Lausd Budget
Lausd Budget
Lausd Budget
February 7, 2012
* Source:
$620 M
$408 M
$557 M
The Governors proposal only prevents the situation from getting worse.
What are we facing now? The Governors Budget Proposals for 2012-13 cuts LAUSDs transportation budget and relies on a temporary tax initiative 100% reduction of home to school transportation funding The Governors budget proposal depends on the passage of a November temporary tax which will pay down existing deferrals (money owed to schools already), there will be no new funding for schools, next year What if the Governors tax measure fails? Education is cut an additional $2.4 billion, about $370 per average daily attendance (ADA)
We can barely afford the legally required minimum levels of service for our students.
The Base Program is comprised of:
The Base Program accounts for approximately $2.3 Billion of a $2.7 Billion Unrestricted Budget.
Minimum staffing levels required by law Ed Code Court Orders/Decrees/Settlements Minimal operational recommendations Bargaining Agreements (some, but not all elements) 95% of dollars allocated to schools operations 5% of dollars allocated to local districts and central office operations
After paying for the MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE required by law, we have only approximately $353 million for all other program investments
We can only fund our priorities up to this line. Anything above is unfunded.
We can only fund our priorities up to this line. Anything above is unfunded
$557 MILLION $0
Up to $194.3 MILLION
* The District has an ongoing operating deficit due to declining enrollment and other factors. In order to eliminate the ongoing operating deficit, the District will have to reduce expenditures by 10 $362.7 million unless an ongoing sustainable revenue can be found. * * Grave consequences will be on-going for programs into 2013-14 and further.
$7 billion
Half-cent sales tax, up to 2% increase in personal income tax for highincome earners Increase in personal income tax for all but low-income earners Up to 5% increase in personal income tax for those earning more than $1 million per year 15% oil severance tax
Up to five years
$10 billion
$7 billion in first three years; $10 billion thereafter $3.6 billion for K-12 and higher education
Ten years
$6 billion
Rescue Education
$3 billion
$1.1 billion for K-12; $1.4 billion for community colleges Limited one-third for higher education, remaining to the state General Fund
John Burton
$2 billion
Even if BOTH the Governors tax measure & a Local Revenue Initiative succeed, LAUSD would still be forced to make program cuts and layoffs
We will still have to find $250 - $350 million in solutions (new revenues or cuts). Factors contributing to the need for these remaining solutions include: Expiring or discontinuing grants or other restricted funding sources, Loss of federal and state stimulus dollars, Loss of one-time savings measures, Declining enrollment, Reductions in state and federal categorical programs, Increasing operating costs.