Six Phrase - Aptitude Training Shortcuts
Six Phrase - Aptitude Training Shortcuts
Six Phrase - Aptitude Training Shortcuts
3) A and B together do a piece of work in 15 days ,A can alone do it in 20 days ,In how 7) A can complete the work in 10 days , B can do it in 15 days , B started the work
many days B alone can do the work ? And after 5 days,A also joined him , How many days the work lasts ?
A+B=15 A=10
A=20 B = 15 L.C.M = 30 ( TOTAL WORK)
L.C.M =60 Total work Persons Per day work
Work done per day , A= 3, A+B= 4 , so B = 1 10 A 3
Therefore B can complete a work in 60 days . 15 B 2
B worked for 5 days , work completed is 10
4) A can complete the work in 25 days , B can do it in 20 days , they start the work Remaining work = 20
together after 5 days ,A left , B will do the remaining work in how many days? The remaining work wil be completed in 20/5 =4 days
A=25 Total no of days = 5 + 4 days = 9 days
B = 20 L.C.M = 100 ( TOTAL WORK)
Total work Persons Per day work 8) A can do a work in 45 days and B in 40 days , They work together , After Some days, A
25 A 4 left .B wil do remaining work in 23 days , After how many days A left ?
20 B 5 A=45
For first 5 days both A and B worked together 9*5 = 45 B = 40 L.C.M = 360 ( TOTAL WORK)
45 works are completed ,remaining works= 55 Total work Persons Per day work
B will complete it in = 55/5 = 11 days. 45 A 8
40 B 9
5) A can complete the work in 10 days , B can do it in 15 days , they start the work B worked for 23 days = 9*23 = 207
together after 3 days ,B left , A will do the remaining work in how many days? Remaining work = 360-207 = 153
A=10 A left in = 153/117=9 days
B = 15 L.C.M = 30 ( TOTAL WORK)
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
9) A complete work in 24 days , B in 36 days , & C in 48 days . They start working together Total work Persons Per day work
.After 4 days , C left ,A left 3 days before completion of work , The work last for how 8 A 7
many days ? 7 B 8
A-24 2 Days the wil complete 15 works
B- 36 So they take 7 days to complete 52 works
C-48 L.C.M = 144 Remaining we have 4 works
Total work Persons Per day work 7 ½ days
24 A 6
36 B 4 13) A and B together can do a piece of work in 12 days , B and C in 15 days , C and A in 20
48 C 3 days . In how many days , altogether and separately do it ?
First 4 days all together = 13 * 4 =52 L.C.M = 60
52+12=64 A+B=12-5
80/10= 8 days. B+C=15-4
4+3+8=15 days C+A=20-3
adding all three equations
10) A can complete in 12 days , B in 16 days ,C in 24 days .They all started the work 2(A+B+C)=12
together After 2 days C left , A left 3 days before completion of work ,the work last for ?? All together they work for A+B+C= 6 DAYS
A-12 A+B+C= 6, B+C=4 , A=2 DAYS
B- 16 A+B+C= 6,C+A=3 ,B=3 DAYS
C-24 L.C.M = 48 A+B+C= 6,A+B= 5 C=1 DAYS
Total work Persons Per day work
12 A 4 14) A can do a piece of work in 80 days . He worked only for 10 days and the remaining
16 B 3 work done by B in 42 days .Both together in how many days ?
24 C 2 L.C.M = 80
First 2 days all together = 9*2 =18 A‟s per day work is 1
18+9=27 A worked for 10 days So 10 works wil be completed ,Remaining works = 70
21/7= 3 days. B = 70/42 = 5/3 work per day
2+3+3=8 days Both 1+5/3=8/3 80/8/3=30 days
11) A can do a piece of work in 9 days ,B in 12 days . They work for a day alternatively 15) 12 men can do a piece of work in 8 days , They start working together after 3 days , 3
beginning with A so the work lasts for ?? more men joined them .The remaining work done by 15 men in how many days ?
L.C.M = 36 12 men *1 = 12 piece per day
Total work Persons Per day work Today work =12*8=96
9 A 4 12*3=36 96-36=60
12 B 3 60/15 = 4 days
2 Days the wil complete 7 works
16) A is twice as good workman as B and together take 14 days to complete the work ,In
So they take 10 days to complete 35 works
how many days ,B alone can do the work ?
Remaining we have only one work
10 ¼ days
Total per day work = 3
12) A can do a piece of work in 8 days ,B in 7 days . They work for a day alternatively
14 days *3 = 42
beginning with A so the work lasts for ??
B can do it in =42/1= 42 days …
L.C.M = 36
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
6m 8b 10 :26m 48 b 2
17) A is thrice as good workman as B and together take 15 days to complete the work ,In 60 80 : 52 96
how many days ,B alone can do the work ? 10m = 10
A=3,B=1 15m+10mm =?
Total per day work = 4 10*10/25 =>4 days
4*15 = 60
B can do it in = 60/1 = 60 days PIPES AND CISTERNS
24) Pipe A takes 10 hrs to fill the tank and pipe B takes 15 hrs to fill the tank.If the both
18) A can do the piece of work in 12 days ,B is 60 % more efficient than A .In how many are opened how long will it take to fill the tank?
days ,B alone can do the work ? A – 10=3
A (1) * 12 =12 B – 15=2/5 LCM = 30
B= 1+0.6=1.6 Capacity.
