Parametric vs non parametric tests- Chi Square Test
Parametric vs non parametric tests- Chi Square Test
Parametric vs non parametric tests- Chi Square Test
Chi-Square Test
Parametric v/s Non-Parametric Test
These tests are exclusively for data of nominal scale of measurement. For
this type of measurement, data are classified into categories where there is
no natural order. Examples include gender of Congressional representatives,
state of birth of students, or brand of peanut butter purchased.
For that we introduce a new test statistic: the chi-square statistic.
The key differences between nonparametric and parametric tests
based on certain properties.
Assumptions Yes No
Step 5: Take sample, make decision, do not reject H0, 2.200 is not greater than 7.815
Step 6: Interpret, the data do not suggest the preferences among the four entrées are
Chi-Square Characteristics
The characteristics of the chi-square distribution are
The value of chi-square is never negative
There is a family of chi-square distributions
The chi-square distribution is positively skewed
As the degrees of freedom increase, the distribution
approaches a normal distribution
Hypothesis Test of Unequal Expected
Frequencies Example
The American Hospital Administration Association reports the number of times senior
citizens are admitted to a hospital during a one-year period; 40% are not admitted, 30%
are admitted once, 20% are admitted twice, and 10% are admitted 3 or more times.
Now, calculate z values to calculate the area of probability for each of the eight classes.
This multiplied by the total, 180, will represent the expected frequencies for each class.
x − xഥ $200−$1,843.17 x − xഥ $600−$1,843.17
z= s = = 2.55 z= s = = 1.93
$643.63 $643.63
P(x < $200) = P(z < -2.55) = .5000 - .4946 = .0054
P($200 < x < $600) = P(-2.55 < z < -1.93) = .0268 - .0054 = .0214
Hypothesis Test that a Distribution is
Normal Example Continued
Now, combine the classes that have fe < 5.
Step 6: Interpret, the sample data do not provide evidence that pay type and
satisfaction level with health care benefits are related.
Question: The Federal Correction Agency: Does a male released from
federal prison make a different adjustment to civilian life if he returns to
his hometown or if he goes elsewhere to live? To put it another way, is
there a relationship between adjustment to civilian life and place of
residence after release from prison? Use the .01 significance level.
Two variables: 1. adjustment to civilian life 2. place of residence.
Note that both variables are measured on the nominal scale.