Curriculum & Assessment in PE & Health in K-12 Syllabus
Curriculum & Assessment in PE & Health in K-12 Syllabus
Curriculum & Assessment in PE & Health in K-12 Syllabus
A leading university of education and diverse disciplines attuned to local and global development needs
To produce top performing professionals equipped to engage on knowledge and technology production so necessary to develop a sustainable society
To produce world class educators and education leaders imbued with ideals, aspirations, values,
and traditions of Philippine life that can adapt to the challenges of the world
The College of Education (COE) offers programs designed to produce teachers who possess:
1. general and specialized knowledge, skills, expertise, and advanced studies in education and allied courses;
2. strong commitment to the attainment of personal, professional, and ethical attributes of an educator;
3. full understanding of the application of varied instructional processes, methodologies, and in the production of learning support materials in
contextualized and localized settings;
4. the ability to produce innovations and other alternative delivery modes to improve instruction and learning; and
5. the skill and capability to undertake research findings of which can be used as inputs to policy formulation and improvement of instructional
Outcomes-Based Syllabus
S.Y. 2019-2020
Covers the basic understanding of K-12 Physical Education and Health Education curriculum. It covers the analysis of K-12 physical education and
Health education curriculum and explores the different curriculum models in PE and Health. Assessment in the K-12 PE and health is expected at the end of
the course. Curriculum and assessment analysis in the K-12 PE and Health is expected at the end of the course.
After the class orientation, the students are I. Orientation Week 1 Lecture Discussion of KWLH Syllabus
expected to have: A. LNU Vision and Mission the LNU and COE Vision,
1. state and explain the LNU Vision, Mission, B. COE Goals and Objectives (3.0 Hours) Mission, Goals, and
Goals, and Objectives; C. Course Syllabus Objectives;
2. demonstrate knowledge of polices, guidelines D. Classroom Policies (House The setting of
expectation about the
and procedures that provide a secure learning Rules) course and “house
rules”, and
3. discuss the importance of the course; and Discuss how to meet the
4. enumerate and explain the tasks expected expectations
from each student at the end of the course. Sharing and Discussion
After the discussion of this unit, the students will II. Overview of Curriculum Week 2-4 Small group discussions Formative Tests Hand-outs
be able to: 1. Definitions of curriculum Round table conference Graded Activity sheet
1. demonstrate an understanding of curriculum 2. Types of curriculum (9 Hours) Lecture Recitations PowerPoint
development; 3. Major foundations of Presentation
2. demonstrate knowledge of policies, curriculum
guidelines and procedures that provide safe 4. Curriculum foundations
and secure learning environments; 5. Curriculum conceptions
3. articulate a personal philosophy of teaching 6. Elements of Curriculum
that is learner-centered; 7. Curriculum Sources &
8. Curriculum design
After the discussion of this unit, the students are III. Assessing Student Learning Week 5-6 Lecture discussion Reflection paper PowerPoint
expected to: Outcomes Debate forum Graded Presentation
1. Use appropriate assessments in, as and for 1. Assessing student learning (9 Hours) Flipped Classroom Recitations Debate
student or client learning; outcomes rubrics
2. demonstrate knowledge of the design, 2. Shift of educational focus
selection, organization and use of diagnostic, from content to learning
formative and summative assessment outcomes
3. Authentic assessment tools
strategies consistent with curriculum
4. Process & Product
requirements; Performance-based
3. demonstrate familiarity with a range of Assessment
strategies for communicating learner needs, 5. Domains of Learning
progress and achievement.
After the discussion of this unit, the students are IV. Physical Education Teacher Week 7-8 Panel Forum Interview Instructional
expected to: Education Curriculum Programmed Video
1. demonstrate an understanding of knowledge 1. The changing landscape of (9 Hours) Instruction PowerPoint
of learning environments that are responsive education Presentation
to community contexts; 2. Significant reforms
2. Demonstrate awareness of existing laws and 3. PPST
regulations that apply to the teaching 4. PE in revolution 4.0
3. demonstrate an understanding of supportive
learning environment through active
4. seek advice concerning strategies that can
enrich teaching practice.
Week 9 Multiple Choice Test
After the discussion of this unit, the students are V. Curriculum Analysis of PE & Week 10-12 Timeline of events Instructional Instructional
expected to: Health Education Concept mapping Video on the Video rubrics
1. critically examine and analyze the curriculum; 1. Nature, Structure, and (9 Hours) Oral presentation Development of Quizzes
2. enhance the program through contextualized Content of Physical Physical
strategies and assessment tools; Education Education and
3. Identify learning outcomes that are aligned 2. Assessment techniques as sports over the
with learning competencies. applied to Physical Education years.
3. Nature, Structure, and
Content of Health Education
4. Assessment techniques as
applied to Health Education
After the discussion of this unit, the students are VI. Demonstration Teaching Week 13-17 Oral presentation Demonstration PPT’s
expected to: 1. Lesson Planning teaching Scoring
1. show skills in the positive use of ICT to 2. Presentation (15 Hours) Criteria: Rubrics
facilitate the teaching and learning process; Organization-
2. Demonstrate content knowledge and its 15pts
application within and/or across curriculum Content-45pts
teaching areas; Presentation-
3. demonstrate knowledge of the design, 40pts
selection, organization and use of diagnostic,
formative and summative assessment
strategies consistent with curriculum
4. plan and implement safe and effective
physical activity programs to address the
needs of the individual in school and/or
industry settings.
Week 18 Multiple Choice Test
(3 hours)
Attendance 15%
Midterm Examination 25%
Final Examination 25%
Participation 20%
Demo Teaching S15%
TOTAL 100%
Pawilen, G.T. (2015). Curriculum Development: A Guide for Teachers & Students., REX Book Store, 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St.
Emerita Reyes & Erlinda Dizon. (2015). Curriculum Development. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc. 776 Aurora Blvd., cor. Boston St. Cubao, Quezon City, Phil.
Bunga, J., Pilariza, C., and Serrano, E..(2016). Principles of Teaching 2. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.776 Aurora Blvd., cor. Boston St. Cubao, Quezon City,
Navarro, R., Santos, R., Corpuz, B. (2017). Assessment of Learning 1. Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 776 Aurora Blvd., cor. Boston St. Cubao, Quezon City, Phil.
Navarro, R., Guzman-Santos, R. (2013). Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes: Assessment 2 2 nd Edition. Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 776
Aurora Blvd., cor. Boston St. Cubao, Quezon City, Phil.
Faculty, BSEd Unit
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