Evolution of networking
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork): In 1969, The US govt.
formed an agency named ARPANET to connect computers at various universities and
defense agencies. The main objective of ARPANET was to develop a network that could
continue to function efficiently even in the event of a nuclear attack.
Internet (INTERconnection NETwork): The Internet is a worldwide network of
computer networks. It is not owned by anybody. The internet has evolved from ARPANET.
The internet is a globally connected network system that utilizes TCP/IP to transmit
Following services are instantly available through internet : Email, Web-enabled audio/video
conferencing services, Online movies and gaming , Data transfer/file-sharing, Instant
messaging , Internet forums , Social networking , Online shopping ,Financial services.
Network devices
Network devices, also known as networking hardware, are physical devices that allow
hardware on a computer network to communicate and interact with one another. For
example, Repeater, Hub, Bridge, Switch, Routers, Gateway and NIC, etc.
HUB is used to connect multiple computers in
a single LAN network of one workgroup.
Generally HUBs are available with 4,8,12,24,48
Data arriving on any of the port of hub are
sent out on all the other ports.
There are two types of HUB :
Passive HUB:- It only forwards the signal on
all ports without amplifying the signal.
Active HUB:- it forwards the signal with improvement in the quality of data signal
by amplifying it. That why such hubs need additional power supply.
Router – A router is a device like a switch that routes data packets based on their IP
addresses. The router is mainly a Network Layer device. Routers normally connect LANs and
WANs and have a dynamically updating routing table based on which they make decisions
on routing the data packets.
A router is a physical or virtual device that passes information between two or more
computer networks. A router inspects a given data packet's destination Internet Protocol
address (IP address), calculates the best way for it to reach its destination and then forwards
it accordingly.
Gateway –
Gateway serves as the entry and exit point of a network, as all data coming in or going out
of a network must first pass through the gateway in order to use routing paths.
A networking device capable to convert protocols so that two different network
architecture based system can communicate with each other. It works as protocol
A gateway can be implemented completely in software, hardware, or a combination of
Gateways act as a network point that acts as an entrance to another network.
Gateway regulates traffic between two dissimilar networks, while router regulates
traffic between similar networks.
A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer
networks, while switch forwards data packets between computers in a LAN.
Routers perform the traffic directing functions on the Internet.
The arrangement of computers and other peripherals in a network is called its topology.
Common network topologies are Bus, Star, Tree, Mesh etc.
Bus topology : It is a topology for a Local Area Network (LAN) in which all the nodes
are connected to a single cable called a "backbone".
Tree Topology
Tree topology is a combination of bus and star topologies. It is used to combine multiple star
topology networks. All the stars are connected together like a bus.
In this type of network, data transmitted from source first reaches the centralized device
and from there the data passes through every branch where each branch can have links for
more nodes.
a) When one of the node stops working, it does not impact other nodes.
b) Fault identification is easy.
c) Failing of one segment does not affect the rest of the network.
d) It works well for small network.
a) If the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.
b) There is a need for huge cabling.
c) A lot of maintenance is needed even if it is easier.
Computer Network Types
A computer network is a group of computers linked to each other that enables the
computer to communicate with another computer and share their resources, data, and
A computer network can be categorized by their size, complexity and geographical spread
A computer network is mainly of four types:
1. Personal Area Network (PAN) – communication between two - three mobile devices or PC
for personal purpose.
2. Local Area Network (LAN) – limited area (within building)
3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) – within city
4. Wide Area Network (WAN) – within multiple city/state/ countries
2. Local Area Network (LAN) – LANs are the most frequently used networks. It
is one of the most common one of the simplest types of network. It is designed for small
physical areas such as an office, group of buildings. Any of different types of topologies can
be used to design LAN like Star, Ring, Bus, Tree etc.
Examples: A networked office building, school or home. Sometimes one building can contain
a few small LANs (Like some schools have independent LANs in each computer lab)
Advantages of WAN
• Long distance business can connect on the one network.
• Shares software and resources
• Messages can be sent very quickly to wide range of nodes
• Hardware devices can be shared.
Disadvantages of WAN
• Need a good firewall to restrict unauthorized access
• Setting up a network can be an expensive, slow and complicated.
• Maintaining a network is a full-time job
• Security is a major issue when many different people have the ability to use information.
• Internet is a type of Wide Area Network spread over the entire glob. It is a very large
network of thousands of smaller networks.
• At present internet is the fastest mean of sending and exchanging information and data
among computers across the world.
Some Internet Applications
• WWW/Web • Chat
• Email • VoIP
Advantages of Internet:-
• Availability of Information:- Because of Internet, we can access lots of information within a
click, gather knowledge and learn so many things easily.
• Easy Communication:- Internet avail a facility to communicate with anyone no matter how
far the person is.
• Valuable Resources:- Internet provide valuable resources like contacts for various business
related firms or other such information helpful for individual as well as business. Internet
provide platform to online shopping companies.
• Banking:- Now a days banking facilities is very easy to access just because of Internet.
