The Laparoscopic
The Laparoscopic
The Laparoscopic
Management of
Endometriosis in Patients
with Pelvic Pain
Patrick Yeung Jr, MD
Endometriosis Excision surgery Laser surgery Diagnostic imaging Pelvic pain
Diagnostic laparoscopy is indicated for women whose quality of life is significantly
affected, for whom hormonal suppression has failed (or is contraindicated), or who desire
Transvaginal ultrasonographic imaging (which may include evaluation for deep endome-
triosis) can aid in surgical planning.
Optimal excision or removal of disease is the best way to reduce recurrence rates, and
may also be a way to conserve normal ovaries and avoid surgical menopause, even
when hysterectomy or definitive therapy is indicated.
Early diagnosis and treatment may be the best way to prevent the development of exten-
sive disease and, perhaps, to preserve fertility.
Finally, hormonal suppression does not improve fertility, neither while the patient is
on suppression nor in the future.24,25
History and Evaluation
Symptoms characteristic of endometriosis include the following: dysmenorrhea,
chronic pelvic pain (more than 3 months of pelvic pain outside the menstrual period,
between the umbilicus and the thighs), deep dyspareunia, period-related dyschezia,
and period-related dysuria.10 Chronic pelvic pain has many different potential causes
and is often multifactorial. Causes of chronic pelvic pain include endometriosis, pelvic
inflammatory disease, interstitial cystitis, urinary tract infection, myofascial pain or
vaginismus, and irritable bowel syndrome, to name a few.26 A thorough evaluation
and testing of the causes of chronic pain should be performed as directed by the his-
tory. Moreover, chronic pelvic pain can lead to centralization or sensitization to pain,
which may need to be addressed. Under such circumstances the brain is sensitized to
feeling pain even when the source of pain is treated or diminished.27 A multimodal
team approach is often the best way to treat chronic pelvic pain. Within the evaluation
for chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis should be especially addressed if fertility or
future fertility is desired.28
Preoperative Examination
The goal of surgery should be to “see and treat” laparoscopy when possible.35 That is,
at laparoscopy the disease is fully identified and optimally treated at the same time.
The best way to achieve this is with thorough preoperative planning that includes his-
tory, physical examination, and preoperative imaging, usually transvaginal ultrasonog-
raphy (TVUS). A physical examination should include assessment of the uterosacral
ligaments (thickening, shortening, nodularity), mobility of the uterus and adnexa,
adnexal masses, and a rectovaginal examination for cul-de-sac nodularity. Deep dis-
ease may be able to be diagnosed or suspected preoperatively, and ideally managed
at surgery in a multidisciplinary fashion if necessary.36 A history of dyschezia may in-
crease suspicion for deep disease. A fixed or immobile uterus, or cul-de-sac nodular-
ity, would imply an obliterated cul-de-sac or deep endometriosis.
Preoperative Imaging
TVUS is the imaging modality of choice for the assessment of suspected endometrio-
mas or deep endometriosis. TVUS is an excellent imaging modality for female repro-
ductive organs, and can be performed in the gynecologist office setting, although it is
fairly operator-dependent.10 With proper training and experience in specialized cen-
ters, TVUS with bowel preparation (TVUS-BP), whereby the distal bowel has been
emptied by an enema, has been shown to be as accurate as pelvic magnetic reso-
nance imaging in diagnosing deep endometriosis in the posterior cul-de-sac.37–40
Preoperative ultrasonography may indicate deep disease directly, or indirectly if an
endometrioma larger than 8 cm or bilateral endometriomas are suspected.41,42 In
2010 Goncalves and colleagues,37 in a study involving 194 patients, showed the ability
of TVUS-BP to predict the number of lesions in cases of deep endometriosis with a
sensitivity and specificity of 97% and 100%, respectively (for a single bowel nodule),
and with a positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 100%
and 98%, respectively. Regarding the diagnosis of infiltration of the submucosal/
mucosal layer, TVUS-BP had a sensitivity of 83%, specificity 94%, PPV 77%, and
NPV 96%. Clearly this type of accurate imaging would be invaluable in helping to
define the surgical strategy.
