The FLUOVIEW FV3000 Series − FV3000 and FV3000RS
With Olympus’ renowned optics at the heart of the system, the FV3000 features a new spectral detection concept for
true multichannel spectral imaging with high sensitivity detection in multiple dynamic ranges so even dim signals can be
separated. The optical path enables macro to micro imaging from 1.25X to 150X magnification combined with robust,
intuitive automation to simplify complex experiments, including one-click cellSens macro analysis for cell counting and
segmentation analysis. The precision of galvanometer scanning is combined with the speed of resonant scanning in the
FV3000RS hybrid scanner so users can combine precision and high-speed imaging in one experiment.
Built for long service life and low operating costs, the FV3000 uses long-lasting all diode lasers and LED illumination.
The system features a modular, upgradable design that includes 2-tier detection options, easily upgradeable laser
configurations, and the stable and flexible IX83 microscope with a field-upgradable z drift compensator (IX3-ZDC2)
for fast and robust live cell autofocus. With user-savable and selectable software workflows, the system adjusts to
individual needs. The facility manager tracking software makes it easy to track system usage by user, making the
FV3000 the ideal confocal system for years of productive science in single and multi-user environments.
The FV3000 Series: Meeting the Challenges of Cell Biology, Cancer
Research, Stem Cell Research, and Advanced Applications
Cell Division, Proliferation, Counting, Cell Cycle, and Microfluidics and High-Speed Blood Flow
Segmentation Analysis Circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood and microfluidic
Cell proliferation is a key aspect of cancer research. The FV3000 device imaging can require high-speed imaging for accurate
has tools for imaging and measuring these critical events. measurements. The FV3000RS provides high-speed imaging
(1) (2) (3) (4) for critical velocity measurements to capture key events.
5 μm 5 μm
Fast Calcium Dynamics
Image calcium sparks and waves at speeds up to 438 frames per
35 μm 35 μm second. Slow heartbeats to visible rates and capture vast neuronal
cell networks at full field of view at 30 frames per second.
(NA 1.3, W.D. 0.3 mm, silicone oil ne = 1.4)
(5 ) (NA 1.35, W.D. 0.15 mm, immersion oil ne = 1.52)
( 9) ( 10) ( 11) (12)
(7 )
Spheroid, Gel Matrix, Long-Term Time-Lapse, and Super Resolution
Microplate Imaging Olympus’ patented* confocal super resolution imaging provides
Long-term time-lapse imaging of live cells in 3D captures an easy-to-use method for boosting resolution beyond the
physiologically relevant information. As stem cells grow into diffraction limit in fixed tissues.
spheroids and organoids, the FV3000 Series enables precise, *US8933418B/JP5784393B
stable time-lapse imaging with high sensitivity and low
( 18)
( 14 ) (15)
Spectral Unmixing
(1 7 ) 250.0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 100001100012000
Solutions for Cell Biology: Image Dynamic in vivo Processes in Large
and Small Organisms with Very Low to High Magnification
Mouse brain hemisection embedded for Expansion Microscopy (pre-expansion). Secondary antibody labels against GFP (Alexa Fluor 488, neurons), SV2 (Alexa
Fluor 565, Red) Homer (Alexa Fluor 647, Blue). Sample courtesy of Dr. Ed Boyden and Dr. Fei Chen, MIT.
A new optical design means that even when using low magnification 30X silicone objectives with 1.05 NA, resolution can be boosted
using Olympus super resolution technology—FV-OSR. Silicone objectives also help provide low spherical aberration on tissues and
small organisms, so object measurements and distances are accurate. The resonant scanner also helps reduce phototoxicity and
photobleaching compared to regular galvo scanners by reducing triplet states of excited fluorophores and reactive oxygen species.
Intensity Modulated Display of CFP/YFP ratio result during spontaneous contractions of in vitro cardiomyocyte.
Image data courtesy of Yusuke Nino and Atsushi Miyawaki, Cell Function Dynamics, Brain Science Institute of RIKEN.
