Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Course Title: Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 Instructor: GARY CUASAY, Ed.D.
MISSION: The Teacher Education Program continues to train future teachers who
are competent, excellent and responsible citizens.
GOAL: To produce teachers who meet global standard and who are well-
prepared to contribute to quality education.
OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop teachers who are committed to practice analytical and
critical thinking.
2. To enable learners to develop to the fullest their potentials to a
continuing pursuit for professional advancement.
3. To inspire learners to reach greater heights of human aspiration.
4. To provide leadership in doing researches and extension activities for
national development.
5. To become globally competitive and lifelong learners.
MinSCAT plants RICE R-Responsibility, I- Involvement, C-Commitment and E-Excellence
1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio – cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts.
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
5. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant and sustainable educational practices.
6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities.
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experimental and field – based opportunities.
At the end of the semester, the students must have:
1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching – learning process.
2. Identify learning theories and principles applied in the design and development of lessons through appropriate media and
technologies for teaching learning.
3. Integrate media and technology in various content areas.
4. Formulate teaching – learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies.
5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and resources.
After completing this course, the students must have: Common to BSED Program
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
CO1. Explained ICT policies and safety issues as they impact on the teaching – learning process. L L O
CO2. Identified learning theories and principles applied in the design and development of lessons L L O
through appropriate media and technologies for teaching learning.
CO4. Formulated teaching – learning experiences and assessment tasks using appropriate and
innovative technologies.
CO5. Demonstrated social, ethical, and legal responsibility in the use of technology tools and
L – Facilitate learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P – Allows students to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
O – Opportunity for development (no input or evaluation but there is opportunity to practice the competencies)
Understood ICT in Education A. Basic Concepts to be Brief Lecture: With the aid of a
Defined basic concepts defined: PowerPoint presentation, provide
in understanding ICT in 1. Technology an overview of the Subject
2. Information and
Education Technology for Teaching and Use a rating
Identified roles of ICT in 3. Educational Learning. scale for the
teaching for learning Technology concept map
4. Technology, Media developed by
and Learning Small Group Discussion: Give each group.
5. Instructional graphic organizers of the different
System and concepts to be defined through the
Instructional use of concept mapping. Pen and
6. Technology Tools Paper Test
Whole group discussion. Present to
1. Roles of ICT in the whole class group discussion.
Teaching for Learning
Present to the whole class group
Week 2 At the end of the topic, the Unit 2. ICT Policies and Video/Film showing about ICT
(3 hours) students must have: Safety Issues in Teaching Policies and Safety Issues in Postings of
Enumerated the national and Learning Teaching and Learning comments and
ICT polices affecting A. ICT National or reflections ICT
classroom practices International Policies policies in
Described the That Are Applicable to Group Interviews: Organize small Freedom
implementation of ICT Teaching and Learning groups to conduct interviews and Wall/Blog
policies in teaching and B. Safety Issues in ICT observations on practices that
learning address safety issues in ICT for Rubric for
teaching and learning. reflections and
Checklist on
practices that
address safety
Week 3 – 4 At the end of the topic, the Unit 3. Theories and Active Learning with the Teacher- Reflection
(6 hours) students must have: Principles in the Use and Led Discussion on Dale’s Cone of Posted on the
Identified learning theories Design of Technology Experience and how its principles online
and principles applied in Driven Learning Lessons and theories are utilized in the Blog/’Classroo
the use and design of technology-driven teaching and m-made
learning lessons with A. Learning Theories and learning. Twitter Wall’
technology Principles in:
- Identified learning 1. Dale’s Cone of
principles and Experience (with Brainstorming: Image Analysis:
theories that are equal attention Students analyze and explain the Restricted
applied in given to both the image/diagram. The teacher Essay
technology-driven Conventional synthesizes.
teaching learning Technology and the Checklist on
models Innovative and (Active Learning in a Brief Lecture the Elements
given by the teacher) The Fishbowl included in a
Technology for
Teaching) Activity: Learners are given lesson using
2. TPACK metacards and asked to write a the ASSURE
(Technology question of clarification about the Model and the
Pedagogy and topic (i.e questions concerning the rating scale.
Content Knowledge) application to the topic to practical
3. ASSURE Model concepts). Teacher draws these
(Analyze Learners,
questions from the bowl and asks
State Objectives,
Select Methods, the class to answer them. (This
Media & Materials, could be done during or after the
Utilize Media & input).
Materials, Require
Learner Think-Pair and Share: In pairs
Participation, students will discuss about the
Evaluate and ASSURE Model and create their
own ASSURE lesson.
