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Newsletter 4 020212

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ISSUE 4 / SPRING TERM 2012 / THURSDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 2012 price. This can be paid in advance, through school, or on the night. Le3ers have been sent out by the PTFA with a return slip - if you cannot nd yours, Mrs Stubbs can provide you with another by email or on paper. It would be helpful for the PTFA to know how many children will be a3ending so that the catering arrangements can be made. If you are able to help on the night, please text Karen Liddle on 07816 978782 - thank you! SCHOOL COUNCIL I have been mee5ng with the school council over the past few weeks and discussing with them what they would like to do with the school grounds now that the building work has been completed. The contractors will be returning, when the Spring weather nally arrives, to regrade and reseed all the muddy areas. We have many ideas so far, ranging from the simplest...to well, you can imagine what ideas have been suggested! I am looking forward to gePng started with the outdoor work to make the playground and eld a more interes5ng and interac5ve place for the children to enjoy. SCHOOL NEWSPAPER I hope you enjoy reading news from around the classes on the reverse of this newsle3er. This has been wri3en by Ma3 Handley and Imogen Paddock, with support from Mrs Ros Roberts. we hope this will keep you informed with what is going on in the classes. HAPPY HALF TERM There will be no newsle3er next week as I will be out for the la3er part of the week a3ending the CWaC Headteachers Conference. I wish you a happy half term holiday when it arrives and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 20th February. MORNING ARRIVAL IN SCHOOL We have no5ced that there are a number of children late into school in the mornings. I know the frosty mornings add another layer of complica5on as you struggle to defrost cars etc, but I would be grateful if you could consider the implica5ons of a late start for your child and the rest of the school. Can I please remind you that the school bell rings at 8.40am, with MERIT WINNERS the teachers taking them straight into Well done to the following children who school at this 5me for the register from have been our merit winners over the 8.45am. Any children late into school past few weeks: can be disrup5ve for the teacher and William Hide, William Par5ngton, Alex the rest of the class, as o^en there is a Yarwood, Charlie Lukeman, Caitlin morning ac5vity for the children to do Beech, Georgia Parsons, Jake Liddle, as soon as the come into school. Late Charlie Godson, Adam Davies, Thea marks will be given in the register for Wright, Holly Byrne, Dominic Evans, children arriving a^er 9.00am. Freddy Colson, Amy PaPnson, Andrew BIKEABILITY Lewis-Williams, Jak Carden, Bridie Class 5 will be learning how to ride Gilbert, Kiana Winsor, Olivia Mccormick, their bikes safely on the road next Amber Uddin, Liam Gibson, Jessica week.Trained instructors will be Jones, Alex Goldsmith, Tallulah Tilley, working with the children in small Tom Meera. groups to prac5se their skills rst on We con5nue to update our merit display each week to show a photo of our winners. In addi5on, many children are earning s5ckers for good work, behaviour and a posi5ve aPtude. the school playground and then on the Classes con5nue to work together to roads around school. Please visit: gain pebbles in their jars for their class h3p://www.d^.gov.uk/bikeability/ for treats - keep up the good work more details.Please make sure all bikes everyone! come into school on Monday morning for Year 5 and Year 6 children - dont forget your cycling helmets too! The TING ill be a LIC MEE children in Class 5 may come into PUB t there w d you tha l Hall on school wearing their PE kits (jogging n I remin he Schoo Ca n t se of ng held i bo3oms, if it is cold) for this ac5vity he purpo lic mee5 . T pub als 11.00am all week. This will also assist the art e propos day from th Satur If o discuss n Hayes. e5ng is t ac5vi5es that are planned for the the me g in Ashto ions or w housin class during this week. our opin round ne a e y e like to giv about th u would yo VALENTINES DISCO a5on er inform ocal gain furth s of the L r Dont forget the Valen5nes Disco , membe nd Parish proposals on Thursday 9th February. Infants: munity a , Com to. le to talk Authority ilab 5.45-6.45pm and Juniors: ill be ava Council w 7.00-8.00pm. Refreshments are included as part of the 2.50 5cket MATHEMATICS EVENING Thank you to all the parents and sta who a3ended the mul5plica5on and division evening last night where Mrs Skelley and Mrs Reid went through the progression of how these aspects of mathema5cs are taught in the school. We have received very posi5ve feedback from this session and from the previous one last term.

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