Solutions for Cancer Research: Accurate 3D Cell and Tissue Imaging,
High-Speed Blood Flow, Microfluidic Imaging, and Robust Analysis
Accuracy and repeatability are equally important; cell cycle checkpoint times must be reliably tracked, 3D images of cells must correctly
represent their shape and size, and images need to be bright and clear for segmentation analysis. Olympus’ silicone objectives are
optimized for tissue imaging. The FV3000 Series high-sensitivity cooled GaAsP detection unit with high signal-to-noise galvo and
resonant scanning and robust software make imaging accurate and reproducible for reliable results.
Platelets bound to thrombosis in blood vessel of mouse. Images taken 30 fps in full frame by resonant scanner with 2 CH GaAsP PMTs.
Image data courtesy of Dr. Takuya Hiratsuka, Dr. Michiyuki Matsuda, Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University.
NK-cell mediated cell killing after therapeutic anitbody application (blue). GFP labeled NK-cells (green). DAPI uptake marking dead cells (Red).
Image data courtesy of Dr. Yuji Mishima, Cancer Chemotherapy Center, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research.
5 μm 5 μm
35 μm 35 μm
The system’s sensitivity coupled with the laser power monitor and two freely selectable ranges for laser power help provide that
apoptosis is part of the experiment and not caused by phototoxicity. The spectral sensitivity and accuracy enable researchers to conduct
multi-color fluorescence labeling experiments with multiple biomarkers.
3D Time-lapse of mouse embryonic fibroblast labeled with silicone rhodamine docetaxol (Tubulin), imaged with 100X silicone objective and 30 fps resonant
scanning followed by cellSens deconvolution. Image data courtesy of Dr. Markus Delling, Harvard University.
A Scanning
0 min 30 min 60 min 90 min
Sequence Manager allows for variable time-lapse
Solutions for Stem Cell Imaging: Z Drift Compensator, and Intuitive Software
for Accurate Long-Term and Multipoint Time-Lapse Imaging in Microplates
Stem cell imaging requires increased levels of automation and long-term time-lapse capabilities. The FV3000 is designed to image
cells over multiple days with accurate timing, low phototoxicity, and accurate focus. Multipoint time-lapse in microplates is routine in
stem cell imaging, so the FV3000 can be enhanced with the IX3-ZDC2, Z drift compensator. The IX3-ZDC2 is designed to work with
the well navigator, so each well stays in focus during an experiment. For long experiments, add the laser power monitor to maintain
consistent laser exposure for excellent laser stability.
Users performing stem cell imaging benefit from high-sensitivity detection, silicone objectives, low phototoxicity from the resonant
scanner, and the higher throughput from high-speed scanning. Precise stimulation control means photoconversion is simple and
efficient, so cells can be reliably stimulated and imaged over multiple days for cell lineage tracking. Whether stem cell cultures are
in microplates, single dishes, or microfluidic devices, the FV3000 software and automation makes workflows simple. The stage
navigator includes well plate navigation and makes it easy to save, modify, and re-load frequently used plate settings and acquisition
conditions. Users can quickly image individual lanes of microfluidic channels. The sequence manager makes it easy to set up long-
term time-lapse imaging. Users can adjust the speed and timing of acquisitions while maintaining accurate timing. Quickly visualize
and download publication and presentation-ready 3D and 4D image data with the intuitive rendering software included with the
FV3000 software suite. Once imaging is completed, the macro functionality in cellSens analysis facilitates 2D cell counting and
segmentation with a single mouse click.
A spheroid image of a NMuMG cell line expressing Multipoint time-lapse window IX3-ZDC2
Image data courtesy of Atsushi Miyawaki, Cell
Function Dynamics, Brain Science Institute of RIKEN.
Solutions for Advanced Applications: Spectral Unmixing, Super Resolution,
and Photostimulation
Both the FV3000 and FV3000RS have a range of standard and optional advanced application features including Olympus Super
Resolution (FV-OSR), photostimulation, spectral unmixing, and an external beam combiner. With precise laser control and Olympus’
patented super resolution method, the FV3000 Series can acquire images with a resolution down to 120 nm, similar to structured
illumination methods. Spectral unmixing is robust for a range of applications while photoconversion and photostimulation are efficient
and precise, enabling high-speed targeted path scanning and stimulation mapping studies.
