Granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt resulted from partial melting of the crust. In most cases, fusion involved mainly quartz
and feldspar, producing felsic melts. Varying degrees of separation of those melts from the unmelted source rock Žrestite.
were responsible for much of the compositional variation seen in the granites of the belt. Less commonly, melting occurred
at higher temperatures forming more mafic melts, such as for the I-type Boggy Plain Supersuite and the S-type Koetong
Suite. Hence, the felsic haplogranites of the Lachlan belt dominantly formed initially as primary melts that separated from
restite and less often by the fractionation of more mafic melts. Source rocks of the I- and S-type granites were undersaturated
or oversaturated in Al, respectively, and the more mafic granites share that characteristic with their source. As the magmas
of the Boggy Plain Supersuite evolved progressively by fractional crystallization, the rocks trended towards saturation in Al,
to eventually form a mode close to Al saturation. Other felsic I-type magmas, formed directly by partial melting, were
generally more oversaturated in Al, as were the corresponding S-type melts derived from peraluminous source rocks. In an
unfractionated state, there are some overlaps in the degree of Al saturation in these magmas produced by partial melting.
However, when extended fractional crystallization of these felsic partial melts took place, an almost complete separation in
Al-saturation developed between I-type and more peraluminous S-type melts. Because apatite is soluble in peraluminous
melts, P became progressively more abundant in the S-type melts as they fractionated. This led to contrasts in the
abundances of P and of elements such as Y, the rare earth elements, and Th, between the strongly fractionated I- and S-type
granites. Hence, such granites can easily be distinguished from each other. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The term ‘granite’ is used here in a general sense to include
Tel.: q61-2-6249-2062; Fax: q61-2-6249-5544; E-mail: all coarse-grained igneous rocks comprising quartz and feldspars, the ‘granitoid’ of some authors.
0024-4937r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 4 - 4 9 3 7 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 8 6 - 3
536 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
1984, 1992. provided further details of the I- and 2. Aluminium saturation and the aluminium
S-type subdivision of granites in the Lachlan Fold saturation index (ASI)
Belt ŽLFB. of southeastern Australia. The two groups
are based on features of granites that can be ob- Na and Ca are removed in solution during weath-
served or measured, and which were inferred to ering. Those elements therefore have lower abun-
relate to features of the source rocks. Recognition of dances in those sedimentary rocks that can be par-
the two types focused attention on the role of source tially melted to produce a granite than they have in
rock compositions in determining many of the chem- unweathered igneous rocks. More mafic granites,
ical compositional features of granites, which in turn being closer to source rock compositions than felsic
either determine, or are related to, the mineralogy of granites, therefore have lower abundances of Na and
granites additional to the essential quartz and Ca in S-type relative to I-type granites. Hence, one
feldspars. of the most useful ways of discriminating the two
The I- and S-type subdivision has been widely, granite types is by use of the molar ratio Al 2 O 3r
but not universally, accepted as a useful concept. It ŽNa 2 O q K 2 O q CaO.. This ratio has been referred
might be expected to be an oversimplification, since to as ArCNK by Clarke Ž1981. and the aluminium
in natural systems, one could expect a continuous saturation index ŽASI. by Zen Ž1986.. ArCNK has
gradation in the compositional properties of source been widely used but use of ASI is preferred because
rocks. However, the view can be taken that source the name stresses the importance of the concept of
rocks should be unweathered or not sufficiently Al saturation. The terms metaluminous and peralu-
weathered to affect their chemical composition Žig- minous of Shand Ž1927., corresponding to CIPW
neous., or else weathered, or derived from material normative diopside Ždi. or corundum ŽC., are like-
weathered, to a sufficient extent for that to be ex- wise valuable. The boundaries between those pairs of
pressed in the composition Žsedimentary., with prob- terms correspond to ASI s 1 if the CaO value is
ably only a small region of overlap. At least for the corrected for apatite. In this paper, the ASI values
LFB, such a relatively sharp subdivision is supported are not corrected for apatite.
by the strongly bimodal character of the derived Miller Ž1985. proposed that peraluminous granites
granites for many elements in those granites that are be referred to as strongly peraluminous ŽPs. when
closest to the source rocks in composition. Also, the they contain a mineral more aluminous than biotite
two types of sources are probably fundamentally and weakly peraluminous ŽPw. when they do not.
