Signature ofAgency NBCC
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Sewa Sadan Building, Nagar, New Delhi-110023
Email: sbg.redev2@nbccindia.com
Dated: 27.12.2024
1. NBCC invites online Item Rate open tenders from experienced and eligible Security
Agencies for Providing Security services on 24X7 hours basis at
Redevelopment of GPRA Colony at Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi as per schedule
as under:
1.6 Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 56,976.00 (Rupees Fifty Six Thousand Nine
Hundred Seventy Six only) through an online e-
payment gateway or in the form of Bank
Guarantee (BG)
A. Work Experience:
i) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during the last 7
years ending initial stipulated last date of submission of tenders as per NIT:
4. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current level by enhancing the
actual value of work done at a simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date
of completion to previous day of initial stipulated last date of submission of tenders as
per NIT.
5. Joint-venture or Consortia of firms / companies and Foreign Bidders are not eligible to
quote for the tender.
B. Financial Strength:
i. The Average annual Audited financial turnover (after enhancement) for last 3
years shall be at least 40% of the estimated cost put to tender. The requisite
Turnover shall be duly certified by a Chartered Accountant with his Seal/
signatures and registration number.
In case preceding financial year is unaudited, then the same shall be certified by the
Chartered Accountant in FORM-C and the three Financial Years immediately
preceding the previous financial year shall be considered for evaluation.
In case of Companies/Firms less than 3 years old, the Average annual financial turnover
shall be worked out for the available period only.
The value of annual turnover figures shall be brought to current value (i.e. preceding
Financial Year) by enhancing the actual turnover by figures at simple rate of 7%
per annum.
ii. Audited Net Worth of the company/firm as on last day of preceding (or last
audited) Financial Year, should be minimum 10% of the Estimated Cost put to
Tender, duly certified by Chartered Accountant in FORM-C.
iii. The Bidder should at least have earned profit in minimum one year in the available
last three consecutive balance sheets.
The bidders are required to upload and submit page of summarised Balance Sheet
(Audited) and also page of summarised Profit & Loss Account (Audited) for last
three years
6. The intending tenderer must read the terms and conditions of NBCC
carefully. He should only submit his tender if he considers himself eligible
and he is in possession of all the documents required.
8. The Tender Document as uploaded can be viewed and downloaded free of cost by
anyone including intending tenderer. But the tender can only be submitted on the e-
tender website after having digital signature by the bidders and after uploading all the
requisite scanned documents.
9. Information and Instructions for Tenderers posted on Website(s) shall form part of
Tender Document.
(a) The tenderers are required to quote strictly as per terms and conditions,
specifications, standards given in the tender documents and not to deviate any
(b) The financial bids of the technically qualified agencies will be opened at
stipulated time online only.
The bidders have to only put values/charges for relieving charges (sl. no.
5) and service/administrative charges (sl. no. 6) in the quoting sheet and
Note: The overall performance of the bidder fulfilling the minimum eligibility
criteria at Stage 1 shall be evaluated as per Stage 2.
Scoring Method of Evaluation: The marks will be given as per provision made in the
following table (Table-1).
Note: To become eligible for price bid opening, the bidder must score
at least fifty percent (50 %) marks in Stage 2.
a) After opening the price bids of bidders qualified in stage 2; the bidder whose
Grand total as per quoting sheet is lowest of all the bidders; shall be declared as
the L1 bidder.
b) Tied tenders: In case of tie among the L1 bidders, the L1 bidder whose score in
the stage 2 (as per table-1) is higher of all the tied/other L1 bidders; shall be
declared as successful bidder.
In case if the higher scores of two or more L1 bidders are equal then
successful bidders shall be decided on the basis of manual lucky draw
within the bidders having equal high scores (in stage 2) in presence of
their authorized representative(s).
12. Contractor is required to upload scanned copies of all the documents including valid GST
registration/EPF registration/ PAN No. as stipulated in the tender document.
13. If the contractor is found ineligible after opening of tenders, or his tender is found invalid,
cost of tender document shall not be refunded.
14. Notwithstanding anything stated above, NBCC reserves the right to assess the
capabilities and capacity of the tenderer to perform the contract, in the overall interest of
NBCC. In case, tenderer’s capabilities and capacities are not found satisfactory, NBCC
reserves the right to reject the tender.
15. Security Agencies must ensure to quote rate in Item Rate. The rate shall be Quoted up to
2 Decimals.
16. The tenderer(s) if required, may submit queries, if any, through E-mail and in writing
to the tender inviting authority to seek clarifications within 7 days from the date of
uploading of Tender on website so as to reach NBCC office not less than 2 days prior
to the date of Pre-bid meeting (if to be held as per NIT). NBCC will reply only those
queries which are essentially required for submission of bids. NBCC will not reply the
queries which are not considered fit like replies of which can be implied /found in the NIT/
Tender Documents or which are not relevant or in contravention to NIT/Tender
Documents, queries received after 7 days from the date of uploading of Tender on
website, request for extension of time for opening of technical bids, etc. Technical Bids
The bidders are required to submit the EMD as per NIT; through an online e-payment
gateway or in the form of Bank Guarantee (BG) as per format provided in the NIT.
Bidders have to upload the scanned copy of the EMD (online transaction or BG) on e- tender
website and In case of bank guarantee, submit the hard copy in original on or before
the closing date and time of the tender.
18. The Bid will be rejected by NBCC as non-responsive and shall not be considered in case
if the bidder does not intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any
capacity or are subsequently employed by him who are near relatives to any officers of
NBCC and/or name of bidders near relative who is posted in the project
office/concerned zonal/SBG/RBG office of NBCC.
