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Suggested Come and See planning structure

At the beginning of the topic it is good practice to refer to the ‘Big question’ below and invite responses
from the pupils both verbally and recorded as a mind map within their books – they could revisit this
weekly recording thoughts / ideas each time.

Begin lessons with a prayer focus and lit candle with some reflective music playing (could be linked to the
topic e.g. John Burland).

Invite the pupils to explore/discuss a question/statement or picture on the board e.g. ‘forgiveness is easy’,
‘What makes me special?’, a picture of the world surrounded by litter etc.

This is an opportunity to explore and reflect within AT2 (Heart) and also AT3 (Thought cloud).

Within each Learning focus assign groups of pupils, a ‘task’ when exploring the related scripture / Bible
story – this could relate to the Key Questions or being ‘scripture detectives’ locating key words, special
names, messages, places etc.

This could be recorded within wonder/thought bubbles!

Lent term topics

Year 6 – Sources
Are books enriching?
When planning and delivering lessons it is good practice do refer to the End of Year expectations for your
Year group (see below). The use of the relevant AT2 and AT3 statements should ensure appropriate pitch
Year AT1 AT2 AT3
In Year  The pupil can describe & show understanding  The pupil can confidently  Express different points
6 this
of some religious sources beliefs, ideas, feelings show how their own and of view.
& experiences, making links between them. (i) others’ decisions are  Use sources to support
 The pupil can use religious terms to show an informed by beliefs and some points of view.
understanding of many different liturgies. (ii) values. (i)  Arrive at judgements.
The pupil can show some understanding of how  The pupil engages in some
religious belief shapes life in different ways and discussion about questions
how Christians live out these beliefs. (iii) of life, in light of religious
teaching (ii)
Show how express
Make links
Live out
Explore – I can explore, discuss and compare with others my own and their ideas and questions about books and the
purpose for which they were written.

Emerging Expected Exceeding

Book review of my favourite Book review of my favourite Book review of my favourite
book? book? Extended detail. book? Further detail.

LF1 – I can explore, find and discuss scripture readings and link these to Christian living, beliefs and other sources.
Emerging Expected Exceeding
Choose individual Using the Scripture write a Using the Scripture write a
sentences/words/phrases brief summary of what each brief summary of what each
from the scripture and show of these would mean to of these would mean to
ways we could live this out, Christians and how they Christians and how they
giving reasons for these. might live them out. might live them out – invite
further links/sources.
LF2 – I can discuss the meaning of each of the 5 types of books within the Bible and show how Christians ‘live these out
in their lives’.

Emerging Expected Exceeding

Invite the pupils to choose Invite the pupils to use this Invite the pupils to use this
phrases/sentences from the and other Scripture to write and other Scripture to write
scripture and to say what a ‘Charter to Live by’ (set of a ‘Charter to Live by’ (set of
these mean for us in our rules) for a Christian –use rules) for a Christian. Use
lives one other source. variety of other sources

LF3 – I can research the Dead Sea scrolls and show how the messages within some of the readings are lived out by

Emerging Expected Exceeding

Provide pupils with 5 pieces Provide pupils with 7 pieces Provide pupils with 7 pieces
of scripture – invite them to of scripture – invite them to of scripture – invite them to
record the message and record the message and record the message and
ways in which this can be ways in which this can be ways in which this can be
lived out. lived out – link to other lived out – link to other
sources. sources and give further
reasons for your choices.
LF4 – I can explore and discuss the similarities and differences between versions of the ‘feeding the crowd with loaves
and fishes’ story

Emerging Expected Exceeding

Compare each version, Compare each version, listing Similar task; however the
listing the similarities and the similarities and pupils would be invited to
differences. differences. Begin to link to include examples of other
some Christian sources / scripture stories which
beliefs. reflect similar themes.

LF5 – I can write a letter in a similar style to that of St. Paul

Emerging Expected Exceeding
Invite the pupils to choose Write a letter in the style of Similar activity. Explore,
some of the statements and St. Paul. Give reasons for describe and explain how
to describe/illustrate how your advice and guidance. these values from the Gospel
they might live these out. are lived out at home, school
Give reasons for their and/or the
actions. parish/local/global
communities and what
difference they make to
people’s lives.
Give some examples of the
actions taken by certain
people – locally, nationally
and globally.
LF6 – I can explore and understand different Scripture from the Bible linking these to Christian beliefs
Emerging Expected Exceeding
Invite the pupils to design a Invite the pupils to design a Present the pupils with a
poster and surround it with poster and surround it with series of scenarios (e.g. a
text and pictures through text and pictures through friend of yours tells a secret
which we can live out which we can live out you told them not to tell).
different Scripture – invite different Scripture – invite Discuss and formulate
some reasons / links. some reasons / links. Begin responses to these using
to link to some Christian Scripture reading/messages
sources / beliefs. – cross reference with
further scripture and

Refer to RESPOND booklet.

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