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bio record experiments

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Class 10 – Experiments – Record

Aim: To demonstrate osmosis using visking bag containing sugar solution

Requirements: glass beaker, visking bag , thread, water, capillary tube and sucrose or sugar
i) visking bag is filled with sucrose solution and its mouth is tied with a knot.
ii) visking bag is kept inverted in a glass beaker that contains water.
iii) The initial level of sucrose is noted down in the capillary tube kept in the setup.
iv) After some time the sucrose solution rises in the capillary tube that indicates that
osmosis has occurred.
Observations: The level of water in capillary tube increases.
Results: i) Movement of water through the cellophane sheet to capillary tube can be seen.
ii) Water moves from the region of higher concentration to lower concentration.
iii) The movement water occurs through a semi-permeable membrane.
iv) The force due to which the solution in the tube increases is due to osmotic pressure.
v) Stability of water level shows that water concentration is the same and so osmosis stop.
Aim: To demonstrate osmotic pressure
Requirements: glass beaker, piston , thread, water, capillary tube and sucrose or sugar
solution, thistle funnel, a sheet of cellophane.
i) Thistle funnel is filled with sucrose solution and its mouth is tied with a parchment paper.
ii) Thistle funnel is kept inverted in a glass beaker that contains water with a airtight piston
bearing some weight.
iii) The initial level of sucrose is noted down.
iv) After some time the sucrose solution remains constant in the stem of a funnel that
indicates that osmosis has not occurred
Observations: pressure is exerted in the funnel due to piston
Results: i) Movement of water through the cellophane sheet to thistle funnel can’t be seen.
ii) Stability of water level in the funnel shows that water concentration in both the beakers
as well as the funnel is the same and so osmosis stop.
iii) the osmotic pressure is equal to the weight or pressure required to nullify osmosis.

Aim: To show that roots absorb water.

Requirements : Test tubes, oil, water, young leafy balsam plant with roots
i) Take two test tubes and mark them as A,B.
ii) Fill the test tubes with equal amount of water
iii) Test tube A: Water covered with a layer of oil(acts as control)
iv) Test tube B: Water + young leaf with intact root. Immerse the root in water.
Cover the water with oil. Mark the water level.
Observation: Test tube B: Level of water is decreased.
Test tube A: No change in the water level.
Results: Water is absorbed by roots.
Aim :Experiment to demonstrate water conduction by xylem:
Requirements :
A beaker, balsam plant, eosin dye, and a stand.

1. The balsam plant is placed in the eosin solution (red dye) for some time.
2. The veins of the plants have turned red and the shoot appears to be red.
3. The transverse section of the shoot is cut and xylem tissues were observed.

After staining xylem tissues (tracheids and vessels) appeared stained while the rest of
the tissues remain unstained.
Result : The above experiment proves that xylem tracheids and vessels are
responsible for the transportation of water and minerals as they appear red when the
plant is placed in an eosin solution.

Aim: To demonstrate the process of transpiration in plants using cobalt

chloride paper
Requirements: well watered potted plant, polythene bag, bell jar, dry
cobalt chloride paper, wooden stick/strip of a cork/glass slide

1. A small, well-watered potted plant with broad leaves is taken.

2. The plant used here is a dicot plant which has dorsiventral leaves.
3. The number of stomata varies on both surfaces in such plants.
4. The pot is then completely enclosed within a polythene bag and the
mouth is tied tightly around the base of the stem.
5. Dry cobalt chloride paper is placed on the two surfaces of a leaf still
attached to a plant.
6. Two glass slides are used to hold the position of paper and are tied
together by elastic bands or clips.
7. The plant is then covered with a bell jar.


1. This experiment is performed to demonstrate the rate of

transpiration on the two surfaces.
2. After some time, it is observed that water vapour condenses
on the inner walls of the jar.
3. Additionally, the cobalt chloride paper turns pink on the
lower surface while the cobalt chloride paper on the upper
surface takes a longer time to turn pink.