12/0.6 =7.5 days 30/5=6 hrs.
19) A can do the piece of work in 30 days ,B is 50 % more efficient than A .In how many 25) A pipe can fill a tank in 15 hrs.Due to a leakage in the bottom,it is filled in 20 hrs.If the
days ,B alone can do the work ? tank is filled,how long the leak take to empty the tank?
A=1 30 15 = 4
B =1.5 20 = 3 Capacity = 60
30/1.5=20 days leakage = 1 / hour = 60/1=60 hrs.
20) If 3 men or 4 women can do a piece of work in 43 days ,In how many days 7 men and 26) Pipe A can fill a tank in 20 hrs and B in 30 hrs and C can empty the tank in 40 hrs.
5 women working together could complete the same work ? When all the 3 pipes are opened together, how long will it take to fill the tank?
3m or 4 w = 43 A - 20 6 Capacity-120 10 20,30,40
7m & 5 w = ? B - 30 4 2 2,3,9
1 m=4/3w =>7m = 28/3w+5w=43/3w C - 40 3 1,3,2
4*43/43/3=12 days(Or) 3*4*43/3*5+7*4 = 12 days 7
120/7=17 1/7 hrs.
21) If 5 men or 9 boys can do a piece of work in 19 days , In how many ways 3 men & 6
boys working together can complete the work ? 27) Pipe A takes 10 hrs to fill the tank. Pipe B takes 15 hrs to fill the tank and Pipe C takes
5m or 9b = 19 9 hrs to empty the tank. When all of them are opened together, how long will it take to fill?
3m & 6b =? A - 10 = 9
5*9*19/57= 15 days B - 15 = 6 Capacity – 90 5 10,15,9
C - 9 = 10 3 2,3,9
22) If 4 men & 6 women can do a piece of work in 8 days , while 3 men and 7 women take 5 2,1,3
10 days . in how many days 10 women working together can complete the work?? 90/5 = 18 hrs.
4m 6w 8 : 3m 7w 10
32m 48w : 30m 70w 28) Pipe A takes 12 hrs to fill the tank,Pipe B takes 15 hrs to fill the tank,Pipe C takes 6 hrs
50w = 8 to empty the tank.For 5 hrs in the beginning and then the third pipe also open.After how
10w = ? much time,tank will be filled or empty?
50*8/10= 40 days
A – 12 =5 9
23) If 6 men and 8 boys take 10 days while 26 men & 48 boys take 2 days .In how many B – 15 = 4
days 15 men and 20 boys working together could complete ? C - 9 = 10
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
5 Diff = n4 years (age of child)
Capacity = 60 (Since, one litre will get reduced for every one hr)
9*5= 45 = 45/1= 45 hrs(Empty) 34) Average age of husband and wife who was married 5 years ago was 20 years .Now the
29) Pipe A takes 12 hrs to fill the tank,pipe B 15 hrs to fill the tank Pipe c 5 hrs to average age of husband, wife and child is 18 years. Age of child?
empty.The first 2 are kept open for 5 hrs and then C also opened after how much time 20 * 2 = 40
tank will be filled or empty ? After 5 years, sum = 50
A - 12 = 5 18* 3 = 54 Diff= 4 years.
B - 15 = 4 3 12,15,5
C - 5 = 12 Capacity 60. 5 4,5,5 35) Average age of thirty children in a class is 9 years. If the teacher‟s age be included the
2,1,1 average becomes 10 years, what is the age of teacher?
9*5 = 45 45/3=15 hrs (Empty) 9 * 30 = 270
10 * 31 = 310
30) Two pipes a dn y can fill a tank in 24 hrs,32 hrs respectively. If both are opened = 40 years.
together, then after how much time pipe y should be closed so that the tank is filled in 18
hrs? 36) Average age of 35 children in a class is 13 years. If a teacher's age be included the
A – 24 = 4 * 18 average becomes 14 years what is the age of teacher?
B – 32 = 3 Capacity 96 litre 4 24, 32 35* 13 =455
2 6, 8 36 * 14 = 504
3, 4 49
96-72 = 24-3 8 hrs 37) Sum of the ages of father and son at present is 50 years and also 5 years ago the fathers
age was 7 times that of his son's age.what's the present ages of father and son?
31) Pipe x and y can fill a tank in 12 hrs and 8 hrs respectively. If both are opened together, Ratio 7 : 1 (before 5 years)
then after how much time pipe y should be closed so that tank is filled in 6 hrs? 50
X - 12 = 12 * 6 Capacity 24 litres 4 12,8 -10 (before 5 yrs)
Y - 8 = 3 3,2 40
24-12 = 12/3 = 4 hrs. Present
40 * 7/3 = 35 + 5 =40
32) Three Pipes A,B C can fill a tank in 6 hrs.All are opened together after 2hrs C is 40 * 1 /8 = 5 + 5 = 10.
closed and pipe A and B take 7 hrs to fill the remaining part of the tank.Pipe C alone will
take how long to fill the tank? 38) Sum of ages of father and son at present is 56 years.After 4 years fathers age will be 3
A+B+C=6 times that of his son's age. What is the Present age of father and son?
after two hours LCM = 28 (for 2/3 Ratio 3 : 1
A + B + C =4 = 7 Capacity = 3* 28/2 = 42 litres. 56 64 * 3/4 = 48 – 4 =44
A+B=7=4 8 (After 4 years) 64 * 1/4 = 16 - 4 =12
C = 3. 64
= 42/3 = 14 hrs.
