Industrial Management n Entrepreneurship 2022 (1)
Industrial Management n Entrepreneurship 2022 (1)
Industrial Management n Entrepreneurship 2022 (1)
of printed pages = 6
Marks - 25
1/Hu-601/IM&E(N) (2)
(iv) The primary objective of a Co-operative
Society is to earn profit.
(v) Ancillary industries sell their products in the
open market.
distribution ? 4
channel of
8. (a) What is
the services rendered by the
(b) Describe and the producers.
wholesalers tothe retailers
elements of cost ? 4
9.7 (a) What are the different
10,000, Total Variable
= Rs.
(6) Total Fixed Cost Selling Price = Rs. 20 per
Cost = Rs. 30,000 produced =3,000units.
unit and Nos. of unit quantity._5
Even Point in
Calculate Break
[Turn over
10. (a) What is SSI ? 2