Technical Manual Tron Ais Tr-2600 420914
Technical Manual Tron Ais Tr-2600 420914
Technical Manual Tron Ais Tr-2600 420914
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COG See COURSE OVER GROUND COURSE OVER GROUND Course made good relative to the sea bed. CURSOR A flashing rectangle superimposed on a character position in the display window, indicating that a character may be entered in that position, or that the existing character may be changed via the keyboard. DEFAULT A condition that the navigator assumes automatically if no other condition is initiated by the operator. DGPS See DIFFERENTIAL GPS. DIFFERENTIAL GPS (OOPS) A method of refining GPS position solution accuracy by modifying the locally computed position solution with correction signals from an external reference GPS CDU (monitor). ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System (GPS is mostly used) ETA Estimated Time of Arrival. Calculated on basis of the distance to the destination and the current (or estimated) speed. FATDMA Fixed Access Time Division Multiple Access -Data link access protocol used by base station transponders to allocate transmission slots on the data link. These slots are fixed and will thus not change until the base station transponder is reconfigured. FM Frequency Modulation -The method by which a signal offsets the frequency in order to modulate it on a data link. position (latitude, longitude, altitude, and time). See DILUTION OF PRECISION. GFSK Gaussian-Filtered-Shift-Keying -A standardised method of modulating digital data prior to transmission on a data link. GMSK Gaussian-Minimum-Shift-Keying -GFSK using BT -products and modulation index, which optimises the modulated signal. GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System -A common label for satellite navigation systems (such as GPS and GLONASS). GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, which consists of or- biting satellites, a network of ground control stations, and user positioning and navigation equipment. The system has 24 satellites plus 3 active spare satellites in six orbital planes about 20,200 kilometres above the earth. GLONASS A satellite navigation system developed and operated by Russia.
GMT Greenwich Mean Time. See also UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED. GPS SYSTEM TIME Time corrected to Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and used as the time standard by the user segment of the GPS system. HEADING The direction in which the vessel is pointed, expressed as angular distance from north clockwise through 360 degrees. HEADING should not be confused with COURSE. The HEADING is constantly changing as the vessel yaws back and forth across the course due to the effects of sea, wind, and steering error. IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation ans Lighthouse Authorities IEC International Electro-technical Commission. IEC 61162-1 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Single Talker- Multiple listeners: Closely related to NMEA0183 version 2.3, communication at 4800 baud. Definition of both electrical and protocol to be used. IEC 61162-2 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Single Talker- Multiple listeners, High speed transmission: Closely related to NMEA0183HS version 2.3, communication at 34800 baud. Definition of both electrical and protocol to be used. IEC 61993-2 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Automatic Information Systems (AIS) Definitions of the sentences used for AIS in addition to those mentioned in IEC 61162-1 and IEC 611622. IMO International Maritime Organisation INTERFACE Electronic circuits that permit the passage of data between different types of devices; For example, the speed and heading interface circuit permits data from a speed log and compass to pass to the navigator processor. IP Internet Protocol (IP) is the central, unifying protocol in the TCP/IP suite. It provides the basic delivery mechanism for packets of data sent between all systems on an internet, regardless of whether the systems are in the same room or on opposite sides of the world. All other protocols in the TCP/IP suite depend on IP to carry out the fundamental function of moving packets across the internet.
ITDMA Incremental Time Division Multiple Access -Access protocol for pre-announced transmissions of temporary or nonrepeatable character. It is also used during data link network entry. ITU International Telecommunication Union. LED Light Emitting Diode. LSS Logical AIS Shore Station. A LSS is a software process, which transform the AIS data flow associated with one or more PSS into different AIS-related data flow. The SW process of a logical AIS station can run on any appropriate computer at any appropriate place.
MMI Man Machine Interface NMEA National Marine Electronics Association. The NMEA electronics interface specifications have been developed under the auspices of the Association. The NMEA 0183 is an internationally recognized specification for interfacing marine electronics. NMEA 0183 version 2.3 is identical to lEC 61162-1. POLLED MODE A transponder is in a polled mode during a request-response session only. Distinguish this from a station, which is polled into certain slots. This station is first polled and then enters assigned mode. POSITION UPDATE The redefining of position by analysis of satellite orbital data as referenced to time. PROCESSOR The processor circuit card in the console that controls system operations and computes the positioning/navigation solutions. PROMPT A message on the display instructing the operator to make a keyboard entry. PSS Physical AIS Shore Station. The PSS is the most basic AIS-related entry, which can exist on its own in a real physical environment, as opposed to an AIS base station or AIS repeater station. PULSE SPEED SENSOR Speed log whose speed output signal is defined by a pulse mte output. RATDMA Random Access Time Division Multiple Access -Access protocol for transmissions which have not been preannounced. This is used for the first transmission during data link network entry or for messages of non-repeatable character. REFERENCE COMPASS The compass against which the steering compass (see STEERING COMPASS) may be calibrated. REFERENCE ELLIPSOID A mathematical description of the Earth's ellipsoidal shape (see ELLIPSOID), which is the reference frame for positioning computation. RESET To return stored values to either the default value or zero in memory. RMS See ROOT MEAN SQUARED. ROOT MEAN SQUARED (RMS) A statistical measure of probability, stating that an expected event will happen 68% of the time. In terms of position update accuracy, 68 position updates out of 100 will be accurate to within specified system accuracy. SENSOR A device that detects a change in a physical stimulus and turns it into a signal that can be measured.
