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Research Proposal · June 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10432.51208


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2 authors:

Haitham Muteb Najlaa Alshareef

University of Babylon University of Babylon


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The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023


Pro .Dr. Haitham H. Muteb Dr. Najla'a H. AL-Shareef

dr_haitham_67@yahoo.com eng.najlaa.hameed@uobabylon.edu.iq

Civil Eng./Babylon University Civil Eng./Babylon University

The use of cold-formed steel members as structural columns and beams in residential,
industrial and commercial building was increased significantly in recent time. This study is
focused on the use of cold-formed steel sections as flexural member subjected to lateral torsional
buckling. For this purpose a software ANSYS program was developed and validated using
available numerical and experimental results. This paper presented the results of finite element
analysis for cold-formed channel cross-section and the comparisons with AISC and Australian
design rules. Failure in cold-formed steel beams is generally initiated by one of three instabilities:
local, distortional, or lateral-torsional buckling. The results indicated that the value of maximum
ultimate load occurs due to point load act on the shear center, the percent of increasing about
(35.84%). Due to differences in the degree of cold working in the flat parts and the corner regions,
the mechanical properties vary over the cross-section. In cold-formed channel beam, the lateral
torsional buckling moment occurs between elastic and inelastic critical moment . The convergence
about (97.83%) with the experimental data and (89.78%) with the numerical results.

KEY WORD: lateral torsional buckling, cold-formed channel cross-section.


‫ةدت ملةكظ ل ة‬ ‫ كأعمدة وعتبات هيكلية في البنايةة النةناةية ا التراة ةة واليةكنيةي يت ل‬Cold-formed ‫استعمال‬
‫عرضةة للةى اعبعةال اللةي‬ flexural ‫ كأعضاء‬Cold-formed ‫ ةكزت هذه الدةاسة على استعمال‬.‫في ال قت األخير‬
‫ ماسةتخدا العناصةر الم ةد ة‬cold-formed channel ‫ لت ليةظ اةا‬ANSYS ‫ال‬ ‫ لذةذا الضةرو ة ة مرعةا‬.‫الرةاعبي‬
‫ ماإلضافة للى النتائ العد ية التي تم ال ن ل عليذا ة‬Australian design rules ‫ وكذلك‬AISC ‫و ااةعة النتائ‬
‫ الفلةظ فةي يةظ‬. ‫البةاثيي‬ ‫قبظ عد‬ ‫المعا الت الماد ة في هذا الب ث ماإلضافة للى النتائ العملية المت فرة والماد ة‬
‫يمةةة‬ ‫ شةةاةت النتةةائ مةةا‬.) lateral-torsional buckling ‫ ا و‬distortional local(‫تبةةد عم ةةا ب‬ ‫هةةذه الماةةا‬
‫( وبيةب االخةتالف فةي ة ةة‬35.84%) ‫ مز ةا ة‬shear center‫ال مظ النذائي األقنى ي دث عنةد تيةليا األثمةال فةي ال‬
‫ ( فةةي األ ةزاء الميةةت ة و نةةا ق الزاو ةةة تفاوتةةت النةةفات الميكاعيكيةةة علةةى الما ة‬Cold-formed) ‫العمةةظ لتنةةني ال‬
.‫( مالنتائ العد ية‬89.78%) ‫( و‬97.83%) ‫ ا عيبة التااةب مالنتائ العملية مما يعا ل‬.‫العرضي‬

Thin sheet steel products are extensively used in building industry, and range from purlins
to roof sheeting and floor decking. Generally these are available for use as basic building

