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June 2023 Volume 26, Number 1

A Quarterly Technical Publication for From The Editor

Internet and Intranet Professionals

In This Issue Twenty-five years ago, we published the first issue of The Internet Protocol
Journal (IPJ). Since then, 87 issues for a total of 3,316 pages have been
produced. Today, IPJ has about 20,000 subscribers all around the world.
From the Editor....................... 1 In the early days of IPJ, most of our readers preferred the paper edition, but
over time preferences have shifted steadily to a situation where only some
1,200 print subscribers remain. The rest are downloading the PDF version.
ALTO...................................... 2 This shift in reading habits is likely related to the changes in technology that
have taken place in the last 25 years. Lower costs and higher-resolution
displays and printers, as well as improvements in Internet access technolo-
Wi-Fi Privacy.......................... 12
gies, have made the online “experience” a lot better than it was in 1998.

Twenty-Five Years Later......... 23 In this issue, we will first look at two areas of work taking place
in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The Application-Layer
Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol aims to make network state such
Supporters and Sponsors....... 49 as topology, link availability, routing policies, and path cost metrics in-
formation available to applications in a standardized manner. The next
article concerns the thorny topic of tracking of users and their devices
Thank You!........................... 50 on the Internet. This area is complex, with many potential solutions,
including the use of randomized Media Access Control (MAC) addresses
as described by members of the MAC Address Device Identification for
Network and Application Services (MADINAS) Working Group in the

Our final article is a look back at the last 25 years of Internet technology
development. As we did with our 10th anniversary issue in 2008, we asked
Geoff Huston to provide an overview of the many changes that have
taken place in this period. At the end of his article, you will find a list of
previously published articles from IPJ on numerous aspects of Internet
technologies. All back issues are, of course, available from our website.

Let me take this opportunity to thank all the people who make IPJ pos-
sible. We are grateful to all our sponsors and donors, without whose
generous support this publication would not exist. Our authors deserve a
round of applause for carefully explaining both established and emerging
technologies. They are assisted by an equally insightful set of reviewers
and advisors who provide feedback and suggestions on every aspect of
our publications process. The process itself relies heavily on two individu-
You can download IPJ als: Bonnie Hupton, our copy editor, and Diane Andrada, our designer.
back issues and find Thanks go also to our printers and mailing and shipping providers. Last,
subscription information at: but not least, our readers provide encouragement, suggestions, and feed-
www.protocoljournal.org back. This journal would not be what it is without them.

ISSN 1944-1134 —Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher

The IETF ALTO Protocol
Optimizing Application Performance by Increasing Network Awareness
by Qin Wu, Mohamed Boucadair, and Jordi Ros-Giralt

n today’s Internet, network-related information (for example,
topology, link availability, routing policies, and path cost metrics)
are usually hidden from the application layer. As a result, end-
points make network-unaware decisions that may lead to suboptimal
service placement and selection decisions, sometimes resulting in poor
user experience and unnecessary inter-Internet Service Provider (ISP)
traffic. Previous approaches to this problem space have considered
snooping on the lower layers to determine the state and capabilities
of the network, but such techniques require applications to be aware
of lower-layer components (for example, routing protocols) and, fur-
thermore, if left unspecified, can potentially overload key network

To overcome this challenge, it is necessary to gather and expose net-

work state information (for example, the bandwidth and latency
properties between two network endpoints) to applications that do
not interact directly with their underlying network protocols, without
increasing the risk of network service disruption. For instance, empow-
ered with such information, service providers can safely optimize the
placement of their applications in locations of the network that pro-
vide higher capacity and lower latency to the clients they intend to
serve. Similarly, with such information, client applications can also
optimize the selection of the server instances they decide to attach to,
while relying upon a variety of cost metrics.

This article provides an overview of how the Internet Engineering

Task Force (IETF) Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
protocol enables applications with improved network awareness to
overcome these challenges, and reports on some of the implementa-
tions and deployments of the ALTO protocol.

The ALTO Approach and Architecture

The IETF ALTO protocol defines a client/server network service that
applications can use to gain insightful information about the current
state of the network. As defined in the base protocol[1], each ALTO
server maintains a “my-Internet” view of the network it represents.
In its simplest form, this view consists of a set of endpoints and costs
between pairs of endpoints for each possible cost type (for example,
hop count, latency, or bandwidth). An application seeking to gain this
information to make optimized decisions can use an ALTO client to
connect to an ALTO server using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP)-based protocol defined in the ALTO base specification.

The ALTO protocol uses a Representational State Transfer (RESTful)

design and encodes its requests and responses using JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) objects.


An ALTO request carries a set of source-destination endpoints and a
cost type. The triggered ALTO response provides the cost value for each
given source-destination endpoint. To improve scalability (for example,
to reduce the load of an ALTO server) and privacy (for example, to avoid
revealing sensitive topology information), ALTO introduces the con-
cept of groups, which specify sets of endpoints that are close to each
other from a network connectivity standpoint. In larger-scale neworks,
this aggregation leads to greater scalability without losing critical
information. A group may be represented as an IP prefix, a Point of
Presence (PoP), a type of access connectivity (wireless, fiber, etc.), an
Autonomous System (AS), or a set of ASes. The entity that operates
an ALTO server, called the ALTO Service Provider, is responsible for
assigning a unique Provider-defined Identifier (PID) to each group.

Another generalization of the endpoint object is enabled using the con-

cept of Abstract Network Element (ANE). This concept provides an
abstract representation of a component in a network that handles data
packets and whose properties can potentially affect the end-to-end per-
formance of an application[14]. ANEs can include not only endpoints,
but also switches and routers that connect them.

Figure 1, on the next page, depicts the main ALTO abstract objects
involved in a network. In this figure, application endpoints are rep-
resented as ANEs clustered in two groups with provider-defined
identifiers “PID1” and “PID2.” An endpoint can select to communi-
cate with another endpoint based on the network properties that the
ALTO server exposes. For instance, in a Content Delivery Network
(CDN), ANEs correspond to client and server hosts, and a specific
content (for example, a movie) is in general replicated in more than
one server instance. A client host can decide to retrieve the content by
selecting the server instance that provides the higher communication
bandwidth according to the exposed ALTO information. Each of the
abstract objects that are illustrated in Figure 1 is further elaborated in
the following sections.

An ALTO server organizes the network information using the concept
of maps. Maps can be constructed from physical information, logical
information, or a combination thereof. ALTO supports four types of
maps, as shown in Figure 1:
• The Network Map lists all the endpoint groups that the ALTO server
tracks. This map includes PIDs that uniquely identify each group.
• The Entity Property Map describes the properties of each ANE in
the network, including the geolocation or the connectivity type (for
example, fiber or wireless) of an ANE.
• The Cost Map provides the cost information (for example, hop
count, latency, or bandwidth) between each pair of PIDs enclosed in
the network map, where a PID identifies a group of endpoints.
• The Endpoint Cost Map provides finer-grained cost information
between specific endpoints.


ALTO continued

Figure 1: Base ALTO Abstract Objects

Network Entity Cost Endpoint Network Entity Cost Endpoint

Map Property Map Map Cost Map Map Property Map Map Cost Map

ALTO Client
ALTO Client

ANE: Endpoint
ANE: Router ANE: Router ANE: Router

ANE: Endpoint
ANE: Endpoint

ANE: Endpoint

ANE: Router ANE: Router

ANE: Endpoint
ANE: Endpoint

ALTO Extensions
In addition to its base abstractions and maps, the ALTO protocol
supports the following extensions to enable a richer network-aware
application experience:
• The Information Resource Directory (IRD) lists the services an
ALTO server provides and the locations from where you can access
these services.
• The Cost Calendar provides a set of cost values as a function of
time, allowing applications to know not only where to connect to,
but also when.
• Incremental Updates using Server-Sent Events (SSEs) allow an
ALTO server to expose cost values as delta updates, reducing the
amount of server-client data exchanged.
• The CDNI Advertisement exposes a CDNI Footprint and Capability
Advertisement Interface (FCI)[26].
• The Path Vector extension exposes the set of ANEs along the path
between two endpoints and the performance properties of these
• The Extended Performance Cost Metrics enrich ALTO with ad-
vanced metrics such as network one-way delay, one-way delay
variation, one-way packet-loss rate, hop count, and bandwidth.
• The Entity Properties generalize the concept of ALTO endpoint
properties by presenting them as entity property maps.


Figure 2 shows the ALTO protocol core services as they are docu-
mented by the IETF as well as some of the related ALTO documents.
The previously mentioned ALTO extensions are marked with a light-
blue shading. The core services are organized as part of the ALTO
Information Service consisting of the Map Filtering, End Property,
and End Cost services, along with the Map Service, which is itself
broken into separate map services as previously described. All of the
services are dependent on the base protocol, which is documented in
[1]. The ALTO protocol is enhanced through Server Discovery[5, 25], and
extensions for Incremental Updates[9], Operations and Management
(OAM)[23], and support for carrying the ALTO protocol over more
modern transport protocols[22]. The practical understanding of how
you can use the ALTO protocol together with a set of deployment rec-
ommendations is documented in [13].

Additional ALTO features, for example, cost manipulation[7, 8], are

shown on the right side of Figure 2.

Figure 2: Overview of ALTO Core and Extensions

ALTO Info Service Multi-Cost

RFC 8189
Cost Calendar
Map Filtering End Property End Cost RFC 8896
Service Service Service
Path Vector
RFC 9275
Map Service
Cost Mode
RFC 9274
Entity Property Endpoint Cost
Network Map Cost Map
Map Map Cost Metric

RFC 9241

ALTO Base Protocol – RFC 7285 ALTO EXT

ALTO Incremental
Discovery ALTO OAM ALTO Transport
Deployment Update
RFC 7286
RFC 7971 RFC 8895
RFC 8686

History of ALTO
The ALTO Working Group was established in 2008 with an initial
charter to develop a request/response protocol that would allow hosts
to extract enough state information from a network to make optimized
server selection decisions. The working group’s first charter focused on
the optimization of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications, with the first four
RFCs introducing the problem statement[11] and requirements[4], the
base protocol[1], and support for server discovery[5].

The working group was then rechartered in 2014 to support a broader

set of applications that included CDNs and data centers.


ALTO continued

That stage led to the development of five RFCs: Deployment rec-

ommendations[13], protocol extensions for reducing the volume of
on-the-wire data exchange[7, 9], server discovery for multi-domain envi-
ronments[25], and a cost calendar capability to allow applications to
identify the optimal times to connect to a service[8].

The current ALTO Working Group charter was approved in 2021 with
the goal to focus on three operational areas: (1) support for modern
transport protocols such as HTTP/2 and HTTP/3[22]; (2) development
of OAM mechanisms[23], and (3) collection of deployment experi-
ences[24]. These three areas constitute the current highest priorities of
the ALTO Working Group.

Four additional RFCs that had originated from the second charter have
also been published since then: (1) support of property maps for gener-
alized entities[10], (2) a new Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement
Interface (FCI) protocol for CDNI[12], (3) a new Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA) registry for tracking cost modes supported
by ALTO[3], and (4) extensions to the cost map and ALTO property
map services to allow the application to identify optimized paths[14].

ALTO Deployments and Implementations

The ALTO base protocol was first implemented by Korea Telecom[16],
NEC[17], Benocs[18], Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs[19], and Nokia. An open-
source implementation of the ALTO stack was also made available via
the OpenDaylight (ODL) Project[6]. Starting in 2020, China Mobile,
Tencent[20], and Telefonica[21] have been actively involved in ALTO
and initiated trials in their mobile networks and CDNs. Qualcomm
Technologies, Inc. also joined the ALTO effort in 2021 with a focus
on evaluating the fit of ALTO for exposing network state information
in the context of edge computing. At the time of this writing (2023),
two new deployments of ALTO are being initiated to support the net-
works from CERN (LHCONE) in Europe and the Network Research
Platform in the United States[27].

A further open-source initiative, the OpenALTO Project[2], was initi-

ated in 2021 to provide a standalone implementation of the ALTO
stack independently of the ODL Project. The OpenALTO Project is
an initiative spawning from the IETF ALTO Working Group, which
focuses on developing an open-source implementation of the ALTO
specifications, including the latest Internet Drafts that have been
moved to Working Group Last Call to support modern transport pro-
tocols[22] and OAM[23]. As shown in Figure 3, the architecture maps the
IETF ALTO server and ALTO client onto the OpenALTO software
stack as follows:
• The OpenALTO Server stack includes three core building blocks:
The Application-facing Interface, the Network-facing Interface, and
the ALTO Services Layer.
• The Application-facing Interface provides an Application Pro-
gramming Interface (API) that applications can query to retrieve the
state of the network.


• The Network-facing Interface implements a variety of network
plugins to support the retrieval of network state information; each
plugin supports a different type of network. To facilitate the devel-
opment of OpenALTO, this interface also includes plugins for
simulation and emulation environments such as Mininet.
• The ALTO Services Layer provides the core ALTO functions by
implementing [1]. This layer currently includes the Network Map,
the Cost Map, and the Property Map services.
• The OpenALTO client is a thin layer that implements the HTTP-
based client-side protocol described in [1] and [9]. The ALTO client
is installed as a library in the same device in which the application
is being run, and the application uses it to retrieve the network state
from the ALTO server.