39) The ratio of the ages of father and son at present is 11 : 3.The difference of their age is
PROBLEMS ON AGES 24 years. What will be their ratio after 3 years?
33) The average age of husband and wife who were married 5 years ago was 23 years.Now Diff =24 24/8 = 3 years
the average age of husband and wife and child is 20 years. How old is the child now? Ratio = 11: 3 33 : 9
23 * 2 = 46. Diff - 8
After 5 years sum = 56 After 3 years, 36 : 12
20*3 =60 3:1
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
3 * 5 = 2
40) The ratio of the ages of father and son at present is 6: 1.After 5 years the ration will 1 10 1 Present Father = 45
become 7: 2.Find the ages of father and son at present. 3 5
At present 6: 1 Both increase for 5 years once, 1 ratio = 5 years 2 20
After 5, 7 : 2 1 = 15
= 30 : 5
6 + 5 + 7 45) What is Present age of father? The ratio of ages of father and son 5 years ago was 5 :
1 5 2 1.The ratio of ages of father and son at present is 2 : 1.The ratio of the ages of father and
12 10 son after 10 yeasr will be 3: 1?
7 35 (A) 1 and 2 (B) 1 and 3.
5 : 25
1 = 5 years. PARTNERSHIP
46) 3 Partners A,B & C investing rupees 10,000 ,13,000 & 17,000. The profit was made Rs
41) The ratio of ages of father and son at present is 3: 1, After 18 years the ration will 4000 at the end of the year .Find A‟s Profit ?
become 2 : 1.What is the present age of father? Ratio of A:B:C = 10:13:17
3 18 = 2 A‟s Profit =4000 *10/40 = Rs 1000
1 18 1
3 36 47) A started a business investing Rs 9000 , 5 months later ,B joining the business investing
2 18 Rs 8000.The profit was made Rs 6970 at the end of year .Find B „s profit ?
1 = 18 years. 9000*12/8000*7 =108/5627:14
Father = 54 years. 6970*14/41=2380
42) The ratio of the ages of father and son 10 years ago was 4 : 1 and after 10 years 2 : 48) A and B started a business investing Rs 4000 & RS 3000 .A removed his money after 1
1 .What is the present age of father and son.? year and B continued for one more year .The Profit was made of Rs 5000 at the end of
4 * 20 = 2 second year .Find B‟s Profit .
1 20 1 Present 4000*12/3000*24=2/32:3
5000*3/5= 3000
4 20 Father = 50
2 40 son = 20 49) A and B started a business investing Rs 20,000 & RS 15,000.After 6 months ,C joined
2 20 by investing Rs 25000 , The profit was made of Rs 19000 at the end of the year .Find A‟s
1 10 yrs. profit?
43) The ratio of ages of father and son 10 yeasr ago was 3: 1 and after 10 years 2 : 1? 8:6:5
3 * 20 = 2 Present 19000*8/19=8000
1 20 1 Father = 70
son = 30 50) A and B started a business investing Rs 16,000 & RS 12,000.After 3 months ,A
3 20 withdraw Rs 5000 while B investing Rs 5000 more .After 3 more months ,C joined
2 40 investing Rs 21000. The profit is Rs 26400 at the end of year.Find C‟s profit?
1 : 20 yrs 16000*3 ,
44) The ratio of the ages of father and the sum of the ages of his two sons is 3 : 1.After 5 48+99=147
years, the ratio will become 2 : 1.What's the present age of the father? 12000*3,
(two sons) 17000*9,
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
36+153=189 2*100/4=50 %
Ratio 147:189:126 60) If the C.P of 15 articles is equal to selling price of 12 articles .Find gain % ?
7:9:6 3*100/12=25 %
C‟s Profit = 26400*6/22=7200
61) A dealer proposing to sell at C.P & uses 900 gms weight for 1 kg .Find his gain %
51) Three partners A,B,C investing rupees 20000 each .After 5 months ,A withdrew 5000 100*100/900=11 1/9 %
and B withdraw 4000 & C investing 6000 more. The profit was made of Rs 69900 at the
end of the year ,Find A‟s Profit?? 62) A shop keeper mixing 2 variety of tea powder 1 costs Rs 35/kg & other Rs 45/kg in the
20000*5,15000*7 100+105205 ratio 3:2 ,If he sells the mixture at Rs 41.6/kg .Find gain %?
