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Mitch Herskowitz
Andy Secher
SEPT 1996
Mary Anne Cassata
[:this very special issue of Hit Parader, we have attempted to provide an Jennifer Fusco
overview of the last 20 years of hard rock history— one of the most
volatile, entertaining and financially successful periods in the annals of Frank Cafiero
s popular music. There was no way for us to give a complete and proper
examination of a particular year— let alone two decades— in the limited PHOTO EDITOR
space we have available, nor was it ever our intention to do so. Instead, we Debra Trebitz
chose to feature a single band that we felt best symbolized the sound, the CIRCULATION MARKETING DIRECTOR
style and the attitude of that particular year. It’s always been the bands and Marty Puntus
their music that has made hard rock such an incredibly exciting form, and it
is those bands that we chose to highlight in this collector’s edition: 20 Years NEW JERSEY EDITORIAL OFFICE
210 Route 4 East, Suite 401
Of Hard Rock. We've been there to chronicle it all, and now it’s our turn to Paramus NJ 07652¢(201) 843-4004
share it with you.
Mitch Herskowitz
YEARS OF 6 WE READ YOUR MAIL 441 Lexington Ave., Suite 602
New York, NY 10017¢(212) 490-1715
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TWENTY YEARS AND COUNTING. YEAH, we'd be the first to rock and roll all night and party every day. Phew!
admit it’s hard to figure just where the time flies, but remember
it does. Go back to 1977, and Zeppelin come innediately to QUICKIES: Why was Rage Against The Machine denied a sec-
mind followed by AC/DC, Priest and of course Kiss. Jimmy ond song recently on Saturday Night Live? Our Rockefeller
Page, Robert Plant, John Boham and Paul Jones dominated the Center snoop insists the suits at NBC didn’t take kindly when
charts with The Song Remains The Same and Presence. the band tried to hang upside down flags from their
Pink Floyd blew the minds of the potheads from the ‘60s with Marshalls... News Headline: Flea and the Chili Peppers conquer
Wish You Were Here. A Beatle or two would turn up now Hungary. Wonder if they played with only their socks on?...
and then although in fairness, McCartney had his fans. No one Even Billie Joe Armstrong proved he was only flesh and bone
knew what was to come, HN when Green Day pulled the plug
Carter was President and jg SS Sa EN a
ga on the final 21 gigs of the
Quaaludes hadn't even been § | European tour. Remember
invented. In ‘77, Ozzy would | F though, GD has virtually
still have three more with | / been on the road two-and-
Black Sabbath. Alice Cooper | » a-half years without a
was still out there pushing | f Stop...
Welcome To My }{
Nightmare. It was only the | | — Watch for Courtney Love
following year that our pals, § f and heartthrob Tom Cruise
Eddie and Alex Van Halen § f to turn up in the same
plus Michael Anthony, and ¥ movie... Robert DeLeo of
David Lee Roth signed their § F Stone Temple Pilots sums it
first deal as that Madman § Fall up best when he simply
from Michigan, Ted Nugent, § i says “We always try to
came down with a case of § F make records that are really
Cat Scratch Fever. : | diverse and really fulfilling
So what does all this F emotionally.” Doesn't Lady
gotta do with 1996? Simply § , Picture Show have that
that the music remains true, § , timeless quality ‘bout it?...
as the aforementioned sur- § » Funniest thing we heard this
vivors amply demonstrate. | week: “Nobody ever
These bands paved the way § | offered me LSD,” Jim Carrey
and all of us must never for- § F mugged. “Never in high
get it. Rock, our one endless § } school either. Maybe they
sculpture with equally end- § ; figured | just didn't need
less seams. We remember, } itl”
but now back to reality... K*K*
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about better than anyone else in the brought the house down, but it was
rock world. often the band’s more sedate material
“It's nice that so many people want that proved most effective in the hall's
to come out and see us,” Corgan said. relatively intimate surroundings. While it
“| have been pleasantly surprised by it was always the tall, gangly Corgan who
all. If | knew for sure that the album maintained a virtual stranglehold on the
was going to do as well as it has, spotlight, it was often attractive bassist
maybe we would have tried to play big- D'Arcy that drew the greatest cheers
ger places. But | didn’t want to go out from the crowd— especially the males in
there and find we were playing in halls attendance.
where the ticket demand wasn’t there. “Everyone in the band has their fans,”
If people aren't able to get in to the Corgan said. “That's nice. | don’t want
show, I’m sorry.” to be the star. This is a band and we've
For those lucky (or wealthy) enoughto - worked together for a long time to con-
get inside the packed hall, the show that vince everyone of that. We finally have
n it = ) a 5 <s
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Wilson said. “We kept our recording time as the material for their second album, Grip.
brief as possible in order to maintain a cer- This time around, the record began to draw
tain flow to all the material. We had planned significant attention towards the Hunger,
on allowing ourselves a couple of months to and the band was soon able to headline
record it, but our concern was that if we their own club tour of Texas. While the area's
took that much time the songs would really rowdy rednecks initially wanted to get up
begin to lose their focus. There's so much and boogie, the Hunger’s rich blend of key-
going on in our songs as it is, additional time board textures and razor-edged guitars soon
might have been more of a detriment than a began to win the crowds over, and before
positive thing for us.” they knew it, the band’s reputation started
Formed in Houston, Texas back in 1990, to reach both coasts. While some lukewarm
it's taken the Hunger six years, and two indie interest was shown by major labels who
album releases, to reach their present status wanted to rerelease Grip, the Hunger
BY ARN SPANGLER within the rock world. Working first as a trio choose to stick to their own guns.
he Hunger are one of those bands that formed by the Wilson brothers and “We liked the idea of being indepen-
just makes you stop and scratch your Albritton, the Hunger'’s debut single, 1991's dent,” Thomas Wilson said. “We felt we'd
head in wonder. It’s not a wonder about Never Again, became something of a cult hit go to a bigger label when the time was
how they landed a record deal, as seems to in the Southwest. The song came to the right, but it just wasn’t right with our second
be the case with too many new rock acts attention of producer/guitarist Bogle who album. We weren’t even sure if it was going
these days. And it's not necessarily a wonder volunteered to not only produce the group's to be right with Devil Thumbs A Ride, but
about the sheer brilliance of their material— debut disc, Leave Me Alone, but join the we're certainly glad we did it.”
though the stuff contained on their latest band as well. With the addition of Texas As it happened, the band has every inten-
disc, Devil Thumbs A Ride, is pretty damn native Schludberg, the band's lineup was tion of releasing their latest disc on their own
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to the point where both rockers are rumored to be “happy” about
working together again. We'll have to see it to believe it, but our West
Coast wags tell us that both rockers have come to their senses (at least
a bit) and realized that if they don’t get to work soon, nobody will give
SAD STUFF: STP’s Rob DeLeo admits that he was “heartbroken” for
both himself and vocalist Scott Weiland when the vocalist was read-
mitted to a drug care clinic in April. The move forced STP to cancle
their “dream” show with Kiss, and threw the band into a state of total
chaos. Hopefully things will work out for the Pilots before they crash
and burn.
the group has already completed most of the work for their still-unti- ii Mh
tarist Kim Thayil, “We just liked the way it
sounded. Usually our titles come from lyrics The compositions of Lifeson, Lee and Peart have
or thoughts that run through our heads.” consistently appealed to both metal and
KKEKKKKK progressive fans. WORKING MAN features high
energy performances by such prominent players
MEN OF METAL: Metallica have certainly
as Mike Portnoy, Billy Sheehan, Sebastian Bach,
been busy boys in recent months. Not only
Steve Morse, Eric Martin, John Petrucci, George | |
did they see their first album in four years, Lynch, Deen Castronovo, Fates Warning, Jarnes
Load, debut at Number One in June, but LaBrie, Jack Russell, Jake E. Lee, James Murphy,
their Lollapalooza tickets have been selling Rocky George, Mark Slaughter, Robert Berry,
faster than the proverbial hotcakes. But now Stuart Hamm as well as members of MAGNA CARTA.
it seems Lars, James, Jason and Kirk are acts Shadow Gallery, Aura, Magellan and Cairo.
about to up the ante a bit. The boys have _ Mixed by Terry Brown.
planned their own headlining North
American tour which seems destined to keep THE UNDERGROUND HARD ROCK
them on the road well into 1997. Get your
2 e oe z
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Paul Stanley: “With Kiss, anything is possible.”
“All we wanted to do in the early days was get on stage and havea good time.:we
idgleme|cctehtcrianele|ie-leamemnlsmetiacicidelanmm ate bigger and better things. While many out. They’ ve heard the stories Gad they
Ialomualsmciialel(manresvalauleiiaiclmeycmaaceiciem vould agree that the band’s post-Roth wanted to come and check it all out for
aleoee pelea emsOLemUlaielatvarcisNaecm albums, including such multi-platinum themselves. | don’t think we: left any.Gt:
eoMelACcipmia(-me-cmWiitamerlaesmencimecmian smashes as OU812, 5150 and Balance them disappointed.”
all handed to them on a silver platter, the
wheels soon began to come off the VH
rock and roll express. The band’s fondness “| never would have
for partying led to substance problems imagined that we'd
for both Van Halen brothers, and Roth
last for almost
| began believing his own press hype—
| going so far as to start thinking that he 20 years.”
2 was, in fact, bigger than the band. A split
was inevitable, and by the time their
landmark disc 1984 was released, word
hit the street that not only was Roth plan-
ning on doing a solo disc, but he was
thinking about pursuing a movie career
as well. Roth tried to blame his moves on
the VH brothers being “too unpre-
dictable”— the brothers blamed Roth for
being “selfish”. By 1985 Roth was out
and veteran rocker Sammy Hagar was in.
“| know what's gonna happen,” Roth
said shortly after the split. “Ten years
from now, when |’m resting on a beach
somewhere enjoying myself, the phone is
gonna ring. It'll be Ed asking me if | want
to come back and do one more tour with
the band. You know what I’m gonna do
when that happens? I’m just politely
gonna say, ‘Ed, go screw yourself!’”
Well, ten years have now passed since
the split, and that call from Edward to
beachcomber Dave has never occurred. In
fact, over the ensuing decade little con-
_ tact between the two parties has even
taken place, aside from the occasional
unplanned meeting, where Edward
States, “Dave doesn’t even say ‘hello’.”
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ee eee earner
Page, Plant and Bonham in
their Zeppelin prime.
\ y
| "crea a swar
appropriate, consideri
been called Swan Song, a
tured the tragic figure of Ichorous, the mythical
close to the sun. No one had dared to fly lee a it was all that and more. What |
| aplomb than Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Jo 5 Bonham and ae Jones Hed man-
| Bonham. Quite simply, no other band (aside,
| Beatles) has left such a lasting impression on the ro
| mighty Zeppelin. In ‘79 the band was completing
| effort, In Through The Out Door, and undertaking thei
| shows— only they didn’t know it. Less than a year lat vorings and then simply amplifying the whole melange |
| would be found dead, and the all-powerful Led Zeppeli e point of immediate recognition, Zeppelin had created an |
| would be silenced forever. While Page and Plant have recently y new musical form. What those short-sighted critics had |
| restore luster to the hallowed Zeppelin sound (successfully, fc led as “unimaginative” quickly proved to be just the opposite; it |
| most part), their efforts still pale in comparison to the musical mac e perfect musical style with which to herald rock’s new age. It |
| these four special musicians created during their dozen-year career. as loud, it was brash, it was the opiate of the masses. Perhaps more |
| “We never said that we were trying to recreate Zeppelin,” Plant sta than anything else, it was Led Zeppelin. |
ed recently. “But we felt it was time to allow a new generation to hear _ "| remember the first time we all got together,” Jones stated. “We |
| that music from the people who wrote it. So many other bands have met in an old London rehearsal room and we had quite a bit of our |
| tried to capture what special quality Zeppelin had, but the best they 2 gear set up in there. | knew Jimmy from some of our session work, |
| could do was recreate only a small fraction of what we had. From the “most notably with Donovan. | had met Robert and Bonzo briefly |
| moment we first got together, Zeppelin was magical.” before that. So these four relative strangers got together one evening,
| As hard as it may be to believe, when Led Zeppelin released their plugged in their instruments and started to jam. | remember Jimmy |
| saying to me to ‘just play a blues beat’. The song we went into was an Their party hearty lifestyle just seemed to enhance the Zeppelin mys-
old Yardbirds number, Train Kept A’Rolling, and | remember the whole tique. Over the ensuing years, with the release of such albums as Led
room just exploding with sound. You couldn't wipe the smiles off our Zeppelin lil, Houses Of The Holy, and the incredible ZOSO, the
| faces for a week.” band's impact on the rock world continued to expand. It reached its
From their tumultuous early days, it didn’t take Zeppelin long to apex when the song Stairway To Heaven was released, finally convinc-
| establish themselves as the preeminent rock and roll band on the plan- ing the band’s few remaining skeptics that this indeed was a group
| et. Back in the late ‘60s it took a little longer for a band to develop a capable of creating music of incredible delicacy and beauty as well as
following; after all, MTV was still a dozen years from becoming a reality wall-shaking power. With Page’s lone acoustic guitar introducing the
and even the then-infant FM radio format was somewhat resistant to track, soon to be joined by Jones’ haunting keyboard and dulcimer
| play what they viewed as overly raucous music. The only way a band work, and finally— at long last— Bonham’s pounding drums, Stairway
could get heard was the “old fashioned way’”— by going directly to set the standard against which every other hard rock track has since
| the people on never-ending world tours. Such was the path that been measured.