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

elements for assembly at site or as prefabricated frames or panels. These thin steel sections are
cold-formed, i.e. their manufacturing process involves forming steel sections in a cold state (i.e.
without application of heat) from steel sheets of uniform thickness. These are given the generic
title Cold Formed Steel Sections. Sometimes they are also called Light Gauge Steel Sections or
Cold Rolled Steel Sections.
A theoretical and experimental study of the buckling behavior of channel beams with
unbraced longitudinal edge stiffeners, bent in such a way that the stiffeners are in compression, is
presented by [Seah and Khong, 1990]. For a relatively short length of beam loaded in such a
manner, the beam will buckle symmetrically. However, for a relatively long beam the lateral-
torsional buckling may well be the governing mode of failure.
The AISI Direct Strength Method (DSM) was introduced in 2004 and uses the elastic
buckling properties of the entire cross-section to calculate the capacity [Schafer 2002]. The
advantages of this method can be seen in the design of members with complexes cross sections,
for example intermediate and edge stiffeners, where the calculations based upon the effective
width method would be cumbersome and time consuming.
Lateral torsional buckling failure is the most complex failure criterion of materail beam.
This type of failure is identified by the simultaneous bending and twisting of the entire cross-
section . If a beam is not restrained laterally, it tends to fail by lateral torsional buckling in cases
where lateral stiffness and torsional stiffness are low[Chu, et. al.,2004]. Buckling modes assumed
to control capacity are local buckling, distortional buckling and global buckling (lateral
torsional buckling in the beams)[Schafer and Adány 2006].
The cold-forming process can alter the mechanical properties of cold-formed steel from the
parent steel sheet. The cold-forming process increase both the yield strength and the ultimate
tensile strength while reducing the ductility [Yu,2000, Chen and Young,2006]. However,
according to [Yu,2000, Chen and Young,2006], the percentage increase in tensile strength is
much smaller than that of yield strength with a consequent marked reduction in the difference
between yield point and tensile strength.
The behavior of cold-formed steel lipped channel beams subject to local and lateral-torsional
buckling effects at both ambient and elevated temperatures[Kankanmge, 2010].

Cold-formed steel beams are commonly used in civil construction as both secondary, e.g.,
grits and purlins, and primary, e.g., floor joists, structural members. This paper focuses on one of
the most common sections employed in these applications, the C section. Cold-formed steel C
sections are formed from coils of thin metal (on the order of 1 mm thick) and the resulting cross
section is thin-walled. Thin-walled members must carefully consider the role of cross-section
instability in their design. Cross-section instabilities in C section beams include: local buckling,
distortional buckling, and lateral-torsional buckling. The cross-section deformations associated
with each of the three buckling modes are illustrated in Fig.1. Local buckling involves distortion
of the cross section with only rotation occurring at interior fold lines of the section. Distortional
buckling involves distortion of the cross section with rotation and translation occurring at interior
fold lines. Lateral-torsional buckling excludes distortion of the cross section; however, translation

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

and rotation of the entire cross section occur. The local, distortional, and lateral-torsional buckling
modes also differ greatly in their longitudinal variation along the beam. The longitudinal
deformation associated with each of the three buckling modes is sinusoidal with a half-wavelength
as identified by the minima in Fig.1.The local buckling mode occurs with repeated waves at a
short length, while lateral-torsional buckling occurs in one half-wave over the unbraced length of
the beam. Distortional buckling repeats at a wavelength intermediate to the two other modes. The
moments associated with each of the three buckling modes are given in Fig.1 as the ratio of the
elastic critical buckling moment (Mcr) to the moment at first yield (My). The minima in Fig.1
provide the critical values. Determination of the bending strength, for use in design, requires
consideration of these cross-section instabilities, as well as the differing post-buckling
characteristics in each of the buckling modes, potential interaction amongst the modes, and
material yielding.


STEEL MEMBERS [Cristopher and Schafer 2009]

Thin cold-formed steel members begin as thick, molten, hot steel slabs. Each slab
is typically hot‐rolled, cold‐reduced and annealed before coiling and shipping the thin steel sheet
to roll-forming procedures[US Steel 1985]. The measured surface strains are converted to residual
stresses using Hooke’s Law and then distributed through the thickness as membrane (constant)
and bending (linear variation)components. These residual stress distributions are a convenient way
to express the measured residual surface strains, and are convenient as well for use in nonlinear
finite element analysis, but they are not necessarily consistent with the underlying mechanics.
Plastic bending, followed by elastic spring back, creates a nonlinear through thickness residual
distribution, in the direction of bending, as shown in Fig.2. [Shanley
1957].The presenceof nonlinear residualstress distributions incold‐formedsteel members has been
confirmed inexperiments[Keyand Hancock 1993]press‐braking steelsheets[Quach et al. 2006].

