13 time & work
13 time & work
13 time & work
Suppose A can finish a piece of work in 8
Then, uwork done by A in 1 1 days.
das (by unitary method].
(1i) Suppose that the
work done by A in 1day is 1
EXAMPLE 1. A alone can finish a piece of work in 12 daus andBalone can do it in
l5 days. f
both of them work at it together, how much time uwill they take to finish it?
Solution Time taken by A to finish the work = 12 days.
Time taken by B to finish the work = 15 days.
60 20
20 2
Time taken by (A + B) to finish the work = 3 days, i.e. 6 days.
Hence, both can finish the work in 6 days.
170 Mathematics for Class 8
EXAMPLE 2. Aand Btogether can do a piece of work in 12 days, while Balone can
30 days. In how manydays can A alone finish the work? finish it in
Solution Time taken by (A + B) to finish the work = 12 days.
Timetalken by B alone to finish the work = 30 days.
(A + B)s 1day's work =
and B's 1day's work
A's 1day's work = {(A + B)'s Iday's work} - (B's 1day's work}
30 60 20
EXAMPLE 5. Atap A Can fill a cistern in 8 hours while tap B can fll it in 4
hours, In how much
time will the cistern be filled if both A and B are opened
cistern =8 hours,
Solution Time taken by tap Ato fill the
cistern = 4 hours,
Time taken by tap B to fill the
Work done by tap A in 1hour
hour =
Work done by tap B in 1 4
hour =+
Work done by (A + B) in 1
EXAMPLE 6. Atap Acan fill a cistern in 4 hours and the tap B can empty the full
6 hours. If both the taps are opened together in the empty cistern, in cistern
time will the cistern be filled up? mnuch
Solution Time taken by tap A to fill the cistern = 4 hours.
Time taken by tap B to empty the full cistern = 6 hours.
Work done by tap A in 1 hour = 4
Work done by tap B in 1hour (: tap B empties the cistern).
1 1
Work done by (A+ B) in 1 hour 12
1. Rajan can do a piece of work in 24 days while Amit can do it in 30 days. In how many days
can they complete it,if they work together?
2. Ravi can do a piece of work in 15 hours while Raman can doit in 12 hours. How long wll
both take to do it, working together?
3. A and B, working together can finish a piece of work in 6 days, while A alone can do it in
9days. How much time will B alone take to finish it?
4. Two motor mechanics, Raju and Siraj, working together can overhaul a scooter in 6 hours.
Raju alone can do the job in 15 hours. In how many hours can Siraj alone do it?
5. A, Band C can do a piece of work in 10days, 12 days and 15 days respectively. How long
will they take to finish it if they work together?
6. A can do a piece of work in 24 hours while B alone can do it in 16 hours, If A, B and C
working together can finish it in 8 hours, in how many hours can C alone finish the work?
7. A, B and C working together can finish a piece of work in 8 hours. A alone can do it
20 hors and B alone can do it in 24 hours. In how many hours will alone do the sant
Time and Work 173
Aand can fnish apiece of work in 16
and worked at it for 2 days. He davs and 12 days respectively. Astarted the work
was then taken to finish the
Work. joined by B. Find the total time
can do a piece of work in 14 days
days. Then, Afell illwhile
worked at;it for 6 Bcan do it in 21 days. They began together and
how many days was the work and Bhad to completethe remaining work alone. In
2 completed?
ho) Acan do of a certain work in 16 days and Bcan do-of the same work in 3 days. In how
many days can both finish the work, 4
working together?
A.Band C can doa piece of work in 15. 12 and 20 davs
respectively. They started the wo
together, but C leit after 2 days. In how many davs will the remainhg work be
A and B? completeda by
19 A
and B can do a piece of work in 18 davs: R andCcan doit in 24 days
while Cand A Can
finish it in 36 days. In how many days can A, B, Cfâinish it, if they all work together?
13. Aand B can do a piece of workin 12 davs. B and C in 15 days, and C and A in 20 days. i0w
much time will A alone take to finish the iob?
14. Pipes A and B can fil an empty tank in 10hours and 15 hours respectively. If both are
opened together in the empty tank, how much time will they take to fill it completely?
15. Pipe A can fill an empty tank in 5 hours while pipe B can empty the full tank in 6 hours. If
both are opened at the same time in the empty tank, how much time will they take to fillit
up completely?
