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with the sensitivity of 17.72 kHz/mT was developed at of the sensor are improved. Finally, the accuracy of the model
300 MHz by Wang et al. [12]. Smole et al. obtained a for the magnetic field sensitivity is validated by experiments.
frequency variation of −1.21% for the magnetically tunable The remaining of paper is as follows: In section II, a model
SAW resonator at 1.2 GHz with the applied magnetic field analysis for the SAW magnetic field devices in an externally
between 0 and 5 mT [13]. A maximum velocity change applied magnetic field is investigated. In section III, the model
of 0.64% was obtained on a SAW delay line by Li et al. is verified in experiments, and the magnetic field sensitivities
using a 500 nm thick FeGa thin film with the coercivity [14]. of the Love wave mode magnetic field resonators are studied.
A measured phase change of 300◦ is achieved from 0 to Conclusions are discussed in section IV.
2 mT on a delay line structure with a 200 nm thick FeCoSiB
film by Kittmann et al. [15]. As noted in these research work, II. T HEORETICAL M ODEL
the properties of magnetostrictive films play crucial roles. A three-dimensional model of a magnetostrictive
Moreover, the environment temperature is a factor affecting film/isolating layers/IDT/quartz multi-layered structure
the performance of SAW sensors [16]. Thermal expansions is established in the finite element analysis. The magnetic
and material constants dependent on temperatures affect the field, solid mechanical field, and static electric field are
resonance frequency of SAW resonators. An unavoidable fact added into the model. The magnetostrictive effect with
is that the SAW magnetic field sensors without temperature geometry deformation is considered with the coupling of the
compensation are sensitive to both magnetic field and magnetic field and the mechanical field. The magnetostrictive
temperature. The changes of temperature will cause the CoFeB film converts the applied external magnetic field into
frequency drifts of sensors [17]. Therefore, a SAW magnetic mechanical perturbations that disturbs the acoustic wave
field sensor with a high sensitivity and a zero temperature velocity. The magnetic mechanical coupling model is based
coefficient of frequency (TCF) is essential for applications. on the perturbation theory and is expressed in Lagrange
One-port Love wave mode resonators have the potential description.
of being wireless sensing platforms for measuring magnetic The deformation is related to the magnetization rotation
field. On the one hand, the wave-guiding layer of a Love towards the direction of the applied magnetic field. During
wave mode resonator can protect the interdigital transduc- this rotation, the magnetostrictive strain of the CoFeB film
ers (IDTs) and reflector gratings naturally; On the other hand, due to the magnetostriction effect is defined as follows (1),
the magnetostrictive thin film is deposited directly on the as shown at the bottom of this page, where λ100 and λ111 are
wave-guiding layer as sensitive medium that enhances the magnetostrictive coefficients. For CoFeB, λ100 = 139 ppm,
sensing areas and thus improves the sensitivity to the magnetic λ111 = 22 ppm [19]. The 100 nm CoFeB film deposited at a
field [18]. However, the frequency variation of a Love wave high sputtering power in experiments is magnetic anisotropic
magnetic sensor caused by the environmental temperature is and has a polycrystalline lattice structure. Ms is the satura-
a critical factor that affects the measurement accuracy. Thus, tion magnetization. Mx , M y , and Mz are the magnetization
temperature compensated structures for the zero TCF along components along X, Y, and Z directions. When a magnetic
with a large magnetic field sensitivity attract much attention. field is applied parallel to the hard axis, the changes of elastic
In this work, a theoretical model is proposed to study constant due to E effect as a function of the magnetic field
