Wave Notes
Wave Notes
Wave Notes
A wave is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy without a net movement of particles. It may take the form of elastic
de f o r m a t i o n , a va r i a t i o n o f pr e s s u r e , e l e c t r i c or m a g n e t i c in t e n s i t y , e l e c t r i c po t e n t i a l , o r te m p e r a t u r e .
Transfers energy.
Usually involves a periodic, repetitive movement.
Does not result in a net movement of the medium or particles in the medium (mechanical wave).
Period (T) is the time for one wavelength to pass a point. (The period is the reciprocal of the frequency and vice versa)
The velocity (v) of the wave is the speed at which a specific part of the wave passes a point. The speed of a wave refers to
the distance travelled by a given point on the wave (crest) in a given interval of time.
2 Categories of wave:
Mechanical Waves -Require a medium (material) to travel through (Examples: water waves, sound waves)
Electromagnetic Waves -Do not require a medium (Example: light travels through empty space)
Characteristics of sound
1. Wavelength: The most important characteristic of sound waves may be the wavelength. Sound consists
of a longitudinal wave that includes compressions and rarefactions as they travel through a given
medium. The distance that one wave travels before it repeats itself is the wavelength. It is the combined
length of a compression and the adjacent rarefaction, or the distance between the centers of two
consecutive rarefactions or compressions.
Timber -The tone quality of sound depends on the waveform of the sound wave.
-If two sounds have different waveforms, we usually perceived different tone qualities.
2. Amplitude: The amplitude is the size of a given wave. Think of it as sort of like the wave’s height as
opposed to its length. The amplitude is more accurately defined as the maximum displacement of the
particles the sound wave disturbs as it passes through a medium.
Loudness -The intensity of a sound wave
-The phenomenon of sound depends on the amplitude of the sound wave. If the
amplitude of the sound wave is large, then the sound is said to be loud.
-It is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration. If the amplitude of
the sound wave becomes double, then the loudness of the sound will be quadrupled.
-It is expressed in decibel (dB).
-Sounds above 80 dB becomes noise to human ears.
3. Frequency: The frequency of sound refers to the number of sound waves a sound produces per second.
A low-frequency sound has fewer waves, while a high-frequency sound has more. Sound frequency is
measured in hertz (HZ) and is not dependent upon the medium the sound is passing through.
Pitch -This depends on the frequency of vibration of the waves.
-If the frequency of vibration is higher, we say that the sound is shrill and has a high pitch.
On the other hand, if the sound is said to have a lower pitch then it has a lower frequency of vibration.
-A bird produces a high-pitched sound whereas roaring of a lion is a low-pitched sound.
-The voice of a woman has a higher pitch than that of a man.
-Humans can hear frequencies from 20Hz – 20,000Hz
-The highness and lowness of sound.
Depends almost completely on the frequency of the wave. The greater the frequency, the higher the
The pitch is the reason behind the difference in voice quality of different individuals.
4. Time Period – The time period is almost the opposite of the frequency. It is the time required to produce
a single complete wave, or cycle. Each vibration of the vibrating body producing the sound is equal to a
5. Velocity – finally, the velocity of the wave, sometimes referred to as the speed, is the amount of
distance in meters per second that a wave travels in one second.
How Do Sound Wave Characteristics Affect What You Hear?
There is a direct relationship between frequency and pitch and between amplitude and loudness.
Specifically, the more sound waves a sound produces, the higher the pitch. Meaning if a sound has a high
frequency, it will produce a high-pitched, shrill sound, while sounds with a lower frequency produce lower,
deeper sounds, like bass sounds. A sound of one frequency is called a tone. You may have heard one if you
have ever heard someone use a tuning fork. This is also sometimes called a “pure” sound.
The relationship between amplitude and loudness is quite simple. The higher the amplitude, the louder the
sound. This can be understood logically. A higher amplitude means more particles in a given medium are
being displaced, which we would expect to produce more sound.
The speed of sound in solid is 6000 metres per second, while the speed of sound in steel is equal to
5100 metres per second. Another interesting fact about the speed of sound is that sound travels 35
times faster in diamonds than in the air.
The electromagnetic spectrum, in simple terms, is defined as the range of all types of electromagnetic
The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of frequencies, wavelengths and photon energies covering
frequencies from below 1 hertz to above 1025 Hz, corresponding to wavelengths which are a few
kilometres to a fraction of the size of an atomic nucleus in the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.
Generally, in a vacuum, electromagnetic waves tend to travel at speeds which is similar to that of light.
However, they do so at a wide range of wavelengths, frequencies and photon energies.
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of a span of all electromagnetic radiation which further contains
many subranges, which are commonly referred to as portions.
All types of these
radiations travel with the
same velocity and require
no medium for their
The energy of
electromagnetic radiation
is directly proportional to
its frequency.
Any increase in frequency
results in a subsequent
decrease in wavelength.
Therefore, wavelength and
frequency are inversely
The electromagnetic spectrum can be depicted as follows:
Let us look into the uses of electromagnetic waves in our daily life.
1. Radio: A radio basically captures radio waves that are transmitted by radio stations. Radio waves can also
be emitted by gases and stars in space. Radio waves are mainly used for TV/mobile communication.
2. Microwave: This type of radiation is found in microwaves and helps in cooking at home/office. It is also
used by astronomers to determine and understand the structure of nearby galaxies and stars.
3. Infrared: It is used widely in night vision goggles. These devices can read and capture the infrared light
emitted by our skin and objects with heat. In space, infrared light helps to map interstellar dust.
4. X-ray: X-rays can be used in many instances. For example, a doctor can use an X-ray machine to take an
image of our bones or teeth. Airport security personnel use it to see through and check bags. X-rays are also
given out by hot gases in the universe.
5. Gamma-ray: It has a wide application in the medical field. Gamma-ray imaging is used to see inside our
bodies. Interestingly, the universe is the biggest gamma-ray generator of all.
6. Ultraviolet: The Sun is the main source of ultraviolet radiation. It causes skin tanning and burns. Hot
materials that are in space also emit UV radiation.
7. Visible: Visible light can be detected by our eyes. Light bulbs, stars, etc., emit visible light.
Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy is used to study the way different electromagnetic waves interact with matter.
● The visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is the reason for all visual aids in daily life. This
is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that helps us to see all objects, including colours.
● The X-rays discovered by Roentgen proved to be useful in medicine for detecting many ailments or
deformities in bones.
● The high ultraviolet radiation has energies to ionise the atoms causing chemical reactions.
● The gamma rays discovered by Paul Villard are useful for ionisation purposes and nuclear medicine.