Zeppelin took, opening shows for anyone brave enough to have them “We knew we had something special from the moment we started
| on their tour, including such bands as Iron Butterfly and Country Joe work on Stairway,” Page stated. “But no one could have guessed that
| and the Fish. But it didn’t take Zep long to blossom from “support act” it would have the kind of lasting impact it has.”
| status to headliners, and by the time their second disc, Led Zeppelin Over the next seven years, Zeppelin would begin taking longer and
ll, was released in late “69, the world was longer between album releases. Their per-
| already their oyster. sonal lives, often tinged with tragedy,
“Things moved incredibly smoothly for including the death of Plant's young son,
s,” Page recalled. “We had a manager, began to take a more and more prominent
| Peter Grant, who was able to make things role in dictating the group's activities. They
| happen. And it was our belief that once we released a soundtrack for their concert
| had the chance to play in front of an audi- documentary, The Song Remains The
ence we could win them over. About the Same, yet it seemed as if Zeppelin would
only problem we had in the early days was take forever to release a new studio
when the Countess Von Zeppelin saw the album. Finally, in late 1975, Physical
- cover of our first album and almost made us Graffiti appeared— a loosely structured
change our name. But by the time the sec- two-record set that showed the band
ond album came out, | think we all sensed exploring exciting new musical frontiers.
that nothing could stop us.” Two years later, Presence continued this
No one had ever heard anything like Led pattern of taking bold, avant-garde musi-
Zeppelin’s late ‘60s albums. In an age when Ff cal steps, with Jones serving as the band’s
loosely structured 20-minute jams were stan- || driving force, rather than Page or Plant.
dard operating procedure, Zeppelin’s hard- | | While both fans and critics generally con-
hitting bursts of pure rock energy were like a sidered the band's later work as inferior to
cali-to-arms for a generation. Filled with lusty their earlier efforts, the discs still sold in
tales of love and conquest, and featuring the the millions.
most intense instrumental attack ever heard, “We experimented, and played with the
such early Zeppelin masterworks as music,” Jones said. “We were getting far-
/ Communication Breakdown, Whole Lotta ther and farther way from a straight-ahead
| Love and Good Times, Bad Times, were revo- blues connection, which is what dominat-
| lutionary in both concept and design. ed the first few albums.”
| Perhaps only the Beatles, working in a radi- Next came In Through The Out Door,
cally different musical format, had as big an f
released in August, 1979, and the band
| impact on their chosen style of rock as soon played their first live shows in two
Zeppelin had on theirs. By the time their sec- Robert Plant: “I came to realize that the years in Copenhagen, Denmark. Things
ond album finished its meteoric path to the Music made by Zeppelin was timeless.’wee =seemed to be going well... amazingly well.
top of the charts, Zeppelin found themselves The record proved to be a best-seller,
to be the hottest act in the world— the largest grossing concert attrac- receiving fourstar reviews around the world, and talk of the band’s
tion in rock history. first U.S. tour since their aborted 1977 trek was on everyone's lips. A
“We stayed on the road almost continually when the first two albums full-scale European tour was launched in early 1980, with the band
came out,” Plant said. “I think we had completed five American tours playing an intoxicating array of old and new material during a set that
| by the end of 1969! In retrospect it's amazing that we even survived that frequently ran over three hours in length. Fans everywhere were
| ordeal. But the fact is that we loved every second of it.” thrilled, and American Zep-heads, in particular, rejoiced when official
Indeed they did, and as they spent time on the road, Zeppelin was tour dates were announced.
establishing precedents that every future rock act would attempt to That tour would never happen. On September 25, 1980, shortly
emulate. Their dealings with groupies, the hotel-destroying exploits and after rehearsals for that American road excursion had begun, John
the dabbling in all manner of bizarre substances quickly became the Bonham started downing shots of vodka. It is estimated that he
stuff of legend. The tales have been passed down from generation to downed over 40 shots during a 12-hour stretch. He went home to his
generation with code words like “mud shark” or “plaster caster” gain- newly-purchased estate outside of London and went to sleep. He
ing instant grins of recognition from those in-the-know. It was a lascivi- never woke up. The next day his body was discovered in his bed. Four
ous lifestyle in a era before AIDS turned such activities into human months later, after much rumor and speculation, the surviving band
games of Russian roulette. As Plant recalls, in their heyday, life was a members issued this brief statement:
never-ending party for Led Zeppelin that only ended when they pre- “The loss of our dear friend, and the deep sense of harmony felt by
pared to go on stage each night. ourselves and our manager, have led us to decide that we could not
“We were young, and we were healthy, and all manner of ‘tempta- continue as we were.’
| tion was being placed at our feet,” he said. “There's was never even a Zeppelin was no more, but their music continues to live on, ponds
thought of resistance. It was all part of the world we were ‘totally ing all who hear it with a taste of the greatest rock and roll the world
caught up within.” will ever Know.
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1980 1980 1980 i
1980 Judas Priest epitomized heavy metal as When Judas Priest hit the top of the “Judas Priest’s goal was always to
no band had done before— and as charts in the early ‘80s, with the release deliver a special style of heavy metal
no band has done since. With. their of their first platinum album, Screaming music,” Halford said. “But the trick was
~ penchantfor wearing black leather stage For Vengeance, it represented the cul- to deliver it with a style that was totally
~ gear and making dramatic Harley-topped mination. of a long, uphill battle for our own. From the moment we came
~— entrances, the Priest’ Beast was the ulti-. recognition and credibility. Prior to their out in the late ‘70s, people were trying
mate metal machine. They lived, slept break-through success, Priest had repre- to compare us to Zeppelin, Sabbath or
‘and drank the metal lifestyle, and exuded sented almost a caricature of all that had whoever else happened to be around at
: that metallic credo back to their millions proceeded them. Lacking the multi- the moment. There may have been ele-
ments of what those other bands did
that had influenced us— Sabbath, after
all, had come from our home town of
Birmingham— but we never tried to be
like them. Our goal was to create the
purest form of metal music, and | believe
= yfase we definitely succeeded.”
While they were never critical favorites,
of headbanging fans around the globe. with many media scribes falsely believing
In vocalist Rob Halford, these mega-watt
BY ROB ANDREWS Priest to be little more than a mindless
bashers from Birmingham, England, pos- faceted skills of Led Zeppelin, the quasi- riff factory, almost from the day their
_ sesseda flamboyant singer with a four Satanic overtones of Black Sabbath. or debut disc, Sad Wings Of Destiny, was
“octave range who showed no fear about _the improvisational flair of Deep Purple, released it was evident that this was one
using his explosive voice to shatter ear Judas Priest was a no-holds-barred rock band willing to take as many musical
drums and nerve endings with equal juggernaut— a band that knew only chances as necessary in order to succeed.
aplomb. In- guitarists K.K. Downing and two speeds, loud and fast or louder and Mixing almost operatic drama with their
Glenn Tipton, Priest unleashed a double faster. There was little subtlety to offset traditional guitar overload, on succeed-
lead guitar attack the likes of which the the group's heavy-handed approach, and ing discs such as British Steel,
rock world had never before experi- while the band’s imaginative song struc- Defenders Of The Faith and Hell Bent
enced. Exchanging fleet-fingered riffs as tures. would venture into previously For Leather, Priest set themselves up as
_ well as the center stage spotlight, the uncharted metal terrain over the ensuing the true defenders of the metal faith,
paired axe masters provided the band’s years, at heart Priest always remained one of the few bands willing to state
sound with a structural foundation and true to the basic metal elements— ham- their no-holds-barred allegiance to the
artistic flair that served to provide Priest’ mering guitars, screamed vocals and a metal cause, and able to back up that
with their quintessential musical element. live-for-today lyrical attitude. allegiance with the power of their music.
: rg
At.times it even seemed as If they enjoyed course, word will filter out of England stand Rob is no longer associated with,
scoffing at their detractors. When the that Judas Priest, the most powerful, Fight, but there doesn't seem to bekin
g |v ie:
leather-clad Halford would burst through and one of the most successful, heavy much interest on his part to wor
the band’s 15-foot high wall of amps metal band of all-time has agreed to get again with Priest. We're going to go on.
(most of which were only stage props) its musical steamroller back in action about our business. Both Glenn and |-
atop his gleaming Harley it was high again. It seems certain that millions of have been working on music both apart:
camp, high drama and high energy all fans around the world would rejoice at and together, and | assume we will be.
rolled into one overwhelming rock and roll such news. taking our next career step in the next.
package. Priest was an all-out assault on “Of course we would like to see that few months. Whether or not that will
the eyes, ears and sensibilities of all who happen,” Downing said. “But | really | include Judas Priest is still. SONS.
dared attend one of their shows. don’t know if it will. From what | under- guess."
“It was never a question of whether
anything was ‘too much',” Downing By fos
explained. “It was more of a question of
‘could it be done?’ We were never con-
cerned about taking a great deal of the
money we made and pouring it right
back into the band, getting the best and
biggest light show we could and making
“Our goal was always”
sure that each stage show was a full-
scale production that would overwhelm to deliver a special
everyone who witnessed it. Coming up
with some of those ideas for the stage
show almost took as much time as
style of cay
preparing material for a new album. But
Rob also had a natural theatrical flair that metal,
brought it all together.”
Throughout the ‘80s Priest ruled as the
unmatched champion of the metal
realm. While younger, heavier bands may
have vied for their title from time to
time, none seemed to possess the inher-
ent understanding of the myriad intrica-
cies of the metal form that the Priest
Beast possessed. Unfortunately, as with
all good things, by the time the decade
1981 1981 1981
he year was 1981, and Ozzy was truly magical. | knew that it would be
tar and started to play. | instantly sat up in
: Osbourne was a lost soul. He had my chair; that guy was amazing. | knew an up-hill struggle to even get the album
recently departed from his band- right away that | had to have him in my released, but | also knew that once it did
mates in Black Sabbath after a decade- band. That was my first meeting with get released, people would get off on it.”
long partnership that had provided the Randy Rhoads.” Less than six months after that disc's
group with a string of million-selling The Osbourne/Rhoads partnership was release, Blizzard Of Ozz was platinum,
albums and international acclaim as heavy to quickly prove to be one of the most and Ozzy was headlining his own area
metal’s Princes Of Darkness. Years of dynamic in the entire rock world. From shows. For a guy on the precipice of disas-
abusing drugs and alcohol had begun to the moment their first tune, Crazy Train, ter only a short time earlier, this musical
weigh heavily on Osbourne’s soul, and the started to destroy ear drums with its hyp- reprieve was serendipity. But, unfortunate-
thought of continuing on his path ly, it wasn't to last for long. Only
of self-destruction was almost two years later, just as Ozzy’s solo
more than he could bear. His first career started to peak, Rhoads
marriage had fallen apart, and was killed in a fiery plane crash
Ozzy suddenly found himself a while on tour. The tragic event
man alone— frail, dependent and crushed Ozzy’s spirit as nothing in
not sure what twists life still had in his oft-troubled life had done
store for him. before. He bravely carried on,
“That was the most difficult time recruiting a series of guitarists,
of my life,” Ozzy states today from such as Brad Gilles, Bernie Torme,
his perch,as the still reigning Metal Jake E. Lee and Zakk Wylde, all in
“Godfather. “I was just totally the vain hopes of finding another
messed up, and | didn't know what six string master who could come
to do. | had thoughts of suicide all close to matching Rhoads’ high-
the time, and | really thought my flying skills. Still, some 14 years
career— if not my life— was over. later, the pain of Rhoads’ death
But | also have always believed that still lingers over Osbourne's life on
| have some sort of spirit looking a daily basis.
out for me. It’s the only way to “There's not a day that goes by
explain much of what has hap- BY WINSTON CUMMINGS that | don’t think about Randy,”
pened. Whatever that spirit is, it Ozzy said during a short break on
helped me make it through that time and notic riff and hair-raising vocals, it was his current world tour in support of his lat-
get my life going again.” apparent to everyone that not only had est aloum, Ozzmosis. “He was the nicest,
It would still be a long, difficult personal Ozzy survived his difficult parting with most sincere, and most talented person |
climb for Ozzy. Another decade of drug Sabbath, but that he was going to pros- ever met. I've often thought what it might
and alcohol abuse still lay ahead of him. per! At first, almost unbelievably, have been like if he had lived. I’m sure
But with the help of manager Sharon American labels were somewhat resistant he'd be off on his own making incredible
Arden (who would later become his sec- to release Ozzy’s Blizzard Of Ozz disc, music. But | also know that we'd still be
ond wife), Ozzy slowly began to put the believing that his metallic attitude was friends, and | think that’s what | miss most
pieces of his musical career back into passe. But after watching as the disc about Randy. | enjoyed dealing with him
place. By late 1980 he had started putting sailed to the top of the European rock and watching him grow. When the world
his first solo band together in London, lost Randy, | know that | lost a piece of
myself as well.”
turning to old friends Bob Daisley and Lee
Kerslake as the foundation for a group
“I know Despite all the hardships of his life; the
that was to briefly be known as the
Blizzard Of Ozz. Yet one vital ingredient
I’m crazy— drugs, the drink, the broken marriage,
and the death of his closest musical ally,
remained to be found. Ozzy knew that / never Ozzy has raged on. His career has been
the key to arly hard rock band was its gui- marked by both his incredible music and
tarist, and as he waded through an end- denied that.” his outrageous off-stage behavior, which
less stream of Tony lommi wanna be’s, he at various times has included biting the
realized he might have to travel to distant charts, State-side executives came to the head off of a live dove during a record
shores in order to find the man he was grudging realization that there might be company meeting, biting a bat while on
looking for. Five thousand miles to the some life left in this old rock war horse. stage and swinging from a chandelier
west, in the town of Los Angeles, Ozzy Oh, but if only they knew of the world- while pissing on his guests during a plat-
discovered the answer to his prayers. wide Ozz-mania they were about to inum record party. While he may dismiss
“| had heard that all the good young unleash. such activities as unsavory byproducts of
players were in L.A.,” Ozzy said. “So | “There were people who thought | was his now-dormant dependency on alcohol,
went there looking for someone who was through,” Ozzy said. “I even thought | others may feel that each represents
a little different, | didn’t want someone to was through. But once | found Randy and another chapter in the book of metal’s
come in and play Tony’s Sabbath riffs. | started working on that first album, | true madman, hard rock's loveable loon,
had lived with that for ten years, and | began to get some of my confidence the one and only Ozzy Osbourne.
was looking for something new. For three back. | had lost a lot of my passion “| know | am crazy, | never denied that,”
days and nights | sat there listening to towards rock and roll on my last tour with he said. “But as | get older, | find that I’m
what must have been hundreds of differ- Sabbath. That has been embarrassing; we a little more in control of my life. | like
ent guys. None of them was right. Then, were playing arenas with Van Halen as that. It's nice to feel at least a little bit of
just when | was about to lose it complete- our opening act, and they were blowing control. But then, once | go on stage, and
ly, in walked this incredibly thin blond guy. us off the stage every night. But as soon those lights go on and the music starts, |
Without saying anything more than ‘hello’ as | started working on my first album Start to lose it again. That’s when the
he plugged in this strange, polka-dot gui- with Randy, | got that old feeling back. It Ozzy’ in me starts to come out again.”
ma: @I9GF I961 1981
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the years, both good and bad. But we're still here, and we're still
going strong. We came to the realization a long time wal The amazing Rick Allen: “You just set.
ago that it's going to take something very _— your mind to overcome everything.” |
special to put an end to = ee fil
Def Leppard.” * oe ge all |
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Voe of the
Dickinson: He
led the band to
glory, then split
for a solo career. -
(1986 1986 1
as there ever been a rock star bigger than Jon Bon Jovi was of an extremely well-endowed young lady spilling out of a moist T-
Hi the late ‘80s? Bruce Springsteen? Maybe. Madonna? shirt emblazoned with the “slippery when wet” title. The folks at
Well...yeah, but she’s a chick. Michael Jackson? Heck, he’s a the label said, “thanks...but no thanks,” realizing that many retail
chick, too! Even Elvis in his prime never enjoyed the kind of multi- stores in the south wouldn't even stock the album, At the very last
media fanfare that this Sayreville, New Jersey, native received as he minute a compromise was made (the few original album covers
simultaneously conquered the worlds of music, radio and MTV. that slipped out are now true collector's items) and Slippery
For a three-year period ranging from late 1985 right through When Wet was released. Almost instantly the disc took off at a
1988, it seemed that it was virtually impossible to flip on the tube, nearly unprecedented level. Spurred on by MTV's unflagging sup-
stroll by a newsstand or turn on the car radio without being hit by port of such tunes as Livin’ On A Prayer, Slippery quickly
a full-out assault of Bon Jovi's infectious brand of pop/metal. emerged as the year's most successful hard rock release, turning
It was also virtually impossible not to like either the music made Bon Jovi— and Jon in particular— into international superstars of
by Bon Jovi or the guy himself. Here was a drop-dead good the highest magnitude,
lookin’ guy with a trend-setting hair cut, who also happened to “It all happened so fast,” Jon said. “It caught us all totally off
be a gifted songwriter and singer— as well as a savvy business- guard. But we really didn’t have that much time to think about
man, to top it all off. The girls went nuts over every aspect of the what was happening to us. Our manager just put us to work non-
Bon Jovi “experience”, and even macho metal men couldn't help stop. We toured America, then Europe, then Japan, then America
but admire this dude who seemingly had the world eating out of again, then Europe again. It was incredibly hectic. We enjoyed it,
his hand. Accompanied by guitarist Richie Sambora, drummer but it also began to wear us out. When we had to go right back
into the studio to record New Jersey we really had a bad atti-
tude going.”
