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Solar Steam Project - Miraah Phase 1 Location : Amal 12m Dia x 12m Ht

Design calculation for feed water storage tank Tag No : T-4101/T-4201/T-4301 Page no : 2 of 27

1. Index

Sl no Description Page no
1 Index 2
2 List of reference documents / drawings 3
3 Hold list 4
4 Design data 5
5 Material evaluation 6
6 Allowable stress calculation 7
7 Shell thickness calculation 8
8 Bottom / annular plate thickness calculation 9
9 Roof plate thickness calculation 11
10 Wind girder calculation 13
11 Stability check against internal pressure 15
12 Weight summary 17
13 Stability check against wind load 18
14 Foundation load data 21
15 Anchor bolt sizing calculation 22
16 Anchor chair calculation 24 02
17 Nozzle thickness calculation 26

Note:1 Eductor, PVRV and PSV shall be designed and supplied by Client.
Note:2 Clean-out door and spiral stairway - not required as confirmed by Client
Note:3 Insulation will be supplied by Client. However cleats will be provided by tank vendor.
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Design calculation for feed water storage tank Tag No : T-4101/T-4201/T-4301 Page no : 3 of 27


2. List of reference drawing / document:

SL no Description Document / Drawing number

API 650 12th Ed, March 2013, Errata 2 dec 2014,
1 Welded Tanks for Oil Storage
Add 2, 2016 and Appendix-F & P
2 Specification for storage tanks SP-2187, May 2015

Field errected aboveground vertical

storage tanks
3 DEP, Feb 2015
(amendments/supplements to API
Standard 650)

4 Feed water storage tank data sheet ASO-41-104441-MS-4018-00002-0001-5Z-03 02

5 PEFS-feed water storage tank ASO-41-104441-PX-2365-00001-0004-5Z-04
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3. Hold list:

1 Deleted
2 Deleted
3 Deleted 02

4 Deleted
5 Deleted
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4. Design data

Tag no = T-4101 / T-4201 / T-4301 02

Quantity Nos = 3 (Three)
Tank design method = 1-Foot method (As per cl no 5.6.3)
Type of Roof = Rafter supported fixed roof tank (frangible type)
Tank capacity (Nominal) V = 1300 m3
Tank internal diameter Di = 7.01 m
Tank height H = 7.315 m
Design temperature T = 85 Deg C
MDMT = -29 Deg C
Design internal pressure Pi = 3.4 kPag
Design external pressure Pe = 0.5 kPag 02
Hydrotest pressure = FOW+4.25 kPag (as per cl no F.8.3)
Operating pressure = 2 kPag
Operating temperature = 60 to 80 Deg C
Service fluid = Hot water (Non sour)
Product specific gravity = 0.995
Design specific gravity G = 1
Hydrotest water specific gravity = 1
Location of BOH from top of curb angle h = 0 m
Design liquid column Hd = H + h + P/(9.8*G)
= 7.662 m
Hydrotest Liquid column Hy = H + P/(9.8*G)
= 7.662 m
Design Wind Speed = 52.78 m/s
Seismic Zone = NA
Bottom slope = 1:120 02

Roof slope = 1:6 (As per SP-2187)

Cathodic protection = NA (As per tender data sheet)
PWHT = NA (As per cl no 5.7.4)
Non destructive testing = As per code and specification
Impact testing = NA (As per Fig 4.1a) 02
Radiography = As per API 650 (min 10%) + 100% all T-joints
NACE MR 0175 / ISO 15156 & SP-2041 = NA
Insulation (type / thk as per DEP = Hot / 120 mm thk
Inspection by = Client / Client approved TPI

Corrosion allowance:

Bottom / Annular plate = 3 mm

Shell = 3 mm
Roof plate = 1.5 mm
Roof structure = 1.5 mm
Nozzle / manway + cover/bolting flange = 1.5 mm
Clean-out door = 1.5 mm
Bottom sump = 3 mm 02
Anchor bolt / anchor chair = 1.5 mm
Internal = 1.5 mm
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5. Material of Construction

Shell plate : A 285 C (Semi killed)

Bottom / Annular plate : A 285 C (Semi killed)
Roof Plate : A 285 C (Semi killed)
Roof structure : A 36 / S 275 JR / EQ
Roof structure gusset plate : A 36 / A 516 Gr 70 / EQ 02
Curb angle / Intermediate wind girder : A 36 / S 275 JR / EQ
Nozzle neck : A 106 Gr B (Smls)
Flanges : A 105
Manhole neck / flange / cover : A 36 / A 516 Gr 70
Nozzle pipe : A 106 Gr B (Smls)
R.F pad : A 36 (Semi killed)
Fittings : A 234 Gr WBP
External stud bolts / Nuts
Nozzles / Manway : A 193 Gr B7 / A 194 Gr 2H
For structure : ISO 898 Gr 8.8 / Gr 8
Internal bolts / nuts : A 193 Gr B7M / A 194 Gr 2HM
Gasket :
SS316 spiral wound graphite filled 4.5 mm thk with
SS inner and CS outer ring as per ASME B 16.20
Non-asbestos graphite flat ring SS316 tagged insert
Clean-out door / Manway :
as per API 650
Anchor Bolts : ISO 898 Gr 4.6 02
Anchor chair : A 36 / A 516 Gr 70
Clean-out door : NA
Name plate / Bracket : SS 316 / A36
Earthing connection : A 36
Roof handrail : A36 / S 275 JR / EQ
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6. Allowable stress

As per API 650 cl no 5.6.2 and table 5.2a

Design temperature = 85 Deg C

Appendix M applicable = No
Yield strength reduction factor fy = 1 (As per Table-M.1a)
Plate material = A 285 C


Min. Yield stress Ys = 205 MPa

Ultimate Tensile stress UTS = 380 MPa

Product design stress Sd = Min (Sd1,Sd2)

Sd1 = 2/3 * Ys * fy = 136.67 MPa

Sd2 = 2/5 * UTS = 152 MPa
Product design stress Sd = 137 MPa (As per table 5.2a)


Min. Yield stress Ys = 205 MPa

Ultimate Tensile stress UTS = 380 MPa

Hydrostatic test stress St = Min (St1,St2)

St1 = 3/4 * Ys = 153.75 MPa

St2 = 3/7 * UTS = 162.86 MPa
Hydrostatic test stress St = 154 MPa (As per table 5.2a)


Yield, Tensile,
Sl no Description Material Sd, MPa St, MPa
1 Shell plate A 285 C 205 380 137.00 154
2 Bottom plate A 285 C 205 380 137.00 154
3 Roof plate A 285 C 205 380 137.00 154
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7. Shell thickness

As per API 650 cl no.

Design Method: = 1-Foot Mrthod (As per cl no

Tank Mean diameter Dm = 7.010 m

Design liquid level Hd = 7.662 m
Hydrotest liquid level Hy = 7.662 m
Design liquid specific gravity G = 1.000
Corrosion allowance CA = 3.0 mm
Allowable stress (design) Sd = 160.0 MPa
Allowable stress (Hydrotest) St = 171.0 MPa
Material specific gravity ρ = 7850 Kg/m3 0.00

Required thickness (Design) td = (4.9*Dm*(Hd - 0.3)*G/Sd) +CA (As per cl no.

Required thickness (Hydrotest) tt = 4.9*Dm*(Hy - 0.3)/St

1st course shell thickness td = (4.9*12.008*(12.847-0.3)*1/160)+1.5

= 4.58 mm
tt = (4.9*12.008*(12.347-0.3)/171)
= 1.48 mm

Min required erected thickness tmin = 5 mm (As per cl no.