20000*5,16000*7100+112212 Ratio :
20000*5,26000*7100+182 282 35*3=105
205:212:282 45*2=90
69000*205/69920500 195
52) A started a business by investing Rs 8000 .After how many months ,‟B” joining the Diff = 208-195=13
business invest 12000 so that the profit sharing ratio wil be eaual at the end of the year .. 13*100/195=6 2/3 %
12000*x=96000 63) A shopkeeper mixing 3 varieties of tea powder 1 at Rs 50/kg , 2 nd at 30/kg,3 rd at
x=8 months Rs20/kg in the ratio 2:3:4.If he sells the mixed variety at Rs 33/kg.Find gain %
53) A man sold an article for Rs 100 & gain s Rs 10. Find his gain percentage . 33*9=297
100*100/90=11.11% 297-270=27
54) A man sold an article for Rs 100 & loss s Rs 10. Find his loss percentage
100*100/110= 9.09 % 64) A man bought paper sheets for Rs 7200 & spent Rs 200 on transport & paying Rs 600
for 330 boxes made , which he sold at Rs 28 each box. Find his gain %?
55) A man sold an article Rs 1980 & gains 10 % ,Find C.P ? Total C.P = 7200+200+600 = Rs 8000
100*1980/110=1800 S.P= 330*28=9240
Profit = 9240-8000=1240
56) A man sold an article per piece for Rs 150,a man loses 25 % ,Find C.P P%=1240*100/8000=15.5%
100*150/75 =200
65) A man purchased sugar cost Rs 400 .He sold 3/4th at a loss of 10%.And remainder at
57) By Selling an article for Rs 1140 ,A man loses 5 % , In order to gain 5 % , the article gain of 10%,the entire transaction resulted how much % gain or loss?
must be sold for ? ¾*400=300 , 10% loss270
C.P = Rs 1200 ¼*400=100, 10% gain 110
1140*105/95 Rs 1260 . Total S.P = 380 loss=20
L % =20*100/400=5% loss
58) A man buys at the rate of 2 lemons for rs 1 & sells them 5 for rs 3 .Find his gain % .
0.5*100/2.5=20 % 66) A man purchased sugar cost Rs 450.He sold 1/3 rd at 10% loss.At what gain % should
his remainder be sold so as to gain 20 % overall?
59) A man buys 6 lemons for rs 10 & sold 4 lemons for rs 10. find gain %? 1/3*450=150,loss of 10% 135
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
20/100*450=90 100-43.2 =56.8 %
30%+5%=35% 73) The printed price of an article is Rs 150.The shopkeeper allowed successive discount .If
the second discount is 12.5 % .what was the first discount , so that the final payment of the
67) A man purchased sugar cost Rs 600.He sold 1/3 rd at 10% loss.At what gain % should article is Rs 105?
his remainder be sold so as to gain 20 % overall? 87.5 % =>105
1/3*600=200,10% loss 180 100 % => ?
20/100*600=120 100*105/87.5=120
2/3*600=400 150-120=3030/150*100=20%
74) A horse & a cow were sold for Rs 12000 each .The horse was sold at a loss of 20 % &
68) 2/3rd sold at 5% gain & remainder sold at a loss of 2 % .In this transaction , the trader cow at a gain of 20 % .The entire transaction resulted in how much % gain or loss accured?
gets Rs 400 as profit .Find the value of goods ? 100/80*12000=15000
Assume (300) 100/120*12000=10000
2/3*300=200, 5 % gain 210 Total C.P = 25000
1/3*300=100,2% loss 98 ----------Total = 308. Total S.P = 12000*2= 24000
3008 Loss=1000
? 400 L % = 1000/25000*100= 4 % loss
75) A man sold two horses for Rs 4000 each , He neither loosing nor gaining in the deal .If
69) When the price of the article was increased by 10%.and sale decreased by 10% .So he sold one at gain of 25 % so other at a loss of how much percentage ?
what is the effect on his income? S.P = 4000*2=8000
No of articles * cost 10*10=100 Total S.P=Total C.P
Decrease * increase 9*11=99 100/125*4000=Rs 3200
Diff=1 Remaining =8000-3200=4800
1/100*100=1% 4800-4000=800
70) When the price of the article was decreased by 10%.and sale increased by 10% .So
what is the effect on his income? 76) A dealer sells a radio at a gain of 10%,If he had bought it at 10% less and sold it for Rs
No of articles * cost 10*10=100 132 less ,he would have still gained 10% ,Find C.P
increase * decrease 11*9=99 Assumption:
Diff=1 100+10=110
1/100*100=1% 90+9=99
71) When the price of the article was increased by 20%.and sale decreased by 15% .So
what is the effect on his income? 10011
No of articles * cost 100*100=10000 ? 132
Decrease * increase 85*120=10200
Diff=200 132*100/11=Rs 1200
200/10000*100=2% gain
Verification :
72) A discount serial of 10%,20% & 40% is equal to single discount of how much % ? 1200+120(10%)=1320
0.9*0.8*0.6=0.432 1080+108(10%)=1188
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
Diff = 132 8?
77) A dealer sells a radio at a loss of 10%,If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs
55 more ,he would have had a profit of 40% ,Find C.P? 83) A can do a piece of work in 10 days & B can do in 15 days .They worked together &
100-10=>90 completed .The total wages for the work is Rs 600.Find A‟s Share ?
