➢ Maximum permissible temperature for carbon steel is 540°C and stainless steel is 650°C.
➢ For cryogenic application, aluminum and its alloys are used.
➢ Carbon steel and mild steel can not withstand and temperature below –20°C.
➢ For temperature above 1100°C, refractory metals are suitable.
➢ Tungsten, Tantalum, Chromium, Molybdenum etc are known as refractory metals whose
melting point are above 1650°C.
➢ For jacketed vessels type reactor, shell side or vessel side maximum operating
temperature is 100°C and jacket side operating temperature is 200°C. So, design
temperature is 250°C.
➢ In shell and tube heat exchanger, maximum operating temperature of tube side fluid is
50°C and shell side fluid is 200°C. So, design temperature is 250°C.
➢ Let us consider here following terms to derive expression for circumferential stress or
hoop stress developed in wall of cylindrical shell.
P = Internal pressure
d = Internal diameter of thin cylindrical shell
t = thickness of wall of cylinder
L = length of cylinder
σθ = σH = Circumferential stress
Force Px x d2
➢ Stress = = 4
Area πxdxt
σL =
➢ Here, circumferential stress is greater than longitudinal stress and so we take
circumferential stress as design stress for calculation of thickness of cylinder.
❖ Construction:
➢ Most pressure vessels are cylindrical (swaged vessels are exception) and have integer
length : diameter ratios (2:1, 3:1, 4:1).
➢ Vertical vessels are more commonly used than horizontal ones.
➢ This is because it is easier to have uniform distribution across cross section, and they take
up less space.
➢ However, there may be cases in which horizontal vessels may be preferable.
➢ They can be used to promote phase separation (in decanters, settling tanks, separators and
flash vessels), and to allow easy access to clean inside (in pressure vessel).
th = thickness of flat cover including CA
D = diameter of portion of flat cover which is actually under operating pressure
P = internal design pressure or external design pressure
f = allowable stress at design temperature of metal
C = edge fixity constant, varies from 0.4 to 0.7 depending upon types of attachment of
flat head with shell
• Torispherical head:
➢ Torispherical heads are recommended to use for internal design pressure upto 15 atm g
➢ But in actual practice, they are even used for higher pressure because they are cheaper
than elliptical or hemispherical head.
➢ Torispherical head can be divided into 3 parts: Straight portion, Corner portion, Crown
2 + K2
V = stress identification factor =
K = ratio of major to minor axis
• Conical head:
➢ Conical head are widely used as bottom head of process equipment like evaporator, spray
drier, cyclone separator, crystallizer and settling tanks.
3) Nozzle design:
➢ Nozzle or openings are provided in pressure vessel to facilitate input or output of
material, to measure temperature, pressure or level and to facilitate cleaning as manholes,
hand holes or drains.
Prepared By: Mr. Mohammedadil Shaikh Page
Chapter 5: Mechanical design of pressure vessel
➢ Nozzles may be located on shell, head or on jacket.
➢ When we make holes in wall of shell, head or jacket to connect nozzle, it creates stress
concentration in vicinity of hole.
➢ In order to minimum these stresses it is preferred that openings must be in circular shape;
2nd preference is elliptical shape and 3rd preference is obround shape.
➢ Nozzle can be classified on basis of forming and attachment as
(a) Integral nozzle: In this type nozzle is integral part of shell or head or jacket. It is made
by cutting and shaping of metal to obtain desired contour nozzle. But this type of
fabrication is possible only with ductile material and with thin metal sheet (t ≤ 6 mm).
So, this type of nozzle is used in few cases.
(b) Fabricated nozzle: These are short pieces of standard pipe or fabricated pipe. Piece of
pipe is welded with vessel wall. Such type of nozzle is used for low pressure and
medium pressure.
(c) Formed nozzle: In formed nozzle usually weld-neck flange is integral part of formed
nozzle. They are also attached to vessel wall by welding. They are formed by forging
or rolling.
• Reinforcement pad for nozzle (Area for area method):
➢ Because of hole in vessel to connect nozzle, stress is created in vicinity of wall.
➢ This stress concentration near hole can be reduced by increasing thickness of vessel wall
in this area means in area which is in vicinity of hole.
➢ Dimension of Reinforcement pad required can be find out by Area for Area method.
➢ As per this method, useful area which is removed to make hole in vessel, same area must
be provided as compensation within specified boundary.
➢ Area for which compensation is required is given by
A = di ts’
di = ID of nozzle pipe
ts’ = calculated thickness of shell, head or jacket or minimum thickness required by shell,
jacket or head on which nozzle is to be provided.
H1 = 2.5 ts
H1 = vertical limit for reinforcement, measured from surface of reinforcement pad or of
ts = actual thickness of shell (if compensation is to be provided by nozzle only)
H1 ≈ 2.5 tn or √(𝑑𝑖 + 2𝐶)(𝑡𝑛 − 𝐶)
tn = actual thickness of nozzle, if compensation is to be provided by combination of
nozzle and reinforcement pad.
➢ Area available for compensation,
Aa = As + Ao + Ai