September 11, 2023 DLL Q1
September 11, 2023 DLL Q1
September 11, 2023 DLL Q1
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills and attitudes required
in maintaining kitchen tools, equipment, and work premises.
B. Performance Standard The learners independently maintain clean kitchen tools, equipment, and premises.
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 2. Clean and sanitize kitchen premises
. Objectives. (Write the LC . . 1. Recognize kitchen premises to be cleaned and sanitized;
. code for each) 2. Discuss the types of sanitizers and disinfectant.
3. Appreciate the lesson through active participation.TLE_HECK9-12KP-Ib-2
II. CONTENT Surfaces to be cleaned
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages None
2. Learner’s Material pages 1 – 6 pgs.
3. Textbook pages
1.Additional Material from Curriculum guide for Cookery 9
Learning Resource (LR)
. .
A. Reviewing previous Who can give me a brief summary of our past lesson?
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for At the end of the session, the learners should be able to:
the lesson 1. Recognize kitchen premises to be cleaned and sanitized.
. 2. Discuss the types of sanitizers and disinfectant.
3. Appreciate the lesson through active participation.
C. Presenting 2 Pics 1 Word
examples/instances of the Directions: Using the images provided, guess the word or words.
new lesson
Key to corrections:
1. Trash bin
2. Sink
3. Stovetop
D. Discussing new concepts Identify and Discuss Kitchen Premises
..and practicing new skills 1. Countertop, tables, and chairs 2. Sink 3. Stovetop 4. Refrigerator
#1 5. Ceiling 6. Upper cabinets 7. Walls 8. Lower cabinet and drawers
9. Trash bin 10. Floor
. lesson
3. Pia suffers from contact dermatitis, which means she is allergic to dishwashing
detergent. What personal protective equipment should she put on if she has to
do the dishes?
A. Apron
B. Baking gloves
C. Rubber gloves
D. Mask
4. Why is adequate ventilation important when using cleaning agents?
A. to avoid having direct contact with harmful cleaning agents.
B. to reduce the risk of chemical inhalation.
C. to avoid spillage.
D. to avoid slippage.
5. Why should we use a trash bin with a lid?
A. Opening the trash tends to gather dust.
B. To keep odors out that attract flies and other insects.
C. To ensure germs die and cannot multiply.
D. To reduce the spread of bacteria.
J. Additional activities for . For the absent learners due to health-related and special concern, Send the lesson and
. application or remediation activity via messenger.
A. Number of learners who 7:20-8:20 - ____ / ____
. .earned 80% on the . . . 8:20-9:20 - ____ / ____
. formative assessment 9:40- 10:40- ____/ ____
1:00-2:00 - ____ / ____
2:00-3:00 - ____/ ____
7:20-8:20 - ____ / ____
B. Number of learners who
8:20-9:20 - ____ / ____
require additional
9:40- 10:40- ____/ ____
. . ..
activities for
1:00-2:00 - ____ / ____
2:00-3:00 - ____/ ____
C. Did the remedial lessons . . 7:20-8:20 - ____ / ____
work? No. of learners who . 8:20-9:20 - ____ / ____
. have caught up with the . . . 9:40- 10:40- ____/ ____
lesson. 1:00-2:00 - ____ / ____
2:00-3:00 - ____/ ____
D. No. of learners who . 7:20-8:20 - ____ / ____
continue to require 8:20-9:20 - ____ / ____
. remediation 9:40- 10:40- ____/ ____
1:00-2:00 - ____ / ____
2:00-3:00 - ____/ ____
TLE Teacher Head Teacher VI, TLE Dept. Secondary School Principal IV