different in the sense that the igneous sources were This is a useful mineralogical distinction and will be
generally infracrustal, and the sedimentary ones broadly followed here, although the differences in
supracrustal ŽChappell and White, 1984.. Al-saturation recognized in this paper are based on
This paper is concerned principally with examin- chemical compositions alone. Miller Ž1985. argued
ing the degree of Al-saturation in the granites of the for the use of mineralogical criteria partly on the
LFB, both in rocks that have and have not undergone basis of avoiding chemical analytical problems,
fractional crystallization. The degree of Al-satura- which is mostly valid. He noted that more than
tion, in both I- and S-type granites is traced through 3–4% C may be reported in norms when the primary
from the most mafic to the most felsic and strongly mineralogy would not be consistent with so much
fractionated compositions. The clear separation be- excess Al 2 O 3 . Here, we consider granites with up to
tween the I- and S-type granites that is evident at the about 4% C, including WG57 and VB140 in Table 1
most mafic compositions, also manifests itself in the and with the average Cornubian granite ŽCNG. in
most fractionated rocks. The often profound miner- that table containing 3.3% C. All of the strongly
alogical differences between the two granite types, peraluminous rocks considered here have modes
often related to Al-saturation, will not be exa- consistent with that feature, with common mus-
mined here. Chappell and White Ž1992. have pro- covite, and perhaps also andalusite or cordierite.
vided information on those mineralogical and Stoichiometric muscovite contains 25.6% C, so that
other more general aspects of the I- and S-type mineral is generally a major contributor to very high
groups. C contents. However, the use of Al-saturation based
B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551 537
Table 1
Compositional data for some felsic granites
G223 BB21 TB5 TB130 ZB107 DCC34 KB102 WG61 WG57 VB140 CNG VB98 AB141
SiO 2 75.30 76.56 73.79 76.31 76.48 75.58 73.81 70.54 73.72 72.48 72.35 73.49 77.12
TiO 2 0.15 0.19 0.20 0.06 0.14 0.03 0.30 0.51 0.05 0.25 0.26 0.12 0.12
Al 2 O 3 13.08 12.60 12.88 12.40 11.81 12.50 13.22 14.44 14.79 14.50 14.52 14.54 11.79
Fe 2 O 3 0.28 0.43 0.38 0.32 1.05 0.46 0.62 0.39 0.17 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.40
FeO 1.06 0.43 1.41 0.84 0.73 0.47 1.65 2.63 0.52 1.33 1.56 0.75 0.64
MnO 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.02
MgO 0.25 0.21 0.21 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.60 0.79 0.07 0.47 0.41 0.21 0.04
CaO 1.10 0.97 1.18 0.60 0.32 0.55 1.68 1.54 0.40 0.66 0.79 0.64 0.34
Na 2 O 3.45 3.52 3.00 3.50 4.21 3.95 2.97 2.91 4.00 2.80 2.96 3.28 3.07
K 2O 4.75 4.16 5.17 4.91 4.84 4.50 4.05 4.78 4.11 5.20 5.12 4.72 5.12
P2 O5 0.05 0.03 0.06 - 0.01 0.01 - 0.01 0.09 0.20 0.42 0.33 0.25 0.29 0.02
on chemical analyses should not be made without a quartz ŽQ., albite Žab. and orthoclase Žor., and min-
knowledge of the petrography of the rocks, so that eralogically by similar abundances of quartz, K-
one is not simply measuring a mass of clay minerals feldspar and Na-plagioclase, with minor amounts of
produced by hydrothermal alteration. Of course, a other minerals. To a first approximation, such gran-
major element analysis alone can be used to confirm ites have compositions that are independent of their
that the proportions of normative Q, ab, and or are precursor materials and separation into I- or S-type,
close to those of a minimum temperature melt ŽTable at least using major element and mineral abundances,
1 and Fig. 7., and it is important that it be done. is often not possible, unless the granite is part of a
Zen Ž1986. considered in some detail the produc- suite that extends to more mafic Žor, as this paper
tion of peraluminous melts by the fractional crystal- shows, more fractionated. compositions where com-
lization of originally metaluminous melts. The devel- positional distinctions emerge. Because haplogranites
opment of peraluminous compositions by the frac- are dominated by quartz and feldspars ŽASI s 1., the
tional crystallization of hornblende ŽASI - 0.5. had ASI also converges to values close to one for all of
previously been proposed by Cawthorn and Brown those rocks, and the values for I- and S-type granites
Ž1976.. Zen Ž1986. pointed out that such a process overlap; this is shown for the granites of the LFB in
would be inhibited by the precipitation of feldspar Fig. 1. This figure shows that the S-type granites are
ŽASI s 1. while the melt remains metaluminous, but always oversaturated in Al ŽASI ) 1.. The I-type
for the same reason the melt would become progres- granites may be either metaluminous or peralumi-
sively more peraluminous with the removal of nous, and they overlap the S-type granites. Rocks of
feldspar, once it became saturated in Al. Zen Ž1986. the I-type Boggy Plain Supersuite ŽWyborn et al.,
noted that the generation of peraluminous composi- 1987., which are either cumulates or derived liquid
tions by fractional crystallization in that way is compositions ŽSection 4.4., are not included in Fig.