19. List of Documents to be uploaded on e-tender website and to be submitted in hard copy
within the period of bid submission:
a. Bank Guarantee of Nationalized or any scheduled Commercial Bank against EMD as per
NIT. (if EMD is submitted in form of BG) (To be submitted in original within specified
g. Valid license (as on original last date of submission of tender) to engage in the
business of Private Security Agency in the state of delhi.
Note: - All the uploaded documents duly sealed and signed by the Power of Attorney holder
should be in readable, printable and legible form; failing which the Bids shall not be
considered for evaluation. The document submitted in hard copy should be duly
a) Tender documents
b) Quoting Sheet for Tenderer
c) Annexure-I to Annexure-XI & Appendix-A
d) Corrigendum / Addendum / Other documents, if any
e) Drawing, if any
21. The bidders are advised to submit complete details with their bids. The Technical
Bid Evaluation will be done on the basis of documents uploaded on e-tender
website/ submitted by the bidders with the bids. The information should be
submitted in the prescribed proforma. Bids with Incomplete/Ambiguous information
will be rejected.
The envelope containing technical bid should also indicate clearly the name of the
tenderer and his address. In addition, the left-hand top corner of the envelope or
container should indicate the name of the work, name of the document in the
envelope with bid opening date and time and addressed to address mentioned
above and shall reach up to 11:00 Hrs on or before date of Technical Bid. The on-
line bid shall be opened at 11:30 Hrs. on the same day.
ii) The tenderer does not upload/submit all the documents (including GST
registration) as stipulated in the bid document.
iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time
of submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically in the office of
tender opening authority.
iv) Tenders in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or found
incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
22. All the uploaded documents shall be considered as duly signed by bidder/ authorized
23. NBCC reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or cancel/withdraw the invitation
for bid without assigning any reasons whatsoever thereof. NBCC does not bind
itself to accept lowest tender. The NBCC reserves the right to award the work to a
single party or to split the work amongst two or more parties as deemed
necessary without assigning any reason thereof. The contractor is bound to
accept the portion of work as offered by NBCC after split up at the quoted/
25. Date of Start of Security Agency services shall be reckoned from the 3 rd day after
issue of the letter of Award (LOA)/ Letter of Intent (LOI) by NBCC.
26. The award of Security Agency services, execution and completion of work shall be
governed by tender documents consisting of (but not limited to) NIT, Instructions to
Security Agencies, Conditions of Contract, Technical Evaluation, Price bid, etc. The
tenderers shall be deemed to have gone through the various conditions while
making/preparing their technical & financial proposals & submitting the Bid(s)
including site conditions, topography of the land and accessibility etc. or any other
condition which in the opinion of tenderer will affect his price/rates before quoting
their rates.
1. Letter of Award, along with statement of agreed variations and its enclosures,
if any.
2. Corrigendum, Addendum, Clarifications etc.
3. Scope of Work
4. Conditions of Contract.
28. The tender is invited on the basis of Least Cost based selection. The Financial bid
will be opened of those tenderers, who qualify the technical bid evaluation. The
lowest Quoting bidder/tenderer shall be considered for award of Contract/services.
The financial bids shall be opened online on e-tender website only.
29. Canvassing in connection with the tender is strictly prohibited, and such canvassed
tenders submitted by the contractor will be liable to be rejected and he may be put
under holiday list.
30. In case o f a n y query pl e a se contact Shri Gaurav Gaikwad, GM, Phone No:
8527495489 during o f f i c e hours.
1.2 The Security Agencies are invited to submit a technical bid together with a financial
bid. The tender will be the basis for technical discussions/negotiations (if required)
and ultimately for a signed Contract with the selected Security Agency.
Security Agencies should familiarize themselves with local conditions and take them
into account in preparing their Proposals. To obtain first- hand information on the
assignment and local conditions, Security Agencies are instructed to visit the site
before submitting their proposal. Security Agency or his authorized representative
should contact the following regarding site specific information and site visit enquiry.
Address : NBCC Office, 2nd Cross Road, Vinayak Mandir Marg, New Delhi
1.3(a) NBCC will provide the inputs to the Security Agencies, if available. However, NBCC
does not assume any Responsibility for any loss or financial damages on
account of use of such information by Security Agency & Security Agencies
are advised to collect their own information for preparation, submission of bids
& execution of services after award of work.
1.3(b) The Security Agency shall be responsible for obtaining licenses and permits to
carry out their services.
1.4 Security Agencies shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of their proposals and contract negotiation, site visits etc. NBCC / Client is not
bound to accept any proposal, and reserves the right to annul the selection process at
any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Security
1.5.1 NBCCs policy requires that Security Agencies provide professional, objective, and
impartial advice and at all times hold NBCC’s interest’s paramount, strictly avoid
conflicts with other assignments or their own corporate interests and act without any
consideration for future work.
Conflicting assignments
(ii) A Security Agencies (including its Personnel) or any of its affiliates shall not
be hired for any assignment that, by its nature, may be in conflict with
another assignment of the Security Agency to be executed for the same or for
another Employer.
Conflicting relationship
(iii) An Security Agency (including its Personnel) that has a business or family
relationship with a member of NBCC‟s staff who is directly or indirectly
involved in any part of (a) the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the
assignment, (b) the selection process for such assignment, or (c) supervision of
the Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, unless the conflict stemming
from this relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to NBCC
throughout the selection process and the execution of the Contract.
