Catalogue e360T
Catalogue e360T
Catalogue e360T
e360 Ventilator
Sophisticated Technology Made Simple
The e360 provides exceptional comfort for patients and ease of use
for clinicians for both invasive and non-invasive ventilation applications.
Sophisticated Technology & Logical Design: The Ideal Solution
For over 25 years Newport has dedicated itself exclusively to the design,
manufacture and support of mechanical ventilators. Our focused commitment
brings the newest generation of sophisticated respiratory technology to life.
The Newport e360 builds upon our heritage of value and offers the important
features you need in a compact, easy to use ventilator.
Key Features:
• Volume Targeted Pressure Ventilation
• Versatile (Dual Control Adaptive Breath Management)
The Newport e360 supports patients from infant to adult With Volume Target Pressure Control (VTPC) and
in critical care or long-term care settings. The e360’s Volume Target Pressure Support (VTPS), the e360
compact size makes intra-hospital transport seamless. automatically applies the lowest pressure possible
within the set pressure limit in order to reach the
targeted tidal volume. Adjustable slope/rise and
• Easy to Use expiratory threshold controls give you the tools to
decrease WOB and improve synchrony with this
The intuitive user breath type while expediting the weaning process.
interface allows
direct access to
commonly used • Extensive Monitoring
controls and includes more advanced
features in the touch-screen graphics The e360 delivers breaths that can be compensated
display. This makes setup and training quick and for altitude, temperature, humidity, and tubing
easy. Navigating the graphics display screen is very resistance and compliance. Precise measurements
straightforward with no hidden menus. can be taken from waveforms, loops and trends with
a unique moveable cursor feature.
• Non-invasive Ventilation
• Added Features
The e360’s ability to perform invasive and non-
invasive ventilation (NIV) can reduce costs and Weaning Tools The Newport e360 displays and
simplify training. Sophisticated leak compensation trends Rapid Shallow Breath Index (RSBI) to help
allows for a sensitive response to patient effort guide weaning decisions.
without problematic auto-triggering to provide Save and Download Easy access to Save and Down-
improved synchrony during mask ventilation. load buttons allows saved screen images and Event
History files to be downloaded to a USB device for
further review on a computer or record keeping.
• Built-in Safety
Designed with modern safety features at its core, the • Low Cost of Ownership
e360 includes comprehensive alarms with priority
alarm tones, occlusion detection with secondary We realize that what a new ventilator costs to
pressure relief, internal battery backup in case of a purchase and its long-term maintenance costs are
loss of AC power and a detailed Event History log important factors in your purchasing decisions. The
that records up to 1000 events. Newport 360 offers a low life cycle cost that can make
a real difference in your operational budget. Plus, to
minimize ventilator down time, our simple preventative
maintenance does not require the case to be opened.
Maintaining your patient on the same ventilator throughout the
continuum of care is important – the e360’s compact size makes it easy.
The e360 – A Closer Look
u The 360° viewable Alarm
Lamp and smart alarms message
displays make it easy to identify
alarm violations. { v
v The Graphical User Interface
merges extensive monitored data
and advanced functions in
simple-to-navigate screens.
x Simple Touch-Turn-Accept w
method for all adjustments helps
to prevent accidental changes.
Breath Type / Mode: Volume Spontaneous breath choices: Pressure Support, Inspiratory Time,
Control, Pressure Control, Volume Pressure Support, Volume Target I:E Ratio, Pressure or Flow Trigger,
Target Pressure Control, BPRV Pressure Support FIO2, PEEP/CPAP, Insp. Hold, Exp.
(Biphasic Pressure Release Hold, O2 (3 min), Manual Inflation
Ventilation), A/CMV, SIMV, SPONT, Controls: Adjustable Slope/Rise,
Adjustable Alarms: Low and High
and Non-Invasive Ventilation (all Adjustable Expiratory Threshold,
Exp. Minute Volume, High Resp.