Figure 3: Mapping of RFC 7285 Entities onto the OpenALTO Software Architecture

IETF ALTO Standard: OpenALTO Implementation:

RFC 7285
+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ Meta
| Network Region | XR V2X IoT CDN Science (...)
| | Verse
| +-----------+ |
| | Routing | | OpenALTO Client
| +--------------+ | Protocols | |
| | Provisioning | +-----------+ |
| | Policy | | |
| +--------------+\ | |
| \ | | Northbound Interface
OpenALTO Server Stack

| \ | |
| +-----------+ \+---------+ +--------+ |
| |Dynamic | | ALTO | ALTO Protocol | ALTO | | ALTO Services Layer
| |Network |.......| Server | ==================== | Client | |
| |Information| +---------+ +--------+ |
| +-----------+ / / | Network Cost Property
| / ALTO SD Query/Response / |
Map Map Map (...)
| / / |
| +----------+ +----------------+ |
| | External | | ALTO Service | |
| | Interface| | Discovery (SD) | |
| +----------+ +----------------+ |
| | | Southbound Interface
| Third Parties |
| | SDN Controller
| Content Providers|
+------------------+ Mobile Edge Mini
Core Core Net (...)

Future Perspectives
The ALTO protocol initially started with the goal of supporting the
optimization of P2P applications in 2008, then evolved to incorpo-
rate extensions for the support of CDNs in 2014, and today it is
well-positioned to support the requirements of new advanced edge
computing applications such as augmented reality, vehicle networks,
and the metaverse, among others. Because this new class of applica-
tions requires stringent Quality of Experience (QoE) performance,
the ALTO protocol becomes a key component to enable collaborative
application/network schemes.


ALTO continued

Specifically, ALTO contributes to the optimization of service placement

and selection decisions based on the communication properties of the
network. In this regard, and as its current charter is being finalized,
proposals are being made to extend the protocol towards support-
ing edge computing applications in three possible areas: (1) extending
ALTO metrics to include information about the compute resources
(for example, Central Processing Unit [CPU], Graphics Processing
Unit [GPU], memory, and storage) found in the distributed edge com-
puting network, (2) incorporating protocol semantics for the sharing
of state between ALTO servers in multi-domain networking envi-
ronments, helping applications gain a global end-to-end view of the
network, and (3) potentially incorporating information about the level
of trust offered by each ANE along a communication path to improve
the security of new advanced applications such as the metaverse.

Beyond the IETF, several other Standards Development Organizations

(SDOs) such as the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) are
also investigating solutions for exposing network capabilities to enable
the optimization of new advanced applications. These solutions can
naturally take advantage of ALTO, and there is the potential for IETF
technology to become an important enabler of Internet capabilities
demanded by developments arising in other SDOs. To enable these
cross-SDO synergies, the ALTO protocol needs to be further socialized
inside and outside the IETF with a focus on illustrating how it can pro-
vide the intended exposure features.

Future directions of the ALTO protocol are currently being discussed

in the WG mailing list (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/
browse/alto/). The WG welcomes your participation to help identify
the key priorities towards supporting the newly arising edge comput-
ing applications.

References and Further Reading

[1] Richard Alimi, Ed., Reinaldo Penno, Ed., Richard Yang, Ed.,
Sebastian Kiesel, Stefano Previdi, Wendy Roome, Stanislav
Shalunov, and Richard Woundy, “Application-Layer Traffic
Optimization (ALTO) Protocol,” RFC 7285, September 2014.
[2] OpenALTO Project, available at https://github.com/openalto
[3] Mohamed Boucadair and Qin Wu, “A Cost Mode Registry for
the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol,”
RFC 9274, July 2022.
[4] Sebastian Kiesel, Stefano Previdi, Martin Stiemerling, Richard
Woundy, and Richard Yang, “Application-Layer Traffic Optimi-
zation (ALTO) Requirements,” RFC 6708, September 2012.
[5] Sebastian Kiesel, Martin Stiemerling, Nico Schwan, Michael
Scharf, and Haibin Song, “Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
(ALTO) Server Discovery,” RFC 7286, November 2014
[6] ODL ALTO, available at:


[7] Sabine Randriamasy, Wendy Roome, and Nico Schwan, “Multi-
Cost Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO),” RFC
8189, October 2017.
[8] Sabine Randriamasy, Richard Yang, Qin Wu, Lingli Deng, and
Nico Schwan, “Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO)
Cost Calendar,” RFC 8896, November 2020.
[9] Wendy Roome and Richard Yang, “Application-Layer Traffic
Optimization (ALTO) Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent
Events (SSE),” RFC 8895, November 2020.
[10] Wendy Roome, Sabine Randriamasy, Richard Yang, Jingxuan
Zhang, and Kai Gao, “An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic
Optimization (ALTO): Entity Property Maps,” RFC 9240, July
[11] Jan Seedorf and Eric Burger, “Application-Layer Traffic
Optimization (ALTO) Problem Statement,” RFC 5693, October
[12] Jan Seedorf, Richard Yang, Kevin Ma, Jon Peterson, and Jingxuan
Zhang, “Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI)
Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement Using Application-
Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO),” RFC 9241, July 2022.
[13] Martin Stiemerling, Sebastian Kiesel, Michael Scharf, Hans Seidel,
and Stefano Previdi, “Application-Layer Traffic Optimization
(ALTO) Deployment Considerations,” RFC 7971, October 2016.
[14] Qin Wu, Richard Yang, Young Lee, Dhruv Dhody, Sabine
Randriamasy, and Luis Contreras, “ALTO Performance Cost
Metrics,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, draft-ietf-alto-
performance-metrics-28, March 2022.
[15] Richard Barnes, “Use Cases and Requirements for JSON Object
Signing and Encryption (JOSE),” RFC 7165, April 2014.
[16] Choongul Park, Yeongil Seo, Kun-youl Park, and Youngseok Lee,
“The concept and realization of context-based content delivery
of NGSON,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume 50,
No. 1, pp. 74–81, January 2012.
[17] Marcus Schöller, Martin Stiemerling, Andreas Ripke, and Roland
Bless, “Resilient deployment of virtual network functions,” 2013
5th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications
and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), Almaty, Kaz-
akhstan, 2013.
[18] Enric Pujol, Ingmar Poese, Johannes Zerwas, Georgios
Smaragdakis, and Anja Feldmann, “Steering Hyper-Giants’ Traffic
at Scale,” In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference
on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
(CoNEXT ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New
York, 2019.


ALTO continued

[19] Michael Scharf, Thomas Voith, Wendy Roome, Bob Gaglianello,

Moritz Steiner, Volker Hilt, and Vijay K. Gurbani, “Monitoring
and abstraction for networked clouds,” 16th International Con-
ference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks, Berlin,
Germany, 2012.
[20] Yuhang Jia, Yunfei Zhang, Richard Yang, Gang Li, Yixue Lei,
Yunbo Han, and Sabine Randriamasy, “MoWIE for Network
Aware Application,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, draft-
huang-alto-mowie-for-network-aware-app-05, November
[21] Jingxuan Zhang et al., “Sextant: Enabling Automated Network-
aware Application Optimization in Carrier Networks,” 2021
IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network
Management (IM), Bordeaux, France, 2021.
[22] Roland Schott, Richard Yang, Kai Gao, Lauren Delwiche, and
Lachlan Keller, “The ALTO Transport Information Publication
Service,” Internet Draft, Work in Progress, draft-ietf-alto-
new-transport-07, April 2023.
[23] Jingxuan Zhang, Dhruv Dhody, Kai Gao, Roland Schott, and
Q. Ma, “YANG Data Models for the Application-Layer Traffic
Optimization (ALTO) Protocol,” Internet Draft, Work in
Progress, draft-ietf-alto-oam-yang-06, April 2023.
[24] ALTO IETF Wiki on Collecting Deployment Experiences, avail-
able at: https://wiki.ietf.org/en/group/ALTO/deployment
[25] Sebastian Kiesel and Martin Stiemerling, “Application-Layer
Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Cross-Domain Server Discovery,”
RFC 8686, February 2020.
[26] Jan Seedorf, Jon Peterson, Stafano Previdi, Ray van Brandenburg,
and Kevin Ma, “Content Delivery Network Interconnection
(CDNI) Request Routing: Footprint and Capabilities Semantics,”
RFC 8008, December 2016.
[27] Jacob Dunefsky, Mahdi Soleimani, Ryan Yang, Jordi Ros-Giralt,
Mario Lassnig, Inder Monga, Frank K. Würthwein, Jingxuan
Zhang, Kai Gao, and Y. Richard Yang, “Transport control
networking: optimizing efficiency and control of data transport
for data-intensive networks,” ACM SIGCOMM, August 2022.


QIN WU is an expert on Network Management Architecture with Huawei’s Data
Communication in China. He is also responsible for enterprise networking innovation
and standards work such as IoT, Security, SD-WAN, and Edge Computing. Involved
in strategic standards development, engaging with some related open-source projects
such as FD.io and ONAP for more than 10 years, Qin has held various positions in
IETF, ITU-T, and CCSA. He has over 16 years of experience on network architecture
and protocol design, starting from mobility management, performance measure-
ment, IPTV to SDN, NFV, network management automation and YANG, telemetry,
AIOPs, etc. Currently he focuses on promoting digital twin networking and Network
and Application collaboration. He used to chair the IETF L3SM and L2SM working
groups in the OPS area; he currently chairs the ALTO Working Group in the Transport
area, serves as a member of the OPS-DIR Directorate, and has coauthored more than
52 RFCs spanning six IETF areas (OPS, SEC, RTG, TSV, RAI, and INT). He received
his PhD degree of Control Theory and Engineering from Nanjing University of Science
and Technologies. Qin is a member of the Internet Architecture Board.
E-mail: bill.wu@huawei.com

MOHAMED BOUCADAIR is a Senior Network Architect within the “Network of

the Future” team in Orange Innovation. He worked at the Orange corporate divi-
sion, where he was responsible for making recommendations on the evolution of
IP/MPLS core networks. Mohamed is the author/editor of several books, includ-
ing Design Innovation and Network Architecture for the Future Internet (ISBN:
9781799876465), Emerging Automation Techniques for the Future Internet
(ISBN: 9781522571469), Redesigning the Future of Internet Architectures (ISBN:
9781466683716), Solutions for Sustaining Scalability in Internet Growth (ISBN:
978-1466643055), IP Telephony Interconnection Reference: Challenges, Models
and Engineering (ISBN: 978-1439851784), Recent Advances in Providing QoS and
Reliability in Future Internet Backbone (ISBN: 978-1617618581), Inter-Asterisk
Exchange (IAX) Deployment Scenarios in SIP-Enabled Networks (ISBN: 978-
0470770726), and Service Automation and Dynamic Provisioning Techniques in IP/
MPLS Environments (ISBN: 978-0470018291).
E-mail: mohamed.boucadair@orange.com

JORDI ROS-GIRALT is a Director of Engineering at Qualcomm Europe, Inc., where

he leads the high-performance networking team as part of AI Research focusing on the
area of accelerating application performance for 5G, 6G, and the Edge Cloud. Jordi
has published upwards of 75 articles in scientific conferences and journals, and is the
inventor and developer of several communication network algorithms and technolo-
gies, most of which have been included in commercial products. Jordi received his
PhD in Computer Science, an MBA from the University of California, and a BSc in
Telecommunications Engineering from the Barcelona Tech University (UPC).
E-mail: jros@qti.qualcomm.com

The Internet Protocol Journal is published under the “CC BY-NC-ND” Creative Commons
Licence. Quotation with attribution encouraged.

This publication is distributed on an “as-is” basis, without warranty of any kind either
express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could contain technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors. Later issues may modify or update information provided
in this issue. Neither the publisher nor any contributor shall have any liability to any person
for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.


The Impact of Randomized Layer-2 Addresses on
Privacy and Applications
by Carlos J. Bernardos, Juan-Carlos Zuñiga, Jerome Henry, and, Alain Mourad

i-Fi technology has revolutionized communication and
become the preferred technology and sometimes the only
networking technology used by devices such as smart-
phones, tablets, and Internet-of Thing (IoT) devices.

On the other hand, Internet privacy is becoming a huge concern, as

more and more mobile devices are connecting to the Internet. This
ubiquitous connectivity, together with not-very-secure protocol stacks
and the lack of proper education about privacy, make it very easy to
track/monitor the location of users and/or eavesdrop on their physi-
cal and online activities. The cause of this situation has many factors,
such as the vast digital footprint that users leave on the Internet; for
example: information sharing on social networks, the cookies that
browsers and servers use to provide a better navigation experience,
connectivity logs that allow tracking of a user’s Layer 2 Media Access
Control (L2 MAC) or Layer 3 (L3) address, web trackers, etc., and/or
the weak (or even null in some cases) authentication and encryption
mechanisms used to secure communications.

This privacy concern affects all layers of the protocol stack, from the
lower layers involved in the actual access to the network (for example,
you can use the L2 and L3 addresses to obtain a user’s location) to
higher-layer protocol identifiers and user applications[1]. In particular,
IEEE 802 MAC addresses have historically been an easy target for
tracking users[2]. Attackers who are equipped with surveillance equip-
ment can “monitor” Wi-Fi packets and track the activity of Wi-Fi
devices. After the association between a device and its user is made,
identifying the device and its activity is sufficient to deduce informa-
tion about what the user is doing, without the user’s consent.

IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) interfaces, as any other kind of IEEE 802-based

network interface, like Ethernet (that is, IEEE 802.3), have a Layer 2
address, also referred to as the MAC address, which anybody who can
receive the signal transmitted by the network interface can see. Figure
1 shows the format of these addresses.

A third party, such as a passive device listening to communications in

the same network, can easily observe MAC addresses. In an 802.11
network, a station exposes its MAC address in two different situations:
• While unassociated and actively scanning for available networks, the
MAC address is used in the Probe Request frames that the device
sends (aka IEEE 802.11 STA).
• After it is associated to a given Access Point (AP), the MAC address
is used in frame transmission and reception, as one of the addresses
used in the address fields of an IEEE 802.11 frame.


Figure 1: IEEE 802 MAC
Address Format
Company Identifier Network Interface
(CID) Controller (NIC) Specific

b0 (U/L bit):
0: unicast
1: multicast

0: globally unique (OUI enforced)
1: locally administrated

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

MAC addresses can be either universally or locally administered. A

MAC address is identified as being locally administered when the sec-
ond-last significant bit of the most significant octet of the address (the
U/L bit) is set. The MAC address is identified as globally unique when
the U/L bit is unset.