inefficient and that larger bodies of peraluminous 1. The I-type granites represented in Fig. 1, generally
magma require a more efficient mechanism for their correspond to magma compositions that were either
derivation. Such large bodies of magma can be
produced by partial melting of peraluminous source
rocks ŽS-type.. However, peraluminous felsic I-type
granites are common in many regions, and they
comprise 41% of all I-type granites of the LFB.
Clearly, another mechanism for producing peralumi-
nous I-type compositions is required, and it is pro-
posed here that these weakly peraluminous composi-
tions result largely from partial melting rather than
fractional crystallization ŽSection 5.3.. Those compo-
sitions may in turn be modified by the precipitation
of feldspar so that the final rocks may be more
peraluminous ŽFigs. 3 and 4..
melts, or melts containing entrained restite crystals components as a solid residue, which may have
ŽChappell et al., 1987.. Almost half Ž46.5%. of those disengaged from the melt at or near the source, or
1025 I-type compositions, exclusive of the Boggy later. In both of these cases, the felsic melts have the
Plain Supersuite, have ASI values greater than 1.0, distinctive major element compositions that reflect
and therefore overlap with some S-type granites. The the equilibrium between quartz, feldspars, and a
importance of peraluminous I-type granites in the hydrous melt during their formation as observed by
LFB, or elsewhere, is perhaps not generally realized, Tuttle and Bowen Ž1958..
and it shows that it is inadvisable to refer to those
granites in a group as metaluminous, in contrast to
the ‘metasediment-derived’ or even the ‘per-
4.2. Major element compositions of haplogranites
aluminous metasediment-derived types’, as Wall et
al. Ž1987. have done. In proposing the I- and S-type
classification, Chappell and White Ž1974. were aware Analyses of 13 haplogranites, mostly from the
that I-type granites may be peraluminous, which is LFB, are listed in Table 1. These analyses show the
partly why they suggested terms not intrinsically limited range in major element compositions for
related to Al-saturation. such rocks, regarding P as a trace element. Such
rocks are very siliceous Ž73–77% SiO 2 .. Except for
the strongly fractionated S-type granites, they con-
4. Petrogenetic framework tain low Al 2 O 3 Ž- 13%., and they have very low to
low contents of Mg, Ca, and the transition elements.
4.1. The importance of the haplogranites Na and K have high and relatively constant abun-
dances. These rocks are dominated by four elements,
The I- and S-type subdivision must be examined Si, Al, Na and K, which do not vary greatly in
in terms of other compositional properties of granites amount, and the variation in abundances of the nor-
that reflect on their origin. The most important of mative minerals Q, ab, and or, that incorporate those
those features is that the most felsic granites, or four elements are likewise restricted ŽTable 1..
haplogranites, almost universally have the composi- The analyses in Table 1 include four unfraction-
tions of low-temperature hydrous silicate melts in ated rocks, two I-type ŽG233 and BB21., one S-type
equilibrium with quartz and feldspar ŽTuttle and ŽKB102., and one A-type ŽAB141.. All the other
Bowen, 1958.. That study established the magmatic rocks show compositional effects of fractional crys-
character of granites and while Bowen himself did tallization. The pairs TB5 and TB130 ŽI-type., and
not regard granite magmas as likely to be primary, WG61 and WG57 ŽS-type., represent the least and
he noted that studies showing that granite is a late- most evolved granites available from two suites that
crystallizing residuum of fractional crystallization underwent extreme fractional crystallization. ZB107
imply that it would likewise be an early product of is a rock that apparently fractionated from an origi-
selective fusion of appropriate material ŽBowen, nally rather mafic metaluminous composition, that is
1947.. Thus, the simple haplogranites can form in itself slightly peralkaline. DCC34 is a strongly frac-
two ways, both of which are seen among the granites tionated representative of what is certainly one of the
of the LFB. best and most extensive examples worldwide of
Some felsic granites of the LFB were produced by highly evolved granites, the Carboniferous I-type
the removal by fractional crystallization of mafic granites of northern Queensland ŽChampion and
components from less felsic silicate melts, so that the Chappell, 1992.. VB140 is a fairly strongly fraction-
more mafic rocks represent cumulates, and the more ated S-type granite from the Wagga Batholith of the
felsic ones liquids. This is illustrated by the I-type LFB, which is strikingly close in major element and
Boggy Plain Supersuite and the S-type Koetong Suite. many trace element abundances, to the average Cor-
More commonly in the LFB, haplogranites formed nubian granite CNG of Chappell and Hine Žunpub-
under conditions where only the felsic components lished data.. VB98 is a more strongly fractionated
of the source rocks were fused, leaving the mafic S-type granite from the Wagga Batholith.
