DLP Washing Dishes
DLP Washing Dishes
DLP Washing Dishes
A. A. Content Standard The Learner demonstrates an understanding of:
1. the proper cleaning and sanitizing the tools and
B. Performance Standard The Learner shall be able to:
1. independently uses the proper way of cleaning
and sanitizing
C. C. Learning Competencies / The Learner shall:
D. Objectives. Write the LC code for each 1. Clean, sanitize and store kitchen tools and
ll. CONTENT Lo 1. identify the steps in washing dishes
2. rearrange the procedures or steps in washing dishes
3. show their experience in washing dishes at home.
Ill. LEARNING RESOURCES Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools and Equipment
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages Pages 23-24
2. Learner's Materials pages K-12 BEC TLE Learning Module Cookery Grade 10
Pages 55-56
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from https://www.google.com.ph
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources PowerPoint Presentation, Video Clips, Visual Aids
A. Reviewing previous lesson or The student will give a recap about the previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson - What are the different tools, utensils and
equipment needed in egg preparation?
-Why is it important to know the different tools,
utensils and equipment needed in egg preparation?
-how will you maintain the tools and equipment in a
good condition?
B. Establishing a purpose for the “PICTURE AND LETTER FORMULA”
lesson DIRECTION: identify the pictures having plus sign (+)
and the minus sign (-) and try to solve to the problem
and identify the correct answer.
b. Casserole e. Basin
c. Utensils f. Dishwasher
C. Safety Measures
a. Perform the Mise en Place
b. Follow the sequence of the procedure
c. Be careful in handling the utensils and
Clean as you go
D. Discussing new concepts and Cleaning and Sanitizing Tools and Equipment
practicing new skills #1 A cleaning program that is an overall system should
be prepared to organize all your cleaning and sanitizing
Cleaning is the removal of visible soil while
sanitizing means reducing the number of harmful
microorganisms by using very hot water or a chemical
sanitizing solution
Here are some points to support your workplace
1. Clean in a logical order.
2. Different cleaning tasks require different methods.
3. Many cleaning agents are harmful.
4. Mixing one agent with another can be very
E. Discussing new concepts and Ware washing is the process of washing and sanitizing
racticin new skills #2 dishes,
glassware, flatware, and pots and pans either manually or
1. Prepare
2. Scrape
3. Stack the dishes
4. Fill the sink with water and add amount of detergent
5. Wash the lightest soiled items first
6. Wash plates, bowls and serving dishes
7. Wash pots and pans
8. Lay your dishes out on a rack to air-dry or wipe them
clean with a towel
9. There should be no visible matter or no “greasy “feel
10. Rinse out brush, sponge and allow to dry
11. Wipe down the sink and your tools
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Question to be asked.
Formative Assessment 3 a. What is ware washing?
b. When should we wash the plates, bowls and serving
c. How can you differentiate cleaning and sanitizing?
G. Finding practical applications of In order to print your file on the other computer, what
concepts and skills in daily living device are you going to use?
H. Making generalizations and Question to be asked.
abstractions about the lesson a. What is cleaning and sanitizing?
b. Why it is important to follow the step-in washing
c. How to sanitize the dishes?