ABSTRACT Ancient DNA recovered from 57 individu- and Bolivian highlands, and contrast with those of pre-
als excavated by Hiram Bingham at the rural communities Hispanic individuals of the north coast of Peru that we
of Paucarcancha, Patallacta, and Huata near the famed defined previously. Our study suggests a strong genetic
Inca royal estate and ritual site of Machu Picchu was affinity between sampled late pre-Hispanic individuals and
analyzed by polymerase chain reaction, and the results modern Andean highlanders. A previous analysis of the
were compared with ancient and modern DNA from vari- Machu Picchu osteological collection suggests that the resi-
ous Central Andean areas to test their hypothesized indig- dents there were a mixed group of natives from various
enous highland origins. The control and coding regions of coastal and highland regions relocated by the Inca state
the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 35 individuals in this for varied purposes. Overall, our study indicates that the
group were sequenced, and the haplogroups of each indi- sampled individuals from Paucarcancha and Patallacta
vidual were determined. The frequency data for the hap- were indigenous highlanders who provided supportive
logroups of these samples show clear proximity to those of roles for nearby Machu Picchu. Am J Phys Anthropol 000:
modern Quechua and Aymara populations in the Peruvian 000–000, 2006. V 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The discovery of the magnificent site of Machu Picchu This study suggests that Patallacta was an important
in 1911, at an elevation of ca. 2,740 m above sea level Inca local administrative center, surrounded by satellite
atop a ridge connecting two granite peaks in the Eastern settlements with varied functions that complemented
Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes by Bingham (1912, the center. Patallacta had 115 kanchas or walled com-
1913), generated great professional and public interest in pounds, each composed of four buildings surrounding a
the site and in the Inca Empire in general. It also brought central courtyard, that were organized into ‘‘four distinct
attention to the prehistory of this heretofore little-known residential sectors offering accommodation for social
rugged area approximately 100 km (ca. a 3-day walk) to groups of varied status and structure’’ (Kendall, 1988).
the northwest of the Inca capital of Cuzco. This settlement complex included the relatively small
Understandably, the discovery of Machu Picchu raised but well-preserved ‘‘fort’’ of Paucarcancha, the place from
broader questions, such as whether the settlement was which the majority of human remains that were ana-
isolated, intrusive, and/or specialized; and if not, the loca- lyzed in the present study were derived. The site is
tions of the contemporaneous settlements in which the located approximately 5 km upstream (south) of Patal-
sustaining population lived; and whether the residents lacta, atop terraces (3,000 m above sea level) overlooking
were local people. The explorations by Bingham in 1911 the confluence of the Cusichaca and the Quescamayo
and 1912 focused on Machu Picchu and only identified a Rivers; it presumably guarded the road to and from the
handful of relatively accessible sites on the Inca road to Urubamba Valley (Kendall, 1985). The curving perimeter
it. Bingham (1916, 1930) returned to the vicinity of Machu wall encloses approximately 18 rectangular structures.
Picchu in 1914 (spanning 1914–1915) and attempted to Based on its location relative to various major state
answer these questions. Though the survey that aimed at
locating additional Inca sites was conducted along Inca
roads (Fig. 1), his fieldwork focused mainly on the excava-
Grant sponsor: Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture,
tion of the site at Patallacta (also known as Lacta Pata, ca. Japan; Grant number: 13575017.
2,500 m above sea level) that he had explored and mapped
in 1911, prior to finding Machu Picchu. This site is impres- *Correspondence to: Ken-ichi Shinoda, Department of Anthropology,
sive with respect to its size, orderly planned layout, and National Science Museum, 3-23-1 Hyakunincho, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo
placement on an artificially leveled platform. The platform 169-0073, Japan. E-mail:
was carved out of a semicircular promontory overlooking
the confluence of the Cusichaca and the Urubamba Rivers, Received 18 February 2005; accepted 21 October 2005.
a 17-km linear distance to the southeast of Machu Picchu.
A more recent and comprehensive study of this site and DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20408
nearby Inca sites was conducted by the Cusichaca Published online in Wiley InterScience
Archaeological Project led by Kendall (1974, 1985, 1988). (
C 2006
installations and roads and its architectural and ceramic Inca-period burials at surveyed settlements near Machu
styles, the history of Paucarcancha dates back to the reign Picchu may include both local and genetically distinct non-
of the Inca king Topa Inca (son of the king Pachacuti local individuals.