540 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
4.3. Trace element compositions of haplogranites in the LFB by fractional crystallization is seen only
in rocks of the Koetong Suite ŽChappell, 1996b.,
In contrast to the major element compositions, although some other felsic S-type granites that are
many trace elements can vary widely in concentra- not associated in the field with more mafic rocks
tion in felsic rocks, with some of those variations might also have formed in such a way. For Koetong,
illustrated in Table 1. Those trace elements that at SiO 2 contents greater than about 69%, the abun-
occur in feldspars Že.g., Rb, Sr, Ba. and those that dance of elements such as Rb, Nb and Sn begin to
are major components of accessory minerals Že.g., P, increase rapidly in abundance with increasing SiO 2
Zr, Nb, Y, Ce, Sn, Th, U. may vary widely in content, while others including Sr, Y and Th start to
abundance both within and between rock suites. decrease, consistent with fractional crystallization.
Those that are found in mafic minerals Že.g., Cr. are The haplogranites of the Boggy Plain Supersuite and
invariably low in amount. Those trace elements that the Koetong Suite were therefore initially produced
occur in feldspars and accessory minerals, and which by fractional crystallization of more mafic melts. In
may as a result have abundances that vary with, and that respect, they are unusual among the felsic gran-
reflect, the degree of fractional crystallization of ites of the LFB.
such minerals from a felsic melt, are a major focus
of this discussion. In a sense, all granites are frac- 4.5. Production of haplogranites by partial melting
tionated rocks, in that they have compositions that
differ from other igneous rocks or average crust. More commonly, it was partial melting of the
However, in this paper, the term fractionated is used crust, of earlier igneous or sedimentary components,
to refer to those felsic granites that Ža priori. show that produced the LFB haplogranites, at or close to
the compositional effects of fractional crystallization minimum temperature melt compositions Žnot H 2 O-
of feldspars and accessory minerals; those that do saturated.. Evidence for these rocks representing pri-
not are said to be unfractionated. Examples of both mary magmatic compositions, includes the absence
groups are provided in Table 1 and the different Žor at least rarity. of cumulate rocks and the absence
behaviour of some trace elements in fractionated I- of mafic rocks analogous to those of the Boggy Plain
and S-type granites will be considered in detail in Supersuite. For these I-type granites, the minimum
later sections. SiO 2 content is 54.4% and for only 2.7% of all
analyzed 1025 samples is the SiO 2 below 60%. For
4.4. Production of haplogranites by fractional the S-type granites, the minimum SiO 2 content is
crystallization 63.4%. The relative absence of mafic rocks not only
implies that cumulate rocks were not formed, but
The I-type Boggy Plain Supersuite ŽWyborn et also that the more mafic compositions corresponding
al., 1987., which comprises approximately 5% of all to molten magmas that might have been the source
exposed granites of the LFB, has compositional fea- of these granites through fractional crystallization,
tures which show that the range of rocks was pro- are uncommon. Further evidence against a process of
duced by fractional crystallization from relatively fractional crystallization in producing these rocks,
mafic liquids, so that the more mafic rocks represent comes from the lack of inflexions in concentrations
cumulates and the more felsic granites and related of elements in variation diagrams, and the character-
volcanic rocks generally represent liquid composi- istic linear variations of many elements. Also, Chap-
tions. Evidence for this includes the wide range in pell Ž1996b. has shown, by modelling variations of
composition Ž45.34 to 77.32% SiO 2 ., inflexions of some trace elements in the I-type Glenbog and
elements on variation diagrams, and the occurrence Moruya suites, and the S-type Bullenbalong Suite,
of rocks with cumulate chemical features, such as that variation in those suites cannot have resulted
high Ca and Al, or Ca and Mg, or Cr, or extremely from the development of cumulate rocks by frac-
low abundances of K, P, Rb, Zr, etc., which were tional crystallization; similar calculations show that
components of a trapped interstitial melt. Direct likewise, those suites cannot represent liquid lines of
evidence for the production of S-type haplogranites descent resulting from fractional crystallization. Fur-
