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C A M I L L A ( S T R I P E )

C A M I L L A ( S T R I P E )



(7¾ [8¼: 8¾: 9: 9¾: 10: 10½: 11: 11½] in)

20 [21: 22: 23: 24.5: 25.5: 27: 28: 29] cm
To fit bust (cm/in)
71–76 81-86 91-97 102-107 112-117 122-127 132-137 142-147 152-157

(21½ [22: 22½: 23: 23½: 24: 24½: 24¾: 25] in)
28-30 32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 52-54 56-58 60-62
Actual bust measurement of garment

55 [56: 57: 58: 59.5: 60.5: 62: 63: 64] cm

80 91 100 111 120 131 140 151 160
31½ 35¾ 39¼ 43¾ 47¼ 51½ 55 59½ 63

length less top of sleeve

Summerlite DK (50gm)

(17¾ in)
Striped Version

45 cm
A Pink Powder 472
2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
B Summer 453
3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
C Favourite Denim 469 40 [45.5: 50: 55.5: 60: 65.5: 70: 75.5: 80] cm
(15¾ [18: 19¾: 21¾: 23½: 25¾: 27½: 29¾: 31½] in)
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
D Seashell 466
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Cast off 3 [4: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts at beg of next 2 rows.
Striped Version 82 [92: 102: 112: 120: 130: 138: 148: 156] sts.
8 8 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 Dec row (RS): Sl 1, K1, psso, K to last 2 sts, K2tog.
(photographed in Cantaloupe 456) Purl 1 row.
Break off yarn D and join in yarn B.
NEEDLES Working decreases as before, now complete back in g st, using yarn B only
1 pair 3¼mm (no 10) (US 3) needles throughout as folls:
1 pair 3¾mm (no 9) (US 5) needles Dec 1 st at each end of next and foll 0 [8: 16: 22: 27: 35: 38: 46: 52] alt rows,
3¾mm (no 9) (US 5) circular needle, no more than 40 cm long then on every foll 4th row until 42 [42: 42: 44: 44: 44: 46: 46: 46] sts rem.
Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.
TENSION Leave rem sts on a holder.
22 sts and 30 rows to 10 cm measured over st st using 3¾mm (US 5) needles.
21 sts and 40 rows to 10 cm measured over g st using 3¾mm (US 5) needles. FRONT
Work as given for back until 50 [50: 50: 52: 52: 52: 54: 56: 60] sts rem in raglan
STRIPE SEQUENCE armhole shaping.
Rows 1 to 12: Using yarn B. Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.
Rows 13 to 24: Using yarn C. Shape front neck
Rows 25 to 36: Using yarn A. Sizes 71-76 cm, 81-86 cm, 91-97 cm, 102-107 cm, 112-117 cm,
Rows 37 to 48: Using yarn D. 122-127 cm and 132-137 cm only
These 48 rows form stripe sequence and are repeated. Next row (RS): K9 sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. 9 sts.
Work each side of neck separately.
Striped Version Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row. 6 sts.
BACK Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge on next and foll 4th row and at same time
Using 3¼mm (US 3) needles and yarn A cast on 89 [101: 111: 123: 133: 145: dec 1 st at neck edge on next and foll alt row. 2 sts.
155: 167: 177] sts. Size 142-147 cm only
Row 1 (RS): *P1, K1 tbl, rep from * to last st, P1. Next row (RS): Sl 1, K1, psso, K8 sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. 9 sts.
Row 2: *K1, P1, rep from * to last st, K1. Work each side of neck separately.
These 2 rows form rib. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next row. 6 sts.
Cont in rib until back meas 4 cm, dec 1 st at end of last row and ending with Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge on next and foll 4th row, and at same time
RS facing for next row. dec 1 st at neck edge on next and foll alt row. 2 sts.
88 [100: 110: 122: 132: 144: 154: 166: 176] sts. Size 152-157 cm only
Change to 3¾mm (US 5) needles and yarn B. Next row (RS): Sl 1, K1, psso, K10 sts and turn, leaving rem sts on a holder. 11 sts.
Beg with a K row and row 1 of stripe sequence, now work in st st and stripe Work each side of neck separately.
sequence (see above) as folls: Cast off 4 sts at beg of next row. 7 sts.
Cont straight for 92 rows, ending after 8 rows using yarn D and with RS Dec 1 st at raglan armhole edge on next and foll 2 alt rows and at same
facing for next row. (Back should meas approx 34.5 cm.) time dec 1 st at neck edge on next and foll alt row. 2 sts.
Shape raglan armholes All sizes
Cont in yarn D as folls: Work 1 row.

