Nature of theology
Nature of theology
Nature of theology
Course Description
This course is meant to give the students a broad understanding and how theology is
structured. This will include the disciplines of study in theology. The issues of
inspiration and revelation are dealt with.
Course objectives
At the end of the course the student should be in a position
Course requirements
1. Exam at the end of the course.
2. Can you prove the inerrancy of the bible and what does this mean?discuss
[2000 words]
Angus J 1952. The Bible Handbook. Edinburgh: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.
Pearlman m 1937. Knowing the doctrines of the Bible. Missouri: Gospel publishing
Def: Religion comes from a latin word meaning to ‘bind’, religion represents those
activities which bind man to God in a certain relationship. It is whatever is important
for you.
Our point of departure should be defining who God is? The word ‘God’ can mean
different things to different people.
Whatever is important for you is your ‘god’. In most cases your God has supernatural
powers to provide, protect and guide.
One’s ultimate concern or what makes life is his/her god
Religion puts us in contact with whatever comes most in our life (God). It is
impossible for one not to believe in anything, especially those people from Africa.
Africans are born religious and they believe in one god or another. We need to
understand that Africans in Sub-Sahara are polytheistic. Thus most of the tribes in
Africa do not belief in one god.
What comes first in your life is something that is supernatural and transcendent.
One `s God should be someone who has powers to protect, heal and provide because
of the supernatural powers.
In all religion what is important for is the ‘god’ because he is the object of worship.
What come first in one’s life is determined by his/her belief and behaviour.
The word comes from Greek word ‘theos’God. Then ‘ology’ study of.
This is a critical reflection on living out the faith.
It is the creative process of interpreting one’s religion.
The critical reflection is done in a contemporary
It has three players which are: religious tradition, contemporary issues and individual.
Theology seeks to understand God’s creation especially man and his redemption.
Theology relates to issues of culture- it must be contemporary and in context.
The gospel must be supra-cultural
Theology has to invade all cultures then derive the real Christian meaning.
It is the theology that gives a correct doctrinal belief which is necessary to have a
right relationship with God and man. Correct doctrine gives right belief.
Truth and experience are related. There is a danger of basing our theology on our
experiences. All the cults that we have in Zimbabwe is a result of wrong belief, and
wrong doctrine will in most cases open door to sin.
On the other hand God is incomprehensible which means Man’s mind cannot
understand the knowledge of God. The following verses show that God is
incomprehensible. Job 11:7, Isaiah 40:18.
Both are true even one of them is neither true on its own. Yes, we can know him but
to certain extend. At the same time our minds cannot fully comprehend his knowledge
and understand him. If we fully know him then he ceases to be God.
God Himself is the source of our knowledge of him.
Our God is a hidden God who has revealed himself, and therefore can be known.
Revelation is an act of God whereby he discloses himself or communicates truth to
the mind, whereby he makes manifest to his creatures that which could not be known
in any other way. What God has revealed to us is what is written in the bible.
God is not directly accessible, he revealed himself through various ways including his
God has used human language and concepts in order to accommodate human
weakness. He gave the first people language so as to communicate at all levels.
We have two kinds of revelation, namely general revelation and specific revelation.
Although God does not reveal himself in nature, humanity and history exihibits
therein his deity, power and righteous so that all people basically know God,
though the knowledge is suppressed.
The truth is revealed but suppressed
2. Jesus Christ himself was the grand special revelation because through him
people came to the knowledge of God. Those who knew Jesus knew the father
as well.
3. The apostles in the N.T. these are the man God used to communicate his truth
during their time.
These data demonstrate some of the variety of material that God moved the human
authors to include in the bible:
A] material that came direct from God. The two stones on which the ten
commandments were written came directly from God. [Deut 9:10]
B] researched material. Though some parts of the bible were written straight off [like
some of Paul’s letters], some were researched before they were written. The good
example is the gospel of Luke. [Luke 1:1-4]. Bear it in mind that Luke was not an
eyewitness of the events of the life of Christ. So God would have given him direct
revelation or he could have researched and found out some facts on what he wrote.
C] prophetic material. Approximately one fourth of the bible was prophecy when it
was written, though of course some of that amount of the material was fulfilled. True
prophecy can come only from the true, all knowing God.
D] historical material. Much of the bible records history and does so accurately. Most
of the historical portions were written by those who had personally lived through the
events. Eg Luke who was Paul’s companion.
E] other material. The bible does record things that are untrue, like the lies of satan in
Genesis, but it records them accurately. It records some quotations from unsaved
people e.g [Titus 1:12
To what extend is the bible inspired? The biblical doctrine of inspiration was not
considered as above. Other understanding of the evidence have been proposed as
DICTATION INSPIRATION: It is the teaching that God actually dictated the bible to
the authors.