The Sequence Manager makes it easy to reliably achieve complex cell cycle imaging protocols. Advanced applications, such as random
access or targeted path scanning, enable high signal-to-noise multipoint fluorescence measurements for in vitro neuronal cell signaling
studies while real-time processing and triggering help provide accurate and coordinated timing control for TTL-driven perfusion devices,
stimulators, or other 3rd party peripherals. Macro to micro functionality is easy with the FV3000 Series thanks to the stage navigator,
automation built into the IX83 microscope, and the ability to save and reload software layouts, workflows, and experiment conditions.
Spectral Umixing
Brainbow AAV transfection of Purkinje cells, amplified with antibodies as described in Cai et al 2013. Visible are Purkinje cell somata, dendrites and axons, as
well as some aspecific stainings of granule cells.
250.0 FV-OSR
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 100001100012000
FV3000 with Galvanometer Scanner to FV3000RS with Resonant
Hybrid Scanner: Flexible Configurations to Advance Science
Z Drift Compensator—IX3-ZDC2
g 21
No Darkroom Required
g 20
Powerful, Intuitive Software
The Right Mixture of Speed and Accuracy
Galvanometer and Galvo/Resonant Hybrid Scanner Optimized for Live Cell Imaging
Users have their choice of two different types of scan Resonant scanning greatly reduces photobleaching and
units: galvanometer only with the FV3000 or galvanometer/ phototoxicity compared to standard galvanometer scans by
resonant hybrid with the FV3000RS. The hybrid scan unit has preventing the excitation of fluorophores into triplet states that
galvanometer scanners for high-precision scanning, as well create reactive oxygen species. These features make live cell
as a galvo/resonant scanner ideal for high-speed imaging. experiments more robust and reliable. The FV3000 Series has
Galvanometer scanner enables Olympus super resolution complete high and low range laser intensity control enabling the
technology (FV-OSR) yields resolutions down to 120 nm as well system to use the minimum required amount of laser power on
as high signal-to-noise, with precise tornado and multipoint samples. The optional Laser Power Monitor provides consistent
stimulation and 100 ms switching time. Galvanometer scanning laser power during long-term time-lapse imaging across multiple
can achieve 16 frames per second at 2X zoom. The resonant days.
scanner is capable of speeds ranging from 30 frames per second
at 512 × 512 to 438 frames per second at 512 × 32.
FN 18, 8 KHz
A431 cells fixed with methanol labeled with Abcam Anti-ERK1 + ERK2
antibody (Alexa Fluor 488) ab208564, and Anti-alpha Tubulin antibody (Alexa
Fluor 594) ab195889 and DAPI.
Sample courtesy of Abcam.
Introducing TruSpectral Detection
A Fully Spectral System with Sensitivity and Accuracy Efficient TruSpectral Detection System
The FV3000 Series employs Olympus’ TruSpectral detection The FV3000 Series brings new levels of total system transmission
concept. Based on patented* Volume Phase Hologram (VPH) efficiency, enabling every system to be completely spectral,
transmission and an adjustable slit to control light, the spectral improving overall sensitivity, and improving the signal-to-noise
detection in FV3000 and FV3000RS is highly efficient, enabling ratio for improved multi-color confocal imaging.