1.5.4 No agency of current employees of NBCC shall work as Security Agency. Recruiting
former employees of NBCC to work is acceptable provided no conflict of interest
1.6.1 NBCC requires that the Security Agencies participating in selection process adhere
to the highest ethical standards, both during the selection process and throughout the
execution of a contract. In pursuance of this policy, NBCC:
(a) Defines, for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth below:
(b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Security Agency
recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in
corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in competing for the
contract in question; and
(c) will sanction a Security Agency, including declaring the Security Agency
ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, for award of a
contract if at any time determines that the Security Agency has, directly or
through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for, or in executing a contract.
1.7 The Security Agencies should be aware of the provisions on fraud and corruption
stated in the specific clauses in the Conditions of Contract.
The tender shall remain valid for 150 days from the date of opening of the price
2.2 The bidder may request for a clarification on any clause(s) of the Bid documents
within 3 days from the date of uploading of Tender on website. Any request for
clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic means to NBCC’s
address. NBCC will respond in writing, or by standard electronic means and will send
written copies of the response (including an explanation of the query but without
disclosing the Source of query) to all bidders. Should NBCC deem it necessary to amend
the bid document as a result of a clarification or any other reasons it shall do so
following the procedure given above.
However, NBCC reserves the right to respond the queries after cut-off date as mentioned
In preparing their tender, Security Agencies are expected to examine in detail the
tender document. The tender shall contain technical & financial Bids.
The bid proposals, all related correspondence exchanged by the Security Agencies &
NBCC and the contract to be signed with the winning Security Agency shall be
written in the English language.
a) The Technical bid shall not include any financial information. A Technical bid
containing financial information shall be declared non responsive / invalid.
b) The Technical bid may be declared non responsive / invalid, if the bid is not
accompanied by the requisite documents as stipulated in tender document.
4.1 The original bids (Technical bid and financial bid) shall contain no interlineations or
overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the Security Agencies
themselves. The person who signed tender documents must initial such
corrections. Letter for acceptance of tender condition should be submitted in the
prescribed format of Annexure-II, Section-5.
4.2 An authorized representative of the Security Agency shall sign the Technical &
Financial bids. The authorization shall be in the form of a legally enforceable
written power of attorney executed on non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate
value duly notarized and shall be submitted along with bid.
5.0 Confidentiality
1. Definitions
For the purpose of the agreement, the following words and expressions shall have
the meaning hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise requires:
b) Applicable Law means the laws and any other instruments having the force
of law in India.
c) Security Agency mean any private or public entity that will provide the
Services to NBCC under the Contract.
e) Contract means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof
and the formal agreement executed between NBCC and the contractor,
together with the documents referred to therein including these conditions,
the specifications, Scope of work and instructions issued from time to time by
the Engineer-in-Charge and all these documents taken together, shall be
deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another.
f) Contract Price means the price to be paid for the performance of the
Services, in accordance with Section-4.
h) Estimated Cost means estimated cost put to tender for inviting financial bid
from the Security Agency for services under the tender/contract.
m) NBCC shall means NBCC (India) Limited, a company registered under the
Indian Company Act 1956, with its registered office at NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi
Road, New Delhi or its Administrative officers or its engineer or other
o) Site shall mean the site of the contract/ Security Agency services including
any building and erection thereon and any other land adjoining thereto
(inclusive) as aforesaid allotted by NBCC or the Engineer for the contract’s
r) Words imparting the singular meaning only also include the plurals and vice
versa where the context requires. Words importing persons or parties shall
include firms and corporations and organizations having legal capacities.
NBCC has been assigned the Redevelopment work of GPRA Colony at Sarojini Nagar,
New Delhi by MoHUA. Schools, markets and other infrastructure belonging to
NDMC, Post office and Sarvodaya Vidyalaya (under Directorate of Education, NCT of
Delhi), etc. are functional.
The sarojini Nagar Colony is vast in area of around 258 acres. In order to prevent illegal
trespassing, thefts, to prevent encroachment, to prevent construction of illegal
Juggies, religious structures, damage to various NDMC assets, to guard trees &
it’s branches from being felled & damaged, to ensure that no damage to various
external electrical, water supply installations and other properties etc. occur in the
colony due to the act of miscreants etc.; NBCC needs services of a Security Agency
in the colony.
The Security Agency shall render the following services which shall be deemed to be
included in their quoted rates: -
2.5 Check and verify the identity of all the visitors to the Sarojini Nagar in project
2.6 Check the vehicles entering into the complex and keep the record of their
movement in a register.
2.7 The Security Agency shall maintain proper liaison and contact with the
local police/traffic police/civil administration etc. for smooth and peaceful
day-to-day working in the project premises. The Agency shall maintain a
close liaison with the Fire and Police Authorities. In case of fire breaking
out, they shall inform fire brigade and police immediately.
2.8 The Security Guards / Security Supervisor, upon noticing of any theft in the
premises of external/internal electrical, water supply and other
installations, theft of M.S. Grills around buildings & in parks, all park items,
damage caused to trees, illegal trespassing in the premises and occupation
of the vacated buildings ( retained if any), immoral trafficking and any other
illegal activity, crime, incidents of Fire etc. shall promptly and immediately
intimate either NBCC or Police control room (100) and police authorities at
nearby local police station and the security agency shall be fully
responsible for lodging First Information Reports (FIR) with local police
station and for taking follow up action/ pursue the FIR so that necessary
action could be taken accordingly against the culprits/offenders.