B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551 541
thermore, processes of magma mixing and hybridiza- Chappell and White Ž1974. nominated a value for
tion are localized and insignificant on a pluton scale the ASI significantly greater than 1.0 as the bound-
and the popular model that some granite suites result ary between the I- and S-types, despite the fact that a
from the interaction of mantle melts and crust cannot value of 1.0 might be arbitrarily taken as a boundary
be sustained by the data for the LFB ŽChappell, between unweathered and weathered source rocks. In
1996a.. part, they did that because of the observed values for
the Berridale Batholith. However, they also recog-
4.6. Production of more mafic granites nized more generally that very felsic granites of
I-type suites may be weakly peraluminous, while
The bulk of the haplogranites of the LFB acquired more mafic compositions within that suite are meta-
that property as a primary feature by the partial luminous. The defining sample in that regard is
melting of quartz and two feldspars. Some more G223 of Table 1, a very felsic granite from the New
mafic magmas, such as those that produced the England Batholith ŽChappell, 1978.. This sample is
Jindabyne Suite ŽHine et al., 1978. or the Koetong associated in the Bendemeer pluton with rocks hav-
Suite, formed as a result of melting to higher temper- ing SiO 2 contents down to 65.7% SiO 2 and contain-
atures, such that there was an absence of quartz, ing up to 7% hornblende. G223 contains 3% biotite
K-feldspar or H 2 O in the residue. Sometimes, but and small amounts of hornblende, less than one
not generally, those magmas underwent fractional small crystal per thin-section. Despite the presence
crystallization. In the extreme case of the Boggy of hornblende, G223 is peraluminous; it contains
Plain Supersuite, melting at high temperatures pro- 0.38% C and has an ASI of 1.021. This rock is, or is
duced a hot completely molten magma that yielded a very close to, a minimum temperature melt produced
wide range of rocks by fractional crystallization. from metaluminous source rocks. It shows empiri-
However, in most cases, the more mafic granites of cally that minimum temperature granite melts, formed
the LFB acquired that character by the entrainment in equilibrium with such source rocks, are slightly
of crystals of unmelted source material Žrestite. in a Al-oversaturated. This is in accord with experimental
low temperature melt ŽChappell et al., 1987; Chap- studies showing that peraluminous melts can be pro-
pell, 1996b.. duced by partial melting of mafic rocks Že.g., Helz,
1976; Ellis and Thompson, 1986.. The composition
of another I-type granite representing a partial melt
5. Aluminium saturation in granites of the LFB composition, rock BB21 from the Berridale Batholith,
is also shown in Table 1. This is slightly more
5.1. Aluminium saturation in I- and S-type granites peraluminous than G223, with a C content of 0.61%
and an ASI of 1.045. This rock contains a small
Chappell and White Ž1974. noted that the distinc- amount of muscovite Ž0.3%. that is possibly sub-
tive mineralogical features of I- and S-type granites solidus, rather than hornblende but its I-type charac-
correlate with differences in the abundance of Al ter is confirmed by an initial 87 Srr86 Sr ratio ; 0.705.
relative to Na, K and Ca in the two types, which can The composition of an S-type granite close to a
now be expressed as the ASI. Chappell and White minimum temperature melt is also given in Table 1.
Ž1974. proposed that the boundary between the two This rock KB102 is significantly more saturated in
types be drawn at an ASI of 1.1. At that time, the Al than the two I-type granites discussed earlier,
distinction between the two types was largely based with 1.11% C and an ASI value of 1.073. This is to
on observations of the Berridale Batholith, although be expected in a composition resulting from partial
analogous differences had been observed elsewhere melting in equilibrium with peraluminous minerals,
in the LFB. From the current LFB database, the which show an appreciable solubility in felsic melts.
range in ASI for the I-type granites of the Berridale However, it must be noted that there are felsic S-type
Batholith is from 0.902 to 1.092 with only one granites in the LFB which are less peraluminous than
sample greater than 1.065, and for the S-type gran- KB102, just as there are felsic I-type granites than
ites from 1.044 to 1.248. are more peraluminous than BB21.