breath types/modes) Tidal Volume, Flow, Resp. Rate
Rate, Apnea, Low and High Airway
(Frequency), Flow Wave Pattern,
Pressure, Disconnect (Threshold %)
Pause, Sigh, Pressure Limit,
Order Information
E360S-US-NA e360 Standard ventilator with built-in graphics monitor and
heated reusable exhalation valve
Optional Accessories
CRT360A Standard e360 cart with 5 wheels, 2 locking brakes and
humidifier bracket
MR850JHU Model 850 series humidifier by Fisher & Paykel *
FPD2125A 15” Flat Panel Monitor, medical grade, with articulating
support arm
FPD2120A 15” Flat Panel Monitor with articulating support arm
CBL1828A Phillips VueLink Cable for Phillips monitors
CBL1829A Remote Alarm Cable for nurse call systems
SWI1802P External Alarm Silence Cable
PST3600A Power Strip Assembly, medical grade, 4 outlet, with mounting
hardware for e360 Cart (CRT360A) and C230 Air Compressor
KIT2122A E-cylinder Holder Kit, allows two e-cylinders to mount to
BSK2102A Utility Storage Basket, to mount to CRT360A
AG-AP6000 Aeroneb Professional Nebulizer System – Adult
AG-AP1500 Aeroneb Controller Module Kit (controller only)
AG-AP1200 Aeroneb Neonate/Pediatric Nebulizer Kit (for controller)
AG-AP1100 Aeroneb Adult Nebulizer Kit (for controller)
FLS2101P-C Flow Sensor (5/case)
KIT2110A Expiratory Filter Heater Kit, 100 - 120V
FLT1200P Reusable filter, for Expiratory Filter Heater
3000/03-C Disposable filter, for Expiratory Filter Heater (12/case)
BCD22820A Disposable breathing circuit 15 mm, pediatric-infant
BCD32820A Disposable breathing circuit 22 mm, adult
FLT1801Q-C Disposable bacteria filters (case of 50)
LNG800P Adult test lung with enclosure and built-in restrictor, 1L
* An accessory kit must be ordered with MR850. Contact Customer Service for details
The e360 Graphical User Interface display can be linked to a 15” External Flat Panel Monitor
for viewing screens from a distance.
e360 T
The e360T includes all the unique features of the e360 ventilator series and MORE!
Introducing the Newport e360 T Ventilator
Sophisticated Technology Made Simple
External 15” Touch Screen Monitor - two displays for better access to controls,
allows for easy viewing and adjusting of settings from the patient bedside or from a distance
NEW Open Lung Tool / PV Maneuver - provides an added tool for accessing lung dynamics
Multiple Waveforms on One Screen - Pressure, Volume and Flow waves can be viewed
side by side to make graphics analysis quick and easy
View Real Time Changes to I:E Ratio Settings - while adjusting parameters, a pop-up
window shows the I:E Ratio adjustment
Intelligent Controls System - Unique to Newport e360 ventilators, our ICS offers automated
features that actively manage patient / ventilator synchrony on a breath by breath basis
Inspiratory Time: Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 3.0 sec Ppeak Cdyn effective VTE % variance Exp flow RR spont
Adult: 0.1 to 5.0 sec Pplat Cstat MVI I:E Ratio RSBI
I:E Ratio: max. inverse 4:1, displayed in real time Pmean RI MVE Inspiratory time WOBim
PEEP VTI MVE spont Time Constant FIO2
Trigger (sensitivity) Total PEEP VTE Insp flow RRtot RE
P-Pressure Trigger: 0 to -5 cmH2O/mbar NIF P.01
Flow Trigger: Pediatric/Infant: 0.1 to 2.0 L/min
Adult: 0.6 to 2.0 L/min Graphics
FIO2 (oxygen concentration): .21 to 1.00
Waves: Pressure-time
PEEP/CPAP (Pbase): Pediatric/Infant: 0 to 30 cmH2O/mbar
Adult: 0 to 45 cmH2O/mbar
Leak Compensation: Pediatric/Infant: 8 L/min max Loops: Volume pressure
(automatic) Adult: 15 L/min max Flow volume
NIV: 25 L/min max
O2 (3 min): Delivers 100% oxygen for 3 min VTE % var / time Ppeak / time
RRtot / time PEEP / time
Ventilation Standby: At power up: allows settings to be MVE / time RSBI / time
preset and Circuit Check tests to be VTE / time Pmean / time
preformed prior to starting ventilation.
The Newport e360T Ventilator Specifications, continued