users to select the detection wavelength of each individual Transmission Efficiency Ratio of FV3000 to FV1200
(Normalization FV1200 as 1.0)
channel to 2 nm. 1.5
* US8530824B/JP5541972B/EP2395380A FV3000
Efficiency ratio
Tube Lens 1.3
Adjustable slit
400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelegnth (nm)
Sensitivity Adjustment of Each Channel
Quantum Efficiency (%)
30 GaAsP PMT
400 500 600 700 800 900
Wavelength (nm)
From Basic to Advanced Acquisition and Analysis, an Interface
that Adapts to Your Workflow
4.Viewer 5. Analysis
Live Spectral Unmixing with
Review data as it is Extract data from images using online or offline TruSpectral Detection
g 17
generated. Generate processing. Analytical tools include Olympus super
3D and 4D views and resolution technology (FV-OSR) and powerful cellSens
animations to explore and software with features such as deconvolution, filtering,
share data in depth. count and measure, and one-click macros. Sequence Manager
g 17
g 18
Intuitive Stage Control, Live Spectral Unmixing, Real-Time Acquisition
Live Spectral Unmixing with TruSpectral Detection and Stage Control for Multi-Area Time-Lapse, Microplate,
Real-Time Processing and Stitching
The power of TruSpectral detection plus multichannel mode Microplate imaging is important for many applications, and the
means live spectral unmixing can be performed during Well Navigator provides sophisticated, intuitive controls for a wide
image acquisition, providing real-time processing of complex range of cell culture vessels and custom plates. Multi-area time-
overlapping spectra. lapse and stitching provide robust and accurate time-lapse data.
Live blind unmixing of CFP (endosomes, blue), mAmetrine (plasma membrane, green),
mKO (nucleus, orange) and mKeima (F-actin, purple) during time-lapse imaging.
Image data courtesy of Dr. Kazuhiro Aoki, Dr. Michiyuki Matsuda, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto University.
Offset lens
Cover glass
AF sensor
Additional Intuitive Features
Ratio Imaging and Intensity Modulated Display (IMD) Rolling Average Processing
The FV3000RS includes an Intensity Modulated Display (IMD) High-speed scanning at low laser power to avoid phototoxicity
function in the software that displays quantitative fluorescence often decreases the signal-to-noise ratio. With rolling average
ratio changes during both standard and high-speed acquisitions. post-processing, users have the flexibility to adjust high-speed
This function is particularly useful for calcium and FRET imaging time-lapse images while maintaining time scale and keeping the
where a pure ratio display provides poor contrast in background original data.
10 μM CCCP treatment
The optional Constrained Iterative (CI) Deconvolution Solution
employs advanced CI algorithms to produce improved resolution,
contrast, and dynamic range, with industry-leading speed.
This proprietary post-processing tool is efficient for both CCD
and confocal imaging and enhances the ability to differentiate
between imaged objects.
Image data courtesy of Yusuke Niino and Atsushi Miyawaki, Cell Function
Dynamics, Brain Science Institute of RIKEN.
Olympus Super Resolution Technology
Beyond Deconvolving Confocal: Comparison of Confocal, Deconvolved Confocal and Deconvolved FV-OSR Images
0.5 AU Confocal Image Enlargement
Superior Optics and a Rigid Frame Ideal for Live Cell Imaging
Silicone Immersion Objectives for Live Cell Imaging Deliver High-Resolution Observation at Depth
Olympus offers four high NA silicone immersion objectives that deliver excellent performance for live cell imaging. The refractive index of
silicone oil (ne≈1.40) is close to that of living tissue (ne≈1.38), enabling high-resolution observations deep inside living tissue with minimal
spherical aberration caused by refractive index mismatch. Silicone oil does not dry out or harden, so there is never a need to refill oil,
making it ideal for extended time-lapse observations.
Refractive Index is Important with Deep Tissue Observation
UPLSAPO30XS: For a broader view and greater depth In deep tissue observation, image quality depends on keeping the refractive index of the
Magnification: 30X, NA: 1.05 (silicone oil immersion), W.D.: 0.8 mm, sample and immersion medium as close to each other as possible.
cover glass thickness: 0.13–0.19 mm, operating temperature: 23 –37 °C
PLAPON60XOSC2: Enhance the Reliability of Colocalization Analysis with a Low Chromatic Aberration Objective
This oil immersion objective minimizes lateral and axial chromatic Performance Comparison of PLAPON60XOSC2 and UPLSAPO60XO
aberration in the 405–650 nm spectrum. Colocalization images PLAPON UPLSAPO
are acquired reliably and images are measured with superior 60XOSC2 60XO
positional accuracy. The objective also compensates for
Axial chromatic aberration (Z direction)
chromatic aberration through near infrared up to 850 nm, making Compared for PSF fluorescent beads Approx. Approx.