A universally administered address is uniquely assigned to a device by

its manufacturer (and is called the burned-in address). Most physical
devices are provided with a universally administered address, which is
composed of two parts: (i) the Company Identifier (CID), which is the
first three octets in transmission order, identified by the organization
that issued it, and (ii) the Network Interface Controller (NIC)-specific
address, which is the following three octets, assigned by the organiza-
tion that manufactured the controller, in such a way that the resulting
MAC address is globally unique. Since universally administered MAC
addresses are by definition globally unique, when a device uses this
MAC address to transmit data—especially over the air—it is relatively
easy to track this device by simple medium observation. This possibil-
ity poses a privacy concern[3] when the device is directly associated to a
single user (for example, smartphones, etc.).

Locally administered addresses can override the burned-in address, and

they can be set up by either the network administrator or the Operating
System (OS) of the device to which the address pertains. This feature
allows you to generate local addresses without the need for any global
coordination mechanism to ensure that the generated address is still
unique within the local network. You can use this feature to generate
random addresses, which decouple the globally unique identifier from
the device and thereby make it more difficult to track a user device
from its MAC/L2 address[4]. There are initiatives at the IEEE 802 and
other organizations to specify ways in which these locally administered
addresses should be assigned, depending on the use case.


Wi-Fi Privacy continued

To reduce the risks of correlation between a device activity and its

owner, multiple vendors have started to implement Randomized and
Changing MAC (RCM) addresses. With this scheme, an end device
implements a different RCM over time when exchanging traffic over
a wireless network. By randomizing the MAC address, the persistent
association between a given traffic flow and a single device is made
more difficult, assuming no other visible unique identifiers are in use.

However, such address changes may affect the user experience and
the efficiency of legitimate network operations. For a long time, net-
work designers and implementers relied on the assumption that a given
machine in a network implementing IEEE 802 technologies would be
represented by a unique network MAC address that would not change
over time, despite the existence of tools to flush out the MAC address
to bypass some network policies. When this assumption is broken, ele-
ments of network communication may also break.

For example, sessions established between the end device and net-
work services may be lost and packets in translation may suddenly
be without a clear source or destination. If multiple clients implement
fast-paced RCM rotations, network services may be over-solicited by
a small number of stations that appear as many clients.

At the same time, some network services rely on the client station pro-
viding an identifier, which can be the MAC address or another value.
If the client implements MAC rotation but continues sending the same
static identifier, then the association between a stable identifier and
the station continues despite the RCM scheme. There may be environ-
ments where such continued association is desirable, but others where
the user privacy has more value than any continuity of network service

Application and Network Scenarios That RCM Can Affect

Device identity is important in scenarios where the network needs to
know the device or user identity in order to offer, operate, and main-
tain certain valid services. Currently, many use cases and applications
make an implicit assumption that a device is represented by an IEEE
802 L2 permanent and unique MAC address. This assumption is being
used in both control- and data-plane functions and protocols. RCM
breaks this assumption. This paradigm shift requires updating applica-
tions to function across MAC address changes.

When a device changes its MAC address, other devices on the same
LAN may fail to recognize that the same machine is attempting to
communicate with them. Additionally, multiple layers implemented at
upper layers have been designed with the assumption that each node
on the LAN, using these services, would have a MAC address that
would stay the same over time (a persistent MAC address).


This assumption sometimes adds to the Personally Identifiable
Information (PII) confusion, for example in the case of Authentication,
Association, and Accounting (AAA) services authenticating the user of
a machine and associating the authenticated user to the device MAC
address. Other services focus solely on the machine, for example, the
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), but still expect each
machine to use a persistent MAC address, for example to re-assign the
same IP address to a returning device. Changing the MAC address may
disrupt these services and the user experience.

The impact of using a persistent or a randomized and changing MAC

address very much depends on the environment where the device oper-
ates (that is, the use case), on the presence and nature of other devices
in the environment, and on the type of network the device is com-
municating through. Therefore, a device can use a MAC address that
can persist over time if trust with the environment is established, or
that can be temporal if that address is going to be used as an identity
for a service in an environment where trust has not been established.
Note that this trust is not binary, and it ranges from: (i) full trust: envi-
ronments where a personal device establishes a trust relationship and
can share a persistent device identity with the access network devices,
without the fear of that identity being shared beyond the L2 broadcast
domain; (ii) selective trust: environments where the device may not be
willing to share a persistent identity with some elements of the Layer
2 broadcast domain but may be willing to do it with other elements;
and (iii) zero trust: environments where the device may not be willing
to share any persistent identity with any local entity reachable through
the AP and may express a temporal identity to each of them.

This trust relationship naturally depends on the relationship between

the user of the personal device and the operator of the service. Thus, it
is useful to enumerate some scenarios (which can be easily translated
into use cases) where the use of RCM might have an impact:
• Residential settings under the control of the user: this case is typical
of a home network with Wi-Fi in the LAN and an Internet connec-
tion. In this environment, traffic over the Internet does not expose
the MAC address if it is not copied to another field before routing
happens. The user controls the wire segment within the broadcast
domain, and this segment, therefore, is usually not at risk of host-
ing an eavesdropper. Full trust is typically established at this level
among users and with the network elements. The device trusts the
AP and all Layer 2 domain entities beyond the AP. However, unless
the user has full access control over the physical space where the
Wi-Fi transmissions can be detected, there is no guarantee that an
eavesdropper would not be observing the communications. As such,
it is common to assume that, even in this environment, full trust can-
not be achieved.


Wi-Fi Privacy continued

• Managed residential settings: examples of this type of environment

include shared living facilities and other collective environments
where an operator manages the network for the residents. The over-
the-air exposure is similar to that of a home. A number of devices
larger than in a standard home may be present, and the operator
may be requested to provide IT support to the residents. Therefore,
the operator may need to identify the activity of a device in real
time, but may also need to analyze logs so as to understand a past
reported issue. For both activities, a device identification associated
with the session is needed. Full trust is often established in this envi-
ronment, at the scale of a series of a few sessions, not because it is
assumed that no eavesdropper would observe the network activity,
but because it is a common condition for the managed operations.
• Public guest networks: public hotspots, such as in shopping malls,
hotels, stores, train stations, and airports, are typical of this envi-
ronment. The guest network operator may be legally mandated to
identify devices or users or may have the option to leave all devices
and users untracked. In this environment, trust is commonly not
established with any element of the Layer 2 broadcast domain (zero
trust model by default).
• Enterprises (with Bring Your Own Device [BYOD]): users may be
provided with corporate devices or may bring their own. The devices
are not directly under the control of a corporate IT team. Trust may
be established as the device joins the network. Some enterprise mod-
els mandate full trust; others, considering the BYOD nature of the
device, allow selective trust.
• Managed enterprises: in this environment, users are typically pro-
vided with corporate devices, and all connected devices are managed,
for example through a Mobile Device Management (MDM) profile
installed on the device. Full trust is created as the MDM profile is

Ongoing Efforts/Approaches Regarding RCM

Practical experiences of RCM in live devices helped researchers
fine-tune their understanding of attacks against randomization mecha-
nisms[5]. At IEEE 802.11 these research experiences eventually formed
the basis for a specified mechanism introduced in the IEEE 802.11aq
in 2018, which recommends mechanisms to avoid pitfalls when using
randomized MAC addresses[6].

More recent developments include turning on MAC randomization

in mobile operating systems by default, which affects the ability of
network operators to personalize or customize services[7]. Therefore,
follow-on work in the IEEE 802.11 mapped effects of a potentially
large uptake of randomized MAC identifiers on many commonly
offered operator services in 2019[8].


In the summer of 2020, this work resulted in two new standards proj-
ects with the purpose of developing mechanisms that do not decrease
user privacy and enable an optimal user experience when the MAC
address of a device in an Extended Service Set is randomized or
changes[9] and user privacy solutions applicable to IEEE Std 802.11[10].

The IEEE 802.1 Working Group has also published a specification that
defines a local MAC address space structure, known as the Structured
Local Address Plan (SLAP). This structure designates a range of
local MAC addresses for protocols using a CID assigned by the IEEE
Registration Authority. Another range of local MAC addresses is desig-
nated for assignment by administrators. The specification recommends
a range of local MAC addresses for use by IEEE 802 protocols[11].

Work within the IEEE 802.1 Security Task Group on privacy recom-
mendations for all IEEE 802 network technologies has also looked into
general recommendations on identifiers, reaching the conclusion that
temporary and transient identifiers are preferable in network technol-
ogy designs if there are no compelling reasons of service quality for a
newly introduced identifier to be permanent. This work has been spec-
ified in the recently published IEEE P802E: “Recommended Practice
for Privacy Considerations for IEEE 802 Technologies”[12]. The IEEE
P802E specification will form part of the basis for the review of user
privacy solutions applicable to IEEE Std 802.11 (aka Wi-Fi) devices as
part of the RCM[7] efforts.

Currently, two task groups in IEEE 802.11 are addressing issues

related to RCM:
• The IEEE 802.11bh Task Group, looking at mitigating the repercus-
sions that RCM creates on 802.11 networks and related services,
• The IEEE 802.11bi Task Group, which will define modifications to
the IEEE Std 802.11 MAC specification to specify new mechanisms
that address and improve user privacy.

At the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), the Testing and Inter-

operability Working Group has been looking at the issues related
to MAC address randomization and has identified a list of potential
impacts of these changes to existing systems and solutions, mainly
related to Wi-Fi identification. As part of this work, WBA has docu-
mented a set of use cases that a Wi-Fi Identification Standard should
address in order to scale and achieve longer-term sustainability of
deployed services. A first version of this document has been liaised
with the IETF as part of the MAC Address Device Identification for
Network and Application Services (MADINAS) activities through
the “Wi-Fi Identification in a post MAC Randomization Era v1.0”


Wi-Fi Privacy continued

Several IP address assignment mechanisms such as the IPv6 Stateless

Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) techniques[14] generate the Inter-
face Identifier (IID) of the address from its MAC address (via EUI64),
which then becomes visible to all IPv6 communication peers. This
feature potentially allows for global tracking of a device at L3 from
any point on the Internet. Besides, the prefix part of the address pro-
vides meaningful insights into the physical location of the device in
general, which together with the MAC address-based IID, makes it
easier to perform global device tracking.

Some solutions might mitigate this privacy threat, such as the use of
temporary addresses[15] and opaque IIDs[16,17]. Additionally, [18] pro-
poses an extension to DHCPv6 that allows a scalable approach to
link-layer address assignments where preassigned link-layer address
assignments (such as by a manufacturer) are not possible or unnec-
essary. [19] proposes extensions to DHCPv6 protocols to enable a
DHCPv6 client or relay to indicate a preferred SLAP quadrant to the
server, so that the server may allocate MAC addresses in the quadrant
requested by the client or relay.

Not only can you use MAC and IP addresses for tracking purposes,
but some DHCP options allow you to also carry unique identifiers.
These identifiers can enable device tracking even if the device adminis-
trator takes care of randomizing other potential identifications such as
link-layer addresses or IPv6 addresses. [20] introduces anonymity pro-
files, designed for clients that wish to remain anonymous to the visited
network. The profiles provide guidelines on the composition of DHCP
or DHCPv6 messages, designed to minimize disclosure of identifying

Existing Solutions
One possible solution is to use 802.1X with Wi-Fi Protected Access
2/3 (WPA2/WPA3). At the time of association to a Wi-Fi access point,
802.1X authentication coupled with WPA2 or WPA3 encryption
schemes allows for the mutual identification of the client device or of
the user of the device and an authentication authority. The authen-
tication exchange is protected from eavesdropping. In this scenario,
you can obfuscate the identity of the user or the device from exter-
nal observers. However, the authentication authority is in most cases
under the control of the same entity as the network access provider,
thus making the identity of the user or device visible to the network
owner. This scheme is therefore well-adapted to enterprise environ-
ments, where a level of trust is established between the user and the
enterprise network operator.

A different approach is the Wireless Broadband Alliance OpenRoam-

ing standard, which introduces an intermediate trusted relay between
local venues and sources of identity. The federation structure also
extends the type of authorities that can be used as identity sources
(compared to the traditional enterprise-based 802.1X scheme for
Wi-Fi), and facilitates the establishment of trust between a local venue
and an identity provider.


Such a procedure dramatically increases the likelihood that one or more
identity profiles for the user or the device will be accepted by a local
venue. At the same time, authentication does not occur to the local
venue, thus offering the possibility for the user or device to keep their
identity obfuscated from the local network operator, unless that opera-
tor specifically expresses the requirement to disclose such identity (in
which case the user has the option to accept or decline the connection
and associated identity exposure). The OpenRoaming scheme there-
fore seems well-adapted to public Wi-Fi and hospitality environments,
allowing for the obfuscation of the identity from unauthorized entities,
while also permitting mutual authentication between the device or the
user and a trusted identity provider.

It is also worth mentioning that most evolved client device OSes already
offer RCM schemes, enabled by default (or easy to enable) on client
devices. With these schemes, the device can change its MAC address,
when not associated, after using a given MAC address for a semi-
random duration window. These schemes also allow for the device to
manifest a different MAC address in different Service Set Identifiers
(SSIDs). Different OSes follow slightly different approaches, which
are also evolving with the new releases. Such a randomization scheme
enables the device to limit the duration of exposure of a single MAC
address to observers. In the IEEE 802.11-2020 specification, MAC
address rotation is not allowed during a given association session, and
thus rotation of MAC address can occur only through disconnection
and reconnection.

