General Biology 1
General Biology 1
General Biology 1
- Discovers cells in cork, then in living plant tissue using an early compound microscope. He coined
- Like a Honey-comb
- Like compartments
- Dutch Scientist
- Teaches himself to make lenses leading to the invention of his own basic optical microscopes.
Using his microscope, he was able to draw protozoa, such as Vorticella from rain water, and bacteria from
- a Dutch Naturalist who was an expert in grinding lenses and the one who discovered the tiny living
organisms which he called “animalcules” from the drop of rain water. These animalcules are known as
bacteria. Through his experiments, he was the first to relatively determine their size.
- Most of the "animalcules" are now referred to as unicellular organisms, although he observed
multicellular organisms in pond water. He was also the first to document microscopic observations of
muscle fibers, bacteria, spermatozoa, red blood cells, crystals in gouty tophi, and blood flow in capillaries.
- Scottish botanist
- Discovered the semi-transparent living substance known as Sarcode, in which later on was
changed in protoplasm, the colorless materials comprising the living part of the cell.
- was a German botanist and co-founder of cell theory, along with Theodor Schwann and Rudolf
- He proposed on his studies about the entire parts of the plant and concluded that all plants are
- was a German physician and physiologist. His most significant contribution to biology is
- Polish Scientist
- Stated that new cells come from pre-existing cells by cell division.
all known organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Cells are often called the "building blocks of life”
- historic scientific theory, now universally accepted, that living organisms are made up of cells,
that they are the basic structural/organizational unit of all organisms, and that all cells come from pre-
existing cells.
- Cells are the basic unit of structure in all organisms and also the basic unit of reproduction.
- With continual improvements made to microscopes over time, magnification technology advanced
- This discovery is largely attributed to Robert Hooke, and began the scientific study of cells, known
as cell biology.
4. The cell consists of genetic material which is passed from generation up to the last generation.
CELL: Basic and fundamental unit of life, it possesses a highly organized structure that enables it to carry
out its vital functions.
Lack a defined nucleus Have a defined nucleus
Dispersed genetic Cellulose cell Rigid cell wall; may They can have a Chitin Cell Wall;
material wall; have flagella. cell wall, without they are
differentiated heterotrophs.
in the cytoplasm. chloroplasts
and vacuoles.
STRUCTURE AND BASIC FUNCTIONS: These components work together to maintain cellular
CELL MEMBRANE: surrounds the cell and is a selective barrier between the interior and the exterior.
- Its primary role lies in regulating the passage of substances, including nutrients and waste
- Within it, specialized proteins play a crucial role in facilitating molecular transport and cellular
- Is composed of lipid bilayer (phospholipids and associated proteins (Integral and Peripheral
3. Has a sensory device that permits the cell to recognize and be recognized by the other cells and
CYTOPLASM: Pertains to the fluid portion of the cell which contains the three main Structural components:
CELL NUCLEUS: a membrane-bound organelle that contains genetic material (DNA) of eukaryotic
- serves to maintain the integrity of the cell by facilitating transcription and replication processes
- the largest organelle inside the cell taking up about a tenth of the entire cell volume
NUCLEAR ENVELOPE: a highly regulated membrane barrier that separates the nucleus from the
NUCLEOPLASM: is a type of protoplasm that is made up mostly of water, a mixture of various molecules,
and dissolved ions. It is completely enclosed within the nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope. The main
function of the nucleoplasm is to serve as a suspension substance for the organelles inside the nucleus
NUCLEOLUS: the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It is best known as the site of
ribosome biogenesis
CHROMOSOMES: It is bounded protein which serves as packaging for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and
CYTOPLASMIC ORGANELLES: Enclosed with specialized subunits located inside the cell performing
individual tasks. Individual organelle is usually enclosed within its own lipid bilayers. Each little organ that is
RIBOSOME: Site for protein synthesis. Found attached to rough ER or floating freely in the cytosol.
nuclear membrane to the plasma membrane. It transports substance through the inside of the cell,
GOLGI APPARATUS: Are flattened stacks of membranes that modify the proteins (polypeptides) and lipids
ENERGY SUPPLY: To carry out vital functions and necessary metabolic processes essential for the proper
VACUOLE: Single membranous sac that plays important roles in storage of materials, releasing of cellular
CELLULAR DIGESTION: It involves breaking down molecules and unwanted materials, enabling the
LYSOSOMES: Is a small membrane bordered structure that contains powerful enzymes necessary for
cellular digestion.