542 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
tionation, but increases for S-type fractionation be- values in the felsic granites, ranging from 0.02 to
cause of increasing saturation in Al Žincreasing C., in 0.42%. There is a concentration of points in the
the melt. The elements Ti, Fe, Mn, Mg and Ca, are low-P2 O5 part of the triangle, extending from the
already at low levels before fractional crystallization more mafic to intermediate compositions. These are
of the haplogranite melt occurs, and in absolute dominantly the granites of the Bullenbalong Super-
amounts decrease only slightly. The trace transition suite in which the compositional variation resulted
elements have low abundances in these rocks. Most from separation of a lower-P2 O5 melt such as KB102
other trace elements undergo significant changes in in Table 1, from a magma containing higher-P2 O5
abundance with increasing fractionation, and in fact mafic restite components. Rocks with higher P con-
provide the main evidence for the degree of fraction- tents reflect the role of fractional crystallization, as
ation that has occurred. Those elements that are in the more felsic parts of the Koetong Suite ŽVB140
incorporated in feldspars always behave consistently, and VB98 in Table 1.. The granites with highest
so that Rb, Cs, and Ga increase in abundance with P2 O5 contents are the most strongly fractionated of
fractionation, while Sr and Ba decrease. Some other the S-type granites, but are not at the highest SiO 2
elements are fairly constant in behaviour, so that Nb, values. This is because of the increasing abundance
Sn, and U, for example, increase with fractionation, of C in the most felsic rocks, so that in the extreme
while Zr decreases in abundance except in peralka- case about 4% C dilutes the other components, and
line liquids. Other elements, notably P, Y, the rare consequently, the rock fractionated to a lower SiO 2
earth elements, and Th, show varying patterns of content.
behaviour, governed by the accessory minerals that The higher P2 O5 abundances in the S-type gran-
precipitate, which are in turn largely determined by ites are consistent with their more peraluminous
the composition of the melt, and specifically by its compositions. Montel et al. Ž1988. demonstrated that
degree of saturation in Al. apatite is soluble in peraluminous melts. Wolf and
London Ž1994. have shown experimentally that the
solubilities of apatite in a haplogranite melt, and
6.2. Contrasting behaÕiour of P in I- and S-type equivalent P2 O5 abundances, increase linearly with
granites ASI, up to ; 0.63% of P2 O5 in a melt of ASI s 1.3.
The highest P2 O5 content measured in a fractionated
The contrasting patterns of behaviour of P in I- S-type granite of the LFB is 0.42% in two samples,
and S-type granites of the LFB are shown in Fig. 6. one of which is WG57 in Table 1, which has an ASI
The I-type granites show a band of compositions that value of 1.26 and a C content of 4.04%. Using the
decrease with increasing SiO 2 , converging on values data of Wolf and London Ž1994., this would suggest
less than 0.01% P2 O5 between 75 and 77.5% SiO 2 , that the fractionated S-type granites were never satu-
showing that the concentration of P in the I-type rated in P, so that the element behaved incompatibly
haplogranite melts is always very low. It is the and increased in abundance. The average CNG in
strongly fractionated I-type haplogranites that have Table 1, which contains 3.27% C, is correspondingly
the very low P contents Žcompare TB130 with the high in P2 O5 Ž0.25%.. The contrasting behaviour of
preceding three analyses in Table 1.. The decrease in P2 O5 during the fractional crystallization of I- and
P2 O5 contents with increasing SiO 2 for the I-type S-type granites will be considered further in Section
granites in Fig. 6 is consistent with the decreasing 7.2.
solubility of P in more siliceous melts ŽHarrison and
Watson, 1984., but for these rocks it is thought to be
due to the presence of different proportions of low-P 6.3. Contrasting behaÕiour of rare earth elements in
felsic melt and restite that includes apatite crystals. I- and S-type granites
The analogous plot for S-type granites shows a
strikingly different distribution, with the data lying in The concentrations of La and Y in I- and S-type
a triangular area extending from about 0.15% P2 O5 granites of the LFB are also plotted in Fig. 6. As a
in the most mafic rocks, to both higher and lower broad body of data, there is more scatter in the I-type
546 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
Fig. 6. Harker diagrams for P2 O5 , La and Y for I-type Žfilled squares. and S-type Žopen circles. granites of the LFB. Because there are no
S-type granites with less than 63% SiO 2 , I-type granites below that SiO 2 level are not plotted. Data from the Boggy Plain Supersuite are not
granites, particularly for La, as might be expected which lie above an otherwise well-defined band of
since the I-type rocks were derived from a wider compositions. These are perhaps cumulate composi-
range of source materials. However, for Y in the tions, or may represent magmas from a source en-
S-type granites, there are individually four analyses riched in Y by sedimentary processes.
