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Fabius Tiro: Designed For Your Environment

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Fabius TiroTM

Designed for your environment

Emergency Care · Perioperative Care · Critical Care · Perinatal Care · Home Care Because you care
Traditional hospital ORs have their needs ...

With more surgical procedures being • Same technology and performance • Dräger E-Vent® piston-based
performed outside of the traditional as our other popular systems in a ventilator is the latest in precision
OR setting each year, Dräger recog- compact design anesthesia ventilation technology.
nized the need to recruit a specially • Intuitive operation and layout Electronically driven and controlled,
designed system into our CareAreaTM ensures ease of use and a short the E-Vent® provides significant
OR/Anesthesia portfolio. Fabius learning curve advantages for you and your patient:
TiroTM* represents our commitment to • Ample illuminated workspace • Ventilates any patient - even as
meet the unique and changing needs • Communication with automated your needs change to accommo-
of record keeping systems like the date sicker patients with more
non-traditional locations, by making the Dräger Medical InnovianTM Anesthe- complex procedures.
latest technology available at a fraction sia Solution for enhanced patient • Consumes no drive gas, allowing
of the cost: throughput dramatically increased ventilation
• Convenient compact breathing sys- time when running on cylinders
tem (COSY): • Precision volume ventilation for
• Fresh gas decoupled for tidal vol- pediatric and other applications
ume delivery unaffected by fresh where accuracy is critical
gas flow adjustments • Pressure control ventilation is
• Simplified design allows easy dis- available as an option
assembly for sterilization of • Fabius TiroTM – electronically
all components in contact with measures and displays fresh gas
patient gas flows, allowing this important infor-
• Pivot and height adjustment mation to be recorded and utilized
allow convenient positioning of for cost savings and quality control.
breathing system

uniquely tailored

*The Latin word tiro (tîrõ), means “Young Recruit.”

... we recognize that yours are different.
Until now, you may have been faced
with a choice between either a
traditional stand alone anesthesia
machine or an IT-ready anesthesia

If cost and quality

have been difficult to balance…

Dräger Medical gives you the best of A sound business investment: And that’s just the beginning –
both worlds with Fabius TiroTM; the Fabius TiroTM is also offered as part of
anesthesia workstation that combines • Advanced ventilation technology our CareAreaTM solution, a complete
the ease-of-use of traditional machines meets your needs now and in the workstation including our renowned
with the latest technlogy. future Infinity Patient Monitoring SystemTM:
• Modular design – easy to upgrade
as your needs change and new • Flexible vital signs monitoring
features become available, e.g. • Intuitive operation
additional ventilation modes • ESU interference suppression
• Affordable initial cost and low • Solide state multigas monitoring
lifetime costs • Infinity network interface for
electronic availability of all displayd

... Fabius Tiro is your solution.

Ideal for office-based surgery …

Special attention was payed in the • Advanced safety features provide • Space-saving design, since real
design process of Fabius TiroTM to additional protection estate is at a premium
meet the safety and flexibility require- • 45 minute battery backup with • Slim footprint
ments of anesthesia delivery settings full operation • Flexible breathing system
outside the main OR: • Fresh gas delivery and manual positioning
ventilation possible even when • Wall-mount version provides
• Maneuverability allows sharing of electrical power is lost additional convenience and
systems among areas not constantly • Self-diagnostics and leak/ space savings – ideal for
in use and better asset management compliance tests ensure system induction rooms
• Cylinder operation is practical for integrity
extended periods, since E-vent®
electronic ventilator consumes
no drive gas

... and remote anesthetizing locations in the hospital.

Technical data
(base unit without vaporizers or cylinders)
Trolley Mount (cart) 111 kg (245 lbs.)
Wall Mount (with mounting bracket) 48 kg (106 lbs.)
Trolley Mount (cart) 57.9 cm x 136.1 cm x 62.7 cm
(W) 22.8” x (H) 53.6” x (D) 24.7”
Wall Mount 52.8 cm x 55.6 cm x 44.2 cm
(W) 20.8” x (H) 21.9” x (D) 17.4”
Maximum load on 12" mounting arm 8.2 kg (18 lbs. )
Power supply 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz., 2.3 A max.
Battery (supports ventilator and monitor) 45 minutes
Ventilator Electronically controlled, electrically driven. Base unit
with volume control and manual/spontaneous modes.
Pressure control optional.
Pressure limiting (volume control) 15 - 70 cm H2O
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America,
Tidal volume (volume control) 20 - 1400 mL Asia, Pacific:
Breathing frequency 4 - 60 bpm
Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
I:E (Inspiration/Expiration ratio) 4:1 to 1:4 Moislinger Allee 53–55
Inspiratory pause (volume control) 0% - 50% 23542 Lübeck
PEEP (Positive end-expiratory pressure) 0 - 20 cmH2O Tel: +49-1805-3 72 34 37
Inspiratory pressure (pressure control) 5 - 65 cmH2O +49-451-882-808

90 50 015 / 08.05-4 / ls-dw / Printed in Germany / Chlorine-free - environmentally compatible / Subject to modifications / © 2005 Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
Fax: +49-451-882-37 79
Inspiratory flow (pressure control) 10 - 75 L/min E-mail: Business.Support@draeger.com
Integrated safety functions Sensitive Oxygen Ratio Controller (S-ORC) guarantees a
minimum O2 concentration of 23%.
In case of electricity and battery failure, manual ventilation,
gas delivery and agent delivery are possible.
Positive pressure relief valve opens at 75 ± 5 cmH2O.
Negative pressure relief valve opens at -7.5 to -9 H2O.
Range of fresh gas flow indicators 0.00 to 12.0 L/min
Total fresh gas flowmeter 0 to 10 L/min, calibrated with 50% O2 and 50% N2O mixture
O2 flush at 55 psi (3.8 bar): max. 50 L/min;
at 50 psi (3.4 bar): min. 35 L/min
Vaporizer Single Dräger or Selectatec®.
Optional off-line vaporizer parking position.
Monitoring Continuous monitoring of inspiratory O2 concentration,
breathing frequency, tidal volume, minute volume, peak
airway pressure and PEEP, as well as selection of mean or
plateau pressure. In addition, all fresh gas flow information is
displayed as virtual flowtubes.
Communication interface RS 232
Protocols Vitalink and Medibus
Data available for export All fresh gas flow, ventilation and O2 data
Volume of CO2 absorber 1.5 Liter
Volume of entire compact breathing system 2.8 Liter + bag
Gas supply O2, N2O & Air, DISS inlet fittings
Cylinder yokes O2 & N2O pin index yokes (trolley);
O2 tethered yoke (wall-mount)
Writing surfaces Trolley: Pull-out tray standard Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
Wall mount: Pull-out tray optional 23542 Lübeck, Germany

Additional accessories Gas scavenging, patient suction The quality management system at
Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA is
certified according to ISO 13485, ISO 9001
Selectatec® is a registered trademark of GE - Datex-Ohmeda and Annex II of Directive 93/42/EEC
(Medical devices).

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