Shell course thickness :

Shell Design Height Design thick Required Provided Nominal Corroded

width Hd Hy td tt thickness thickness weight weight
m m m mm mm mm mm Kg Kg
1 2.5 7.662 7.662 4.58 1.48 5.00 8 3457.54 2160.96
2 2.5 5.162 5.162 4.04 0.98 5.00 6 2593.16 1296.58
3 2.5 2.662 2.662 3.51 0.47 5.00 6 2593.16 1296.58
4 0.162 0.162 2.97 -0.03 5.00 0.00 0.00
5 0.162 0.162 2.97 -0.03 5.00 0.00 0.00
6 0.162 0.162 2.97 -0.03 5.00 0.00 0.00
Total 7.50 8643.86 4754.12

Note : 1) All provided nominal thicknesses are more than required thickness. Hence safe.
2) Negative tolerance on plate thickness is not acceptable.
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8. Annular / Bottom plate

Bottom / sktech plate : (As per API 650 cl no 5.4)

Corrosion allowance for bottom plate CA = 3 mm

Minimum required corroded thickness tmin = 6 mm (As per cl no 5.4.1)
Min thickness including CA tmin + CA = 9 mm

Provided nominal thickness (Note-2) tb = 9 mm 02

Annular Plate : (As per API 650 cl no 5.5)

Max. design height Hd = 7.662 m

Tank mean diameter Dm = 10.056 m
Design specific gravity G = 1
Required corroded bottom course thick (td-CA) = 2.00 mm
Corroded bottom course thk (constructed) tcorroded = 5 mm
Nominal bottom course thick tnom = 8 mm ……..(1)
Design thk for hyd condition tt = 1.48 mm
Product design stress Sd = 137.00 MPa
Hydrostatic test St 154 MPa

Effective product height = (HdxG) (As per cl no 5.5.3)

= 7.662 m < 23 m

(As per table 5.1a note a & b)

Product stress = 54.80 MPa < 190 MPa

Hydstatic test stress = 28.47 MPa < 190 MPa

Minimum corroded thk of annular plate = 6 mm (As per cl no 5.5.3)

Minimum nominal thick including CA = 9 mm
Provided nominal thk of annular plate = 10 mm

Annular plate radial width : (As per cl 5.5.2)

Min radial width = 600 mm …….(2)

Projection outside the shell (As per cl no. 5.4.2) = 90 mm …….(3)
Over lapping of annular plate = 75 mm …….(4)

Minimum required radial width (1+2+3+4) = 773 mm ………(A)

Calculation of greater radial width (As per cl no 5.5.2)

minimum yield strength = 205 MPa

Density factor of water = 0.00981 MPa per meter
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Greater radial width L = 738.56 mm ………..(5)

Minimum required radial width (1+3+4+5) = 911.56 mm ………(B)

Hence min required width of annular plate (max A&B) = 911.56 mm

Provided annular plate width = 850 mm

Nom Thk Width OD ID Nominal Corroded

Sl no Description
mm mm mm mm weight, Kg weight, Kg
1 Annular plate 10 850 10244 8544 1969.20 1378.44
2 Bottom plate 10 7202 3389.78 2372.85

Note 1 : 6% margin is considered for bottom plate weight on account of overlaping of plates. 02
Note 2 : Bottom plate thickness changed to 10 mm from 9 mm due to non-availability of 9 mm plate
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9. Roof thickness

ROOF PLATE (As per API 650 Clause 5.10)

Type of roof = Rafter supported cone roof (Frangible joint)

Cone angle 1 : 6 θ = 9.55 Deg
Corrosion allowance CA = 1.5 mm
Minimum thickness tmin = 5.0 mm (as per cl.
tmin + CA = 6.5 mm
Provided roof thickness (Note-1) tr = 8.0 mm 02

Roof plate weight

Extension of roof plate on curb angle b = 50 mm

Slant height of roof (L) = ((D/2)/cosθ)+b
= 3.604 m

Nominal weight of roof plate Wr = pi()*((D/2)+b)*L*tr*ρ

= 2527.92 Kg
= 2654.32 Kg (5% overlapping)
= 26.03 KN
Weight of roof structure -Rafter Wrs = 2123.46 Kg (Approx for calculation)

Corroded weight of roof plate Wrc = 2156.64 Kg

Roof misc weight = 5000 Kg

= 49.03 KN
Cross section area of the tank A = 38.59 m2
Pressure due to roof dead load PDL = 1.945 kPag
Design external pressure Pe = 0.500 kPag 02
Minimum Roof live load Lr = 1.000 kPag (as per cl 5.2.1 f)
Tank normal operating pressure = 0 kPag
Tank design pressure Pi = 3.4 kPag
Pressure combination factor, Fp Fp = max(0.4, ope / des pressure)
= 0.400
Balanced design snow load, Sb Sb = NA
Un-balanced design snow load, Su Su = NA
Yield strength of roof plate, Fy Fy = 205 MPa

Roof rafter spacing calculation (API 650 Clause

Rafter shall be spaced to satisfy

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As per API 650 cl 5.2.2 case e : gravity load

e1 = 3.145 kPa
e2 = 2.845 kPa

Shell circumference C = 22022.56 mm

Maximum rafter spacing S = 2100 mm

Minimum number of rafter required = C/S

= 10.49 Nos
Nos of rafter provided, N = 64 Nos

Actual rafter spacing, b = C/N

= 344.10 mm

Uniform pressure P = Max (e1,e2)

= 3.145 kPag

Required corroded roof thickness tr = b/(1.5Fy/P)^0.5

= 1.10 mm
Required thickness incl CA = 2.60 mm

Design of roof plate : As per Annex F (F.6)

Minimum thickness of supported and self-supporting cone roofs under internal pressure shall be

Where as P = Pi-PDL
= 1.455 kPag
Nominal tank radius Rt = 3.505 m
Half apex angle of theroof α = Cos 80.45 Deg
= 0.1659
Allowable stress for roof Sd = 137.00 MPa
Joint efficiency E = 0.35 (Full fillet lap weld on top side)
Corrosion allowance Ca = 1.5

Therefore min roof thickness required tmin = (2.557*6.004/(0.1659*160*0.35))+1.5

= 2.14 mm

Provided roof thickness = 8.0 mm Roof thick is ok

Note-1: Roof plate thickness changed to 8 mm from 7 mm due to non-availability of 7 mm plate
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10. Wind girder

Top wind girder: (As per 5.9.6)

Minimum size of curb angle = 50 x 50 x 6 mm (As per cl e)

Required Section Modulus Z = D2 * H2 * (V/190)2/ 17 (As per cl

Tank Nominal diameter D = 7.010 m

Tank height H2 = 12.000 m
Top mean shell course thickness t = 6.00 mm
Corrosion allowance for shell CA = 3.00 mm
Design wind velocity v = 162.0 km/hr

Minimum required section modulus Z = 25.22 cm3


Provided curb angle size = 150 x 150 x 10 mm (As per table 5.20a)

Intermediate wind girder: (As per 5.9.7)

Height of transformed shell based on thicknesses of top shell course:

Maximum height of unstiffened shell H1 = 9.47*t*(t/D)3/2*Hc

= 10.941 m

Height Correction factor Hc = (190 / v )2

Corroded condition

Transformed width of each shell course Wtr = W * (tuni/tact)5/2 (As per a)

Sl no tactual tuniform Wtr, m
Ht, m
1 2.5 5.00 4.5 1.921
2 2.5 3.00 4.5 6.889
3 2.5 3.00 4.5 6.889
4 0 -3.00 4.5 #NUM!
5 0 -3.00 4.5 #NUM!