A closed-form analytical prediction method for residual stresses and equivalent plastic
strains from coiling, uncoiling, and mechanical flattening of sheet steel has also been proposed
[Quach et al. 2004 ].The same plastic bending that creates these residual stresses also initiates
the cold‐work of forming effect where plastic strains increase the apparent yield stress in the steel
sheet and ultimate strength in some cases[Yu 2000].

According to Europe Code[ENV 1993-1-1:1992/A1:1994], welding of cold formed sections
should not be carried out in the cold deformed zones or within the adjacent width of (5t) each side,
see Table 1 , unless either:

 The cold –formed zones are normalized after cold-forming but before welding,
 The thickness does not exceed the relevant value obtained from Table1,[Products
Hand Book, Structural Steel]
Due to stress relief effects, cold formed hollow sections are subject to greater distortion than
hot finished section when subject to shot blasting, galvanizing and welding. This can cause local

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

buckling, corner cracking and other deformations, and will obviously have a large impact on the
capacity when used as beams and columns.


The lateral torsional buckling behavior is illustrated in Fig.3, relating to buckling resistance
and slenderness. There are three different ranges of behavior namely, elastic buckling, inelastic
buckling and plastic behavior. The elastic lateral torsional buckling occurs in slender beams with
low resistance to lateral bending and twisting. As the slenderness decreases, the resistance of
abeam to undergo elastic buckling increases and the beam may yield before its elastic buckling
moment is reached. Yielding reduces the effective out-of-plane rigidities, and hence, lateral
torsional buckling occurs before reaching the elastic buckling moment. This type of buckling of
beams having intermediate slenderness is called the inelastic lateral torsional buckling. If the beam
is fully or adequately restrained laterally so that the slenderness is low, it achieves the full plastic
moment capacity.
The elastic critical buckling moment for lateral torsional buckling is given next . [Hill,1954,
Trahair,1993, Trahair and Bradford,1988,Yu,2000].

  2  y   2w 
cr    GJ   (1)
 L2 L2 
 

EIy ,GJ and EIw are the minor axis flexural rigidity, torsional rigidity and warping rigidity,
The lateral torsional buckling is given next.[ Trahair,1993,Pi and Trahair,1992 a,b].

cr (2)
   2w 
 GJ  
  y    L2 
1   1  
  x  2 x
 
 

The inelastic critical buckling moment for lateral torsional buckling is given by [Trahair and

  2   y  GJ     2  w  
cr    1  
e e

L 2
 
 GJ e L2 

The nominal flexural strength, Mn , shall be the lower value obtained according to the
limit states of yielding(plastic moment) and lateral torsional buckling[AISC].
1. yielding

 n   p  Fy  x (4)

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023


Fy = specified minimum yield stress of the type of steel being used,(MPa).

 x =plastic section modulus about the x-axis,(mm3).

2 . lateral- torsional buckling

a) when L p  L r , the limit state of lateral- torsional buckling does not apply.

b) when L p  Lb  L r ,

  L  L p 
 n  C b  p    p  0.75Fy S x   b  p
 L  L  
  r p 

c) when L p  L r

 n  Fcr S x   p (6)


Lb = length between points that are either braced against lateral displacement of
compression flange or braced against twist of the cross section,(mm).
C b  2 JC  Lb  (7)
Fcr  2
1  .078  
 Lb  S x ho  rst 
 
 rst 


 =modulus of elasticity of steel, (MPa).

J =torsional constant,(mm4).

S x =elastic section modulus taken about the x-axis,(mm3).

The limiting lengths L p and L r are determined as follows:

L p  1.76ry (8)

 JC  0.7Fy S x ho 
L r  1.95rst 1  6.76   (9)
0.7Fy S x ho  E JC 


The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

 y Cw
rst 2  (10)


ho y
C  (11)
2 Cw


ho =distance between the flange centroids,(mm).

Cw= warping constant,(mm6).

b) AS/NZS 4600
The nominal member moment capacity (Mb) of the laterally unbraced segments of
singly, doubly, and point-symmetric sections subjected to lateral buckling is given by AS/NZS

 
b  c  c  (12)
 f 


Zc and  f are the effective section modulus calculated at a stress level (Mc/  f ) in the
compression fiber, and the full unreduced section modulus for the extreme compression fiber,
respectively. The critical moment (Mc) can be calculated as follows,

For b  0.6 c   y

 10b 2 
For 0.6  b  1.336 c  1.11 y 1  
 36 

For b  1.336 c  (13)
b 2

Where b   y is the non-dimensional slenderness ratio. My= Zf Fy is the moment

causing initial yield at the extreme compression fiber of the full section.