16. Three taps A, B and C can fill an overhead tank in 6 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours
respectively. How long would the three taps take to fill the empty tank, if all of them are
opened together?
17. Acistern has twoinlets A and B which can fill it in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively.
An outlet C can empty the full cistern in 10 mintes. If all the three pipes are opened
together in the empty tank, how much time will they take to fill the tank compBetely?
up in
8 A pipe can fill a cistern in9 hours. Due to a leak in its bottom, the cistern fills
emptied by the leak?
10 hours. If the cistern is full, in how much time will it be
Hint. Work done bu the leak in l hour l9 10) 90
hoùrs =
Work done by both in 2
Remaining part
in 1 hour.
Find ho much time B will take to fll 12 part.
Now. g Part is filled bå B
Mathematics for Class 8
Tick (/) the correct answer in each of the following:
1. A alone can do a piece of work in 10 days and Balone can do it in 15 days. In
days will A and B together do, the same work?
how many
(a) 5 days (by6 days (c) 8 days (d) 9 days
2. Aman can do a piece of work in 5 days. He and his son working together can finish it i
3days. In how many days can the son do it alone?
(a) 6 days (b) 7 days (c) 7 days (d) 8 days
3. A can do a job in 16 days and Bcan do the same job in 12 days. With the help of C, thev can
finish the job in 6 days only. Then, C alone can finish it in
(a) 34 days (b) 22 days (c) 36 days (d) 48 days
4. To complete a work, Atakes 50% more time than B. If together they take 18 days to
complete the work, how much time shall B take to do it?
(a) 30 days (b) 35 days (c) 40 days (d) 45 days
150x 3x
Hint. Suppose B takes x days. Then, Atakes -days.
100 2
12 1 5 1
x =30.
X 3x 18 3x 18
5. A works twice as fast as B. If both of them can together finish a piece of
work in 12 days.
then B alone can do it in
(a) 24 days (b) 27 days (c) 36 days (d) 48 days
Hint. Let B's 1day's work =x. Then, A's lday's work =2x.
1 1
.:. x+2 x = X=
12 12 36
6. A alone can finish a piece of work in 10 days which B alone can do in 15
days. If they work
together and finish it, then out of total wages of 3000, A will get
(a) 1200 (b) 1500 (c) 1800 (d) 2000
Hint. Ratio of the wages of Aand B = : =3:2.
10 15
7. The rates of working of Aand B are in the ratio 3:4.The nunber of days taken by
them to
finish the work are in the ratio
(a) 3: 4 (b) 9: 16 (c) 4: 3 (d) 16:9
Hint. Ratio of times taken by Aand B=:÷=4:3.
3 4
8. A and Btogether can do a piece of work in 12 days: B and C can do it in 20 days while
Cand A can do it in 15 days. A, B andCall working together can do it in
16. Apump can till a tank in 2 hours. Due to a leak in the tank it takes 2 3 hours to fill the tank.
The leak can empty the full tank in
(a) 2 hours (b) 7 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 14 hours
Hint. Work done by the leak in 1 hour=2 -7=14
17. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 hours and 12 hours respectively, while a third pipe empties
the full tank in 20 hours. If all the three pipes operate simultaneously, in how much time
will the tank be full?
(a) 7 hrs 15 min (b) 7 hrs 30 min (c) 7 hrs 45 min (d) 8 hrs
(Things to Remember
1. Suppose A can finish a piece of uDork in n days.
Then, work done byA in l dau =n
2. Suppose that the work done byA in 1 n
work = n days.
Then, time taken bå A to finish the
called an inlet.
3. (i) A pipe that flls a tank is
that empties a tank is called an outlet.
(1) Apipe
tank in n hours.
* Suppose a tap fills a
the tap in 1 hour =
Then, part of the tank filledby
full tank in n hours.
Suppose an outlet empties a -1
Then, uwork done bu it in 1hour = n
176 Mathematics for Class 8
9. Apump can filla cistern in 2 hours. Due to a leak in the tank it takes 2-3 hours to fll it.
The leak can empty the full tank in
(a) 7 hours (b) 14 hours (c) 8 hours (d) 3 hours
10. A works twice as fast as B. Ifboth of them can together finish a piece of work in 12 hours.
then B alone can do it in
(a) 24 hours (b) 27 hours (c) 36 hours (d) 18 hours