While their follow-up to Slippery offered another potent
dose of radio-ready rock and roll— and eventually proved to
be almost as successful commercially— major problems were
brewing under Bon Jovi’s picture-perfect exterior. Rather than
presenting the band’s customary ear-to-ear grins on the disc's
cover, the band struck a moody almost pained posed— with
Ai AlbinaR!
Vacation, Pump and Get A Grip during their decade-long stint then leave it to us to rework them in the studio. Believe me, by the
with Geffen Records, the Aero boys know that they're now expect- time we're finished with some of those songs, they've been totally
ed to keep all that dirty rock and roll lucre flowing in Sony's corpo- Aerosmithized.”
rate pockets. But at the same time, they're also aware of the dra- With any luck, the band’s eagerly anticipated new disc should be
matic changes that have occurred in the rock world since their last hitting the streets by September, with a massive world tour to fol-
album was released in 1992. For some younger fans, Aerosmith’s low. In an era when the term “Arena Rock” has almost become a
brand of big-budget, big-production, big-hype music is as out of curse, and bands not on the “cutting edge” are often labelled as
date as rotary phones. For many others, however, the band’s return “trite”, Aerosmith continue to break all the rules. Some 23 years
to the rock wars will be greeted with the pomp and circumstance after their debut single, Dream On, first brought them fame and
usually reserved only for conquering heroes. Can Aerosmith defy fortune, they still rank as the ultimate American rock band, the icon
the odds— as they have so many previous times in their career— against which any pretenders to their throne must be measured.
and prove once again that their sound is both timeless and ageless? Yeah, there may be younger, hipper, hungrier bands around, but
Tyler had little trouble answering that question. thank God— or whoever else is responsible for this band’s contin-
“Yeah, we can,” he said bluntly. “We know how to do it. It’s real- ued success— there's still only one Aerosmith.
ly that simple. | think that all anyone wants are good songs that “We're not tryin’ to compete with anyone else except ourselves, ”
they can shake their ass too. We still have the commitment we've Tyler said. “What do | think of all the new bands? Bless ‘em all.
shown on our last few albums, which believe me, was a lot more We'll see how many of them can last for 25 years, and still be in top
than we had when we made our original Sony aloums! Back then, form. | hope some of ‘em can do it, but | don’t think it'll happen. |
we were so caught up in bad things that we didn’t really under- think we may be the last of a dying breed— and that's one of the
stand the kind of commitment it took to make a really great album. things fans really appreciate about Aerosmith.”
0 karate
‘Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they were one of the biggest bands of the ‘80s.
The Po ison boys
always knew how to
have a good t ime.
F':people have ever enjoyed the experience of being a Rock Star shot at big-time success, and all they had to do was cut Bon Jovi in.
more than Skid Row’s Sebastian Bach. There was nothing about “Jon did take a lot of credit for the band making it,” Sabo said. “But |
the high profile, emotionally-draining, private-time-stealing, media guess that’s okay. |had known him since | was a kid, and | thought he
madness known as stardom that Bach didn’t revel in to the max. From was just helping us out because he liked us. But one thing | always
the moment Skid Row hit the headlines in the late ‘80s with the release knew about Jon was that he was a sharp businessman. And while he
of their debut album— spurred on by the instant hit status of their did unquestionably help us, he helped himself as well— as if he needed
anthemic single Youth Gone Wild— Bas hogged the spotlight as if he the money. But who knows what would have happened to us if he
were a moth drawn to the proverbial flame. Perhaps he sensed that his hadn't stepped in? We had already tried to make it before, and it
band’s moment in the sun might be brief...perhaps not. But either way, hadn't happened. Maybe it would have with Bas in the band, but |
Bach's too-pretty-for-his-own-good looks, his effervescent personality think Jon definitely got things rolling in the right direction.”
and his larger than life persona made him the quintessential late-’80s The right direction, indeed! Skid Row’s self-titled debut disc proceed-
star; there was no brooding sentimentality here, no hidden anguish or ed to sell over three million copies, and the band’s road show (where
painful introspection. With Skid Row’s dynamic frontman, what you they spent most of the year opening for Bon Jovi) proved the group to
Saw was what you got— six-and-a-half feet of pure hell-raisin’, groupie be one of the most entertaining acts on the rock road circuit. While
grabbin’, limo-ridin’ rock and roll energy. they soon grew tired of answering questions concerning Bon Jovi’s
“Rock and roll is supposed to be fun, isn’t it?” Bach involvement with the band, and somewhat resentful of
“Rock and
exclaimed. “That's one of the things | have against all the hefty chunk of cash that he was contractually enti-
the guys who currently seem to be the crowd tled to, Skid Row seemed like they had beaten the
favorites. | don’t think they‘re enjoying themselves one odds— they were the last of the pure ‘80s heavy metal
bit. It's the Kurt Cobain disease— they're all suffering
from it. They all want to be dead. | grew up at a time roll is bands to sneak under the commercial wire before
Nirvana hit the scene and the the music world changed
when rock and roll was all about getting out there forever.
with your friends, hopping in the car and just having a
great time. I'm not saying that there isn’t room for a supposed Rather than battling against the shifting tides, Skid
Row began further distancing themselves from the Bon
little more depth than that in music— in fact | think Jovi influence, and dismissed themselves from the
Skid Row has gone a lot deeper than some people
have given us credit for. But the bottom line is still that
to be fun, pop/metal stylings that characterized their multi-plat-
inum debut. Instead, they turned in a far heavier direc-
this is supposed to be the most fun you can have with tion on their next two albums, Slave To The Grind and
your pants on.”
In many ways Skid Row represented both the best
isn’t 1t?” Sub Human Race. In sound and style these discs owed
more to the raw metallic style of Pantera (another band
and the worst of the late-’80s heavy metal scene. that had successfully shifted from “glam” to “hard-
Yeah, they could be vacuous and almost clownish in both their on and core”) than to the poseur-rock sounds of their first effort.
off-stage behavior, and their albums on occasion fell into a morass of Unfortunately, neither disc came close to matching the sales success of
pop-inspired drivel. But at the same time, by hailing from New Jersey their illustrious debut— but that didn’t seem to faze these guys one bit.
rather than the air-head state of California, there was a sense of adven- Rather than sulking, or fondly looking back on their brief period of
turousness and freshness about everything Skid Row touched that filled glory, they chose to merely forge ahead. If it meant playing clubs again,
their songs with a state-of-the-metal-art feel. While Bach was the so be it. The chance to stand on stage and play rock and roll was all
unquestioned centerpiece of the band's attack, it was actually guitarist that Skid Row ever asked. Even cover-boy Bas had no qualms about
Dave “Snake” Sabo and bassist Rachel Bolan who comprised the playing down his looks and focusing his abundant energies on just get-
band's creative soul. Along with drummer Rob Affuso and guitarist ting off a crowd of a thousand rabid fans. It may have been a long way PHOT ZLOZ
Scotti Hill those two had struggled on the Jersey club circuit for nearly from the cover of Hit Parader, but it was still life in the spotlight.
five years before a happenstance meeting brought them in touch with “No one promised us that this was going to be easy,” Bach said.
Canadian expatriate Bach. “And we never wanted it to be easy. When the first album became a
Their next stroke of luck occurred when fellow Jersey resident, Jon hit, we never let it go to our heads. We enjoyed it, but it didn’t change
Bon Jovi, saw the realligned quintet perform live shortly after Bach had us. The only thing we didn't like was becoming type-cast as these pret-
joined. Always a sharp judge of horse flesh, Bon Jovi quickly moved in ty-boy rockers who sang pretty-boy songs. We had a big hit with /
to sign the band to a “personal services” contract that ostensibly stated Remember You, and then we never played the song live! We hated
that Jon would get the band a recording deal, but that in return he that song!! Now we’re doing exactly what we want and we're damn
would own a giant piece of the group's action— including a healthy happy about it. |said when our first aloum came out that | didn't care if
cut of their publishing royalties. It was the kind of “deal with the devil” it went gold or platinum— as long as we could make another one.
that Skid Row couldn't refuse. After all, here was an almost guaranteed That's still the way |feel today.”
9689 1989 1989
I 990 a 990 I990 7 |9Fl
~ Metallica: pair“Black” ‘album remains
one of the most successful heavy..___ ~
metal disc of all time.
caees 5 hard as it may now be to believe, success did not come in June, and tickets for the Metallica-headlined Lollapalooza Festival
ae quickly or easily for the members of Metallica. Many a have sold faster than for any previous Lolla-fest in history?
die-hard fan can recall venturing into small clubs following “! can’t say that we sit around asking ourselves how we got
the releas e of such early alours as Kill ‘Em All to see the here,” Ulrich said. “That would be kind of goofy. But I've got to
-Metallirmen seek and destroy on stage in front of perhaps 300 rabid admit that there have been times when I've been off by myself that
followers. For more than three years Metallica struggled to gain a I've kind of thought about how much we've accomplished, and it’s -
- solid foothold in the rock world. They faced an uphill kind of cool. | think part of the satisfaction | get is
battle against not only the “mousse abuse” bands | “[f ye set out to knowing how far we had to come. Nobody gave us
that dominated the early ‘80s, but also against unre- es much of a chance, and we never set out with the
sponsive forces at radio and MTV, unprepared work- be rich and intention of selling millions of records. But we've
ers at record labels and unknowing. members of the f done it, and that’s all that matters.”
media: At times it seemed as if Metallica would for- amous, Done it, indeed! But perhaps even more impressive
ever exist on the rock and roll periphery, a powerful, than their multi-platinum sales totals and their record-
multi-faceted metal machine that just didn’t want to
I don't think shattering concert revenues has been the lasting
play by the rules needed to attain mass commercial we'd do it the impact that Metallica has had in shaping the structur-
acceptance. al foundations of the rock form. Do you think that
But then, it happened. Seemingly against all odds way we did.” the avant-garde alternative formats of today could
Metallica began-to break through the restrictive have evolved if precedent-breaking bands like
binds of controlled playlists and compu-track sales reports to Metallica hadn't come along a decade earlier to prove that a group
emerge as the most influential, important and successful hard rock needn't conform to convention in order to succeed? It seems safe
~ band of their generation. How did it happen? Why did it happen? to say that without Metallica’s guiding influence the rock world
It's.a question that still intrigues drummer Lars Ulrich, guitarist/vocal- would be a very different place today. Here’s a band that’s always
ist James Hetfield, bassist Jason Newsted and guitarist Kirk done things their way— dressing in black T-shirts and jeans and fre-
Hammett. More than a decade (and 25 million albums) after quietly quently playing six or seven minute album opuses— and that’s
emerging on the rock scene as an unknown act on a small indie always let the consequences be damned.
label, Metallica find themselves the unquestioned kings of the metal “If we ever set out to become rich and famous, | don’t think we
mountain. What further proof is needed than the fact that their lat- would have done it the way we did,” Ulrich said. “But sometimes it
est album, Load; debuted at the Number One position in the charts seems that we've become successful exactly because of the way we
did it. The fans could sense that we weren't following any
sort of trend of trying to fit in. We've always kind of been
the lone wolves of hard rock— we've been off to ourselves
when everyone else was dressing up and playing Rock
Star. That really never had any interest for us. We didn’t
want to drive fast cars and have pretty girls chasing us in
our videos. Hell, for a long time we didn’t even want to
make videos.”
How ironic that this San Francisco-based unit, a group
that for so long steadfastly refused to make videos for
MTV or even release singles to radio, has now emerged
as one of the principle cornerstones of both the vid net-
work and rock radio, The band’s ability to weave fasci-
nating story lines into their video productions (and play
only minor roles within the clips themselves) helped
usher in a new era of production values for the vid biz.
And can anyone slip on their favorite FM rocker for
more than 20 minutes without being assaulted head-
on by a classic Metallitune? Undoubtedly Metallica's -
influence reaches deep into the dark recess of the rock
underbelly. But despite all of their previous accomplish- -
ments, and their unquestioned position in the Rock —
And Roll Hall Of Fame due to the success of albums
such as ...And Justice For All, Master Of Puppets
and Metallica, now is the dawning of a new era in
rock and roll, and many are curious to see how—
and if— the Metallimen will adjust to fit into the
angst-riddled ‘90s. While some nay-sayers. have tried —
to Le the unit as being a “dinosaur” band with
Ge or Rattiin
nthe ‘80s,¢
enced by the likes of P
‘90s, Ulrich said. “We
; eas
werare listentoa
one. But that doesn’t |
Guns N’ Roses
~ in 1991: “We're
_ street punks,
and we’re
proud of that.”
: , af Nirvana:
“The people who
found us were
searching for
‘him— that
ym virtually the
rumors of the
icidal con-
hese stories
was more
the very. st
tion that
Was an inte
The fact th
singing the
after the rel
inside of m
It wa
° A gilt 2 ra
la 7
: A de i i a
od ee ——_
1993 1993
crowd, | grab hold of the microphone
and just sing as loud and as hard as | can.
If something happens, then it does, but
I'm not anticipating anything bad hap-
pening, and I’m certainly not gonna
worry about it.”