SET AND DRIFT The direction and the speed of the water over ground (current). SIGNAL- TO-NOISE RATIO (SIN) Quantitative relationship between the useful and non-useful part of the received satellite signal. A high SIN indicates a good receiving condition. S/N See SIGNAL- TO-NOISE RATIO SOFTWARE Values programmed and preloaded into memory. The values represent a permanent set of instructions for running the automatic functions (computations) of the navigator. SOG See SPEED OVER GROUND SOTMA Self Organised Time Division Multiple Access -An access protocol, which allows autonomous operation on a data link while automatically resolving transmission conflicts. SPEED OVER GROUND Speed in relation to the seabed. TCP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) provides a reliable byte-stream transfer service between two endpoints on an internet. TCP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its behalf. TCP/IP TCP/IP is a name given to the collection (or suite) of networking protocols that have been used to construct the global Internet. The protocols are also referred to as the DoD (dee-oh-dee) or Arpanet protocol suite because their early development was funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defense (DoD). TDMA Time Division Multiple Access. An access scheme for multiple access to the same data link. UDP User Datagram Protocol provides a packetized data transfer service between endpoints on an internet. UDP depends on IP to move packets around the network on its behalf. UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED (UTC) Greenwich mean time corrected for polar motion of the Earth and seasonal variation in the Earth's rotation. UPDATE See POSITION UPDATE. UTC See UNIVERSAL TIME COORDINATED. VDL VHF Data Link. VHF Very High Frequency -A set of frequencies in the MHz region. VSWR Voltage standing wave ratio
Amendment Record
AMENDMENT NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6
24 (All) 31 38 38 37 Total: 38
Added design notes, removed Removed SW & HW versions Kontroll med manualer.doc New company name New logo Talker identifier
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
Jotron AS reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or modules described herein to improve reliability, function or design. Jotron AS does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the described product.
2. Immediately turn off the power if water or other liquid leaks into the equipment. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock. Contact a Jotron AS agent for service. 3. Immediately turn off the power if the equipment is emitting smoke or fire.
5. CAUTION! This equipment contains CMOS integrated circuits. Observe handling precautions to avoid static discharges which may damage these devices.
1 DESIGN NOTES...................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Function ................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.2 Own Position................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2.3 Message 4 scheduling................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.4 Message 16 - Assigned Mode ...................................................................................................... 1-2 1.2.5 Message 17 - Differential GPS data ............................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.6 Message 20 - FATDMA allocation .............................................................................................. 1-2 1.2.7 Message 22 - Channel Management ............................................................................................ 1-2 1.2.8 Sending VDL messages using FATDMA/RATDMA.................................................................. 1-2 1.2.9 System restart ............................................................................................................................... 1-3 1.3 Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 1-4 1.3.1 Physical Interfaces ....................................................................................................................... 1-4 1.3.2 Sensor ports.................................................................................................................................. 1-4 1.3.3 DGNSS port ................................................................................................................................. 1-5 1.3.4 VDL ITU-R M.1371-1 ................................................................................................................. 1-5 1.4 Alarms and notifications............................................................................................................ 1-6 1.5 Administration ......................................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.1 User / groups ................................................................................................................................ 1-7 1.5.2 File System Download ................................................................................................................. 1-7 1.5.3 SW download ............................................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.4 FTP............................................................................................................................................... 1-7 1.5.5 Telnet ........................................................................................................................................... 1-7 2 SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Transponder: ............................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.3 Display/ Keyboard.................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.4 Integrated GPS ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 3 INTERFACES.......................................................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Interfaces with table of sentences ............................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Transmission Intervals .............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.3 Load requirements as listener..................................................................................................... 3-1 4 DATA TRANSMISSION......................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Data transmission ..................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Serial interface description ........................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.1 AIS port 1, 4,5 , I/O description ................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2.2 AIS port 7 , Input port description ............................................................................................... 4-2 5 DESCRIPTION OF SENTENCE FORMAT ........................................................................................ 5-1 5.1 Input........................................................................................................................................ 5-2 5.1.1 ABM - Addressed Binary and safety related Message................................................................. 5-2 5.1.2 ACA - AIS Regional Channel Assignment Message ................................................................... 5-3 5.1.3 ACK - Acknowledge alarm.......................................................................................................... 5-3 5.1.4 ACM - Addressed Channel Management..................................................................................... 5-4 5.1.5 AIR - AIS Interrogation Request................................................................................................. 5-4 5.1.6 ASN - Assignment VDL Message 16 .......................................................................................... 5-5 5.1.7 BBM - Broadcast Binary Message............................................................................................... 5-6 5.1.8 BCF - Base Station Configuration................................................................................................ 5-6 5.1.9 CAB - Control AIS Base Station.................................................................................................. 5-7 5.1.10 CBM Configure Base Station Message Reporting Rates ......................................................... 5-7 5.1.11 DLM Data Link Management slot allocations for base station and mobiles........................... 5-8 5.1.12 DTM Datum reference ............................................................................................................. 5-8 5.1.13 GBS - GNSS satellite fault detection ....................................................................................... 5-9 5.1.14 GGA - Global positioning system (GPS) fix data .................................................................... 5-9 5.1.15 GLL - Geographic position - latitude/longitude ..................................................................... 5-10 81983_TM_TR2600_I 9