Σ Wtr = #NUM!

Height of transformed shell Htr = #NUM! m


Location of 1st wind girder from shell top = Hrt/2 (As per cl
#NUM! m

No. of Intermediate wind girder = Htr / H1

= #NUM! <2 (As per cl
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Required Section Modulus

Z min = #NUM! cm3


Provided stiffener size = 100 x 100 x 8 mm (As per table 5.20a)

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11. Stability check against internal pressure
As per API 650 Annexure - F:

Corroded weight of roof incl attachment Wr = 4315.74 Kg

= 43157.40 N
Nominal weight of roof plate + structural DLr = 4154.32 Kg
= 41543.21 N
Weight of shell, roof structure & attachment Ws = 12404.73 Kg
Cross section area of the tank A = 38.59 m2
Uniform pressure due to roof dead weight Proof = Wr/A
= 1.1182255 kPag
Total pressure due to shell, roof & structural Ptotal = 4.27 kPag
As per Figure F.1 Decision Tree:

Does the tank have internal pressure?

Yes Pi 3.4 kPag

Does the internal Pressure exceed weight of

roof & attached structural ?

Yes Pi > Proof

Does the nternal Pressure exceed weight of

shell, roof & attached structural?

Yes Pi > Ptotal

Provide anchor and confirm to F.8

Does the internal pressure exceed 18 kPa?


API 650 with Annex F or API 620

Design of shell to roof junction for internal pressure

Diameter covered by roof ( D ) Dm = 39.1 m

Thickness of the top course of shell ts = 8 mm
Nom thickness of the roof tr = 8 mm
C.A for shell CA = 3 mm
C.A for roof CA = 1.5 mm
Angle (theta) bet. the roof and horizontal plate = 9.55 Deg
Internal design pressure Pi = 3.4 kPag
Corroded thickness of the shell plate tc = 5 mm
Min yield strength of curb angle Fy = 250 Mpa
Min yield strength of roof plate = 205 MPa
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Corroded thickness of the roof plate ( th ) = 6.5 mm
Inside radius of the tank shell ( Rc ) = 19550 mm
Length of the normal to the roof ( R2 ) = Rc / sin theta = 117844.82 mm

Size of curb angle considered in design = 100 x 100 x 10

Area of curb angle Ac = 1351 mm2
Weight of curb angle = 233.56 Kg

Maximum width of participating roof ( Wh ) = 0.3 ( R2 x th )^0.5 or 300 mm whichever is less

= 262.563 mm
Maximum width of participating shell ( Wc ) = 0.6 ( Rc x tc )^0.5
= 187.590 mm
Total area resisting pressure ( Ap ) = ( Wh x th ) + ( Wc x tc ) + Area of curb angle
= 3995.6 mm2 02

Required compression area ( Ar ) = 200 x D2 x ( P - 0.00127 DLr/D2 )/(Fy x tan ( theta ))

(As per F.5) = 29838.8 mm2 02

Since Ap<Ar, shell to roof junction is not OK

Pressure based on compression area provided at shell to roof junction (Corroded)

Max internal design pressure Pmax = [(A xFy x tan (theta))/(200 xD2)]+[0.00127 x DLr/D2]
(As per F.4.1) = 0.49 kPag 02

Failure pressure Calculation ( Pf ) (As per Cl F.7 API 650)

Failure pressure Pf = 1.6P - (0.000746 x DLr / D2)

(P= Max Design Pressure as per F.4.1) = 0.756 kPag 02

Maximum design presure (As per Cl F.4.3 API 650)

Pmax = 0.8 * Pf
= 0.605 kPag 02

Max design Pressure (Pmax) As per F.4.1 = 0.49 kPag

Max design Pressure (Pmax) As per F.4.3 = 0.605 kPag
Tank Failure pressure (Pf) As per F.7 = 0.756 kPag
Design Pressure ( Pi ) as per data sheet = 3.4 kPag

Since Internal Design Pressure ( Pi ) < Pmax Calculated as per Cl. F.4.1, F.4.3 & F.7
Tank is stable against internal pressure.
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12. Weight summary

Nominal Corroded
Sl no Description Unit
weight weight
1 Shell plate Kg 8643.86 4754.1211
2 Bottom plate Kg 3389.78 2372.85
3 Annular plate Kg 1969.20 1378.44
4 Roof plate Kg 2654.32 1990.74
5 Roof structure Kg 2123.46 1698.7652
6 Curb angle Kg 233.56 186.85
7 Inter wind girder/stiffener Kg 600 480
8 Spiral stairway & platform Kg 0 0
9 Railing on top wind girder Kg 1500 1125
10 Ladder & platform Kg 0 0
11 Walk way to the centre of tank Kg 0 0
12 Roof nozzles and accessories Kg 1500 1200
13 Shell nozzles and accessories Kg 1000 800
14 Clean-out door Kg 0 0
15 Bottom sump Kg 0.0 0.0
16 Internals and support for internals Kg 500 400
17 Cleat for insulation / pipe support Kg 400 320
18 Anchorage Kg 1300 1040
19 Miscellaneous Kg 2000 1600

Total weight = Kg 27814.17 19346.756

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13. Stability check against wind load

As per API-650 CL. 5.11.2

Tank internal diameter Di = 7.010 m

Thickness of botom shell course ts = 8.000 mm
Thickness of top shell course = 0.000 mm
Effective diameter of tank De = 7.026 m
Height of tank shell(up to curb angle) Hs = 7.315 m
Height cone roof = 0.592 m
Design Wind velocity v = 190.00 Km/hr
Velocity ratio (v / 190 )2 = 1.000
Design internal pressure = 3.400 kPag
Liquid specific gravity = 1.000

Design wind pressure on vertical projected area of cylindrical surfaces: (As per cl 5.2.1k)
Pw1 = 0.86 (V/190)2
= 0.86 kPag
Design wind pressure on horizontal projected area of conical surfaces:
Pw2 = 1.44 (V/190)2
= 1.44 kPag

Unanchored tanks, except supported cone roof tanks meeting the requirements of 5.10.4, shall satisfy all of the
following uplift criteria:

(as per cl no

Unanchored tank with supported cone roof meeting the requirement of 5.10.4 shall satisfy the following criteria:
(as per cl no

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Fp is the pressure combination factor, see 5.2.2;
Mpi is the moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from design internal pressure;
Mw is the overturning moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from horizontal plus vertical wind pressure;
Mdl is the moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from the nominal weight of the shell;
Mf is the moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from liquid weight;
Mdlr is the moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from the nom weight of the roof plate + attached structural

Mws is the overturning moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from horizontal wind pressure.

