This Study Resource Was: Non-Participant or Participant Role - Observer Role
This Study Resource Was: Non-Participant or Participant Role - Observer Role
This Study Resource Was: Non-Participant or Participant Role - Observer Role
Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a
specific arts area. For each observation after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus of the observation. Designate
Non-participant or Participant Role.
The first two Observations must be non-participant observations so that you can focus all your attention on watching. Note your
Observer Role.
Observations 2 through 4 may be focused on any of the listed areas. Once you have observed in one area, select a new area for
your next observation.
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Detailed Instructions for Observing and Recording
Respond to the questions in the Observation column based on (1) what you see; (2) what you ask or hear; (3) the artifacts
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you notice (i.e. equipment, toys, supplies); and (4) the choices and interactions children have with peers and with adults.
Reflect on the observations in the Reflection column by entering your impressions of why and how children played or were
engaged. Note the day and time of your reflection.
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Summarize and Comment in the Summary and Comment section at the end of each report.
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For all Observations:
Be objective in your reporting.
Think through what you observed and list any points that are puzzling or any questions that come to mind. (I wonder why. . .)
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Be sure to date and mark the time of each Observation and of each Reflection.
Observations should be conducted while the child is at play or engaged in a creative thought and expression activity within a specific
arts area. For each observation after the first one, designate which arts area is the focus.
[ ] (11-05-2021) Observation 3 [x] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama Which are you observing?
[] Site Description (location, setting condition, weather or sound and light, # adults, # children):
The location of the site is in Salem, Illinois. We are doing the activity in a house at a table, and there is a big amount of space on the
table. The house is normal temperature, and the setting is proper for the project. The table will come in handy when doing the
project. There are no sounds because no one is in the house. This allows the child to be fully concentrated on the project. The light is
perfect because there is natural sunlight from the big window and then there is a table light. There is one child and one adult.
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Question Observation Reflection (Why-How)
From the child’s perspective [x] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama 11-5-2021 10:00pm
1. What is the The purpose of the creative activity is to let her think outside the The child was completely capable of doing
purpose of box. As kids get older, they want their projects to look good and the project. The project was more to test
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the creative impress someone. I just want her to make up something and paint her creativity. I thought that she would
activity? it. I want to also see what her limits are. How creative can she be rely on something more because she is
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without guidance from something or someone? I also want to see getting older. Once a child starts to get
how much detail she puts into her painting, and what colors and older they start relying on something else
shapes she explores. The purpose if for her to be unique and find because they want a perfect product. She
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beauty in whatever she creates. achieved creativity.
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2. What A discovery made was that she just went right into the project. I was surprised when she had a plan as
inventions, She did not think twice about what she was doing. She made a soon as I told her what we were doing. She
innovations, self-portrait without any guidance words. She asked no opinions did not even think twice about it. I was
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or discoveries and did it all herself. She did not try to do anything similar to me. also surprised she did not ask for any tips
are made? An invention made would be how she made herself. She put or what colors she should use.
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3. What are the The outcomes were better than expected. I wanted her to be In the end she was very creative and got a
outcomes or creative and be herself when painting. The result was good self-portrait out of it. She added little
results of the because she did not look at mine or copy mine in any way. She details to make it her own. She also
engagement? picked her own stuff and was independent and creative. The seemed engaged in the activity and it fit
outcome/result was that she had a self-portrait painting and did it her age level. I wonder if I gave her a topic
all by herself. she would struggle more to be
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Question Observation Reflection (Why-How)
From the child’s perspective [x] Visual Arts [] Music [] Movement [] Creative Drama 11-5-2021 10:00pm
Summary and Comment: Summarize and comment on what you learned. [ /5]
When she got here, I told her we were painting. She was happy with the idea and asked what she needed to paint. I told her she
could paint whatever she wanted. Immediately she said she wanted to do a self-portrait. I was very surprised she didn’t ask what I
was doing or look something up to do. The goal was for her to be creative and do whatever she wanted. She ended up not liking one
part of her picture, but she fixed it on her own without asking for help. She picked her own colors and own designs. Plus, she did not
ask what I was doing, and that is what I wanted. She achieved creativity in the painting and she was happy with it.
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