5.1.16 GNS - GNSS fix data ............................................................................................................. 5-10 5.1.17 RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data ............................................................. 5-11 5.1.18 VDM - VHF Data-link Message ............................................................................................ 5-11 5.2 Output ................................................................................................................................... 5-12 5.2.1 ABK - Addressed and binary broadcast acknowledgement ....................................................... 5-12 5.2.2 ALR - Set alarm state. ................................................................................................................ 5-12 5.2.3 TXT - Text transmission ............................................................................................................ 5-13 5.2.4 VDM .......................................................................................................................................... 5-13 5.2.5 VDO - VHF Data-link Own-vessel message.............................................................................. 5-13 5.3 Proprietary sentences .............................................................................................................. 5-14 5.3.1 Proprietary sentence overview ................................................................................................... 5-14 5.3.2 PJTR,00 - Error message............................................................................................................ 5-14 5.3.3 PJTR,30 - Request info .............................................................................................................. 5-14 5.3.4 PJTR,34 - Answer LAN request................................................................................................. 5-15 5.3.5 PJTR,40 - Request Version ........................................................................................................ 5-15 5.3.6 PJTR,41 - Answer on requested version .................................................................................... 5-15 5.3.7 PJTR,210 - Request system configuration parameters ............................................................... 5-16 5.3.8 PJTR,211 - LAN connection modus .......................................................................................... 5-16 5.3.9 PJTR,212 - How to send msg4 after restart................................................................................ 5-16
The Tron AIS TR-2600, an AIS Base Station, is the most basic AIS-related entity of any AIS Shore Infrastructure. The AIS Base Station is defined by IMO. It cannot operate on its own, because it needs commands from an external unit, i.e. a Base Station Controller (BSC), which may be connected to a Management System. 1.1 Scope This chapter describes how functionality is implemented in the AIS BS unit where the specification does not clearly describes all details. This description is usable for developers of Base Station Controller (BSC) functionality. 1.2 Function
1.2.1 General The AIS BS is implemented to AIS Coast Station CD 05.2002 as a guide. 1.2.2 Own Position In the VDL msg. 4 Base Station Report, the position of the AIS BS is specified. We define which position source to use in the BCF message. The options are External. The AIS Base station will use the same rules as the Class A transponder to monitor and select position source. If no External GPS is available, the internal is used. The same TXT and ALR are used as for the Class A. If no position data is available from internal or external GPS, no position is used and an alarm is initiated. Internal. Only internal position source is monitored. If no position data is available from internal GPS, no position is used and an alarm is initiated. Surveyed. The surveyed position must be specified in the BCF message as well. Other GPS sources are not monitored if surveyed position is used. The surveyed position is stored, so the data is available after a restart. 1.2.3 Message 4 scheduling The unit will start sending message 4 when the CBM message is received from the presentation interface. The CBM message defines the start slot, but the rate is internally determined by the AIS BS according to semaphore / not semaphore status. Each time a CBM message is received the startslot will be stored, and the other slots will be allocated immediately. If the CBM message dictates 1. All message 4 allocations are removed immediately.
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Each time a new rate is determined, the last start slot is used to allocate the other slots in the frame. Old reserved slots are marked free. Each time a CAB message is received enabling or disabling one of the channels, the current start slot will be used to calculate the other slots according to schedule.
1.2.4 Message 16 - Assigned Mode The ASN message is used to send an Assigned Message 16 on VDL. The assignments within this message can either be soft assigned or hard assigned. Soft Assignment. A rate is given in the transmitted message. The specified class A transponder will send VDL message 2 in free slots. Hard Assignments A fixed slot number and an increment is given for where the class A transponder shall send the VDL message 2. These dedicated slots might be reserved by FATDMA. Warning: In our current versions, hard assigned slots are not marked in the system. There is a risk that the hard assigned slots can be used for other FATDMA messages. 1.2.5 Message 17 - Differential GPS data Own generation of Msg 17 data is not supported. This service must be performed by a higher level and transmitted by a VDL message via VDM. 1.2.6 Message 20 - FATDMA allocation The DLM defines when to reserve slots used for FATDMA. Maximum 10 reservations can be stored for each channel. The slots are reserved internally when the DLM message is received. Other units gets this information when msg. 20 is distributed. The schedule of msg. 20 is defined in the CBM msg. The reservations will be transmitted sequentially by order per channel. 1.2.7 Message 22 - Channel Management Storage of the regional areas follows the same rules as for the Class A transponder. The AIS Base station can store as much as 8 areas. When the CBM message defines where to send msg. 22, the defined areas are distributed sequentially by order. There are no definition on how to clear the defined areas by command, except overwrite the existing are by a large one. The AIS BS will clear all areas during restart. It is not possible to decide on which channel the different region definitions shall be transmitted.
1.2.8 Sending VDL messages using FATDMA/RATDMA All received VDM messages are unwrapped and put in a message queue. Repeating of msg.4, 10, 11 and 20 are not legal, so these messages are silently removed.
The messages are then put into the queue by its priority. The queue is common for messages on both channel A and B. Algorithm for selecting FATDMA/RATDMA slot: When a message is to be sent, the next 150 slots are analysed to see if there is any reserved FATDMA slots for the message. If so, the first suitable reservation is used (The message need more than one slot). If no FATDMA reservation is found, the message is sent by RATDMA. Then standard slot reuse algorithms are used as for the Class A transponder if high load. If no channel assignment is specified in the VDM message, the message is sent on the first available FATDMA slot on either channel. If not enough FATDMA slots are reserved, the queue might become full. The Jotron BS has a queue of 20 messages. When the queue becomes full, an MSGQ ALR is set until the queue has emptied to below a specified threshold. It is up to the Base Station Controller to clear the communication state for any repeated messages, to avoid miss-configurations in the slot tables of the listening class A transponders. If channel is not specified in the received VDM message, the first available FATDMA reservation in either channel is used for the message. 1.2.9 System restart Storage of data The AIS BS stores these configuration data during a system restart: Own MMSI Position source Surveyed Position and Position Accuracy Rx and Tx channels and power level VDL message retries Message Repeat Indicator Base Station Talker ID In addition these configurations are stored: Configuration of start of message 4 Configuration of LAN connection type for PI Listening port for UDP/TCP connection BSC IP address and destination port for UDP connection Configurable start of msg 4 In the Jotron AIS BS there are three options at a system re-start for how to handle msg.4. Normally the msg. 4 is defined in the CBM message, with a start slot. After a restart we have three options: The msg 4 transmission must be restarted by a CBM message The last given CBM definition of msg 4 is stored. Msg 4 transmission is restarted according to this. Msg. 4 is always transmitted after restart. The AIS BS selects a random start slot.