If the surgeon or center is not able to manage deep endometriosis suspected before
surgery or discovered at the time of surgery, the patient should be referred to a sur-
geon or center that is able to manage deep or extensive endometriosis.13,43
The goals of laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis are: optimal removal or treatment
of all visible and deep disease; restoration and preservation of anatomy and function;
and adhesion prevention.29 Pelvic pain and fertility can be improved with surgical
Near-Contact Laparoscopy
For early or mild forms of endometriosis (r-ASRM Stage 1–2), optimal excision de-
pends first on recognizing endometriosis in all of its forms.11 The most common
way to diagnose endometriosis is to visualize typical implants that have a “powder-
burn” appearance. However, a histologic diagnosis is more accurate, especially
when the lesions have a more atypical or subtle appearance. Atypical lesions include
Endometriosis in Patients with Pelvic Pain 375
“red flame” lesions, white fibrotic lesions, vesicular or miliary lesions, and retraction
pockets (sometimes called Allen-Masterson pockets) (Figs. 1 and 2).44 Careful and
systematic near-contact laparoscopy should be used to find all lesions suspicious
for endometriosis (Fig. 3).44
Removal of Deep Disease
For more advanced (or deep) endometriosis (r-ASRM Stage 2–4), optimal excision de-
pends on not just recognition of peritoneal or superficial disease, but on recognition of
deep disease and restoration of anatomy.45 Surgery in these cases often includes bilat-
eral ureterolysis, cystectomy, adhesiolysis, and enterolysis, and opening of an obliter-
ated cul-de-sac or “frozen” pelvis. Of note, adhesions distort not just anatomy but also
visualization of endometriosis, so adhesiolysis alone is insufficient to achieve an
optimal surgical result. Once adhesions have been reduced, excision of the peritoneum
or deep disease must occur for proper treatment of endometriosis (Fig. 4). It has been
suggested that surgery for ovarian endometriosis alone is insufficient treatment.42,46
Evidence shows that treatment of deep endometriosis, including bowel endometriosis
and ovarian endometriomas, has been shown to benefit both pain and pregnancy out-
comes,13 with low recurrence rates.47,48 Some have recommended that centers of
excellence be created to manage difficult or challenging cases of endometriosis.49
Excision Versus Ablation
There is an ongoing debate about the best surgical method to treat endometriosis.
Published comparative studies50,51 do not account for surgical experience, nor of
the presence of deep endometriosis. There are several surgical scenarios in which
excision (removing the disease whereby a specimen is produced and sent to histol-
ogy) is intuitively superior to ablation (destruction of the disease with energy without
a specimen being produced). Such situations would include: deep endometriosis
(whereby ablation would just treat the “tip of the iceberg”); ovarian endometriomas
(which can be thought of as a form of deep endometriosis, see later discussion); endo-
metriosis over a vital organ such as the bladder, bowel, or ureter; a patch of endome-
triosis or an area of peritoneum after adhesiolysis; a retraction pocket of peritoneum
often caused by endometriosis. It is sometimes difficult to know when a superficial
lesion involves deeper tissue, and excision has been advocated by some investigators
for all cases of endometriosis.12,52
Energy Sources
Energy sources that have been used (for excision or ablation) include monopolar scis-
sors, “cold” scissors, ultrasonic energy (harmonic scalpel), and lasers (potassium
titanyl phosphate or KTP, neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet or Nd:YAG,
carbon dioxide or CO2). The type of energy used is not as important as understanding
the energy and being able to use the energy source to achieve optimal surgical treat-
ment of the disease. For example, with monopolar energy, because the energy arcs
from the tip of the instrument to the tissue (and then through the body to ground),
the type of current and the presenting surface area (power density) of the instrument
are important variables. It is recommended with monopolar energy (35–40 W and
sometimes higher) to minimize the surface area of the presenting tip (using the utmost
tip of the scissors) and to use cut current to increase cutting precision and reduce
lateral thermal injury. With the free-beam CO2 laser, higher power (in the range of
12–15 W) can increase the precision of the laser as a cutting instrument, although
one must be careful not to let the laser dwell in one place over vital structures. Safe
practice, knowledge of the energy, and proper training are important for whichever en-
ergy source is used.