Wind shear force on shell Fs = Pw1*De*Hs

= 44.20 KN

Horizontal wind moment Mh = Fs*Hs/2

= 161.66 KN-m

Upward wind force on roof Fv = Pw2*(3.14/4)*D^2

= 55.58 KN

Moment due to upward force Mv = Fv *De/2

= 195.24 KN-m

Total wind moment Mw = Mh+Mv

= 356.90 KN-m

Upward force due to internal pressure Fpi = Pi*(3.14/4)*D^2

= 131.22 KN

Moment due to internal pressure Mpi = Fpi*De/2

= 460.98 KN-m
Cor thick of bottom plate under
t1 = 7 mm
bottom shell course
1st shell course corroded thk t2 = 5 mm
Therefore tb = min (t1,t2)
= mm

Minimum yield strength of bottom plate Fby = 250 Mpa

Design specific gravity G = 0.700

Therefore resisting weight of tank content wl = Min (79*tb*SQRT(Fby*G*H),70.4*H*D)

= 3609.98 N/m

Moment due to liquid Mf = wl*pi()*D*D/2

= 279.92467 KN-m
Corroded weight of shell = 46637.928 N
weight of roof structure = 20831.108 N
nominal weight of shell stiffener / curb angle = 30000 N
Nominal weight nozzles = 20000 N

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Nominal weight of misc attachment = 20000 N

Total shell weight Dl = 137469.04 N

Weight of roof plate Dlr = 26028.27 N
Weight of attached structural on roof = 30000 N

Moment due to shell dead weight, Mdl = Dl*D/2

= 482928.7 N-m
= 482.93 KN-m

Moment due to roof & structure weight Mdlr = Dlr*D/2

= 91437.3 N-m
= 91.44 KN-m

Tank normal operating pressure = 1.3 kPag

Tank design pressure = 3.4 kPag

Pressure combination factor Fp = max(0.4, operating / design presure)

= 0.400

0.6Mw + Mpi = 675.12 KN-m

Mdl/1.5 + Mdlr = 413.39 KN-m

0.6Mw + Mpi < Mdl/1.5 + Mdlr = Criteria not satisfied

Mw+ Fp*Mpi = 541.29 KN-m

(Mdl + Mf)/2 + Mdlr = 472.864 KN-m

Mw + Fp*Mpi < (Mdl+Mf)/1.5 + Mdlr Criteria not satisfied

Mws + Fp*Mpi = 346.05338 KN-m

Mws + Fp*Mpi < Mdl/1.5 + Mdlr Criteria satisfied

Since criteria as per cl as well as is not satisfied, tank is not stable for wind.

Hence anchorage is required for this tank.

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14. Foundation load data

Total Fabrication Weight of the Tank = 27814.17

With 10 % Extra = 30.04 Ton

Weight of Operating Liquid = 280.9075 Ton

Operating weight of tank = 342.04 Ton

With 10 % Extra

Weight of Liquid for Hydrotest = 282.31909 Ton

Hydrotest Weight of Tank = 343.59 Ton

With 10 % Extra

Shear force due to Wind Pressure (Fs) = 48.62 KN

With 10 % Extra

Total Wind Moment @ Base (Mw) = 392.59 KN-m

With 10 % Extra

Upward Wind force on the roof ( Fv ) = 61.13 KN

With 10 % Extra
Anchorage Required = Yes (M36 Bolt x 20 nos @ 12300 mm BCD)

Note 1 : Magin of 10 % has been considered on above loads for foundation design purpose.
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15. Design of anchor bolt

As per API 650 cl no 5.12:

Maximum bolt centre to centre distance = 3 m (as per cl 5.12.3)

Tank circumference length = 22.02 m

Minimum number of anchor bolt required = pi()*D/3

7.3 Nos

No of anchor bolts provided n = 20 nos

Load per anchor bolt tb = U/N (as per cl 5.12.2)

Where U = Net uplift load per table 5.1a

Size of anchor bolt provided = 36 02

Corrosion allowance CA = 1.5 mm
Anchor bolt pitch p = 4 mm
Root area of anchor bolt Ab = pi() x (d-0.938194xp-CA)2/4
= 742.51 mm2

Vertical earthquake acceleration coefficient A = 0 %g

Tank diameter D = 12 m
Tank height H = 12 m
Pressure combination factor Fp = 0.400
Min yield strength of the bottom course Fty = 205 MPa
minimum yield strength of anchor bolt Fy = 240 MPa ( A 36 material)
Seismic moment Mrw Mrw = 0 N-m 02
Design internal pressure Pi = 2.35 kPag (As per F.8.2 a)
Failure Pressure Pf = 1.13 kPag (As per F.8.2 c)
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Test pressure Pt = 5.31 kPag (As per F.8.2 b)
Wind uplift pressure on roof Pwr = 1.44 kPag
Wind pressure on shell Pws = 0.86 N/m2
Mws = Pws x D x H /2 2

= 161661.00 N-m
Corroded weight of the roof plates plus the corroded weight of the shell and any other
corroded permanent attachments acting on the shell
W1 = 152991.58 N
Corroded weight of the shell and any corroded permanent attachments acting on the
shell including the portion of the roof plates and framing acting on the shell

W2 = 121690.42 N

Nominal weight of the roof plates plus the nominal weight of the shell and any other
permanent attachments acting on the shell
W3 = 224551.907 N

Net uplift tb = U/n, Bolt stress Allow bolt
Uplift load cas Net uplift (N) shell Remarks
U, N N tb/Ab stress, MPa
stress, MPa

Design pressure 112336.2 5616.81 7.56 100.00 136.67 Safe

Test pressure 375973.1 18798.65 25.32 133.33 170.83 Safe

Wind load 94974.2 4748.71 6.40 192.00 170.83 Safe

Siesmic load -121690.4 -6084.52 -8.19 192.00 170.83 Safe

Design pressure + wind 72137.6 3606.88 4.86 133.33 170.83 Safe

Design pressure + siesmic -46860.5 -2343.02 -3.16 192.00 170.83 Safe

Frangible pressure 160011.2 8000.56 10.78 240.00 205.00 Safe

Governing load case : Frangible pressure

Each bolt tension : 18798.65 N

Anchor bolt size = 36 (M36)

Quantity = 20 Nos 02
PCD = 12300 mm

1 Since seismic is not present, hence seismic cases are not applicable.
2 Positive uplift load has been considered for bolt sizing.
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18. Anchor chair (As per cl 5.12.6) 02

(As per AISI Steel plate engineering data Vol II Part VII)

Base plate projection Q = 90 mm 3.543 Inch

Top plate length a = 200 mm 7.874 Inch
Top plate width b = 230 mm 9.055 Inch
Top plate thickness c = 21 mm 0.827 Inch
Bolt diameter d = 36 mm 1.417 Inch
Bolt hole diameter d+1/4'' = 42.35 mm 1.667 Inch
Bolt eccentricity e = 134 mm 5.276 Inch
emin = (0.886d +0.572) = 46.42 mm 1.828 Inch
Bolt circle diamter BCD = 7310 mm 287.795 Inch
Nominal shell radius R = 3505 mm 137.992 Inch
Distance from outide of top
plate to the edge of hole f = 74.82 mm 2.946 Inch

f min = d/2+1/8''
21.18 mm 0.83 Inch
Distance between gusset plate g = 100 mm 3.94 Inch
Height of chair A or h = 300 mm 11.81 Inch
Gusset plate thickness j = 14 mm 0.55 Inch
Vertical plate width k = 160 mm 6.30 Inch
Base plate thickness m = 10 mm 0.39 Inch
Shell plate thickness ts = 8 mm 0.31 Inch
Pad plate thickness tp = 8 mm 0.31 Inch
Total thickness t = ts + tp = 16 mm 0.63 Inch

Design load for anchor bolt:

Actual governing bolt load P1 = 18798.65 N

Max allowable anchor bolt load P2 = 178202.15 N
(bolt root area x allowable stress)
1.5 x actual bolt load P3 = 28197.982 N

Design load for anchor bolt P = Min (P2,P3)

= 28197.982 N
= 6.339 kipf

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Top plate design:

Material = A 36 / A 516 Gr 70
Corrosion allowance = 3 mm
Allowable stress (1.33 x Sd) = 163.59 MPa (As per cl 5.12.8)

Critical stress in top plate:

= 265142.27 x [ ( 0.375 x 100 ) - ( 0.22 x 50) ] / ( 74 x 20 2 )

= 25.27731 MPa < allowable stress
Min required thickness incl CA = 24 mm
Provided top plate thickness = 25 mm Hence safe