Hopefully, any vocal problems that
that really turns us on. | think on BY NORMAN HYATT Cornell suffered through in the past are
Superunknown we may have gotten now nothing more than distant memories.
away from some of our basic rock struc- pays little heed to those who insist that he All involved can now begin focusing on
tures a little too much— even though we start taking better care of his pipes. Soundgarden’s latest U.S. tour— their first
were all very pleased with the results we “There's not much | can do about it,” he since the State-side road effort they were
got. This time we were experimental in a stated. “I’ve taken the time off that the forced to interrupt two years ago when
different way, but we may have made a
more straight-ahead rock album in the
It seems downright silly to debate the
merits of Soundgarden’s rock attack with
Cornell. After all, who knows the band’s
music better than the man who has been
at the group's helm since their formation
almost a decade ago? If he says that the
band may have wandered a bit too far
astray on their last album, who are we to
argue? As the original “Seattle Scene”
band, Cornell and Co. have witnessed all
of the incredible changes that have tran-
spired in rock music since 1985, and they
have played a pivotal role in that evolution-
ary process. This time around they've decid-
ed’ to offer their millions of faithful follow-
ers a new twist on the Soundgarden musi-
cal “formula”, allowing Thayil’s metallic
guitar work to freely intermix with a more
technologically spirited group sound. The
results from start to finish can only be
described as intoxicating in their heady
brew of rock reactants.
“We wrote a lot of material for this
album,” Cornell said. “I! don’t even know
how many songs we actually had written
before we got down to the tough process
of deciding which ones to really concen-
trate on. But we always more-or-less work their
that way. Everyone in the band tends to vocalist
write, and we like all the things we do, initially devel-
whether they are together or on our own, oped his difficul-
to be heard and really given a chance. But ties. Certainly on the
only the best stuff makes it. We're not here band’s new album,
to give everyone an equal chance. It’s sur- Cornell has never sounded
vival of the fittest— at least when it comes Soundgarden: better, utilizing his gruff,
to the songs.” “To us the screamed delivery in perfect bal-
With their new album out, a new chal- new album ance with a more subdued— though
lenge now must be faced by the members isn’t anything no-less-effective— style. The bottom line
of Soundgarden— and by Cornell in partic- that new or for Soundgarden in 1996 may well be
ular. After suffering through a lengthy peri- that nothing— be it vocal problems, musi-
different. aoe
od of pain and frustration during the cal shifts or even strange dietary habits—
band's last U.S. tour due to the strain he prescribed, can stop their musical juggernaut from
continually placed on his vocal chords, the and they all tell overwhelming the music masses around
singer now faces the question of how his me that | should the globe.
voice will hold up once the band again hits have no problems in “We're all very confident about what
the tour trail as a vital part of the Metallica- the future. But | also real- we've accomplished this time,” Cornell
headlined Lollapalooza Festival. Freely ize that | do put a lot of pres- said. “Now we're looking forward to get-
admitting that he really “only knows one sure on my vocal chords on a ting out on the road again and picking up
way to sing”, Cornell is well aware that a nightly basis, and since I’m not a where we were forced to leave off last
recurrence of his vocal problems could not particularly well-trained vocalist, | don’t time. We've already played a few shows in
only do irreparable damage to know that many of the tricks to avoid Europe, and those went very well. | see
Soundgarden’s career, but to his throat as putting that kind of pressure on them. All absolutely no reason for things not to just
well. True to his nature, however, Cornell | know is that when | get up in front of a keep getting better and better for us.”
ently won't
release an album
eee a
until they can
tour— it’s the kind Pearl Jam: “You just take every-
of Catch 22 that thing that happens day-to-day.” band in
can drive anyone their position has the right to stand ,
crazy. up for what they believe in. You've got to give them credit for
“You make the most of your time, and you really appreciate being idealists, if nothing else. They know that everyone
any chance you get to play,” McCready said. “One thing you would like to see them, and they really want to get out there.
never have to worry about us— we won't get burnt out from You've got to keep in mind that these guys made their repu-
keeping this kind of schedule.” tation as a live band; not being on the road is tearing them up
Here's the latest info we can give you on a variety of Pear! inside."
Jam fronts. Even as you read this, the band continues to work According to those on-the-scene, the recent lack of work
at a leisurely pace on their new album— a disc that has been has begun to cause a bit of friction with Pearl Jam. While
rumored to be completed and coming out on numerous occa- McCready kept himself busy working with Mad Season, and
sions over the last 18 months. Yet despite the impending com- the rest of the band helped fill their road “jones” by touring
pleting of the disc, no official release date has even been dis- with “The Godfather Of Grunge”, Neil Young, none of this
cussed between PJ. and their label. And in a somewhat related has effectively replaced the band’s own recording and touring
matter, evidently the band’s management team has continued credits. Apparently both McCready and Gossard have
cot le
expressed a degree of dissatisfaction with the group's inactivi- Vitalogy and Vs. It's just their artistic temperament to always
ty, mentioning to insiders that they view vocalist Eddie Vedder believe they can do something better. And since they don't
as the catalyst for such difficulties. While these are far from have the pressure of needing to have product out by a certain
deep-seated problems, they apparently have begun to con- date in order to fulfill concert obligations, they've become
cern certain forces at the band’s record label, all of whom are more particular than ever about the material they release.”
waiting with baited breath for the next P.J. Back in December, when the group’ Merkin
album release. Ball single, / Got /d, sailed instantly to the top
“We want the album,” a label spokesman
said. “We've been waiting for it, and we'll run
“We won't get of the charts, it seemed as if the pump had
been perfectly primed for a new Pearl Jam
with it the minute we can. Working with Pearl album. But now, some five months later,
Jam is somewhat akin to what we go through burnt out there's still no definitive word about when—
here with Michael Jackson; we wait until he’s and if— that new disc will emerge. One has
ready to go, then we all move as fast as we by keeping to believe, however, that the internal pres-
can. | guarantee you that as soon as we get sures that are building up within Pearl Jam
the finished masters of the next album, the this kind of will soon begin to peak. These pressures will
label machine will kick in. That record willbe either prove to be a major benefit to the
out a week later if we can do it.” touring group’s immediate future, inspiring them to
Ironically, there were stories last summer, all do whatever is necessary in order to record
coming from “reliable” sources, that Pearl Jam
has already turned over their finished tapes,
schedule.” and tour... or it may cause them to eventual-
ly go their separate ways. While no one,
and that the label was contemplating the especially those within the band, want to
proper means of marketing the first group effort since.. 1994's even consider the possibility of such a dire future, there’s no
Vitalogy. Depending on whom you believe, either those question that it has crossed the band member's minds.
_ tapes never were, in fact, handed over— orthe band decided “You never can look that far ahead,” Ament said. “I
that they wanted to do more work on them after handing learned that when | was in my previous band (Mother Love
them in. While this second scenario seems a bit far fetched Bone), where we thought things were going great and then
for even a band as unpredictableas Pearl Jam, our label all of a sudden our singer (Andrew Wood) died. It makes you
source indicates that he wouldn’t be surprised if the band had realize how fragile all this can be. That's why we're trying to
indeed recalled their “finished” product. — appreciate what's happening to us as much as we can.”
"We all know that Pearl Jam are perfectionists, " he said.
“We had them question whether th \ OP :
Eddie Vedder:
Fighting off his
personal demons. —» |
1994 1994
tT 995
ieee at his generation. ieee em
i meOaZbe; and his songs on
1996 1996 i
ther you feel inside and ae to reach Oo. te
one. Every time you play it's important. It doesn’t matter if it’s
or a big arena— you ‘ve got to make the connection. You've QO es
them feel the blues.”
Shepherd comes by his love for the blues honestly. Born and eS in
Shreveport, Louisiana, young Kenny was surrounded by music from child-
hood. His father was a noted radio personality in town, allowing the
family access to any concert that roamed through the deep south. When
he was only seven years old, Shepherd had an experience that changed
his life forever.
“We went to a Stevie Ray Vaughn show in town,” he said. “He lifted
me up on the amp case on the side of the stage and | sat there the
whole time watching him play. | was hooked. | started asking my dad
for a guitar right then and | finally got one about six months later. |
started listening to everything | could get my hands on— Howlin’
Wolf, Albert Collins and Albert King. The blues really got a hold of me.
That's why | really appreciate the chance to pass along my love for the
music to others.”
H ~=The lines of distinction between various (and apparently divergent) forms of music continues to become less and less clear. Just a
B) few years ago straight-ahead rock acts would have never even dreamed of trying to incorporate such varied influences as rap and
@ hardcore into their sound. These days such a bold move has become almost commonplace. Yet few bands have managed the diffi-
cult melding of such differing rire
styles as Manhole, a Los Angeles-
® based quartet that’s as street-
Savvy as you can get— yet as
rock and roll as can be. On their
me debut album, All Is Not Well,
® vocalist Tairrie B., guitarist Scott
me Ueda, bassist Rico Villasenor and
me drummer Marcello Palomino
ideliver the goods with an
intense, no-holds-barred style
| that's guaranteed to rattle your
nerves and shake your dental fill-
“Music should be more than
jjust entertainment,” Tairrie said.
“It should be an important
means of expression. Our music
isn’t just there to pt |
| Someone 's face
|| eat ngesa
ae e
Swedish import
Power metal
‘featuring Anders
Johansson ex-Yngwie
Malmsteen, Blue Murder
cO- $15
“Canadian import
Featuring ex-Talas/Peter BY GAIL FLUG
Criss vocalist, Phil Naro.
"4-—K's out of 5”
- KERRANG, U.K. t doesn’t take much to get Kix vocalist Steve Whiteman to speak his mind, especially about
+ CD-$1 4 CASS-$1 1 his band’s new album, Show Business or other people's videos. Thank goodness guitarist
* Taurus Run Ronnie Younkins isn’t so talkative or the guys would need their own magazine!
Australian. Import. BIg
riffing guitar/ Violet, Hole type guitar solo)
awesome rhythm Steve: Not my cup of tea. That's all. Steve: The bumble bee death. That's what |
‘section hard rock Ronnie: It’s okay with me because | got call that kind of stuff. This video is not one
at its finest.
cD- $13
some punk in me. You got to have some of this best, it looks like he took it easy on
David tafOuke -ROCK trash once in a while. this one.
. WITH BALLS - "Excellent Steve: It doesn’t suck, | don’t mean it like Ronnie: | agree with Steve. It’s not his best
guitar ... powerful that. The video is cool, kinda odd looking. video but it’s a cool song.
I'd think I'd remember it.
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guitarist Dudek featuring
members from Toto,
The Pat Travers Band &- Kix’ Steve Whiteman and Ronnie
Daryl! Hall & John Oaks.
Younkins: “Bad Religion is everything
CD-$ 41 4 CASS-$11
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Steve: ee makes great videos, re ways concern = what the crowd thinks of how
Sum/Fall Issue NOW AVAILABLE with — exclusive has. Tom Petty has grown on me over the they look or how they perform. | hope that’s
interviews with Paradise Lost, Iron Maiden. immodtation,
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Plus ttaHan & Gresk Reports, Metat Madness/L.A. love every song on his greatest hits album. It we're supposed to entertain people, not
Report, €ternal Wafiings/Death Report, Powerage/
Progressive Power Report, Ball & Chain/industrial made me want to go out and buy some of gross them out.
Report, Axebusters/Guitarist
The Hard View, Show Reviews, news,
Showcase, Video Susters/
tour dates &
his older albums. Talented guy. Ronnie: A little more distortion on those
more! $3.25 USA, $4.25 Can & Mexico $5.25 World Ronnie: Yeah, you can’t deny talent. guitars, guys. (laughs)
Magazina rates include shipping.
Steve: | always thought his biggest influence Steve: It's nothing | haven't heard in the past
Shipping & handling charges for USA orders add $2.00 was Bob Dylan and | was never much of a five years that every other band hasn’t done
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Item add .50¢. Kentucky residents must add 5% sales
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sweaty and scummy music when | was a kid they'll like this band. I’ve had my fill of it. It’s
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got older | got wiser and appreciate talent. to come back. It always thrilled me to see
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because they went out of their way to look
Dist by Stoge
3Promotions Ph/Fax:216-995-0224 strings, three fingers...I'd rather hear that any so damn cool that you idolized them for
day then (mimics a typical fast Malmsteen- their coolness, the presentation of their show
and their music, and this band obviously
don’t have that. We try to put that into our
shows and these guys don’t have a clue. I’m
sure they don’t care, which | guess is the atti- The Cassettes and CD's below are all subject to a $1.00 discount.
tude of this music. Example: List price $9.98, Your price $8.98. IMPORT COMPACT DISCS
The CD's below are subject to a $1.00 Discount.
Delusional, Quicksand Artist Title Cass CD Artist Title cD
Steve: Are these guys the band? | don't Adams Bryan 16.98
know what the band looks like. 17.98 17 BONUS TRACK CD “OSAKA LIVE 7/16/95"
‘ 15.98
Ronnie: If the director is trying to present a Bad Religion.
Black Sabbath.. . Ozzy Osbourne Years... 39,98
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wre 9,98
I'm sorry, | don’t get it. Cannibal Corpse. 16.98 COOPER ALICE...... THE LAST TEMPTATION... ..$23.10
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Steve: | like these guys. 16.98 GROUP'S NEW ALBUM IN A SLIPCASE WITH A POSTER
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Ronnie: That's a cool concept, playing in a Costello Elvis... . All This Useless Beauty 16.98 3C D/36TRX-COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF
box in the middle of Times Square. There's a . August and Everything
.. limited edition disc
great guitar hook in the song. | like the way . To The Faithful Departed
Wheels of Fire
it stops and the drums and vocals carry it. limited edition disc "MASS" AND ALTERNATIVE MIX OF "DEMQCRACY™
And | love the long haired girl, who ever she Deep Purple..
. Deathshead Extermination....... 9. 16.98
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Steve: | saw them play this song on the 19.98 3TRX-BACKED WITH “SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION”, AND A
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Edge of Sanilty.. 15.98 VALLEY, WIS ON MAY 23, 1992
great. These guys are very talented. | don’t Eyehategod...
know why the singer cut all his hair off, 14.98 MY DYING BRIDE... THE ANGEL AND THE DARK RIVER... $36.30
don’t get that, but it’s a cool video. He's 14,98 OF 4 TRACKS RECORDED LIVE AT THE 1995 DYNAMO
unique, he’s got his own thing going and | 16.98
like that. You see, this is rock and roll. Great 15.98 ADDS THE COVER OF JOY DIVISIONS “DEAD SOULS” THAT
band, | wish them all the luck in the world. 17.98 COLLECTOR'S BOX KIT
consider them a band in our genre and I’m 16,98
pulling for all of us; The Cinderellas, the featuring Frank Marino PICK. EXCELLENT PRICE!)