Week 5 – 7 At the end of the topic, the Unit 4. ICT in Various Brief Lecture: Explain 21st Century
(9 hours) students must have: Content Areas literacy skills with emphasis on Rubrics for
A. 21st Century Skills digital literacy skills. infographic
Integrated media and Digital Literacy Skills output
technology in various Research on Instructional Design
content areas Media Models and Collaborative Work on Lesson
- Reviewed teaching Information designing an infographics or a exemplar
plans that require ICT literary visual image of the assigned analysis
learners to connect the
B. Instructional Design output
content of the lesson to Inquiry-Based Approach: Introduce
society Models
Gagne’s Nine a technology-enhanced teaching Demonstration
Events lessons exemplar guide/rubric
- Introduced sample
technology-enhanced C. Technology Enhanced Analysis of a teaching plan
lessons to support Teaching Lessons Exemplars exemplar – identifying the
learning elements in designing a lesson and
discussing the possibilities of
technology integration
Demonstration: Demonstrate a
sample technology-enhanced
Week 8-9 At the end of the topic, the D. ICT and Conventional Group research and presentation Presentation
(5 hours) students must have: Learning Materials to of the digital learning materials of selected
- Selected ICT and Enhance Teaching and identified as appropriate and instructional
conventional learning Learning feasible in a given teaching- media
materials designed to 1. Digital Learning learning context appropriate for
enhance teaching- Resources the teaching
learning a. Google docs and learning
b. Survey Monkey
c. Others
2. Conventional
Learning Resources Paper and
a. Flip Charts Pencil Test
b. Realia
c. Other
and utilize digital E. Cyberbullying Four A’s Activity: You Know the
materials F. Netizens in Cyberspace Rules. (from Global Digital
Practiced standard Active Citizenship Citizenship Foundation)
G. Netiquette (social
netiquette in sharing and
conventions online)
utilizing shared Learners imagine that they can draft
materials among three rules that every digital citizen
learning communities must follow. What would they make
Shown/demonstrated and why?
support to school Abstraction, Analysis, & Application
learners as part of
learning community in Debate on cyberbullying
their digital culture and
behaviors Brief Lecture
Advocacy Campaign
Week 16-17 At the end of the topic, the H. Educational Sites and
(6 hours) students must have: Portals
CL05 I. Online Communities of Group Research to identify Pencil and
Identified educational Learning educational sites and portals Paper Test
sites and portals suitable e.g.
• Facebook Presentation and Sharing of List of
to their subject area
• Twitter Research Outputs (e.g. educational
Joined online expert and Infographics, Digital advertisement, Sites
• Instagram
learning communities brochure, bulletin board display/
• Webinar
Used resources from J. Online Resources online bulletin board) Rating scale
relevant mailing lists and
e.g. Reflection
online journals Practicum on sample strategies on
• Opensource
Described technology how to join expert’s learning
• Multimedia Checklist
tools that are useful in communities
resources, video sites
group activities • Finding images Practical Test
Group Research and Application of
Used technology tools to • Music and Audio; the Identified relevant mailing list
collaborate, and share webcasts and online journals
resources among • Locate web
communities of practice resources by topic Student Led – Group Discussion
• Others
Collaborative Projects Lecture
i.e. The Problem –
Based Project or Lecture – Demonstration
Project – Based
Workshop/ hands – on experience
on the tools
L. Technology Tools for
Collaborative Work Online Chat Session
Google drive
1. Students are expected to comply with all the requirements of the course.
2. Students should be able to attend 80% of the required hours for the course.
3. Deliverables should be submitted on or before due date.
4. Cellphones are not allowed during class hours.
5. Three times of tardiness is equivalent to 1 absent.
Project 10%
Quizzes 40%
Participation 20%
Midterm Examination/Final Examination 30%
Total 100%
Anderson, J. (2010). ICT Transforming Education A Regional Guide, UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education
Ballado, R. (2012). Basic Concepts in educational technology 1., Manila PH, Rex Bookstore
Camarao, F. (2002). Technology Education in the Philippines, National Bookstore, Mandaluyong City
Lucido, P. (2012). Educational Technology 2, Lorimar Publishing Inc., Quezon City
Heinich, R. (2003). Instructional media and technologies for learning. (7th edition). Upper Saddle, New York: Merril Prentice Hall
Newby, T.J. (2011). Educational technology for teaching and learning. (4th ed.) Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Roblyer, M.D. (2003). Integrating Educational Technology into teaching. (3rd ed.) Upper Saddle, New York: Merril Prentice Hall
Online References
The Philippines ICT Roadmap
DepEd Five-Year Information and Communication Technology for Education Strategic Plan (DepED ICT4E Strategic Plan) Executive Summary
RA 10844, Sec. 3 (An Act Creating the Department of ICT, Defining its Powers and Fiunctions, Appropriating Funds, and Other Purposes
SEAMEO INNOTECH (2010) Report Status of ICT in
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