Bending plus direct stress in top plate:

Where P x e / t^2 = ( 59.604x5.906/ 0.63^2 ) = 84.278

1.32 x Z = 1.32x0.983 = 1.290
1.43 x a x A^2 / (R x t) = 1.43x7.874x11.81^2/(236.378x0.63) = 18.070
( 4 x a x A^2 )^0.333 = (4 x7.874x11.81^2)^0.333 = 16.333
0.031/(Rt)^0.5 = 0.031 / ( 236.378x0.63 )^0.5 = 0.003

Therefore S = 887.075 x ((1.297 / (10.549+16.333))+0.003)

= 3.441164 Ksi
= 23.73027 MPa < allowable stress Hence safe

where reduction factor

= 1.0 / [[{(0.177x7.874x0.394) / ( 236.378x0.63)^0.5 } x (0.394/0.63)^2 ]+1]

= 0.978
Vertical Plate design:

Minimum thickness = Max (12.7, 0.04 x (A-c))

= 12.7 mm
Including CA = 15.7 mm
Provided thickness = 25 mm Hence safe

jxk = 3.472007 inch2

P / 25 = 0.253556 ( P is in Kipf)
j x k => P / 25
Hence safe
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16. Nozzle neck thickness

As per API 650 cl no and table 5.6a / 5.6b

Tank Design Liquid Height = 12 m (Considering Full Height)

Design Specific gravity = 1 (for water)
Internal design pressure = 3.4 kPa
= 0.347 m of water head
Total design liquid height = 12 + 0.204
= 12.347 m of water head
Total design pressure, P = 0.1210 MPa
Joint efficiency, E = 1
Multification factor, M = 1 (Des temp = 93 degC) (As per Table M.1a)
Shell corrosion allowance, CA = 1.5 mm
Roof corrosion allowance, CA = 1.5 mm
Nozzle material & allowable stress: (As per Cl no

Material Yield, Fy Tensile, Sd = Sd = Allowable stress

MPa Te 2/3*Fy*M 2/5*Te*M
(MPa) MPa MPa
A 106 Gr B 241.32 413.69 160.88 165.48 160.88

Shell nozzle neck thickness:

OD of Design Thk, Nom tn tn + CA Required Provided Nom

Size (NB)
Nozzle pressure PR/SE+CA as per mm neck thk neck thickness
table 5.6a
Inch mm MPa mm mm mm
N1 6 168.3 0.1210 1.56 10.97 12.47 12.47 14.27 (Sch 120)
N2 6 168.3 0.1210 1.56 10.97 12.47 12.47 14.27 (Sch 120) 02
N3 10 273 0.1210 1.60 12.7 14.2 14.20 15.09 (Sch 80)
N4 2 60.3 0.1210 1.52 5.54 7.04 7.04 8.74 (Sch 160)
N5 2 60.3 0.1210 1.52 5.54 7.04 7.04 8.74 (Sch 160) 02
N6 2 60.3 0.1210 1.52 5.54 7.04 7.04 8.74 (Sch 160)
N7 4 114.3 0.1210 1.54 8.56 10.06 10.06 11.13 (Sch 120)
N8 3 88.9 0.1210 1.53 7.62 9.12 9.12 11.13 (Sch 160)
N9 4 114.3 0.1210 1.54 8.56 10.06 10.06 11.13 (Sch 120)
N10 3 88.9 0.1210 1.53 7.62 9.12 9.12 11.13 (Sch 160)
N11 4 114.3 0.1210 1.54 8.56 10.06 10.06 11.13 (Sch 120)
N12 3 88.9 0.1210 1.53 7.62 9.12 9.12 11.13 (Sch 160)
N13 4 114.3 0.1210 1.54 8.56 10.06 10.06 11.13 (Sch 120)
N14 Not used by Client
N18 4 114.3 0.1210 1.54 8.56 10.06 10.06 11.13 (Sch 120)
N19 10 273 0.1210 1.60 12.7 14.2 14.20 15.09 (Sch 80)
Deleted 02
N24 8 219.1 0.1210 1.58 12.7 14.2 14.20 15.09 (Sch 100) 02

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Roof nozzle neck thickness:

OD of Design Thk, Nom tn tn + CA Required Provided Nom

Size (NB)
Nozzle pressure PR/SE+CA as per mm neck thk neck thickness
Fig 5.19
Inch mm MPa mm mm mm
N15 A-F 24 610 0.0034 1.51 9.53 11.03 11.03 12 (note-1)
N16 12 323.8 0.0034 1.50 9.53 11.03 11.03 12.7 (Sch XS)
N17 4 114.3 0.0034 1.50 6.02 7.52 7.52 8.56 (Sch 80) 02
Nx1 2 60.3 0.0034 1.50 3.91 5.41 5.41 8.74 (Sch 160)
Nx2 4 114.3 0.0034 1.50 6.02 7.52 7.52 8.56 (Sch 80)
Nx3 3 88.9 0.0034 1.50 5.49 6.99 6.99 11.13 (Sch 160)

Note 1: Roof vent nozzle neck shall be trimmed flush with the roofline.

Shell manway design: (As per cl no 5.7.5)

Nominal size of manhole = 600 mm

Corrosion allowance, CA = 1.5 mm

Minimum cover plate thickness = 15 mm (As per table 5.3a)

Minimum cover plate thickness + CA = 16.5 mm
Provided cover plate thickness = 18 mm (after finishing from 20 thk plate)

Minimum bolting flange thickness = 12 mm (As per table 5.3a)

Minimum bolting flange thickness + CA = 13.5 mm
Provided bolting flange thickness = 16 mm (after finishing from 20 thk plate)

Minimum neck thickness = 6.00 mm (As per table 5.4a)

Corroded thickness of the shell plate = 6.5 mm
Minimum neck thickness required = 6.50 mm (As per table 5.4a note b)
Minimum neck thickness + CA = 8 mm (As per cl no
Provided Neck thickness = 8 mm
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Nozzle load as per Appendix-P

Outside radius of the opening connection a 136.5 mm

modulus of elasticity (see Table P.1a and Table P.1b) E 199000 MPa
Radial thrust applied at the mid-surface of the tank shell at the FR 5000 N
opening connection
Circumferential moment applied to the mid-surface of tank shell MC 10000000 N-mm
Longitudinal moment applied to the mid-surface of the tank shell ML 10000000 N-mm
Pressure resulting from product head at the opening centerline P 0.1164 MPa
Pressure end load on the opening for the pressure resulting from FP πa2P
the design product head at the elevation of the opening centerline 6813.47 N
Design specific gravity of the liquid G 1
Maximum allowable tank filling height H 11500 mm
Vertical distance from the opening centerline to the tank bottom L 460 mm
Nominal tank radius R 6008 mm
Shell thickness at the opening connection t 16 mm
Normal design temperature minus installation temperature ΔT 73 °C
Resultant radial deflection at the opening connection WR mm
XA L+a 596.5 mm
XB L-a 323.5 mm
XC L 460 mm
Thermal expansion coefficient of the shell material (Table P.1a) α 0.000012 mm/[mm-°C]
Characteristic parameter β 1.285/(Rt)1/2
0.00414456 (1/mm)
λ a/(Rt)1/2
Unrestrained shell rotation resulting from product head θ Radian
Shell rotation in the horizontal plane at the opening connection resulting from the circumferential moment
moment θC Radian
Shell rotation in the vertical plane at the opening connection resulting from the longitudinal moment, in
radians. θL Radian

Unrestrained outward radial growth of Shell (As per P.2.5.1)