81983_TM_TR2600_I 1-3 Configurable LAN interface The Jotron AIS BS provides PI over either TCP or UDP connection to unit. UDP, destination can either be another unicast or a multicast address. Configuration by MMI: Own IP Address and AIS Receiver listen port BSC IP Address and port TCP server, one client can be connected. Configuration by MMI: Own IP Address and AIS Receiver listen port One serial message is always sent in one TCP/UDP packet. The AIS BS can handle reception of several serial messages in one TCP/UDP packet. 1.3 1.3.1 Interfaces Physical Interfaces
VDL 1371-1
The types of physical interfaces are provided for the Presentation Interface. Two serial port and one Lan port: RS-422 Ecdis port RS-232 Pilot port Lan Tcp or Udp The AIS BS provides general Lan services, such as telnet and ftp. Own set of MAC addresses are reserved (00 06 CB 02 xx xx) where xx xx is the serial number of the unit. 1.3.2 Input Used when External Position is selected. For supported messages, see Tron UAIS TR-2500. Output Not Applicable. Sensor ports
1.3.3 DGNSS port Input For supported messages, see Tron UAIS TR-2500. Output Not Applicable. 1.3.4 VDL ITU-R M.1371-1 Input According to specification.
BS generated messages: Msg ID 4 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 Description Base Station static report Binary Addressed Message Binary Addressed Ack Binary Broadcast Message UTC/Date request Safety Addressed Message Safety Addressed Ack Safety Broadcast Message Interrogation Assigned mode command DGNSS broadcast Data Link Management Aids-to-navigation report Channel Management
AIS: Tx malfunction AIS: Antenna VSWR exceeds limit AIS: Rx channel 1 malfunction AIS: Rx channel 2 malfunction AIS: general failure AIS: no sensor position in use AIS: Frame synchronisation failure AIS: FATDM/RATDMA queue congestion
V V V V V V V v
Stop transmission Continue operation Stop transmission on affected channel Stop transmission on affected channel Stop transmission Continue operation Stop transmission Allocate FATDMA slots
AIS: UTC clock lost AIS: external DGNSS in use AIS: external GNSS in use AIS: internal DGNSS in use (beacon) AIS: internal DGNSS in use (msg 17) AIS: internal GNSS in use AIS: surveyed position in use AIS: UTC clock OK AIS: System Started
Text identifier
Text message
Continue operation using indirect or semaphore synchronisation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation Continue operation
1.5 Administration The operation system used for the AIS BS is embedded Linux. A small Linux system is configured specially for our unit. A subset of Linux commands are available. 1.5.1 User / groups We have defined three users in our system; root, lab and guest. These are initial users, with initial passwords. If more users are needed, standard Linux commands are available for add and delete of new users, in addition to change password. The files where all information about users, groups and passwords are stored, are mirrored to the directory /flashdisk/etc every time information is updated. This, for keeping the changed information after reboot. During the boot process these files, which are stored under /flashdisk/etc are copied back to the /etc directory. 1.5.2 File System Download Must be performed via terminal cable, Xmodem 1K. 1.5.3 SW download A upgrade.tar.gz package is stored in directory /flashdisk/ftp. Reboot system and the system will automatically upgrade. 1.5.4 FTP A ftp server is provided by the AIS BS. In the initial system you can log in as lab or guest.
1.5.5 Telnet A telnet server is provided by the system. In the initial system you can log in as lab or guest.
2 2.1
SPECIFICATIONS General Supply voltage: Power consumption: Operating temperature: Environmental: Transponder: Size: Weight: Color: Enclosure: Compass safety distance:
244 x 108 x 146 mm 2.8 kg Slate Grey (RAL7015)/ Black (RAL 9004) Polycarbonate/ Aluminium Standard magnetic: Steering magnetic: 0.9 m 0.65 m
Monochrome STN-LCD, 24 characters x 4 lines 19 keys 4 LED for identification of: Alarm/ OK/ RX /TX
No of Channels: Tracking: Frequency: RX code: Velocity: Acceleration: Accuracy: Horizontal: 3D: DGPS: Timing: Acquisition/ Reacquisition:
12 channels parallel 12 channels simultaneously L1 - 1575.42 MHz C/A code > 500 m/s Up to 5G < 3 meters (CEP) 5 meters 2dRMS < 5 meters (SEP) < 1 meter (CEP) < 100 ns (absolute) < 40 ns (1sigma) < 23 seconds TTFF (Time to first Fix) with time, position, ephemeris < 45 seconds with almanac, time, position < 120 seconds (Cold start) RTCM SC-10
DGPS interface:
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All the above ports comply with IEC 61162-1 (Second edition, 2000-07) at 4800 baud and IEC 61162-2 (First edition, 1998-09) at 38400 baud Alarm Output: Lan: Contact closure 10BaseT
In addition to the above listed sentences, some proprietary sentences are described in paragraph 5.3
Transmission Intervals ABK, ALR, TXT: ALR: ACA,VDM: VDO At each event 30 seconds during alarm, 1 minute otherwise (empty message) At RX At every transmitted message on the VDL
Load requirements as listener Isolation: Maximum voltage: Maximum diff. Voltage (A-B): Threshold: Input impedance: Provided +/- 14 V to Isolated Ground +/- 15 V +/- 0.2 V (A-B) 232 ohm w/jumper (Termination Strap) 7680 ohm wo/ jumper
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4 4.1
DATA TRANSMISSION Data transmission Data is transmitted in serial asynchronous form in accordance with the standards referenced in 2.1 of IEC 61162-1/2. The first bit is a start bit and is followed by data bits, least-significantbit first, as illustrated by figure below. The following parameters are used: - baud rate: 4 800 / 38 400 1 - data bits: 8 (D7 = 0), - parity: none; - stop bits: 1.