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Next row (RS): K2tog and Cast off. Left sleeve only
With RS facing, slip centre 32 [32: 32: 34: 34: 34: 36: 36: 36] sts onto a holder Dec 1 st at each end of next row. 13 sts.
(for neckband), rejoin yarn and K to end. Dec 1 st at beg of next row and at same edge on foll 2 rows. 10 sts.
Complete to match first side, reversing shapings. Dec 1 st at beg of next row. 9 sts.
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next and foll alt row, ending with RS facing for
SLEEVES next row.
Using 3¼mm (US 3) needles and yarn A cast on 49 [51: 51: 53: 53: 55: 55: Right sleeve only
57: 57] sts. Dec 1 st at each end of next row. 13 sts.
Work in rib as given for back until sleeve meas 4 cm, ending with RS facing Dec 1 st at end of next row and at same edge on foll 2 rows. 10 sts.
for next row. Cast off 3 sts at beg of next and foll alt row and at same time dec 1 st at
Change to 3¾mm (US 5) needles and yarn C. end of next row.
Beg with a K row and row 17 of stripe sequence, now work in st st and stripe Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.
sequence (see above) as folls: Both sleeves
Inc 1 st each end of 11th [9th: 7th: 7th: 5th: 5th: 3rd: 3rd: 3rd] row and every Cast off rem 3 sts.
foll 12th [10th: 8th: 8th: 6th: 6th: 4th: 4th: 4th] row to 61 [57: 57: 69: 67: 77:
61: 69: 81] sts, then on every foll 14th [12th: 10th: 10th: 8th: 8th: 6th: 6th: 6th] MAKING UP
row until there are 67 [71: 75: 79: 85: 89: 95: 99: 103] sts. Press as described on the information page.
Cont straight until sleeve meas approx 45 cm, ending after 8 rows in yarn D Join raglan seams using back stitch, or mattress stitch if preferred.
and with RS facing for next row. Neckband
Shape raglan With RS facing, using 3¾mm (US 5) circular needle and yarn B, K42 [42: 42:
Cont in yarn D as folls: 44: 44: 44: 46: 46: 46] sts from back neck holder, pick up and knit 12 sts from
Cast off 3 [4: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10] sts at beg of next 2 rows. top of left sleeve, and 8 sts down left side of front neck, K32 [32: 32: 34: 34:
61 [63: 67: 69: 73: 75: 79: 81: 83] sts. 34: 36: 36: 36] sts from front neck holder, then pick up and knit 8 sts up right
Dec row (RS): Sl 1, K1, psso, K to last 2 sts, K2tog. side of front neck, and 12 sts from top of right sleeve.
Purl 1 row. 114 [114: 114: 118: 118: 118: 122: 122: 122] sts.
Break off yarn D and join in yarn B. Join to work in rounds as folls:
Working decreases as before, now complete sleeve in g st using yarn B only Work in st st (K every round) until neckband meas 2.5 cm.
throughout as folls: Cast off loosely.
Dec 1 st at each end of next and foll 10 [10: 12: 12: 13: 13: 14: 14: 14] alt rows, See information page for finishing instructions.
then on every foll 4th row until 15 sts rem.
Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row. Plain Version
Work as given for Striped Version, using one colour throughout.