0 μm 0.5 μm
it the ideal choice for quantitative imaging. (405 nm, 633 nm)
Meeting the Requirements of Stability with the IX83 High Contrast under Bright Conditions
A Z-drive guide installed near the revolving nosepiece combines The umbra unit is designed specifically for fluorescence
high thermal rigidity with the stability of a wraparound structure to observation. It efficiently blocks out room light, enhances
significantly reduce the impact of heat and vibration and improve the contrast of fluorescence, and enables clear fluorescence
the quality of time-lapse imaging. observation under bright conditions.
Thermal Drift Displacement Periodic Damping
Square Frame for
Increased Rigidity
0 50 100 150 200 (min) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 (s)
Modular Units Designed for Your Applications
Basic Features GUI designed for darkroom environment. User-arrangeable layout.
Acquisition parameter reload features. Hard disk recording capability, adjust laser power and HV with Z-stack acquisition.
Z-stack with alpha blending, maximum-intensity projection, iso-surface rendering.
2D Image Display Each image display: single-channel side-by-side, merge, cropping, live tiling, live tile, series (Z/T/λ), LUT: individual color
setting, pseudo-color, comment: graphic and text input
3D Visualization and Observation Interactive volume rendering: volume rendering display, projection display, animation displayed.
3D animation (maximum intensity projection method, α blending) 3D and 2D sequential operation function
Image Format OIR image format
8/16-bit gray scale/index color, 24/ 32/ 48-bit color, JPEG/ BMP/ TIFF image functions, Olympus multi-tif format
Spectral Unmixing Fluorescence spectral unmixing modes (up to 16 channels)
Image Analysis Fluorescence intensity and time-lapse measurement
Statistical Processing 2D data histogram display
Optional Software Motorized-stage control
Mapping and multiplepoint simulation
Sequence manager
Virtual channel acquisition
Microplate navigation
Remote development kit
Super resolution imaging (FV-OSR)
Image data are courtesy of the following institutions:
Mouse kidney (cover and page 2) and rat embryo sample (3, page 1) prepared
by Dr. Mike Davidson. Images presented with lasting gratitude for his lifetime
commitment to science and microscopy.
Whole mouse kidney captured in single shot with 1.25X objective. 10 μm section,
TOMM20 ATTO 647N, Phalloidin Alexa Fluor 568, WGA Alexa Fluor 488, DAPI.
(cover page and page 2)
2 × 2 tiled image of whole rat embryo, 20 mm total field of view. H&E fluorescence
with 640 nm laser diode. (3, page 1)
Growing HeLa cells expresses Fucci, a cell cycle indicator. Fluorescense image (1,
page 3), Cell counting (2,3, page 3)
Asako Sakae-Sawano, Atsushi Miyawaki, Cell Function Dynamics, Brain Science
Institute of RIKEN.
FRET spectral look up table display of cardiac myocyte (9, page 3), CFP spectral
look up table display of cardiac myocyte (10, page 3) , Differential Interference
Contrast (DIC) image of cardiac myocyte (11, page 3), Overlay (12, page 3),
IMD ratio images of spontaneous Ca2+ oscillation in a beating rat cardiomyocyte
expressing yellow cameleon. (13, page 3)
Yusuke Niino and Atsushi Miyawaki, Cell Function Dynamics, Brain Science
Institute of RIKEN.
• is ISO14001 certified.
• is ISO9001 certified.
• Illumination devices for microscope have suggested lifetimes.
Periodic inspections are required. Please visit our website for details.
• All company and product names are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of their respective owners.
• Images on the PC monitors are simulated.
• Specifications and appearances are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
• This product is designed for use in industrial environments for the EMC performance. Using it in a residential
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Shinjuku Monolith, 2-3-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0914, Japan 5301 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 290 Miami, FL 33126, U.S.A.
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