Role of cobalt chloride paper:

1. The color of cobalt chloride paper changes from blue to pink due to
2. Therefore, cobalt chloride paper is used to demonstrate
transpiration and also the different rates of transpiration on both
the surface of the leaves.
Experiment 07:

A potometer is a device, which is used to measure water uptake by the plant shoot
during transpiration. It is also known as transpirometer. Ganong’s potometer is used
to measure the transpiration rate in a laboratory. The Ganong’s potometer comprises
a glass tube, which is bent twice, and a glass cylinder having a wide mouth. A
capillary tube is inserted into a horizontal glass bar attached to a reservoir. A wide-
mouthed glass cylinder is present towards the front end of the apparatus. A rubber
cork with a hole is fitted on the mouth of the glass cylinder. A freshly cut twig is
placed in this hole. The horizontal bar has graduated readings marked over it. It has
a bent end with a nozzle opening. A beaker containing coloured water is placed below
this horizontal bar with the bent end inserted into it. A reservoir is connected to the
horizontal bar to store water. The entire set-up is placed on a flat surface.


 A few drops of eosin oil are added to the water to make it coloured.
 A freshly cut twig is placed on the mouth of the glass cylinder.
 A single air bubble has to be kept at the zero reading of the horizontal bar.
Lifting the bent end allows the air bubbles to enter and get trapped in the
horizontal bar.
 When the experiment begins, it is observed that the air bubble at the zero
reading starts to move.

As transpiration takes place, a transpirational pull is created by the shoot to make up
for the loss. Due to this, the horizontal bubble starts moving in the direction of the
twig. The transpiration rate is calculated by taking the distance covered by the air
bubble in a certain time period. Several readings were noted by repeatedly adjusting
the air bubble to zero. The average of these readings gives the transpiration rate.
Experiment 08:

Aim : To test a leaf for starch(Iodine test)

Test tube, Beaker,Ethyl alcohol, spirit lamp, petri dish, iodine solution, boiling water
bath, distilled water.

1. Heat a leaf in boiling water for a few seconds. This helps stop the chemical
reactions in the leaves.
2. Add this leaf to boiling ethanol for a few minutes. Boiling ethanol helps
dissolve the chlorophyll and thus turns the leaf white.
3. Rehydrate the leaf by washing it with water and spread the leaf on a white
4. Add iodine solution onto the leaf with the help of a pipette.
5. The parts of the leaf that contain starch turn blue-black in color due to a
reaction with iodine.

It was found that the leaf kept in sunlight gets changed into a blue-black colour as it
produces starch.

Experiment 09:

Aim: To sow that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis

Requirements: variegated leaves, ethyl alcohol, spirit lamp, petri dish, iodine
solution, boiling water bath, distilled water.
Procedure :

1. Take a potted plant with variegated leaves like croton and keep it in a dark
region, away from sunlight for 3 days. This will halt photosynthesis and de-
starch the plant.
2. Then keep the plant facing the sunlight for 6 to 8 hours
3. The plant can now carry out photosynthesis and produce starch.
4. Mark the green areas in the leaf and trace them on a sheet of paper. Mark the
regions as green and yellow.
5. The green areas contain chlorophyll which is absent in the yellow areas.
6. Immerse the leaf in boiling alcohol to decolorize it. The leaf slowly loses its
green color, which goes into the alcohol.
7. Dip this decolorized leaf in iodine solution. Now remove the leaf from the
iodine solution and rinse it in distilled water.

