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somnolent (adj)
2. somniferous (adj)
3. somnambulate (v)
4. somnambulism (n)
5. somniloquy (n)
6. somnambulist (n)
7. somnipathy (n)
8. insomnia (n)
9. insomniac (adj)
10. hypersomnia (n)
11. parasomnia
12. Somnus
1. annual(ly) (a)
2. annualized (adj)
3. annuity (n)
4. annuitant (n)
5. annal (n)
6. annalist (n)
7. anniversary (n)
8. superannuated (adj)
9. superannuation (n)
10. biennal(ly) (a)
11. biennial (n)
12. biannual(ly) = semiannual(ly) (a)
13. interannual (adj)
14. triennial(ly) (a)
15. quadrennial (a)
16. centennial/centenary (n)
17. millennium (n)
18. perennial (adj)
19. perennial (n)
20. sesquicentennial (n)
1. prop (n)
2. proper(ly) (a)
3. improper (adj)
4. proprieties (n)
5. property (n)
6. proprietor (n)
7. proprietorial (adj)
8. proprietress (n)
9. proprietorship over sth
10. sole proprietorship = sole proprietor company
11. proprietorship register
12. appropriate (adj)
13. inappropriate (adj)
14. appropriacy (n)
15. appropriateness (n)
16. appropriate (v)
17. misappropriate (v)
18. appropriation (n)
19. cultural appropriation (n)
20. expropriate (v)
21. expropriation (n)
mother (n) mother (v), motherese (n), mother-to-be (n), motherly (adj), motherless (adj),
motherhood (n), mothering, mother-in-law apartment (n), motherland (n), mothership (n), mother’s
milk, mother lode, maternal (adj), maternally (v), maternity (n), maternity leave.
where elsewhere, whereupon (conj), the wherewithal (n), whereas, whereabouts (n), whereabouts
(adv), whereby (adv, conj), wherefore (adv), wherefores (n), wherein (adv, conj), whereof (adv),
wherever = wheresoever (adv, conj)
weather (n) weather (v), weathering (n), weather-beaten (adj), weathered (adj), weather forcaster,
weather bomb, weatherability (n), weatherboarding (n), weatherize = weatherproof (v), weatherization =
weatherproofing (n), weatherman (n), weatherstrip (n), weatherstripping (n), weathervane (n)
integrate (v) integer (n), integrated = integrative (adj), integral (adj), integrally (adv), integration (n),
integrity (n), disintegrate (v), disintegration (n)
alter (v) alternative (n), alternative (n), alternatively (adv), alter ego, alternate (adj), alternately (adv),
alternate (v), alternation (n), alternate (n), alterable (adj), unalterable (adj), unaltered (adj), alteration
to/in sth, altercation (n), alternator (n)
mute (v) immutable
attitude (n) attitudinal (adj)
constitute (v) constitution (n), constituent (n), constituent (adj), constituent assembly (n),
constituency (n), reconstitute (v), reconstitution (n)
may dismay (n)
sole solely (adv), solo (n), solo (adj), solo (adv), soloist (n), soliloquy (n), solitude (n), solitariness (n),
disconsolate = inconsolable (adj), desolate (adj), desolate (v), desolation (n), solitary (n), solitary (adj)
solitaire (n), sullen (adj), sullenly (adv), sullenness (n)
sully unsullied (adj)
soil topsoil (n), subsoil (n), shop-soiled = shop-worn (adj)
sun solstice (n)
lorn forlorn (adj),
machine machinery (n), machine-made (adj), machine-readable (adj), machining (n), machinist (n),
mechanic (n), mechanics (n), the mechanics (n), mechanical (adj), mechanically (adv), mechanical
engineer, mechanical engineering (n), mechanism (n), mechanistic (adj), mechanize (v), mechanized
(adj), mechanization (n), biomechanics (n)
male masculine (adj), machismo (n),
nutrient macronutrient (n), micronutrient (n), nutritious (adj), nutritionist (n),
speak bespeak (v), bespoke (adj), marketing-speak (n), business-speak (n), management-speak (n),
speaker (n), on speaker, public speaker, guest speaker, keynote speaker, speakerphone (n), speakership