Fig. 3. The goal of endometriosis surgery is optimal excision of all visible lesions, both
typical and atypical, with minimal char and good hemostasis.
Endometriosis in Patients with Pelvic Pain 377
Fig. 4. (A, B) The goal of surgery for endometriosis with an obliterated cul-de-sac is restora-
tion of anatomy and excision of visible or deep disease.
Treating Endometriomas
Evidence supports cystectomy (removal of the entire cyst wall) over incision and
drainage for the treatment of ovarian endometriomas or “chocolate cysts,” pain, recur-
rence, and fertility.53 In cases where a cycle-day 3 follicle-stimulating hormone levels
and antimullerian hormone (AMH) levels suggest reduced ovarian reserve, patients
should be given an opportunity to harvest ova for future use if desired. Cystectomy
has not been shown to negatively affect controlled hyperstimulation results.54 Cystec-
tomy has been shown to reduce AMH levels,55,56 although it would seem that good sur-
gical technique in finding the true plane between the cyst wall and the normal ovarian
tissue is important.57 In addition, it is unclear whether the presence of an untreated
endometrioma is also associated with a similar decline in AMH.58 Overall, most fertility
specialists (95%) would offer cystectomy for endometriomas in patients for whom IVF
is not an option, or for larger endometriomas (>3 cm) for patients undergoing IVF.59
Other Techniques
Ureterolysis is an important technique that should be used when lesions are found
over the ureter. Gynecologists who treat endometriosis should be familiar and
comfortable with performing ureterolysis when appropriate. Ureterolysis involves
freeing the ureter off the peritoneum, usually by sweeping parallel to the direction of
the ureter on the medial side (Video 1). Bilateral ureterolysis is also an essential step
when approaching an obliterated cul-de-sac.
Exploration and dissection of the retroperitoneal space and ureterolysis are impor-
tant techniques for any surgeon treating advanced endometriosis or deep disease.
Knowledge of the retroperitoneal anatomy, the course of the ureter, and how to control
bleeding by procedures such as hypogastric artery or uterine artery ligations will aid in
excising deep pelvic endometriosis. Treatment of an obliterated cul-de-sac requires a
systematic approach to restoring the anatomy and removing the disease, which usu-
ally involves cystectomy, bilateral ureterolysis, and a lateral to medial approach to
release the bowel from the retrocervical or rectovaginal space. Vignali and col-
leagues48 showed that surgical completeness of removal of deep disease will affect
the rate of recurrence of endometriosis.
it has not been shown to decrease the risk of bowel repair leakage or the need for co-
lostomy.60,61 That said, it is important to discuss the use of preoperative bowel prep-
aration with the colorectal or general surgeon participating in the patient’s care.
Definitive Surgery
Many consider definitive surgery for endometriosis to be total hysterectomy and bilat-
eral salpingo-oophorectomy. The reasoning is to remove the uterus and thus the risk
of adenomyosis (and, because menstruation is often painful, even without a patho-
logic diagnosis of adenomyosis), and to cause a surgical menopause to remove the
stimulation of endometriosis left in the pelvis. The problem with this approach is
that the actual disease remains and can still cause symptoms (especially deep endo-
metriosis), and the benefits of ovarian hormone production have been lost, including
cardiovascular and bone health. Another surgical approach that should be consid-
ered, especially in younger women who have completed childbearing, is to optimally
remove the endometriosis and the uterus (again to reduce the risk of adenomyosis)
with the fallopian tubes (not needed without the uterus and to reduce the risk of
ovarian cancer62), but to conserve at least one, or both, ovaries.