80+32=>112 Person Total work Per day work
Diff=22 A 10 3
B 15 2
10022 Total Per work =5
? 55 3/5*600=360
55*100/22=250 84) A can do a piece of work in 10 days & B can do in 15 days .They worked together and
after 2 days A left ,then B do the remaining total wages for work is Rs 600.
78) At what percentage above the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his radio so he get a Person Total work Per day work
profit of 20 % even allowing 10 % discount on marked price? A 10 3
M.P= 100+P%/100-D%*C.P B 15 2
120/90*100=33.33% Total Per work =5
L.C.M = 30
RATIO AND PROPORTION A‟s 2 day work =3*2=6
79) If a:b=2:3,b:c=4:5 ,Find a:c,a:b:c=? A= 6*600/30=120
85) A bag contains 1 Rs ,50 P & 25 P coins in the ratio 5:6:8 .If the total is Rs 420 .Find no
b : c a:b:c 8:12:15 , a:c8:15 of coins in each sort ?
80) If a:b=2:3,b:c=4:5,c:d=6:7,Find a:d & a:b:c? 5 :6 :8
a:b 500:300:200 Amount ratio == 5:3:2
b : c 5/10*420=210*1=210
c : d 2/10*420=84*4=336
48:72:90:105 86) A bag contains 25 P coins ,10p coins & 5P coins in the ratio 1:2:3 .If the total is Rs 30
.Find no of 5pcoins?
81) The ratio of money with a:b=7:17 ,b:c=7:17, If a has Rs 470.Find C? 25:10:5
a:b 1: 2: 3
25:20:15 Amount ratio == 5:4:3
b : c a:b:c 49:119:289
Rs 2890 3/12*30=7.5*20=150
82) The cost of making an article is divided between materials ,labour & overheads in the 87) The ratio of 1st & 2 nd class fare between the 2 stations is 4:1 & yhat of no of passengers
ratio 3:4:1 ,If the materials cost Rs 67.5 ,Find the cost of article . travelling by 1st & 2 nd class is 1:40.If Rs 1100 is collected as fare .Find the amount
3:4:1 collected from 1 st class Passenger .
367.5 4:1
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
1:40 1680 * 70 = 1176 boys.
4:40 ratio == 1:10 100
94) In an examination 65 % of students are passed and no of failures is 420.Find the total
88) The incomes of A & B are in the ratio 3:2 and their expenditure in the ratio 5:3 ,If each strength?
sales Rs 1000 ,Find A‟s income . 420 * 100 =1200
5/3+1000/1000=3/2 35
9:3000 95) In an examination, a student scored 30% marks from the first paper out of 180.How
1:1000 much % should he score from 2nd paper out of 150 if he is to get an overall average of
5000+1000 = Rs 6000 /- atleast 50 %?
89) Two equal glasses are respectively 1/3 & ¼ full of milk .They are then filled up with I 180 180 * 30 =54
water & the contents mixed in a tumbler .What is the ratio of milk & water in the glass? 100
M 1/3+1/4=7/12 II 150
W2/3+3/4=17/12 330 111 * 100 = 74 %
Ratio 7:17 150
330 = 165.
90) A and B are two alloys of gold and copper prepared by mixing metals in the ratio 7:2 & 2
7:11 .If equal quantities of the alloys are melted to form a third alloy C, whats the ratio of
gold & copper in C? 96) In an examination a student scored 30 % marks from the I paper out of 150.How
7:2=9 much % should he score out of 120 if he is to get an overall percentage of atleast 50 %?
7:11=18 I 150 30 * 150 = 45
To make sum equal 100
14:4 II 120 90 * 100 = 75 %
7:11 270 120
21:15 7:5
270 = 135
91) In a mixture of 20 l of milk & water contains in the ratio 5:1 .If 4l of mixture is 2
replaced by 4 l water .so what is the ratio of milk & water in the new mixture ?
20 litres = 15:5 =15-3:5-112:4+4 lit =>12:8 4:3 97) In an examination a student scored 30 % marks from I paper out and he is failed by 15
marks and another student who scored 40 % mark and he obtained 35 mark more than
92) A jar contained 800 l of milk ,200l is removed from the container & 200 l water is pass mark.Find pass mark?
added to this .the same process is repeated twice .what amount of milk wil be there at the Maximum mark = Addition of difference in pass mark.
end of 3 rd process? Difference of scoring percentage
8003:1==600(x):200(y) = 50 * 100 = 165
x(x-y/x)^n 10
500 * 30 = 150 + 15 = 165
93) If 70 % of the students in a school are boys. And the no of girls be 504.Find no of boys. 500 * 40 = 200 – 35 = 165
504 * 100 = 1680. 100
165 * 100 = 33 %
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
104) 12) 10 % of voters did not cast their votes in an election between 2 candidates.10 % of
98) In an exam 42 % of students failed in Hindi.52 % failed in English.If 17 % failed in the polled were invalid and one gets 54 % of the total valid votes and he is elected by the
both, find % of students passed in both? majority of 1620 votes. Find the number of votes enrolled on voter's list?