Warrants, Kix. All these bands that have Malevolent Creatlo... Joe Black
Brrr eater
done it before and have kinda been written Metallica. 16.98
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Long Time Dead, L.A.Guns Mission Impossibl... .Soundtrack 16.98 FEATURES ALL NINE OF THEIR SINGLES. “DON'T LOOK BACK
Steve: These guys have been around long Moore Vinnie. 15.98 “WONDERWALL”, “CIGARETTES AND ALCOHOL” AND
enough that they've earned respect. | saw Morse Steve.. 15.98
them once in West Virginia and they're a . Utopia Banished(reissue).. 15.98 2CD/22TRX- 1992/93 ALBUMS FROM THE "MUSIC FOR THE
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good band. Necrophobic.. . Spawned By Evil..... 15.98 PRAYING MANTIS.. CAPTURES/ALIVE IN TOKYO CITY.....$69.30
Ronnie: Phil Lewis played in my hometown Neurosis.
. Through Silver and Blood..
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one night with his own band. They were Nirvana... ... Bark No Bite 15.98 DISCS. BACKSTAGE PASS FROM THE 1995 SHOWS.
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driving a van with a trailer tied to it, moving Oingo Boingo... 23,98 LIMITED TO 2000 COPIES ONLY-DIGATALLY REMASTERED
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Steve: It’s one of those cut-cut-cut-cut fetosng FesrvaustasrapitKIHIMG) INNING. cvicwvessceseperisse<ssenn
Great Southern Trendkill
videos. You don’t get to see what the band RODGERS PAUL..... LIVE IN LORELEY 1995 *
looks like in videos anymore. Long Time RECORDED 1995 IN LORELEY BY THE FORMER LEADER OF
Dead. Now there's happy title. “CANT GET ENOUGH’, "WISHING WELL”, AND MORE.
w Evil Empire. SAXON.....
Ronnie: It’s good to see them out again ...Live In Europe.. 9TRX-RE}.
though. Greatest Hits live.
. Pure Instinct.. SILVERCHAIR
Steve: Yeah, | didn’t even know. | like the NEW JAPANESE SIX TRACK DISC WITH FIVE NON-ALBUM
song, but the video has too much cutting for SIAYELF......0000e . Undisputed Attitude “TOMORROW'", "ACID RAIN’, AND “STONED” FROM SYDNEY
me. When you haven't seen a band for a Smith Patti.
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have the same quick cuts. | hate that. . Official; Bootleg/Live NO U.S. RELEASE IS SLATED FOR THIS COLLECTION. HITS
. Black Reign FROM 1987-1994,
. Tapestries.. TOO HOT TO HANDLE
Down by Law, Madball ty Long Line..
Did wR.
Steve: | could tell you right now this is going NEVERMIND 26.50(LP VINYL)UK GONE”, "PROFESSION OF VIOLENCE”, "WE BELONG TO THE
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about setting their parents’ house on fire. to IRONMAN RECORDS, 448 IGNACIO BLVD., #190H, NOVATO, CA 94949. Credit card orders can be accepted by phone or
Ronnie: | liked Bad Religion better than this Foreign Orders: Money Orders in U.S, Dollars only or VISA/MASTERCARD
accepted. Shipping charges are U.S.(1-3 items $3.50, 50¢ per each add'l
fax 24 hours a day, (415)898-7498
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of Ironman's customers throughout the year.
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the borderline of rap music.
there’s no denying that a lot of this stuff still
sounds great.
Ratings 775
Life After Death: A four-star smash.
x eke
? ;
for those who weren’t— this is about as in- ter off sticking with Celtic Frost's original excitement. Of particular note are the soar-
your-face an in-concert collection as has efforts. ing guitar runs of axe masters Terry Williams
come down the pike in a long time. All the Rating: ** and Gio Santos.
Jackyl fan favorites are here; from their radio Rating: ****
hit Down On Me to their trademark tune, YOUTH GONE WILD,
The Lumberjack— with Dupree’s chainsaw HEAVY METAL HITS OF THE ‘80s CEMETARY, SUNDOWN
sounding better than ever. This is loud, This three-disc collection presents a compre- For those who believe that Death Metal has
bawdy, good-time rock and roll— as politi- hensive, if far from complete, overview of finally been swept under the carpet, along
cally incorrect and out-of-place in these the bands and the music that made the '80s comes Cemetary, one of the heaviest, nasti-
angst-driven times as any album can be. rock. From the metallic power of Dio (The est and darkest units in recent memory. On
That's what makes it so dang good. Last In Line) and Motorhead (Ace Of their latest aloum, Sundown, the band’s
Ratingn as 2 Spades), to the power pop stylings of gothic influence is in full view, filling each
Dokken (/t's Not Love) and Poison (Talk Dirty song with an unusual and memorable style
CELTIC FROST, IN MEMORY OF... To Me), a wide swath of hard rock terrain is and sound. This is far from predictable metal
Celtic Frost was one of those bands that covered in this fast-moving set. One might fare— the Euro-rhythm beats featured on
people either loved or hated— if they even be surprised to hear the names— let alone many songs, and the macabre lyrics of
knew about this unusual Swedish band. the music— of such bands as Helix, Europe Cemetary main man Mathias Lodmalm
From the moment of their formation in and White Lion mentioned again; in many clearly mark this as a Death Metal band for
1984, Tom G. Warrior and his men explored ways it seems like decades since their style of the ‘90s.
metal’s dark underbelly, often with surprising silky-smooth hard rock was in vogue. Yet Rating: ***
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heavy guitar rumble of Kim Thayil and
the throaty roar of Chris Cornell— while
cleverly stepping into previously unchart-
ed musical terrain. This one’s gonna be
big, big, big!
If there's one album that the rock
world has been waiting for with baited
breath, it’s Metallica's new one, Load. In
all honesty, it’s a collection that fails to
display the instantly appealing qualities
of it’s legendary predecessor, the band’s
“black” album. Yet upon repeated listen-
ings the true brilliance of the group's
new collection emerges. With a heady
mix of short and long songs, and a blue-
sier, looser feel to many of the band’s
compositions, Metallica may no longer
COMPILED BY THE HIT PARADER STAFF be the Metal Monsters of yesteryear—
but they are still unquestionably one of
the most aggressively daring bands on
e know that by the time your reach extremely dated. While no one wants HIT
Hit Or Miss, buried as it is deep in Klaus Meine and the boys to suddenly
the recesses of Hit Parader, you've turn into an alternative rock machine, DEF LEPPARD, SLANG
already been assaulted by a flood of eye- such songs as Wild Child and But The For years Def Leppard was the studio
popping photos and fact-filled features. Best For You are so predictable and so “creation” of producer Mutt Lange,
We know that you've been provided a
smorgasbord of rock and roll excitement,
and that we've got to really deliver the
goods in order to keep your attention.
Well, buster, that’s just what we plan on
doing in this month's action-packed edi-
tion of Hit Or Miss.
Blue GraPe Mai. ORDER
1 800 47-GRAPE
on in their decade-long tradition of anger
and aggression combined with emotional
re Sa es =
madness and controlled chaos.
UNDERACHIEVER Talk to me ‘like that’ you know we like
(Recorded by PITCH SHIFTER) that
Frontman/vocalist Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth
explains: “While writing the melodies and Tell me it’s faultless, teflon child
lyrics, | felt drawn to the center of the fight Tell me there's nothing wrong (nothing
trying to overcome the obstacles that wrong) stay press smile
blocked the advancement of my life. | Lie to me, tell me I'm like you
Tell me I'm beautiful, tell me I'm cool
could lose the battle as long as | didn't Lie to me, keep patronizing me
lose the war. It’s obvious, this sure ain’t no Talk to me “like that’ you know we like
Lie to me, patronize me
love song!”
As for the Misfits who formed in 1977, Talk to me ‘like that’ you know like that that
Mars Attacks was born out of.group | see mass redundancies in your smile
I can see mass redundancies in you're
founder and bassist Jerry Only’s avid inter-
est in the 1964 sci-fi collector card series smile
Lie to me, (keep, keep) lying to me
of the same name. The single he says was Talk to me, ‘like that’ you know we like
specially penned for main macabre direc-
tor Tim Burton's next movie. “I've been col-
Tell me it’s perfect, ten feet high.
Starve me, sedate me but feed the lie that FSS
lecting the card series for over 30 years,” © 1996 Earache Music Songs.
Lie to me, patronize me
Only offers. “Now my son is really into it.
We have fun collecting together. It’s a real
bonding experience. Just think how perfect
this song is for Misfits— It’s like Mars
attacks the world and the Misfits attack
the world too.” The tracks is from the
forthcoming Misfits album which is
expected to be released at the end of the
year. GUITAR!
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Mechanics of Metal™ Publications, P.O. Box 140162, Dept. E, Howard Beach, N.Y. 11414
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A200 De Cart 12939 AC/DC Back In Black 17013 GUNS ‘N ROSES Rose & Gun 22271 NIRVANA People Magazine Photo
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16634 AEROSMITH Aero-Force 22236 HELMET Chick With Gun 21195 OBITUARY Executioner ‘dcr: Hert) nals: tive siowannwar sir
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20561 AEROSMITH Aerosmith Tv 22819 HOLE Swirl Logo 30850 OFFSPRING Chew Your Arm
16635 AEROSMITH Get A Grip 11037 J. ADDICTION Nothing's Shocking 31416 OFFSPRING Monster W/ Gun In Car
20698 AEROSMITH Group By Airduct 11084 JANES ADDICTION Ritual/Habitual 21775 OFFSPRING Monster Baby With Gun
20693 AEROSMITH Program Cover 11096 JANE’S ADDICTION Santa Lucia 31329 OFFSPRING Poinfy Droopy Face
22256 ALICE IN CHAINS Fly Pocket Logo 21974 J. JOPLIN Janis With Sunflowers 20964 OFFSPRING Skeleton Cd Cover
32967 ALICE IN CHAINS Grind 22187 JERRY GARCIA Hidden Face 32996 ORANGE 9MM Gun/ Logo nails
21573 A. IN CHAINS Jar Of Flies Cd Cover 22237 JIM MORRISON Grave Stone/Die 33120 0. OSBOURNE Giving Middle Finger
21312 A. IN CHAINS Painting Jar Of Flies 21337,J. MORRISON Wanted Dead/Alive 22277 PAGE/PLANT Unledded
30884 ALICE IN CHAINS Sunflower 20554 JIMI HENDRIX Electric Ladyland 22580 PANTERA Born Again/Burning Faces
30883 ALICE IN CHAINS Ty Dinner/Fly 21948 JIMI HENDRIX Face In Space 20868 PANTERA Far Beyond 2/ Logo
11005 ANARCHY Logo 17969 JIMI HENDRIX Glasses/Logo 22181 PANTERA Foot With Spikes
B*U*s*H 21261 ANATHEMA Crestallen 17951 JIM! HENDRIX On The Road Again 32125 PANTERA Montage Collage
17014 ANTHRAX Collage 18674 JIM! HENDRIX Photo/Experience 19039 PANTERA Pot Leaf ‘94/World Tour
16949 ANTHRAX Group In Diner 20690 JIMI HENDRIX Sweet Angel 18205 PEARL JAM Flame Picture
22711 BABES IN TOYLAND Funhouse 22278 JIMI HENDRIX Wearing Green Shirt 33035 PENNYWISE Bar Logo
22803 BAD BRAINS God Of Love 32802 KING DIAMOND Spiders Lullabye 32122 PHISH Multi-Media
21763 BAD RELIGION Stage Dive 21872 KISS Calling Doctor Love 14538 PINK FLOYD Atom Heart Mother