Ongoing Work in the IETF

The MADINAS Working Group in the IETF is addressing documen-
tation of the services that may be affected by RCM and evaluation
of possible solutions to maintain the quality of user experience and
network efficiency in the presence of RCM, while user privacy is

The group will generate documents regarding the state of affairs of

RCM, and a Best Current Practices (BCP) document recommending
a means to reduce the impact of RCM on the documented use cases
while ensuring that the privacy achieved with RCM is not compro-
mised. For scenarios where device identity stability is desirable, the
BCP document will recommend existing protocols that you can use to
protect the request and exchange of identifiers between the client and
the service provider.

The MADINAS Working Group is focused on coordination with other

IETF Working Groups (for example, DHC and IntArea). In addition,
it actively liaises with other relevant organizations, such as IEEE 802
and the Wireless Broadband Alliance. The objective is to coordinate on
the different recommendations, as well as planning potential follow-up
activities within or outside the IETF.


Wi-Fi Privacy continued

It is expected that the outcome from the coordinated efforts among

these standards organizations will enable the use of RCM in the dif-
ferent scenarios previously analyzed, providing both privacy and the
operational characteristics about the quality of user experience and
network efficiency that each one of the scenarios requires.

[1] Carlos J. Bernardos, Juan Carlos Zúñiga, and Piers O’Hanlon,
“Wi-Fi Internet Connectivity and Privacy: Hiding your tracks
on the wireless Internet,” IEEE Conference on Standards for
Communications and Networking (CSCN), October 2015.
[2] James Vincent, “London’s bins are tracking your smartphone,”
The Independent, August 2013,
[3] Piers O’Hanlon, Joss Wright, and Ian Brown, “Privacy at the link
layer,” Contribution at W3C/IAB workshop on Strengthening
the Internet Against Pervasive Monitoring (STRINT), February
2014. https://www.w3.org/2014/strint/papers/35.pdf
[4] Marco Gruteser and Dirk Grunwald, “Enhancing Location
Privacy in Wireless LAN Through Disposable Interface Identifiers:
A Quantitative Analysis,” Mobile Networks and Applications,
Volume 10, No. 3, pp. 315-325, 2005.
[5] Jeremy Martin, Travis Mayberry, Colin Donahue, Lucas Foppe,
Lamont Brown, Chadwick Riggins, Eric C. Rye, and Dane
Brown, “A Study of MAC Address Randomization in Mobile
Devices and When It Fails,” arXiv:1703.02874v2 [cs.CR], 2017.
[6] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “IEEE
802.11aq-2018 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology—
Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between
Systems Local and Metropolitan Area Networks—Specific
Requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control
(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 5:
Preassociation Discovery,” IEEE 802.11, 2018.
[7] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),“IEEE
802.11 Randomized and Changing MAC Addresses Study Group
CSD on User Experience Mechanisms,” doc.:IEEE 802.11-
20/1346r1, 2020.
[8] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “IEEE
802.11 Randomized and Changing MAC Addresses Topic
Interest Group Report,” doc.:IEEE 802.11-19/1442r9, 2019.
[9] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “IEEE
802.11 Randomized and Changing MAC Addresses Study Group
PAR on User Experience Mechanisms,” doc.:IEEE 802.11-
20/742r5, 2020.


[10] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “IEEE
802.11 Randomized and Changing MAC Addresses Study Group
PAR on Privacy Mechanisms,” doc.:IEEE 802.11-19/854r7,
[11] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “IEEE
802c-2017 - IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area
Networks: Overview and Architecture—Amendment 2: Local
Medium Access Control (MAC) Address Usage,” IEEE 802c,
[12] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
“IEEE 802E-2020 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Privacy
Considerations for IEEE 802 Technologies,” IEEE 802E, 2020.
[13] Wide Band Alliance, “Wi-Fi Identification Scope for Liaising -
In a post MAC Randomization Era,” doc.:WBA Wi-Fi ID Intro:
Post MAC Randomization Era v1.0 - IETF liaison, March 2020.
[14] Susan Thomson, Thomas Narten, and Tatuya Jinmei, “IPv6
Stateless Address Autoconfiguration,” RFC 4862, September
[15] Richard Draves and Dave Thaler, “Default Router Preferences
and More-Specific Routes,” RFC 4191, November 2005.
[16] Fernando Gont, “A Method for Generating Semantically Opaque
Interface Identifiers with IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
(SLAAC),” RFC 7217, April 2014.
[17] Fernando Gont, Alissa Cooper, Dave Thaler, and Will Liu,
“Deprecating EUI-64 Based IPv6 Addresses,” Internet Draft,
Work in Progress, draft-gont-6man-deprecate-eui64-based-
addresses-00, October 2013.
[18] Bernie Volz, Tomek Mrugalski, and Carlos J. Bernardos, “Link-
Layer Address Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6,” RFC
8947, December 2020.
[19] Carlos J. Bernardos and Alain Mourad, “Structured Local
Address Plan (SLAP) Quadrant Selection Option for DHCPv6,”
RFC 8948, December 2020.
[20] Christian Huitema, Tomek Mrugalski, and Suresh Krishnan,
“Anonymity Profiles for DHCP Clients,” RFC 7844, May 2016.

CARLOS J. BERNARDOS received a Telecommunication Engineering degree in 2003,

and a PhD in Telematics in 2006, both from the University Carlos III of Madrid, where
he works as a Full Professor. He teaches different undergraduate and masters degree
courses, including the Master and Specialist in NFV and SDN. His research interests
include IP mobility management, network virtualization, cloud computing, vehicular
communications, and experimental evaluation of mobile wireless networks. He has
published over 100 scientific papers in international journals and conferences. Carlos
has been an active contributor to IETF since 2005, being co-author of more than 30
contributions and several standards, he has co-chaired the IETF P2PSIP and IPWAVE
Working Groups, and he currently co-chairs the MADINAS Working Group and the
Internet Area Directorate (INTDIR). E-mail: cjbc@it.uc3m.es


Wi-Fi Privacy continued

JUAN CARLOS ZÚÑIGA is a technology and business development trilingual leader

with more than 20 years of international experience. He currently leads wireless
standardisation and IP efforts within the Global Technical Standards team at Cisco
Systems. He has extensive experience with heterogeneous Radio Access Networks and
4G/5G Core network cloud technologies. Juan is an active thought leader and con-
tributor in different standards and industrial fora, such as IETF, IEEE 802, ISOC,
ETSI, 3GPP SA/CT/RAN, ITU, W3C, and GS1. He has strong experience developing,
managing, analyzing, and developing international intellectual property (IPR) patent
portfolios. He has been granted patents for more than 70 USPTO/EPO inventions and
over 100 published applications. Juan holds several recognitions and awards. E-mail:

JEROME HENRY is a Principal Engineer in the Enterprise Infrastructure and

Solutions Group at Cisco Systems. Jerome joined Cisco in 2012. Before that time,
he consulted and taught about heterogeneous networks and wireless integration with
the European Airespace team, which Cisco later acquired to become its main wireless
solution. Jerome holds more than 150 patents, is a member of the IEEE, where he
was elevated to Senior Member in 2013, and also represents Cisco in multiple Wi-Fi
Alliance working groups. With more than 10,000 hours in the classroom, Jerome was
awarded the IT Training Award Best Instructor silver medal. He is based in Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina. E-mail: jerhenry@cisco.com

ALAIN MOURAD is an award-winning innovator with over 20 years of experience

in the Research and Development of wireless technologies spanning four generations
of cellular systems (3G/4G/5G and heading towards 6G). He currently heads the
Future Wireless Europe Research and Innovation Lab at InterDigital in London (UK).
Prior to InterDigital, Alain was a Principal Engineer at Samsung Electronics Research
and Development and a Senior Engineer at Mitsubishi Electric R&D Centre Europe,
where he was active in the specification of wireless standards (3GPP, IEEE802, DVB,
and ATSC). E-mail: Alain.Mourad@interdigital.com


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Twenty-Five Years Later
by Geoff Huston, APNIC

he Internet is not quite as young and spritely as you might have
thought. Apple’s iPhone, released in 2007, is now 16 years old,
and YouTube is an ageing teenager at 18 after its initial release
in 2005, and these two examples are relatively recent additions to the
Internet. The first web browser, Mosaic, was released some 30 years
ago in 1993. Going back further, the Internet emerged from its early
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) roots in the form of the
National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) in 1986. At the
start of 1983, the ARPA Network (ARPANET) had a flag day and
switched over to use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Going
back further, in 1974 Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn published the first
academic paper describing the protocol and the underlying archi-
tectural framework of a packet-switched network that became the
Internet. This achievement was built upon earlier foundations, where
numerous efforts in the late 1960s showed the viability of a packet-
switched approach to computer networking. These packet-switched
networking efforts included a program led by Donald Davies at the
UK National Physics Laboratory, an effort in the US in the form of an
ARPA project led by Larry Roberts, and Louis Pouzin’s work in France
with the CYCLADES network. This work, in turn, has some of its
antecedents in work by Paul Baran at the RAND Corporation on
distributed communications and packet-switched networks, published
between 1960 and 1964. The Internet has managed to accumulate a
relatively lengthy pedigree.

And it has been a wild ride. The Internet has undergone numerous
cycles of economic boom and bust, each of which is right up there with
history’s finest episodes of exuberant irrational mania. It has managed
to trigger a comprehensive restructuring of the entire global commu-
nications enterprise and generated a set of changes that have already
altered the way in which we now work and play. That’s quite a set of
achievements in just 25 years!

We should start this exploration of our past some 25 years ago in

1998 at the time of publication of the first edition of the Internet
Protocol Journal. At that time, any lingering doubts about the ultimate
success of the Internet as a global communications medium had been
thoroughly dispelled. The Internet was no longer just a research exper-
iment, or an intermediate way stop on the road to adoption of the
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) framework. By 1998 there was
nothing else left standing in the data communications landscape that
could serve our emerging needs for data communications. The Internet
Protocol (IP) was now the communications technology for the day, if
not for the coming century, and the industry message at the time was a
clear one that said: “adopt the Internet into every product and service
or imperil your entire future in this business.”


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

No longer did the traditional telecommunications enterprises view the

Internet with some polite amusement or even overt derision. It was
now time for a desperate scramble to be part of this revolution in one
of the world’s major activity sectors. The largest enterprises in this
sector, the old-world ex-monopoly telcos, had been caught wrong-
footed in one of the biggest changes of the industry for many decades,
and this time the concurrent wave of deregulation and competition
meant that the future of the communications industry was being
handed over to a small clique of Internet players.

By the early 2000s, the Internet had finally made it into the big time.
The job was apparently done, and the Internet had prevailed. But
then came a new revolution, this time in mobility services, where after
numerous clumsy initial efforts by others, the iPhone entered the mar-
ket with a seamless blend of sleek design and astounding capability.
The mobile carriage sector struggled to keep up with the new levels of
rapacious demand for Internet-based mobile data. The Internet then
took on the television networks, replacing the incumbent broadcast
and cable systems with streaming video. But the story is not over by
any means. Communications continues to drive our world, and the
Internet continues to evolve and change.

The evolutionary path of any technology can often take strange and
unanticipated turns and twists. At some points simplicity and mini-
malism can be replaced by complexity and ornamentation, while at
other times a dramatic cut-through exposes the core concepts of the
technology and removes layers of superfluous additions. The techni-
cal evolution of the Internet appears to be no exception, and this story
contains these same forms of unanticipated turns and twists.

Rather than offer a set of unordered observations about the various

changes and developments over the past 25 years, I will use the tradi-
tional protocol stack model as a template, starting with the underlying
transmission media, then looking at IP, the transport layer, then appli-
cations and services, and closing with a look at the business of the

It seems like a totally alien concept these days, but the Internet Service
Provider (ISP) business of 1998 was still based around the technol-
ogy of dial-up modems. The state-of-the-art of modem speed had been
continually refined, from 9600 bps to 14.4 kbps, to 28 kbps, to finally
56 kbps, squeezing every last bit out of the phase amplitude space
contained in an analogue voice circuit. Analogue modems were capri-
cious, constantly being superseded by the next technical refinement,
unreliable, difficult for customers to use, and on top of that, they were
slow! Almost everything else on the Internet had to be tailored to
download reasonably quickly over a modem connection. Web pages
were carefully composed with compressed images to ensure a rapid
download, and plain text was the dominant medium as a consequence.
It could only get better.


The evolution of access networks was initially one that exposed the
inner digital core of the network out to the edges. The first approach
was Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), where the under-
lying digitised voice circuit was drawn out to the network edge. At
64 kbps, this level of improvement was inadequate, and the next major
step was to use Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technology. DSL used
the last mile of the network for an analogue channel, but instead of
running a single low-speed bearer signal, DSL layered a large collec-
tion of individual bearer signals into the single circuit, performing a
form of frequency division multiplexing on the basic analogue circuit
in a trellis framework. DSL relied on the combination of the telephone
company’s efforts to operate the copper access circuits within a base
level of signal quality and noise suppression, and the modem indus-
try’s continual incremental improvements in digital-signal-processing
capability. Surprisingly, DSL achieved speeds of tens of megabits per
second through these legacy copper access networks. However, DSL
was largely an interim holding position while the search for a viable
business model that could underwrite the costs of deployment and use
of an open fibre-based access networks was underway.

The transition into fixed-wire access networks based on fibre-optic

cable continues. The challenge is not in finding a suitable technology
for fibre, but one of finding a suitable business model than can sustain
the necessary capital investment in replacing the existing copper-based
infrastructure. Some national communities used a model of a public-
sector program, such as the National Broadband Network program
in Australia, while others have remained as dedicated private-sector
activities, and others have taken a hybrid approach with some level
of local public-sector incentives being added into a private-sector
program. The issue here is that fixed wire residential access networks
do not offer compelling investment opportunities in most cases, with
the high initial capital costs and the generally inadequate levels of
take-up across the dwellings passed by the access infrastructure acting
as disinhibitory factors. It is often the case that a residential commu-
nity cannot support multiple access network deployments, bringing
up the related issue of local access monopolies and the challenge of
permitting some level of competitive access across a single physical access
network. Nevertheless, fibre access rollouts continue across many
parts of the world, and the transition of the wired copper network
into a fibre access network capable of sustaining hundreds of megabits
per connection is still progressing, seemingly in spite of the financial
barriers that exist in many scenarios.