2.9 The Security Agency shall pay special attention to Security during strikes,
labor unrest and strikes/gheraos etc., if any, occurring inside the premises
and take suitable measures to safeguard against the same.
2.13 The Security Agency shall depute the workforce/security Guards as well as
supervisors (trained as per PSARA act.) to perform the duty as per above
scope of work at various location including those the agency finds it
required to patrol but not limited to the locations intimated/Directed by NBCC.
Note: - The Number of Guards, Security supervisor may increase or decrease for
which payment on pro-rata basis shall be paid to/recovered from the agency.
2.14 The day will be divided into 3 shift of 8 hours each to be attended by every
security guard and every Security Officer/Coordinator.
2.15 The Security Guards and Security Supervisor (Coordinator) shall be on patrol
duty from 6.00 AM to 2.00 PM (1 st shift), from 2.00 PM to 10.00 PM (2nd shift)
and from 10.00 PM to 6.00 AM (3rd shift).
2.16 The duty of the Security Supervisor is for mobile patrolling, checking and
coordinating with security guards deployed at various locations, for
coordinating with NBCC, Police, Fire brigade & other Government
2.17 The Security Agency shall provide all the security guards and Security
Supervisor (Coordinator) with proper communication facilities viz. mobile
phone and wireless sets for the purpose of internal communications
amongst security personnel and to communicate with the main office of
the security agency, police control room (100), local police station, Fire
brigade, other Government bodies/ departments and NBCC etc. The
charges for communication facility so provided shall be included in the
offer / Bid submitted by the Security Agency and nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
2.18 The Security Supervisor (Coordinator) in each shift shall be provided with a
2.19 The Security Agency will provide the following material at site at no extra
2.20 The Security Agency should keep additional workforce for relieving the
deployed Guards & Supervisor on holidays / leaves and keep provision in
their quoted rates for payment to their staff on account of attending the
site on Sundays (as the case may be) / Gazetted / National Holidays. Nothing
extra over the quoted rates shall be paid on this or on similar accounts.
2.21 The Security Agency shall be responsible to supply the required workforce
for the works as mentioned above. In case the number of manpower
deployed is found to be on lesser side than required, at any point of time,
then in addition to nonpayment of agency’s dues for that particular
category of workforce for the period of absence, an additional penalty @50%
of wages of same category shall be imposed on the Security Agency.
2.22 The Security Agency shall keep all records for the duties performed as per
scope of work indicated and shall maintain bound registers at site which
shall be presented to NBCC for inspection at all times as required and after
completion of the assignment/closure of contract, it shall be the property
of NBCC. The Security Agency shall provide their personnel the required
registers, Pen, pencil and other stationery if any required for this purpose at
their own cost.
2.23 The Security personnel deployed by the Agency shall be well-trained and
Supervisors like Ex-Servicemen. Discharge notes of their Guards shall be
shown by the Agency and attested copies be submitted to NBCC. An
Agency shall engage only such persons, who are medically fit and are below
the age of 58 years.
2.24 The employed Security Personnel must be employee of the Company and
they must be transferable from one point to another point.
2.25 The Security personnel should be well dressed and vigilant in their duties.
The Security personnel shall properly turn out with boots/shoes, belt, cap,
badge, whistle etc. The Security Agency shall provide proper uniform (shoes,
cap, canes / stick etc.) to every personnel deployed by them in the Sarojini
Nagar Colony at their own costs and expenses. The Security personnel shall
carry an identity card duly attested by the Executive of Security Agency. A
photocopy of these cards shall be given to NBCC for record, verification etc.
2.26 The Security Agency shall provide proper dress code to their personnel
2.27 The agency shall provide a foolproof security service on the site. It shall be
responsible to safeguard the GPRA colony, Sarojini Nagar Colony from all
kind of thefts, pilferage of material, illegal activity, crime etc. and
losses/damages suffered on account of inability of the Security personnel
to perform these duties/safeguards shall be recovered from the dues
payable to the agency.
2.27 a) The agency shall submit daily and weekly performance appraisal as per terms
and conditions of contract as per directions of Engineer-in-charge in the
format to be prescribed/given; from time to time.
2.28 The Security Agency will provide the following equipment’s/devices
immediately upon award of work. Nothing extra shall be paid to the
Agency/contractor for the same.
The above equipment’s/devices shall be available with the Security guards &
Supervisor in each shift of 8 hours per day. The Security Agency can take back
their above materials after work is completed and no dues certificate is issued by
3.2 Remuneration
The rates quoted /accepted are for entire Scope of work in accordance with the terms &
conditions of this contract unless specifically mentioned otherwise in the tender
(a) The Security Agency shall submit all running bills and final bill to NBCC online
through e-billing portal available in the NBCC website. All the required
documents e.g. manpower deployment record and Tax invoice etc. shall also
be uploaded in the portal.
(b) All the payments due to the Security Agency shall be made online and no
cheques/ draft shall be issued.
4.2 The Rates Quoted Shall be Exclusive of GST which shall be payable at
applicable rates. Any other tax/levy/cess, if any shall be inclusive in contract
4.4 In case any law requires NBCC to pay tax on the contract price on reverse
charge basis, the amount of tax deposited by NBCC would be considered as paid to
the Security Agency and, accordingly, the price payable to the Security Agency
would stand reduced to thatextent.
4.5 In case the Security Agency does not deposit the tax payable on execution of
the contract, or has not provided the tax invoice to NBCC showing the amount of
tax, or has not uploaded the document in computerized tax network as per
prevailing law, leading to non-availability of inputs credit of the tax to NBCC, the
amount equivalent to such tax shall be deducted from the contract price.