D0 D1 Start bit D2 D3 D4 Data bits D5 D6 D7 Stop bit
Note: Baudrate is 4800 on IEC 61162-1 interfac and 38400 on IEC 61162-2 interface 4.2 Serial interface description
4.2.1 AIS port 1, 4,5 , I/O description Port 1 are input only, Port 4-5 are both input/output All ports have selectable baudrate, 4800/38400.
Simplified diagram of Linear Tech. LTC1535
B Input2 A
Note 1: The cabling shall be designed in a way that stubs are avoided and kept as short as possible.
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Note 2: Input: Input current: (at input voltage (A-B) between 15V to +15V) Without termination: < 2 mA With -: < 64 mA Logical high : A-B < -0.2V, Logical low : A-B > +0.2V Note 3: Output: Logical high: A-B < -2.0V at output current 50mA (100 ohm load) Logical low: A-B > +2.0V at output current 50mA (100 ohm load) The outputs have current limiting at 100 mA.
This port is used for DGPS data input (Beacon input). This port use Opto-coupler to isolate interface.
(ITU-R M.823-2)
GND Isolated
Input current: (when A-B= +5V) Without termination strap : 4 mA With --- : 28 mA Logical high Logical low : A-B < (+0.5V to 15V : A-B > (+2.0V to +15V)
The following provides a summary explanation of the approved sentence structure according to IEC 61162:
$AACCC, C---C*HH<CR><LF> ASCII "$" aaccc HEX 24 Description Start of sentence: starting delimiter Address field: alphanumeric characters identifying type of talker, and sentence formatter. The first two characters identify the talker. The last three are the sentence formatter mnemonic code identifying the data type and the string format of the successive fields. Mnemonics will be used as far as possible to facilitate read-outs by users. 2C Field delimiter: starts each field except address and checksum fields. If it is followed by a null field, it is all that remains to indicate no data in a field. Data sentence block: follows address field and is a series of data fields containing all of the data to be transmitted. Data field sequence is fixed and identified by the third and subsequent characters of the address field (the sentence formatter). Data fields may be of variable length and are preceded by delimiters ",". 2A checksum delimiter: follows last data field of the sentence. It indicates that the following two alpha-numeric characters show the HEX value of the checksum. Checksum field: the absolute value calculated by exclusiveOR'ing the eight data bits (no start bits or stop bits) of each character in the sentence between, but excluding, "$" and "*". The hexadecimal value of the most significant and least significant four bits of the result are converted to two ASCII characters (0-9, A-F) for transmission. The most significant character is transmitted first. The checksum field is required in all cases. 0D 0A End of sentence: sentence terminating delimiter.
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Input Addressed Binary and safety related Message AIS Regional Channel Assignment Message Acknowledge Alarm Preparation and initiation of a broadcast of Addressed msg 22 AIS Interrogation Request Preparation and initiation of a broadcast of Assigned msg 16 Base Station Configuration Control AIS Base Station Configure Base Station Message Reporting Rates Data Link Management slot allocations for base station and mobiles Broadcast Binary Message VHF Data link Message Datum reference GNSS satellite fault detection Global positioning system (GPS) fix data Geographic position latitude/longitude GNSS fix data Recommended minimum specific GNSS data 30, 34 210, 211, 212
Support for ITU-R M.1371 messages 6 & 12. Provides an external application with a means to exchange data using an AIS. !--ABM,x,x,x,xxxxxxxxx,x,x.x,s--s,x*hh<CR><LF>
Number of fill-bits, 0-5 Encapsulated data ITU-R M.1371 message ID AIS channel for broadcast of the radio message The MMSI of destination AIS unit for the ITU-R M.1371 message Sequential Message identifier Sentence number Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message
This sentence is used to both enter and obtain channel management information. $--ACA,x,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x,xxxx,x,xxxx,x,x,x,a,x,*hh<CR><LF>
Time of in-use change In-Use Flag Information source Power level control Tx/Rx mode control Channel B bandwidth Channel B Channel A bandwidth Channel A Transition Zone Size Region Southwest corner longitude - E/W Region Southwest corner latitude - N/S Region Northeast corner longitude - E/W Region Northeast corner latitude - N/S Sequence Number, 0 to 9
5.1.3 ACK - Acknowledge alarm This sentence is used to acknowledge an alarm condition reported by a device.
Identification number of alarm source
5.1.4 ACM - Addressed Channel Management Support for ITU-R M.1371 message 22. Provides an AIS base station with information it uses to broadcast an adressed VDL message 22.
Broadcast Channel for Base Station 5 Power level control 4 TX/RX mode control 3 Channel B bandwidth 2 Channel B 3 Channel A bandwidth 2 Channel A 1 MMSI of the addressed AIS unit 2 1 MMSI of the first addressed AIS unit 1
Identifies the distant addressed AIS unit(s) intended to receive the ITU-R M.1371 message 22. The first MMSI field (field 1) identifies the first AIS unit. The second MMSI field (field 2) identifies the second AIS unit, and may be set to null if only one AIS unit is being addressed. VHF channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4. Value of 0, bandwidth is specified by channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4 Value of 1, bandwidth is 12.5 kHz Value of 0, transmit on channels A and B, receive on channels A and B Value of 1, transmit on channel A, receive on channels A and B Value of 2, transmit on channel B, receive on channels A and B Value of 0, high power Value of 1, low power
2. 3.