DYNAMIC OR MYSTICAL INSPIRATION: It goes a step farther than the natural
inspiration, for it conceives of the writers as more than natural geniuses in that they
were also Sprit filled and guided. Emphasizes the combination of divine and human
elements in the process of inspiration and of writing the bible.
DEGREE INSPIRATION: It simply means that within the inspired bible some parts
are more inspired than other parts. All the bible is inspired but not to the same degree.
CONCEPT INSPIRATION: This view maintains that some concepts of the bible are
inspired but not the words. This allows for an authoritative conceptual message to
have been given, but using words that can in some instances is erroneous.
This discipline refers to the acts of formulating acts about:
God and human existence [of God] on the basis of data obtainable from physical
world around us as well as from the human phenomena of consistence and sense of
There is proof for the existence of God.
No information regarding the dynamics of salvation
Is the attempt to attain the understanding of God and his relationship with the universe
by means of rational reflection without appealing to special revelation?
Ontological, cosmological and teleological arguments for the existence of God have
been developed which avoid appealing to special revelation.
Is linked with natural theology, existential issues and advanced philosophical
apologetics are dealt with:
Christian and secular
Philosophical categories ground of existence ultimate
Religious language and belief
Is this critical examination, truths and ground of ideas and the methods
practised in all disciplines and seeks to evaluate their matter
Grounds of belief and existence of the identity of God and God’s relation with
the world
Religious language mystery and religion of human identity and religion of
humanity identity, freedom, revelation, faith and reason.
Also belongs to biblical studies
Systematic theology correlates the data of biblical revelation as a whole in
order to exibit systematically the total picture of God’s self-revelation.
This is constructing belief patterns linking doctrines together in a particular
Uses biblical theology and reflects on hermeneutical results.
It’s an ivory tower theology, must be interactive with the church, life must
meet the needs of the people.
No neutral theology. Theology reflects the point of departure and God.
This is the development which has organized specific theology principles and
beliefs into the overall whole in which each part is shown to have direction
beaming on and relevance to others.
Christians have recognised that
Orientations are found in the theological disciplines and avoid artificial labelling of
theological orientations. Classifications helps to identify people or writings.
They have a high view of scripture
Ontological view of the trinity.
Deity of Jesus substitutionary atonement
Real cross resurrection historical
Salvation calvanistic predestination.
Miracle faith and supernatural healing upheld
The second advent and eschatological views vary
They are creationist. Social concern. Absolute truth and bible contains
revealed and absolute conception propositions.
They are charismatic and non-charismatic
It’s a reaction to theological liberalism.
The bible is the truthful revelation of God and through it the life giving voice
of God speaks, God is the creator and we are his dependent creation
incarnation. Christ fully divine and fully human. Final judgment.
They have low view of scripture and critical scholarship
Trinity is seen as problematic. They have functional view of trinity.
Miracles are downplayed
Salvation is more into social structures
It is more about externalization of faith and it is holistic in its salvation.
Scripture and other sources are used
They believe much in social justice – YAHWEW is involved much in history
and the idea of hpe and freedom
Sin is institutional
Salvation is freedom holistically
Similar to Liberalism on scripture and eschatology
On atonement Jesus overcomes evil and injustice brings righteousness and
It attempts to relate religion to the political character of the society in which it
exist to justify political injustice
Emphasize that all the N.T promises of the kingdom must be fulfilled e.g
freedom,peace, justice and econciliation. These cannot be made private affair
Like political it is both a trend and a movement
Mostly the emphasis is on experience and personal relationship with God.
Salvation is the beginning of a deeper relationship and power needed
Political independence which should mean religious independence.
Africanization- home grown theology- it’s a call for contextualization
Looks at its reapplication of traditional doctrines
Has various orientations but mostly liberal
Use various sources as well as scriptures
Liberals give ATR equal authority with O.T
They say lets have a selection of scripture for western theology
African Independent churches can contextualize activities
There is a controversy on Christ as our ancestor
Western orientation will fade
This is a type of political theology
Deals with the problem of oppression
This is a situational theology – methodology
Yahweh hears any poor – finance status, power, gender and race
Exodus – God responds and liberate thus the divine option
Prophetic denounciation took place.
Incarnation – Christ identifies
Cross – servant lamb representative victim.
Resurrection – victorious Jesus has power to liberate
Christ presents liberation as in Exodus
Church should also participate- denounce injustice and announce liberation
Salvation is more social than individual history to be liberated