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stcw code

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Standards of Training

Certification and Watch

keeping (STCW)

General- Familiarization of marine engineers to STCW


❑Maritime law
❑The ship
❑The ocean
❑The crew
❑Marine Engineers
❑Training education and experience
❑Technical cooperation
❑Port and flag state control
• IMO- Safety of ship., equipment and standards of
• ILO- IMO and ILO co laboratory work on
production of guidance document and education
and training through a joint committee
• SOLAS- Government to take practical steps to
ensure comprehensive and satisfactory training
and education in the use of navigation aid, ships
equipments and use of safety devices including
devices for prevention , detection and extinction of
• STCW- 1975,1977 and 1985 amendment and draft
• World Maritime University
• Variation in standards and implementation technique
• First attempt towards establishment of minimum
professional standards
• Attended by 72 countries – considered the largest at
that time
• Passed through conventional method of 25 countries
holding 50 percent of merchant fleets.
• Finally accepted by 114 countries holding 95% of
world fleets.
• Expectation towards highest competency standards

• Technical provision of the convention are

divided into six chapters:
Chapter I - General provisions- Definition and
Chapter II - Master deck department
Chapter III - Engine department radio
Chapter IV - Radio Equipments
Chapter V - Special requirements for tankers
Chapter VI - Proficiency of survival craft
++ Resolution 1- 23
the following are factors that undermined
Ineffectiveness of STCW 78:
• Lack of precision in standards – I.e.
recommendation of minimum seatime and
specific knowledge without defining the skill
and competency required.
• Other factors that undermined STCW 78
include: crew reduction , faster turn – around ,
more frequent crew changes and the mix of
different education and training background
resulting from multinational manning
• Challenges of fast changes in maritime
economy and , expertise , traditional
organization duties and responsibilities and
fleets expansion

• Loss of reliability
• Loss of credibility of the convention
• Political and public concern and criticism
regarding human factors as related to disaster
• Claim about IMO Ineffectiveness and un
responsive to safety need and protection of
marine environment from accidental pollution
Setting up of working group subcommittee to organize
Diplomatic accelerated conference on comprehensive
review that will deal with :
• Strengthening maritime administration
• Strengthening maritime education and training
capabilities – especially developing countries
• Empower MSC to assess government performance
through standards reporting system
• Recognize importance of training , education and
• Promotion of intergovernmental technical cooperation to
facilitate assistance for weaker nations
• Empower world Maritime University to take leading role
in transfer of education and knowledge through
networking of advance training establishment.
**Ease of acceptance reflected the quality of preparatory
Other resolutions adopted by the Conference dealt with:

• training in crisis management and human behavior for

personnel on board ro-ro passenger ships and training
of personnel on passenger ships
• monitoring the implications of alternative certification
• development of international standards of medical
fitness for seafarers
• promotion of the participation of women in the maritime
Miscellaneous amendment
• Harmonized interpretation
• Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
• New text for special training for crew on tanker

• This regulation is regarded as particularly important

because it means that Governments will have to
establish that they have the administrative, training
and certification resources necessary to implement
the Convention.

• No such proof was required in the original Convention

(or in any other IMO instrument), leading to
complaints that standards differed widely from
country to country and certificates could therefore not
always be relied on.
The main aims of the revision were:

1.to transfer all detailed technical requirements to an

associated Code
2.to clarify the skills and competence required
3.to require Administrations to maintain direct control over
and endorse the qualifications of those masters, officers and
radio personnel they authorize to serve on their ships
4.to make Parties to the Convention accountable to each
other, through IMO, for their proper implementation of the
Convention and the quality of their training and certification
5.to have the amendments enter into force for all Parties to
the Convention with the least possible delay.
• The articles deal with entry into force provisions, amendment
procedures, denunciation and various other matters.
• article VI requires that they be issued only to those who meet the
requirements of the Convention
• Article VIII describes how, in circumstances of exceptional necessity,
dispensations may be
• granted to enable seafarers to serve in capacities for which they do
not hold appropriate certificates,
• but no such dispensation is permitted in the case of a radio officer or
• Article X requires Parties to apply the control measures to ships of all
flags to the extent necessary to ensure that no more favorable
treatment is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not
a Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State that is a
• Article XI of the Convention deals with technical co-operation and it
requires Parties to
• promote support for Parties which request technical assistance in such
matters as training.
• The Convention also incorporates in article XII a 'tacit acceptance'
procedure similar to that included in the 1974 SOLAS Convention
• The regulation is backed up by section A-I/7 of the STCW Code which requires the
information to be submitted to IMO by 1 August 1998 and says that it must include
the following:

1 the name, postal address and telephone and facsimile numbers and organization
chart of the ministry, department or governmental agency responsible for
administering the Convention;
2 a concise explanation of the legal and administrative measures provided and taken
to ensure compliance, particularly with regulations I/6 (training and assessment)
and I/9 (medical standards and the issue and registration of certificates);
3 a clear statement of the education, training, examination, competency assessment
and certification policies adopted;
4 a concise summary of the courses, training programmes, examinations and
assessments provided for each certificate issued pursuant to the Convention;
5 a concise outline of the procedures followed to authorize, accredit or approve
training and examinations, medical fitness and competency assessments, required
by the Convention, the conditions attaching thereto, and a list of the authorizations,
accreditations and approvals granted;
6 a concise summary of the procedures followed in granting any dispensation under
article VIII of the Convention; and
7 the results of the comparison carried out pursuant to regulation I/11 and a concise
outline of the refresher and upgrading training mandated.
• Section A-I/7 also requires the Secretary-General to
maintain a list of competent persons approved by the
MSC who may be called upon to assist in the
preparation of the report required by regulation I/ 7.
• Meetings of those on the list may be held at the
discretion of the Secretary-General and their views
shall be taken into account in the report submitted to
the MSC.
• Regulation I/8 of the Convention requires a quality
standards system to be used where training, assessment
of competence, certification, endorsement and
revalidation activities are carried out.
• Further provisions covering this point are contained in
Section A-I/8 of the Code.
• Other important amendments to Chapter I (General Provisions)
include the following:

• · Enhanced procedures concerning the exercise of port State

control under Article X of the Convention have been developed to
allow the competence of seafarers in carrying out watchkeeping to
be assessed and to permit intervention in the case of deficiencies
deemed to pose a danger to persons, property or the environment
(regulation I/4).
• This can take place if certificates are not in order or if the ship is
involved in a collision or grounding, if there is an illegal discharge
of substances (causing pollution) or if the ship is maneuvered in an
erratic or unsafe manner, etc.
• · Parties are required to establish procedures for investigating acts
by persons to whom they have issued certificates that endanger
safety or the environment.
• Penalties and other disciplinary measures must be prescribed and
enforced where the Convention is not complied with.
• · Technical innovations, such as the use of simulators for training
and assessment purposes have been recognized. Simulators will
become mandatory for training in the use of radar and automatic
radar plotting aids.
• Parties will be required to ensure that training, certification and
other procedures are continuously monitored by means of a quality
assurance system (regulation I/8).
• · Every master, officer and radio operator shall be required at
intervals not exceeding five years to meet the fitness standards
and the levels of professional competence contained in Section A-
I/11 of the STCW Code.
• In order to assess the need for revalidation of certificates after 1
February 2002, Parties must compare the standards of competence
previously required with those specified in the appropriate
certificate in part A of the STCW Code.
• If necessary, the holders of certificates may be required to undergo
training of refresher courses (regulation I/11).
• · Provisions covering the use of simulators, in particular radar and
automatic radar plotting aids equipment, are contained in
regulation I/12 (and section A-I/12 of the STCW Code).
• The remaining chapters are as follows:

Chapter II: Master and deck department

Chapter III: Engine department
Chapter IV: Radio communication and radio
Chapter V: Special training requirements for
personnel on certain types of ships.
• Special requirements have been introduced concerning
the training and qualifications of personnel on board ro-
ro passenger ships. Previously the only special
requirements in the Convention concerned crews on
tankers. This change was made in response to
proposals made by the Panel of Experts set up to look
into ro-ro safety following the capsize and sinking of the
ferry Estonia in September 1994.Crews on ro-ro ferries
will have to receive training in technical aspects and
also in crowd and crisis management and human
Chapter VI: Emergency, occupational safety, medical care and
survival functions.
Chapter VII: Alternative certification. Regulations regarding
alternative certification also known as the functional approach) have
been included in a new Chapter VII. This involves enabling crews to
gain training and certification in various departments of seafaring
rather than being confined to one branch (such as deck or engine
room) for their entire career. Although it is a relatively new concept,
the Conference was anxious not to prevent its development. At the
sometime, the new Chapter is intended to ensure that safety and the
environment are not threatened in any way. The use of equivalent
educational and training arrangements is permitted under article IX.
Chapter VIII: Watchkeeping. Measures have been introduced for
watchkeeping personnel to prevent fatigue. Administrations are
required to establish and enforce rest periods for watchkeeping
personnel and to ensure that watch systems are so arranged that the
efficiency of watchkeeping personnel is not impaired by fatigue.
This chapter cover:

• Definition engine room personal requirements

• Establishment of watch keeping guideline and
• The purpose of this procedure is to establish the engine
room watch keeping guidelines.
• These guidelines are established within the Standard for
Training, Certification and Watch keeping (STCW).
• Responsibility of the Chief Engineer to assign the engine
room watch keeping assignments and establish the watch
keeping standards.
• Regulation III/2- Minimum requirement of chief and second engineer
according to power of engine – 3000kw or more and passing of
approved fire fighting course
• Regulation III/3 – for near coaster- 750- 3000kw, same requirement as
above except reduced sea time to 24 month for chief engineer.
• Regulation III/4 – Minimum requirement for certification of watch
keeping engineer which include:
- 18 years and above,
- Adequate 3 years approved training
- Knowledge of maintenance and operations of machineries
- Knowledge of watch keeping routines
- Main and auxiliary machinery
- Pumping systems
- Generating plant safety and emergency procedures
- Anti – pollution procedures
- first aid
Regulation III/5 – Requirement for sustainable proficiency and updating
of knowledge
Regulation III/6 – Mandatory minimum requirement for rating

** regulation is a derivative of standards good practice.

• A common Engineering crew for a ship is:
• (1) Chief Engineer – certification require completion of min 36
month sea experience while qualify to serve as second engineer
• (1) Second Engineer / First Assistant Engineer – certification
require completion of min of 12 month sea experience. As
engineer officer
• (1) Third Engineer / Second Assistant Engineer
• (1-2) Fourth Engineer / Third Assistant Engineer
• (0-2) Fifth Engineer / Junior Engineer
• (1-3) Oiler (unlicenced qualified rating)
• (0-3) Greaser/s (unlicensed qualified rating)
• (1-5) Entry-level rating (such as Wiper (occupation), Utility man,
At Sea Watches
• The normal at sea engine room watches are performed on a 4 and
8 watch rotation. Each watch is 4 hours long.
• Starting at midnight the 2nd Assistant Engineer and on Oiler have
the watch. At 0400 the 1st Assistant Engineer and the senior Oiler
stand the next 4 hours until 0800.
• The 3rd Assistant Engineer and the third Oiler have the watch from
0800 to 1200. At noon the rotation resumes again.

In Port Watches
• Normal in port watches start and end at the discretion of
the 1st Assistant Engineer and the Chief Engineer.
• The rotation is also at the discretion, though usually will
start with the watch that was due to have the next watch at
the last in port period. In port watches are 24 hours long
with the licensed engineer and an Oiler alternating 6
hours on and 6 hours off.
• The watch stander with the 6 hours off must be aboard
and be on call during the entire watch period.
• The Oiler starts at noon and at midnight. The licensed
Engineer starts at 1800 and 0600. The noon watch change
must be handed over to the licensed Engineer coming on
duty by the Engineer being relieved.
On Watch

• The watch stander’s primary responsibility is to be

present monitoring the engine room from the ECR.
• The engineer and the Oiler should alternate making
rounds in the Auxiliary Machinery Space, Main
Machinery Space and SCR room. The thruster rooms,
motor room and fan rooms should be checked at least
once each watch.
• Depending on operations, deck machinery should also
be checked.
• Watch standing is a science as well as an art.
• Watch standers must keep aware of normal machinery
sound, temperatures and vibrations so they can be alert
to small changes form the normal running of the
machinery and so head off larger problems.

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