Finite element model
At present, finite element analysis programs and extensively used and have greater
importance in the field of research. This trend is increasing as the use of finite element analysis
programs is relatively inexpensive and time efficient compared with large number of full scale

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

tests. The finite element analysis program [ANSYS] is a very important tool that is widely used in
engineering applications. It can be used to solve problems ranging from relatively simple linear
analysis to the complex non-linear analysis. A nonlinear finite element modal using [ANSYS] has
been developed to investigate a cold-formed steel channel cross section with a thickness of (6
mm) and having the dimensions of web depth (160) mm and flange width (70) mm .A three cases
of point load was applied to the one end of cantilever beam across the section as shown in Fig.4.
Finite element analysis using [ANSYS] usually consists of two major stages: Eign-value
buckling analysis to predicted the mode shape and the non-linear buckling analysis to calculate the
ultimate loads. Figs. 5,6 and 7 show the deformed shape of lateral- torsional buckling for three
cases of loads acting on the cantilever beam as shown in Fig. 4. From these figs. results , there are
two types of global initial geometric imperfections may exist in mono-symmetric cold-formed
steel channel section beams, namely negative and positive imperfections. The negative
imperfection is identified by the lateral movement of the cross-section outward with anticlockwise
twist as shown in Fig. 8,a while the cross-section deformed in ward with a clockwise twist on the
case of positive imperfection as shown in Fig.8,b. The direction and magnitude of initial
geometric imperfection present in beam is very important especially for mono-symmetric sections
as its effect on the ultimate failure capacity is considerably high [ Pi et al,1997].

Cantilever Beam
A channel cross-section of cold-formed steel beams made of (6mm) and (10mm) thick G450
steels with (70mm) width of flange and (160mm) depth of web for cantilever beam subjected to
three cases of point load acting on the free end Fig.4. The results plotted in Figs.9, maximum
ultimate load occur due to point load act on the shear centre the percent of increasing about
For the same section , the initial material state is sometimes considered through the so-called
cold-work of forming effect, where the yield stress of the material is increased in corners will
reach the fully plastic stress compared with flatting edges is lower see, Table 1. In main while,
two grade of steel stress used in the same section to compared with one grade of steel stress used
as shown in Fig.10. From the results the convergence between two cases about (59.42%) and cold
forming is known to increase the yield and ultimate strength of the material due to cold working or
strain hardening.
Higher ultimate load capacities were achieved in the higher thickness and tw is not equal to tf
for the same area of cross section under the same conditions of loading. The results plotted in Fig.
11 shows the convergence between two cases about (41.07%) .
The effect of long for cantilever beam were also investigated. Figs. 12 and 13, show these
results for (1.5m) and (2.8m). The maximum ultimate strength of these two cases are different
about (62.19%)

Simply supported beam.

In case of cold- formed steel of simply supported beam subjected to two point loads acting
on the shear center of channel cross section was used in the cantilever beam as before. Figs.14
and 15 show the comparison between finite element analysis (present study) and the numerical
results related to AS/NZS 4600 [SA,2005] formulas and AISC ,respectively.
From Fig.16 it can be seen that curve fit well the experimental values. However, it can be
seen be from Fig.16 that for cold-formed channel beam the lateral torsional buckling moment in
between elastic and inelastic critical moment compared with [Trahair 1993] numerical equations.

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

The value of lateral torsional buckling moment from ANSYS is equal to (2.3 kN.m) and
convergence about (97.83%) with the experimental values and (89.78%) with [Trahair 1993]
numerical equations.

Mechanical Properties of cold-formed steel- channel section.

Generally, the depth of cold-formed steel section (160mm), the width (70mm) and (6mm)
thickness. The nominal yield strength of cold-formed steels ranges from (250 to 550 MPa.) while
their modulus of elasticity is 210000 MPa.
Due to differences in the degree of cold working in the flat parts and the corner regions, the
mechanical properties vary over the cross-section as shown in Fig. 17.