Mobile The mobile network has experienced a completely different evolution,

and for many years now the mobile sector has been demand-driven.
The first mobile data service networks, introduced in the 1980s, were
little more than low-speed digital encoders working across a single
voiceband circuit. These 1G networks typically delivered a 2.4-kbps
data download capacity.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The next generation of mobile services, 2G, was used in the 1990s.
It was still predominately a voice service, and while it could theoreti-
cally support data access at speeds of 100 kbps, this data-transfer rate
was largely aspirational, and the mobile network was predominantly
used by the Short Message Service (SMS) as an adjunct to voice. The
intersection of the Internet and mobile services occurred with the
introduction of 3G mobile services. The 3G architecture could push
IP connectivity directly out to the handset, supporting data-transfer
speeds of 1–2 Mbps. This network capability, coupled with a new
generation of handsets, first with the BlackBerry in 2002 and then
the iPhone in 2007, transformed the mobile service into a mass-
market consumer service. The high margins available from the service
captured the attention of the traditional voice industry, and the
result was a large-scale opening up of radio spectrum to create an
Internet access environment that quickly rivalled the wire-line access
market in size, but totally outpaced it in terms of revenue margins. This
massive escalation of demand created further pressures on the capac-
ity of the mobile system, and in 2009 the mobile sector introduced
4G services, opening up more spectrum bands, and also adding
Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) to the mobile device to
achieve greater deliverable capacity to each connected device. Over
time these services were to deliver peak download speeds of 50 to
100 Mbps. The industry was also selling hundreds of millions of
mobile devices per year. 4G dispensed with circuit-switched services,
and it exclusively used packet switching. In 2018 5G was introduced.
5G can be supported over more spectrum bands, including a high-band
millimetre spectrum at 24–47Ghz. These higher carrier frequencies
permit multi-gigabit data services, but they come at a cost of higher
density of base-station towers to compensate for the lower propaga-
tion distances.

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth A second radio technology that has also transformed the Internet
emerged in 1998, and it could be argued that it has become so funda-
mental that it has weaved itself so naturally into our environment that
it all but disappeared. The combination of low-power radio systems
and unlicensed radio spectrum allocation, or Wi-Fi, and subsequently
Bluetooth, has been transformational. The combination of efficient
battery technology, computer chips that operate with low power
consumption, and the unwiring of the last few meters in the home
and office completely changed our collective of technology, and it is
only because of our desire to use products that are portable, unobtru-
sively wearable, and powerful enough to be useful that the component
technologies such as batteries and processors have been pushed in this
direction over this period. While large bands of radio spectrum space
have been allocated to cellular mobile service operators, the intensity
of use and the utility of use of radio spectrum peaks in the unlicensed
spectrum space used by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It could be argued that
the economic value of these unlicensed spectrum bands exceeds the
exclusively licensed cellular radio systems by orders of magnitude.
It could also be argued that the untethering of the last meter of the
Internet transformed the Internet, and digital technologies in general,
from a specialist pursuit into the consumer product space.


In the 1990s we described the effort to simplify the use of technol-
ogy through the term “plug and play.” Wi-Fi was the critical technical
development that made that term irrelevant by removing any need for
the plug, or the socket for that matter!

Satellite Mobile data services, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth really revolutionised the
Internet, taking it from a “destination you visit” to an “always-on
utility in your pocket.” The Internet was now a set of applications
on a device that went with you everywhere. Always available, always
connected, no matter where you might be or what you might be
doing. But that was not exactly the full truth. Head out into remote
country far enough, or head onto the world’s oceans, and your con-
nection options quickly disappeared, leaving only somewhat expensive
satellite-based services.

These satellite services have been in operation since the early 1960s,
but the high launch costs, limited capacity, and competing interests of
terrestrial providers have meant that these services were often operated
at the margins of viability. The best example is Motorola’s Iridium
project of the late 1990s, where even before the entire service constel-
lation of satellites was launched, the $5B Iridium project was declared
bankrupt. Starlink, a recent entrant in the satellite service area, is
using a constellation of some 4,000 low-earth-orbiting spacecraft
and appears so far to have been able to break through this financial
barrier. Using reusable launch vehicles, smaller (and lighter) satellites,
transponder arrays on board, and a new generation of digital-signal-
processing capabilities, Starlink is in a position to offer retail access
services of 100 Mbps or more to individual customers. The low
altitude of the spacecraft means that the Starlink service competes
directly with terrestrial access services in terms of performance. The
introduction of inter-spacecraft laser links means that the system
can provide a service in any location, and the limiting factor, as with
the Iridium effort decades ago, is obtaining the necessary clearances
and licenses to have customers located in the respective national
geographies. Starlink is certainly revolutionary in terms of capacity,
coverage, and cost. The questions are whether it is sufficiently revolu-
tionary and whether it can scale up to provide a high-capacity service
to hundreds of millions of users. At this point in time these questions
are not easy to answer, but the limitations inherent in Low Earth Orbit
(LEO)-based services point to a potential advantage in terrestrial-based
access networks. Nevertheless, Starlink is redefining the Internet access
market space in many countries, and setting price/performance bench-
marks that their terrestrial competitors now have to match.

If we move away from access networks to look at the changes in the

“core” of the Internet over the past 25 years, then once more we can
see a dramatic change. In 1998, the Internet was constructed using
the margins of oversupply in the telephone networks. In 1998, the
core infrastructure of most ISPs was still being built by leasing tele-
phone trunk supergroups (E-1 and T-1 circuits, and then E-3 and T-3
as capacity needs escalated, and then OC-1 circuits).


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

While it was not going to stop here, squeezing even more capacity
from the network was now proving to be a challenge; 622-Mbps IP
circuits were being deployed, although many of them were constructed
using 155-Mbps Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) circuits using
router-based load balancing to share the IP load over four of these
circuits in parallel. Gigabit circuits were just around the corner, and
the initial exercises of running IP over 2.5-Gbps Synchronous Digital
Hierarchy (SDH) circuits were being undertaken in 1998.

In some ways 1998 was a pivotal year for IP transmission. Until this
time, IP was still just one more data application that was positioned
as just another customer of the telco’s switched-circuit infrastructure.
This telco infrastructure was designed and constructed primarily to
support telephony. From the analogue voice circuits to the 64K digital
circuit through to the higher-speed trunk bearers, IP had been run-
ning on top of the voice network infrastructure. Communications
infrastructure connected population centres where there was call vol-
ume. The Internet had different demands. Internet traffic patterns did
not mirror voice traffic, and IP performance is sensitive to every addi-
tional millisecond of delay. Constraining the Internet to the role of an
overlay placed on top of a voice network was showing signs of stress,
and by 1998 things were changing. The Internet had started to make
ever larger demands on transmission capacity, and the driver for
further growth in the network infrastructure was now not voice, but
data. It made little sense to provision an ever-larger voice-based switch-
ing infrastructure just to repackage it as IP infrastructure, and by 1998
the industry was starting to consider just what an all-IP high-speed
network would look like, building an IP network all the way from the
photon in a fibre-optic cable all the way through to the design of the
Internet application.

Fibre Optics At the same time, the fibre-optic systems were changing with the intro-
duction of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM). Older fibre equipment
with electro-optical repeaters and Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
(PDH) multiplexors allowed a single fibre pair to carry around
560 Mbps of data. WDM allowed a fibre pair to carry multiple chan-
nels of data using different wavelengths, with each channel supporting
a data rate of up to 10 Gbps. Channel capacity in a fibre strand was
between 40 and 160 channels using Dense WDM (DWDM). Combined
with the use of all-optical amplifiers, the most remarkable part of this
entire evolution in fibre systems is that a cable system capable of an
aggregate capacity of a terabit can be constructed today for much the
same cost as a 560-Mbps cable system of the mid-1990s. That’s a cost-
efficiency improvement of a factor of one million in a decade. The drive
to deploy these high-capacity DWDM fibre systems was never based
on expansion of telephony. The explosive growth of the industry was
all about supporting the demand for IP. So, it came as no surprise that
at the same time as the demand for IP transmission was increasing
there was a shift in the transmission model where instead of plugging
routers into telco switching gear and using virtual point-to-point cir-
cuits for IP, we started to plug routers into wavelengths of the DWDM
equipment and operate all-IP networks in the core of the Internet.


DWDM is not the only technology that has fundamentally changed
these core transmission systems in the past 25 years. Two further tech-
nologies have been transformational in the fibre-optic area. The first
is the use of optical amplifiers. Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifiers pro-
vide a highly efficient means of signal amplification without the need
to convert the signal back unto a digital form and then passing it back
through a digital/analogue converter to modulate the next-stage laser
driver. This technology has allowed fibre systems to support terabit-per-
second capacity without necessarily having to integrate terabit-per-
second digital systems. The second fundamental change was a switch in
signal modulation from a basic on/off signal into a signal modulation
technique that uses signal-phase amplitude and polarity to increase
the total capacity of a wavelength within a fibre strand. Digital Signal
Processors (DSPs) offered the key technology here, and as we improve
on the track width of conductor tracks in these processors we can
increase the gate count on a single chip, thereby allowing support for
more complex signal manipulation algorithms. These algorithms can
be used to increase the sensitivity of the DSP function. In 2010, we
were using 40-nm track silicon chips in DSPs, supporting Polarization
Mode Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (PM-QPSK), which allowed a
cable to operate with 100-Gbps data rates in a single wavelength, or
an aggregation of 8 Tbps in a fibre strand. In 2023, DSPs now use
5-nm tracks, which can support PCS-144QAM modulation of a base
190-Gbaud signal, which can support 2.2-Tbps data rates per wave-
length, or 105-Tbps total capacity per fibre strand. A 12-strand cable
would have a total capacity of 1.2 Pbs.

Such very-high-performance fibre cable systems are generally used in

submarine cable systems to link data centres between continents. In
data-centre contexts and other terrestrial scenarios, we are now using
200- and 400-G per wavelength fibre system as the common technol-
ogy base. The major outcome is that, in general, transmission is no
longer a scarce resource. It is in every sense of the term an abundant
commodity. There is no sense in rationing access to communications
capacity, be it short or long haul. This change is a major one not only in
the economic framework of the communications industry, but also in
phrasing the way in which we use communications. In a scarce system,
we tend to use “just-in-time” delivery mechanisms, passing content
across the communications system only when it is needed, while an
abundant system allows us to use “just-in-case” delivery mechanisms,
causing a dramatic impact on the architecture of the Internet. Indeed,
this extraordinary increase in the underlying capacity of our commu-
nications infrastructure through the past 25 years is perhaps the most
significant change in the entire landscape of the Internet, as we will see
when we look at content networking.

Network Management In network operations, we are seeing some stirrings of change, but it
appears to be a rather conservative area, and adoption of new network
management tools and practices takes time.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The Internet converged on using the Simple Network Management

Protocol (SNMP) more than a quarter of a century ago, and despite
its security weaknesses, its inefficiency, its incredibly irritating use
of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), and its application in
sustaining some forms of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
attacks, it still enjoys widespread use. But SNMP is only a network
monitoring protocol, not a network configuration protocol, as any-
one who has attempted to use SNMP write operations can attest. The
more recent Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) and Yet
Another Next Generation (YANG) data modelling languages are
attempting to pull this area of configuration management into some-
thing a little more usable than Command-Line Interface (CLI) scripts
driving interfaces on switches.

At the same time, we are seeing orchestration tools such as Ansible,

Chef, Network Automation and Programmability Abstraction Layer
with Multivendor (NAPALM), and Salt enter the network opera-
tions space, permitting the orchestration of management tasks over
thousands of individual components. These network operations-
management tools are welcome steps forward to improve the state of
automated network management, but it’s still far short of a desirable
endpoint. The desired endpoint of a fully automated network-manage-
ment framework is still far from our reach. Surely it must be feasible
to feed an adaptive autonomous control system with the network
infrastructure and available resources, and allow the control system to
monitor the network and modify the operating parameters of network
components to continuously meet the service-level objectives of the
network? Where is the driverless car for driving networks? Maybe the
next 10 years will get us there.

The Internet Layer

If our transmission systems have been subject to dramatic changes in
the past quarter century, then what has happened at the IP layer over
the same period?

First, we need to consider the “elephant” in the Internet layer room.

One fundamental change at the Internet level of the protocol stack
was meant to have all happened some 20 years ago, and that’s the
transition to IP version 6. Twenty-five years ago, in 1998, we were
forecasting that we would have consumed all the remaining unallo-
cated IPv4 addresses by around 2025. That estimate gave us slightly
more than 25 years, so there was no particular sense of urgency. We
didn’t need to ring the emergency bell or raise any alarms. The over-
all aim was to proceed in an orderly manner. Things took a different
course because we failed to appreciate the true impact of the shift
of the Internet to mobile devices. All of a sudden, we were dealing
with an Internet with billions of users, using billions of new mobile
devices, and our comfortable predictions of a stately and steady run-
down of the IPv4 address pools were discarded about as quickly as
you could say the word “iPhone.” From “all the time in the world” we
reached “no time left to do anything” within a year.


In the 5-year period between 2005 and 2010, when mobile services
exploded in volume, the total count of allocated IP addresses rose from
1.5B addresses to 3.1B, from a total address pool of 3.7B addresses.
The network had doubled in size, and the time left to complete the
transition had shrunk from more than 20 years to a little over 1!