Inca Yupanqui), approximately in the late 15th century The present study aims at shedding light on the bio-
(Kendall, 1985). Based on architecture, ceramics, and other logical identities and geographical origins of Inca-period
artifacts found in association, the burials that Bingham residents of the Machu Picchu-Cusichaca section of the
excavated at Paucarcancha and Patallacta can be assigned Urubamba Valley. Eaton (1916) described the materials
to the period of the Inca control of the Urubamba Valley, recovered at Machu Picchu by the projects led by Hiram
from ca. mid-15th to early 16th centuries (Bingham, 1913; Bingham of Yale University. He included a thorough re-
Kendall, 1985; MacCurdy, 1923). port on the bones and artifacts, as well as information
Over the past 20 years, in addition to the aforemen- on the condition of the caves where the material had
tioned work led by Kendall, there has been much effort been located. Eaton (1916) concluded that females greatly
to elucidate Inca and pre-Inca occupations along the ‘‘Sa- outnumbered males at Machu Picchu, by a ratio of approx-
cred Valley of the Inca’’ and further downstream along imately 4:1. This is the scientific basis for Bingham’s idea
the Urubamba River past Machu Picchu (e.g., Farring- that the site included an Aclla Wasi, a House of the
ton, 1995; Niles, 1984, 1988, 1999; Protzen, 1993). Bing- Chosen Women. More recent research questioned this
ham (1930) believed that Machu Picchu was built and interpretation. Reanalysis of the data of Eaton (1916)
occupied by various Inca kings and served as a citadel revealed that the sex ratio was 1.54:1 (Verano, 2003).
and as the final Inca capital of Vilcapampa. Eaton (1916) also proposed that the presence of brachy-
On the other hand, following a report by Rowe (1990), cephalic and dolicocephalic skulls was indicative of high-
a majority of scholars now believe that it was a royal land and coastal groups. The recent examination of vari-
country estate or a palace of the Inca king Pachacuti Inca ous types of cranial deformities, and a related multivariate
Yupanqui. In fact, Machu Picchu was one of at least craniometric analysis of the Machu Picchu osteological col-
18 palaces built by three generations of Inca kings (Niles, lection by Verano (2003), suggest that the residents were a
1988, 1999). mixed group of natives from various coastal and highland
These estates were associated with large-scale, state- regions. These findings support the earlier conclusion by
directed land-reclamation and land-management projects Eaton (1916) and raise an intriguing question regarding
that created thousands of irrigated agricultural terraces, whether the residents of nearby communities were also of
making the Urubamba Valley the breadbasket for the mixed origins.
Inca capital of Cuzco (e.g., Kendall, 1988). In addition to MacCurdy (1918, 1923), the physical anthropologist
its relatively low elevation, as Protzen (1993) noted, the who participated in the aforementioned Yale University
Sacred Valley with its roughly east-west orientation cre- expedition of 1914–1915, studied the material recovered
ated a thermal belt or microenvironment that favored in- by Bingham from places near Machu Picchu, i.e., Paucarcan-
tensive agriculture. Large-scale maize cultivation at that cha, Patallacta, Torony, Sillque, Huispand, Huata, Huaro-
site appears to have been manned, in part, by ‘‘experi- condo, and Yanamanchi (Fig. 1). MacCurdy (1918, 1923)
enced maize growers from other parts’’ of the Inca Empire also made thorough descriptions of the material studied,
(Von Hagen and Morris, 1998; Niles, 1984). A majority of including statistical information. A series of measure-
the 68 settlements in the Inca-period settlements of di- ments was included, along with photographs of the sites
verse sizes that Kendall (1985, 1988) recorded (including and bones. His summary of the study of the material from
Patallacta and Torontoy) along three major roads between the eight sites indicated that according to the funerary
the Santa Teresa (downstream from Machu Picchu) and pattern and characters, the individuals all belonged to
Anta Rivers (just upstream from Ollantaytambo) probably the same group. They had been buried in caves and shel-
served, in part, as residential settlements for both local ters. He noted the high frequency of the highland or
and relocated farmers. These observations suggest that Aymara type of deformation and the almost complete ab-
sence of the brachycephalic, coastal type. This was in Authentication methods
great contrast to the Machu Picchu sample.
