Pre-Upgrade Tasks
1 Backup the configuration of the DataCore SANsymphony software on each DX8200D node.
You may refer to the SANsymphony Help Guide for assistance.
2 If Lenovo or DataCore Technical Support have previously requested that the
DataCore.Executive.CorePMFdll.config file on any DX8200D node be customized because of a
specific hardware configuration, copy this file to a safe location, as it must be restored after
the upgrade, replacing the newly installed file.
Step 1: Copy Upgrade Kit executable to the node
Copy the executable to a suitable location on the node to be upgraded, for example, the Desktop or
“Documents” folder. Do not place it within the existing C:\Program Files\DataCore structure.
All DataCore DX8200D nodes in a highly available environment are started and healthy.
All mirrored Virtual Disks are in a healthy state.
In the case of mirrored Virtual Disks, that every application server (‘Host’) has healthy
redundant paths available. For Single Virtual Disks (non-mirrored) or snapshots, the affected
Hosts should be shutdown, as loss of access to storage will occur.
That console access to the DX8200D via either KVM or IMM (Remote Control) is available.
Using the SANsymphony Management Console and with reference to its DataCore Servers
Panel, stop the DataCore Server and wait for its status to change from ‘running’ to ‘stopped’.
Close the Management Console
A ‘helper’ PowerShell script “6_IMMUpgrade.ps1” is used to automatically install the IMM firmware.
If any errors or failures were reported in the console, contact Lenovo Technical support for
assistance. Do not proceed further without their instruction.
Verify the result of the IMM firmware flash. Using a supported browser application, navigate to the
Lenovo IMM web page for the machine under upgrade and under the menus “Server Management”
-> “Server Firmware” locate the “System Firmware” table. The new version should reflect: Build
TCOO32C and Version 4.10, as shown below:
Connect to the node under upgrade, using RDP, IMM or KVM access:
If any errors or failures were reported in the console, contact Lenovo Technical support for
assistance. Do not proceed further without their instruction.
Once rebooted, verify the result of the UEFI firmware flash. Using a supported browser application,
navigate to the IMM web page of the node under upgrade, and under the menus “Server
Management” -> “Server Firmware” locate the “System Firmware” table.
The new UEFI version should reflect: Build TCE130J and Version 2.40, as shown below:
Connect to the node under upgrade, using RDP, IMM or KVM access:
If any errors or failures were reported in the console, contact Lenovo Technical support for
assistance. Do not proceed further without their instruction.
Once rebooted, verify the result of the DSA firmware flash. Using a supported browser application,
navigate to the IMM web page of the node under upgrade, and under the menus “Server
Management” -> “Server Firmware” locate the “System Firmware” table.
The new DSA version should reflect: Build DSALA8S and Version 10.2, as shown below:
If any errors or failures were reported in the console, contact Lenovo Technical support for
assistance. Do not proceed further without their instruction.
Connect to the node under upgrade via either the IMM (Remote Control) or KVM.
If any errors or failures were reported in the console, contact Lenovo Technical support for
assistance. Do not proceed further without their instruction.
Open the OS Control Panel and under the item “System and Security” -> “Windows Update”, select
“Check for Updates”. Retrieval of the available update information may take some time.
When complete, select all available updates and initiate Windows Update by clicking “Install
Host Considerations
If using DataCore MPIO, Microsoft Windows 2008 R2, 2012 or 2012 R2 hosts must be upgraded to
the MPIO version in the Windows Integration Kit 3.0 before installing this SANsymphony release to
take advantage of fixes and enhancements. See the Windows Integration Kit Release Notes for
detailed instructions.
For configurations using DataCore VSS, install the VSS component in the Windows Integration Kit 4.0
on all Windows 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 hosts using VSS. z
a. Log in as the local administrator on the DX8200D appliance to be upgraded and check for
the availability of the executable package “DataCoreServer.exe”, which should be located in
the folder path “C:\ADK-Upgrade\10PSP6U4\bin\DataCore”.
b. Run the DataCoreServer.exe executable identified in Step 1.
c. At the InstallShield Welcome dialog, click ‘Next’
d. If prompted with the message “Do you wish to proceed with the update”, click ‘Yes’
e. The Setup Status dialog will display installation progress.
f. If a Windows Security dialog is raised with the message “Would you like to install this device
software?”, ensure that the checkbox ‘Always trust software from “DataCore Software
Corporation”’ is checked, then click ‘Install’.
An information dialog may be shown, regarding an inability to configure one or more iSCSI ports.
This is normal. Click ‘Ok’ to continue the installation
a. Change the Startup Type of the Windows service “DataCore Executive Service” to
‘Automatic’. Start the Executive service.
b. Open the SANsymphony Management Console and identify the node under upgrade
in the “DataCore Servers” panel.
c. Right-click the correct DataCore Server icon and from the actions menu select
‘Rescan Ports. Wait for the rescan process to complete (as observable in the
“Operations Panel”).
d. Right-click the DataCore Server icon and from the actions menu select ‘Start
DataCore Server’. Wait for the Server status to change from ‘Stopped’ to ‘Running’.
e. The DX8200D node is now operational.
Step 21: Proceed with the upgrade of the next DX8200D node
Once all mirrored Virtual Disks are healthy it is safe to proceed with the next node. Before doing so,
check that all running Hosts see all expected paths to the upgraded DX8200D node before
proceeding with pre-upgrade instructions on the next DX8200D appliance. Repeat all steps for all
appliances in the configuration which require upgrade.
Reactivate all license keys for the Server Group affected, after all upgrades have been completed.
It is advisable to replace the (bare metal) Recovery Image file on the upgraded node(s) with a version
reflecting the newly upgraded state. Delete the content of the folder C:\ADK\recovery and replace it
with the contents of the ZIP-Archive Recovery_10PSP6U4_17AUP_DX8200D.zip which is
downloadable at:
IMM IP-Address
Prerequisites checked?