At that point, all the plans for an orderly transition were discarded,
and many network administrators scrambled to obtain IPv4 addresses,
further depleting the IPv4 pools. The central pool of IPv4 addresses,
operated by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), was
exhausted in February 2011. The Asia Pacific Network Information
Centre (APNIC) depleted its IPv4 pool in April of that year, the Réseaux
IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) 18 months
later, the Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre
(LACNIC) in 2014, and the American Registry for Internet Numbers
(ARIN) in 2015. We had expected that this situation would motivate
network operators to hasten their plans for IPv6 deployment, yet,
perversely, that did not happen. Less than 1% of the Internet user
base was using IPv6 in 2011. Five years later, as each of the Regional
Internet Registries (RIRs) ran down their remaining pools of IPv4
addresses, this Internet-wide IPv6 user count had increased to just 5%.
In 2023, the process is still underway, and some 35% of the Internet
user base has IPv6 capability. I’m not sure anyone is willing to predict
how long this anomalous situation of running the IPv4 Internet “on an
empty tank” will persist.

NATs How has the Internet managed to continue to operate, and even grow,
without a supply of new IPv4 addresses? In a word, the answer is
“NATs.” While the Network Address Translator (NAT) concept
received little fanfare when it was first published, it has enjoyed
massive deployment over the past 25 years, and today NATs are ubiq-
uitous. The application architecture of the Internet has changed, and
we are now operating a client/server framework. Servers have perma-
nent IP addresses, while clients “borrow” a public IPv4 address to
complete a transaction and return it back to a common pool when
they are done. Time-sharing IP addresses, and also using the 16-bit
source port field in TCP and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), has
managed to extend the IPv4 address space by some 20 bits, making the
IPv4+NAT address space up to a million times larger than the origi-
nal 32-bit IPv4 address space. In practice, the story is a little more
complicated than that, and some very large service providers have
reached logistical limits in using NATs to compensate for the exhaus-
tion of IPv4 addresses. This situation has motivated these providers to
transition to a dual-stack mode of operation, and they are relying on a
dual-stack host behaviour that prefers to use IPv6 when possible, thus
relieving the pressure on the IPv4 NAT functions

NATs have prompted a significant change at the IP level in changing the

default assumption about the semantics of an IP address. An IP address
is no longer synonymous with the persistent identity of the remote
party, but it has assumed the role of an ephemeral session token.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The leisurely pace of the IPv6 transition is partly due to this altered
role of addresses, as we no longer require every connected device to
have a persistently assigned globally unique IP address.

IPv6 and NATs are not the only areas of activity in the Internet layer in
the past 25 years. We have tried to change many parts of the Internet
layer, but interestingly, few, if any, of the proposed changes have
managed to gain any significant traction out there in the network.
The functions performed at the Internet layer of the protocol stack are
no different from those of 25 years ago. IP Mobility, Multicast, and
IP Security (IPSec) are largely Internet layer technologies that have
failed to gain significant levels of traction in the marketplace of the
public Internet.

QoS Quality of Service (QoS) was a “hot topic” in 1998, and it involved
the search for a reasonable way for some packets to take some form of
expedited path across the network, while other packets took an undif-
ferentiated path. We experimented with various forms of signalling,
packet classifiers, queue-management algorithms, and interpretations
of the Type of Service bits in the IPv4 packet header, and we explored
the QoS architectures of Integrated and Differentiated Services in
great detail. However, QoS never managed to get established in main-
stream Internet service environments. In this case, the Internet took a
simpler direction, and in response to not enough network capacity we
just augmented the network to meet demand.

Again, this is an aspect of the altered mindset when the communica-

tion system shifts from scarcity and rationing to one of abundance.
We have given up installing additional intricate mechanisms in the
network, in host protocol stacks, and even in applications to negotiate
how to share insufficient network capacity. So far, the simple approach
of just adding more capacity to the network has prevailed, and QoS
remains largely unused.

MPLS The switch from circuit switching to packet switching has never man-
aged to achieve universal acceptance. We have experimented with
putting circuits back into the IP datagram architecture in various
ways, most notably with the Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
technology. This technology used the label-swapping approach that
was previously used in X.25, Frame Relay and ATM virtual circuit-
switching systems, and it created a collection of virtual paths from
each network ingress to each network egress across the IP network.
The original idea was that in the interior of the network you no
longer needed to load up a complete routing table into each switch-
ing element, and instead of performing destination-address lookup
you could perform a much smaller, and hopefully faster, label lookup.
This performance differentiator did not eventuate and switching pack-
ets using the 32-bit destination address in a fully populated forwarding
table continued to present much the same level of cost efficiency at
the hardware level as virtual circuit label switching.


However, one aspect of MPLS and similar approaches has proved to
be invaluable for many network operators. A general-purpose network
utility has many disparate client networks, and a single packet-switched
environment does not allow the network operator to control the way
in which the common network resource is allocated to each client
network. It also does not readily support segmentation of reachabil-
ity. Virtual circuit overlays, such as MPLS, provide mechanisms to
control resource allocation and constrain cross-network leakage, and
for many network operators these reasons are adequate to head down
an MPLS-like path for their network platform.

Routing Moving sideways at this level of the protocol stack, we probably

should look at the evolution of routing technologies. The early 1990s
saw a flurry of activity in the routing space, and various routing proto-
cols were quickly developed and deployed. By 1998 the conventional
approach to routing was to use either Intermediate System-to-
Intermediate System (IS-IS) or Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) as the
interior routing protocol, and the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) as
the inter-domain routing protocol. This picture has remained constant
right up to today. In some ways, it is reassuring to see a basic tech-
nology that can sustain a quite dramatic growth rate through many
years of scaling, but in other ways it is less reassuring to see that the
unresolved issues we had with the routing system in 1998 are largely
still with us today.

The largest of these unresolved issues lies in the trust we place in the
inter-domain routing system of the Internet. There is no overall orches-
tration of the routing system. Each network advertises reachability
information to its adjacent networks and selects what it regards as
the “best” reachability information from the set received from these
same network peers. This mutual trust that each network places in
all other networks can, and has, been abused in various ways. The
effort to allow each routing entity to distinguish between what is a
“correct” item of routing information and what is a “false” route
has a rich history of initiatives that have faltered for one reason or
another. The most recent effort in this space is built upon the founda-
tions of the number system, and it uses the association of a public/
private key pair with the current holders of addresses and autonomous
system numbers, allowing these holders to issue signed authorities about
the use of these number resources in the context of routing, and by
coupling these authorities with the information being propagated in
the routing system, the intention being that unauthorized use cases will
be detected.

RPKI This effort, the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), has
achieved some level of acceptance in the networking space, and in
2023 around one-third of all route objects have associated RPKI
credentials. The work is still “in progress” because the more challeng-
ing aspect of this work is to associate verifiable credentials with the
propagation route through a network that does not impose onerous
burdens on the routing system and is not overly fragile in its operation.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The extended period where the routing system has operated in a state
that essentially cannot be trusted has prompted the application layer
to generate its own mechanisms of trust. These days it is largely left
to Transport Layer Security (TLS) to determine whether a client
has reached its intended server. Given that we have been unable to
construct a secured routing system for many decades, the question
arises whether there is still the same level of need for such a system that
we had some 25 years ago, given that the application space sees this
problem as largely solved through the close-to-ubiquitous use of TLS.

This tension between the Internet layer and the upper layers of the
protocol stack is also evident in the way in which we have addressed
the perennial issue of location and identity. One of the original sim-
plifications in the IP architecture was to bundle the semantics of
identity, location, and forwarding into an IP address. While that has
proved phenomenally effective in terms of simplicity of applications
and simplicity of IP networks, it has posed some serious challenges
when considering mobility, routing, protocol transition, and network
scaling. Each of these aspects of the Internet would benefit consider-
ably if the Internet architecture allowed identity to be distinct from
location. Numerous efforts have been directed at this problem over the
past decade, particularly in IPv6, but so far, we really haven’t arrived
at an approach that feels truly comfortable in the context of IP. The
problem we appear to have been stuck on for the past decade is that
if we create a framework of applications that use identity as a ren-
dezvous mechanism and use an IP layer that requires location, then
how is the mapping between identity and location distributed in an
efficient and suitably robust manner? The transport layer of the
protocol stack has also looked at the same space and developed some
interesting approaches, as we will see in the next section.

Back in 1998 the transport layer of the IP architecture consisted of
UDP and TCP, and the network use pattern was around 95% TCP and
5% UDP. It has taken all of the intervening 25 years, but this picture
has finally changed.

We have developed some new transport protocols in this period,

such as the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP) and the
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP), which can be regarded
as refinements of TCP to extend a flow-control mechanism to apply
to datagram streams in the case of DCCP and a shared flow-control
state over multiple reliable streams in the case of SCTP. However, in
a world of transport-aware middleware that has been a constant fac-
tor over this period, the level of capability to actually deploy these
new protocols in the public Internet is marginal at best. Firewalls do
not recognize these more recent transport protocols, NATs and similar,
and as a result, the prospects of wide-scale deployment of such pro-
tocols in the public Internet are not very good. We seem to be firmly
stuck in a world of TCP and UDP.


TCP has proved to be remarkably resilient over the years, but as the
network increases in capacity the ability of TCP to continue to deliver
ever-faster data rates over distances that span the globe is becoming
a significant issue. Much work has been done to revise the TCP flow-
control algorithms so that they still share the network fairly with other
concurrent TCP sessions yet can ramp up to multi-gigabit-per-second
data-transfer rates and sustain those rates over extended periods of
time. The mainstream TCP flow-control protocol has been shifting
from the conventional Reno-styled protocol to CUBIC, which attempts
to find a stable sending rate and then slowly add flow pressure to the
network path to see if the network can support greater sending rates.
The response to packet drop remains a dramatic rate drop, but not
quite as dramatic as the rate halving of Reno, but nevertheless it is still
a drop-sensitive ack-paced flow-control protocol.

However, the picture has changed with the introduction of the

Bottleneck Bandwidth and Round-Trip (BBR) protocol. Driving the
network into the point not only of network queue formation, but right
to the point of queue overflow and packet loss, is a crude approach.
The problem here is that packet loss represents a loss of feedback, and
in a feedback-based flow-control protocol, this loss of feedback pushes
the protocol into a space where it has to pull back its sending rate to
re-establish a signal flow. BBR represents a different way of looking at
flow control, and it attempts to drive the flow to the point of the onset
of queue formation in the network rather than aiming at the point of
queue collapse. This process reduces the latency of the flow and the
cost of network switching equipment by reducing the very-high-speed
fast memory buffer requirements.

This area is not the only one of new experimentation in changing

the TCP congestion-control, paradigm. Another approach is being
explored in the Low Latency Low Loss Scalable throughput initia-
tive (L4S), which is looking at incorporating network signals into
the flow-control algorithm. Here the packet switches use the Explicit
Congestion Notification (ECN) signal in the IP header when standing
queues start to form. The receiver of this signal is expected to back off
its sending rate in a manner similar to packet loss. The advantage of
this approach is that there is no loss of feedback signalling, and the
flow reacts to the formation of congestion conditions rather than the
end point of queue collapse. However, ECN requires the deployment
of ECN-marking equipment, and the effort of synchronising network
equipment and transport-protocol behaviours is far greater when com-
pared to protocol-only approaches such as BBR.

Other initiatives in the transport space that are also worthy of note
include Multipath TCP and QUIC.

The first of these initiatives is Multipath TCP. The observation here is

based around the increasing ubiquity of both Wi-Fi and cellular radio
services, and the configuration of most mobile devices to include the
ability to access both of these networks.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

In general, the choice of which network interface to use is a single deci-

sion made by the mobile platform for all active applications. When
a usable Wi-Fi network is detected, the device will prefer to use that
connection for all new connections because it is assumed that the
Wi-Fi service will be cheaper for the user and will operate at a higher
performance level. But if performance and resilience are issues, then
can we allow a TCP session to use all the available networks at once,
and optimise its use of these multiple network paths to the destination
such that the total data throughput is optimised? This is the objective
of Multipath TCP, where a single TCP session is broken into numerous
sub-sessions, where each sub-session uses a different network path by
using a different local network interface.

Multipath TCP allows separate TCP states to control the flows pass-
ing across each network path to optimise throughput. It also can
permit flow migration, allowing a logical TCP flow to switch from one
network path to another while preserving integrity. The interesting
aspect of this behaviour is that the control of the multipath behaviours
is, in the first instance, under the control of the application rather than
the host platform. This response was an early one to recognize the
increasing capacity and diversity in edge networks, and how we could
respond to this situation at the transport session level.

QUIC The second initiative, which for me is a fundamental change in transport

capabilities and functions, is the introduction of the QUIC protocol. At
its simplest level, you could say QUIC is a packaging of the combina-
tion of TCP and TLS into a UDP wrapping. However, I would suggest
that such a description is well short of the mark. QUIC is in many
ways a far more ambitious transport protocol, bringing transport to
the point where it is better suited to the current application behaviour.
QUIC is intended to improve the transport performance for encrypted
traffic with faster session setup. QUIC allows for further evolution
of transport mechanisms with support for Remote Procedure Calls
(RPC). QUIC also has integral support for concurrent session multi-
plexing that avoids TCP head-of-line blocking. QUIC encrypts the
payload data, but unlike TLS, QUIC also encrypts the control data
(the equivalent of the TCP header) and explicitly avoids the emerging
TCP ossification within the network by occluding the entirety of the
control exchange from the network of the session. QUIC is address
agile, in that it can react to network-level address renumbering in an
active QUIC session, as can occur with the presence of NATs on the
network path. You can implement QUIC in user space, so applications
can control their own transport functions. There is no longer a depen-
dence on the platform in terms of the quality of the implementation
of the transport service. With QUIC the application exercises a com-
prehensive level of control of the way the application interacts with
the network.