As the Inca state practiced forced relocation of popula- No modern DNA-based studies had been performed
tions for political-military, economic, and other purposes previously in the area subsumed by our ancient DNA
(Rowe, 1982), there is a question as to the provenience study. Standard contamination precautions, such as sep-
and biological identities of residents at the sites from aration of pre- and post-polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
which the samples were derived. While ethnohistorical experimental areas, use of disposable laboratory ware
documents and architectural quality and style, as well and filter-plugged pipette tips, treatment with DNA
as site location, all point to Machu Picchu as a planned contamination removal solution (DNA-OFFTM, TaKaRa,
royal estate and ceremonial center, the connected settle- Otsu, Japan), ultraviolet irradiation of equipment and
ments of Paucarcancha, Patallacta, and Huata lack ar- benches, negative extraction controls, and negative PCR
chitectural or other features diagnostic of Inca royal or controls, were employed in the present study. DNA-based
ceremonial sites; rather, they show similarities to local experiments were performed by two authors (N.A. and
pre-Inca antecedents. Based on these observations and K.-I.S.) independently, in different laboratories for cross-
their proximity to cultivable fields and water sources, we validation.
hypothesize that the burials excavated at Paucarcancha
and Patallacta are those of highland agricultural popula-
tions derived from immediate or nearby highland areas. Extraction and purification of DNA
Accordingly, we expect that these burials as a group
would be characterized by relatively homogeneous DNA Tooth samples were dipped in a 13% bleach solution
composition, similar to modern-day highland Indians for 15 min, rinsed several times with DNase-/RNase-free
(Quechua speakers). On the other hand, the presence of distilled water (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), and allowed
individuals relocated from distant lands within the Inca to air-dry. Moreover, using a dental drill, the outer sur-
Empire would yield an internally heterogenous genetic face of samples was removed to a depth of 1 mm. Next,
composition. We would expect a contrasting situation for samples were again rinsed with DNase-/RNase-free dis-
the Machu Picchu. tilled water and allowed to air-dry. After samples were
In the current study, we present data from mtDNA con- completely dry, they were irradiated in an ultraviolet
trol and coding region of ancient Peruvian highlanders in cross-linker for 30 min and turned over several times.
the Urubamba Valley, to address questions about the Next, samples were pulverized in a mill (Multi-beads
genetic relationships among these ancient groups and Shocker MB400U, Yasui Kikai, Osaka, Japan). The pow-
South American populations. Our purpose is to test the dered samples (0.3–0.5 g) were decalcified with 0.5 M
hypothesis that ancient highlanders were more closely
EDTA (pH 8.0) (Invitrogen) at 48C for 5–7 days, and
related to modern highlanders than to other modern pop-
then rinsed three times with DNase-/RNase-free distilled
ulations in the region.
Two different methods were employed for the extrac-
tion of DNA from the powdered samples. In the first
MATERIALS AND METHODS method, decalcified samples were lysed in 3 ml of Buffer
Sampling ASL (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) with 150 ll of 20 mg/ml
Proteinase K (Invitrogen) at 558C overnight. DNA was
To analyze the mitochondrial DNA of these residents, extracted from the lysate using a QIAamp1 DNA Stool
we sampled 57 teeth that had been collected by G. Mac- Mini Kit (Qiagen), in accordance with the technical man-
Curdy. We sampled 26 individuals from Paucarcancha,
ual. In the second method, DNA was extracted in two
24 from Patallacta, and seven from Huata. Although the
steps, using a GENECLEAN kit for ancient DNA (Bio
materials from this expedition had been initially ex-
ported to the US, they were returned to Peru (Burger 101). The pulverized tooth (powder) was placed in a 15-
and Salazar, 2003) ‘‘in accordance with the original agree- ml conical tube, and 5 ml of an overnight soaking solu-
ment with the Peruvian government,’’ and are housed tion were added for Proteinase K digestion. Samples
in the National Museum of Anthropology, Archaeology were rotated and incubated at 378C for 12–15 hr. The su-
and History in Lima (Museo Nacional de Antoropologia pernatant was used for DNA extraction with the kit.
Arqueologia e Historia del Peru, MNAAH). Approximately 100 ll of extracted DNA solution were
Because the collection was returned to Peru, these obtained. The eluted DNA was amplified by PCR without
skeletal remains were preserved commingled with mate- further processing. DNA extraction was done only once,
rials from other sites. The remains were sorted out in ac- and if the following PCR amplification was not success-
cordance with the provenience information recorded in ful, no further extraction was carried out.