Therefore 9.8 x 10E-6 x G x H x R2 = 4068026.4

Ext = 3184000
βL = 1.9064965
e^(-βL) = 0.1486001
Cos (βL) = -0.32943
L/H = 0.04
α x R x ΔT = 5.263008

Hence W = 6.55 mm
Rotation of Shell (As per P.2.5.2)

Cos (βL) + sin(βL) = 0.6147496

Hence θ = -0.000373 Radians

Determination of Loads on the Opening Connection (As per P.2.6)

Calculation of stiffness co-efficients (KR, KL & KC) for the nozzle tank connection

R/t = 375.5
a/R = 0.023 Applicable figure : Figure P.2d / P.2e / P.2f
L/2a = 1.68
Therefore for radial load (from Fugure P.2d)

KR/(2Ea) = 0.0002
KR = 10865.4 N/mm

For longitudinal moment (from Fugure P.2e)

KL/E(2a)3 = 0.00025
KL = 1.01E+09 N-mm/radian

For circumferencial moment (from Fugure P.2f)

Kc/(2Ea)3 = 0.00008
Kc = 3.24E+08 N-mm/radian

Determination of non-dimensional quantities:

XA / (Rt)0.5 = 1.92
XA / (Rt)0.6 = 1.04
XA / (Rt)0.7 = 1.48

Ontaining co-efficient of YF, YL and YC for λ = 0.440

YF = 1.3 From Figure P.4a

YL = 3.4 From Figure P.4a
YC = 3.2 From Figure P.4b
( λ / 2 YF ) x ( FR / Fp ) = 2.485E-05 x FR

( λ / a YL ) x ( ML / Fp ) = 1.392E-07 x ML

( λ / a YC ) x ( MC / Fp ) = 1.479E-07 x MC

Construction of Nomogram:

Max [0.1 , (1.0 - ( 0.75 x XB / ( R t )^0.5 ))] = 0.22

Max [0.1, (1.0 - ( 0.75 x XA / ( R t )^0.5 ))] = 0.10

Max [0.1, (1.0 - ( 0.75 x XC / ( R t )^0.5 ))] = 0.10

Max FR = 4023.78 N

Max ML = 1561841 N-mm

Max MC = 718244 N-mm

12m Dia x 12m Ht
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19. Clean out door calculation (As per cl no 5.7.7)

Cleanout door size = 36 x 48 Inch (Note-1)

Shell material is Group = I

Height of opening h = 914 mm (As per cl

Width of clear opening b = 1219 mm
Calculated thick of bottom shell course t = 14.33 mm
Shell plate thick at clean-out door = 16.00 mm
Mean Diameter D = 39.016 m
Design liquid height H = 11.625 m
Design specific gravity, not less than 1 G = 1.000
Corrosion allowance CA = 3.000

The required cross-sectional area of the reinforcement over the top of the opening (As per cl

Design Condition is the governing case since design thickness is more than hydrostatic thickness.

Vertical axis = (As per Figure 5.11)

[( H + 8.8 ) D]+ 71.5 = 868.40

1.408 x h = 1286.91
123 x t = 1762.6
4.9 x D x ( H - 0.3 ) = 2165.095

Therefore Vertical axis = (311.44/1286.91) x (984/738.252)^0.5

= 0.609
Area Coefficient from Fig.5-11 K1 = 1.24

Therefore the min required C/S area Acs = 1.4 x 914 x 14.33/2
= 8120.52 mm2

Prvided shell RF pad thickness td = 20 mm

Height of shell RF pad = 1344 mm
Top of opening height of shell RF pad h1 = 430 mm
Excess thickness in shell plate te = 1.67 mm

Therefore provided C/S area of RF pad Ap = (td +te) x h1

= (8 +1.89) x 458
= 9318.10 mm2
Since Ap > Acs, Hence Safe
Thickness of Neck plate provided tn = 8 mm

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The minimum thickness of the bottom reinforcing plate (As per cl

Therefore tb = (9142/360000) + [(1219/170) x SQRT(11.625x1)] + CA

= 29.77 mm
Minimum thick of bottom RF plate = 27 mm (As per table 5.10a)
Including CA = 30.00 mm

Minimum required thick of bottom RF pad = Max (31.02, 30)

30.00 mm
Provided thick of bottom RF plate = 32 mm

Min arc dimension of shell RF pad = 2700 mm (As per table 5.9a)

Therefore min length of bottom RF pad = 3600 mm

Minimum thick of bolting / cover plate = 21 mm (As per table 5.10a)

Including CA = 24.00 mm

Provided thick of bolting / cover plate = 25 mm

1 The reinforced opening shall be completely pre-assembled into the shell plate and the completed unit
including the shell plate shall be thermally stress-relieved as described in 5.7.4.
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17. Drawoff Sump (As per API 650 table 5.16a and Figure 5.21)

Nominal drain pipe size d = 250 mm (out of range as per Table 5.16a)

Outer diameter of the sump A = 910 mm

Depth of sump B = 450 mm

Thickness of sump plate tsump = 10 mm

(Shell / bottom / top ring)

Diameter of bottom plate = 940 mm (15 mm each side for welding)

Width of top ring = 75 mm

Corrosion allowance for the bottom plate = 3 mm

Required thickness including CA = 13 mm

Provided nominal thickness = 14 mm

Wight of sump plate

Thick OD ID Nominal Corroded

Sl no Description
mm mm mm weight, Kg weight, Kg
1 Top ring 14 1060 910 25.5 20.04
2 Shell plate 14 910 882 181.3 142.44
3 Bottom plate 14 940 76.27 59.92
Total weight 283.1 222.40

1 Client to confirm the required sump size as the drain nozzle size (10" NB) exceeds the maximum
drain nozzle size (6" NB) as per API 650 Table 5.16a.
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0 Rev. :0
Wind Girder Calculation

Section Modulus Calculation

Distance from XX to C.G of = Y

respective area
Moment of Inertia of = In
respective area
Distance of section C.G. from = y2 =
∑ AY
X-X ∑A
Distance of section C.G. from = y1
C.G of respective area

Moment of inertia of section = I =∑ ( I n + Ay1 2 )

Dist. Of outer edge form C.G = ymax

Section Modulus = Z = I / ymax

Width of respective area = b

depth of respective area = d

y1 =
b d Y A In y2 I Z
IWG Area AY ymax mm
mm mm mm mm2 cm4 mm cm4 cm3
I y2 -Y I
1 ### ### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

2 6.0 250 #REF! 1500 #REF! #REF! 781 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
3 100 6.0 #REF! 600 #REF! #REF! 0.18

Total S #REF! #REF! #REF!

1 ### ### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

3 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Total S #REF! #REF! #REF!

1 ### ### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

3 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Total S #REF! #REF! #REF!

1 ### ### #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

2 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

3 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!

Total S #REF! #REF! #REF!

0 Page : 13
0 Rev. : 0
Seismic Analysis


Total tank height Ht #REF! m

Max. Design Liquid height H 0.000 m
Nominal tank diameter D 7.010 m


Weight of roof Wr 0 kN
Weight of shell + attachments(W.G & App.) Ws #REF! kN
Weight of tank contents Wt 0 kN
Height of shell C.G. from Base Xs #REF! m
Ratio D/H D/H #DIV/0!
Factor from Fig. E-4 k #DIV/0!
Natural period of first sloshing mode
As per Cl.E.3.3.2, T =1.81 k*D0.5 T #DIV/0! sec
From Fig.E-2 effective mass of contents
W1/Wt #DIV/0!
W2/Wt #DIV/0!
From Fig. E-3 centroid of seismic forces
X1/H #DIV/0!
X2/H #DIV/0!