6. The field identifies the channel that the base station should use to broadcast the ITU-R M.1371 message 22. A null value in this field indicates no change from previous received value when this sentence is sent to a base station and indicates unknown when this sentence is received from a base station. The values and their meanings are: Value 0 = No broadcast channel preference Value 1 = broadcast on AIS channel A Value 2 = broadcast on AIS channel B Value 3 = broadcast on both AIS channel A and AIS channel B
5.1.5 AIR - AIS Interrogation Request This sentence supports ITU-R M.1371 message 15. It provides an external application with the means to initiate a request for specific ITU-R M.1371 messages from distant mobile or base AIS stations.
Message sub-section (Reserved for future use) Number of message requested from station-2 MMSI of interrogated station-2 Message sub-section (Reserved for future use) Number of second message from station-1 Message sub-section (Reserved for future use) ITU-R M.1371 message requested from station-1
5.1.6 ASN - Assignment VDL Message 16 Support for ITU-R M.1371 message 16. Provides an AIS base station with information it uses to broadcast an assignment VDL message 22.
Broadcast Channel for Base Station 4 Increment for AIS unit 2 3 Hard Assigned Reporting Rate for AIS unit 2 2 Soft Assigned Reporting Rate for AIS unit 2 2 MMI of addressed AIS unit 2 4 Increment for AIS unit 1 3 Hard Assigned Reporting Rate for AIS unit 1 2 Soft Assigned Reporting Rate for AIS unit 1 1 MMSI of addressed AIS unit 1
Identifies the distant addressed AIS unit(s) for the VDL assignment. The first set of four fields apply to a single AIS unit, while the second set of four fields (fields 5 - 8) apply to a second AIS unit. When only one AIS unit's assignment schedule is being provided, the second set of four fields (fields 5 - 8) may be set to null. This field corresponds to the ITU-R M.1371 Message 16 Offset field. The base station will only use this field if the "Increment for AIS" field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to zero. The range of values for this field consists of multiples of 20, between and including 20 to 600. Values that are less then 600 but are not multiples of 20 will be interpreted as the next higher multiple of 20. Values above 600 will be interpreted as 600. This field shall be set to null when the "Increment for AIS" field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to a non-zero value. This field corresponds to the ITU-R M.1371 Message 16 Offset field. The base station will only use this field if the "Increment for AIS" field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to a non-zero value. The range of values for this field consists 0 to 2249 in units of slots. This field shall be set to null when the "Increment for AIS" field (fields 4 and 8 of this sentence) for the same AIS unit is set to a zero value. This field identifies the increment parameter in units of slots for the associated values of this field. The range of values are from 0 to 6. Note that a value of zero does not provide an increment, see note 2 above. This field shall not be set to null, unless the entire four field set for this AIS unit is not provided, because the base station may invoke two distinctly different assignment methods based on a zero or non-zero value. The values and their meanings are: Value 0 = Reporting rate is based upon the Soft Assigned Reporting Rate for same AIS unit " (fields 2 and 6) / 10 minutes. Value 1 = 1125 slots Value 2 = 375 slots Value 3 = 225 slots Value 4 = 125 slots Value 5 = 75 slots Value 6 = 45 slots The field identifies the channel that the base station should use to broadcast the ITU-R M.1371 message 16. A null value in this field indicates no change from previous received value when this sentence is sent to a base station and indicates unknown when this sentence is received from a base station. The values and their meanings for this are: Value 0 = No broadcast channel preference Value 1 = broadcast on AIS channel A Value 2 = broadcast on AIS channel B
5.1.7 BBM - Broadcast Binary Message This sentence supports generation of an ITU-R M.1371 Binary Broadcast Message (message 8) or Safety Related Broadcast Message (message 14). It provides an external application with a means to broadcast data, as defined by the application only - not the AIS.
Number of fill-bits , 0 to 5 Encapsulated data ITU-R M.1371 message ID, 8 or 14 AIS channel for broadcast of the radio message Sequential message identifier, 0 to 9 Sentence number, 1 to 9 Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message, 1 to 9
5.1.8 BCF - Base Station Configuration Configure Base station parameters, when initially installed.
$--BCF, xxxxxxxxx,x, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, x, xxxx, xxxx, xxxx,xxxx,x,x,x,x,cc*hh<CR><LF>
Base station Talker ID Msg repeat indicator VDL message retries 5 Power level channel B 5 Power level channel A 4 Tx channel B 4 Tx channel A 4 Rx channel B 4 Rx channel A 3 Position accuracy 2 Longitude E/W 2 Latitude N/S 1 Position source MMSI assigned to base station
1. Identifies the source of the position. Value 0 = surveyed position Value 1 = internal source Value 2 = external source Surveyed position of the base station. The position is only applicable to fixed base stations. Within the base station, the "electronic position fixing device" parameter is set to a value of 7 indicating a surveyed position. Mobile or non-fixed base stations receive their position information by another means. 0 = low > 10m. 1 = high < 10m ; differential mode of DGNSS. VHF channel number, see ITU-R M.1084, Annex 4. Value of 0, high power Value of 1, low power
4. 5.
5.1.9 CAB - Control AIS Base Station Turn on or off transmission on channel A and B in AIS base station.
Restart (1= restart) Channel B transmission (1=on, 0=off) Channel A transmission (1=on, 0=off)
5.1.10 CBM Configure Base Station Message Reporting Rates This sentence configures the broadcast schedule of ITU-R M.1371 messages 4, 17, 20 and 22 that are to be broadcast from an AIS Base Station.