the Museum catalog. However, we were able to find sam-
ples recovered from only three sites, i.e., Paucarcancha,
Patallacta, and Huata. There is a possibility that the Amplification and sequencing of HVR 1,
remaining samples are lying unrecorded in the MNAAH HVR 2, and coding region 10382–10465
without any record. Only specimens that were clearly la-
beled and that coincided with Macurdy’s inventory num- A segment of hypervariable region (HVR) 1 (nucleotide
bers were used in our study. positions 16209–16402, relative to the revised Cambridge
Teeth were collected only from the mandible, to avoid reference sequence (CRS); Andrews et al., 1999), HVR 2
the possibility of sampling from the same individual. A (128–267), and a segment of the coding region (10382–
well-preserved tooth was extracted from each individual. 10465) that covers a part of the NADH dehydrogenase 3
Teeth, thus collected, were exported from Peru to Japan and tRNAArg gene were sequenced for all samples. The
with the permission of the National Institute of Culture mtDNA sequence can be tentatively assigned to respec-
of Peru. tive haplogroups according to specific mutations ob-
TABLE 1. Primers used for sequence analysis
Nucleotide Annealing
Primer Sequence (50 –30 ) positions temperature (8C) Reference
M13-L127 ( 21M13)1 AGCACCCTATGTCGCAGTAT 128–267 46 Adachi et al. (2003)
M13-L10381 ( 21M13) CTGGCCTATGAGTGACTACA 10382–10465 50 Adachi et al. (2004)
M13-L16208 ( 21M13) CCCCATGCTTACAAGCAAG 16209–16402 50 Nata et al. (1999)
21M13 sequence represents 50 -TGTAAAACGACGGCCAGT-30 .
M13 reverse sequence represents 50 -AACAGCTATGACCATG-30 .
Fig. 2. APLP band patterns of diagnostic regions for haplogroups A, B, C, and D. Lane N indicates that no nucleotide change
was observed. Lane M indicates mutation at site. Lane LM indicates 10-bp ladder marker (Invitrogen).
independently, using the monoplex PCR method to maxi- Population differentiation tests (Raymond and Rous-
mize the robustness of PCR. set, 1995) were computed by means of the Arlequin
A 1-ll aliquot of the PCR product was separated by 2.000 computer program (Schneider et al., 2000).
electrophoresis in an 8-cm native polyacrylamide gel (10%
T, 5% C) containing 1 3 TBE buffer (pH 8.0) with running
buffer (0.5 3 TBE, pH 8.0). DNA bands were detected RESULTS
by ultraviolet irradiation after staining with ethidium
bromide (Fig. 2). Throughout the study, both negative extraction con-
trols and negative PCR controls showed negative results
Data analysis consistently. Of the 57 specimens examined, 35 speci-
mens were successfully analyzed (Table 3). The first
With improved knowledge of the global mtDNA tree in method that used the stool kit recovered DNA from 31
recent years, an understanding of the structure of samples. On the other hand, the second method that
mtDNA data and assigning the mtDNA type to a place used the ancient DNA kit recovered DNA from 35 sam-
in the global mtDNA tree have been simplified. Control- ples. Thus, the ancient DNA kit was observed to be
region motifs were identified for a majority of the major the superior method for recovering DNA. However, sus-
haplogroups and their subhaplogroups (Alves-Silva et al., pected false-positive results stemming from contamina-
2000; Bandelt et al., 2001; Kivisild et al., 2002; Kong tion with contemporary DNA and other questionable data
et al., 2003; Macaulay et al., 1999; Maruyama et al., (e.g., Kolman and Tuross, 2000) were obtained while using
2003; Quintana-Murci et al., 1999; Yao et al., 2002, 2003). this method. Following this criterion, two of the sequences
Therefore, we assigned each mtDNA to haplogroups were omitted.
according to the HVR 1, HVR 2, and coding-region data, A majority of the mtDNA of these specimens fully rep-
using the data and classification tree described above, resented haplogroup motifs; therefore, we could safely
such that each sample was allocated to the smallest assign them to the relevant haplogroups. This implied
named haplogroup to which it belonged. If the haplogroup that the authenticity of data obtained from these speci-
had further characterized subhaplogroups, an asterisk mens was supported by established, reliable, modern
was attached to the name of the haplogroup to indicate human mtDNA data. However, in the DNA analysis of
that the haplogroup status could not be identified further ancient samples, the possibility that the original sequen-
(Table 3). Since several segments of the same mtDNA ces may have changed due to postmortem damage to the
were analyzed independently, meticulous care was taken DNA (Thomas et al., 2003) must also be considered.
to avoid artificial recombination caused by potential sam- Thus, it is not advisable to assume the accuracy of all
ple crossover. After assigning the mtDNAs to relevant hap- the base sequences determined in the investigation
logroups, we classified them further into maternal lines, under discussion. It should be clearly understood that
based on the nucleotide changes observed in the control such a limitation would inevitably occur in the analyses
and coding regions. of the scarce DNA that remains in the ancient samples.