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14516 BEASTIE BOYS Bordered Photo 21870 KISS Rock ‘N Roll Over 13293 PINK FLOYD Hammers
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22173 BEASTIE BOYS Mics Of Fury 33117 KORN Spanking 13450 PINK FLOYD Wall Collage
20881 BEASTIE BOYS Photo Efx 22796 L7 Rabid Rabbit 31195 PRIMUS Cookie Man Face
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21959 BIOHAZARD 2 Guys 11077 LED ZEPPELIN Bik S.S. Full Color 32126 PULP FICTION Movie Poster
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21835 BIOHAZARD Photo Against Wall 20551 LED ZEPPELIN Earth Rift/Symbols 33013 QUEENSRYCHE Water Tower
22185 BIOHAZARD Syringe Face 32972 LED ZEPPELIN Flame Hand 33070 R.E.M. New Sights/Band Photo
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18975 BLACK SABBATH Devil Cross 22180 LED ZEPPELIN X-Ray Icarus 20702 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE Fist
31203 BLACK SABBATH Historical 32147 LIFE OF AGONY Lost At 22 21169 RAMONES Acid Eaters/Flowers
33006 BLIND MELON Racing Strip 21196 LIFE OF AGONY Through/Through 11044 RAMONES Presidential Logo
32451 BOB MARLEY Rollin One 32146 LIFE OF AGONY Ugly 17077 RAMONES Mondo Bizaro
21759 BON JOVI Crossroads 21164 LIVE Selling The Drama 32127 RAMONES Pinhead
31431 BON JOVI Triple Image Of Jon 20672 LIVE Throwing Cooper * 22303 RANCID Crinkle Logo
14632 BOSSTONES Bulldog/Bosstones 21342 LIVE Turtleman 21340 RANCID Fist
21558 BOSSTONES Little Bit Ugly/ 31444 LOLLAPALOOZA Bandana Flag 21559 RANCID Radio Radio Radio STEED
19044 B. SURFERS Gas Station Man 31445 LOLLAPALOOZA Yin Yang Fish 33074 R. BAND Insomniac/Cotfe Cup Dy «& a
19048 B. SURFERS Woman In Stars 30910 LYNYRD SKYNYRD Group Photo 22243 R. BAND Sun Logo/Civilized DNA @ DZ)S)a) 4
22161 C.0.€. Burning Match 22215 MACHINE HEAD Burn My Eyes 18398 RUSH Counterparts
rT Migs |
33050 C.0.€. Deliverance 32149 MACHINE HEAD Jesus Wept 18450 RUSH Phrases
33049 C.0.C. Huff‘N Puff 28050 MAD SEASON Above Cd Cover 11100 RUSH Star With Man
22160 C.0.C. Nuclear Explosion 21953 MARILYN MANSON Beware Of God 18449 RUSH Tortoise & Hare
33009 CANDLEBOX Oval Box 21258 MARILYN MANSON Blue Face 11059 SAM HAIN Initium
18602 CANDLEBOX Photo 32577 MARILYN MANSON Hand & Logo 11070 SAM HAIN November Coming
13773 C. CORPSE Butchered At Birth 22186 MARILYN MANSON Lipstick Face 21276 SAMAEL Jesus With Nails
21189 CANNIBAL CORPSE The Bleeding 32578 M. MANSON Silver Logo/Everlasting 20656 SANTANA Carlos W/Guitar
31412 C. CORPSE Tomb Of Mutilated 22241 MEAT PUPPETS Characters 14488 SEPULTURA Group/Posse Tour ‘92
20897 CARCASS Descanting /Insalubrious 30887 MEAT PUPPETS Smiley Baby 18734 SEPULTURA Heart Design
32327 CATHEDRAL Mirror 18673 MEAT PUPPETS Too High Too Die 18730 SEPULTURA Territory
28188 CATHERINE WHEEL Eat My Dust 20559 MEGADETH Anatomy Of Vic 22297 SEX PISTOLS Never Mind Bollocks
19035 C. MANSON Glow In Dark Face 22527 MEGADETH Clothesline 11009 SEX PISTOLS Save The Queen
15227 CITIZEN DICK Group 18558 MEGADETH Dr. Vic 32916 §. VICIOUS Picture Collage Anarchy
11088 C, ORANGE Alex W/Knife 22526 MEGADETH Eye Of Death 32439 SILVERCHAIR Frog On Hotrod
11022 CLOCKWORK ORANGE Droogies 21443 MEGADETH Father Vic 32440 SILVERCHAIR Pigface
21480 COLLECTIVE SOUL Logo/Warrior 18277 MEGADETH Grim Reaper 20949 SKINNY PUPPY Meek-Tweek Baby
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31336 DOKKEN Dysfunctional 21652 METALLICA Metallifukinca 20919 SOUNDGARDEN Paint Splash
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33062 DOORS Jim Glowing Reflection 11001 METALLICA Master Of The Puppets 18679 SOUNDGARDEN Super Unknown
21657 DOORS Jim With Mic On Fire 13361 METALLICA Sad But True 32524 SPONGE 8-Track
28051 DOORS Neon Spectrum Of Group 21341 MINISTRY Casey's Last Ride 22156 SPONGE Candy Corn
12999 DOORS Riders On The Storm 13794 MINISTRY Jesus Built My Hotrod 13805 §. RAY VAUGHAN Airbrush Photo
21452 DREAM THEATER Mirror 15165 MINISTRY Mosquito 18535 $. RAY VAUGHAN Crossed Guitar
22202 ENTOMBED Wolverine Blues 15174 MINISTRY Pyramid 11105 STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN In Step
21418 ERIC CLAPTON Shawdow Portrait 15198 MINISTRY Scarecrow 13000 STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN Memorial
11015 EXPLOITED Punks Not Dead 11090 MINOR THREAT Bottled Violence 33057 §. RAY VAUGHAN Playing Guitar
22280 EXTREME Suicide Clown 41111 MINOR THREAT Jan 20874 §. TEMPLE PILOTS Dragon Boy
32329 FACE TO FACE Logo 32120 MISFITS 1995 Skull 20873 S. T. PILOTS Funny Color/ Tour 94
22491 FAITH NO MORE Barking Dog 33126 MISFITS Doyle Portrait 11018 SUBHUMANS Country Died
22589 FAITH NO MORE Square Logo 33106 MISFITS Glow In Dark Skull 28059 SUFFOCATION Pierced From Within
32143 FEAR FACTORY Demanulacture 33127 MISFITS Jerry Portrait 21243 SUICIDAL TENDENCIES Stil! Cyco
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31200 FILTER Mocha Bus 21271 M. ANGEL Abominations /Desolation 22584 TOOL Medicine Twins
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32442 F. FIGHTERS Glow Dark Alien Head 22293 MUDHONEY Meatylicious Devil 15276 TOOL Tool Wrench
31420 FOO FIGHTERS Ray Gun 29040 MUDHONEY Outbreak Suites 22212 TYPE 0 NEGATIVE Black #1
22220 FUDGE TUNNEL |gnorance 18732 NAILBOMB Logo 32148 T. O NEGATIVE Suspended At Dusk
15194 FUGAZI Group Shot 21566 NAPALM DEATH Fear Lp Cover 33002 URGE OVERKILL Multi Color UO
20895 FUGAZI Killtaker 21274 N. DEATH Harmony Corruption 30880 VAN HALEN 2nd Lp Cover
FUGAZI Not A Fugazi Shirt
NINE INCH NAILS Downward Spiral
Atomic Punk/Logo
Balance Cd Cover eae
15309 GRATEFUL DEAD Snow Bears 20986 NINE INCH NAILS Now |'m Nothing 30881 VAN HALEN Fair Warning 3 een sa WHITE ZOMBIE’ = ‘WSS
28061 GREEN DAY 39 Smooth 14466 N. INCH NAILS Pretty Hale Machine 29047 VAN HALEN 0U812 a os armas
22693 GREEN DAY Man W/Straight Jacket 18089 NIRVANA |n Utero 22283 VAN HALEN Portrait
19043 GREEN DAY Dookie Bombs 18603 NIRVANA Incesticide 22715 VAN HALEN Right Here Right Now
19015 GREEN DAY Dookie Logo 22272 NIRVANA Kurt Age 7 Photo 30882 VAN HALEN Woman And Children
22818 GREEN DAY Group Photo 22154 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain U.K. Photo 30838 VERUCA SALT Evil Sailor
28060 GREEN DAY Kerplunk Girl 30848 NIRVANA Live In Ny Unplugged 22579 WEEZER Weezer Cd Cover Photo
21654 GREEN DAY Man Pissing 13665 NIRVANA Logo 28049 WHITE ZOMBIE Pink Monster
31449 GREEN DAY Practice Space 13715 NIRVANA Never Mind 28048 WHITE ZOMBIE X-Head
17897 NIRVANA Group
18563 NIRVANA In Utero
21083 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Playing Guitar 19100
BIOHAZARD Clean Up Crew ‘95 Tour
MR. BUNGLE All Access
NINE INCH NAILS Broken Local Crew
21649 BEASTIE BOYS Group Pointing 22576 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Memorial
21087 BLACK CROWES Poi Collage 14891 OBITUARY The End Complete 12351 BLACK SABBATH Bloody Sabbath 16853 NIRVANA Never Mind Tour Staff
15236 C. CORPSE Tomb Of The Mutilated 21533 OFFSPRING Group 14072 DANZIG Guest Pass 19106 NIRVANA Rest In Peace In Utero
22010 DANZIG Glen With Wings 22599 PAGE/PLANT No Quarter 13310 DOORS Hall Of Fame 32812 OFFSPRING Crew Tour Staff ‘95
14898 AEROSMITH Logo 32133 MARILYN MANSON Blue Face 21297 GREEN DAY Dookie Bombs 21296 PANTERA Far Beyond Driven Photo 16885 G,'N ROSES Metallica Stadium Tour 16891 PANTERA Vulgar Display '92 Vip
33071 ALICE IN CHAI $Dog & Logo Song Titles 21444 MEGADETH Dr. Vic 16903 HELMET Mean Time ‘92 Europe Crew 19096 PEARL JAM Vs. Tour V.i.p. Pass
22808 BAD RELIGION Stranger Than Fiction 21762 METALLICA Skull Flame Pocket 33037 GREEN DAY \nsomniac 14644 PEARL JAM Live
18367 GUNS ‘N ROSES Spaghetti Incident 32844 PENNYWISE Group 32811 HOLE Photo Lollapalooza ‘95 Tour 31367 PINK FLOYD Reunion Division Bell
21454 BEASTIE BOYS ||! Communication 33004 MISFITS Lega mh Brutality iy 12217 JIMI HENDRIX Hall Of Fame 16981 PRIMUS Staff :92
32129 BIOHAZARD Oval Logo 7649 MORBID ANGEL Burning Cross 21078 GWAR Blood & Guts Group 20422 PINK FLOYD Division Bel!
18513 IRON MAIDEN Eddie As Dj 17878 PRIMUS Group Photo 14958 KISS Revenge World Tour ‘92 14968 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS ‘91-92
21767 CANDLEBOX Blazing ‘un 19199 NAPALM DEATH Voodoo Dol 12180 LED ZEPPELIN U.S. 1977 12258 SEX PISTOLS Anarchy In The U.K.
21194. CORPSE The dol 22171 NINE INCH NAILS Futher Down Coil 14571 JIMI HENDRIX Burning Guitar 18365 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE Live
32258 KISS History Collage 801 RANCID Group In Car 32813 LIVE '95 Tour Crew 12240 SLAYER World Sacrafice
17408 C.0.C. Radman 32130 CATHERINE WHEEL CW Logo 8055 NINE INCH NAILS Puff Logo 12307 LYNYRD SKYNYRD Tribute Tour 19097 SMASHING PUMPKINS ‘94 Tour f
21647 DANZIG Yn Yan 21523 OBITUARY World Demise 21074 LED ZEPPELIN Group In Zo:0 17625 R.H. CHIL] PEPPERS Neon Faces
17412 DEF LEPPARD Logo 22577 LIVE Group Posed 13945 SAM FOX Swimsuit/Topless 16905 MEGADETH Countdown Vip 14092 STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN In Step Vip
17415 F. NO MORE Angel Dust 31097 DEICIDE Upon The Cross 22588 OFFSPRING Ghoul With Gun
21280 ENTOMBED Left Hand Path 21421 OFFSPRING Smash Lp Cover 15371 MADONNA Nude Pose 321 SEPULTURA Chaos A.D. iy 13662 METALLICA Ride The Lighting Tour 16982 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Core Tour
17422 G. 'N ROSES Broken Heart 22012 MEGADETH Father Vic. 14096 METALLICA Master Of Puppets Tour 19091 VAN HALEN Right Here Right Now
32145 FEAR FACTORY Demanufacture 21406 PANTERA Rat/ I'm Broken 18511 SLAYER Nuclear Skull
17423 GWAR Skull/Logo 33073 FILTER Logo/Short Bus 21875 PEARL JAM Human Body/ 70 % Water 13717 METALLICA 4 Faces 421 SMASHING PUMPKINS Siamese
17426 IRON MAIDEN Eddie 18269 FUGAZI Not A Fugazi 4899 PEARL JAM StickFigure 13972 METALLICA Against Wall 082 SOUNDGARDEN ‘94 Tour Poster
17427 JIMI HENDRIX Logo 21423 GREEN DAY Kerplunk 32135 PRIMUS Toy Boal 22011 METALLICA I'm Inside You 13780 STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN Portrait
17429 KISS Logo 32132 HOLE Swirl Logo 22810 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE Logo 14791 METALLICA Sad But True 21530 §.T. TEMPLE PILOTS Dragon Boy
17433 LED ZEPPELIN Lantern 21410 JIMI HENDRIX Circle Graphic 5366 RAMONES Mondo Bizarro 14576 METALLICA Stage Collage 17903 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Group
17392 MEGADETH Logo 32974 LED ZEPPELIN X-Ray Icarus 18735 SEPULTURA Chaos A.D. 15247 MINISTRY Group 31192 TYPE O NEGATIVE Bloody Kisses
17437 METALLICA Justice For All 33055 LIVE Oval Logo 31434 SOUNDGARDEN Band Photo 22172 NINE INCH NAILS Downwa rd Spiral 30903 WHITE ZOMBIE ra Astro oe i 32402 BEASTIE BOYS Green/Logo 32414 MEGADETH Black/Logo
32407 BUSH Black/Logo 32413 METALLICA Black/Logo
32571 DANZIG Skull 32570 MISFITS Purple Logo
ey 32401 DOORS Black/Logog 32572 MISFITS Skull
32663 FOO FIGHTERS Biack/Logo 32983 NO FX Rectangle Logo