• Entertainment:- It provides various source of entertainment like YouTube, Netflix etc.
Disadvantages of Internet:-
• Cyber Frauds:- People may lost their money if internet banking is not used properly.
Sometime hackers may get into your account and transfer money.
• Unsuitable Contents:- Some notorious people may publish unsuitable material on internet
which may adversely affect the moral of society.
• Computer Virus:- Internet sometimes become a channel to transmit virus into our
computer, which may damage our files and programs.
• Depression, Loneliness and social isolation:- Now a days people are using internet
unnecessarily which causes depression.
1. WWW /web -
Many people think that the internet and the world wide web (WWW) are the same thing.
While they are closely linked, they are very different systems.
The internet is a huge network of computers all connected together. The world wide web
(‘www’ or ‘web’ for short) is a collection of webpages found on this network of computers.
Our web browser uses the internet to access the web.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the
Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images,
videos and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.
Difference between Internet and WWW
Internet World Wide Web(WWW)
Internet stands for Interconnected Networks WWW stands for World wide Web
Internet is a means of connecting a World Wide Web which is a collection of
computer to any other computer anywhere information which is accessed via the
in the world. Internet.
WWW is service on top of that
Internet is infrastructure.
WWW is more software-oriented as
Internet is primarily hardware-based.
compared to the Internet.
Internet uses TCP/IP protocol. WWW uses HTTP Protocol.
URL-Uniform Resource Locator
• URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is an address of a website on World
Wide Web. Each URL points to a unique website on a web server.
• We use URL to access any required website through special software called “Web
The URL consists of four basic parts, namely, server type, hostname, folder name and the
filename. Each one of these has a specific function.
1) The “server type” indicates the type of Internet server (Protocol) being accessed.
The server type is always followed by “://” and the host name.
2) The host name/domain name is the Internet address of a remote computer on which the
files reside.
3) The folder name indicates the name of the directory in which the files are located.
4) The filename specifies the name of the specific document to be displayed in the browser.
The filename itself consists of two pieces of information, the name of the file to be
displayed and the file extension, which specifies the file type (.htm for HTML file, .txt for a
text file, .bmp for a bitmap image, etc.)
The structure of a URL can be represented as follows:
Server type://hostname/directory/sub-directory/.../filename
Email address
• The email address has three parts:
– a user name
– an "at" sign (@)
– the address of the user's mail server ( also called domain name)
where “abc” is a user name and is mail server (domain name)
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SMTP is a set of communication guidelines that allow software to transmit an electronic
mail over the internet is called Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
It is a program used for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail
POP3 Protocol
Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails
from a remote server to a local email client. POP3 allows you to download email messages
on your local computer and read them even when you are offline.
3. Chat – Online chat may refer to any kind of communication over the Internet that
offers a real-time transmission of text messages from sender to receiver. Chat messages are
generally short in order to enable other participants to respond quickly.
Chatting Software Examples:
❖MSN Messenger ❖IRC ❖Yahoo Messenger
4. VOIP – Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also called IP telephony, is a method and
group of technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia sessions
over Internet Protocol (IP) networks, such as the Internet.
VoIP services convert our voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Less Cost • Reliable Internet Connection Required
• Accessibility • Power Outages/Emergencies
• Flexibility • Latency
• Voice Quality
• Extra/Less Expensive Features
A browser extension or Add-on is a computer program that extends the function of web
browsers. They enable additional features on your web browsers, modify web pages and
integrate your browser with the other services you use like : viewing of certain types of Web
content, such as Microsoft's Silverlight or Adobe Flash Player, necessary for Netflix movies
and Youtube videos, respecitvely.
Add-ons manager in
• Google chrome - /more tools/extensions
• Mozilla firefox -/add-ons option or ctrl+shift+A
• Internet explorer - /tools/manage add-ons
• Opera -
A plugin is a piece of software that acts as an add-on to a web browser and gives the
browser additional functionality. Plugins can allow a web browser to display additional
content it was not originally designed to display. An example of a plugin is the free
Macromedia Flash Player, a plugin that allows the web browser to display animations using
the Flash format. Most plugins are available as free downloads.
Difference between add ons and plugins
Plug-in is a complete program and add-on is not a program. For example Flash is a plug-in
made by adobe is required to play a video in flash player. Also Java is a plug-in made by Sun
Microsystem which is used to run programs based on Java. Plugin is not bounded for
browsers only. Flash can be installed in computers to play flash files. Similarly Java can be
installed to run Java files.
On the other hand add-on is not a complete program. It is used to add a particular
functionality to a browser. If we suppose to install add-on on other work environment, say,
other operating system, we can’t do it. It means, add-ons are limited to a certain boundary.
Cookies :- These are the small electronic text files that a web server stores on a web
browser so that the web server can keep track of user’s activity on a specific website. The
kind of data that get stored in cookies are :
Cookie’s name
Cookie’s content e.g.,
User’s preferences while visiting a website
History of pages user viewed
Login details (depending on user’s browsers settings).