative thinking Excellence
- movements
and sequence of Evaluating
- vocal sounds
movements of a A.5.
- instrumental melodic line. Answer the
sounds A.6. following A.5: Achieve Excellence
MU2FO-IId-2 Following the question. Creative 6. Learning and
directions Experiences Innovation Skills
Understan and Skills in (4Cs)
identifies ding, A.6. MAPEH 3 Creative thinking
musical lines as Analyzing, Match column
- similar Evaluating A with column Excellence
- dissimilar A.7. B. Write letter of
MU2FO-IIe-3 Answering your answer on A.6: Achieve
questions the line. Creative
Experiences 7. Learning and
A.7. and Skills in Innovation Skills
Write T if the MAPEH 3 (4Cs) Excellence
Understan statement is true Creative thinking
ding, A.8. and F if it is
create Analyzing, Answering false. A.7: Achieve
their own Evaluating questions Creative
songs that A.8. Experiences
have Identify the and Skills in Excellence
repetition. same,similar or MAPEH 3 8. Learning and
different the Innovation Skills
musical line is. (4Cs)
Understan Creative thinking
ding, .

Designed by: MR. JERWIN N. ASUNCION Reviewed by: MS. EMELITA G PASION Approved by: Sr. Myrna I. Pinera SFIC. PhD.
Subject teacher Academic Coordinator BED Principal

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