Studies in adult learning theory show that adults prefer courses that focus heavily on
application of concepts to relevant issues. To retain and use new information they need to be
able to integrate the information with what they already know. Tasks must be slow to moderate
pace and not complex or unusual to avoid interference with adult learning. Adults prefer a
personalized learning environment with focused effort on concept application where they can
solve problems and take personal responsibility.
1. Quizzes
Quizzes are a fun way to engage learners and there are many types of quizzes you
can devise, such as multiple-choice, true/false or fill-in-the-blank quizzes.
You can ask participants to do quizzes on their own, or you can ask them to work in
groups and even set a quiz up as a competition, whereby the group that gets most
questions right wins.
When designing a quiz, it is important to keep it simple. A quiz should lighten the
mood, rather than feel like a test. When to use quizzes: Quizzes are useful when you
want your learners to revise a topic and also when you want to check their
2. Buzz Groups
Buzz groups are short discussions that are done in pairs or groups of three people at
the most. They are called buzz groups because, as participants start talking, they
will generate a buzzing noise in the class with their chat.
Ask your students a question; ask them to solve a problem or to agree on a
definition. Other good types of questions for buzz groups include asking participants
to find similarities and differences between concepts; discussing pros and cons or
discussing the participants’ opinions on something.
The question needs to be simple and to the point. Write the question somewhere
where the participants can easily see it, such as on a board, a PowerPoint ppt slide
or a handout
Buzz groups are best when they are kept short, so give your participants up to 5
minutes and try to limit it to that timeframe.
At the end, ask each pair to report their answers to the rest of the class and then
you summarize them.
When to use Buzz groups: Buzz groups are useful to engage participants who are shy
and are not comfortable working with big groups. They are also good for participants to
start reflecting on a topic.
3. Snowballing
This is a follow up from buzz groups and it consists in combining small groups into
bigger groups.
So, for example, after a buzz group, ask pairs to combine into groups of four and do
a follow-up activity from the discussion they had in the buzz group. You can then ask
the groups of fours to combine into a group of eight for another subsequent activity
When to Use Snowballing: Snowballing works best when the activities are connected
and expand on each other. You can use snowballing when you want to guide your
participants into developing a project, for example.
4. Brainstorming
Brainstorming consists in encouraging participants to come up with ideas to solve a
problem or answer a question.
Brainstorming is done quickly as participants are encouraged to say whatever first
comes to their minds. The aim here is not quality but quantity. The ideas will be
analyzed and discussed later.
During brainstorming, ideas are not judged and the flow of new ideas is instead
preferred. All ideas are welcomed.
You can run a brainstorming session with the whole class at once, as you write down
the answers, or in groups, so each group writes down their answers and then they
present them to the rest of the class so the ideas can be combined or improved.
At the end, the most useful ideas are chosen
When to use brainstorming: Brainstorming is very useful for problem-solving. Also,
you can use a quick brainstorming session to introduce a new topic, so that participants
come up with their own solution first before you explain the topic to them.
6. Debates
Whereas a discussion encourages participants to cooperate and to explore a topic,
debates are competitive. Groups or individuals are pitched against one another to
put their argument forward.
There are many ways for you to organize a debate but, just like a discussion, a
debate needs to be well structured. Unless participants are already well informed
about the arguments on a specific topic, give them a scenario or a case study to
You can ask participants to debate in pairs or in groups. After a pair or two groups of
participants debate, the other participants listen and make a decision at the end as
to which argument was stronger.
Another way to run a debate is to ask each person or group at the opposite sides of
the debate to switch sides at the end of the debate
When to use debates: A debate is useful when you want learners to understand
alternative viewpoints.
7. Presentations
Presentations consist in dividing participants into small groups and asking them to
design a short presentation together and deliver it in front of the class.
The presentation can be produced as a result of research, or simply as a result of a
short group discussion.
The difference between asking participants to just share their discussion with the
rest of the class and doing a presentation is that the latter is more formal.
For a presentation, participants come to the front of the room and each person in
the group takes turns to deliver a part of the presentation.
Depending on the resources and time available, they can use visuals such as
PowerPoint slides or a sheet of A1 paper or simply speak in front of the rest of the
To do a presentation, participants really need to focus on the topic; they need to
work well together and it is a good way for them to take ownership of their learning.
When to use presentations: They are very useful, of course, if you are teaching
presentation skills, as a way for participants to practice. They are also good for teaching
other topics though, as another way to involve students actively.
8. Role-play
With role-play, you give your participants a scenario and they act it out with each
participant playing a different role.
Commonly, you run role-plays in groups of three, where two participants play a role
each and one participant acts as an observer (if the class is not divisible by three,
there can be two observers). You can run the role-play more than once for the same
group so that participants can rotate roles
Alternatively, you can have just one performance, with one group of participants
acting out the roles, while the rest of the class observes.
When to use role-play: Role-play is very useful for any type of training that involves
interpersonal skills. For example, it is good for teaching how to give feedback, how to
handle conflict and communication skills.