This paper was based on the results of a finite element analysis based parametric study into
the lateral torsional buckling behavior of cantilever beam cold-formed and simply supported beam
cold-formed steel flexural member subjected to concentrated load.

From the FEM analysis of many problems of cold-formed channel cross section of beam,
many conclusions can be drawn:

 Maximum ultimate load occurs due to point load acting on the shear centre the
percent of increasing about (35.84%).
 There are two types of global initial geometric imperfections may exist in mono-
symmetric cold-formed steel channel section beams, namely negative and positive
imperfections. The negative imperfection is identified by the lateral movement of the
cross-section outward with anticlockwise twist while the cross-section deformed in
ward with a clockwise twist on the case of positive imperfection.
 The yield stress of the material is increased in corners will reach the fully plastic
stress compared with flatting edges is lower, From the results the convergence
between two cases about (59.42%) and cold forming is known to increase the yield
and ultimate strength of the material due to cold working or strain hardening.
 Higher ultimate load capacities were achieved in the higher thickness and tw is not
equal to tf for the same area of cross section under the same conditions of loading.
 Cold-formed channel beam the lateral torsional buckling moment occur in between
elastic and inelastic critical moment . The convergence about (97.83%) with the
experimental values and (89.78%) numerical equations.
 Due to differences in the degree of cold working in the flat parts and the corner
regions, the mechanical properties vary over the cross-section.

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Local Buckling


Distortional Buckling

Fig.1 Buckling modes of a cold-formed steel Channel Section [Kankanamge2010]

Elastic springback

σ Plastic bending

Plastic bending

Elastic springback


+ =

Tension Nonlinear residual

Plastic bending Elastic springback stress distribution

Fig.2 Forming a bend: plastic bending and elastic springback of thin sheets results in a
nonlinear through‐thickness residual stress distribution[Cristopher and Schafer 2009]

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Table 1 Conditions for welding cold-formed zones and adjacent material.

r/t Strain due to cold Maximum thickness(mm)
Generally Fully killed Aluminum-
Predominantly static Where fatigue killed steel
loading predominates (Al≥.02%)
≥25 ≥2 Any Any Any
≥10 ≥5 Any 16 Any
≥3.0 ≥14 24 12 24
≥2.0 ≥20 12 10 12
≥1.5 ≥25 8 8 10
≥1.0 ≥33 4 4 0


5t r

Elastic Buckling Mcr

Fully Plasticity MP

Inelastic Buckling

Plastic range Inelastic range Elastic range

Fig.(3) Effect of slenderness on the Buckling resistance of beams [Real

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 4 Finite element model of channel beam a) P acts on the rounded edge b) P acts on the shear
center c) P acts on the edge of flange.

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 5 Deformed shape due to lateral-torsional buckling for case (1) of beam loading

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 6 Deformed shape due to lateral-torsional buckling for case (2) of beam loading

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.19, No4,Dec.2019

Fig. 7 Deformed shape due to lateral-torsional buckling for case (3) of beam loading

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Outward deformation
Inward deformation

(a) Negative Imperfection (b) Positive Imperfection

Fig. 8 Negative and Positive Geometric


(a )

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig.(9) Load versus deflection plots a) Lateral deflection b) Vertical

(a )

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 10 Load versus deflection plots a) Lateral deflection b) Vertical Deflection


The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023


Fig. 11 Load versus deflection plots a) Lateral deflection b) Vertical deflection

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

(a )

Fig. 12 Load versus deflection plots a) Lateral deflection b) Vertical deflection

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 13 Effect of span length for cantilever beam on the ultimate load capacity of cold formed channel beam.

Fig. 14 Comparison between FEA [ANSYS] with AS/NZS 4600


The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 15 Comparison between FEA [ANSYS] with


(a )

The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 16 Comparison between FEA [ANSYS] with Experimental work [Kankanamge 2010] and [Trahair

a) Horizontal Displacement. b) Vertical Deflection .



Flat part of cross section =2bf+hw+2r


The Iraqi Journal for Mechanical and Material Engineering, Vol.22, No3, June.2023

Fig. 17 Effect of cold work on the mechanical properties of cold-formed steel channel section

a) steel channel section b) stresses on flat parts of cross section


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