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Obtaining the correct tension is perhaps the There are two main methods of working Block out each piece of knitting and following
single factor which can make the difference colour into a knitted fabric: Intarsia and the instructions on the ball band press the
between a successful garment and a disastrous Fairisle techniques. The first method garment pieces, omitting the ribs. Tip: Take
one. It controls both the shape and size of produces a single thickness of fabric and is special care to press the edges, as this will
an article, so any variation, however slight, usually used where a colour is only required make sewing up both easier and neater. If the
can distort the finished garment. Different in a particular area of a row and does not form ball band indicates that the fabric is not to be
designers feature in our books and it is their a repeating pattern across the row, as in the pressed, then covering the blocked out fabric
tension, given at the start of each pattern, fairisle technique. with a damp white cotton cloth and leaving
which you must match. We recommend that Fairisle type knitting: When two or three it to stand will have the desired effect. Darn
you knit a square in pattern and/or stocking colours are worked repeatedly across a row, in all ends neatly along the selvage edge or a
stitch (depending on the pattern instructions) strand the yarn not in use loosely behind the colour join, as appropriate.
of perhaps 5 - 10 more stitches and 5 - 10 stitches being worked. If you are working with
more rows than those given in the tension more than two colours, treat the “floating” STITCHING
note. Mark out the central 10cm square with yarns as if they were one yarn and always When stitching the pieces together, remember
pins. If you have too many stitches to 10cm spread the stitches to their correct width to to match areas of colour and texture very
try again using thicker needles, if you have keep them elastic. It is advisable not to carry carefully where they meet. Use a seam stitch
too few stitches to 10cm try again using finer the stranded or “floating” yarns over more such as back stitch or mattress stitch for all main
needles. Once you have achieved the correct than three stitches at a time, but to weave them knitting seams and join all ribs and neckband
tension your garment will be knitted to the under and over the colour you are working. with mattress stitch, unless otherwise stated.
measurements indicated in the size diagram The “floating” yarns are therefore caught at
shown at the end of the pattern. the back of the work. CONSTRUCTION
Intarsia:The simplest way to do this is to cut Having completed the pattern instructions,
CHART NOTE short lengths of yarn for each motif or block join left shoulder and neckband seams as
Many of the patterns in the book are worked of colour used in a row. Then joining in the detailed above. Sew the top of the sleeve to
from charts. Each square on a chart represents various colours at the appropriate point on the the body of the garment using the method
a stitch and each line of squares a row of knitting. row, link one colour to the next by twisting detailed in the pattern, referring to the
Each colour used is given a different letter and them around each other where they meet appropriate guide:
these are shown in the materials section, or on the wrong side to avoid gaps. All ends can Straight cast-off sleeves: Place centre
in the key alongside the chart of each pattern. then either be darned along the colour join of cast-off edge of sleeve to shoulder seam.
When working from the charts, read odd rows lines, as each motif is completed or then can Sew top of sleeve to body, using markers as
(RS) from right to left and even rows (WS) be “knitted-in” to the fabric of the knitting as guidelines where applicable.
from left to right, unless otherwise stated.When each colour is worked into the pattern.This is Square set-in sleeves: Place centre of cast-
working lace from a chart it is important to note done in much the same way as “weaving- in” off edge of sleeve to shoulder seam. Set sleeve
that all but the largest size may have to alter the yarns when working the Fairisle technique head into armhole, the straight sides at top of
first and last few stitches in order not to lose or and does save time darning-in ends. It is sleeve to form a neat right-angle to cast-off sts
gain stitches over the row. essential that the tension is noted for intarsia as at armhole on back and front.
this may vary from the stocking stitch if both Shallow set-in sleeves: Place centre of cast
WORKING A LACE PATTERN are used in the same pattern. off edge of sleeve to shoulder seam. Match
When working a lace pattern it is important decreases at beg of armhole shaping to
to remember that if you are unable to work FINISHING INSTRUCTIONS decreases at top of sleeve. Sew sleeve head into
both the increase and corresponding decrease After working for hours knitting a garment, armhole, easing in shapings.
and vica versa, the stitches should be worked it seems a great pity that many garments are Set-in sleeves: Place centre of cast-off edge
in stocking stitch. spoiled because such little care is taken in the of sleeve to shoulder seam. Set in sleeve, easing
pressing and finishing process. Follow the text sleeve head into armhole.
below for a truly professional-looking garment. Join side and sleeve seams.
Slip stitch pocket edgings and linings into
Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes.
Ribbed welts and neckbands and any areas of
garter stitch should not be pressed.

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K knit Below are the symbols you are likely to see and a
P purl = Beginner Techniques brief explanation of each.
st(s) stitch(es) For the beginner knitter, basic garment shaping
inc increas(e)(ing) and straight forward stitch technique. MACHINE WASH SYMBOLS
dec decreas(e)(ing)
st st stocking stitch (1 row K , 1 row P) = Simple Techniques
30C 40C
g st garter stitch (K every row) Simple straight forward knitting, introducing 30C 40C
beg begin(ning) various, shaping techniques and garments.
foll following Machine Wash, Machine Wash, Machine Wash, Machine Wash,
rem remain(ing) = Experienced Techniques Cold Cold, Gentle Warm Warm, Gentle

rev st st reverse stocking stitch For the more experienced knitter, using more
(1 row P, 1 row K) advanced shaping techniques at the same time as HAND WASH SYMBOLS
rep repeat colourwork or more advanced stitch techniques.
alt alternate
cont continue = Advanced Techniques
30C 40C
patt pattern Advanced techniques used, using advanced
tog together stitches and garment shaping along with more Do Not Wash Hand Wash, Hand Wash, Hand Wash,
mm millimetres challenging techniques Normal Cold Warm

cm centimetres
WS wrong side SOURCED FROM:
sl 1 slip one stitch P A
psso pass slipped stitch over
p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over Debbie Abrahams Do Not
Dry Clean
Dry Clean, in
Certain Solvents,
Dry Clean,
Any Solvent
tbl through back of loop Consult Cleaner
M1 make one stitch by picking up
horizontal loop before next stitch Website: www.debbieabrahams.com IRONING SYMBOLS
and knitting into back of it Email: beads@debbieabrahams.com
M1P make one stitch by picking up Tel: 0115 9607991
horizontal loop before next stitch
and purling into back of it Groves & Banks
yfwd yarn forward Eastern Bypass Do Not Iron Low Iron Medium
yrn yarn round needle Thame Iron Heat Heat

meas measures Oxfordshire

0 no stitches, times or rows OX9 3FU DO NOT BLEACH SYMBOL
- no stitches, times or rows for eMail: groves@stockistenquiries.co.uk
that size Web: www.grovesltd.co.uk
yon yarn over needle
yfrn yarn forward round needle
wyib with yarn at back Do Not