4.6 Stamp duty and registration charges, if any, payable on the executed contract
document, shall be borne by the Security Agency.
4.7 Tax deduction at source, if any, shall be made by NBCC as per law applicable
from time to time from the amount payable to the Security Agency.
4.8 The Security Agency has to register himself in GST Act as per applicable law and
submit the details as per annexure given in Section-5.
4.9 All Statutory deductions like Income Tax, Labour cess etc. as applicable will be
deducted from the running bills/Final bill of the Agency.
4.10 The Agency shall deposit the EPF and ESIC on every monthly basis and submit
the proof of online deposit of the same.
4.11 Security Agency shall comply with all statutory requirement existing or as
promulgated from time to time viz.; the payment of Wages Act, Provident Fund
Act, Employee State Insurance Scheme, Family Pension Fund Act, Bonus, Gratuity
Act, Shop & Establishment Act, Contract Act etc., whichever is applicable to the
Organization of Security Agency and they shall be held responsible, accountable,
answerable, explainable, as the case may be. Further Security Agency shall not
involve NBCC in any way whatsoever and in case of any violation of any law, the
Security Agency shall be solely responsible whatsoever. In case due to violation of
any law, including labour laws etc., the Security Agency shall indemnify NBCC
completely so that no liability is put on NBCC on this account.
5.1 The Security Agency shall ensure that the personnel employed by them are
paid minimum wages, as in force from time to time, in accordance with the
provisions of the Minimum Wages Act / minimum wages notification as per
Government of NCT of Delhi, O/o commissioner(labour) and comply to all other
statutory requirements in this regard during the tenure of the contract. This
tender is prepared based on notification issued by Government of NCT of
Delhi, O/o commissioner(labour) vide File No. (142)/02/MW/VII/Part
file/3478-3495 dated 26.09.2024, applicable on the date of publication of
this tender. Any violation of the provision of Minimum Wages Act /any other
relevant law shall render the contract liable for termination. In case of any
default, NBCC shall also proceed against the Security Agency as per the provisions
of the relevant laws. The minimum wages have been considered in this tender as
per notification issued by Government of NCT of Delhi O/o commissioner(labour)
vide File No. (142)/02/MW/VII/Part file/3478-3495 dated 26.09.2024 applicable as
on date of uploading of bids.
5.2 In preparing the Estimates for this tender, the EPF has been considered as
13%, ESI as 3.25% and Bonus as 8.33%. The EPF, ESI and Bonus shall also be
paid/reimbursed as per applicable rates at that time and on production of suitable
evidences as per the norms.
The Security Guards and Supervisor will mark their attendance at the designated place
/office of NBCC in the Sarojini Nagar Colony, in each shift, before they commence
their duties. The Security agency shall install a Biometric Attendance Machine for
their personnel. The record of attendance will be submitted by the Security Agency
with each monthly bill. The Security Agency shall submit the list of Security
personnel being posted along with their experience and credentials.
6.0(A) In case NBCC requires Security Guard(s) and/or Security Supervisor (Coordinator)
over & above the stipulations/requirement as given in this tender, the Security
agency shall be bound to supply the same. The Agency shall be entitled to claim
for this extra requirement on actual basis, based on the applicable minimum
wage rates of Delhi Govt.
7.2 For the due performance of the contract in accordance with the terms and
conditions specified, the Security Agency shall on the day or before signing the
7.3 The Bank Guarantee shall be in favour of NBCC (India) Limited, payable at New
Delhi. The Bank Guarantee should be (in the prescribed format of NBCC as per
Section-5) issued from any Nationalized Bank /Scheduled Bank.
7.4 It is expressly understood and agreed that the performance security is intended to
secure the performance of entire contract. It is also expressly understood and
agreed that the performance security is not to be construed to cover any damages
detailed/ stipulated in various clauses in the Contract document.
7.5 The performance security will be discharged by NBCC and returned to the Security
Agency after successful physical completion of the security agency services.
7.6 NBCC reserve the right of forfeiture of the performance guarantee in additions to
other claims and penalties in the event of the Security Agency’ s failure to fulfil
any of the contractual obligations or in the event of termination of contract as per
terms and conditions of contract.
7.7 Should the stipulated time for completion of work, for whatever reason be
extended, the Security Agency, shall at his own cost, get the validity period of
Bank Guarantee in respect of performance security furnished by him extended and
shall furnish the extended / revised Bank Guarantee to NBCC before the expiry date
of the Bank Guarantee originally furnished.
5% of the fee payable to the Security Agency shall be retained from each running bill as
“Retention Money”, in addition to the performance guarantee.
The retention money will be discharged by NBCC and returned to the Security Agency
after successful physical completion of the security agency services.
NBCC reserve the right of forfeiture of the Retention Money in additions to other claims
and penalties in the event of the Security Agency’ s failure to fulfil any of the
contractual obligations or in the event of termination of contract as per terms and
conditions of contract.
9.0 Duration of the Contract:
The overall duration of the contract from the date of commencement of work shall be as
per NIT.
The commencement of work will be considered from 3rd day of issuance of LOA.
i) That if the Security Agency abandon the work for any reason whatsoever or
become incapacitated from acting as Security Agency as aforesaid, then the
Security Agency shall be liable to refund any excess fees paid to them up to
that date plus such damages as may be assessed by NBCC.
ii) If at any time after start of work, the client decides to abandon or reduce the
scope of work for any reason whatsoever and hence not required the whole
or any part of the works to be carried out, NBCC shall give notice in writing
to this effect to the Security Agency and the Security Agency shall have
no claim for any payment of compensation, or otherwise whatsoever, on
account of any profit or advance which he might have derived from the
execution of works in full but which he did not derive in consequence of the
foreclosure of the whole or part of the work.
