Biggy Agar
Biggy Agar
Biggy Agar
10. Brooks and Taylor. 1955. Rep. Rd. Invest., Bd. 60, H. M. S. O. London, England. 11. Forsythe, Ayres and Radlo. 1953. Food Technol. 7:49. 12. Stadelman, Ikeme, Roop and Simmons. 1982. Poultry Sci. 61:388. 13. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
6. SBG Sulfa Enrichment should be used in conjunction with a selective prepared medium for bacterial identification.
1. Osborn and Stokes. 1955. Appl. Microbiol. 3:295. 2. Downes and Ito (ed.). 2001. Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods, 4th ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C. 3. DAoust, Maishment, Burgener, Conley, Loit, Milling and Purvis. 1980. J. Food Prot. 43:343. 4. DAoust. 1984. J. Food Prot. 47:588. 5. DAoust, Sewell and Boville. 1983. J. Food Prot. 46:851. 6. Moats. 1981. J. Food Prot. 44:375. 7. Federal Register. 1996. Fed. Regist. 61:38917. 8. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1998. Microbiology laboratory guidebook, 3rd ed. Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA, Washington, D.C. 9. Osborn and Stokes. 1955. Appl. Microbiol. 3:217.
Difco BG Sulfa Agar
Cat. No.
Dehydrated 500 g
BiGGY Agar
Intended Use
BiGGY (Bismuth Sulfite Glucose Glycine Yeast) is a selective and differential medium used in the detection, isolation and presumptive identification of Candida species.
Approximate Formula* Per Liter Bismuth Ammonium Citrate ....................................... 5.0 Sodium Sulfite ............................................................ 3.0 Dextrose ................................................................... 10.0 Glycine ..................................................................... 10.0 Yeast Extract .............................................................. 1.0 Agar ......................................................................... 16.0
*Adjusted and/or supplemented as required to meet performance criteria.
g g g g g g
Cultural Response
Prepare the medium per label directions. Inoculate with fresh cultures and incubate at 25 2C for 18-24 hours (3-5 days if necessary).
Brown to black/ Reddish brown/ Brown to black, metallic sheen/Brown to black 25922 Partial to / complete inhibition
C. albicans
Smooth, circular or hemispherical brownblack colonies; may have slight mycelial fringe; no color diffusion into surrounding medium; no metallic sheen. Smooth, discrete, dark brown to black colonies (may have black-colored centers); slight mycelial fringe; diffuse blackening of medium after 72 hours; metallic sheen. Large, flat, wrinkled silvery brown-black colonies with brown peripheries; yellow to brown halo diffusion into medium; metallic sheen. Medium size, flat, dark reddish-brown glistening colonies; may have slight mycelial fringe; no diffusion.
C. tropicalis
C. krusei
C. keyfr
Consult appropriate references for information about the processing and inoculation of specimens such as tissues, skin scrapings, hair, nail clippings, etc. 2-5 The streak plate technique is used primarily to obtain isolated colonies from specimens containing mixed flora. When using slants, streak the surface of the slant with a sterile inoculating loop needle using two to three isolated colonies. Incubate plates in an inverted position (agar side up) for up to 5 days at 25 2C.
1. Nickerson. 1953. J. Infect. Dis. 93:43. 2. Haley, Trandel and Coyle. 1980. Cumitech 11, Practical methods for culture and identification of fungi in the clinical mycology laboratory. Coord. ed., Sherris. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 3. Isenberg (ed.). 1992. Clinical microbiology procedures handbook, vol. 1. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 4. Kwon-Chung and Bennett. 1992. Medical mycology. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, Pa. 5. Reisner, Woods, Thompson, Larone, Garcia and Shimizu. 1999. In Murray, Baron, Pfaller, Tenover and Yolken (ed.), Manual of clinical microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. 6. MacFaddin. 1985. Media for isolation-cultivation-identification-maintenance of medical bacteria, vol. 1. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Md.
Expected Results
Within 5 days of incubation, the plates should show isolated colonies in streaked areas and confluent growth in areas of heavy inoculation. Slants should show evidence of growth. Examine plates and slants for colonies showing characteristic growth patterns and morphology. The following table summarizes typical Candida colonial morphology.6
Cat. No. 211027 Dehydrated 500 g United States and Canada Cat. No. 297254 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* 297255 Prepared Slants Pkg. of 10* Europe Cat. No. Mexico Cat. No. 255002 252563 Prepared Plates Pkg. of 20* Prepared Plates Pkg. of 10*
*Store at 2-8C.