GLYCOCALYX: It is known to be the cell coat that is located in the outer part of the animal cell, its function
SUPPORT AND MOVEMENT: Maintaining cellular shape, enabling cellular movement and division, are
and intermediate filaments) and provides support and enables movement in eukaryotic cells.
- Its specific functions encompass stability, intracellular transport, and contraction. Furthermore, it
- These are disk-shaped pigment containing storage organelles found only in plant cells and some
photosynthetic protists.
- The largest, rounded membranous organelles that conatins DNA usually located in plant cell but
CENTROSOME: is an organelle that is the main place where cell microtubules are organized.
- Also, it regulates the cell division cycle, the stages which lead up to one cell dividing in two.
CENTRIOLE: is a cylindrical organelle composed mainly of a protein called tubulin. Centrioles are found in
- A bound pair of centrioles, surrounded by a shapeless mass of dense material, called the
- All prokaryotes are single cell organisms that are the smallest and metabolically diverse forms of life.
EUKARYOTES: organisms that consist of free-living cells; capable of becoming independent, the others
also made up of trillions of cells working together as a team or as a unit. (Animals and plants)
NUMBER OF Contain of nucleic acid, one-but not true With nucleic acid and protein,
CHROMOSOMES chromosome; plasmids more than one
FEATURES OF Not organized, DNA molecules are packed Organized, packed into
GENETIC MATERIAL in a region, nucleoid but not the nucleus chromosomes located inside the
DNA nucleus
CELL WALL Usually chemically complexes, contain Only in plant cell and fungi,
muriatic acid chemically simplest without
muriatic acid
- cells found in the blood - The disc shape increases surface area, so more
oxygen can be absorbed in the lungs
RED BLOOD - They contain hemoglobin
CELL which carries oxygen - There is no nucleus, which allows more space to
around the body carry oxygen
- White blood cells are part - Have an irregular shape so they can squeeze out of
of the immune system blood vessels and get to the site of infection
CELL - They help the body fight - Some can change shape to surround and engulf
infection and disease pathogens
Cells which are found in - Muscle cells are able to contract and relax
bundles which make up
- They can be found in many locations e.g. cardiac
muscles throughout the
muscle in the heart, skeletal muscles which are joined
to bones and smooth muscles such as the cells which
line the stomach
FAT CELL Store energy in the form of - Have few mitochondria as fat cells need very little
fat energy.
CELL MEMBRANE: composed of a very thin layer of lipids and protein materials that partly divides the cell
elements from its environment. It functions like a wall with gates that controls the passage of molecules in
CYTOPLASM: the most functional part of the cell wherein cytoplasmic materials are working together and
considered as the machinery of the entire cytoplasm. Each little organ performs a specific task.
NUCLEUS: control center of a cell. It plays the central role in cellular reproduction and in conjunction with
CILIA Relatively short projection extending from the cell For the cell movement, allow the
surface and consists of two central and nine pairs materials to move on surface of
of peripheral microtubules. some tissues
FLAGELLA Long tail/whip-like appearance, made up two Cell locomotion, allows the
central and nine pairs of peripheral mictrotubules sperm cells propels to reach the
final destination
PINOCYTIC In pockets of the cell membrane where filled up of Engulfs a droplet of water, cell is
VESICLE water able to drink
CYTOSKELETON Forming the network of microtubules, maintain cell shape motility, forms
intermediate fibers and microfilaments the internal framework
ENDOPLASMIC Highly variable network of membrane that Protein and membrane synthesis,
RETICULUM extend throughout the cytoplasm intercellular transport vesicles of
protein materials
GOLGI BODY Stacks of flattened membranous sacs Packaging and the center storage of
PLASTIDS Double-membrane sac enclosed internally Plant pigments or nutrient storage
by thylakoid membranes; chloroplasts center.
contain green pigment known as chlorophyll
LYSOSOMES Membranous sacs that are present in Powerful digestive enzyme storage,
animals secretions, waste
VACUOLE Membrane-enclosed cavities filled with Expel excess water and waste from
either fluid of granular structure of material the cell known as contractile
vacuoles; food vacuoles contain
food, maintain hyrdostatic pressure.
MICROTUBULES Tubular shape that made up of tubulin Give structural support, cell
protein mobility, for cellular division
INTERMEDIATE Microscopic thin thread structure, hairy- Helps to make the cell to become
FILAMENTS like that made up of protein fibers strong, maintaining the cell
CENTRIOLES Pair of rounded tubular bodies, located Forms spindle fibers during
behind the nucleus cellular division, of the movement
of cytoplasmic organelles, for cell