Weight of effective mass of content that

move in unison with tank shell = Wt*(W1/Wt) W1 #DIV/0! kN

Weight of effective mass of tank content that

move in first sloshing mode = Wt*(W2/Wt) W2 #DIV/0! kN

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the

centroid lateral seismic force applied to W1, X1 #DIV/0! m
= H*(X1/H)

Height from the bottom of the tank shell to the

centroid lateral seismic force applied to W2, X2 #DIV/0! m
= H*(X2/H)

Lateral force coefficient (CL. E.3.3.1) C1 0.60

Site coefficient (Table E-3) S 1
Lateral force coefficient (CL. E.3.3.2)
In this case #DIV/0!
Hence #DIV/0! C2 #DIV/0!

Seismic zone 0 Hence zone factor z 0.15

Importance factor (As per Client data) I 1.00

Overturning moment at base of tank (CL. E.3.1) Ms #REF! kN-m

= Z*I*(C1*Ws*Xs+C1*Wr*Ht+C1*W1*X1+C2*W2*X2)

Seismic force at the base, Ms/Xs Fs #REF! kN

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0 Rev. : 0
Seismic Analysis


API-650 Section E.4

Seismic moment at bottom of tank Ms #REF! kN-m

Yield strength of bottom plate under the shell Fby 0.00 MPa
Design specific gravity G 0.000
Nominal tank diameter D 7.010 m
Max. design liquid level H 0.00 m
Corroded thickness of bottom plate[annular] tb 0.00 mm
Weight of corroded shell+roof+attachments Wc #REF! kN

Shell circumference CIR 22.02 m

= p *D
Load /unit circ.length wt #REF! kN/m
= Wc/p * D

Max. weight of tank contents for resisting of overturning moment

'={[99*tb*(Fby*G*H)0.5] per meter of shell circumference
wL 0.00 kN/m

However WL should not exceed '196GHD' = 0.000 kN/m



Corr. thickness of bottom course of shell tc 0.00 mm

As the value of 'Ms / [D2(wt+wL)]' = #REF! #REF!

However the value of 'Ms / [D2(wt+wL)]' is #REF!

Max. long. Comp. Force at bottom of the shell as per Cl.E.5.1

b #REF! kN/m
1 .273Ms
b = wt +
Max. long. Comp. Stress in the shell as per Cl.E.5.3
= b/tc*1000 Fmax #REF! MPa

Now max. allowable longitudinal compressive stress 'Fa' to be determined

As G*H*D2/tc2 = #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

Hence , #DIV/0! Fa #DIV/0! Mpa

Now 0.5*Fby 0 Mpa


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FOR Project
Doc. No.
130-100 Sheet No. 1 of 2

1 Quantity furnished below is for one tank only and does not include any fabrication allowances.
2 Tank Diameter - mm
3 Tank Height - mm
4 Design Code API 650
5 Design Method 1-foot
6 Tank Shell
Course height - Pl. thk- Uncorr weight
Course allow - Material
mm mm - kg
1st course 0 0.0 #REF! 0
2nd course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
3rd course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
4th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
5th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
6th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
7th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
8th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
9th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
10th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
11th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
12th course #REF! 0.0 #REF! #REF! #REF!
#REF! Total weight of shell courses #REF!

7 Curb Angle Section 80x80x8 Inside

A 36 Length - 0.25 m
Weight kg/m 9.63 80.00
Weight of Curb angle (2) kg

8 Roof Plate Corrosion allowance - mm

A 285 GR C Required thickness #REF! mm
Weight of roof plate #REF! Kg

9 Annular plate Corrosion Allowance mm

A 285 GR C Required thickness 6.00 mm
Annular plate width 1,059.00 mm
Weight of roof plate (182) Kg

10 Bottom plate Corrosion Allowance mm

A 285 GR C Min. THK W/O CA 6.00 mm
Required thickness 6.00 mm
Weight of bottom plate 174 Kg

11 Intermediate Wind Girder 1 Nos. 18 Kg

Top Wind Girder 1 Nos. #REF! Kg

12 Roof supporting structure 37,000 Kg

13 Spiral Stairway, Operating platform, handrail etc - Kg

14 Nozzles pipes & Flanges on Shell 2,000 Kg

Nozzles pipes & Flanges on Roof 500 Kg

15 Pipes for Heating Coils 1600m Sch. 40 SA106 Gr. B 26048 kg
Supports for coil A 36 10150 kg

16 Tank vents
Max. Int. pressure allowed 40 mbar In-breathing rate 1,050 m3/hr
Permitted Vacuum 25 mbar Out-breathing rate 1,500 m3/hr
Vents to be provided with flame arrestors as per specification
Emergency Vent (Later) m3/hr

17 Painting : External 3850 m2, Bottom external 1394 m2, Internal 9000 m2

A ### For Bidding DAJ SDM CSV

Rev Date Description Prep. Chkd. Appd. Rev Date Description Prep. Chkd. Appd.
1 A 283 M Gr.C 205 380 137
2 A 285 M Gr.C 205 380 137
3 A 131 M Gr. A 235 400 157
4 A 131 M Gr. B 235 400 157
5 A 36 M 250 400 160
6 A 573 M Gr.58 220 400 147
7 A 573 M Gr.65 240 450 160
8 A 573 M Gr.70 290 485 193
9 A 516 M Gr. 55 205 380 137
10 A 516 M Gr. 60 220 415 147
11 A 516 M Gr. 65 240 450 160
12 A 516 M Gr. 70 260 485 173
13 A662 M Gr. B 275 450 180
14 A662 M Gr. C 295 485 194
15 A 537 M Gr. 1 345 485 194
16 A 537 M Gr. 2 415 550 220
17 A 633 M Gr. C 345 485 194
18 A 633 M Gr. D 345 485 194
19 A 678 M Gr. A 345 485 194
20 A 678 M Gr. B 415 550 220
21 A 737 M Gr. B 345 485 194
22 A 841 M Class 1 345 485 194
23 A 841 M Class 2 415 550 220

24 G 40.21 Gr. 260W 260 410 164

25 G 40.21 Gr. 300W 300 450 180
26 G 40.21 Gr. 350WT 350 480 192
27 G 40.21 Gr. 350W 350 450 180

154 IN MM
154 1000
171 15000
171 36000
165 60000


As Per API 650 Table Min. Required Shell Thk.

As Per API 650,Clause 3.6.3 - One Foot Method Design Shell Thk.
As Per API 650,Clause 3.6.3 - One Foot Method Hydro Test Design Shell T

Min.Required Thk. For Shell.


(AS PER IS 1893, TABLE - 2)
I 5
ii 4
iii 3
iv 2
v 1
Nearest Lower D/H Value
X1/H #DIV/0!
Diffe. #DIV/0!
X2/H #DIV/0!
Diffe. #DIV/0!

X1/H = #DIV/0!
X2/H = #DIV/0!


Nearest Lower D/H Value
W1/WT #DIV/0!
Diffe. #DIV/0!
W2/WT #DIV/0!
Diffe. #DIV/0!

W1/WT = #DIV/0!
W2/WT = #DIV/0!

Nearest Lower D/H Value
Factor k #DIV/0!
Diffe. #DIV/0!

Factor k = #DIV/0!