100 – 77 = 23 % 8% 1620
100% ?
99) The price of sugar was increased by 25 %.How much % the house holder reduce the = 1620 * 100 = 20250.
consumption so their expenditures remains the same 8
For increase R * 100 20250 * 100 = 22500
100 + R 25 * 100 = 20 % 90
For decrease R * 100 125 22500 * 100 = 25000
100 - R 90
100) If A's income is 20 % less than B's income .In how much % B's income is more than 105) The population of the town increased by 10 % in the! St year and 20 % in the 2nd
that of A? year. The population after 2 years will be ? The population is 8000?
800 1000 8000 10 % = 800
8000 + 800 = 8800
200 * 100 = 25 %
800 8800 20% = 1760
8800 + 1760 = 10560
101) In an election between 2 candidates, one gets 62 % of votes and he is elected by
majority of 144 votes .Find the no of votes. Pop 1 + r n
144 * 100 62 % - 38 % = 24 %. 100 ;
162 Future Population * 100 + R ; Past Population * 100
100 100 + R
144 * 100 = 600
24 106) The population of the town increased by 5% evy year.If the pesent population is
102) In an election between 2 candidates ,one gets 30 % of the voter and id defeated by 15435?
15000 votes. Find no of votes of winning candidate? 15435 * 100 * 100 = 14000
15000 * 100 = 3750 * 70 105 105
40 100
(OR) 107) In a mixture of 40 litre of milk and water contains 10% water. How much water
40 % 15000 = 26250. should br added to this so that water becomes 20%?
70 % ? M 36 To add milk,
40 36 80% Total water
103) In an election between 2 candidates, one gets 55 % of total valid votes.20 % of votes W4 ? 20% 20 * 30 = 9litres. 9-4 = 5 litres.
were invalid.If the no of votes was 7500,so find the no of votes polled by defeated 80
Valid = 6000 108) A man sends 75 % of his income. If his income is increased by 20%,he increases his
55 % 6000 expenditure by 10 %.His savings are increases by how much %?
45 % ? 100 75 = 25 12.5 * 100 = 50%
= 2700. 120 82.5 = 37.5 25
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
109) A man donated 5% of his income to a trust and deposited 20% of remainder in a bank. 54kmph
If he now has Rs 1919.What is his income?
100 5% = 95 117) A train running with an avg speed of 25 kmph.It takes 18s to pass a platform & it
95 20% = 76 takes 12 s to pass a man who is running with an avg speed of 5 kmph in opposite
100 = 76 direction.what is the length of the train and platform .
? = 1919 D=25*5/18*18=125m
=2525 25+5=30*5/18=25/3
TIME & DISTANCE, TRAINS 125-100=25(platform)
110) A train 100 m long running with an avg speed of 72 km/hr .How long it will take to
cross an electric pole? 118) A train leaves delhi at 9 A.M with an avg speed of 25 kmph .Another train starts from
T = 100 * 18/72 * 5 = 5 sec same place in same direction with an average speed of 35 kmph at 2 P.M .How long they
both will be together ?
111) A train 100m long running with a avg speed of 72 kmph .How long it will take to
cross a platform of 150 m? 9.00==>25 kmph
T = (100+150) * 18/75 * 5 = 12.5 2.00==>35 kmph = Diff=10
112) A train 200m long running with avg speed of 72 kmph .It takes 1 min to cross a 5*25=125
platform. How long the platform? 125/10=12.5*35=437.5 km
72 kmph = 20 m/s
x+200/20=60 119) A thief steals a car at 1.30 P.M & drives with an avg speed of 45 kmph. The theft is
x=1000 m discovered at 2P.M . And the owner sets of another one with an average speed of 50
kmph .At what time the thief will be caught ?
113) A train 100m long running with a avg speed of 30 kmph .How long it will take to 45*50*1/5*2=225 km
cross a man who is running with an avg speed of 6 kmph in the opposite direction ? 225/50=4 1/2
T = 100 * 18/36 * 5 = 10 seconds 4.30+2 = 6.30 P.M
114) A train 200m long running with a avg speed of 80 kmph .How long it will take to 120) Two trains starts from delhi & hyderabad proceding towards each other at 95 kmph &
cross a man who is running with an avg speed of 8 kmph in the same direction? 80 kmph .when they meet , it is found that one train have travelled 180 km more than the
T = 200 * 18/72 * 5 = 10 seconds other .So find the distance between Delhi and hyderabad .
180/95-85 = 12 hrs*175(95+80) = 2100 km
115) Two trains are 132 m & 108 m long running at 40 kmph & 32 kmph . From the
moment they meet ,how long it will take to cross each other ? 121) A and B are two stations between 110 km .A train starts from A towards B at 7 P.M
T = 240m * 18/72 * 5 = 12 seconds with an average speed of 20 kmph .Another train starts from B towards A at 8 P.M at 25
kmph .At what time they will meet ?