fy 31118 AC/DC Whole Lotta Rosie 13559 MISFITS Skull 17299 AEROSMITH Wings 32416 G. DEAD Black/Dancing Bears 32411 PAGE & PLANT Navy/Logo
20444 AEROSMITH Get A Grip 21630 NINE INCH NAILS 1st Lp 14803 BEASTIE BOYS Logo 32415 G. DEAD Navy/Steal Your Face 32404 PANTERA Green/Logo
20434 AEROSMITH Get A Grip 32417 G. DEAD Red/Dancing Skeleton 32425 PEARL JAM Black/Stickman
17115 ALICE IN CHAINS Logo 15060 NIRVANA Happy Face 21578 BIOHAZARD Logo 20432 A. IN CHAINS Rooster
18480 B. RELIGION Recipe For Hate 21637 NIRVANA Kurt Is Dead Portrait 14927 CANNIBAL CORPSE Logo 32410 PRIMUS Navy/L 090
32902 BAD RELIGION Stranger Than Fiction 32569 RANCID Logo
17463 SOUNDGARDEN Logo py 22774 BIOHAZARD Kid W/ Gas Mask 20445 NIRVANA Nevermind 12672 DANZIG Skull 32904 BIOHAZARD Virus Of Hate
17464 §. RAY VAUGHAN Logo 22765 CANNIBAL CORPSE Bleeding 22766 OBITUARY World Demise 13958 DEICIDE Demon 18040 CANNIBAL CORPSE Tomb Of Mutilated 4 32403 JIMI HENDRIX Black/Logo 32412 RED HOT CHILI PEPPER Black/Logo
17469 VAN HALEN Logo 22776 DANZIG Skull With Cross 22760 PANTERA Flame Logo Pot Leaf 12644 DEF LEPPARD Logo 20435 DANZIG Thrall - Demonsweatlive 33125 KORN Logo 32662 SILVERCHAIR mae
20420 WOODSTOCK ‘94 Logo fq 15268 DEICIDE Legion 21627 PRIMUS Pork Soda 21328 GREEN DAY Logo 13612 DEICIDE Medallion 2405 LED ZEPPELIN Black/Logo 33129 SLAYER BladeLo
32838 GREEN DAY Dookie Bombs 18479 RAMONES Logo 17026 G. 'N ROSES Flag Skull 21611 IRON MAIDEN A Real Dead One 32406 LED ZEPPELIN Green/Symbols 32668 SOUL ASYLUM BlackLogo
2841 HOLE Purple Logo 22772 R. A. MACHINE Red Fist 14503 GUNS 'N ROSES Tophat Bi 21110 JIMI HENDRIX Sweet Angel 33130 LIVE Oval Logo 32666 SPONGE Black/Logo
HW 13389 KISS Destroyer 18477 R. A. MACHINE Man / Smoke 13437 GWAR Logo i) 22738 MACHINE HEAD Logo 32573 LIVE Yellow/ Logo 32667 VERUCA SALT Black/Logo
H 15005 L. ZEPPELI Remasters/Cover 17096 R.H.C.PEPPERS Sperm Logo 13305 JIMI HENDRIX Logo 22724 MEGADETH Nuclear Explosion #32669 MARILYN MANSON Black/Logo 32408 WEEZER Purple/Logo
20440 SEPULTURA Chaos A.D. 12635 KISS Logo 22735 METALLICA Hetfield Design
15020 SLAYER Crossed Swords 12637 LED ZEPPELIN Swan Song 13161 METALLICA Metal Up Your Ass
22756 METALLICA Hetfield Design 22778 SOUNDGARDEN Flower Logo 22322 OFFSPRING Skeleton 32900 METALLICA Metallifukinca
12983 METALLICA Lightning 22763 §. TEMPLE PILOTS Logo 19124 MEGADETH Conductor Vic 20433 MORBID ANGEL Covenant
13554 METALLICA Puppets 22762 TOOL Tool Wrench 13800 METALLICA Sad But True 21622 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Portrait Mumba:
20443 MORBID ANGEL Covenant 20520 T. 0 NEGATIVE Hammergear 13435 METALLICA Logo 22737 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Suicide Note
18212 NIRVANA Logo 22749 NIRVANA Cy Face 12557 AC/DC 35 Styles 12575 MEGADETH 20 Styles 12599 RAMONES 11 Styles
M4 32395 OASIS Logo 22740 12569 AEROSMITH 12 Siyles
OBITUARY World Demise 12547 METALLICA 75 Styles 21935 RANCID 2 Styles
19896 BLACK CROWES Chris Closeup f 4 22315
OBITUARY World Demise 22746 14917 ALICE IN CHAINS 8 Styles
PANTERA Far Beyond Driven 12592 MISFITS 18 Styles 13365 SEPULTURA 5 Styles
19906 BON JOVI Jon & Richie Live f , MIZE fy 22322 OFFSPRING Skeleton | 22729 19404 BEASTIE BOYS 6 Styles
PANTERA Flame Logo With Pot Leaf 13367 N. INCH NAILS 10 Styles 12552 SEX PISTOLS 20 Styles
fy 21325 PANTERA Far Beyond Driven 18488 PRIMUS Clay Figure 12608 DANZIG 12 Styles 13814 NIRVANA 13 Styles 12578 SLAYER 22 Styles
17920 AEROSMITH Aeroforce One 21814 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Memorial 21579 PINK FLOYD Stoned Heads 13613 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS Logo ‘ 18443 FUGAZI 5 Styles 14919 PANTERA 5 Styles 18440 $. PUMPKINS 5 Styles
21322 BEASTIE BOYS Check /Head 22601 PAGE/PLANT Zoso With Feathe ] 13802 PRIMUS Logog 32905 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE Rebel Nuns fF 21933 GREEN DAY 4 Styles 14464 PEARL JAM 10 Styles 18438 SONIC YOUTH 6Slyles
21323 BIOHAZARD Kid With Gun 18049 PANTERA Group 4493 R.H.CHILI PEPPERS Logo 22733 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE Red Fist 12589 JIMI HENDRIX 30 Styles 12564 PINK FLOYD 22 Styles 14920 SOUNDGARDEN 8 Styles
ee ae Jim Morrison 14596 PINK fees DarkSide i 13301 RUSH Star With Man
N ROSES Flag & Skull 18050 PRIMUS Gro! 18487 RAMONES Mondo Bizarro Bf 12544 KISS Makeup 75 Styles 14463 PRIMUS 9 Styles 19431 §. VAUGHAN 14 Styles
ith Guitar 14908 R.H.C. PEPPI RS Aztec Face 13959 SEPULTURA Tribal S 22742 SEPULTURA Chaos A.D. py 12545 LED ZEPPELIN 56 Styles 21929 R. A. MACHINE 4Styles 12555 VAN HALEN 30 Styles
11201 RUSH Star With Man 22317 SLAYER Devine Intervention 21605 SEX PISTOLS God Save The Queen
20425 LED eh Four Pas aan SLAYER ie Intervention mj 14603 SOUNDGARDEN Badmotor 13619 SLAYER Crucified Skeleton
14063 METALLICA 4 Faces 981 TOOL Bi | 32394 S. TEMPLE PILOTS Logo 20437 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Logo
21815 NIRVANA Cobain Death Cert, 308) WHINEeae Monster/Logo f) 12642 VAN HALEN Logo 22739 TYPE O NEGATIVE Hammergear
fy 11336 AEROSMITHcS 20999 MISFITS Skull
17307 BAD RELIGION Logo 16914 NIRVANA Happy Face
32982 ee ea 21996 HOLE Lo 17018 PEARL JAM Logo i 18972 BEASTIE BOYS Logo 20904 NIRVANA Cobain ‘67-‘94
ITH Get A Grip 13740 JIMI HEND ae PRIMUS Red/ White Logo A 17854 BIOHAZARD Logo 4557 NIRVANA Never Mind Logo
14768 ALICEIN CHAINS Logo 21345 RANCID Mohawk Guy 22603 BUSH Logo 21789 NOFX Logo
20981 BAD RELIGION L 21347 R. A. MACHINE R Logo § 21791 CANDLEBOX Logo 14561 OBITUARY Logo
M,MANSON God Of F**K eS38 SEICE ye Posse f 21001 CANNIBAL CORPSE Logo 21316 OFFSPRING Logo
Logo 32141 PANTERA Logo 14567 DANZIG Logo 14565 PANTERA Logo
11123 MEGADETH Logo 22531. SLAYER Ne Logo Logo foes ALICE IN CHAINS Logo 31424 R. AGAINST MACHINE Logo 15106 DEICIDE Logo 4556 PEARL JAM Logo
21991 NIRVANA ee ‘67-94 fy 32137 BIOHAZARD Logo 31425 be pe PUMPKINS Logo 17855 FUGAZI Logo 4555 PEARL JAM Stick Figure
13935NIRVANA Lo i 31423 CANDLEBOX Logo ee SOUL ASYLUM Looro 20905 GREEN DAY Logo 11331 PINK FLOYD Logo
22170 NINE INCH N. ILS Insect P 32138 CATHERINE W EL Logo 31426 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Logo 15319 HELMET Logo 4367 PRIMUS Logo
13829 OBITUARY Logo 33011 TOOL All Olive Log0 32139 DOORSLogo 31427 TOOL Logo 21790 HOLEL te 21788 RANCID Logo ;
21235 OFFSPRING Logo 22284 VAN HALEN VH LOGO 32142 HOLE Logo 22262 VAN HALEN Logo fm 20480 JIMI HENDRIX Logo 17913 R. AGAINST MACHINE Logo
14630 PANTERA Logo 22267 WHITE ZOMBIE Logo 32140 MARILYN MANSON Logo 31428 VANDALS Logo 11293 KISS age 14560 R.H.C. PEPPERS Logo
22792 LIVE 14564 SEPULTURA Logo
Hy 22488 MARILYN MANSON Logo 11301 SLAYERL'ad
11295 MEGADETH Logo 7912 §. PUMPKINS Logo
11297 METALLICA Justice 17859 SONIC YOUTH Me
14983 ALICE IN CHAINS Logo 17965 PANTERA Photo 13226 METALLICA Splash Logo 17490 S. TEMPLE PILOTS Logo
1121808 BEASTIE BOYS Dragon 18996 METALLICA Executioner 14485 R.H. CHILI PEPPERS Logo 22634 BEASTIE BOYS Dragon 16624 PEARL JAM Stick Figure 15316 MINISTRY Skulls 17910 TOOL Logo
21809 DANZIG 4th Lp Cover 16758 METALLICA Puppets 32888 RAMONES Group Photo 17177 BIOHAZARD Logo 17874 R. A. MACHIN E Logo '
9.21199 GREEN DAY Dookie, 13890 METALLICA Sad But True 21803 RANCID Caution 21314 GREEN DAY Dookie Bombs 12458 RAMONES Presidential Logo
32873 GREEN DAY Logo 32883 NIRVANA Kurt Memorial 21811 SLAYER Carved Arm 32891 KORN Logo 33007 SILVERCHAIR Frog
32886 JIMI HENDRIX Exhibition 14478 NIRVANA Never Mind 32884 SONIC YOUTH Portraits 21795 MARILYN MANSON Face 15331 SLAYER Evil Skull
32885 KISS Not Dead Yet 21200 OFFSPRING Smash 14940 $. GARDEN Badmotor 22288 METALLICA Flaming Skull © 18725 S. PUMPKINS Star/Group
9.21201 LIVE Throwing Copper 16755 PANTERA Purple Photo 18376 S. TEMPLE PILOTS Logo 16750 NINE INCH NAILS Logo 22399 TOOL Wrench
14101 MEGADETH Vic To Hell 16754 PRIMUS Clay Figure 20472 NIRVANA Kurt Cobain Tribute 32830 W. ZOMBIE Monster Logo
32889 W. ZOMBIE Pink Monster 17286 AEROSMITH Get A Grip 22495 LIVE Throwing Cooper 17486 PRIMUS '93 Pork Soda Bio, Photo fF
17287 A. IN CHAINS '92 History,Photo 22496 M. MANSON American Family 19173 RAMONES Mondo Bizarro
33087 BEASTIE BOYS Iii Communication 17566 MEGADETH ‘90 Rust In Peace 13091 R.H.C. PEPPERS History
19136 DANZIG Lucifuge,Bio,Photo 19159 METALLICA ‘93 Live Shit: Binge 12797 SLAYER South If Heaven-
16912 DEF LEPPARD Adrenalize '93 17484 MINISTRY '90 Didn't Show Up 19180 SMASHING PUMPKINS Gish
14655 DOORS Rolling Stone Interview 19162 NINE INCH NAILS ‘92 Broken 17574 $. YOUTH '92 py Bio, Photo
22573 GREEN DAY History,Bio,Photo 19163 NIRVANA '91 Never Mind 17576 SOUNDGARDEN Badmotortinger Fi
15200 AC/DC Collag e 22275 PAGE/PLANT Pattern & Zoso 12728 KISS 1974 First Bio 17570 PANTERA '91 Bio, Photo 12776 §. RAY VAUGHAN Bio, Photo
20563 AEROSMITH Face To Face 18329 PANTERA Blue Collage 13075 LED ZEPPELIN ‘69 Bio,Photo 19167 PEARL JAM ‘93 Vs. With Itinerary 17488 S. TEMPLE PILOTS '92 Core
4 16803 BON JOVI Elvis 18387 PANTERA Dripping Loge 22498 P. FLOYD Division Bell Bio,Photo 33086 VAN HALEN Balance
421087C.CORPSE BestOf Collage 17021 PINK FLOYD Bursting Wall TIGER SMD Cee uty
a 17666 A. IN CHAINS Grp Against Fence
12798 L. SKYNYRD Bio,Photo,Legend
9 21451 DOORS Kaleidoscope Photo 20670 PINK FLOYD Sareamian Head 12052 DANZIG Group On Steps 20002 A. IN CHAINS 20664 NIRVANA
31201 GUNS 'N ROSES Silage Dive 18244 PRIMUS Fish 22137 GREEN DAY 31372 PANTERA M
1921251 JIMI HENDRIX Woodstock Photo 22210 SEPULTURA 4 Faces/Logo | | 17678 DINOSAUR JR. Group Posed 20003 G. 'N ROSES 19487 PEARL JA AVG ea sg
31437 KISS Black & White Kiss Comic 22273 SLAYER Devine Intervention 22505 GREEN DAY Against Wall
22506 GREEN DAY Group By Toilet 17614 KISS Makeup 31370 $, PUMPKINS
28054 L. ZEPPELIN bie alin 18336 SLAYER Tombstones
14137 GUNS 'N ROSES Axl, Slash Duff
17609 KISS New 31374 S. T. PILOTS ce BEASTIE BOYS Logo 22384 JIMI HENDRIX Face Shot 21858 NIRVANA Smile Face Logo 21854, A. MACHINE Tex! Logo fi
Ny 28189 LYNYRD SKYNYRD Devil 21575 SOUNDGARDEN Blurry Photo
11912 JIMI HENDRIX Live With Guitar
17613 METALLICA 31373 VAN HALEN 21855 DANZIG Logo/Skull- 21859 METALLICA Splash Logo 22390 PANTERA Logo 21866 $. PUMPKINS Logo
1 22528 MEGADETH Megamachine 21967 SOUNDGARDEN Astronomy
A 12113 KISS 4 Pictures 1974 21860 GREEN DAY Dookie Bombs 21857 N. INCH NAILS Nin Logo 21856 PEARL JAM Rickman 22395 SOUNDGARDEN Logo
20692 NIRVANA Heart Shape Box 17604 $. R. VAUGHAN Scribble Photo
F | 11820 LED ZEPPELIN Group By Plane 22382 HOLE Logo 22386 NIRVANA Cobain Tribute 22398 PRIMUS Ziggy Pop 22388 TOOL Wrench
20871 0. OSBOURNE Photo Montage 29044 VAN HALEN Ocean Tour '93
22508 LIVE Group Sitting On Stairs 5
12109 MADONNA Topless | |
22509 M. MANSON Group Pose | nes Postage
11809 MEGADETH Group
11946 METALLICA 4 Pictures Order All Your Favorite Tee-Shirts, Rock Caps, Tapestries, Posters, Patches, Watches, Necklaces, And Much More!!! The Video
17777 METALLICA James Hetfield Catalog Pictures Front And Back Of All Our Tee-Shirts, Along With All Of Our Other Items While Listening To Heavy Disc Tunes.
