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Industrial Management n Entrepreneurship 2022 (1)

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Semester: 6th(New)
Subject Code : Hu-601
Full Marks -70
Time - Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks
for the questions.
Instructions :
1. All questions of PART - A are compulsory.
2. Answer any five questions from PART-B.

Marks - 25

1. Fill in the blanks choosing right words from the

brackets : 1x5=5

() is the father of Scientific management.

(F. W. Taylor /P. F. Drucker).
(ii) At BEP total revenue is total cost.
(equal to/greater than)
Turn over
(iii)Big Bazar is an example of trade
organisation. (wholesale / retail)
(iv) Any premises wherein a minimum of
workers work with the aid of power is called
a factory. (10/20)
(V) A place where the children under the age of
six years of working women are kept is called
(child home/ creche)

2. Give the full form of the following: 1x5=5

(i) CGST
(ii) WTO
(iii) DIC
(iv) APL
(v) BEP.

3. Write whether the following statements are true

or false: 1x5=5

(i) Lockout is a strong weapon in the hands of

the employers.
(ii) All risks can be insured.
(iii) Retirement is not a major cause for labour

1/Hu-601/IM&E(N) (2)
(iv) The primary objective of a Co-operative
Society is to earn profit.
(v) Ancillary industries sell their products in the
open market.

4. Choose the right answer given under each of the

following statements : 1x5=5

) Stopping the work by the employees is calleD

(a) Gherao (b) Lockout

(c) Picketing (d) Strike

(iü) Which of the following is not a provision of

Factories Act in India ?

(a) Welfare (b) Safety

(c) Protection (d) Health

(ii) The basis of Day or Time Rate System of

wage payment is

(a) Quantity of production

(b) Time period
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
1/Hu-601/IM&E(N) (3) Turn over
(iv) Industrial Disputes Act in India was passed
in the year

(a) 1946 (b) 1947

(c) 1948 (d) 1949

(v) PODSCORB function is introduced by

(a) Luther Methus (b) Luther Gullick
(c) Luther Martin (d) Luther King.

5 Write in a single word (words): |x5=5

(i) The art of getting things done by others is


(ii) The constant shifting of workers from

industries to industries is known as
(iiil)A partner who contributes capital but does
not take active part is known as

(iv) All human activities having profit motive is


(V) An agreement among the partners of a fim

that outlines the terms and conditions of
partners is called

1/Hu-601/IM&EN) (4) 7210(W)

Marks -45

A (a) Define Management. 2

(b) Distinguish between management and adminis
tration. 3

(c) Describe briefly any four principles of mana4

7. (a) Who is an entrepreneur?
What are the essential qualities required by
(b) successful entrepreneur ?
a person to become a 3

the functions of an entrepreneur.

(c) Describe 4

distribution ? 4
channel of
8. (a) What is
the services rendered by the
(b) Describe and the producers.
wholesalers tothe retailers

elements of cost ? 4
9.7 (a) What are the different
10,000, Total Variable
= Rs.
(6) Total Fixed Cost Selling Price = Rs. 20 per
Cost = Rs. 30,000 produced =3,000units.
unit and Nos. of unit quantity._5
Even Point in
Calculate Break
[Turn over
10. (a) What is SSI ? 2

(b) Discuss any three advantages of SSI. 3

(c) What are the main sources of finance for an

SSI ? 4

11. (a) Define a factory as per the Factories Act, 1948.

(b) Mention the main provisions mentioned in

the Factories Act, 1948. Discuss the Welfare
provisions under the Act.

-12. Write short notes on any three : 3x3=9

(a) LTO
(b) Trade Union
(c) Ancillary Industries
(d) Industrial Disputes
(e) Government Company.

1/Hu-601/IM&EN) (6) 7210(W)

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