B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551 547
For La in the I-type granites, the general gradient ture of fractionated I- and S-type granites from
is broadly slightly positive with increasing SiO 2 , the LFB.
whereas for the S-type rocks it is very slightly
negative. Above 73% SiO 2 , corresponding to frac- 6.4. Comparison of Õery felsic I-type and A-type
tional crystallization of haplogranite liquids, La de- granites
creases markedly in the S-type granites, but to a
A comparatively high abundance of the heavy
lesser degree in the I-type compositions, where some
rare earths is a characteristic of the A-type granites
rocks retain high La levels. This change in behaviour
of the LFB ŽKing et al., 1997.. The analysis of a
of La in the S-type granites was determined by the
very felsic A-type granite, AB141 in Table 1, illus-
fractional crystallization of monazite from the felsic
trates the similarities between those rocks and the
liquids, in contrast to its earlier separation as a restite
strongly fractionated I-type granites for major ele-
phase in the more mafic rocks. Monazite occurs in
ments and traces such as Y, Lu and Ga. However,
some felsic I-type granites of the LFB, and it has
unlike those I-type granites, these are primary or
been used successfully for U–Pb dating of those
close to primary features of AB141, as that rock is at
rocks ŽWilliams et al., 1983.. The lower La contents
most only slightly fractionated. Rb and Cs are much
of some I-type haplogranites show that it was possi-
lower than in rocks such as TB130 and DCC34,
bly, sometimes, a fractionating phase despite the
while Sr and particularly Ba, are higher. King et al.
very low P contents of those liquids, or else allanite
Ž1997. noted that many felsic, highly fractionated
was a fractionating phase.
I-type granites have compositions that overlap those
The different behaviour of Y in felsic I- and
of the intrinsically felsic A-type granites for some
S-type granites is, like P2 O5 , one of the most distinc-
elements. For unfractionated to mildly fractionated
tive features of those two types of haplogranites ŽFig.
I-type rocks, such as samples BB21 and TB5 in
6.. For the LFB, Y has remarkably similar abun-
Table 1, the distinction from the A-type granites,
dances in both groups up to 75% SiO 2 , and it
including ones less felsic than AB141, is very clear.
continues at the same level for the S-type rocks. For
At the other extreme, A-type granites that underwent
the I-type granites it increases dramatically, by a
strong feldspar fractionation would be difficult to
factor of around 5 times for some samples. Since
separate from similarly fractionated I-type granites.
these are liquid compositions, it means that Y is
behaving as a strongly incompatible element, imply-
ing that no Y-bearing accessory minerals were being 7. Contrasting patterns of evolution of trace ele-
fractionated. For the fractionating S-type haplogran- ments in the Freycinet and Interview River suites
ites, the bulk partition coefficient for Y was very
close to one, implying the consistent presence of an The I-type Freycinet Suite and the S-type Inter-
Y-bearing accessory mineral. view River Suite of the LFB provide examples of
Concentrations of Y, readily determined by X-ray extreme evolution of felsic granites, dominated by
spectrometry, can be used as indicators of middle to fractional crystallization. These suites are exposed on
heavy rare earth element abundances. Values for Lu the eastern and western coasts of Tasmania, respec-
are given for the 13 haplogranites in Table 1. For the tively. The Freycinet Suite comprises four plutons,
three unfractionated granites, concentrations for that Coles Bay Ž; 30 km2 ., The Hazards Ž11 km2 .,
heaviest rare earth element are close to 0.5 ppm Freycinet Ž50 km2 . and Schouten Island Ž28 km2 ., in
Ž; 13 times chondrites.. For the fractionated I-type which all rocks that have been examined are frac-
granites, the Lu abundances are significantly higher, tionated, shown by Rb contents in the range from
up to 2.6 and 3.1 ppm for the strongly fractionated 343 to 825 ppm for 21 analyzed rocks. The Interview
rocks TB130 and DCC34. In contrast, Lu in the three River Suite includes the Interview River Ž66 km2 .,
fractionated S-type granites from the LFB is substan- Sandy Cape Ž1.7 km2 . and Three Hummock Ž18.4
tially lower than the unfractionated values, in the km2 . units, with Rb varying between 275 and 950
range 0.10 to 0.14 ppm. This marked contrast ppm. For both suites, individual plutons show a
between the abundance of Lu is a general fea- restricted range of Rb contents, hence, degree of
548 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
7.3. Trace elements Õarying in a similar way in both Fig. 10. Plots of Y and Th against Rb for the I-type Freycinet
the Freycinet and InterÕiew RiÕer suites Suite Žfilled squares. and S-type Interview River Suite Žopen
circles.. The sample plotted as a star is TB121, the sample from
the Freycinet Suite which plots away from the main group of
In contrast to P, and other elements to be dis- compositions on the Q–ab–or diagram in Fig. 6. One sample from
cussed in Section 7.4, there are many elements whose Freycinet, containing 403 ppm Rb and 122 ppm Th, is not plotted
abundances evolve in a similar fashion in strongly for Th.
