B. Performance The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
Standards formulate and find formulate and find formulate and find formulate and find
solutions to challenging solutions to challenging solutions to challenging solutions to challenging
situations involving situations involving situations involving circles situations involving
circles and other related circles and other and other related terms in circles and other related
terms in different related terms in different disciplines terms in different
disciplines through different disciplines through appropriate and disciplines through
appropriate and through appropriate accurate appropriate and
accurate and accurate representations.The accurate
representations.The representations.The learner is able to representations.The
learner is able to learner is able to formulate and solve learner is able to
formulate and solve formulate and solve problems involving formulate and solve
problems involving problems involving geometric figures on the problems involving
geometric figures on the geometric figures on rectangular coordinate geometric figures on the
rectangular coordinate the rectangular plane with perseverance rectangular coordinate
plane with perseverance coordinate plane with and accuracy. plane with perseverance
and accuracy. perseverance and and accuracy.
C. Learning solves problems on solves problems on solves problems on circles solves problems on
Competencies/ circles circles circles
( Write the code
for each)
II. CONTENT The content of this The content of this The content of this lesson The content of this
Created by: GREG M, Et al
( Subject Matter) lesson will cover: lesson will cover: will cover: lesson will cover:
Review of circle Review of essential Advanced problem- Advanced problem-
properties. circle properties. solving techniques for solving techniques for
Problem-solving Advanced problem- circles, including problems circles, including
involving circles. solving techniques for involving angles, areas, problems involving
circles. and circumferences. angles, areas, and
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 10-15 of the Pages 10-15 of the Pages 10-15 of the Pages 10-15 of the
pages Teacher's Guide. Teacher's Guide. Teacher's Guide. Teacher's Guide.
2. Learner’s Material Pages 20-25 of the Pages 20-25 of the Pages 20-25 of the Pages 20-25 of the
pages Learner's Materials. Learner's Materials. Learner's Materials. Learner's Materials.
3. Textbook pages Refer to pages 100-110 Refer to pages 100-110 Refer to pages 100-110 in Refer to pages 100-110
in the class textbook. in the class textbook. the class textbook. in the class textbook.
A. Reviewing previous Quickly review the Conduct a quick review Conduct a brief review of Conduct a brief review of
Lesson or concepts related to of the fundamental the fundamental circle the fundamental circle
presenting new circles discussed in the circle properties and properties and problem- properties and problem-
previous lesson to problem-solving solving strategies covered solving strategies
refresh students' strategies discussed in in the previous lesson. covered in the previous
memory. the previous lesson. lesson.
C. Presenting Use visual aids and Display and discuss Present and discuss Present and discuss
examples/ instances diagrams to illustrate challenging circle challenging circle challenging circle
of the new lesson. different types of problems, emphasizing problems, emphasizing problems, emphasizing
problems involving the importance of the importance of the importance of
circles. Discuss the recognizing patterns understanding theorems understanding theorems
properties that are and using known and applying them and applying them
relevant to each properties. effectively. effectively.
D. Discussing new Work through the first Work through the first Work through the first set Work through the first
concepts and set of problems as a set of advanced of advanced problems as set of advanced
practicing new class. Encourage problems as a class, a class, demonstrating problems as a class,
students to actively demonstrating step-by- step-by-step problem- demonstrating step-by-
skills. #1
participate and ask step problem-solving solving techniques. step problem-solving
questions. techniques. techniques.
E. Discussing new Continue with the next Continue with the next Continue with the next set Continue with the next
concepts and set of problems, set of challenging of challenging problems, set of challenging
practicing new skills covering a variety of problems, encouraging encouraging students to problems, encouraging
#2. scenarios. Encourage students to work in work in pairs or small students to work in pairs
students to think pairs or small groups to groups to find solutions. or small groups to find
critically and apply what find solutions. solutions.
they've learned.
F. Developing Mastery Distribute problem- Distribute advanced Distribute complex Distribute complex
(Lead to Formative solving worksheets or problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving
Assessment 3) have students work on worksheets and have worksheets and have worksheets and have
problems in pairs. students work students work students work
Circulate to provide independently. Provide independently, while independently, while
guidance and answer guidance as needed. being available to provide being available to
questions. guidance as needed. provide guidance as
G. Finding practical Discuss the real-world Discuss practical Discuss practical Discuss practical
application of applications of circle applications of circle applications of circle applications of circle
concepts and skills problems, such as problems in various problems in various fields, problems in various
in daily living calculating the area of fields, such as such as architecture, fields, such as
circular gardens or engineering, astronomy, or sports. architecture, astronomy,
finding the architecture, or physics. or sports.
circumference of wheels.
I. Evaluating Learning What is the formula for square centimeters? If the area of a circle is If a circular pizza has a
the circumference (C) of 144 square centimeters, radius of 8 inches and is
A) 16 cm² what is its radius (in
a circle with radius "r"? cut into six equal slices,
B) 32 cm² centimeters)? what is the approximate
A) C = 2πr A) 6 cm area of each slice in
C) 64 cm² B) 8 cm square inches?
B) C = πr^2
C) 10 cm
D) 100.53 cm² D) 12 cm A) 8π square inches
C) C = 2r
Answer: B) 32 cm² Answer: A) 6 cm
D) C = π/2r B) 16π square inches
A circular garden has an C) 32π square inches
Answer: A) C = 2πr
area of 400 square
A wheel with a diameter meters. What is the D) 64π square inches
of 20 inches rolls for approximate
If the diameter of a circle 100 feet. How many circumference of the Answer: B) 16π square
is 12 cm, what is its revolutions does the garden in meters? inches
radius? wheel make? A) 20 meters
B) 40 meters
A) 6 cm A) 4 revolutions C) 62.83 meters A circular swimming pool
B) 12 cm B) 5 revolutions D) 125.66 meters with a diameter of 30
Answer: B) 40 meters feet is surrounded by a
C) 24 cm C) 10 revolutions path of uniform width. If
A. No. of learners
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Teacher III
School Principal I