Numerous lessons can be drawn from the QUIC experience. Any use-
ful public communications medium needs to safeguard the privacy and
integrity of the communications that it carries.


The time when open protocols represented an acceptable compro-
mise between efficiency, speed, and privacy are over, and these days
all network transactions in the public Internet need to be protected by
adequate encryption. The QUIC model of wrapping a set of transac-
tions, including both data and control transactions between a client
and a server, into an end-to-end encryption state represents a minimum
level of functionality in today’s networking environment.

Secondly, QUIC provides needed additional transport functionality.

TCP and UDP represent just two points of transport functions within
a broader spectrum of possible transport models. UDP is just too sus-
ceptible to abuse, so we have heaped everything onto TCP. The issue
is that TCP was designed as an efficient single streaming protocol, and
retrofitting multiple sessions, short transactions, remote procedure
calls, reliable single-packet transactions, and shared congestion states
have proved to be impossible to implement in TCP.

Applications are now dominant in the Internet ecosystem, while plat-

forms and networks are being commoditised. We are seeing loss of
patience with platforms that provide common transport services for
the application that they host, and a new model where the applica-
tion comes with its own transport service. Taking an even broader
perspective, the context of the success of the Internet lies in shifting
the responsibility for providing service from the network to the end
system. This shifting allowed us to make more efficient use of the
common network substrate and push the cost of this packetization of
network transactions over to end systems.

It shifted the innovation role from the large and lumbering telco opera-
tors into the nimbler world of software. QUIC takes it one step further,
and pushes the innovation role from platforms to applications, just at
the time when platforms are declining in relative importance within
the ecosystem. From such a perspective, the emergence of an appli-
cation-centric transport model that provides faster services, a larger
repertoire of transport models, and encompassing comprehensive
encryption were inevitable developments.

We have pushed the responsibility for end-to-end authentication into

the transport layer with the close-to-ubiquitous TLS. TLS layers them-
selves above TCP (or merges with the TCP-like function in the case
of QUIC), and the client passes the name of the service it intends to
connect with to the remote server. The server passes its public key
to the client, and the client authenticates this key using its own trust
anchors. The server and client then negotiate a session key and pro-
ceed with an encrypted session. TLS is robust in almost every respect.
Its major weakness lies in the highly distributed trust model, where
there are hundreds of different operators of trusted credentials (certifi-
cation authorities) and thousands of various registration agents. These
entities are placed in a highly trusted role, and they can never lie.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The problem is that they have proved to be corruptible occasionally.

They typically operate using online services, and a successful attack
against such platforms can be abused to allow the issuance of trusted
public certificates. We have invested considerable time and effort in
shoring up this trust framework, but at the same time we have been
working to make these public key certificates a commodity rather than
an expensive luxury. The introduction of free certification authorities
has succeeded in making these certificates available to all, but at the
same time the totally automated certificate issuance process is liable to
various forms of abuse. Despite these considerations, we have placed
the entirety of the burden of service authenticity and session encryp-
tion onto TLS, to the point that other related efforts, such as IPsec,
BGP routing security, and Domain Name System Security Extensions
(DNSSEC) in the DNS, are generally perceived as optional extras
rather than basic essentials to be included the security toolkit.

Applications and Services

This layer has also seen quite profound changes over the past quar-
ter century, tracking the progress of increasing technical capability as
well as consumer demands. In the late 1990s, the Internet was on the
cusp of portal mania, where LookSmart was the darling of the Internet
boom and everyone was trying to promote their own favourite “one
stop shop” for all your Internet needs.

By 1998 the AltaVista search engine had made its debut, and these
content-collation portals were already becoming passé. This change,
from compiling directories and lists to active search, completely
changed the Internet. These days we simply assume that we can type
any query we want to into a search engine and the search machinery
will deliver a set of pointers to relevant documents. And every time it
occurs our expectations about the quality and utility of search engines
are reinforced. Content is also changing as a result, as users no lon-
ger remain on a site and navigate around the site. Instead, users are
driving the search engines, and pulling the relevant pages without
reference to any other material. But it has not stopped there. Search
engines are morphing into “instant answer machines,” where instead
of providing a set of pointers to sources where there is a high level
of correlation between the source and the question, the search engine
attempts to extract material from the source and show what it believes
is the answer to the implicit question in the search term. Even this
process is just a way point in a longer journey, and today we are seeing
Artificial Intelligence (AI) chat bots appearing, where the underlying
data set that has been indexed by the search machinery is now being
used as a corpus of data to drive an AI chat engine. The interaction is
based on a natural language model.

If you thought of the Internet as an information resource, then the

use of AI in this manner is a disturbing step. In this AI model the
responding system generates plausible, but very definitely not neces-
sarily factual, natural language responses to the implicit question in
the query.


It’s challenging to see this path from indexing data sources and match-
ing query terms to the terms that primary sources use to one of a
natural language generator that produces textual responses that are
not grounded in facts, nor necessarily derived from primary sources,
as being progress! Despite such misgivings about the deliberate abase-
ment of the quality of the Internet as an information resource, this
shift does fit into a larger picture of the transformation of the Internet
to a mass entertainment vehicle, which is much of the driving force in
today’s content world.

Social Media A related area of profound change has been the rise of social media. The
television, radio, film, and print industries had evolved to use content
mediators, compilers, and editors to curate their content, and the wide-
spread deployment of highly capable user devices allowed end users to
directly perform content production without the need to engage with
mediators or producers. This situation has transformed many societies,
and the social media platforms, including YouTube, Flickr, Face-
book, Instagram, and TikTok, have been rocketed into societal promi-
nence, prompting major debates about the role of these platforms and
levels of societal influence that such platforms can generate.

Underlying these changes is another significant development, namely

the change in the content economy. In 1998 content providers and
ISPs were eyeing each other in an effort to gain user revenue. Content
providers were unable to make pay-per-view and other forms of direct
financial relationships with users work in their favour and argued that
ISPs should fund content. After all, they pointed out, the only reason
users paid for Internet access was the perceived value of the content
they found there. ISPs, on the other hand, insisted that content provid-
ers were enjoying a “free ride” across the ISP-funded infrastructure,
and content providers should contribute to network costs. The model
that has gained ascendency as a result of this unresolved tension is
that of advertisement-funded content services, and this model has been
able to sustain a vastly richer, larger, and more compelling content

However, using this model comes at a price, and in this case the price
lies in the motivations of the platforms that perform ad delivery. The
critical objective now is to engage the user for longer periods, so that
they can present more ads and glean more information about the user’s
profile. Merely informing a user is largely a transactional interaction,
whereas entertaining a user can be far more lucrative in terms of
generating advertising revenue because of the longer attention span.
This model has been highly successful for some content players,
particularly the current giants of streaming content, and it’s there-
fore unsurprising that the largest entities in the content world, such as
Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple, are more valuable in terms
of market capitalization than their counterparts in the carriage world.
We are now seeing the next round of the friction between content
and carriage, where the access network operators are arguing that the
content players should contribute to the costs of access carriage.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

The Domain Name System (DNS) also merits a mention in this sec-
tion. From one perspective, little has changed in this space, and the
DNS name-resolution protocol hasn’t changed to any appreciable
extent. In some sense that’s true, but at the same time there have been
some significant changes.

DNS The first of these changes is adoption of Domain Name System

Security Extensions (DNSSEC), a framework that allows DNS clients
to validate the answers that they receive from the DNS. The DNS has
always been a point of security vulnerability in the Internet in that it
has always been prone to various forms of attack where false answers
are substituted in place of the genuine answer. DNSSEC provides
a digital signature record to each normal record, and also imple-
ments an interlocked chain of signatures to link to the key associated
with the root zone. A client may request the signature record to be
provided with the normal response, and then make further requests to
construct the validation chain all the way to the root zone. Successful
validation assures a client that the data provided in the original
response is authentic and current. The root zone of the DNS was first
signed in 2010, but adoption of DNSSEC has been slow. While the
addition of such a validation mechanism is undoubtedly a step forward
in protecting users against various forms of name-based interference,
the cost is increased fragility of the DNS and increased resolution
times. One underlying problem is that the addition of digital signatures
to a DNS response is highly likely to push the DNS into sending large
responses, and large responses over a UDP-based transport is prone
to fragmentation-based unreliability, and the switch to use TCP also
takes time. What this problem has implied is that the path to adop-
tion of DNSSEC has been slow, despite the obvious protections it can
provide regarding potential tampering with the DNS.

The second major theme of change in the DNS concerns the larger
issue of pervasive monitoring in the DNS, highlighted by the Snowden
revelations of 2013. Most Internet transactions start with a call to
the DNS, and the meta-data contained in DNS queries and responses
provides a rich real-time profile of user activity, both in general and
potentially on a user-by-user basis. This situation has prompted
a concerted effort to improve the privacy aspects of the DNS as a
protocol. One approach has been to take the existing use of DNS
across a TCP session and add TLS to the TCP session, so the contents
of the interaction between the client and the DNS server are imper-
vious to third-party inspection or manipulation. This approach can
be taken a step further with DNS over Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS)/2, where the DNS payload has a lightweight HTTP
wrapper in addition to TLS. This approach allows DNS traffic to
be melded in with all other HTTP traffic as a further step of obscuring
DNS transactions. More recently we have seen DNS over QUIC, using
QUIC faster session start times and fast open capabilities to improve
the performance of the arrangement, and DNS over HTTPS/3, which
combines QUIC with HTTP object semantics.


The primary focus of this work has been the part of the DNS where
the client’s stub resolver interacts with a recursive resolver, because
this scenario identifies the client. The useful property of this part of the
DNS is that the same client/server setup is used repeatedly, so either a
long-held secure transport session or a fast-reopen session can amortise
the high setup cost of a reliable secure session over many subsequent
queries, making the overall cost of such a secure transport arrange-
ment more palatable.

Such measures still have some security problems, as the recursive

resolver is privy to both the client’s identity and the DNS queries that
they make. Recent work has begun on an “oblivious” model of DNS
operation, where the recursive resolver function is split in two and
two layers of encryption are used. The client talks to the first party,
a DNS relay over an encrypted session, and passes it a query that has
been encrypted using the public key of the second party, the recursive
resolver. The relay resends the encrypted DNS query to the recursive
resolver to resolve. The first party knows the identity of the client, but
not the DNS query that is being made. The second party knows the
DNS query, but not the identity of the client.

This work on DNS privacy has extended into the scenarios of the
recursive resolver talking with authoritative name servers, although
it’s unclear as to the extent of the security benefits (because the end
user is not identified directly in such queries), nor is session reuse as
feasible in this scenario.

Cloud In many ways applications and services have been the high frontier of
innovation in the Internet in this period. An entire revolution in open
interconnection of content elements has taken place, and content is
now a very malleable concept. It is no longer the case of “my com-
puter, my applications, my workspace” or “your server, your content”
but an emerging model where not only the workspace for each user
is held in the network, but where the applications and services them-
selves are part of the network, and all are accessed through a generic
mechanism based around permutations of the HTTPS access model.
This world is one of the so-called Cloud Services. The world of cloud
services takes advantage of abundance in computation, storage, and
communications resources, and rather than a network facilitating users
to connect to service delivery points, the cloud model inverts the model
and attempts to bring replicant copies of content and services closer to
the user. If distance equates to cost and performance in the network-
ing world, then the cloud model dramatically shortens the distance
between consumer and content, with obvious implications in terms
of cost and performance reductions. The clouded Internet can achieve
extremely challenging performance and cost objectives by changing
the provisioning model of the content and service from “just-in-time”
on-demand service to “just-in-case” pre-provisioning of local caches
so that the local cache is ready if a local client accesses the service.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

Cyber Hostility
We still are under relentless attack at all levels. We are beset by data
leaks, surveillance, profiling, disruption, and extortion.

Attacks are now commonplace. Many of them are brutally simple,

relying on a tragically large pool of potential zombie devices that are
readily subverted and co-opted to assist in attacks. The attacks are
often simple, such as UDP reflection attacks where a single UDP query
generates a large response. The source address of the query is forged
to be the address of the intended attack victim, and not much more
needs to be done. A small query stream can result in a massive attack.
UDP protocols such as SNMP, the Network Time Protocol (NTP), the
DNS, and memcached have been used in the past and doubtless will
be used again.

Why can’t we fix this problem? We’ve been trying for decades, and we
just can’t seem to get ahead of the attacks. Advice to network opera-
tors to prevent the leakage of packets with forged source addresses
was published more than two decades ago, in 2000. Yet massive UDP-
based attacks with forged source addresses still persist today. Aged
computer systems with known vulnerabilities continue to be connected
to the Internet and are readily transformed into attack bots.

The picture of attacks is also becoming more ominous. Although we

previously attributed these hostile attacks to “hackers,” we quickly
realised that a significant component of them had criminal motiva-
tions. The progression from criminal actors to state-based actors is
also entirely predictable, and we are seeing an escalation of this cyber
warfare arena with the investment in various forms of vulnerability
exploitation that are considered desirable national capabilities.

It appears that a major problem here is that collectively we are unwilling

to make any substantial investment in effective defence or deterrence.
The systems that we use on the Internet are overly trusting to the point
of irrational credulity. For example, the public key certification system
used to secure web-based transactions is repeatedly demonstrated to
be entirely untrustworthy, yet that’s all we trust. Personal data is con-
tinually breached and leaked, yet all we seem to want to do is increase
the number and complexity of regulations rather than actually use bet-
ter tools that would effectively protect users.

The larger picture of hostile attacks is not getting any better. Indeed,
it’s getting much worse. If any enterprise has a business need to main-
tain a service that is always available for use, then any form of in-house
provisioning is just not enough to withstand attack. These days only
a handful of platforms can offer resilient services, and even then, it’s
unclear whether they could withstand the most extreme of attacks.