550 B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551
Interview River suites has already been discussed. Ž5. Most haplogranites of the LFB attained that
Two other elements with distinct patterns of be- character not by fractional crystallization, but rather
haviour, Y and Th, are shown in Fig. 10. For the by partial melting of quartz and feldspar in the crust.
Interview River Suite, both elements show a very In the unfractionated state, there are some overlaps
regular trend and decrease with fractionation. This in ASI values between these I- and S-type composi-
can probably be ascribed to their removal by incor- tions.
poration in precipitating phosphate phases, since Ž6. There is close to a complete separation of ASI
these melts contain abundant P ŽFig. 9.. Excluding values between fractionated I- and S-type granites,
sample TB121 Žstar in Fig. 10., which is not a with a boundary between most of the two sets of
minimum temperature melt composition and is there- data at ASI s 1.1. With increasing fractionation, I-
fore altered, there is a broad but regular increase in type melts stay close to just saturated, while the
Y with fractionation for the Freycinet Suite. A simi- S-type melts become progressively more peralumi-
lar but less consistent variation exists for Th. The nous, up to ; 4% C in the LFB.
variation in Y is consistent with the that of the Ž7. As a consequence, there is a significant con-
fractionated I-type granites of the LFB as a whole, centration of P in the S-type haplogranite melts,
shown in Fig. 6. Clearly, no significant Y- or Th- which increases with fractionation, whereas it falls to
bearing mineral was present in the mineral assem- low levels in the I-type melts.
blage that fractionated to produce these composi- Ž8. Many elements vary in a similar way during
tions. the strong fractional crystallization of both I- and
S-type haplogranites. However, some do not. The
contrast in Al-saturation, and the dramatic difference
8. Conclusions
in P abundances between the two types critically
Ž1. Source rocks of I-type granites are undersatu- determine the accessory minerals that precipitate and
rated in Al, while those of S-type granites are over- are removed during fractional crystallization. Ele-
saturated because of the loss of Na and Ca during ments that occur in phosphate minerals, such as Y,
weathering. The more mafic I- and S-type granites the rare earth elements, and Th, therefore show
have degrees of Al-saturation that directly reflect strongly contrasting patterns of evolution between
that feature in their source rocks. the highly fractionated I- and S-type granites.
Ž2. Felsic granites of all types Žhaplogranites. are Ž9. Highly fractionated granites comprise only a
close to saturated in Al, and generally slightly over- very small fraction of the components of the original
saturated. This is due to the convergence of granites source rocks, yet they have distinct properties ac-
to the minimum temperature melt composition, with cording to whether those sources were igneous or
the normative minerals Q, ab, and or present in sedimentary. The degree of Al-saturation of the melt
approximately equal amounts and together dominat- was established during the initial equilibrium be-
ing the mineral assemblage. tween melt and residual source rocks. This acted as a
Ž3. Hence, while the more mafic granites have ‘genetic code’ during prolonged fractionation of those
ASI values and associated mineralogical features that melts, resulting in distinctive end products.
are distinctly I- or S-type, the more felsic ones, when Ž10. Highly evolved I-type granites are the ex-
unfractionated, do not. treme product of progressive stages of high tempera-
Ž4. Among the I-type granites of the Lachlan belt, ture fractionation of the Earth, at least on the scale of
the subordinate Boggy Plain Supersuite provides an tens of cubic kilometers.
example of the development of felsic granites through
fractional crystallization. This process produced a
mode in the ASI values close to 1.0. Among the
S-type granites, the rocks of the Koetong Suite also Acknowledgements
evolved through fractional crystallization from a melt
containing ; 69% SiO 2 , leading to strongly peralu- Samples of the Interview River Suite were col-
minous compositions in that case. lected by Drs. Doone Wyborn and Wayne Sawka.
B.W. Chappellr Lithos 46 (1999) 535–551 551
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