the sensitivity of SAW resonance frequency to a magnetic are defined as follows [20]:
field. The model also describes the frequency-temperature ⎧
⎪ 2( H )
characteristics. The model is validated by the study of a ⎪
⎨ b
CoFeB/ZnO/quartz Love wave based structure. Thereafter, Hs2
C11 = − (H ≤ Hs ) (2)
a proposal is made to develop a new structure based on ⎪
⎪ μ M (H + H + H )
0 s s me
CoFeB/SiO2 /ZnO/quartz. This later structure allows more 0 (H > Hs )
flexibility of film thickness choice and is more suitable to ⎧
⎪ H2
operate at high frequencies in MHz range. The ZnO and ⎪
⎪ b2 (1 − 2 2 )
⎪ Hs
CoFeB have negative temperature coefficients. However, ⎪
⎨− (H ≤ Hs )
SiO2 has positive temperature coefficients. The temperature C66 = H2
⎪ μ M
0 s (H + H s (1 − 2 ) + H me )
coefficient of frequency (TCF) of ST+90◦ -cut quartz is also ⎪
⎪ Hs2
positive. Therefore, the temperature compensation is realized ⎪
⎪ b 2
⎩− (H > Hs )
due to the combination of ST+90◦ -cut quartz, ZnO, SiO2 , and μ0 Ms (H − Hs + Hme )
CoFeB films. The S11 response and magnetic field sensitivity (3)
⎡ ⎤
M y2 + Mz2 3 3
⎢ λ100 Mx2 − λ111 Mx M y λ111 Mx Mz ⎥
⎢ 2 2 2 ⎥
1 ⎢ Mx2 + Mz2 3
λ111 M y Mz ⎥
σ = 2⎢ 3 λ100 M y2 − ⎥ (1)
Ms ⎢
⎢ λ111 Mx M y 2 2 ⎥
⎣ 2 Mx2 + M y2 ⎦
3 3 λ100 Mz2 −
λ111 Mx Mz λ111 M y Mz 2
2 2
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In this study, we developed a numerical model to success-
fully determine the response of multilayered SAW devices to
Fig. 14. The displacement distribution of Love wave mode along the
depth of CoFeB/SiO2 /ZnO/ST+90◦ -cut quartz. both temperature as well as magnetic field. The simulated
responses were also successfully validated by experimental
A Love wave mode on the CoFeB/SiO2 /ZnO/quartz struc-
ture with a zero TCF is also discussed as an improve-
ment over the CoFeB/ZnO/quartz device with respect to an
enhanced magnetic field sensitivity and S11 response. The
sensor response is improved by adding the SiO2 layer. The
addition of SiO2 layer brings a new degree of liberty leading
to achieve zero TCF devices with various combinations of
ZnO and SiO2 thicknesses. More flexibility is then allowed
to further design reliable and high performance magnetic field
SAW sensors including in Giga Hertz frequency bands.
Fig. 15. The relative frequency shifts of Love wave mode on Part of experiments were carried out on IJL Project TUBE-
CoFeB/SiO2 /ZnO/ST+90◦ -cut quartz as a function of an applied exter- Davm equipment funded by FEDER (EU), Region Grand Est,
nal magnetic field along the hard axis.
Métropole Grand Nancy.
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Michel Hehn received the Ph.D. degree from Tao Han (Member, IEEE) was born in Shan-
the University of Strasbourg in 1996. He joined dong, China, in 1973. He received the Ph.D.
the French National Center of Scientific degree in instrument science and technology
Research in 1998 and became a Professor at from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shang-
the University de Lorraine in 2006. He is hai, China, in 2002. He was a Visiting Scholar
a Specialist in material growth and in with Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 2003.
nanomagnetism/spintronics. He has coauthored He is currently a Professor with the School of
more than 240 papers in refereed international Electronic Information and Electrical Engineer-
journals and in proceeding of international ing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His current
conferences. In 2010, he won the Yves Rocard research interests include acoustic wave devices
2010 Price of the French Society of Physics for simulation, wireless surface acoustic wave sen-
the invention and the technological development of a new generation of sors systems, and ultrasound-based measurement. He is a Technical
magnetic sensors for ASB for the SNR Society. Program Committee Member of the IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium.
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