13126 MISFITS Group You Must See The Latest Technolog In Rockabilia’s New Video Catalog. This Video Truly Is The Most Ultimate Way To View The
22716 G. ‘NR. Blue DenimRoses Logo 22719 SOUNDGARDEN Bik Denim/ Logo 22511 N. INCH NAILS Grp In Studio Newest Products, Wit HGraphic Detail Thats Out Of This orld |! Thousands Of Item To Choose From
22717 LIVE Blue Denim/ White Text Logo 22721 §. R. VAUGHAN Bik Denim/ 20532 NIRVANA Group Posed In Alley
22718 PINK FLOYD Blue Denim/ Symbols 31419 ZEPPELIN Blue Denim/Swan Song 17690 NIRVANA Group In Backyard
22720 SLAYER Bik Denim/White Text Logo Circle The Items You Want Or Make Your Own Order Form
20533 NIRVANA Group In Shower
Sl 18634 OZZY Over Chaind Womans Body & Send Cash,Check Or Money Order To:
Sy 20724 PANTERA Standing InA Field
] 22512 PEARL JAM Eddie Vedder Live CONCERT EXPRESS ©®P. 0. Box 4206 Dept 160 © Hopkins, MN 55343
17695 PEARL JAM Group In Field
20714 P. FLOYD Division Bell Group 31861 METALLICA 1996
17699 PRIMUS Group Outside By 31868 NINE INCH NAILS 1996
22532 AEROSMITH Get A Grip 11588 MISFITS Press Pass 869 NIRVANA Group1996
22533 BAD RELIGION Ravens 22539 NINE INCH NAILS Lyrics 17706 R. AGAINST MACHINE Group
iy 13099 R.H.C. PEPPERS No Shirts 865 a eh lemorial 1996
11513 BEASTIE BOYS Licensed To Kill 18386 NIRVANA Security Pass 870 PANTERA 1996 Name
17823 DANZIG Don't Like It '89 Guest 11448 OZZY Diary Of A Madman @} 12089 RAMONES By Grafitti Wall 31871 PEARL TAM 1996
22540 P. JAM Local Crew Devil's Head 13134 SAM FOX 3 Topless Pics 31871 PINK FLOYD 1996
18405 PEARL JAM Working Personnel 20718 SEPULTURA In Front Of Castle 876 RAGE AGAINST MACHINE 1996 Address
22722 PINK FLOYD Stone Heads ‘94 16745 SLAYER Group With Sunglasses 31877 RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 1996
12217 JIMI HENDRIX Hal! Of Fame 18406 PRIMUS Stalf 20717 $. PUMPKINS Studio Pose 31851 SAMANTHA FOX 1996
3 KISS Spring '75 Tour 11524 RAMONES Runaways 17713 SONIC YOUTH Group Posed 31880 itl ee City St Zipcode
11436 LED ZEPPELIN Knebworth ‘79 22542 SEPULTURA Chaos World Tour 17715 SOUNDGARDEN Group Posed 881 SEX PISTOLS 1996
37 LIVE Local cee 11525 SLAYER Reign In Blood 16748 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS Group 31882 SMASHING PUMPKINS 1996
MARILYN MANSON Eyeballs 18408 SOUNDGARDEN Crew Pass 13145 §. RAY VAUGHAN 4 Solo Shots 31883 SOUNDGARDEN 1996 US DOLLARS ONLY- ADD $4 For Shi ping & Handling
11520 MEGADETH Peace Sells 11621 $. RAY VAUGHAN Live Alive ‘86 17719 TOOL Group Posed 884 TOPLESS GIRLS 1996 ©Copyright 1996 CE
All Foreign Countries Add $8 For Postage CE 24
8} 17832 METALLICA Stadium Tour '92 11469 VAN HALEN ‘78 World Tour 12008 VAN HALEN 4 Pics Live 31885 U2 1996
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JUNE '95
iT CORNER a ene eeieyrent as
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SEPT '95 |
(Shown smaller than actual size)
Large & Xlarge (* Available in Med)
with 18" Curb Chain $10
Alien Sex Fiend: Logo
Baywatch: Pamela
Biohazard: Group/Wall EXPLICIT LYRICS with 30" Black Leather Cord $12
with 16" Black Cord Choker $13
Biohazard: Logo/Orange T
Budweiser: Frogs
Bush: Dog
Charlie Manson: Don’t Surf
Clutch: Nebula
Foo Fighters: Alien(Glows in Dark)
Foo Fighters: Ray Gun
Foo Fighters: Scaryman RN164 RN446
Foo Fighters: Space Ships
Green Day: Dookie
Green Day: Insomniac
Green Day: Street Riot
Hole: Heart
KMFDM: Drug Against War
Flags $18
Marilyn Manson: Anti Christ
Marilyn Manson: Dope Fiend Refillable
Nine Inch Nails: Teeth/Salt Trail
Nirvana: In Utero _oFlint Style
Kurt Cobain: Face (B & W) F2 British F12 Marijuana eWindproof -—
NOFX: White Trash
Nuns With Guns: Topless Nun
Offspring: Chew Your Arm
Orange 9mm: Gun
Pantera: Born Again ~ LGT38 Route 666 —_LGT23 Biohazard Symbol
Pavement: Sunnyside Up LGT27 Eight Ball ©LGT12 Pot Leaf (2 Different)
Pearl Jam: Target LGT26 Charlie Manson LGT11 Naked Woman (6 Dif)
Primus: Toy Boats (CD) LGT5S __LGT:
Quicksand: Logo
Consty boa m m a PARENTAL
ANIURY Rings $10,
Silverchair: Pig Man
Slayer: World/Chains
Smashing Pumpkins: Star Logo
“aprcn* CHASING Tool: ane Silver J
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sizes 7-14 -
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MARS ATTACK See: The terror on their face
(Recorded by THE MISFITS) “Mars Explodes” cast out a rubble into
© 1996 Jerry Only II Music.
Their eyes for many centuries
Peered in from space HOPKINS
Sincere the hops, their wise believed (Recorded by CATHEDRAL)
They could teach our race
But yet on Mars, a darker side LEE DORRIAN
Like all things that God made
Their tribe of war, would heed them not She rides to the sabbath
“Earth they must invade” Veiled under silver light
LW See: The fire in the skies
To make love to the devil
Necromaniacs of nyte
See: Them devastate he land Within the mystic forest
Mars attacks: the warlord chief com- She sets your world alight
mands Her coven conjure the demons
Herald the sacrifice yeah
See: The fire in the skies
See: Them devastate the land Lucifera Vampirella
Mars attacks: the warlord chief com- She bares the mark of he devil
Jerry Garcia Memorial mands
Queen of the witches
Viagazine And Poster See: The humane fight and die Her kingdom is your hell
Jerry Garcia— The icon of the ‘60s See: Our planet laid to waste Black masses in the covent
generation. Mars Attacks: Monsters invade the earth Priests under her spell
When the leader of the Grateful Dead from space The crops have withered
passed away in August, the rock world The sky bends upside down
mourned as it had rarely mourned before. It was then in our darkest hour Her name is Lucifera
What was it about this bearded, graying, When everything seemed lost The mutant preachers yell
guitar virtuoso that so stirred the hearts of The hearts of men would not conceed
millions around the world? No matter what the coast My name is Hopkins
In this special magazine tribute to Jerry I'm the witchfinder general
Garcia, we explore the myths, mysteries and They forged a sword of sound and steel My impotence decieves me
monumental achievements of both Garcia
Upon the Martian doors Your beauty turns me pale
and the Dead. For nearly 30 years they
The voices of God would thunder there Winds haunt the village
ranked amongst rock’s true cultural phe-
nomenon—a band capable of packing any and “Mars would be no more!” Satan's ghost awakes
arena in the world at any time. Come pay The world falls into darkness
tribute to the late great Jerry Garcia with this See: the Martian cities fall As she melts at the stake
special collector's issue devoted to the much See: The death of the warrior tribe
beloved father of psychedelic rock. “Mars Attacks” now their planet won't Mathhew Hopkins witchfinder general
Features a giant 22” x 32” double-sided survive Your soul condemned to hell
poster of Jerry Garcia.
See: Their world turn into ash © 1996 Earache Songs.
| would like to order ___copy(ies) of
Jerry Garcia Memorial Magazine And
Poster at $5.00 each. POSTAGE AND
All money orders, cashier's checks and
personal checks must be payable to
MAGAZINE SERVICES, in American cur-
rency only. DO NOT ENCLOSE CASH.
Canadian and foreign residents—please
add $1.00 per magazine ordered. Allow
six to eight weeks for delivery. No COD's
Send To:
210 Route 4 East, Paramus, NJ 07652.
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Games & Systems! Sight Warviors
. 3
Toshinden Remix
ver the last decade, Zakk Wylde has built up. quite a reputation for himself. As the long-time axe master for the legendary Ozzy
Osbourne, this New Jersey native helped create the quintessential sound and style of ‘80s “metal guitar”. More recently, his work
with his own band, Pride & Glory, proved that a happy marriage could exist between the superficially divergent realms of
Southern-styled roots-rock and more mainstream metallic musings. And now, after bowing out— or being forced out, depending whom
you ask— of Ozzy’s current touring band (after recording the recent platinum disc Ozzmosis with The Metal Master), and surviving a
short-lived and much-discussed run-in with the boys from Guns N’ Roses, Wylde is back with his first true solo disc, Book Of Shadows,
an effort that gives full reign to his multi-faceted six string skills.
Peavey’s new Ecoustic 172 is a combo amp specifically for Channel Two, it has a low-Z XLR mic input, high-Z quar-
designed for acoustic guitars — “Ecoustic,” get it? The 772 ter-inch input, level control, 5-band graphic EQ, and reverb.
has a unique set of features that cover the wide range of The master section has reverb and presence controls, and on
demands faced by acoustic guitar players these days: live per- the rear panel you'll find an XLR direct-out with pre-EQ/post-
formance in small or large rooms, or arenas, as well as studio EQ switch for direct-to-board live and studio applications, pre-
work in any number of styles. amp output, power amp input, mic-FX loop and instrument-
Just how feature-packed is it? The Ecoustic 112 has two FX loop send and return, and remote footswitch jack.
independent channels, with Channel One featuring a quarter- Truly, in terms of amplifying a plugged-in or miked acoustic
inch instrument input, level control, active/passive switch for guitar it's hard to think of what else you might need...except
piezo or magnetic pickups, phase-reverse switch, 5-band perhaps a tuner? Fear not, Peavey also has a new auto-tuner
graphic EQ, acoustic feedback reduction contro! with +/- 15 for guitars and basses, with digital technology, quartz accura-
dB boost or cutwith exclusive adjustable sliding notch cy, a condenser mic built-in for acoustic guitar tuning, a large
filter...plus a reverb control. Again: that’s just and easily readable LCD screen, high-impact casing...and it’s
Channel One. As small enough to fit into a guitar case or gig bag.
For more info on Peavey’s new Ecoustic 172 amp, digital
auto-tuner, and its many other guitar, bass and amplifier
products — not to mention its cool new “RadialPro” drums,
which we plan to cover in a future column — write: Peavey
Electronics Corp., 71 IA Meridian St., Meridian, MS, 39301.
Francis Dunnery, the former Robert Plant guitarist who has recently
released two critically acclaimed solo albums, has created a new inven-
tion—12 12-string cross between a guitar, a piano and a drum that
Dunnery calls the Tap Board. “It’s just something | originally came up
with about six years ago,” he says. “| put it aside for a few years, but
then when | picked it up again, | couldn't believe how great it sounded.
| play it from a guitarist's point of view, but it has many properties of a
keyboard, and | know drummers will have a great time tapping away
ON tig
While Dunnery is yet to complete a marketing deal with a major manu-
facturing firm, he hopes to have his Jap Board commercially available
by 1997. “That would be a dream-come-true,” he says. “I think anyone
who plays with it will fall instantly in love with it. The beauty is that you
don’t have to be a great musician to create wonderful sounds. But if you
are a talented musician, | think the possibilities are limitless.”
Korg's new i5M Interactive Music Module
Ibanez has expanded its ATK line with the new offers synth-users sounds generated by
alder-bodied, koa-topped ATK500, which has Korg's patented “Al-Squared” synthesis sys-
more defined high-end and sustain. Like the rest tem, with 192 pre-recorded arrangements
of the ATK line (except the ATK100 which has a- from pop and rock to jazz, House and
passive, dual-coil pickup), it’s got a triple-coil pick- Reggae, to professionally accompany any
up with three-band EQ and active electronics, and MIDI instrument. Its built-in. processor has
the ATK bridge, which can be strung through the 47 digital effects, including Reverb and
bridge or through the body. List price for the Chorus, as well as 16 drum programs and
ATK500: $949.95. For more info write: Ibanez 384 sound programs. Arrangements can be
Guitars, Box 886, Bensalem, PA, 19020. called up at the push of a color-coded but-
ton, instant editing is possible on drum or
sound programs, and real-
time or individual-note
recording are both possi-
ble. It's also got two MIDI
in ports, so it can store
accompaniment and per-
formance data in standard
MIDI format. The iSM is
fully compatible with
Korg’s ih Interactive Vocal
Harmony Processor, as well
as optional discs from
Korg’s Sound and Program
library. For more on this
highly versatile unit, write:
Korg USA Inc., 89 Frost
St., Westbury, NY, 11590.
Sabian’s new “BacPac” cymbal bag is unique and innovative — especially for drummers like most of those reading this maga-
zine, who we bet can’t afford roadies — in that its specially padded shoulder strap lets you wear the bag on your back...thus cen-
tering the weight of the cymbal and freeing up your hands. It’s
made of wear-resistant, highdenier nylon, with metal zippers
and double-strength strategic links; it can also be carried by its
handle, or over the shoulder. An oversize hold-all pocket car-
ries the largest sticks and mallets you can find; three smaller
pockets hold felts, keys and accessories. There's partitions
dividing the cymbals inside the bag to protect them from each
other, and extra impact-resistant padding around the base to
better protect cymbal edges. All in all, quite a bag — to be
expected, since Sabian makes quite the cymbals to put in it.
For more info, write: Sabian Ltd., Main Street, Meductic, New
Brunswick, Canada, EOH ILO. ¥
accompaniment. This is available for both Online marketing is useful for any
Windows and Macintosh formats ($588/1- campaign, but it is not an end-all/be-
800-268-6272). all. Less than 20% of all American
There are lots of ways musicians can find households are online. There is a high
work and promote themselves online. But concentration of media folks online,
it is not the only way to get ahead in your because the Internet has great research
career. Still, Video View recommends The sources, and consumers check folders, |
Music Biz Network, a chat room that too. But, having an online site or ser-
online industry-ites present on Tuesday vice doesn’t necessarily make you
and Thursday nights from 11:00 east time money. Major companies such as H&R
on AOL. Top publishers, producers, writ- Block has found ten reasons to sell its |
ers, radio programmers, publicists, plus shares on Compuserve, and Sears sold
fledging talents, and even signed artists its interest in Prodigy because the
year ago, Video View predicted that
MTV had the potential to create a
strong media conglomerate that one *%,
The computer world is definitely get- including Bush's Gavin Rossdale and famous catalog company doesn’t fore-
ting interesting these days. NetSpew Melissa Etheridge have visited the room. see recouping its $500 million invest-
Website (http:/Awww.ypn.com/music) Also recommended is Taxi, a match- ment made over the last 10 years. At a |
has been a great internet information making and marketing service geared to recent meeting of the Internet and
provider, detailing over 300:online aid unsigned artists who are willing to Electronic Commerence Conference |:
hotspots for all kinds of music fans. It is plunk out $299 a year in order to find out and Exposition, Microsoft owner Bill
now available as an enhanced CD which record company might be looking Gates warned cyber-believers not to |
($10/Atlantic). PG Music Inc. has lots of for a new band. Taxi promised to channel take stock in cybershopping, “It won't |
software for folks who want to develop your music to record biz suits. For more be popular until it’s interactive as shop-
their skills as musicians. In addition to information call 1-800-458-2111. Virtual ping at a real store.” Face it, when you |
having many piano and guitar instruc- Spotlight is a link service for unsigned go to a store, there’s nothing like hold- |
tional disc, they’ve now released a bands, find it on the web at http://scsi- ing a piece of merchandise in your
product called Band In A Box which inc.com/ds/tvms/. hand and looking at it in order to judge
you can program to play automatic KKK
its quality.
muse. i tf pee UP he fot ae a tT ee eee i oe ee
Pint ¥- (01) & eS