Recurrence Rates
Recurrence rates of actual disease depend on the technique used, especially for deep
endometriosis. Rates of recurrence (or persistence) of endometriosis after ablation are
approximately 20% to 50% in 2 years63,64 (approaching 50% by 5 years65), but as low
as 0% at 2 years after optimal excision.11 Of note, adding hormonal suppression after
surgery does not further reduce the rate of actual recurrence of disease beyond the
benefit of what is done at surgery, as noted by Doyle and colleagues20 (see earlier dis-
cussion). Recurrence of pain does not necessarily indicate recurrence or persistence
of endometriosis. In particular, when optimal endometriosis surgery has been
achieved, other causes of pain should be evaluated before repeat surgery.
Recurrence rates after conservative surgery, even for advanced or deep disease, can
be low (<10% in 3 years),48 which depends on the surgical completeness of removing
the disease. It has been suggested that extensive endometriosis can be avoided by
early diagnosis and intervention in the disease, even in the adolescent years.11,13
Adhesion Prevention
Adhesion prevention is very important for reducing pain, avoiding complications such
as bowel obstruction,66 and preserving fertility.67 Some have criticized excision
Table 1
Summary of fluid agents studied for the prevention of adhesions
Adapted from Ahmad G, Duffy JM, Farquhar C, et al. Barrier agents for adhesion prevention after
gynaecological surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;(2):CD000475.
Endometriosis in Patients with Pelvic Pain 379
Table 2
Summary of barriers studied for the prevention of adhesions
Adapted from Farquhar C, Vandekerckhove P, Watson A, et al. Barrier agents for preventing
adhesions after surgery for subfertility [systematic review]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2008;(2):
surgery for being adhesiogenic,68 but this has never been studied in comparison with
ablation surgery for endometriosis. Good surgical technique is most important for
minimizing adhesions, including achieving good hemostasis and minimizing char or
desiccated tissue.69 Adjunctives for adhesion prevention have been studied, and
include the use of instillates70 (Table 1) and barriers71 (Table 2). Of all the barriers,
GoreTex (W.L. Gore and Associates, Newark, DE, USA) has been shown to be the
most effective, but it requires being secured in place and usually requires a second
laparoscopy to remove it. There is some evidence to suggest that peritoneal closure
may help to reduce adhesions in comparison with nonclosure.72 Ovarian adhesions
and ovarian surgery (such as cystectomy) are risk factors for developing new and
recurrent adhesions.68,73 In the General Surgery literature, Seprafilm (Genzyme, Mid-
dleton, WI, USA) has been shown to reduce abdominal adhesions,74 and the use of a
Seprafilm slurry has been described for its use at laparoscopy.75 Further research is
required to develop safe and effective adhesion prevention products.76
Laparoscopic surgery has a clear, established role in the diagnosis and treatment of
endometriosis of pelvic pain and infertility. Patients with pain (affecting quality of
life), especially with infertility, should be offered diagnostic laparoscopy. A high index
of suspicion will lead to early diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, and better
outcomes for patients. Excision surgery can more completely treat the disease than
can ablation. Appropriate patient selection, and preoperative planning, will ideally
lead to “see and treat” laparoscopy. The goal of laparoscopic management of endo-
metriosis is the optimal removal or treatment of all visible lesions, both typical and
atypical, and deep disease. Hysterectomy may be needed for suspicion of adenomyo-
sis in patients with dysmenorrhea who have borne children, although ovarian conser-
vation can be achieved if the endometriosis is optimally treated. Referral to a center or
surgeon with expertise in the laparoscopic treatment of endometriosis is always an
option for difficult cases or deep disease. The development of dedicated centers of
expertise for treating endometriosis with appropriately trained surgeons and a
committed multidisciplinary expert team is recommended.
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