Msg. 22 Channel "B" Slot Interval (0-1125) Msg. 22 Channel "B" Starting Slot (-1 to 2249) Msg. 20 Channel "B" Slot Interval (0-1125) Msg. 20 Channel "B" Starting Slot (-1 to 2249) Msg. 17 Channel "B" Number of Slots (Not used) Msg. 17 Channel "B" Slot Interval (Not used) Msg. 17 Channel "B" Starting Slot (Not used) Msg. 22 Channel "A" Slot Interval (0-1125) Msg. 22 Channel "A" Starting Slot (-1 to 2249) Msg. 20 Channel "A" Slot Interval (0-1125) Msg. 20 Channel "A" Starting Slot (-1 to 2249) Msg. 17 Channel "A" Number of Slots (Not used) Msg. 17 Channel "A" Slot Interval (Not used) Msg. 17 Channel "A" Starting Slot (Not used) Msg. 4 Broadcast Starting Slot (-1 to 374)
5.1.11 DLM Data Link Management slot allocations for base station and mobiles This sentence provides the base station with the slot allocations to be reserved for FATDMA base station broadcasts. This sentence provides the base station with the information necessary to broadcast an ITU-R M.1371 Message 20 Data link management message, which informs mobile AIS units about the reserved FATDMA slots. The shore station is responsible for filtering out slot reservation conflicts that may exist. These conflicts in the shore station network must be resolved separately from entering the data. The base station is not responsible for detecting these conflicts. The AIS Base Station, upon receipt of a Query for this sentence, will generate a message consisting of multiple DLM sentences containing all the defined FATDMA reserved slots to the requestor.
Increment for reservation 4 (0-1125) Time out for reservation 4 (0-7) Number of slots for reservation 4 (1-5) Start slot for reservation 4 (0-2249) Ownership for reservation 4 (L,R or C) Increment for reservation 3 (0-1125) Time out for reservation 3 (0-7) Number of slots for reservation 3 (1-5) Start slot for reservation 3 (0-2249) Ownership for reservation 3 (L,R or C) Increment for reservation 2 (0-1125) Time out for reservation 2 (0-7) Number of slots for reservation 2 (1-5) Start slot for reservation 2 (0-2249) Ownership for reservation 2 (L,R or C) Increment for reservation 1 (0-1125) Time out for reservation 1 (0-7) Number of slots for reservation 1 (1-5) Start slot for reservation 1 (0-2249) Ownership for reservation 1(L,R or C) AIS Channel (A or B) Sequence Number (0- 9)
5.1.12 DTM Datum reference Local geodetic datum and datum offsets from a reference datum
$--DTM,ccc,a,x.x,a,x.x,a, x.x,ccc*hh<CR><LF>
Reference datum Altitude offset, (meter) (Not used) Longitude offset, min, E/W (Not used) Lat offset, min, N/S (Not used) 2 Local datum subdivision code (Not used) 1 Local datum
Note 2: One character subdivision datum code when available or user defined reference character for user defined
datums, null field otherwise. Subdivision character from IHO Publication S-60, Appendices B and C.
5.1.13 GBS - GNSS satellite fault detection This message is used to support receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM). Given that a GNSS receiver is tracking enough satellites to perform integrity checks of the positioning quality of the position solution, a message is needed to report the output of this process to other systems to advise the system user. With the RAIM in the GNSS receiver, the receiver can isolate faults to individual satellites and not use them in its position and velocity calculations. Also, the GNSS receiver can still track the satellite and easily judge when it is back within tolerance. This message shall be used for reporting this RAIM information. To perform this integrity function, the GPS receiver must have at least two observables in addition to the minimum required for navigation. Normally these observables take the form of additional redundant satellites.
$--GBS,, x.x, x.x, x.x, xx, x.x, x.x, x.x *hh <CR><LF>
Standard deviation of bias estimate (Not used) Estimate of bias on most likely failed satellite (Not used) Probability of missed detection for most likely failed satellite (Not used) ID number of most likely failed satellite(Not used) Expected error in altitude (Not used) Expected error in longitude Expected error in latitude UTC time of the GGA or GNS fix associated with this sentence
5.1.14 GGA - Global positioning system (GPS) fix data Time, position and fix-related data for a GPS receiver.
$--GGA,, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, x, xx, x.x, x.x, M, x.x, M, x.x, xxxx*hh<CR><LF>
Differential reference station ID 0000-1023 (Not used) Age of diff. GPS data (Not used) Units of geoidal separation,m (Not used) Geoidal separation (Not used) Units of antenna altitude, m (Not used) Antenna altitude above/below mean sea level (geoid) (Not used) Horizontal dilution of precision (Not used) No. of satellites in use, 00-12 (Not used) GPS quality indicator Longitude E/W Latitude N/S UTC time of position
5.1.15 GLL - Geographic position - latitude/longitude Latitude and longitude of vessel position, time of position fix and status.
$--GLL, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a,, A, a *hh<CR><LF>
Mode indicator Status: A = data valid V = data invalid Time of position (UTC) Longitude , E/W Latitude, N/S
5.1.16 GNS - GNSS fix data Fix data for single or combined satellite navigation systems (GNSS). This sentence provides fix data for GPS, GLONASS, possible future satellite systems and systems combining these.
$-- GNS,, llll.ll, a, yyyyy.yy, a, c--c,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x *hh<CR><LF>
Differential reference station ID (Not used) Age of differential data (Not used) Geoidal separation, m (Not used) Antenna altitude, m, re:mean-sea-level (Not used) Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) (Not used) Number of satellites in use, 00-99 (Not used) Mode indicator Longitude E/W Latitude N/S Time of position (UTC)
5.1.17 RMC Recommended minimum specific GNSS data Time, date, position, course and speed data provided by a GNSS navigation receiver. This sentence is transmitted at intervals not exceeding 2 s. All data fields must be provided, null fields used only when data is temporarily unavailable.