(n), speaking (n), -speaking (suffix), speech (n), speech impediment, speech therapy, speechify (v),
speechifier (n), speechless (adj), speechlessness (n), speechmaker (n), speechwriter (n), the spoken word,
unspoken (adj), well-spoken (adj), soft-spoken (adj), spoken-for (adj), spokesman (n), spokeswoman (n),
spokesperson (n)
key keystone, keynote
bone bony (adj), raw-boned (adj), jawbone (v)
spring wellspring (n), spring-clean (v), spring-loaded (adj), in (the) springtime, springy (adj), offspring
feed well-fed (adj), feedback (n), feeder (n), plankton feeder, bird feeder, bottom feeder (n), feeder
(adj), feeder school, feeding, drip-feed (v), force-feed (v), spoon-feed (v), spoon-fed, bottle-feed (v),
breastfeed (v), feedbag = nosebag (n), feedlot (n), feedstock (n), feedstuff (n), chickenfeed (n), newsfeed
(n), overfeed (v), overfed (adj), overfeeding (n), underfeed (v), underfed (adj), underfeeding (n)
watch (v) binge-watch (v), watchword (n),
fit (v) unfit (adj), misfit (n)
fire (n) misfire (v),
pigeon pigeonhole (v), put sb/sth in a pigeonhole
inter disinter (v), interment (n),
mesh enmesh (v), intermesh (v),
act activate (v), enact (v), re-enact (v), react (v), counteract (v), interact (v), transact (v)
overact (v)
deactivate (v)
reactivate (v)
play-act (v)
acting (n)
actor/actress (n)
action (n)
(in)activity (n)
radioactivity (n)
transaction (n)
activist (n)
activism (n)
interaction (n)
interactivity (n)
reaction (n)
reactor (n)
overreaction (n)
overacting (n)
enactment (n), re-enactment (n), play-acting (n), reactionary (adj), transactional (adj), active (adj),
hyperactive (adj), radioactive (adj), overactive (adj), transactional (adj), retroactive(ly) (a), (in)actively
(adv), interactively (adv), actuate (v), actualize (v), actual (adj), actuality (n),actuary (n), actuarial (adj)
breed interbreed (v), well-bred (adj)
intercept (v), interception (n), interceptor (n), intercession (n)
intervene (v), intervention (n)
change changeless (adj), interchange (v), interchange (n), interchangeable (adj), interchangeability
(n), interchangeably (adv),
city citizen (n), intercity (adj),
college intercollegiate (adj)
communicate communication (n), communicative (adj), intercom (n), over the intercom,
intercommunication (n),
connect connection (n), disconnect (v), interconnect (v), interconnectedness (n), interconnection (n),
continent continental (adj), intercontinental (adj),
culture cultural (adj), intercultural (adj),
cut intercut (v)
nominate denomination (v), interdenominational (adj),
part depart (v), departure (n), department (n), interdepartmental (adj)
depend interindependence (n), interindependent (adj)
associate dissociate (v), interassociation (n),
church interchurch (adj)
clan interclan (adj)
class classify (v), interclass (adj),
club interclub (adj), club-footed (adj), clubhouse (n)
cluster intercluster (adj), intercluster distance
company accompany (v), intercompany (adj)
deal interdealer (adj),
gene genetic (adj), genetics (n), homogenous (adj), heterogenous (adj), intergenerational (adj)
hospital hospitalize (v), hospitalization (n), interhospital (adj)
industry industrial (adj), industrious (adj), interindustry (adj),
institute institutional (adj), institution (n), interinstitutional (adj)
term terminate (v), interminable (adj), terminal (n), inter-terminal (adj)
union interunion (adj),
unit interunit (adj),
university interuniversity (adj)
valley intervalley (adj),
village villager (n), intervillage (adj)
agent agency (n), agenda (n), interagency (adj)
animate interanimation (n)