Amplitude- greatest displacement of the particles of a medium from the rest position
- measure of the energy the wave carries
- In a TRANSVERSE wave, max. height/ distance from equilibrium position to a
crest or from equilibrium(rest) position to a trough
- In LONGITUDINAL – it is the measure of how compressed is the medium. The
more compressed the medium, the greater the amplitude
for example: a strong wind in the beach creates larger water than gentle breeze
frequency- number of waves passing through a given point in a certain amount of time
(1 second)
- measured in units called hertz (Hz), after German phycisist Heinrich Hertz who
discovered radiowaves
- on wave per second is equal to 1 Hz
- the frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch. High pitch sound- high
20-20,000 Hz – frequency audible to human
Up to 45,000 Hz – for dogs