8. Remove the leaf from distilled water and keep it on a petri dish.


1. Two-color regions are visible in the leaf.

2. They are reddish-brown and blue-black.


1. It can be concluded that the earlier green parts of the leaf turn blue-black
whereas the yellow parts have become reddish-brown.
2. Green parts of the leaf possess chlorophyll; hence they carry out
photosynthesis and produce starch, which turns blue-black with

Experiment 10:

Aim : To prove the necessity of sunlight in photosynthesis

Requirements : De starched leaves, black paper, iodine solution,
 Take a plant with destarched leaf.
 Leaf is partially covered with black paper on which a design is cut.
 Expose this plant to sunlight for few hours and perform a starch test with iodine solution.
 Covered leaf part shows brown colouration.
 Exposed leaf shows blue-black colour.
Result- Starch is present in the exposed leaf.
Conclusion- Leaf exposed to sunlight give iodine test, proving that sunlight is necessary
for photosynthesis.

Experiment 11:

Aim : To prove that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis by Hydrilla funnel

Apparatus: Beaker with water , test tube , funnel, hydrilla plant, glowing splinter.


1) Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure.

2) Place some water plant like Hydrilla in a short stemmed funnel and keep it in a
3) Then pour the water in the beaker.
4) Invert a test - tube full of water over the stem of the funnel.
5) Ensure that the level of water in the beaker is above the level of stem of the
inverted funnel.
6) Place the apparatus in the sunlight for at least 8 -9 hours.

Observation :
1) After sometime it is observed that gas bubbles coming from the hydrilla plant.
These bubbles are collected at the end of the test tube pushing the water into the
2) After sufficient gas is collected, test - tube is taken out of the beaker carefully by
closing it with thumb.

Test : Test the gas in the test - tube by inserting a glowing incense stick which would
burst into flames. This shows the presence of oxygen :
Result : This shows that oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.

Precautions :
1) Funnel should be smaller than the beaker.
2) Care should be taken while removing test tube from the stem of funnel.

Experiment 12:

Aim : To prove-that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis by Mohl’s half leaf
Apparatus: Wide mouthed transparent bottle, KOH solution, potted plant, vertically
split cork, Iodine solution.
Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure.
1. Take a healthy potted plant and keep it in the dark for nearly a week for the
removal of starch from the leaves
2. A wide mouthed transparent bottle is taken.
3. Put potassium hydroxide pellets or potassium hydroxide solution (KOH) in the
4. This KOH absorbs CO2 present in the bottle.
5. Insert splitted cork in the mouth of the bottle.
6. Insert one of the leaves of destarched plant through a split cork into transparent
. Arrange half of the leaf is inside bottle and the remaining half outside.
8. Leave the plant in the sunlight for 2-3 hours.
9. After a few hours, test this leaf and other leaf of this plant for starch.

Observation : 1. The part of the leaf outside the bottle turns blue-black because
starch is formed in this part due to photosynthesis.
2. The part of the leaf inside the bottle does not turn blue-black because the carbon
dioxide present inside the bottle is absorbed by potassium hydroxide solution.
3. All the other factors water, sunlight and chlorophyll are available but not CO2.
Hence starch is not formed in the leaf part which is inside the bottle.

Result: This experiment proves that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis.

1. The part of the leaf kept inside the bottle should not touch potassium hydroxide
2. The apparatus should be kept air tight by applying grease or vaseline.

Experiment 13:

Geotropism is also known as gravitropism is a coordinated process of plant growth in

response to gravity pulling on it. It generally occurs in all higher and many lower
Charles Darwin was one of the first scientists to demonstrate that roots show positive
geotropism while stem shows negative geotropism. This means that roots grow in the
direction of gravitational pull (downward) while stems grow in the opposite direction

Geotropism is of two types:

- The ability of roots to grow downwards is known as positive geotropism, it is seen
in mostly all kinds of plants. Example: roots.
- The upward growth of plant parts against gravity is called negative geotropism,
which occurs against the gravitational pull. Example: stem or aerial roots

Experiment to demonstrate:
- Take a potted plant, lay it on its side in a horizontal position for some time.
- The stem and roots will grow parallel to the ground. After a few days the potted
plant bent towards the earth.
- The growing part of the stem to display negative geotropism, it will grow upwards
against the gravitational pull.
- The roots will grow in the direction of gravitational pull in a downward position
resulting in positive geotropism.

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