A constant background level of scanning and probing goes on in the

network, and any form of visible vulnerability is ruthlessly exploited.
One could describe today’s Internet as a toxic wasteland, punctuated
with the occasional heavily defended citadel.


Those who can afford to locate their services within these citadels
enjoy some level of respite from this constant profile of hostile attack,
while all others are forced to try to conceal themselves from the worst
of this toxic environment, while at the same time aware that they will
be completely overwhelmed by any large-scale attack. It is a sobering
thought that about one-half of the world’s population are now part
of this digital environment. A more sobering thought is that many of
today’s control systems, such as power generation and distribution,
water distribution, and road-traffic-control systems are exposed to the

IoT What makes this scenario even more depressing is the portent of the
so-called Internet of Things (IoT). In those circles where Internet prog-
nostications abound and policy makers flock to hear grand visions of
the future, we often hear about the boundless future represented by
this Internet of Things. This phrase encompasses some decades of the
computing industry’s transition from computers as esoteric pieces of
engineering affordable only by nations to mainframes, desktops, lap-
tops, handheld devices, and now wrist computers.

Where next? In the vision of the IoT, we are going to expand the
Internet beyond people and press on using billions of these chatter-
ing devices in every aspect of our world. What do we know about the
“things” that are already connected to the Internet? Some of them are
not very good. In fact, some of them are just plain stupid. And this stu-
pidity is toxic, in that their sometime-inadequate models of operation
and security affect others in potentially malicious ways.

If such devices were constantly inspected and managed, we might see

evidence of aberrant behaviour and correct it. But these devices are
unmanaged and all but invisible. Examples include the controller for
a web camera, the so-called “smart” thing in a smart television, or the
controls for anything from a washing machine to a goods locomotive.
Nobody is looking after these devices. When we think of an IoT we
think of a world of weather stations, webcams, “smart” cars, personal
fitness monitors, and similar things.

But what we tend to forget is that all of these devices are built on layers
of other people’s software that is assembled into a product at the cheap-
est possible price point. It may be disconcerting to realise that the web
camera you just installed has a security model that can be summarised
with the phrase: “no security at all,” and it’s actually offering a view
of your house to the entire Internet. It may be slightly more discon-
certing to realise that your electronic wallet is on a device that is using
a massive compilation of open-source software of largely unknown
origin, with a security model that is not completely understood, but
appears to be susceptible to be coerced into being a “yes, take-all-you-
want” device. It would be nice to think that we have stopped making
mistakes in code, and from now on our software in our things will be
perfect. But that’s hopelessly idealistic. It’s just not going to happen.
Software will not be perfect. It will continue to have vulnerabilities.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

It would be nice to think that this Internet of Things is shaping up

as a market where quality matters, and consumers will select a more
expensive product even though its functional behaviour is identical to
a cheaper product that has not been robustly tested for basic security
flaws. But that too is hopelessly naive.

The IoT will continue to be a marketplace where the compromises

between price and quality will continue to push us on to the side
of cheap rather than secure. What is going to stop us from further
polluting our environment with a huge and diverse collection of pro-
grammed unmanaged devices with inbuilt vulnerabilities that will be
all too readily exploited? What can we do to make this world of these
stupid cheap toxic things less stupid and less toxic? So far, we have not
found workable answers to this question.

Our ability to effectively defend the network and its connected hosts
continues to be, on the whole, ineffectual. Anyone who still has trust
in the integrity of the systems that make up the digital world is just
hopelessly naive. This space is toxic and hostile, and we still have no
idea how we can shift it to a different state that can resist such erosive
and insidious attacks. But somehow, we are evidently not deterred by
all this information. Somehow each of us has found a way to make the
Internet work for us.

The Business of the Internet

As much as the application environment of the Internet has been on a
wild ride over the past 25 years, the business environment has also had
its tickets on the same roller coaster ride, and the list of business win-
ners and losers includes some of the historical giants of the telephone
world as well as the Internet-bred new wave of entrants.

In 1998, despite the growing momentum of public awareness, the

Internet was still largely a curiosity. Its environment was inhabited
by geeks, game players, and academics, whose rites of initiation were
quite arcane. As a part of the data networking sector, the Internet was
just one further activity among many, and the level of attention from
the mainstream telco sector was still relatively low. Most Internet
users were customers of independent ISPs, and the business relation-
ship between the ISP sector and the telco was tense and acrimonious.
The ISPs were seen as opportunistic leeches on the telco industry;
they ordered large banks of phone lines, but never made any calls;
their customers did not hang up after 3 minutes, but kept their calls
open for hours or even days at a time, and they kept on ordering ever-
larger inventories of transmission capacity, yet had business plans
that made scribblings on the back of an envelope look professional by

The telco was unwilling to make large long-term capital investments

in additional communications infrastructure to pander to the extrava-
gant demands of a wildcat set of Internet speculators and their fellow


The telco, on the other hand, was slow, expensive, inconsistent, ill-
informed, and hostile to the ISP business. The telco wanted financial
settlements and bit-level accounting while the ISP industry appeared to
manage quite well with a far simpler system of peering and tiering that
avoided putting a value on individual packets or flows.

This relationship was never going to last, and it resolved itself in ways
that in retrospect were quite predictable. From the telco perspective,
it quickly became apparent that the only reasons the telco was being
pushed to install additional network capacity at ever-increasing rates
were demands from the ISP sector. From the ISP perspective, the only
way to grow at a rate that matched customer demand was to become
one’s own carrier and take over infrastructure investment. And, in var-
ious ways, both outcomes occurred. Telcos bought up ISPs, and ISPs
became infrastructure carriers.

All this activity generated considerable investor interest, and the rapid
value escalation of the ISP industry and then the entire Internet sector
generated the levels of wild-eyed optimism that are associated only
with an exceptional boom. By 2000 almost anything associated with
the Internet, whether it was a simple portal, a new browser develop-
ment, a search engine, or an ISP, attracted investor attention, and the
valuations of Internet start-ups achieved dizzying heights. Of course,
one of the basic lessons of economic history is that every boom has an
ensuing bust, and in 2001 the Internet collapse happened. The bust
was as inevitable and as brutal as the preceding boom was euphoric.
But, like the railway boom and bust of the 1840s, after the wreckage
was cleared away what remained was a viable, and indeed a valuable,

By 2003 the era of the independent retail ISP was effectively over. But
it reshaped itself dramatically with the introduction of mobile services.
It was the old telco sector that had secured spectrum allocations in
the bidding wars in the early 2000s, and while they had thought that
mobile voice would be the reason why these investments would make
sense, it was mobile Internet services that proved to be the lasting
service model. In this period, the Internet was the amalgam of the larg-
est of the original ISP, the transformed cable television operators, and
the mobile providers. Each national regime was populated with some
three to five major service providers, and the business started to stabi-
lise around this model.

Into this world came the content world of the Internet, using cloud-
based models of service delivery to circumvent communications
bottlenecks in the long-haul transit sector. They embarked on service
models that included advertiser-funded models of content generation
and delivery and direct subscription models, and the result has been so
effective that the value of this sector is far greater than the traditional
ISP and carriage sector. The content world is now the major funder of
subsea cable systems, and the carriage world has been very reluctantly
pushed into an undistinguished commodity role as a result.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

This situation is reflective of a broader process of technology perme-

ation. The telephone world used the network as the major focus of
technology and investment. The edge devices, telephone handsets,
were simple, cheap devices, whereas network switches and transmis-
sion elements were built to exacting and expensive standards. As we
attached computers to the edges of the network, these devices were
able to tolerate a broader spectrum of network behaviours, and had
a lower base-level expectation of behaviour. Consequently, value has
moved out from the core of the network to its edges.

But this process has also been reflected within these edge devices. We
started with a model of a highly capable and complicated operating
system platform, and relatively simple applications that used plat-
form services. Some 25 years ago the release of Windows 98 was a
Big Thing, and rightly so. As these edge devices become more capable
and have higher processing capability, more local storage applications
have elected to take on more of the responsibility in terms of the user’s
experience. In doing so they no longer rely on the release schedules of
the platform provider, and they are no longer as concerned about the
level of control being exercised by this platform provider and gaining
an essential level of self-control. Modern browsers (Chrome and a few
far smaller fellow travellers) are far more complex than most operat-
ing systems, and they continue to subsume functions and roles that the
platform previously carried out. With DNS over HTTPS, the task of
DNS name resolution can be transformed to an application function,
rather than a common platform function. With QUIC, the transport
protocol itself has been subsumed into the application space.

Not only have we seen the commoditisation of the network over the
past 25 years, we have also seen similar commoditisation pressures on
the end-device platforms and on the operating systems used on these
devices. Even the browser space has been commoditised. The brunt
of competitive differentiation in this industry has been pushed up the
protocol stack into the content and service economy, and there is the
distinct feeling that even in that space competitive differentiation is
perhaps a misnomer, and what we have is a synthetic form of competi-
tion between a select small group of digital service-delivery behemoths
that in any other time and context would probably be called a cartel.

What Now?
It’s been a revolutionary quarter-century for us all, and the Internet has
directly or indirectly touched the lives of almost every person on this
planet. Current estimates put the number of regular Internet users at
one half of the world’s population.

Over this period, some of our expectations were achieved and then
surpassed with apparent ease, while others remained elusive. And
some things occurred that were entirely unanticipated. At the same
time, very little of the Internet we have today was confidently predicted
in 1998, while many of the problems we saw in 1998 remain problems


This work-in-progress means the next quarter-century will probably
see the same level of intensity of yet more structural changes to the
global communications sector. And that is a somewhat scary prospect,
given the collection of other challenges that we will all confront in the
coming decades. At the same time, I think it would be good to believe
that the debut of the Internet in our world has completely rewritten
what it means to communicate, the way in which we can share our
experience and knowledge, and, hopefully, the ways in which we can
work together on these challenges.

References and Further Reading

The Internet Protocol Journal has published articles on all the major
aspects of the technical evolution of the Internet over the past 25 years.
To illustrate the extraordinary breadth of these articles, I have included
as references here some pointers to articles that have been published
in IPJ.
[1] William Stallings, “SSL: Foundation for Web Security,” The
Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 1, No. 1, June 1998.
[2] Fred Avolio, “Firewalls and Internet Security,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 2, No. 2, June 1999.
[3] William Stallings, “Gigabit Ethernet,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 2, No. 3, September 1999.
[4] Mark Handley and Jon Crowcroft, “Internet Multicast Today,”
Volume 2, No. 4, December 1999.
[5] Geoff Huston, “Quality of Service – Fact or Fiction?,” The
Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 3, No. 1, March 2000.
[6] Geoff Huston, “The Future for TCP,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 3, No. 3, September 2000.
[7] Chris Lonvick, “Securing the Infrastructure,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 3, No. 3, September 2000.
[8] William Stallings, “Mobile IP,” The Internet Protocol Journal,
Volume 4, No. 2, June 2001.
[9] Geoff Huston, “The Middleware Muddle,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 4, No. 2, June 2001.
[10] William Stallings, “MPLS,” The Internet Protocol Journal,
Volume 4, No. 3, September 2001.
[11] Stephen Kent, “Securing BGP: S-BGP,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 6, No. 3, September 2003.
[12] Russ White, “Securing BGP: soBGP,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 6, No. 3, September 2003.
[13] Geoff Huston, “Anatomy: Inside Network Address Translators,”
The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 7, No. 3, September 2004
[14] Daniel McCarney, “Automatic Certificate Management,” The
Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 20, No. 2, June 2017.


Twenty-Five Years Later continued

[15] Charalampos Patrikakis, Michalis Masikos, and Olga Zouraraki,

“Distributed Denial of Service Attacks,” The Internet Protocol
Journal, Volume 7, No. 4, December 2004.
[16] David Crocker, “Challenges in Anti-Spam Efforts,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 8, No. 4, December 2005.
[17] Vint Cerf, “A Decade of Internet Evolution,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 11, No 2, June 2008.
[18] Geoff Huston, “A Decade in the Life of the Internet,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 11, No. 2, June 2008
[19] Thayumanavan Sridhar, “Cloud Computing – A Primer,” The
Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 12, No. 3, September 2009,
Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2009.
[20] Bob Hinden, “The Internet of Insecure Things,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 20, No. 1, March 2017.
[21] Andrei Robachevsky, “Improving Routing Security,” The
Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 22, No. 2, July 2019.
[22] Geoff Huston, “DNS Privacy,” The Internet Protocol Journal,
Volume 22, No. 2, July 2019.
[23] David Strom, “So You Want to Sell Your IPv4 Address Block?,”
The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 23, No. 2, September
[24] Geoff Huston, “DNS Trends,” The Internet Protocol Journal,
Volume 24, No. 1, March 2021.
[25] Geoff Huston, “Securing Inter-Domain Routing,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 24, No. 3, October 2021, and Volume
25, No. 1, April 2022
[26] Geoff Huston, “Comparing TCP and QUIC,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 25, No. 3, December 2022.
[27] Geoff Huston, “Protocol Basics: The Network Time Protocol,”
The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 15, No. 4, December
[28] Burton S. Kaliski Jr., “Minimized DNS Resolution: Into the
Penumbra,” The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 25, No. 3,
December 2022.

GEOFF HUSTON AM, B.Sc., M.Sc., is the Chief Scientist at APNIC, the Regional
Internet Registry serving the Asia Pacific region. He has been closely involved with the
development of the Internet for many years, particularly within Australia, where he
was responsible for building the Internet within the Australian academic and research
sector in the early 1990s. He is author of numerous Internet-related books, and was
a member of the Internet Architecture Board from 1999 until 2005. He served on the
Board of Trustees of the Internet Society from 1992 until 2001. At various times Geoff
has worked as an Internet researcher, an ISP systems architect, and a network opera-
tor. E-mail: gih@apnic.net


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The Internet Protocol Journal

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