$--RMC,, A, llll.ll,a, yyyyy.yy, a, x.x, x.x, xxxxxx, x.x,a, a*hh<CR><LF>
Mode indicator (see note) Magnetic variation, degrees, E/W (Not used) Date: dd/mm/yy (Not used) Course over ground, degrees true Speed over ground, knots Longitude, E/W Latitude, N/S Status: A = data valid V = navigation receiver warning Time of position fix (UTC)
5.1.18 VDM - VHF Data-link Message This sentence is used to transfer the entire contents of a received AIS message packet, as defined in ITU-R M.1371 and to be sent on the VHF Data Link (VDL), using the "6-bit" field type.
Number of fill-bits, 0 to 5 Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message AIS Channel, "A" or "B" Sequential message identifier, 0 to 9 Sentence number, 1 to 9 Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message, 1 to 9
5.2 Output All sentences starts with a delimiter that can be $ or !. followed by the talker identifier indicated by - -. The talker identifier is BS for Base station.
ABK VDO VDM TXT ALR Answer on query: PJTR PJTR Addressed and binary broadcast acnowledgement VHF Data link Own-vessel message VHF Data link Message Text transmission Set Alarm state ACM, ACA, DLM, BCF, CBM, CAB, TXT 34 211, 212
ACM see paragraph 5.1.4 ACA see paragraph 5.1.2 DLM see paragraph 5.1.11 BCF see paragraph 5.1.8 CBM see paragraph 5.1.10 CAB see paragraph 5.1.9
5.2.1 ABK - Addressed and binary broadcast acknowledgement The ABK-sentence is generated when a transaction, initiated by reception of an ABM, AIR, or BBM sentence, is completed or terminated.
Type of acknowledgement Message Sequence Number ITU-R M.1371 message ID AIS channel of reception MMSI of the addressed destination AIS unit
5.2.2 ALR - Set alarm state. Local alarm condition and status. This sentence is used to report an alarm condition on a device and its current state of acknowledgement.
$--ALR,,xxx,A, A,c--c*hh<CR><LF>
Alarm's description text Alarm's acknowledge state, A = acknowledged V = unacknowledged Alarm condition (A = threshold exceeded, V = not exceeded) Local alarm number (identifier)
5.2.3 TXT - Text transmission For the transmission of short text messages. Longer text messages may be transmitted by using multiple sentences.
Text message, ASCII, up to 61 characters Text identifier, 01-99 Message number, 01 to 99 Total number of messages, 01 to 99
5.2.4 VDM See Input section (4.1.18) This sentence is used to transfer the entire contents of a received AIS message packet, as defined in ITU-R M.1371 and as received on the VHF Data Link (VDL), using the "6-bit" field type.
Number of fill-bits, 0 to 5 Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message AIS Channel, "A" or "B" Sequential message identifier, 0 to 9 Sentence number, 1 to 9 Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message, 1 to 9
5.2.5 VDO - VHF Data-link Own-vessel message This sentence is used to provide the information assembled for broadcast by the AIS. It uses the six-bit field type for encapsulation. The sentence uses the same structure as the VDM sentence formatter.
Number of fill-bits, 0 to 5 Encapsulated ITU-R M.1371 radio message AIS Channel, "A" or "B" Sequential message identifier, 0 to 9 Sentence number, 1 to 9 Total number of sentences needed to transfer the message, 1 to 9
5.3 Proprietary sentences All proprietary sentence shall start with $P<mnemonic> Jotrons mnemonic code is JTR. This makes our proprietary sentence like:
$PJTR[,Msg id][,data] "*<checksum field><CR><LF>
Message code as text. (Max 20 char) Key parameter from message that generated the error. (E.g. mmsi no.) The id to the message that generated the error 1 Error code
00 01 02 03 Undefined error Not found Missing data No answer
5.3.3 PJTR,30 - Request info Request info about own unit, answer is in PJTR,34
L is own LAN IP port and address, B is remote IP port and address
5.3.5 PJTR,40 - Request Version Request hardware and software versions from the different modules in TR-2600. Answer in PJTR,41
Idx 2 Function
Note 1: Idx Identifier of version element. Must be used if Function is N, P or R, but has no meaning if H or T Note 2: Functions:
H T N P R Head. First element Tail. Last element Next. Get the next element Previous. Get the previous element Refresh current element
These functions will list successive SW versions from the different modules. In the current version, there are 6 modules, named BS, ECBS, MMI, LINK, RF or HW
5.3.6 PJTR,41 - Answer on requested version Request hardware and software versions from the different modules in TR-2600. Request in PJTR,40
$PJTR,41,c--c, c--c,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF>
Length of list Position number in the list Compile date on the format: month date year (feb 21 20003) and Compile time on the format: hh:mm:ss Module the version applies to (BS, ECBS, MMI, LINK, RF or HW) and Release number on the format x.x.x
5.3.7 PJTR,210 - Request system configuration parameters Request system parameters from TR-2600.
Which data to request
Note: value = L: LAN connection request. value = A: Request msg4 handling after restart.
5.3.8 PJTR,211 - LAN connection modus Configure type of LAN connections for the Presentation Interface. System must be restarted after configuration. Request in PJTR,210
Set requested data
Note 1: value = 0: No LAN connection. value = 1: TCP connection. value = 2: UDP connection Note 2: TCP connection is a TCP server for one client only.
5.3.9 PJTR,212 - How to send msg4 after restart How to send msg4 after restart. Request in PJTR,210
How to start sending of msg4
Note: value = 0: Never start to send msg4 atomatically value = 1: Start to send msg4 automatically as defined by CBM value = 2: Start to send msg4 automatically with random select start slot.