Non Fixed Channel assignment algorithms, Coverage hole filter, Cell Splitting,
The following approaches are used at the cell site to increase the coverage.
When the power level is doubled, the gain increases by 3 dB, increase in
The received power can be obtained from the transmitted power , where
Let the received power be the power received in an original cell of a radius
of r then,
flat terrain, that is, doubling the antenna height causes a gain increase
of 6 dB.
described in Chap. 8.
lower and the radius of the cell increases [Eq. (12.1-3) applies].
obtained from Eq. (12.1-8). Let Pt2 = Pt1 , and Pr2 = 0.25Pr1 (i.e., − 6 dB).
Then A2 = 2A1. The received level is reduced by 6 dB, and the service
area is doubled.
▶ The thermal noise level is − 129 dBm.
low and the received power level remains the same, the carrier-to-noise
1. .
2. .
3. 3. .
. .
5. .
6. .
Methods for reducing the interference are as follows.
system shown in Fig. 12.1 as an example, there are 21 sets of channels in the
Depending on the current situation, some idle channels may be noisy, some
4. .
signal may be needed. The design tool should include the findings of signal
directional antenna.
▶ Adjacent-Channel Assignment
▶ Channel Sharing and Borrowing
next-channel assignment.
The near-end– far-end (ratio) interference, can occur among the neighboring
cell of seven cells, (cluster) next channels cannot be assigned in the same
assigned in the six neighboring sites in the same cell system area (Fig. 12.2 ).
channels cannot be assigned to the same face or to the other two faces in the
same cell.
Also, next channels cannot be assigned to the other two faces at the same
cell site (Fig. 12.2 ). Sometimes the next channels are assigned in the next
▶ Figure 12.3 shows the channel set numbers. When a cell needs more
▶ Since we cannot allow adjacent channels to share with the nominal
channels in the same cell.
▶ In addition, the central cell site can borrow channels from neighboring
12.2.3 Sectorization
channels in this cell is not subdivided for each sector. Therefore, no handoffs
allows for a more accurate decision regarding handing off the calls to
neighboring cells.
In actual cellular systems cell grids are seldom uniform because of varying
incoming call is received by the set-up channel and its signal strength is
higher than a level , the underlaid cell is assigned; otherwise, the overlaid
cell is assigned. The handoffs are implemented between the underlaid and
overlaid cells.
In order to avoid the unnecessary handoffs, we may choose two levels 1 and
When a mobile signal is higher than a level 1 the call is handed off to the
underlaid cell. When a signal is lower than a level 2 the call is handed off to
the overlaid cell. The channels assigned in the underlaid cell have more
In this algorithm, each cell assigns its own radio channels to the vehicles
combination of FCA and DCA. A portion of the total frequency channels will
uses FCA as a normal assignment condition. When all the fixed channels are
occupied, then the cell borrows channels from the neighboring cells.
In forcible-borrowing
warrants it, channels must be borrowed from the neighboring cells and at the
same time, another voice channel will be assigned to continue the call in the
neighboring cell.
Because the ground is not flat, many water puddles form during a rainstorm;
for the same reason, many holes (weak spots) are created in a general area
during antenna radiation. There are several methods for filling these holes.
An enhancer is used in an area that is a hole (weak spot) in the serving cell
▶ wideband and
▶ channelized enhancers.
amplifier requires only low amplification. The signal is transmitted from the
cell site and received at the enhancer site by a higher directional antenna
the vicinity of the enhancer site will receive the signal. The mobile unit uses
the reverse channel to respond to calls (or originate calls) through the
enhancer to the cell site. However, the amplifier amplifies both the signal and
mount cell-site antennas. In such cases the rooftop usually is flat. There
should be enough clearance around the antenna post mounted in the middle
of the building to avoid blockage of the beam pattern from the edge of the
roof (see Fig. 12.19). A formula may be applied for this situation. Given the
vertical beamwidth of antenna and the distance from the antenna post to
the edge of the roof , the height of the post can be determined by
sectors as a conventional
In the = 7 pattern there is a total of 21 sectors with 15 channels in each
sector; in the = 4 pattern there is a total of 24 sectors with 13 channels in
each sector. The spectrum efficiency of using these two patterns can be
calculated using the Erlang B table in Appendix A.
With a blocking probability of 2 percent, the results are: an offer load of 189
erlangs for = 7 and 177 erlangs for = 4.
This means that the = 7 pattern offers a 7 percent higher spectrum
efficiency than the = 4 pattern does.
Here we could use the scheme for customizing channel distribution; that is,
usage of the 120◦ and 60◦ sectors can be mixed. Some 120◦ sectors can be
replaced by two 60◦ sectors in a = 7 pattern. The number of channels can
then be increased from 15 to 26 .This scheme would be suitable for small-cell
In certain situations, the narrowbeam sector scheme is better in a small cell
For 60◦ sectors, the 60◦ narrowbeam antennas would easily delineate the area
for operation of the assigned radio channels. However, choosing the correct
narrowbeam sector where the mobile unit is located is hard. As a result, many