To elucidate biological relationships between hypothe- In fact, the sequence of some nucleotide positions remained
sized ancient highlanders from the communities of Pau- uncertain in some specimens (Table 3).
carcancha, Patallacta, and Huata on the one hand, and In the present study, the base sequences in the control
Native American mtDNA on the other, 1,063 contempo- regions of 35 individuals were successfully determined.
rary Native Americans from 16 populations and 36 pre- The sequences in 195 base pairs of HVR 1and 139 base
Hispanic north coast community haplogroup data were pairs of HVR 2 were determined, and mutations were
obtained from published data (Torroni et al., 1993, 1994; observed in 30 portions and 14 portions, respectively
Batista et al., 1995; Santos et al., 1994; Kolman et al., (Table 3). These individuals were classified into 27 hap-
1995; Rickards et al., 1999; Merriwether et al., 1995; lotypes according to their sequences. The rate of successful
Rodriguez-Delfin et al., 2001; Lewis et al., 2005; Baillet recovery and determination of mtDNA sequence varied a
et al., 1994; Ginther et al., 1993; Shimada et al., 2004). good deal from one site to the next. For example, of the
Haplogroup frequencies of these populations were com- 26 individuals from Paucarcancha and 24 from Patallacta,
pared with the ancient individuals under study. 16 and 17 were successfully typed, resulting in high DNA
TABLE 3. Nucleotide changes observed in ancient Peruvian highlanders analyzed in present study
revealed statistically significant differences except be-
TABLE 4. Frequency distribution of mtDNA haplogroups in ancient Peruvian highlanders, ancient north coast community
tween the ancient highlanders and contemporary central
Andean population (significant Fst P ¼ 0.180 6 0.054).
To investigate the relationships among the satellite
Present study
two sites are shown in Table 7. Mean numbers of pairwise
differences and nucleotide diversity are slightly larger in
the Paucarcancha.
7.1% (26)
1.6% (11)
0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)
0% (0)
22.2% (8)
4.3% (6)
4.3% (3)
0.9% (3)
1.7% (6)
Haplogroup profile of individuals examined
in the present study
We found that haplogroup B was the most frequent
among skeletal samples analyzed in the Inca-period resi-
42.2% (151)
28.8% (201)
Numbers in parentheses indicate number of individuals who were assigned to relevant haplogroups.
30.0% (42)
21.4% (15)
14.0% (24)
14.5% (49)
52.0% (52)
48.3% (57)
30.6% (11)
dents of the Urubamba Valley, followed by haplogroups
21.2% (7)
2.9% (1)
2.2% (8)
4 .8% (3)
Haplogroups and their frequencies1
27.1% (38)
14.3% (10)
12.2% (21)
12.7% (43)
37.0% (37)
18.6% (22)
27.1% (97)
20.0% (14)
3.0% (11)
18.2% (6)
5.6% (2)
9.5% (6)
at least 18 different lines in 23 individuals. In other
63.0% (213)
42.8% (299)
67.4% (116)
30.8% (43)
50.0% (35)
51.5% (17)
71.4% (45)
28.8% (34)
24.0% (86)
22.2% (8)
9.0% (9)
rary Central Andean populations. When the haplogroup
8.9% (30)
5.0% (18)
6.9% (48)
7.9% (11)
6.4% (11)
10.0% (7)
14.3% (9)
8.6% (3)
9.1% (3)
2.0% (2)
4.2% (5)
* Fst P-value between ancient highlanders and contemporary Central Andean population is 0.180 6 0.054 (standard error).
TABLE 6. Frequency distribution of mtDNA haplogroups in ancient Peruvian highlanders excavated from
Paucarcancha and Patallacta sites
Haplogroups and their frequencies1
Population A B C D Others
Paucarcancha 18.8% (3) 62.5% (10) 18.8% (3) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0)
Patallacta 0.0% (0) 75.0% (12) 18.8% (3) 6.3% (1) 0.0% (0)
Numbers in parentheses indicate number of individuals who were assigned to relevant haplogroups.
TABLE 7. mtDNA HV 1 haplotype diversity parameters not discount the distinct possibility that at least some of
of Paucarcancha and Patallacta1 the individuals we analyzed had been relocated by the
n k Pw p Pairwise Fst Inca state to Paucarcancha and Patallacta from other Pe-
ruvian and/or Bolivian highland regions. Furthermore,
Paucarcancha 16 12 4.475 0.023 0.0222 the frequencies of mtDNA haplotypes in the sampled pop-
Patallacta 17 13 3.059 0.016
ulations could be biased due to the small sample size,
n, sample size; k, number of different sequences; Pw, mean with the true frequencies likely to be different when more
number of pairwise differences; p nucleotide diversity. individuals are typed. Further genetic studies are needed
to confirm our results.