12.0 Termination:
NBCC without any prejudice to its right against the Security Agency in respect of any
delay or otherwise or to any claims or damages in respect of any breaches of
the contract and without prejudice to any right or remedies under any of the
provisions of this contract may terminate the contract by giving one month’s
notice in writing to the Security Agency and in the event of such termination, the
Security Agency shall be liable to refund the excess payment, if any, made to them
over and above what is due in terms of this agreement on the date of
In case due to any circumstances, NBCC decides to curtail the scope of work or
totally abandon the work, the payment to the Security Agency would be made
based on Clause 11.0 above up to the stage of work executed by him immediately
before taking such a decision, provided equivalent payment is made by the client to
NBCC without any prejudice to its right against the Security Agency in respect of any
delay by notice in writing absolutely may determine the contract in any of the
following cases:
i. If the Security Agency being a company shall pass a resolution or the court
shall make an order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a
manager on behalf of the creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall
arise which entitle the court or creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager
which entitles the court to make up a winding order.
ii. If the Security Agency commit breach of any of the terms of agreement.
When the Security Agency has made themselves liable for action under any of
the clauses aforesaid, NBCC shall have powers a) to determine or rescind the
agreement b) to engage another Security Agency(ies) to carry out the
balance work at the risk and cost of the Security Agency and debiting the
Security Agency the excess amount, if any, so spent.
14.0 (Deleted)
17.0 The Security Agency shall not appoint any sub-agency to carry out any
obligations under the contract/work awarded to them.
18.0 The Security Agency shall ensure that before deputing the Security staff, they will
verify the antecedents of all their staff and provide to NBCC a complete dossier
of particulars of each Security personnel proposed to be deployed if required on
19.0 NBCC shall have the right to check up, from time to time, the uniforms worn by
the Security Personnel as well as their fitness to perform guard duty up to the
satisfaction of NBCC. NBCC shall also have the right to check and supervise the
Security Agency on duty.
20.0 The personnel deployed by the Security Agency in the Colony shall be removed
immediately if NBCC considers such removal necessary on administrative
grounds. The Security Agency shall also immediately remove any personnel who
is found not to be discharging his duties correctly or is of doubtful character and
shall replace him with suitable personnel either on its own or on the demand of
NBCC. In case of removal of such personnel, no claim shall be maintainable
against NBCC.
21.0 The Guards/Supervisors of the Security agency will neither form a union of their own
nor shall get affiliated to any other union. If they do so the contract of the Security
agency will be terminated forthwith without any notice.
24.0 Jurisdiction
The agreement shall be governed by the Indian Law for the time being in force and the
Courts in Delhi alone will have jurisdiction to deal with matter arising there from.
25.1 General:
(i) The Security Agency shall be required to sign an Agreement with NBCC within
15 days from the date of issue of LOA based on these terms & conditions.
If at any time after the commencement of the work NBCC shall for any reason whatsoever
if required to foreclose the work or is not require the whole work thereof as
specified in the tender to be carried out, the Engineer-in-Charge shall give notice in
writing of the fact to the Security Agency, who shall have no claim to any payment
of compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might
have derived from the work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of
the foreclosure of the whole or part of the works.
(a) The Security Agency shall, on receipt of the order in writing of the Engineer-
in-charge, suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such
time and in such manner as the Engineer-in-charge may consider necessary
for any of the following reasons:
ii) For proper execution of the works or part thereof for reason other than the
default of the Security Agency, or
(b) If the suspension is ordered for reasons (ii) and (iii) in sub-para (a) above.
Notes/Instructions :
1) The bidders have to only put values/charges for relieving charges (sl. no. 5) and
service/administrative charges (sl. no. 6)
2) The bidders have to quote positive values in sl. no. 5 and 6 above. In no case the
values put in sl. no. 5 and 6 above should be ZERO/0.
3) The bidder whose Grand total is lowest of all the bidders; shall be declared as the
L1 bidder.
4) Non-compliance or any violations of the instructions as mentioned above shall lead
to the rejection of the price bid/tender.
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Signature ofAgency NBCC
(Judicial Stamp paper of appropriate value as per stamp Act-of respective state)
In consideration of NBCC (INDIA) LIMITED, having its Registered Office at NBCC, Bhawan,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110003 (hereinafter called “NBCC”) which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns, having awarded
a work order/contract / supply order No. Dated (hereinafter called “the said contract”)
to M/s. .......................................... having its registered Head Office at ....... (hereinafter
called the Security Agency) which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or
context includes its successors and assigns at a total price of Rs subject to the
terms and conditions contained in the contract.
WHEREAS, the terms and conditions of the contract require the contractor to furnish a
bank guarantee for Rs............... (Rupees...................) being ............% of the total value of
the contract for proper execution and due fulfilment of the terms and conditions
contained in the contract.
We, the.......... Bank, (hereinafter called “The Bank”) which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context include its successors and assigns) having our
registered office at ….... and branch office at ....... hereby unconditionally and irrevocably
undertake and guarantee payment to NBCC forthwith on the same day on demand in
writing and without protest or demur of any and all moneys payable by the security
agency to NBCC under, in respect or in connection with the execution/supply of and
performance of the works/equipment, inclusive of any loss, damages, charges, expenses
and costs caused to or suffered by or which would be caused to or suffered by NBCC
by reason of any breach by the security agency of any of the terms and conditions
contained in the contract as specified in the notice of demand made by NBCC to the
bank with reference to this guarantee up to and aggregate limit of Rs.