116) A train 100 m long .It takes 10 seconds to pass a pole & it takes 8 seconds to pass a
same length of another train running in opposite direction.what is the speed of second
train ? 20 km
S=100/10=10 m/s 36 kmph
200/x+10=8 90 km
8x=120 90/20+25=2 hrs
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
8+2=10 P.M 128) A man covered certain distance by scooter .If he had travelled 3 km speed fast , he
would take 40 mins less.If he had travelled 2 km speed slow , he would take 40 min more.
122) A and B are two stations between 90 km .A train starts from A at 10 kmph & Find the usual speed and also distance ?
another from B at 5 kmph . Both trains are increasing the speed doubled itself in each Usual speed = 2 * product of inc & dec in speed = 12 kmph
hour .How many km from A , they will meet ? 12 12+ 3=15
1212 -2 =10
10 20 10 5 =>15*10/15-10*80/60=40 km
90*2/3=60 70
123) A boy goes to school with an avg speed of 30 kmph .he is late by 10 min. However 60 55 60
with an avg speed of 40 km//hr. He reached his school 5 min earlier .Find the distance 50 45
between school and house. 40 40
30-10 late 30
40-5 earlier 20
x/30-x/40=15/60 10
Product of 2 speed*difference of arrival/difference of 2 speed 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1200/10*15/60=30 km
124) A boy goes to school with an avg speed of 10 kmph. He is late by 15min. However
with an avg speed of 12 km//hr. Still he is 5 min late. Find the distance between school and
120/2 * 10/60 = 10 km
129) If the income in 1998 was Rs 264 crore, what was the expenditure in 1998?
125) A boy goes to school with an avg speed of 10 kmph and return back with 15 kmph. 100 165
Find avg speed ? ? 264
2xy/x+y 300/25 == 12 kmph 264*100/165=16000
126) A boy goes to school with an avg speed of 3 kmph and return back with 2 kmph.If he 130) If the income in 1995 was Rs 420 crore,what is the expenditure ?
takes 5 hrs in all , find the distance between school and house ? 100140
12/5 * 5 = 12 km ? 420
distance = 12/2=6 km 420 * 100/140 = 300
Total time * product of 2 speed /dist of 2 speed 5*6/5 = 6 km
131) In which year the ratio of income to expenditure the minimum ?
127) Without any stop, the average speed of bus is 54 kmph, with stop 45m kmph .How
many min/hr does the bus stopped? In 1995
Rest Time= Difference of speed /Speed without stop 100 140
= 9/54 = 1/6 hrs = 1/6 *60 min = 10 mins/hr 140/100=1.4
132) In which year the ratio of percentage earned to the previous year is the minimum ?
45/65 = 9/13 , 60/70 = 6/7
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
1997 27/81 * 100 = 33.33 %
133) What is the average profit % for all the years ? 139) If the total expenditure for the sports during the year was 72000, How much is spent
335/6 = 55.8 % on basket ball ?
50/360 * 72000 = 10,000
134) If the expenditure in 2000, was 25 % , more then thye expenditure in 1997, In 1997
income was what % less than the income in 2000? CALENDARS
100125*60/100 = 75 Day code:
Income 145200 = diff=55 Sun -0, Mon -1, Tue -2 , Wed-3, Thurs -4, Fri -5, Sat -6
55*100/200 = 27.5 % less Month Code:
Jan-0, Feb-3,Mar-3,Apr-6, May-1,Jun-4, Jul-6, Aug-2, Sep-5 ,Oct-0, Nov-3, Dec-5
135) If the profit in 2000 was Rs 4 crores ,what was the profit in 199? Year Code:
600 4 1600-1699 =6
70 ? 1700 – 1799 =4
Cannot be determined 1800-1899 =2
Tabulation II : H 2000-2099 =6
FB 140) What was the day on 16th july 1776?
81% 63% 76/4=19
16+76=92 92+19=111 111+6(month code)=117+4(year code) 121
54 % 121/7=2Tuesday
136) What % of total spending is spent on tennis? 143) What was the day on 15-02-2012?
45/360 * 100 == 12.5 % 15+12=2727+3=30+3(month code)=33+6(year code)=39
39/7=4 -1 (for leap yr dates between jan 1 to feb 29)3 (Wednesday)
137) How much % more is spent on hockey than that on Golf?
6)A bag contains 7 white & 5 black balls.A ball is drawn from the box and replaced.Again a
ball is drawn from the box.What is the probability that both were white,black. I white II
2)A cube is 4*4*4.It is painted in all surface areas.It is cut into 1*1*1. 7C1/12C1*7C1/12C1=49/144
8,24,24,8 7C1/12C1*5C1/12C1=35/144
3) A cube size is 3*3*3.It is painted in 3 diff colours.Opposite Sides are
Red,Black,Green.How many face 1 red,1 black,1 green.How many face 1 red 1black?How COMBINATION
many 1 red?none?How many atleast 1 face painted? 1)In how many ways to form a committee comsisting of 3 boys and 2 girls selected from 5
8,4,2,1,26 boys and 4 girls.
Formula: 5C3*4C2=60 ways.