Table E-3 - Site Coefficients

Sr.No. Type
1 S1
2 S2
3 S3
4 S4
MINIMUM NOMINAL THICKNESS 0.0 0.495 1.000 0.0 1.000 0.000
0.1 0.490 0.965 0.2 0.960 0.060
5 0.2 0.480 0.930 0.4 0.920 0.120
6 0.3 0.470 0.900 0.6 0.880 0.180

8 0.4 0.465 0.875 0.8 0.840 0.210

8 0.5 0.455 0.845 1.0 0.810 0.250
1.0 0.410 0.735 2.0 0.570 0.430
1.1 0.400 0.715 2.2 0.520 0.460
1.2 0.390 0.695 2.4 0.480 0.490
1.3 0.385 0.675 2.6 0.440 0.510
1.4 0.375 0.660 2.8 0.410 0.540
1.5 0.375 0.650 3.0 0.380 0.560
1.6 0.375 0.635 3.2 0.360 0.580
1.7 0.375 0.625 3.4 0.340 0.600
1.8 0.375 0.620 3.6 0.320 0.620
1.9 0.375 0.610 3.8 0.300 0.640
2.0 0.375 0.600 4.0 0.290 0.650
2.1 0.375 0.595 4.2 0.280 0.670
2.2 0.375 0.590 4.4 0.260 0.680
2.3 0.375 0.585 4.6 0.250 0.700
2.4 0.375 0.580 4.8 0.240 0.710
2.5 0.375 0.575 5.0 0.230 0.720
2.6 0.375 0.570 5.2 0.220 0.730
2.7 0.375 0.568 5.4 0.210 0.735
2.8 0.375 0.565 5.6 0.200 0.740
2.9 0.375 0.563 5.8 0.200 0.750
3.0 0.375 0.560 6.0 0.190 0.760
3.1 0.375 0.560 6.2 0.195 0.760
3.2 0.375 0.560 6.4 0.180 0.765
3.3 0.375 0.560 6.6 0.170 0.765
#N/A 3.4 0.375 0.560 6.8 0.160 0.770
Method Design Shell Thk. 3.5 0.375 0.559 7.0 0.160 0.770
Method Hydro Test Design Shell Thk. 3.6 0.375 0.558 7.2 0.160 0.775
3.7 0.375 0.557 7.4 0.160 0.775
3.8 0.375 0.555 7.6 0.160 0.775
3.9 0.375 0.550 7.8 0.160 0.775
#N/A 4.0 0.375 0.500 8.0 0.160 0.780
4.1 0.375 0.548
4.2 0.375 0.546
N DIFFERENT ZONES 4.3 0.375 0.544
4.4 0.375 0.542
SEISMIC ZONE FACTOR, Z 4.5 0.375 0.541
0.40 4.6 0.375 0.541
0.25 4.7 0.375 0.540
0.20 4.8 0.375 0.540
0.10 4.9 0.375 0.540
0.05 5.0 0.375 0.540
5.1 0.375 0.540
#DIV/0! 5.2 0.375 0.539
5.3 0.375 0.538
Nearest Higher D/H Value 5.4 0.375 0.537
#DIV/0! 5.5 0.375 0.536
#DIV/0! 5.6 0.375 0.535
#DIV/0! 5.7 0.375 0.534
#DIV/0! 5.8 0.375 0.532
#DIV/0! 5.9 0.375 0.530
6.0 0.375 0.530
6.1 0.375 0.530
6.2 0.375 0.528
6.3 0.375 0.525
6.4 0.375 0.524
Nearest Higher D/H Value 6.5 0.375 0.523
#DIV/0! 6.6 0.375 0.522
#DIV/0! 6.7 0.375 0.521
#DIV/0! 6.8 0.375 0.520
#DIV/0! 6.9 0.375 0.520
#DIV/0! 7.0 0.375 0.520
7.1 0.375 0.520
7.2 0.375 0.520
7.3 0.375 0.520
7.4 0.375 0.520
7.5 0.375 0.519
Nearest Higher D/H Value 7.6 0.375 0.518
#DIV/0! 7.7 0.375 0.517
#DIV/0! 7.8 0.375 0.516
#DIV/0! 7.9 0.375 0.515
8.0 0.375 0.515

S Factor
D/H Factor k 1 0
0.0 0.580 2 12
0.1 0.580 3 16
0.2 0.580 4 20
0.3 0.580 5 22

0.4 0.580 6 24
0.5 0.580 7 27
1.0 0.580 12 56
1.1 0.580 13 64
1.2 0.582 14 72
1.3 0.584 15 80
1.4 0.585 16 90
1.5 0.585 17 100
1.6 0.587
1.7 0.589
1.8 0.600
1.9 0.600
2.0 0.600
2.1 0.602
2.2 0.610
2.3 0.615
2.4 0.619
2.5 0.620
2.6 0.620
2.7 0.630
2.8 0.630
2.9 0.637
3.0 0.640
3.1 0.640
3.2 0.645
3.3 0.650
3.4 0.657
3.5 0.659
3.6 0.660
3.7 0.665
3.8 0.670
3.9 0.680
4.0 0.680
4.1 0.685
4.2 0.690
4.3 0.695
4.4 0.700
4.5 0.705
4.6 0.710
4.7 0.717
4.8 0.720
4.9 0.725
5.0 0.730
5.1 0.735
5.2 0.740
5.3 0.745
5.4 0.750
5.5 0.755
5.6 0.760
5.7 0.765
5.8 0.770
5.9 0.780
6.0 0.785
6.1 0.788
6.2 0.800
6.3 0.805
6.4 0.810
6.5 0.815
6.6 0.820
6.7 0.825
6.8 0.830
6.9 0.838
7.0 0.840
7.1 0.845
7.2 0.850
7.3 0.860
7.4 0.860
7.5 0.865
7.6 0.870
7.7 0.878
7.8 0.880
7.9 0.880
8.0 0.885
1 Calculate the total circumferential length of each shell course considering mean diameter.
2 Draw a base line & fix the location of co-ordinates (0/90/180/270/360) by dividing the circumf
3 Fix the location of annular plate weld joint so that shell longitudinal joint shall fall under annul
4 fix the each course height based on plate width
5 Calculate no of shell plate required for each shell course, dividing the circumferential length b
6 place the location of ladder/platform/staircase.
7 fix the location of all shell opening / earthing bos name plate considering proper orientation.
8 maintain at leat minimum distance of opening weld from shell cir/long weld as per code.
9 Fix the shell plate on each shell course line and check for nozzle fouling.
10 first shell course will start from right side of 0 deg at a distance of 1 m or 1.5 m.
11 second shell course will start from left side of 0deg at a distance of 2m or 3 m as applicable.
12 third shell course will start from again right side of 0 deg at a distance of 500 mm or more as
13 Provide 5-10 mm cutting allowance when small part will be cut from entire plate.
14 Place curb angle on top shell course.
15 Place the stiffener / wind girder at proper location and check fouling with nozzle/pad/shell cir
16 Fix the roof structure pad plate.
17 if anchor

10 12000 120000
1 2566 f 2566
0 3300 c 0
0 3294 e 0
0 2533 a 0
0 6692 d 0
0 1903 b 0

dering mean diameter.
0) by dividing the circumferential length by 4.
oint shall fall under annular plate joint.

e circumferential length by standard plate length.

ering proper orientation.

g weld as per code.

2m or 3 m as applicable.
e of 500 mm or more as applicable
entire plate.

with nozzle/pad/shell cir weld.

1 Check fouling of nozzle/RF pad/Flange / with shell long / circum joint
2 Check fouling of shell vertical joint with annular plate joint and anchor chair
3 if anchor chair and COD are present, anchor chair must be welded to COD RF plate / shell p
4 Maintain minimum welding distance as per API 650.
5 Try to use pipe material in place of plate to waive full radiography and plate rolling.
6 Indicate splice joint in roof structure to reduce wastage of structure.
to COD RF plate / shell plate before PWHT to avoid fouling issue with foundation bolts

nd plate rolling.

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