UK crochet terms and abbreviations have been
used throughout.The list below gives the US
equivalent where they vary.
Do Not Tumble Dry, Dry Flat Do Not
Tumble Dry Gentle, Low in Shade Wring
dc (sc) double crochet (single crochet)
htr (hdc) half treble (half double
tr (dc) treble (double crochet)
dtr (tr) double treble (treble)

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When you knit and wear a Rowan design we want you to look and Our womenswear sizes range from 28” (71cm) through to
feel fabulous. This all starts with the size and fit of the design you 62” (157cm) chest.Whilst our menswear and unisex sizes range from
choose.We have recently increased our size range to help you achieve 32” (81cm) to 62” (157cm).
the best fit for your knitwear.
The Dimensions in the charts below are body measurements, not
garment dimensions, therefore please refer to the measuring guide to
help you to determine which is the best size for you to knit.


The sizing within this chart is also based on the larger size within the range.

To fit chest: 28 - 30 32 - 34 36 - 38 40 - 42 44 - 46 48 - 50 52 - 54 56 - 58 60 - 62 inches Bust

71 - 76 81 - 86 91 - 97 102 - 107 112 - 117 122 - 127 132 - 137 142 - 147 152 - 157 cm
To fit waist: 20 - 22 24 - 26 28 - 30 32 - 34 36 - 38 40 - 42 44 - 46 48 - 50 52 - 54 inches
51 - 56 61 - 66 71 - 76 81 - 86 91 - 97 102 - 107 112 - 117 122 - 127 132 - 137 cm
To fit hips: 30 - 32 34 - 36 38 - 40 42 - 44 46 - 48 50 - 52 54 - 56 58 - 60 62 - 64 inches Hips
76 - 81 86 - 91 97- 102 107 - 112 117 - 122 127 - 132 137 - 142 147 - 152 157 - 163 cm


The sizing within this chart is also based on the larger size within the range.

To fit chest: 32 - 34 36 - 38 40 - 42 44 - 46 48 - 50 52 - 54 56 - 58 60 - 62 inches Chest

81 - 86 91 - 97 102 - 107 112 - 117 122 - 127 132 - 137 142 - 147 152 - 157 cm
To fit waist: 24 - 26 28 - 30 32 - 34 36 - 38 40 - 42 44 - 46 48 - 50 52 - 54 inches
61 - 66 71 - 76 81 - 86 91 - 97 102 - 107 112 - 117 122 - 127 132 - 137 cm

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The instructions are given for the smallest size. Where they vary,
work the figures in brackets for the larger sizes. One set of figures

Sleeve head depth

refers to all sizes. Included with most patterns is a size diagram,
see image opposite of the finished garment and its dimensions.

of neck to end of welt

The measurement shown at the bottom of each size diagram

measured from end

measured from side

of cuffs to armhole
shows the garment width. The size diagram will also indicate


how the garment is constructed, for example if the garment has a
drop shoulder, this will be reflected in the drawing. To help you
choose the size of garment to knit please refer to the sizing guide.
Generally in the majority of designs the welt width (at the cast on
edge of the garment) is the same width as the chest. If you don’t
want to measure yourself, note the size of a similar shaped garment Chest width
that you own and compare it with the size diagram given at the end measured 2.5cm
of the pattern. below armhole


For maximum comfort and to ensure the correct fit when choosing Finally, once you have decided which size is best for you, please ensure
a size to knit, please follow the tips below when checking your size. that you achieve the tension required for the design you wish to knit.
Measure yourself close to your body, over your underwear and don’t
pull the tape measure too tight! Remember if your tension is too loose, your garment will be bigger
than the pattern size and you may use more yarn. If your tension is
Bust/chest | measure around the fullest part of the bust/chest and too tight, your garment could be smaller than the pattern size and
across the shoulder blades. you will have yarn left over.

Waist | measure around the natural waistline, just above the hip bone. Furthermore if your tension is incorrect, the handle of your fabric
will be too stiff or floppy and will not fit properly. It really does make
Hips | measure around the fullest part of the bottom. sense to check your tension before starting every project.

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