............. (Rupees...................only) the bank hereby agrees with NBCC that:
(i) This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall remain valid and
irrevocable for all claims of NBCC and liabilities of security agency till the date of
expiry of BG i.e. ……….. The claim period of the Bank Guarantee shall be for a
period of 12 months after the date of expiry of BG.
(ii) NBCC shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligations and liabilities hereunder to vary any of the terms and
conditions of the said contract or to extend time for performance of contract by the
security agency from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time
any of the powers exercisable by NBCC against the security agency under the
contract and forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said
contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such
variations or extension being granted to the security agency or for any forbearance,
act or omission on the part of NBCC or any indulgence by NBCC to the security
agency or by any such matter or thing whatsoever, which under the law relating to
the sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
Signature ofAgency NBCC
(iii) This guarantee shall be in addition to any other guarantee or security whatsoever
NBCC may now or at any time have in relation to the performance of the
works/equipment and NBCC shall have full authority to take re-course or to enforce
this security in preference to any other guarantee or security which the NBCC may
have or obtained and no forbearance on the part of NBCC in enforcing or requiring
enforcement of any other security shall have the effect of releasing the Bank from its
liability hereunder.
(iv) This guarantee shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,
dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the security agency, but shall in
all respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all moneys
payable to NBCC in terms thereof are paid by the Bank or till expiry of the Bank
Guarantee including claim period of Bank Guarantee, whichever is earlier.
(v) The Bank Guarantee in no event be terminable, for any change in the constitution of
the Guarantor Bank or for any other reasons whatsoever and the liability of the
Guarantor Bank hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of
time or variations or alterations made, given, or agreed with or without knowledge or
consent of NBCC, by or between Supplier/ Contractor and the Bank.
(vi) The Bank hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this
Guarantee and the obligations of the bank in terms hereof, shall not be otherwise
effected or suspended by reasons of any dispute or disputes having been raised by
the security agency (whether or not pending before any Arbitrator, Tribunal or Court)
or any denial of liability by the security agency stopping or preventing or purporting
to stop or prevent any payment by the Bank to NBCC in terms hereof.
(vii) The amount stated in any notice of demand addressed by NBCC to the Guarantor as
liable to be paid to NBCC by the security agency or as suffered or incurred by NBCC
on account of any losses or damages, costs, charges and / or expenses shall as
between the Bank and NBCC be conclusive of the amount so liable to be paid to NBCC
or suffered or incurred by NBCC as the case may be and payable by the Guarantor to
NBCC in terms hereof subject to a maximum of Rs........................(Rupees
. only).
(viii) Unless demand or claim under this Guarantee is made on the Guarantor in writing
within 12 Months after the date of expiry of the Guarantee, the Guarantor shall be
discharged from all liabilities under this Guarantee there under.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this guarantee is
restricted to Rs. ................ (Rupees............................only). This guarantee will expire
on...... Any claim under this Guarantee must be received by us within 12 Months
after the date of expiry.
on behalf of Bank
Signature ofAgency NBCC
This agreement made this day of ----------(Month)-------- (Year) ,between the NBCC (India)
Limited (NBCC), a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its
Registered Office at NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 (hereinafter referred
to as the “NBCC” which expression shall include its administrators, successors, executors
and assigns) of the one part and --------------------(hereinafter referred to as the ’Contractor’
which expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include its administrators,
successors, executors and permitted assigns) of the other part.
NBCC has accepted their aforesaid tender and awarded the contract for Security Agency
Services for vide Letter of Award
No. -------------------------- dated which have been unequivocally accepted by -----------
------vide their acceptance dated---------------------------- .
NBCC has awarded the contract to -------------------for the work of ------ ---------
----------------------- as per contract document defined in Article below. The award
has taken effect from 3rd day of issue of aforesaid Letter of Award (LOA). The
terms and expressions used in this agreement shall have the same meanings as
are assigned to them in the “Contract Documents” referred to in the succeeding
The contract shall be performed strictly as per the terms and conditions stipulated
herein and in the following documents attached herewith (hereinafter referred to as
“Contract Documents”).
a) NBCC‟s Notice Inviting Tender vide NIT No. --------------- Dated ------------
------ comprising tender document (Section-------to ).
b) Corrigendum No. -----------& Amendment No. ----------- dated -------
c) ----------------- vide Technical & Financial Bid ---------------dated -
d) NBCC letter No. ------------------- dated------------------------.
e) ----------------- clarifications vide letter -------------- dated -------
Signature ofAgency NBCC
2.2 NBCC‟s Letter of Award dated
All the aforesaid contract documents referred to in Para 2.1 to 2.3 above shall form an
integral part of this Agreement, in so far as the same or any part thereof column, to
the tender documents and what has been specifically agreed to by NBCC. Any
matter inconsistent therewith, contrary, or repugnant thereto or deviations taken by
the Security Agency in its “TENDER” but not agreed to specifically by NBC in its
Letter of Award, shall be deemed to have been withdrawn by the Security Agency
without any cost implication to NBCC. For the sake of brevity, this Agreement along
with its aforesaid contract documents and Letter of Award shall be referred to as the
The scope of work shall also include all such items which are not specifically mentioned in
the Contract Documents but which are reasonably implied for the satisfactory
completion of the entire scope of work envisaged under this contract unless
otherwise specifically excluded from the scope of work in the contract documents.