3 faces=8
2 faces=12 (x-2) 2)In how many ways to form a committee consisting of 5 students selected from 5 boy and
1 face = 6 (x-2)^2 4 girls.Atleast 1 boy should be there.Find the probability?
no face =(x-2)^3 5C5+5C4*4C1+5C3*4C2+5C2*4C3+5C1*4C4
4) A cube 6*6*6 painted in 3 colours Opp sides are red,black,green.How many 1 faces =5+20+30+40+5
coloured?How many 1 red,1 black?How many 1 red?How many none? =126.
1 face=6*16 =96/3 = 32
2 face = 12*4=48/3 =16 PERMUTATION
no face = 64. 1)In how many ways to arrange seats for 3 boys?
3!=6 ways.
2)In how many ways to arrange seats for 4 boys and 3 girls.Boys & Girls are alternate?
1)A bag contains 3 red balls,5 yellow balls & 4 green balls.Three balls are drawn from the 4!*3!=144 ways.
box at random.What is the probability that they are different colours?
3C1*5C1*4C1/12C3=60/220=3/11. 3)In how many ways to arrange seats for 5 Boys & 4 girls,Either start with 'Boy ' or 'Girl'.
2)A bag contains 3 red,5 yellow & 4 green balls.Three balls are drawn at random.What is 576+576=1152 ways.
the probability that they are exactly 2 green balls?
3)A bag contains 3 red,5 yellow,4 green balls.3 balls are drawn at random.What is the
probability that there are no yellow balls? 1)
7C3/220=7/44. The average marks obtained by 120 candidates in a certain examination is 35 marks.The
average marks obtained by passed candidate is 39 marks.That of failed candidate is 15
4)A bag contains 3 red, 5 yellow,4 green balls.3 balls are drawn at random.what is the marks.Find the no of students those who are passed.?
probability that they are same colour? X/120=39
1+10+4/220=3/44. Y/120=15
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
X=4680;Y=1800. 2:1
Pass Fail 1500*2/3=1000.
39 15 1500*1/3=500.
35 5) A man buys two houses for 1850.He sold one at a gain of 7.5 % and other at a loss of
6 %.He is neither losing nor gaining in the deal.Find the cost of each.
20 4
5:1 7.5 6
2)The average salary of entire staff in a office is 120/month.The average salary of officers
is 460 and of non-officers is 110.If the no.of officers is 15.Find the no of non officers?
Officers Non Officers
460 110 6 7.5
120 1350*6/13.5=600.
1350*7.5/13.5 =750.
10 340 ==> 1:34 =34*15=510. 6) A man buys 5 horse and 10 cows for Rs 10000.He sold horse at gain of 15 % and cow at
3) The population of town is 8000.If male increased by 6% and female increased by a loss of 10 %.Thus he gets Rs 375 as profit.
10%.The population becomes 8600.Find the female population of the town? 375/10000*100=37.5 %
6 / 100*8000=480
10 / 100*8000=800. 15 10
3 / 8*8000= 3000.females
6 10
27.5 22.5
2.5 1.5 27.5/50*10000=5500
Cow=450. Horse=1100.
1) At what time between 3 and 4 will the hands of the clock be together?
Overall increase=600/8000*100=7.5. 15*60/55=16 4/11 min
4)Rs 1500 is divided into two parts.One part invested 6% pa and other at 5 % pa.At the 2) At what time between 4 and 5 will the hands of the clock coincide?
end of the year,investor received Rs 85 as interest from both investment.Find the two 20*60/55= 21 9/11 mins.
parts of investments? 3) At what time between 4 and 5 will the hands of clock will be at right angle?
6% 5% 5*60/55 = 5 5/11.
90 75 35*60/55 =38 2/11.
4) How many right angles in a day?
85 Ans = 44 times. { 2-3 = II
3-4 = I} Same
10 5 {8-9 = II
9-10 = II}Same
Six Phrase – Aptitude Training ShortCuts
5) At what time between 8 and 9 will the hands of clock be at staright angle?
10*60/55 = ? 1
40*60/55 =
6) The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at the intervals of 65 mins pf every = 1000 = 625 %
correct time.So how many minutes a day,the watch gain or lose? 1.6
Diff*60*24 REASONING
Given data 1) All papers are books.
All books are chairs.
Correct watch overtake once in 65 5/11 mins.
65 5/11-65 =5/11. Conclusion:
5*60*24 =10 10/143. a.All papers are chairs
11*65 b.All chairs are papers
c.Some papers are chairs
S.I AND C.I d.some chairs are papers
S.I= PNR/100.
Amount of C.I =P(1+R/100)^N Ans:1 and 4 only
1) Let the P = 1000,N = 3 years, R = 10 %
1000*3*10/100 = Rs 300.
=1331. B
C.I = Amount-P =331. 2) Some Papers are Books. P
2) The SI for certain sum of money for 2 years at 5 % p.a is Rs 80.So what is the CI for the Some Books are Chairs.
same sum.rate and period?
SI=80/2 =40 (for 1 year) Conclusion:
= 80+2= 82.
(40+42) Some Papers areChaies
Some Papers are not Chairs.
3) The difference between SI and CI for a certain sum of money for 2 years at 4 % p.a is Rs No Paper is Chair.
1.Find P. Some Chairs are Books.
40 40
40 41.6
80 1.6