Time is the essence of the Contract and it shall be strictly adhered to. The progress of
work shall conform to agreed works schedule/contract documents.
This agreement constitutes full and complete understanding between the parties
and terms of the presents. It shall supersede all prior correspondence to the extent
of inconsistency or repugnancy to the terms and conditions contained in
Agreement. Any modification of the Agreement shall be effected only by a
written instrument signed by the authorized representative of both the
The total Security Agency fee for the entire scope of this contract as detailed in Letter of
Award (LOA) is Rs. ----------------- (Rs. ----------------
------- only) is inclusive of GST, which shall be governed by the stipulations of the contract
4.1 Neither the inspection by NBCC or the Engineer-in-Charge or Client or any of their
officials, employees or agents nor order by NBCC or the Engineer- in-Charge for
payment of money or any payment for or acceptance of, the whole or any part of
Signature ofAgency NBCC
the work by NBCC or the Engineer-in-Charge nor any extension of time nor any
possession taken by the Engineer-in-Charge shall operate as waiver of any
provisions of the contract, or of any power herein reserved to NBCC, or any right
to damage herein provided, nor shall any waiver of any breach in the contract be
held to be a waiver or any other or subsequent breach.
The Laws applicable to this contract shall be the laws in force in India and jurisdiction
of Delhi Court (s) only.
Notice of Default
Notice of default given by either party to the other party under the Agreement shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and properly served upon
the parties hereto, if delivered against acknowledgment due or by FAX or by
registered mail duly addressed to the signatories at the address mentioned herein
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties through their duly authorized representatives have
executed these presents (execution whereof has been approved by the Competent
Authorities of both the parties) on the day, month and year first above mentioned at
1. 1.
2. 2.
Signature ofAgency NBCC
I, the deponent above named do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:
3. I shall have no objection in case NBCC verifies those from issuing authority (ies). I
shall also have no objection in providing the original copy of any of the
document(s), in case NBCC demands so for verification.
Verified at ................this.................day of .....................
Signature ofAgency NBCC
1 This has reference to above referred tender. I/We have read/viewed all the terms
and conditions and are pleased to submit our tender for the above work and I/We
hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions and tender documents in its
entirety for the above work.
2 I/we are eligible to submit the bid for the subject tender and I/We are in
possession of all the documents required.
3 Should this tender be accepted, I/we agree to abide by and fulfill all terms and
conditions referred to above and as contained in tender documents elsewhere and in
default thereof, to forfeit and pay NBCC, or it’s successors or its authorized nominees
such sums of money as are stipulated in the notice inviting tenders and tender
Yours faithfully,
Signature ofAgency NBCC
1. Name of Applicant/Company
2. Address for correspondence
4. Contact Person:
Telephone Nos.
Fax Nos.
5. Type of Organization:
a) An individual
b) A proprietary firm
c) A firm in partnership
(Attach copy of Partnership)
d) A Limited Company
(Attach copy of Article of Association)
e) Any other (mention the type)
6. Place and Year of Incorporation
7. Name of Directors/Partners/ Proprietor/ Owner
in the organization
8. Name(s) and Designation of the persons, who
is authorized to deal with NBCC
(Attach copy of power of Attorney)
9. Bank Details:
Name of Bank,
Address of Bank Branch,
Account Number,
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Tender for: -----------------------------------------------------
S. Name Type of Work Name Date and Final/Approved Cost of Cost of Ref. & Page
No. of i.e. of No. of Value of items Work on No. of
Work Residential/Non Clients Completio Contract (excl. supplied completion, Documentary
and its Residential n items supplied by including Proof
location Building Certificate free of cost by employer cost of
the employer) free of supplies
(‘X’) cost (or free of cost
at fixed or at fixed
cost) rate by
(‘Y’) employer
1. Certified that the Completion Certificates of above works are enclosed with the
Tender Documents.
2. Details mentioned in the above Form are as per Completion Certificates and
have not been presumed.
4. If any of the above works are executed in JV, Then bidder shall submit such
details in FORM-B.
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Name of the Client with Address, email & phone no.
Name of Contractor:--------------------------------------------
3 Agreement Amount
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Tender for:
1. Summarised page of Audited Profit & Loss Account and Audited Balance Sheet of
previous three Financial Years duly certified by the chartered accountant, have been
2. It is hereby confirmed that the Balance sheet for the preceding Financial year i.e. F.Y.
has actually not been audited/ or under finalisation so far. (Delete/strikeout
this para, if not applicable)
Signature of
Chartered Accountant
with Seal Membership
No. : UDIN :
Signature ofAgency NBCC
S. Name Name Project No. And Cost of the Payments TDS Year wise TDS
No. of of Cost in Date of work on Received Corresponding to as per Form-
work Clients Crores as per the payments 26AS/Form 16A
Completion completion
TDS In relating to the
Certificate in Crores Crores work
Note: Value of Work done will be considered commensurate with TDS Certificates
In case of multiple contracts undertaken from a Client, details of TDS/Form-26AS for each
work mentioned above need to be segregated and given separately.
This form need to be supported with Form-26AS taken in HTML Format or Form-16A
Signature ofAgency NBCC
Annexure –X
Postal Code
Contact Person
E-mail ID
Signature ofAgency NBCC
(Details to be provided by the bidder in respect of the work Experience certificates submitted
along with the tender.)
Signature ofAgency NBCC